Presentation on the topic "Let's save water on the planet!" Project “How to save water Where does water come from in our home?”

  • 15.08.2024

We found the family of L.M. Veresova, who provided bills for payment of water consumption before and after the installation of water meters. Conclusion: Water consumption has decreased by 4-5 times. Why: Because the cost of the water meter Psychological factor Water consumption Cost before installation of the meterAfter installation July 2006 August 2006 January 2006 February 2006 November 2006 December 2006 Cold Hot

With a poorly closed tap, a glass (250 ml) is filled with water in 1.15 minutes => 1 liter of water in 4.5 minutes. 312 liters of water will leak in 24 hours. Close the tap! Save water! 1 liter of water – in 4.5 minutes. 312 liters of water will leak in 24 hours. Close the tap! Save water!"> 1 liter of water - in 4.5 minutes. 312 liters of water will leak in 24 hours. Close the tap! Save water!"> 1 liter of water - in 4.5 minutes. 312 liters of water will leak in 24 hours. Close the tap! Save water!" title=" With a poorly closed tap, a glass (250 ml) is filled with water in 1.15 minutes => 1 liter of water - in 4.5 minutes. 312 liters of water will leak in 24 hours. Close the tap! Save water!"> title="With a poorly closed tap, a glass (250 ml) is filled with water in 1.15 minutes => 1 liter of water in 4.5 minutes. 312 liters of water will leak in 24 hours. Close the tap! Save water!"> !}

In 2003, the municipal program “Clean Water” and the environmental protection program for the years were adopted. in the city of Monchegorsk. Since we want to continue our work, we decided to contribute to this problem and become the initiators of the following actions: 1) Improvement of the coastal zone of reservoirs in our city. 2) Use the media to inform the population about water reserves and its rational use. 3) At school, announce a competition for children’s works to improve the shores of Lake Komsomolskoye and submit a proposal to the city administration to find sponsors for this project.

1. Water is an invaluable natural gift necessary for the life of all living things on Earth. There is very little fresh water on earth (about 2% of the total mass) 2. Russia is one of the few countries in the world where there is no law on drinking water. We believe the world needs water conservation programs to survive.

Water can support life on Earth and all life on our planet. Not a single living organism is able to exist without it, and humans are no exception.

All areas of life are carried out with the help of water, especially such important sectors for us as medicine, energy, and industry. Our planet is rich in water bodies, but only 0.25% of all water reserves can be used to meet human needs.

The process of depletion of natural water reserves

There is a sharp increase in population on Earth, and urbanization is happening very quickly. The natural resources of our planet, unable to be replenished, are wasted thoughtlessly. Such resources include water and its sources, as of 2017, have already begun to deplete. Already, around the world, approximately 500 million people are affected by the problem of lack of drinking water. According to the results of long calculations by experts, this figure will grow every year and by 2025, 2 billion more people will suffer from the lack of fresh resources, and by 2050 the number of victims will be 4 billion. The problem of clean drinking water will be especially acute in Asia (Western countries) and North Africa.

When there is not enough clean water for consumption, more and more people (currently over 1 billion) turn to potentially dangerous sources to obtain water. When a person drinks contaminated water, he runs the risk of getting sick from various illnesses, because the muddy liquid may contain dangerous substances and pathogenic bacteria. The risk is the same for people of different ages, and these diseases in countries that are at the development stage take the lives of many children.

How reduce the use of drinking water to a minimum?

Every year the quality of water becomes worse, while the demand for this resource increases. As a result, more and more countries are competing with each other over natural water sources. In the distant future, countries on whose territory there are joint sources of this vital drink will fight among themselves. Conflicts can develop between countries that have either few or many sources of drinking water.

The problem of lack of drinking water can be partially solved in most countries only by reducing the amount of liquid that is used by humans. There are more than enough water resources in our country, but despite this, all residents now need to raise the issue of saving water resources. We must understand that consciously reducing the amount of fluid consumed will help delay the catastrophe associated with a lack of water to drink.

How to save water easily

Do you know how much water a resident of Europe or Ukraine uses every day? With a known figure for water consumption in economical mode (as scientists have calculated - about 100 liters), it turns out that developed countries use 2-3 times more water than it would cost. Those. The water consumed per day by one resident of our country is equivalent to 200-300 liters. The shame is that at least half of this amount, or even more, is drained into the sewer. How to preserve this precious resource and prevent its loss? For anyone concerned about their future and willing to live an eco-friendly lifestyle, reducing the amount of water they use can be done effectively and efficiently. How?

  1. Plumbing must be maintained in order. Water losses (about 80 liters) occur due to the fact that the tap is leaking a little. Things are even worse with the drain tank - it can provide water loss of up to 700 liters per day. Have it repaired or replaced.
  2. Installing a dishwasher helps save not only water, but also time. A dishwasher uses about 13-16 liters of liquid from the water supply, while a hand wash requires about 100-120 liters.
  3. Give preference to showering rather than bathing. When using medium water pressure, no more than 15 liters of liquid will be consumed per minute. Taking a shower for five minutes will use no more than 75 liters of water. It seems like a lot, but this figure is half as much as the loss of water that occurs when filling a bathtub.
  4. When brushing your teeth, turn off the tap. While you are getting ready, you don’t need water, close the tap. And at the end of this hygienic procedure, you can rinse your mouth with water, not running from the tap, but poured into a glass. This way you can save 10, or even 20 liters. water.
  5. For activities such as washing vegetables and fruits, washing, washing, try to open the water not at full power, but use a small pressure, as thick as a pencil. This way you will use water resources as efficiently as possible, since less water will go down the drain.
  6. It is not necessary to use running water to wash dishes. You can do this by using a large bowl of water or by closing the drain and filling the sink. This way you will wash the dishes thoroughly and waste less water.
  7. To save water, there are now even special faucets. Even special flush tanks that have two buttons for draining instead of one will help save water resources.
  8. When washing clothes in the washing machine, load the drum completely, but do not overload it. During washing, up to 50-60 liters can be consumed. water, so is it worth wasting this amount of valuable resource for two T-shirts?

Avoid washing your car daily at home. Car washes do a very good job, and each car uses much less water than a “home” wash procedure. And detergents do not pollute the environment, but flow onto the car wash floor.


On March 22, the world celebrates International Water Day. The idea of ​​establishing such a holiday was first voiced at the UN Conference on Environment and Development in 1992, and it began to be celebrated in 1993.

International Water Day is an excellent occasion to remind all inhabitants of the planet how important it is for life, that both a small river and tap water in our taps are part of the global cycle.

Today we should all think about how we use water at home and change some of our habits.

We hope FeelGood's advice will help you in this good deed.

1. It has been experimentally calculated: taking a five-minute shower instead of a bath, a person uses 2/3 less water. Just imagine, the savings will be about 400 liters per week! To keep track of time, you can use a special timer or alarm clock.

2. Before filling the bath, close the drain with a stopper, and only then open the tap and adjust the temperature.

3. Do not let water flow aimlessly while washing dishes or soaping your hair. It is estimated that with average pressure, about 6 liters per minute flows out of the tap.

4. There is no need to leave the tap running while you brush your teeth. Simply wet the brush and fill a glass to rinse your mouth.

5. Check taps and pipes for leaks. Many people don't even realize that one leaky tap can waste up to 90 liters a week.

6. Do not use the toilet as an ashtray or trash can. Instead of washing away cigarette butts, insects, paper napkins and other small items, use a bucket.

7. To check the tightness of the drain tank, add a little food coloring to it. Stores also sell special tablets that color the water.

8. Install a cistern equipped with a dual flush system. Alternatively, you can put a simple brick or a plastic bottle filled with water in it. This will reduce the amount of water drained.

9. Use modern water-saving faucets and aerators (flow minimizers) for taps. They reduce flow by up to 50%.

10. Use a watering can instead of a hose to water potted flowers. Better yet, place a barrel in your garden to collect rainwater. You can use it to water plants instead of wasting drinking water.

11. Teach children about the need to conserve water resources. Perhaps then they will understand why they should not buy water splash toys and waste tens of liters of clean water just for fun.

12. Wash vegetables and fruits in a bowl, not under running water. And don't let the precious resource go to waste while you clean them.

13. Whatever water you have left in: a kettle, a cup or a mineral water bottle, do not pour it down the pipe, but use it, for example, for watering plants.

14. Do not use running water to defrost food. Leave them on the table in the evening or use a special microwave mode.

15. By applying less detergent to the sponge, you save water needed for further rinsing.

16. An installed meter will be an additional incentive to save. If you already have it, learn to read it. You can also use a meter to determine leakage. Try not opening the taps for a couple of hours, and then check the indicators.

17. Run your washing machine and dishwasher only when fully loaded.

18. Save water, even when someone else is paying for it, say, at a party or in a hotel room.

19. In many hotels it is customary to change bed linen and towels every day. Unless absolutely necessary, ask staff not to do this so often. After all, washing consumes a large amount of water.

20. If you decide to wash your car yourself, use a sponge and a bucket - the hose uses too much water.

These are not all the ways that help minimize the consumption of an invaluable resource without much difficulty and financial costs. If you have other ideas, please share them in the comments below this article.

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There is nothing more precious in the world than the most wonderful, ordinary clean water! Water played a decisive role in evolution. " Are they enjoying you, not knowing what you are?“It was the aquatic environment that provided the nutrient broth in which life on Earth originated 3.5 billion years ago under special external conditions.

Water is a source of spiritual food and salvation, as for example in the Gospel Christ says: “ And whoever drinks the water that I will give him will never thirst».

And the most important thing for life on Earth today, of course, is the problem of clean water. Recently, when assessing the quality of life of people, the state of their health comes first. And we can ensure the health of humanity only through the conservation and consumption of clean fresh water. And each party must fulfill certain requirements when processing and supplying water for consumption by the population.

Yes, water is needed for the Earth to bloom and plants to grow, because if there is no water, there will be no fruits, vegetables, and our green planet will cease to exist altogether.

And we did the research. How does fresh, mineral, holy water affect the growth of various plants. We took onions, wheat, millet. The conclusions are as follows: plant growth is best observed in Holy water, worst in our fresh water, probably in dirty water.

We are a part of this huge world. And we are not indifferent to the fate of the Irgiz River. Water quality is the health of the nation, of every person. My classmates and I helped our beloved river clear itself of garbage many times. According to tradition, students of our school periodically in spring and autumn work together on the ecological trail, clearing ravines and river banks of debris.

We planted trees in our city park along the banks of the Irgiz, which allows the river to preserve natural components for the life of living organisms on Earth. We believe that in this way we preserve the path of clean water into the Irgiz River. Our students constantly provide assistance in improving the territory of the St. Nicholas Monastery in the village of Monastyrsky and the banks of the Irgiz, where it is located.

Ways to solve the problem of maintaining clean water

  1. As planned, we will clean the river beds and floodplains of accumulated debris, which will not create conditions for the accumulation of manganese in the water.
  2. It is necessary that the pages of the media promptly cover problems affecting the state of the main wealth for human life - water in the rivers of our region.
  3. Oblige the population living along the river banks to create public movements to preserve and strengthen natural landscapes, which will help keep clean water reaching river systems.
  4. We must learn to use fresh water, as the most precious thing a person has on Earth, creating life where there was none.

Every year in December on Awareness Day, humanity needs detailed information about the great secrets that have changed our world today.

Scientists say that while we will not die, we will change. The nature of water turns out to be a great mystery, and to understand and appreciate it is the main task of man.

Water is a wonderful gift of nature, Alive, fluid and free, Paints the pictures of our life In its three important forms: Now it flows like a stream, now it winds like a river, Now it pours from a glass to the ground.

It freezes like a thin piece of ice, beautifully named snowflake,

Then the steam acquires lightness, It was there - and suddenly it was gone


  1. L.P. Astanin, K.N. Blagoslonov. Nature conservation. Moscow, 1984
  2. Great Oxford Encyclopedia Moscow, ROSMEN, 2008.
  3. Vanin S.I. Forest phytopathology, 4th ed., 1955; Zhuravlev I.I. Phytopathology, M., 1963, Dictionary - reference book of phytopathologist, ed. P.I. Golovin, 2nd ed., Leningrad, 1967.
  4. Geography of the Saratov region - textbook 2006.
  5. Materials of the Committee for Environmental Protection and Natural Resources Management of the Saratov Region
  6. Materials of the Meteorological Service of the city of Pugachev, Saratov region.
  7. V.A. Markin " I'm exploring the world» Geography: Moscow, AST, 2002.
  8. Scientific and methodological journals: Geography and ecology in the 21st century school No. 3 2008, No. 6 2009.
  9. Scientific and methodological journals: Geography at school No. 2 2004, No. 3 2005, No. 4 2009.
  10. Provincial newspaper of Pugachev, for 2008-2009.
  11. « Saratovsky Vestnik", No. 11 for 1994.
  12. Materials of the State Unitary Enterprise " Vodokanal» the city of Pugachev, a state unitary enterprise of the Saratovoblvodokanal.
  13. Internet resources

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2013 has been declared the year of environmental protection!

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    Are there environmental problems on Earth?

    Can I contribute to environmental conservation?

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    • Can the planet get sick? It turns out it can. This is exactly what happened to the earth due to the fault of man. ECOLOGICAL PROBLEMS have arisen on the planet, the solution of which determines the fate of all living things.
    • There are a lot of such problems.
    • We will discuss one of them!!!
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    In 1969, the famous traveler Thor Heyerdahl and his comrades set sail on a papyrus boat. Their path lay across the Atlantic Ocean. What they saw there amazed them. Heyerdahl writes: “We overtook plastic vessels, nylon products, empty bottles, cans. But fuel oil was especially striking... Black lumps of fuel oil illuminated the surface of the sea until the very horizon." There are known cases when sea turtles swallowed plastic bags, mistaking them for jellyfish and died. And how many young fish die from ocean pollution with oil! Therefore, take care of the oceans and other bodies of water! !!

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    The faucet in the apartment is faulty; 2 glasses of water flow out of it in an hour. How much clean water leaks per day? In 10 days? In a year?

    • 2 x24 =48 glasses per day
    • 48 x 10 = 480 glasses in 10 days
    • 480 x 365 = 175,200 glasses of water per year

    And this is only from 1 faulty tap!!!

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    How many liters of water can you save if you turn off the tap while brushing your teeth?

    3 liters of water are filled into a bucket in 18 seconds. This means that 10 liters of water flow out in 1 minute.

    Conclusion: if we brush our teeth for 5 minutes, we lose 50 liters of clean water!

    In 1 day -100 liters, if we brush our teeth 2 times!

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    A stonecutter drilled a hole in a steep rock, from which flowed a thin stream of life-giving moisture. On the rock he carved the words that this rock was sacred and that the hole in it should not be widened. And yet, centuries later, there was a man who, for the sake of momentary gain, widened the hole. The water began to flow stronger and noisier. The man was declared a hero. But the glory was short-lived. Soon the spring dried up. There was nowhere to get water, people began to leave their homes. The village ceased to exist - “dried up”.

    Slide 10

    Conclusion: natural sources of water cannot be considered inexhaustible!

    People! Remember and know: To be healthy in life, Never forget to store clean water!