Entertainment in the senior group for fine arts “Festival of Colors. Very interesting games for preschool children in art activities Entertainment in visual arts for the older group

  • 30.06.2020

MKDOU "General developmental kindergarten No. 11 in Kirensk with priority implementation of activities in the artistic and aesthetic direction of children's development"

Entertainment for visual arts


Elisova Svetlana Afanasyevna

Teacher of the 1st junior group



Explanatory note:

Little children from nurseries moved to a new group. To mark the occasion, entertainment was held. Its goal: To create a joyful mood in children, to cause an emotional upsurge, to create conditions for the development of motivation to acquire knowledge.

Event plan:

    Organizing time

    Musical exercise

    Outdoor game “At the bear in the forest...”

    The appearance of Parsley

    Dance with handkerchiefs

    Drawing “Autumn leaves”

    Surprise moment

Detailed scenario:


    Teach children to quickly switch from one game to another.

    Learn to paint with a brush in one direction (top to bottom).

    Cultivate emotional responsiveness.

    Strengthen friendships.


A toy bear, cardboard baskets according to the number of children, dance scarves, white cardboard leaves with veins drawn with a wax pencil, palettes with gouache (yellow, red), brushes, glasses of water, napkins, a parsley costume, musical audio recordings.

Progress of entertainment:

To the accompaniment of cheerful music, children go to a group decorated with autumn leaves and sit on chairs.


Guys, today is September 1st! You have become big and joined a new group.

Do you know how to do exercises in the morning?

Children show exercises to rhythmic music.


How well they did the exercises, it means they really have become big.

What do you like to play most in kindergarten? (toys).

Guess the riddle:

In summer he wanders without a road

Between pines and birches,

And in winter he sleeps in a den,

Hides your nose from the frost.

The teacher brings in a toy bear cub with paper baskets hanging on its paw. The outdoor game “At the Bear in the Forest...” is played.


Well done! Another mystery:

He is with a bell in his hand,

In a bright red cap,

He's a fun toy

And his name is... (parsley).

Where is he? Let's call him! The children are calling.

Parsley runs into the group with a beautiful box in her hand.


Hello kids: girls and boys! Congratulations on moving to a new group! Here are some handkerchiefs, dance a little!

Parsley dances the funny dance “Magic Scarf” with the children.


I open the box

Now we’ll find out what’s there,

What is this? (Leaves)


Some of them are white. Guys, what needs to be done to make the leaves turn autumn? (color them, of course).

Children paint leaves with yellow and red gouache, the teacher and parsley help them with this.


You have a lot of fun!

But it's time for me to say goodbye!

Goodbye, kids!

And in memory of me,

Sweets for you!

To the music, parsley leaves the group, the children wave after him.

References: Personal experience.

Municipal state preschool educational institution compensatory kindergarten No. 44 “Rodnichok”

Summary of entertainment for children of the senior group (OHR)

"Colorful World"

Prepared by teacher: Kuznetsova N.Yu.

Sarov 2015


    Encourage children to enjoy communication;

    To consolidate knowledge of the basic colors of the spectrum, artistic materials (paints, brushes, pencils, etc.);

    Expand your understanding of how to obtain new colors by mixing paints;

    Develop aesthetic taste, creative thinking;

    Involve parents in joint activities with children, promote the development of parent-child relationships based on cooperation and mutual assistance.

Children enter the hall and stand near the central wall

(song "Sad Rain")

A sad artist appears. Pencil

K: Hello guys, I'm an artist Pencil. I heard your song and hurried to you, I am also very sad. I live in a magical country, where the sun always shines, the grass is green, and a rainbow is visible in the sky, which paints everything around with colorful colors. My country is called the country of Drawing, multi-colored paints live in it. And the evil wizard stole pieces of a multi-colored rainbow (shows on the easel an image of a rainbow with missing colored sections) and everything around became sad. I do not know what to do. Tell?

Q: Don’t be sad Pencil, we will help you find paints.

K: Then let's go.

-Where did the colors go?

-Perhaps the colors were hidden in a fairy tale?

-In forest thickets and wild flowers?

-In warm windows, in elegant nesting dolls?

-A brush and palette will help you along the way

- Find different colors for the guys.

(approach the house)

What a house on the way. Should we come here?

K: let’s knock. (tassel peeks out)

Hello, Brush, we are looking for paints, can you help us?

Brush: I’ll help if you guess my riddles:

    Without fear, she dips her braid in paint, then drags the colored braid across the page in the album. (Brush.)

    If you sharpen it, you can draw whatever you want! Sun, sea, mountains, beach. What is this? (Pencil.)

    Multi-colored children are huddled in a narrow house. As soon as you release it into the wild, they will decorate the clear field. Where there was emptiness, there, you see, there is beauty! (Colour pencils.)

And now some riddles for parents.

    The white pebble melted and left marks on the board. (Chalk.)

It can be very spicy

And he draws brightly and colorfully.

Slate from all sides

Surrounded by wood.

This is your reliable friend

And the artist - ... (pencil)

    Furry squirrel hairs

I'll dip it lightly in gouache.

All pictures and crafts

I'll paint it very brightly.

I'll draw the sun and leaves

Soft silky... (brush)

6. She will draw a pattern

Very reverent and gentle

Whether it's the sky or the forest,

Thin snow-white frost,

Green April -

Color everything... (watercolor)

Brush: Well, you guessed all my riddles, for this I will give you a piece of a red rainbow (gives the children a red figurine).

K: Thank you for helping us, we will read you a poem

Red radish grew in the garden
There are red tomatoes nearby.
There are red tulips on the window,
Red banners are burning outside the window.

Brush: Thank you, have a good trip.

K: Well, it’s time for us to hit the road. You and I went out into a clearing, where should we go next, it seems we are lost, and who is that sitting on the stump? let's say hello.

K: Hello, we are looking for paints, tell us the way.

Hedgehog: Hello, I, a cheerful, kind hedgehog, will help you and show you the way if you play with me.

K: Let's play with him, stand in a circle.

(game song “Children and the Hedgehog”).

HEDGEHOG: you made me laugh, for that I will give you a little ball that will show you the way. (gives the children a blue ball).

Q: Thank you hedgehog, goodbye, it’s time to go on the journey, the magic ball show us the way. (the pencil throws the ball on the floor and everyone follows the ball).

The house is on the way again. Should we come here? Who lives here, who will open the door for us? Look, guys, what are the pictures on the house? (with felt-tip pens)

K: So who lives here, let’s knock. (a felt-tip pen looks out).

Hello, Felt-Master, we are looking for paints, can you help us?

Felt-tip pen: Of course, I’ll help if you name objects that are blue. (children name objects)

Felt-tip pen: maybe our parents will help us? (parents name objects)

Felt-tip pen: Well done, they named a lot, here’s a piece of a blue rainbow (gives the children a piece of blue paint).

K: Thank you, Felt-Master, for this we will read you a poem:

There is an island in the blue sea,
The path to the island is long.
And a flower grows on it -
Blue-blue cornflower.

Felt-tip pen: Thank you, have a good trip.

K: We walked for a long time and everyone is tired, let’s sit down and rest.

(music sounds, good wizards appear, an adult and a child)

Walsh: We hear you're looking for paint? We can help you. We will show you tricks - how to get paints. (show color mixing:

Let's take a glass with blue paint, add yellow paint, what color paint is it? (children's answers)

Now we take red, add blue, what happens?

I add red to the yellow one, now what color paint do I have? (children’s answers)

Blue + yellow = green

Red + blue = purple

Yellow + red = orange

What do you need to do to get green?

(mix blue + yellow)

What do you need to do to get purple?

(mix Red and blue)

What do you need to do to get orange?

(mix red and yellow)

Well done, for this we will give you a piece of the rainbow of each color (gives children figures of green, purple and orange colors).

K: Thank you, good wizards, and our children will read you poems about colors.

- The purple violet is tired of living, and the forest is tired.
I'll pick it and bring it to my mom on her birthday.
She will live with purple lilacs.
On the table in a beautiful vase near the window.

-Orange fox
I dream about carrots all night -
Looks like a fox tail:
Orange too.

- We grow green onions
And green cucumbers
And outside the window there is a green meadow
And the houses are whitewashed.
Every house has a green roof,
And a cheerful gnome lives in it
In new green trousers
From maple leaves.

Walsh: Thank you guys for the poems, and so that you can find the next paint, we will give you umbrellas. (wizards give umbrellas)

Walsh: Goodbye, guys. (leave)

Q: What a beautiful gift, and our girls know the dance with umbrellas and will now show it to us.

(dance with umbrellas).

Q: Even the rain liked such a wonderful dance, and he gave us a piece of the blue rainbow.

K: let’s read him a poem for this:

My doll has blue eyes,
And the sky above us is still blue.
It is blue, like a thousand eyes.
We look at the sky, and the sky looks at us.

K: We rested a little, it’s time to continue on our way. (children approach the image of the sad sun).

K: The sun is sad, the evil wizard has erased all his rays, let's draw rays for him, and to make the sun shine more cheerfully, let's call our parents for help, they will help us. (on the tables are paper in the shape of rays and pencils, children paint over the rays and attach them to the sun, turn the image of the sun with the smiling side).

K: Let’s give the sun a song, and our parents will sing along to us.

(song “On the yellow leaves”)

K: The sun smiled again, for this it gives us its yellow ray.

(yellow figure). Let's read him a poem:

The yellow sun looks at the earth,
A yellow sunflower watches the sun.
Yellow pears hang on the branches.
Yellow leaves are flying from the trees.

K: Under the bright rays of the sun, flowers bloomed in a clearing, only they don’t have enough petals, you need to match each flower with a petal of the same color, only the rule: you can take one petal at a time. Take each other's hands, take your parents, stand around the flowers. (children and adults stand around the flowers in small round dances, walk in a circle to the music, when the music ends, they begin to collect petals of the appropriate color, the game is repeated several times, the round dances change places)

K: It turned out to be a bright clearing.

Children approach the image of a rainbow.

K: Look, guys, during our journey through the country of Drawing, you and I collected a lot of paints. Let's give them back to the rainbow. (children use magnets to attach the missing pieces to the rainbow)

K: Let's name them all. (children name all the colors in order).

K: Look around everyone - the world has become colorful again, and again a multi-colored rainbow shimmers in the sky, which gives joy and goodness to everyone. Get up in a big round dance with your parents.

(Song “I look out the window in the morning”)

The rain is pouring down like buckets,

The rain is pouring down like buckets,

The rain is pouring down like buckets.

It will help us on a rainy day

Colorful game

Colorful game

Colorful game.

Chorus: Don't tell anyone about our secret,

And collect colorful glass pieces.

You close your eyes and turn around three times,

Now open your eyes and be surprised!

Two ordinary gray cats,

They get wet in the middle of the yard,

They get wet in the middle of the yard,

They get wet in the middle of the yard.

Can make them colorful

Colorful game

Colorful game

Colorful game.

What are glass pieces for?

It's time to tell

It's time to tell

It's time to tell.

You look at them - and the world is colored,

That's our whole game

That's our whole game

That's our whole game.

TO: The rainbow came out beautiful, like in a fairy tale.
All colorful - what a beauty!
You will admire the colors:

Thank you guys, you helped break the spell of the evil wizard, for this I will give you multi-colored pencils with which you can draw whatever you want. Well, it’s time for us to say goodbye, goodbye, I’m waiting for your drawings.


Preparatory group or senior group
Purpose of entertainment:
1) Consolidation of knowledge about genres of painting
2) Familiarity with non-traditional materials and ways of working
Preliminary work with children:
Introduction to painting genres
Old Man Hottabych, Nastenka, Painting, Fantasy, brownie Kuzka
EQUIPMENT: Non-traditional materials: gouache, carbon paper, toothbrushes, pencils, cosmetics, combs, wool threads, millet and plastic plates, pancakes and condensed milk, album sheets, stamps and stencils, baths with soap-gouache solution and tubes, salt, PVA glue... …. (Everything is located in the hall on tables and easels) On a separate coffee table are vases with tassels.
In the music room there are easels, still lifes, paintings hanging -
(everything is like in a real artist’s studio.) Tables, buckets of water, sponges, wet wipes (wipe your hands). Screen.
VIDEO: genres of painting and video riddles on the screen
MUSIC: oriental music, Russian folk music, recording of bird voices.
Hello, my young friends! Allow me to introduce myself: I am the Fairy of Painting. Look what I brought with me: paper, palette, paints, brushes. Do you know what they are for? (children's answers) I'll check it now!
Please, come in, make yourself comfortable, I have prepared for you a virtual tour of my kingdom-state. Watch and remember.
The LIGHTS turn off and in the darkness the children look at portraits, landscapes, and still lifes of famous Russian painters. (5-6 minutes, 3-4 pieces of each genre)
At this time, someone quietly takes the brushes.
Our little excursion has come to an end. Now I’ll check what you remember!
Video questions - by genre of painting
Using other reproductions. Children use the “third wheel” principle to find portraits, landscapes and still lifes.
The LIGHTS come on and Painting discovers the brushes are missing.
PAINTING:- What is this, where are my brushes? I wanted to draw so many interesting pictures with you today! And here it is... No, I can’t do without my sister...
Let's ask her to come! My sister's name is Fantasia. She will definitely help us!
Children, together with the leader, cast a spell
Violent winds fly
Invite a fairy to visit
Come to us, fantasy, come
And show yourself on stage!
-Hello, dear sister.
What happened, master
I see guests in our hall..
Why was I called?
-Oh, we have a problem.
This is where the loss happened -
I don't have a single brush.
We have sent for you.
Please advise urgently
What will we draw with?
-FANTASY: Do you think that you can only paint with brushes? You, friends, are mistaken! A long time ago, our ancestors made paints themselves from clay and coal and painted on the walls of caves using pieces of moss and ordinary wooden sticks with soaked ends. They also took paint into their mouths and splashed it around their palms. This is how the first “signatures” under the drawings were obtained. What do you guys think, what else can you use to draw with?
Can I have some berry juice? What about some vegetables? And using cosmetics on the face is also painting! Body art is called!
Oriental music sounds
Old man Hottabych appears.
Old man KHOTTABYCH--: Hello, my dears, selam alaikum! Respect the old honored wizard, help Hottabych! I have one request for you... One of these days I will turn three thousand three hundred years old. I wanted to invite my friends—wizards—to visit, to fly to them, that is.
-FANTASY:- Grandfather, don’t you have a phone?
Old man KHOTTABYCH: Telephone - shmarophone? Who it? Skorokhod? I don't know, I haven't seen it. But my favorite rug - ah! My rug has become old and doesn’t fly well. One might say, it doesn’t fly at all. I've applied twice already! Nightmare! Got a bump! Draw me, my dear children, a new rug, will you?
--FANTASY: Take a seat, dear Hottabych! You have a problem and we have a problem. The paints are still there, but the brushes are missing. But don't be upset! I think I know how to paint a rug without brushes. (Painting and Fantasy divides all participants into small groups) All children work. Oriental music continues to play
Option 1 – children draw a rug using a simple pencil and carbon paper
Option 2 – finger painting.
Option 3 – using stamps made from corks or rubber bands
Option 4 – using a spray paint and a set of stencils
Option 5 – imprinting (when folded in half)
Option 6 – application with adhesive film
Option 7 - applique with cut threads or small colored paper
Option 8 – pastel on colored paper
Old Man Hottabych (examines the guys’ work) Wow, what rugs, one better than the other! This one will probably be the fastest, and this one will be the most reliable. This is only for visiting. Oh, diamonds of my heart, in my soul - birds are singing (recording of birds' heads), Turkish delight, sherbet is melting. I bow to you for your virtues, you respected the old man. Rakhmat!
The voices of birds are heard(Hottabych leaves, dancing with delight)
Russian folk music sounds
Nastenka appears (bows)
- Hello, kind and skilled people!
Hello, Nastenka! What happened, what happened, honey?
Oh, I don’t know where to start... Help me, draw a scarlet flower. I will give this drawing to my father. He is soon on his way - he is going to foreign countries overseas. He will look at the drawing and find the most expensive gift for me there.
FANTASY: I know how we can draw a fairytale flower. For this you need fabulous ways.
(Painting and Fantasy divide children into several groups) Russian folk music is played during work
Option 1 - blowing up blots (tubes and ink)
Option 2 - carrot or apple stamps (gouache)
Option 3 – toothpaste (with scarlet veins)
Option 4 – wool threads and gouache
Option 5 – glue and colored napkins
Option 6 - glue and colored strips.
Option 7 - lipstick
Option 8 - nail polish.
NASTENKA:(looks at the drawings, thanks the young artists)
Oh, you guys are great and girls! How you amused me, how you pleased me with your creativity! I’ll run to my dear father, he’ll soon set off on his little journey to distant lands. I’ll show him the drawings, I know he’ll like them all! Russian folk music or song sounds
Coughing and sneezing can be heard from behind the curtain.
KUZKA appears (blows his nose into a handkerchief - towel) and hides it in his pocket. He gets angry, frowns, pretends to leave.
KUZKA: I'm tired of hiding behind the curtain. It's cold there! It's blowing from the window! And it's still boring! Why aren't you looking for brushes? Why did I hide them? I wanted to play with you! And you... (turns away)
PAINTING:So these are your tricks, prankster!?
KUZKA:- Mine, or whose? (proudly)
FANTASY:- Kuzya, we’re not offended at you at all. Really, guys? We forgave you because during this time we all learned to fantasize and draw without brushes.
KUZKA:- I tried in vain! (waves hand, leaves)
FANTASY: Kuzya, where did you go sadly, hanging your head violently? Are you offended by the guys? Because we didn't look for brushes?
-KUZKA: I'm not offended, I'm hungry! And anyway, I went. I'm just tired of this mess! And pancakes too... I want something like that... (scratching his head)
FANTASY: Which one? Unusual? We can arrange it! Do you want the guys to make an edible portrait of you, and then you can eat yourself!?
KUZKA(feels himself with fear) How is this?
PAINTING:- Very simple. Sit down and watch!
Flat plates are distributed and children place a portrait of a cheerful shaggy man on each one.
Option 1 - grapes and cucumber slices
Option 2 - pancake and condensed milk (with a spoon) or from a can in a trickle
Option 3 – semolina porridge and jam
Option 4 – apple pieces and frozen lingonberries
Option 5 - peeled seeds and nuts
Option 6 - rice porridge and raisins
Option 7 – peas and green peas
KUZKA: Oh, how beautiful, oh, how delicious it must be! But I didn’t really want to eat anything! Miracles and nothing more! Come on, we'll eat it all together, huh?
FANTASY: I suggest that everything you depicted today be framed and put on display.
PAINTING: Right! I will definitely come to this exhibition. And you guys, remain the same inventors and dreamers. This will definitely come in handy in your life! Goodbye!
Cheerful music sounds. Kuzka dances with the children.
The holiday ends.

“There’s something in every blot!”
Artistic and aesthetic development

Teacher Korotina Irina Pavlovna

(This material will be useful to educators of senior and preparatory groups; it is aimed at introducing children and parents to non-traditional drawing methods - monotype in the context of parent-child activities).



  • To form an understanding of the method of printed graphics called “monotype”.
  • Introduce new technology in arts and crafts, methods and sequence of work.
  • Learn to use different methods of drawing monotype.


  • Develop creativity and creativity by creating quick and effective work.
  • To develop figurative representation, associative-figurative thinking, cognitive activity, visual memory, imagination, artistic fantasy.
  • Develop skills in mastering art materials, techniques for working with paints, organization and accuracy in work.


  • Cultivating emotional responsiveness, aesthetic sense, interest in creativity and the fine arts.
  • Education of strong-willed qualities, incentives for cognitive activity, consciousness and activity.
  • Emotional release, strengthening parent-child relationships.

Integration of educational areas:“Communication”, “Artistic creativity”, “Music”.

Equipment and materials: Pinocchio and Blob costumes; blot - “sun”; badges in the form of a “sun” according to the number of participants; easels, drawing sheets, brushes, paints, jars of water according to the number of children; tape recorder, music recordings; booklets with consultation on the topic “Monotype” according to the number of parents.

Preliminary work:

  • Consideration of illustrations made in the “Monotype” technique by Eric Bulatov and Oleg Vasiliev.
  • Reading and discussion of literary works about the blot: N. Nosov’s fairy tale “The Blot”, V. Suteev’s fairy tale “We are looking for the Blot”, Y. Moritz’s poem “The Wonderful Blot”, etc.
  • Drawing using the blotography technique.
  • Draw a sun blot, sun badges according to the number of participants.

Educator: Hello! My name is Korotina Irina Pavlovna. I am the director of a children's art studio. How wonderful that you took the time and came to visit us! We will try to make sure you enjoy your stay with us. Despite the fact that it is a winter evening outside, almost dark and cold, our art studio is warm from your smiles. Let's bring some sunshine to our room. On the count of “one, two, three,” I will smile at you, and you will smile at me and at each other. And our sun will smile and shine! (The teacher shows those present the “sun” in the form of a yellow blot)

Educator: One, two, three... sunshine, shine! (Everyone smiles). You have such sunny, radiant smiles that looking at them makes your soul warmer. And even the sun began to smile. (The teacher draws a funny face in the sun)

Educator: You and I, like the sun, are calm, kind and friendly. And to make it convenient for you and me to communicate, I suggest writing your names on these little sun blots and attaching them to your clothes. (The teacher and parents write their names and the names of the children on the “suns”, attach them to clothes)


Educator: I'm sorry! Looks like someone is coming! (Pinocchio enters)

Pinocchio: Hello kids and their parents! Would you like to meet me?!

Educator: Guys, do you recognize this fairy-tale hero? Who is this? What's his name?

Children: This is Pinocchio!!!

Presenter: Right. Hello, Pinocchio! We are glad to see you as our guest! Stay and you will learn to draw like a real artist.

Pinocchio: Ha! I can do everything! Where do you have paper and paints? (Pinocchio sits down at the table, begins to draw and makes a large black blot.)

Educator: Pinocchio! Where are you rushing?! Look what a huge blot you got instead of a drawing!

Pinocchio: Come on... with this drawing! I’d better go to Malvina and drink tea and sweets! (Runs away).

Educator: Pinocchio, Pinocchio...wait! How naughty he is! (Lights turn off). It seems to me that this is someone's tricks! (The blot “comes to life” - it slowly enters the art studio while it’s dark).

Blot: Hello, my beautiful ones! You'll never guess who I am! Thank you, Pinocchio, for including me in your drawing!

Educator: Dear guests, who do you think this is? What did Pinocchio leave on paper?

Guests: This is Blob.

Educator: Perhaps you are right. Blob, please don't disturb us and go away!

Blot(sternly and touchily): What more! By the way, I was born here! And I have every right to live here! (Affectionately). Well, please don't send me away! I won’t take up much space, I’ll fit into a notebook, a little album, or I can live in a book.

Educator: And what will you do with us?!

Blot: I will put blots everywhere, everywhere! I'll put so many blots... wow (throws up his hands)! (Addresses the girl). Girl, take me with you, I’ll teach you how to make big and beautiful blots! (Addresses the boy.) Boy, with me you will become a real “Blotter”... this is such a profession.

Educator: Blot! You completely confused our guests! There is no such profession as “Blotter”, right, children?! (Children answer). If you want to stay, you must behave. Do you want us to draw your portrait, and you will see that real artists have gathered here!?

Blob (embarrassed): Oh, well, I'm embarrassed! I don’t know if you can draw me... so beautiful!

Educator: Guys, well... let's draw a portrait of Blob?! (Children's answers).

Educator: Please come to the easels. Blob, sit back and pose for us. We will draw you from life. And to make your portrait bright and unusual, we will draw to the music. (Music sounds, the teacher explains the technique of monotype (blotography), guides the children’s independent activities while working).

Educator: Well, Blob...accept our work!

Blot (examines the children’s work, strokes their heads): Oh, you are my good ones! Oh, you are my beautiful ones! You are my grey-brown-raspberry ones! What great fellows you are! And I, what a beauty I turned out to be! (Preens).

Educator: And you know, Blob, you can be made even more beautiful. After all, a blot is not just a stain! An ordinary stain can turn into something completely unusual, which is not immediately visible! You just need to use your imagination a little! This drawing technique is called "Monotype" or "Blotography". Here look! (The teacher draws, “transforms” the spot into some image)

Blot: And you wanted to kick me out! There I am... how priceless! My God, I am a sorceress!

Educator: Yes, Blob, you can do real miracles! And now our guests will demonstrate this to you! Dear parents, I ask you and your children to go to the easels and turn your children’s blots into magical images. And what it will be, your imagination will tell you. (Parents with their children “transform” their children’s blots into some images, the teacher guides the independent activities of the audience)

Educator: Look, Blob, what wonderful drawings our guests made! Let's ask them to tell us what they got out of an ordinary stain. (Parents and children talk about their drawings)

Blot: I'm simply divine! I...I'm great! All! It's decided! I will stay with you forever! I'll go and choose a place to stay in some group! Goodbye everyone! See you! (Leaves).


Educator(pointing to the drawings of children and parents): You see, it turns out that a blot can also be a way of drawing, for which no one will scold, but on the contrary, they will also be praised. You just need to carefully look at the spot, dream a little, take paints, brushes and draw what your heart tells you. And then an ordinary spot can become a warm sun, a gloomy cloud, a wildflower or something else, just as unusual and truly beautiful. Who remembers the name of this drawing technique? (Children's answers).

You will learn from these booklets what else you can draw from a blot. Perhaps, after reading them, you will want to try other methods of “Blotography”. (The teacher hands parents a thematic booklet with advice on the topic “Monotype”)

Educator: Guys, did you enjoy working with the blot? Did you, dear parents, like your visit with us? (Answers from children and parents).

Educator: It's time to say goodbye. But we hope that you will come to visit us many more times. We will be looking forward to seeing you. I would like to believe that today you, children, have understood that you cannot abandon a task without completing it, like the naughty Pinocchio (addresses the children).

And you, parents (addresses parents), I am sure, they understood the truth - “they only use paints, but they paint with feelings.” Teach your children to feel, then they will want to learn and create! Thank you everyone for the excellent work. Goodbye.

Title: Scenario for a drawing event for older preschoolers “There’s something in every blot!”
Nomination: Methodological developments for preschool education specialists / Fine Arts teachers

Position: teacher
Place of work: MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 50"
Location: Achinsk, Krasnoyarsk region.

Educator: Kirchenko N.N.
Entertainment with fine art activities “Flower Meadow”
Summary of entertainment in fine art activities in the senior group (5-6 years old). Topic: “Flower Meadow”
Goal: Through other activities to cultivate a love of drawing;
To develop children's interest and desire to use unconventional methods in drawing;
Strengthen the ability to mix basic colors (blue and yellow). Draw grass with short strokes.
Material: green carpet or rug, hoops 5-6 pieces, flower wreaths for children, flower puzzles (drawings of meadow flowers on a large sheet (drawing paper) cut into 4-6 parts (depending on the number of children in the team, butterflies on a string 5-6 pieces, paintings by Levitan “Birch Grove” and Shishkin “Overgrown Pond at the Edge of the Forest”, cotton swabs, easels, paints, palette. Preliminary work: observing grass, flowers, memorizing poems, songs, getting new ones colors, by mixing paints; folk games, games with puzzles; drawing with candles.
Educator: - In the colorful kingdom there is one island where it is summer all year round. Let's dream and imagine this island. Close your eyes, and I will be a good witch and take you there. (Calm music from the “Music for the Soul” series sounds quietly). The children close their eyes, the teacher quickly puts on the sorceress outfit. Here we are on the island. The sun is shining brightly. Smile at him and at each other. Listen to the birds singing (children listen by tilting their heads and placing their hand alternately on their right and left ears. Now look at the grass. It grows here green, never withers and looks like a carpet.
- Do you feel what kind of grass it is? (children answer)
- Who can hide in the grass? (children fantasize)
- Yes, and the beetles hid. Show them flying over the flowers.
Exercise "Beetles"
- Be careful not to step on anyone (the guys walk with their legs raised high, jumping)
- Who was so careless and disturbed the mosquitoes? We need to catch them and put them back on the grass.
Do you know the names of meadow flowers? I'll check it now. I’ll tell you riddles, and you guess them. Sit down.
Blue meadow flower
Shakes his head
And the chime will scatter
Dili-don, dili-don. (bell)
Beautiful flower in the meadow
Turned pink and waits at the table
For bees, bumblebees and mosquitoes
He is always ready for breakfast. (clover)
In a wheat field
Sparkles blue
It's like a field
In the morning everything is covered in frost. (cornflower)
White flower
I'll find it in the meadow
And tell your fortune
On the flower there I can (daisy)
Red flower
There's a little black peephole inside
The flower will fade, the scarves will fly off
And the little grains (poppy seeds) will remain in the box.
Well done guys, they solved all the riddles. But what happened to them? Apparently a mischievous breeze flew in and all the petals flew off the flowers.
Let us help the flowers.
Game “Lay out flowers in the meadow”
Children arrange flowers from puzzles (daisies, bells, poppies, cornflowers, forget-me-nots, clovers, asters and other flowers) in hoops that are arranged in a circle. In the middle of the circle are drawings of flowers that are pre-cut into puzzles (background music plays)
After completing the game, the children put on flower hats.
Song "Flower Glade"
Here we are again in kindergarten. Let's look at the paintings by artists I. I. Levitan “Birch Grove” and I. I. Shishkin “Overgrown Pond at the Edge of the Forest.”
-Is the grass depicted by the artists similar to the grass we imagined while on the island? (children answer and compare) - Is the grass the same in the artists’ works?
-Guys, think and tell me how the artists worked with a brush to depict grass. Show. (children on easels apply strokes on white sheets with a dry brush)
- What colors did you try to depict such a miracle meadow? (children call the colors blue and yellow)
If the children find it difficult, the teacher reminds them of the game “Make the desired color with translucent mica plates; by placing them on top of each other of two different colors (primary) you get a third (additional)
Blue + yellow = green
Red + blue = purple
Yellow + red = orange
Let us now draw such grass ourselves
- What needs to be done to get green?
(mix blue + yellow)
- What will we use to create the desired color? (on palette)
Children draw grass.
- Children, maybe we can ask the color red and good Whiteness to depict flowers on the grass?
- What flowers can they depict?
(children come up with ideas). Let the red color tampons (a small bunch of cotton wool is placed on small squares of 8 * 8mm gauze, the edges of the cotton wool are collected, the resulting cotton ball is wrapped with thread, dipped in the desired color of paint) help to depict poppies, and by dipping your index finger in white and drawing We will draw daisies from the yellow core of the petal stick.
- We’ll show you what beautiful flowers you can get.
Candles will help depict the sky.
And so, off to work.
At the end of the fun, all the children lay out the drawings on the floor to make a carpet (green colored meadow). The guys talk about their work.
Summary of the entertainment script for the art activity “We draw summer on the asphalt with chalk”
Educator: Kirchenko N.N.
Goal: To arouse interest in drawing with crayons on asphalt. Encourage students to create individual artistic images using the means of expression available to them. Show how different types of visual activities can be integrated in collective work.
- Increasing the role of fine art in the aesthetic education of children.
- Creating an environment for creative communication among competition participants.
- Identification and support of creatively gifted children.
- Formation and education of artistic taste.
Progress of the holiday.
To the accompaniment of cheerful music, the presenter appears at the group site.
- One two three four five!
Let's start playing!
We start to play
And of course draw.
Organizes children in a large circle and conducts a greeting ritual.
This is the right hand, This is the left hand. (take turns raising your hand up)
One hand, two hands, (one by one the hands are moved to the sides, children join hands to form a circle)
Good morning kids! (swinging arms back and forth)
I have a pencil and colorful crayons.
And a thick sheet of paper.
And also an easel, gouache,
Because I am... AN ARTIST.
I'll draw the sun and rain.
Because I'm an artist.
I just don't have an answer.
What color is summer?
What color is summer?
Who knows for sure?
Who will answer me, who will tell me.
What color is summer, he will say! (Children's answers.)
1 task “Color and its shades.”
Well, don't yawn,
Choose your summer colors.
Look for the same color from a friend,
Raise your hands in the air!
Task 2 “Riddles about visual materials.” I really want to know if you like to draw?
Do you know all the materials, can you guess the riddles?
It can be very sharp
And he draws brightly and colorfully
Grifilek from all sides,
Surrounded by wood.
This is your reliable friend
Multi-colored... PENCIL.
He will paint a picture
And Buratino will color it.
He will write an advertisement
And in the postcard - congratulations.
Draw posters master
Bright, thin... FELT-TIME MASTER.
I draw on the asphalt.
House, fence, big hole.
Friend Sharik and a cat,
That she sat down by the window.
It's a pity I couldn't color everything -
Ran out quickly... CHALK.
Let's get acquainted: I am paint,
I will color a coloring book for you,
And also pictures for the fairy tale.
I'll draw it for the baby.
I'm brighter than a pencil
Very juicy... GOUACHE.
There are kids on the asphalt,
He will draw for us in the morning.
Sun, cloud, car,
House, butterfly, flower.
Helps them draw
Soft, colorful... CHALK.
Task 5 “Look, these are the colors of summer.”
Summer colors. Well, what is more wonderful?
Gold and aquamarine glitter.
And the ruby ​​color is a bright song.
Suddenly the rowan blossomed in the emerald.
At night the sky shines purple,
The clear, colorless air rings.
The colorful summer is so colorful,
The scarlet color even burns in the heart
We all spent the summer drawing.
All the riddles were solved.
The whole magical land
Full of joyful colors!
We give everyone a five rating.
Let's go for a walk.