Drawing on the theme of pets. Drawing lesson “My favorite pets”

  • 28.06.2020

Drawing is a favorite activity of young children 5-6 years old. Often adults also take part in this fun, because drawing with children is fun and interesting. We will tell you how to depict wild or domestic animals for children so that the children will like it.

The cat is probably the first and most often drawn animal for children. We will tell you how to draw cats step by step so that the pictures are believable and at the same time very simple for beginners. So, let’s draw a well-fed, beautiful cat with a pencil step by step.

First, draw a circle, and on its top - an oval placed on its side. Draw two triangles to the oval - these will be the ears. Draw a tail of the shape you want on one side of the large circle. Just above the middle of the large circle, place a dot and from there draw the legs of the mouth. At the bottom of the sides of the large circle, draw half an oval - these will be the hind legs. Now all that remains is to depict the cat’s eyes and muzzle, mustache and details of the paws. Your beautiful and believable cat is ready.

How to draw a cat with a pencil step by step for children


All children also love dogs, so let's learn how to draw these beautiful and kind animals with a pencil on paper step by step. It will be very, very simple for beginning artists, because the pictures will be very beautiful, schematic and light.

So, let’s draw a person’s friend – a dog. First, draw a rectangle with not too even corners. To the rectangle on the right side, draw another approximately the same rectangle, only smaller. Draw ears on top of this rectangle. At the bottom of the larger rectangle, draw the front and hind legs.

Now all that remains is to draw a triangle tail, and also draw a stick that will show the dog’s neck from the upper left corner of the small rectangle to the large one. All that remains is to draw the dog’s eye and nose and add fur with strokes. It turned out to be a very beautiful little dog.

How to draw a dog? Learn to draw a dog!


For beginners, drawing a duck step by step will be as easy as shelling pears, as this is a very simple and funny version of the picture for children 5-6 years old. First you will need to draw an oval with a worn bottom, and draw a head circle to it. Draw another circle on the head, which will touch the left side of the large circle; this will be the muzzle.

On the oval body you will need to draw another oval, which will also touch the left side of the large oval. Draw oval legs at the bottom of the oval, and wings under the head.

Now all that remains is to draw the details - the eye on the head and the beak, and also give the duck’s legs the shape of flippers. You can also draw a small tail and highlight individual feathers with strokes. Here our duck is ready.


You can draw completely different animals with a pencil step by step, but be prepared for the fact that at some point your child will ask you to draw a bear, and you will have to somehow depict it. So, let's draw a beautiful and cute bear.

First you will need to draw an oval, in this oval draw a circle and a button for the nose. From the nose, draw a stick down and a horizontal line that is slightly bent upward. The bear's face is almost ready, now just add the dotted eyes and draw the ears.

To the head you need to draw an oval with the top cut off and at the very bottom draw a circle with a dot in the middle. This will be the bear's belly. Now draw the paws with claws. The bear is ready, if you wish, you can add other details to it.


Many children love bunnies and to draw them, you will need to try a little. To draw a hare, you will first need to draw a hexagon with a concave top edge on a piece of paper. After that, draw a circle with ears on top of it, it will be quite simple for beginners. In the middle of our hexagon we draw an oval, and on the sides - oval legs.

Two ovals on the hare’s belly will represent the front legs, and ovals on the ears will give them the correct shape and volume. The ovals on the paws will indicate the heel and toes, and the dots on the muzzle will represent the eyes and nose of the hare. The received hare can also be colored so that the pictures are beautiful and the image of the hare is believable.


We draw a chicken, because children always like pictures with birds, even domestic ones. First you will need to draw a circle, this will be the body of the bird. Draw carved wings along the edges, and draw a neck on top. Place a small oval on the neck, this will be the head.

Now let's start drawing details, such as the comb on the head, and draw the legs to the bottom of the body. The beak and eyes can be depicted schematically, as well as the feathers on the wings. You can color your chicken to make it beautiful.


Let's draw a beautiful and very funny bee for children 5-6 years old. It will be very simple and accessible, you just need to try a little.

First you will need to draw an oval and add a circle to it. This will be the body. Afterwards, you will need to draw a smaller circle on the circle; this will be the bee’s head. To the larger circle you need to draw three legs on each side. All that remains is to draw oval wings to the bottom of the large circle, and also draw the face of a satisfied bee. For greater effect, paint the bee's body with black and yellow stripes and your drawing is ready.

How to draw animals

Children become interested in drawing from a very early age. The only thing that can stop novice artists is the discrepancy between the picture on paper and what they wanted to depict. Therefore, parents should show their kids how to draw different animals step by step.

The main mistake of beginning artists is that they first of all paint a separate part of the main object of their painting. The drawings of most toddlers are images of animals.

For some reason, almost all toddlers begin reproducing their animal from the head. An oval is drawn, which is overgrown with ears, eyes, mustaches, horns - depending on what kind of animal the little one wants to draw.

But at this point the little one gets stuck: what to do next? How to fit everything else into this magnificent head? Often the baby can’t think of anything better than attaching a few sausages - legs or paws, and a tail.

To teach the heir to draw correctly, you need to explain to him what step-by-step drawing is and how the drawing scheme is built. Well, if you yourself are not a very skilled artist, then you have a unique opportunity to learn this art together with your children.

Where to begin

How to depict animals step by step so that they are easily recognizable can be explained to both a three-year-old child and a schoolchild. Of course, a kindergartener’s instructions will differ from those of a 12-year-old child, but some common features will be visible.

  • To teach a child to depict animals step by step, you need to explain what shapes (circles, ovals, rectangles) this or that animal consists of.
  • Show how to make sketches that will later become detailed.
  • Start teaching novice creators with simple plots. We learn as we go, so don't expect your baby to succeed right away. Gradually, the baby will learn to recreate more complex objects step by step.

Before moving on to the process, stock up on paper, an eraser and pencils: simple for sketching and colored for coloring.

Pictures for kids

You can show your little one how to draw step by step those little animals that he is already familiar with. The simplest drawing technique is circles. True, for this you need your child to master these simple figures.

There is a simple algorithm for teaching little ones how to draw basic shapes: you need to take the child’s hand in yours and draw a circle with a pencil. If your little one has mastered drawing a circle, show him how you can use this shape to draw funny little animals:

In this way, you can learn to portray not only funny cats and dogs, but even your favorite cartoon characters (for example, Smeshariki).

Drawing for children 4-7 years old

At this age, children can draw various geometric shapes, and their drawings based on natural motifs are already quite recognizable. Now the fidget is able to understand how to draw animals step by step.

The diagram is not particularly complicated: we learn to draw several circles (head and torso), which will serve as the basis; then we schematically depict the paws (legs), then add details and erase the auxiliary lines with an eraser.

You should teach beginning artists that the first stage of their work should be to determine the composition: where the main object will be located, which objects will be in the foreground, and which in the background.

As you can see, the animal drawings are still quite simplified and not burdened with details. All these nuances will need to be explained to the knights of pencil and paper when they grow up a little.

Drawing with middle school children

Starting from 8-10 years old, boys and girls are much more interested in depicting not only domestic but also wild animals. At this age, you can teach children to make animals look realistic.

The bunny for a kindergarten child was cartoonishly round and consisted mainly of circles. For older children, we learn to draw a hare in a slightly different way step by step: it has long paws with claws, body proportions correspond to real ones, the skin is not monochromatic, but with drawn fur.

We learn to depict other animals in the same way: first - a sketch, then the main figures are completed. After we erase the sketch lines, we detail the drawing.

The final touch is to give the drawing volume using shading (if it is a drawing with a simple pencil, like a horse) or painting the animal in accordance with its real color (lion).

It is definitely worth teaching your child to work with a simple pencil. If some lines are not entirely successful, they can be easily erased. Having mastered the technique of drawing with a simple pencil, a novice creator can move on to more complex drawing methods.

Master class on drawing. Algorithms for drawing animals in teaching visual arts to preschool children

Tushmakova Natalya Nikolaevna, teacher, ANO DO “Childhood Planet “Lada”, kindergarten No. 203 “Alice”
Description: The master class is designed for preschool children.
Purpose: training preschool children to work with the algorithm.
1. Develop aesthetic perception, aesthetic emotions and feelings, emotional response to manifestations of beauty in the world around us.
2. To form experience in the perception of various aesthetic objects, to develop aesthetic interests, the desire to learn art and master visual activity.
3. Bring children to understand the value of art, promote the development and use of various aesthetic assessments regarding manifestations of beauty in the world around them, artistic images, and their own creative works.

The world surrounding a person is beautiful and diverse. A child, having a great desire to convey his impressions on paper, often encounters difficulties in depicting what is intended in a drawing. Not every child has the ability to independently and step by step correctly convey the image of a particular creature. Most often, children experience difficulties when starting to draw, i.e. don't know where to start or don't know what to draw next. The child can be helped with this by samples depicting the necessary sequence of drawing various objects, i.e. algorithms. With their help, it is easy for a child to navigate the number and shape of body parts, see their proportional relationship, as well as the final result.
As preliminary work, you can use templates of various animals. This will help the child orient himself in the number of certain parts of the body, their shape and size, but will also make it possible to convey any movement.

In addition, you can invite children to find analogies between animal body parts and the most common geometric shapes, as well as drawing in this simplified system. For example, the image of an elephant can be made up of the following figures: its body is an oval, its legs are rectangles, its head and ears are triangles. All that remains is to complete the details, the tail and trunk - and the drawing is ready.

To convey the image of an animal to a child, an algorithm can also help, with the help of which he can correctly and consistently depict what he has planned.
For younger children, it is better to use algorithms with the fewest steps. The algorithm must be made in color and built on the basis of an oval.

You can accompany the demonstration of drawing an animal with artistic words. For example, when showing a picture of a bunny, you can use the following words:
We are drawing a snowball
The ears were made later.
And just instead of eyes
We found some coals.
The bunny came out alive!
He has a tail and a head.

For older children, algorithms with a large number of steps are used, because more details are added. It can be done graphically. In addition to oval shapes, the structure of the figure can consist of axial lines that coincide with the axes of the bone. This method of drawing is otherwise called “stick”. A lot depends on the shape and nature of the axis (it can be straight or curved): whether the figure is standing, moving or preparing to jump. The artist sees this constructive basis, the skeleton, immediately and constantly keeps it in his head while drawing, without displaying it on paper. But a beginner needs this, because... this disciplines the drawing, allowing for proportional accuracy and typical similarity. But in time you need to make sure that the child does not press too hard on the pencil, because... the centerlines are subsequently removed.

I will give a few more options for algorithms for drawing animals.

And here are the works of the children of the older group, completed using an algorithm.

I wish you all creative success! I hope the result pleases you!

Exotic animals That’s why they are called exotic because they are not common and common in certain geographical latitudes.
Today, exotic animals have become quite popular. Exotic animals have settled in the apartments and houses of many of our friends and acquaintances. This could not but influence the fact that the sale of exotic animals increased: amphibians, spiders, lizards, snakes, and behind them the demand for terrariums and accessories for animals increased. However, I would like to note that not all exotic animals whose photos you see on the Internet get along well at home.

The main reason for this is that exotic animals do not always have the conditions that they need. Buying exotic animals is one thing, but maintaining and providing conditions for a normal life is quite another. In addition, exotic animals whose sale is carried out by, let’s say, not entirely qualified sellers, may suffer, which is what most often happens. And this, in turn, can become emotional trauma for the animal owner.In order to avoid such “surprises” and to keep exotic animals healthy, it is necessary to responsiblygo to the choice of your future pet, read the recommendations for keeping it inyou will be able to determine the most suitable one for yourselfview of a future pet.

The next step should be to find that specific animal: turtle, spider, snake that suits your tastes and needs. Exotic animals must be checked for health before being purchased. They should look and act cheerful and active. Also take careon the acquisition of an appropriate terrarium or insectarium for its maintenance. Made specifically so that various exotic animals could live there. You can select and order a terrarium, insectarium and accessories for them on our website.Our specialists will be able to help you with all of the above issues., amphibians, invertebrates and other exotic animals.

With us you can get qualifiedconsultation on how tocontain exotic animals. Choose your favorite pet, purchase or order a terrarium and equip it. We also offer a wide range of live food, vitamin and mineral supplements, specialized ultraviolet lamps and other products necessary for the successful maintenance of your pet. In addition, with us you can get qualified veterinary care from one of the best specialists in exotic animals.

We will try to give you as much information as possible so that neither your exotic animals nor you are harmed.

The favorites of all small children, of course, are pets. Mecking and running, they are so attractive. So a little person, coming from a petting zoo or looking at a picture in a book, wants to draw something like him. Well, nothing could be simpler. We offer you step-by-step lessons on how to draw pets. Simple lines and simple shapes will turn into a cow or a goat before your eyes. These drawings are so easy to repeat that the master classes are suitable for the youngest children, and they will succeed. Of course, under the guidance of adults :)

Draw a cow

At first, the drawings can be simplified by drawing the head, which is also round or oval, like the body of the animal. And next time the child will try to repeat a more complex form. The kid will try to simplify the drawing even more, for example, by drawing the tail with one line. Everything is in order, which means your young artist can already analyze and generalize!

Drawing a goat

Drawing a sheep

How to draw a pig

Drawing a horse

As you can see, everything is easy and simple. Beautiful creations for you and your children!