The tallest building in the world. The tallest house in the world: where is it located?

  • 10.10.2019

The popular statement - size doesn't matter - certainly doesn't apply to the height of buildings. Man has not given up trying to reach heaven since biblical times - starting with the construction of the Tower of Babel. The tallest buildings in the world amaze with their grandeur and technical innovation; we invite you to learn more about each of them. We will talk specifically about skyscrapers; this list will not include towers, which will be discussed in a separate story

But until the 19th century, increasing the height of buildings meant thickening the walls, which had to support the weight of the structure. The creation of elevators and metal frames for walls freed the hands of architects and engineers, allowing them to design and build taller and taller buildings, increasing the number of floors. So, the 10 tallest buildings in the world:

№10 Empire State Building, New York, USA

The Empire State Building is America's most famous skyscraper, the Chrysler Building is one of the last skyscrapers built in the Art Deco style; Rockefeller Center is the world's largest private business and entertainment complex, consisting of 19 buildings. The center's observation deck offers stunning panoramic views of Central Park and the Empire State Building.

During the construction of the building, new technologies were developed in building structures, such as the frame metal structure made of cast iron by J. Bogardus, the passenger elevator by E. G. Otis. A skyscraper consists of a foundation, a steel frame of columns and beams above the ground, and curtain walls attached to the beams. In this skyscraper, the main load is carried by the steel frame, not the walls. It transfers this load directly to the foundation. Thanks to this innovation, the weight of the building was significantly reduced and amounted to 365 thousand tons. 5,662 cubic meters of limestone and granite were used for the construction of the external walls. In total, the builders used 60 thousand tons of steel structures, 10 million bricks and 700 kilometers of cable. The building has 6,500 windows.

The International Finance Center is a complex commercial building located on the waterfront of central Hong Kong. A significant landmark of Hong Kong Island, it consists of two skyscrapers: the International Financial Center and the shopping gallery and the 40-story Four Seasons Hotel Hong Kong. Tower 2 is the tallest building in Hong Kong, usurping the space once occupied by Central Plaza. The complex was built with the support of Sun Hung Kai Properties and MTR Corp. The Hong Kong Airport Express station is located directly below it. The construction of the first international financial center was completed in 1998 and opened in 1999. The building has 38 floors, 18 high-speed passenger elevators in four zones, its height is 210 m, the total area is 72,850 m. The building now accommodates approximately 5,000 people.

№6 Jin Mao Tower, Shanghai, China

The total height of the structure is 421 meters, the number of floors reaches 88 (93 including the belvedere). The distance from the ground to the roof is 370 meters, and the top floor is at an altitude of 366 meters! Perhaps, in comparison with the Emirati (still unfinished) giant Burj Dubai, Jin Mao will seem like a dwarf, but against the background of other buildings in Shanghai this giant looks impressive. By the way, not far from the Golden Building of Success there is also a high-rise building - the Shanghai World Financial Center (SWFC), which surpassed Jin Mao in height and became the tallest office building in China in 2007. Currently, a 128-story skyscraper is planned to be built next to Jin Mao and the ShVFC, which will become the tallest building in the PRC.

The hotel is famous for being one of the tallest in the world, it is located on the upper floors of a skyscraper, which, in turn, is currently the tallest in Shanghai

From the 54th to 88th floor there is the Hyatt Hotel, this is its atrium.

On the 88th floor, 340 meters above the ground, there is an indoor Skywalk observation deck that can accommodate more than 1,000 people at a time. Skywalk area - 1520 sq.m. In addition to the excellent view of Shanghai from the observatory, you can look down on the magnificent atrium of the Shanghai Grand Hyatt Hotel.

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№5 Fifth place in the list of tallest buildings is the Sears Tower, Chicago, USA.

The Sears Tower is a skyscraper located in Chicago, USA. The height of the skyscraper is 443.2 meters, the number of floors is 110. Construction began in August 1970, ending on May 4, 1973. Chief architect Bruce Graham, chief designer Fazlur Khan.

The Sears Tower was built more than 30 years ago. In 1974, the skyscraper became the tallest building in the world, surpassing the World Trade Center in New York by 25 meters. For more than two decades, the Sears Tower held the lead and only in 1997 lost to the Kuala Lumpur “twins” - the Petronas Towers.

Today, the Sears Tower is undoubtedly one of the most magnificent buildings in the world. To this day, this building remains the tallest skyscraper in the United States.

The cost of the 443-meter-high Sears Tower was $150 million—a fairly impressive sum at that time. Today the equivalent cost would be almost $1 billion.

The main building material used to construct the Sears Tower was steel.

You don’t need to be an expert in physics and seismology to understand that a structure 509.2 meters high is at very high risk during an earthquake. That is why Asian engineers once decided to secure one of the architectural pearls of Taiwan in a rather original way - with the help of a giant ball or stabilizer ball.

The project, costing more than $4 million, involves installing a giant ball weighing 728 tons on the upper tiers of the skyscraper, turned out to be one of the most striking engineering experiments of recent times. Suspended on thick cables, the ball plays the role of a stabilizer, allowing it to “dampen” vibrations of the building structure during an earthquake.

№1 Burj Dubai, Dubai, UAE

The tower is equipped with 56 elevators (by the way, the fastest in the world), boutiques, swimming pools, luxury apartments, hotels and observation platforms. A distinctive characteristic of the construction is the international composition of the working team: a South Korean contractor, American architects, Indian builders. Four thousand people took part in the construction.

Records set by the Burj Dubai:

* the building with the largest number of floors - 160 (the previous record was 110 for the Sears Tower skyscrapers and the destroyed twin towers);

* tallest building - 611.3 m (previous record - 508 m at the Taipei 101 skyscraper);

* the tallest free-standing structure - 611.3 m (the previous record was 553.3 m at the CN Tower);

* the highest height of injection of concrete mixture for buildings is 601.0 m (the previous record was 449.2 m for the Taipei 101 skyscraper);

* the highest height of injection of concrete mixture for any structure is 601.0 m (the previous record was 532 m at the Riva del Garda hydroelectric station);

* in 2008, the height of the Burj Dubai exceeded the height of the Warsaw radio tower (646 m), the building became the tallest ground-based structure in the history of human construction.

* On January 17, 2009, Burj Dubai reached a declared height of 818 m, becoming the tallest erected structure in the world.

Tall skyscrapers often frighten people who are terrified of heights. However, even on the observation decks of such buildings it is quite safe. The sensations overwhelming a person standing on the tallest building on the planet can only be compared with the impressions of the first flight on an airplane and the view from the window from a height of a thousand feet. And such a comparison is fair, since some skyscrapers “hide” their upper floors high in the clouds. We compiled a rating that included tallest buildings in the world.

Kingkey-100 (China, Shenzhen) 442 m

Kingkey 100 is a mixed-use high-rise building located in the city of Shenzhen, right in the center of the financial district of Guangdong Province. At first, the skyscraper bore the name “Finance Center Plaza”, which was later changed to “100” in order to indicate the number of floors.

The height of the Kingkey 100 building is 442 meters. It was built in 2011 and is the fourth tallest in China.

The lower levels of the skyscraper are used for various offices (68 floors), followed by the KK Mall shopping center and the St. Regis Hotel.” The last four floors are dedicated to the “Sky Garden” and elite restaurants.

Willis Tower (USA, Chicago) 443.2 m

Built in 1973, Willis Tower held the title tallest building in the world for about 25 years, and until 2009 bore the name Sears Tower. The 110-story building is located in the North American city of Chicago.

Currently, Willis Tower is the second tallest building in the United States. Its height is 443.2 meters.

More than a million Americans and tourists visit the Willis Tower every day, as the building is included in almost every tourist route around the famous Chicago.

Zifeng Tower (China, Nanjing) 450 m

The tower, called Zifeng, was completed in mid-2008 in the business center of the Chinese city of Nanjing. It has a stepped shape and contains 89 floors. The original design was developed by American architect Adrian Smith.

Being the third tallest building in China, the tower is 450 meters high.

The facade of the structure is made of glass and steel, which reflect the sun's rays, giving Zifeng Tower a stunning sparkling appearance. Inside there are office and entertainment centers, shopping areas, an observatory and luxury restaurants and hotels.

Petronas Twin Towers (Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur) 452 m

The Petronas Twin Towers are a unique architectural masterpiece of the twentieth century. Built in 1998, the structure has become the main attraction of the city of Kuala Lumpur, the capital of Malaysia. In plan, the entire complex resembles an eight-pointed star in the “Islamic” style.

The two identical skyscrapers are 452 meters high and have 88 floors each. They are connected to each other by an original glass passage at the level of the forty-first floor.

Tallest building on the planet Petronas Towers was from 1998 to 2004. “Gemini” is extremely popular among tourists, as evidenced by the difficulty of getting a ticket to visit this magnificent skyscraper.

International Commerce Center (China, Hong Kong) 484 m

The Hong Kong International Commercial Center was built in 2010 in the city's Kowloon area. Currently, there are more than 4,000 buildings in the Autonomous Region of China, with more than fifty floors, but the International Commerce Center is the tallest in Hong Kong.

The 118-story building reaches a height of 484 meters, which is the third highest in all of China.

Inside the international center there is an observatory, shops, offices, shopping centers, as well as a luxury hotel - the world-famous Ritz-Carlton-HongKong, which has seven stars. From the panoramic platform you can see Hong Kong and Victoria Harbor.

492 m

The World Financial Center, as the name suggests, is located in Shanghai. Its construction was completed in 2008. Because of its original design, developed by the American David Mallott, the center is popularly called the “opener.”

China's tallest building reaches a height of 492 meters, and its 101st floor houses conference rooms, hotels, office space and restaurants.

On the hundredth floor there is a unique observation deck with a magnificent panorama of modern Shanghai, including the famous “Pearls of the Orient” television tower.

Taipei 101 (Taiwan, Taipei) 509.2 m

Located in the capital Taipei, the 101-story Taipei skyscraper, which opened in 2003, is Taiwan's tallest building. Externally, the skyscraper resembles the Tower of Babel

The height of the building (including the spire) is 509.2 meters. For such beauty, designers and builders received 1.7 billion dollars.

In addition to the usual offices, restaurants and hotels, Taipei 101 has the world's fastest elevators, the speed of which reaches 50.5 km/h.

1 World Trade Center (USA, New York 541 m

1 World Trade Center, also known as the Freedom Tower, is the centerpiece of the new Lower Manhattan complex in New York City.

With a height of 541 meters, the center occupies third position in our ranking tallest buildings in the world and maintains leadership in the Western Hemisphere.

This building was erected as a monument to the events of September 11. Inside there are office offices, restaurants, and a stunning observation deck rising 415 meters.

Abraj al-Bayt (Saudi Arabia, Mecca) 601 m

The Royal Chapel, with its main tower named Abraj al-Bayt, is a complex of seven skyscrapers located in Mecca, Saudi Arabia.

It is the 120-story Abraj al-Bayt tower, equipped with a clock in the style of London's Big Ben, that reaches a height of 601 meters and is the second tallest among all buildings in the world.

Inside the entire complex there are luxury residential apartments, helipads, hotels, boutiques, as well as a huge car park.

Burj Khalifa (UAE, Dubai) 828 m

"Burj Khalifa", known until 2010 as "Burj Dubai" - tallest building in the world. The structure, whose shape resembles a stalagmite, is located in the United Arab Emirates.

Construction of the 828-meter Burj Khalifa was completed in January 2010.

The building has 163 floors, most of which (154) are residential. In addition, there is a huge hotel, offices, an observation deck, a shopping center and underground parking for three thousand cars.

People have long learned to build tall houses; now many live literally above the clouds. How did it all begin?

The tallest house in the world. "Home Insurance"

In 1885, the world's first skyscraper, Home Insurance, was built in Chicago. Now this may sound funny, but it was only ten floors. The height of the building was forty-two meters. The house was designed by architect William LeBaron Jenny. His brainchild was not only the first high-rise, but also the first frame building. It was thanks to the frame of steel beams and curtain walls that it was possible to build a structure of such height. This also made it possible to later add two more floors to Home Insurance. The twelve-story skyscraper was demolished in 1931. In America, and in the rest of the world, taller buildings began to be built, and over time, the generally accepted category of “skyscraper” arose - a building with more than 150 floors.

The tallest house in the world. "Burj Khalifa"

A century and a half passed (and in the scale of history this is not so much), and human ambitions made it possible to build a building whose height was twenty times greater than the height of the first skyscraper. In January 2010, the official opening of the Burj Khalifa skyscraper took place. Initially, it was planned to call it “Dubai Tower” (“Burj Dubai”), but then they decided to rename the colossal skyscraper in honor of Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed al-Nahyan, the president. The height of the building is 828 meters, it consists of 162 floors. Construction was carried out at a record pace; it began in 2004 and they managed to build one or two floors. The enormously tall building, which cost four billion dollars to build, despite having to be rebuilt many times, was completed in just five years.

Comparison information. The tallest building of the late nineteenth century - the famous German Cologne Cathedral - took more than six hundred years to build. Construction began in 1248 and ended in 1880. The height of the cathedral was 157 meters.

Typically, such tall skyscrapers house hotels, shops and office space, but « Burj Khalifa also created a thousand luxury residential apartments. The tallest house in the world gives you the opportunity to live “beyond the clouds”, but for this you need to spend an exorbitant amount of money. The cost of one square meter of housing there ranges from 10 to 20 thousand dollars.

The tallest house in the world. "Mercury City Tower"

In 2013, construction of the Mercury City Tower skyscraper was completed in Moscow. In total, it will have 77 above-ground and 5 underground floors. The height of the building is almost 340 meters, thanks to which the skyscraper has already received the title of “The Tallest Building in Europe”. There will be restaurants, shopping and entertainment areas, office space, apartments and a penthouse with large underground parking.

The longest house is also located in our capital. In Moscow, in the Otradnoe district, on Rimsky-Korsakov Street, there is a house whose total length exceeds 1000 meters. It was not so long right away; over the years, new sections were added to the house, so several postal addresses were assigned to one building. To get around the house, you need to take an almost hour-long walk.

Almost every country has record-breaking houses - these are the largest residential buildings, castle houses of enormous area and private houses. The largest cities in the world boast incredible skyscrapers.

Where and when were the first skyscrapers built?

Tall buildings began to appear in America with incredible intensity at the end of the 19th century, which was associated with the desire to make the most of increasingly expensive urban land. Since brick can be used to build a building whose height does not exceed thirty-three meters, the height of buildings under construction at that time had strict restrictions.

Only in 1880 in the USA, an entirely new construction technology was proposed by an architect named William Le Baron Jenney. At the heart of the building was a load-bearing steel frame, which bore the main weight of the structure. Thanks to this technology, it became possible to build high-rise buildings, which became known as skyscrapers.

In 1885, the first ten-story building with a height of forty-two meters was built in the city of Chicago using the technology proposed by Jenny, and it became the first skyscraper. The house was owned by an insurance company. The world's first skyscraper was named "The Home Insurance Building". Six years later, the ten-story high-rise building acquired two more floors, thanks to which it reached a height of fifty-five meters. The world's first skyscraper existed until 1931.

Despite the fact that the first skyscraper was built using the technology of William Jenney, the so-called “father of skyscrapers” is considered to be another person. We are talking about James Bogardas, who used cast iron and iron columns and beams during construction back in 1848. Bogardas built the five-story Cast Iron building in New York. However, it was not considered a skyscraper.

The largest castle house

As you know, the family of Elizabeth II has several famous estates, including Holyrood Palace, Windsor Castle, and Buckingham Palace. The largest castle house is Windsor Castle, located in Berkshire, which the current Queen of England has owned for more than sixty years.

The area of ​​the castle is about forty-six thousand square meters. It has undergone many changes and renovations throughout its history; today it has about a thousand rooms. Built by William the Conqueror in the eleventh century, this castle occupied a defensive position. It is located in a place that has almost never been threatened by conquerors. After Elizabeth II ascended the throne, Windsor Castle became the main royal home

The world's largest private house

There are many large houses in the world, but there are far fewer large private houses. The largest of them is Antilia. Its construction began in 2002 in Mumbai for an Indian billionaire and his family and has now been completed.

The height of the house is twenty-seven floors, corresponding to sixty standard floors. Antilia is capable of withstanding a magnitude 8 earthquake. The largest private building has nine elevators. There is a parking lot on six floors, where the owner’s car collection is located, and the seventh floor is reserved for a private car service. Another floor is a small theater. This is followed by floors with ballrooms, swimming pools, and gardens. The millionaire's family occupies four floors, and three floors house six hundred service personnel. The main concept of the project is a mixture of architectural elements and styles, which, being consistently connected, are never repeated. There are no repetitions in finishing materials.

The world's largest private house is also the world's most expensive private building. Its estimated value, along with the land on which it is built, is estimated at approximately two billion dollars. This is not at all surprising when you consider that the owner is Mukesh Ambani, whose name ranks fifth in terms of wealth in the world.

The largest residential building in the world

Among all residential buildings built on the planet, the house in Volgograd is recognized as the largest. Its length is one kilometer one hundred and forty meters. This nine-story building was built in the second half of the seventies of the last century. You can see this longest residential building in its entirety only from a bird's eye view. It is shaped like a capital letter "e".

The Volgograd record building has one thousand four hundred apartments and many administrative premises. Residents of the city call it “gut” and are proud of such a landmark. The tallest monument to Lenin is located in Volgograd - 57 meters. .

Another contender for the title of the largest residential building in the world is located in the city of Lutsk. Its shape resembles a “honeycomb” and is located on two streets – Molodezhi Street and Sobornost Avenue. The townspeople call it the “Great Wall of China.” Its length is one kilometer, seven hundred and fifty meters, but if we count all the “shoots”, the length will be two kilometers, seven hundred and seventy-five meters. Construction of the house began in 1969 and was completed only in 1980. The long building united forty buildings of different heights, with one hundred and twenty entrances.
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Size matters when it comes to building heights. The most majestic buildings in the world fascinate with their dimensions and provide a person with the opportunity to see the city in which they are located from a bird's eye view. For this purpose, many skyscrapers have built special observation platforms.

Height 414 meters

A tower from Kuwait opens the top ten tallest buildings in the world. One of the most beautiful asymmetrical skyscrapers was built in 2011. Its height was 414 meters, on which there were 80 floors. Shopping centers accounted for 6 floors, and car parking - 11. In addition, the tower housed offices, commercial premises, cinema halls, clubs, restaurants and much more. It took about 6 years to build the structure. The construction cost the state $500 million. Al Hamra boasts not only its height and unusual shape, but also 5 architectural awards, which it was awarded for its unusual design. Besides everything, this is one of the most reliable and durable structures, which is not afraid of natural disasters.

Height 415 meters

Chinese skyscraper International Finance Center Tower 2 from Hong Kong ranks ninth among the tallest structures in the world. The 415-meter-high structure includes 88 floors. The Four Seasons Hotel Hong Kong is located on 40 floors, and the rest of the territory is occupied by shopping centers and office space. The building is designed for 5000 people. The tallest Chinese skyscraper was built in 1999.

Height 443 meters

The Chicago Tower is in eighth place among the tallest buildings. Sears Tower. Its height is just over 443 meters. The skyscraper includes 110 floors. Construction of the building began in the 70th year of the last century, and construction was completed in 1973. For 20 years, the tower held the title of the tallest building in the world and only in 1998 lost to the twin towers from Malaysia. The cost of the project at that time was 150 million, which in our time equates to 1 billion dollars. The main material for construction was steel. The design consists of 10 square pipes that form a giant square at the base. The Sears Tower area is 418,000 square meters. m. The building includes 104 high-speed elevators, which divide the structure into three zones.

Height 452 meters

Two twin skyscrapers PETRONAS Twins Towers, located in Malaysia, are the seventh tallest buildings in the world. In 1998, some of the tallest towers in the world were erected, which were connected by an aerial double-decker bridge at an altitude of 170 meters. The buildings rise at a level of 452 meters from the ground and have 88 floors. 800 million dollars were spent on construction. The total area of ​​the structure was 213,750 square meters. m., and the twins themselves occupy an area of ​​40 hectares. There is an art gallery, exhibition and conference rooms, various offices, residential apartments and much more.

Height 494 meters

Shanghai World Financial Center from Shanghai ranks sixth among the tallest skyscrapers in the world. The Shanghai World Financial Center was built in 2008 and its height is 494 meters. On the 101st floor there are conference rooms, offices, hotels, and shopping centers. The topmost floors are observation platforms. The skyscraper covers an area of ​​377,000 square meters. m., has 31 elevators and 33 escalators. The maximum height of the Shanghai World Financial Center was originally expected to be 510 meters due to the spire that was wanted to be added to the top of the structure. But the architect William Pedersen did not agree with this proposal and the construction stopped at around 494 m.

Height 506 meters

Fifth place is occupied by the tallest building in Europe, erected in Moscow in 2015. The maximum height of the building with roof was 506 meters. The building is a complex of two towers - “East” and “West”. The total area of ​​the complex includes an area of ​​442,915.2 sq.m. The Vostok Tower is significantly higher than its “neighbor” and consists of 95 floors. There is a shopping gallery, various offices and apartments here.

Height 541 meters

The fourth position among the tallest buildings in the world is occupied by the Manhattan Tower of New York. One World Trade Center. The World Trade Center was built on the site of the former destroyed complex in 2001. The center is also called the Freedom Tower. The construction of the 541 meter high skyscraper was completed in 2013. The building includes 109 floors, 5 of which are underground. It houses many offices, shops and restaurants. There are also viewing platforms here.

Height 571 meters

The Taiwanese skyscraper opens the top three tallest skyscrapers in the world. The planned building, 571 meters high, began construction in 1999, and its opening took place at the end of 2003. About 1.7 billion dollars were spent on construction. Taipei 101 is considered one of the symbols of Taiwan. The architectural structure is equipped with 106 floors, 101 of which are above ground. The tower contains a huge shopping center with over a hundred different stores. There are also a large number of restaurants and clubs here. Asian engineers thought through the project to the smallest detail and protected Taipei 101 from destruction during a possible earthquake. Its design includes a special ball, which plays the role of shock absorbers and will not allow the tower to fall apart.

Height 601 meters

The second place in the ranking of the tallest buildings is occupied by the Royal Clock Tower from Saudi Arabia. The building with the largest clock in the world was built in 2012 and reached a height of 601 meters. In total, the Royal Clock Tower has 120 floors. At its very top there is a giant clock with a diameter of 43 meters. They can be seen from absolutely anywhere in the city of Mecca, where the building is located.

Height 828 meters

The first place among the tallest structures erected by man is occupied by a tower from the capital of the UAE. This skyscraper resembles a stalagmite in shape. Construction of the building began in 2004 and was completed in 2010. It took workers three days to build one floor. About 4 thousand people took part in the construction. Ultimately, the Dubai Tower was 828 meters high. More than 4 billion dollars were spent on its construction. The building is equipped with 56 elevators, which are considered the fastest in the world. Inside there are various offices, residential apartments, hotels, shopping and entertainment centers, observation decks and much more.