Rose hips during breastfeeding. Is it possible to drink rosehip during lactation - recipes for a nursing mother Why should you drink rosehip while breastfeeding?

  • 08.05.2022

Traditional medicine has always been of higher quality and more reliable than any modern medicines, especially for pregnant women or nursing mothers. Now many doctors recommend using decoctions and tinctures that contain rose hips while breastfeeding. This product will help in the fight against harmful bacteria and will contribute to the health of not only the mother, but also the baby.

About rosehip

In fact, there are quite a few people who could argue with the fact that rosehip is a beneficial element for human health. As you know, it is a beautiful bush, which at the very beginning of autumn is covered with fruits of bright scarlet color. They have a rich chemical composition, which is described in more detail below.

The rosehip got its name from the small prickly thorns found on the branches of the bush. Due to its many beneficial properties, it is rightfully considered an effective medicine in the field of traditional medicine. It is for this reason that women often wonder whether it is possible to drink rosehip decoctions and tinctures while breastfeeding, and how it will affect the baby.

Chemical composition

Rosehip is very useful for breastfeeding, because the ripe fruit contains substances that are beneficial for the mother and baby:

  • vitamins C, B, E and others;
  • carotene;
  • malic and citric acids;
  • phytoncides;
  • riboflavin;
  • micro- and macroelements;
  • tannins.

Benefits during breastfeeding

The rich chemical composition makes it possible to provide the human body with a huge amount of vitamins and essential minerals. Therefore, when the question arises about whether rose hip decoction can be consumed every day while breastfeeding, the answer is immediately clear.

The decoction will be especially useful after the mother of a newborn child has suffered a serious illness. After all, since ancient times they have been used to treat diseases associated with the urinary tract, as well as the nervous and digestive systems. In addition, rose hips can cure anemia, gallbladder pathology and improve heart function.

Preparations made on the basis of this product help:

  • normalize the mother's cholesterol level;
  • fight bleeding gums;
  • strengthen the immune system;
  • cope with any inflammatory processes;
  • improve metabolism;
  • fight various viruses;
  • cleanse the female body of toxins.

All this and much more has a positive effect on the health of absolutely any person, and especially on a woman who is breastfeeding or during pregnancy.

Can I drink while breastfeeding?

Some mothers are wondering whether rose hips can be consumed regularly while breastfeeding, or whether it is better not to create a strict schedule and drink it at any time. As we have already figured out, nursing mothers can drink infusions, but in what quantities and at what time is a personal matter for each mother.

In addition to strengthening the immune system and improving the health of the body, rose hips can also significantly increase lactation, and its astringent properties will help in the treatment of loose stools and diarrhea in both mother and child.

The most common remedy for increasing lactation has become one consisting of a strong decoction of rose hips, as well as hot milk. This folk remedy is quite effective and today it is in great demand due to its fast action and minimal financial costs. It is enough just to drink a glass of this tea half an hour before feeding, and the milk will begin to flow much faster.

The diuretic properties of the shrub are guaranteed to maintain a normal water-salt balance, thanks to which the decoctions help rid the body of swelling. There is no need to worry about milk production, since the water required for milk production always remains in the body.

How to use

Physiologically, the process of milk accumulation itself is directly related to the action of hormones in the mother’s body. Hormones such as prolactin and oxytocin determine the amount of milk specifically for the newborn.

In fact, you can use it not only while breastfeeding. In addition to it, there are several more delicious and healthy recipes:

  1. Tea. Brewing rose hips to improve lactation is quite simple. To do this, you need to take a ready-made collection, which is sold at any pharmacy. The first step is to boil water, place the fruits in a thoroughly washed thermos and pour boiling water over them. This tea can be consumed throughout the day. It will not only contribute to the rapid arrival of milk, but will also become a preventive measure for colds, which a nursing mother does not need at all during this period of life.
  2. Syrup. In addition to tincture and tea, syrup helps well with lactation, thanks to which all useful substances are preserved and at the same time the comfort of use increases. It can also be purchased at many pharmacies at a low cost.


During breastfeeding, rose hips can only be consumed by the mother, but it is not advisable for the baby to drink it. After all, as you know, it has a diuretic effect and is able to wash away beneficial elements from the newborn’s body.

In addition, its fruits can easily cause allergic reactions. Therefore, a nursing mother should use the decoction very carefully.

  • tendency to constipation;
  • ulcer;
  • hypotension (the decoction lowers blood pressure) and hypertension (the tincture increases blood pressure);
  • gastritis;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system (should be used with extreme caution).

If a nursing mother has at least one of the listed ailments, then this fact must be taken into account before drinking the decoction. And if none of these diseases are observed, then rosehip itself is not capable of causing harm to the body.

Impact on the baby

So, a lot has already been said about the effect of rose hips on the mother’s body; now we need to understand the effect on the child’s body. This will once again answer the question of whether it is possible to drink rose hips while breastfeeding a child.

A baby can easily develop an allergy to vitamin C, because its reputation is not trustworthy among all people. Although some children tolerate it quite easily, so it does not cause concern among parents. But even if you give a decoction to a child, you need to remember the minimum portions, since consumption in large quantities, which would be the norm for an adult, can lead to stomach upsets of a small and still fragile organism.

Many of us have seen beautiful flowering rosehip bushes, which by autumn are covered with scarlet or orange fruits. Rosehip branches are covered with prickly thorns, hence its name.

It turns out that this relative of the garden rose is not only beautiful, but also useful. Its fruits contain C and carotene, as well as other vitamins and microelements important for humans. Therefore, the benefits of rose hips are undeniable. But nursing mothers carefully “scan” every product they eat to see if it’s harmful to the baby? Is it possible to use rose hips while breastfeeding? Let’s find out.

Is rosehip beneficial?

Since ancient times, rose hips have been used to treat the organs of the digestive and urinary systems, blood vessels, gallbladder diseases, etc. It is drunk when there is a general loss of strength, after a debilitating illness. Pharmacy rosehip syrup "Holosas" has a choleretic effect; it is prescribed after Botkin's disease, restoring liver function.

Useful properties of rose hips

  • Fights pathogenic bacteria;
  • Improves metabolism in the body, helping to fight extra pounds;
  • Has anti-inflammatory and healing effects;
  • Normalizes blood pressure;
  • Increases immunity to diseases, improves work;
  • Has a general strengthening effect;
  • Helps with bleeding and anemia.

Rosehip petals contain essential oil, flavonoids, tannins and sugars, leaves - catechin, saponin, phenolcarboxylic acid, seeds - vitamin "E".

Dried rosehip retains all its beneficial qualities. It is brewed in winter and drunk as a healing drink that helps replenish the body with vitamins and microelements lost during the cold season. Rose hips must be dried in the air in the shade or in the oven at 80 degrees. Rose hips are well stored in paper or woven bags and do not lose their beneficial qualities over time.

Contraindications to the use of rose hips during breastfeeding

  • Rosehip tincture with alcohol should not be taken by hypertensive patients; it is recommended for hypotensive patients. Rose hip decoctions reduce blood pressure, so it is not safe for hypotensive patients to drink them;
  • Rosehip has a large amount of ascorbic acid, so it should be drunk with great caution by those who are prone to or have peptic ulcers;
  • A strong rosehip decoction can harm your teeth; it is better to rinse your mouth after taking it;
  • For people suffering from thrombophlebitis, teas with rose hips are contraindicated;
  • Use rose hips with caution for diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • Rosehip root-based products slow down the production of bile, and their use can affect liver function. Those who suffer from constipation should not aggravate their troubles by taking a decoction of rosehip root. Rose hips can cause increased gas formation, so it is better to neutralize this effect by eating celery or dill;
  • Dermatological problems also require careful use of rose hips.

Nursing mothers who have any of the listed ailments should take this into account when intending to drink a glass or two of rosehip decoction. If you do not have these diseases, rosehip in itself does not cause any harm during breastfeeding.

Is rose hips good for children?

Tea made from rose hips is given to children as an immunostimulating and general tonic, protecting against colds. Rosehip syrup is given, calculating the amount based on the child’s weight. Water decoction – a glass a day.

Drinks with rose hips are undesirable for newborns, as they have a strong diuretic effect, washing away all the beneficial substances from the baby’s body. Rosehip may be an allergen, so a nursing mother needs to take this point into account when drinking the drink herself.

How to properly use rose hips while breastfeeding?

There are some rules for brewing rose hips:

  1. Before brewing, the rose hips are washed well;
  2. About 100 grams of rose hips are taken per liter of water;
  3. Most vitamins are contained in its pulp, so rose hips must be mashed or ground;
  4. The infusion and decoction are prepared in a sealed container. The decoction is infused for about 5 hours;
  5. Before use, strain the rosehip decoction or infusion.

Rose hips can be used when preparing multi-ingredient drinks: with black currants, rowan berries or dried fruits. This drink will not only give you energy, but also help quench your thirst on a hot day.

Rosehip oil can be used as part of industrial cosmetic creams or as an independent remedy against stretch marks during pregnancy and breastfeeding, as a means of combating problem skin, protecting the epidermis from drying out and preventing aging. Rosehip oil helps regenerate the mucous membranes and skin, making the skin soft and smooth, without wrinkles.

Photobank Lori

There is more vitamin C in rose hips than in lemons and apples.
Rosehip decoction gives a pronounced tonic effect.
Due to its astringent properties, rose hips are effective for intestinal disorders.

Benefits and effects on the body

The mineral complex contained in rose hips helps blood formation and eliminates bleeding gums that women experience in the last trimester of pregnancy and after childbirth. Broth and tea with rose hips reduce the permeability of the walls of blood vessels. Plant extracts eliminate inflammation and regulate the functioning of the pancreas and normalize cholesterol levels.

Kholosas (rose hip syrup) is recommended for cholecystitis and liver diseases, including hepatitis. The diuretic and choleretic effect contribute to a gentle cleansing of the body. Vitamins (A, B-groups, C, E, PP) increase the body's resistance to seasonal infections. Dietary fiber improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and has a slight strengthening effect.

Rosehip and lactation

Buryat tea - a mixture of strong rosehip decoction with hot milk - is an ancient folk remedy that was used to increase lactation. There is no scientific data regarding its effectiveness, but many nursing mothers note that if you drink such a drink half an hour before feeding, milk comes in faster.

Despite the diuretic effect, rosehip does not interfere with milk production, since it only removes excess water without reducing the required fluid reserves.

Allergy to rosehip in children most often manifests itself in the form of skin reactions - rashes on the cheeks and redness. Of course, if such symptoms appear, rose hips will have to be excluded from your diet.

When rose hips are contraindicated

Rose hips, as well as decoctions, tinctures and any other drinks made from it, have a powerful effect on the body and require compliance with certain safety measures. Rose hips should not be used:

With thrombophlebitis and increased thrombosis;
if you are allergic to the product;
with ulcers and increased acidity of gastric juice;
if you have high blood pressure, you should exclude alcohol tinctures from rose hips;
for constipation.

It is important to know

As a rule, dried rose hips are used for decoction. When crushing, dust and particles of fruit peel can cause irritation on the skin, so they must be crushed carefully.
It is not recommended to eat raw rose hips while breastfeeding, as they can cause increased gas formation and discomfort in the baby.
Before brewing, rose hips must be washed in running water.
When preparing a decoction, rose hips (10 berries per 2 liters of water) are poured with boiling water and infused in a thermos or a closed glass jar for 2-4 hours.

Rosehip decoction is traditionally considered a source of vitamins and is invariably recommended for pregnant and nursing mothers. But is it safe to use rose hips while breastfeeding? This issue worries many women who are afraid of harming their baby, and as a result, they sharply limit the variety of products, especially in the initial period of breastfeeding.

You can and should drink rosehip while breastfeeding; it not only has a positive effect on the immunity of mother and baby, but can also increase lactation. The benefits of a decoction of such berries are due to the high content of vitamin C - in this, rose hips are ahead of apples and even lemons. In addition, it is worth noting its astringent properties, which makes it possible to use the berry decoction as a preventive measure for loose stools in both mother and baby.

As for increasing lactation, the so-called Buryat tea, consisting of a strong decoction of fruits and hot milk, has gained great popularity. This folk remedy has been tested for years and invariably receives positive ratings for its effectiveness and accessibility. Young mothers successfully use this tea to increase their milk supply - this alternative to all kinds of pharmaceutical preparations is not only more economical, but also more tasty. It is enough to drink this tea 30 minutes before the start of feeding so that the milk begins to actively flow.

It is also worth noting the diuretic properties of rose hips. This effect allows you to maintain a normal water-salt balance, get rid of swelling and generally improve your mood due to a feeling of lightness in the body, freed from excess fluid. At the same time, you should not worry about milk production - the water necessary for the production of breast milk does not leave the body, the diuretic effect involves getting rid of excess fluid that accumulates in the cells due to the consumption of large amounts of salt.

The effect of rose hips on body systems

The rich chemical composition of the berries determines the intake of a mineral complex and a complex of vitamins into the body of the mother and baby, which have a positive effect on the process of hematopoiesis and at the same time eliminate bleeding gums, which is especially important for pregnant and lactating mothers. Decoctions and extracts of rose hips have the following effects:

Contraindications to taking rose hips

  • Increased thrombosis, thrombophlebitis;
  • Individual intolerance of both the mother and the child’s body - an allergic reaction to this product is most often expressed in the form of a rash on the skin of the abdomen;
  • Gastrointestinal diseases - ulcers, high acidity of gastric juice;
  • Tendency to constipation.

When choosing rose hips for a nursing mother, you should consider the following nuances:

  • Fruits must be thoroughly washed before brewing;
  • When preparing a decoction for a nursing mother, it is necessary to use only dried fruits - fresh berries can cause increased gas formation, which will be painful for the baby;
  • When preparing a decoction, it is better not to crush the fruits, as this can cause skin irritation.

How to properly prepare a decoction?

To prepare a decoction and at the same time preserve all the vitamins and minerals in the drink, you should proceed as follows. Brewing is carried out in a thermos - per liter of water you need to put 4 tablespoons in the flask. fruits - you should first chop them if desired. The berries are poured with boiling water and left overnight. In the morning, you should add a little sugar to the resulting drink and take half a glass half an hour before feeding. The strong recommendation to use a thermos is due to the destructive effect of ultraviolet radiation on vitamins, which are destroyed in light. If there is no thermos, then the infusion can be prepared in a closed aluminum pan and kept the drink under a closed lid during the day.

No one doubts the value of rose hips, but the environmental friendliness of the raw material is often questioned. The fact is that fruits are often collected along highways, which causes the saturation of dry fruits with carcinogens. Ideally, you should collect the fruits yourself - only in this case can you be sure of the quality of the resulting drink.

The first dose of rosehip infusion should be taken in the morning - half a glass a day is enough to monitor the presence of an allergic reaction. If there are cases of allergies in the family of one of the parents, then take the infusion for the first time with 1 teaspoon. If an allergy manifests itself, it will be obvious during the day. Itching, burning and redness on the baby’s body will notify that acquaintance with rose hips should be postponed for several months. If no allergic reaction is detected, then you can drink the infusion to increase lactation up to 1 liter per day.

If there is enough milk, then rose hips can also be used as a source of vitamin C. In this regard, the fruits of the rose bush are much healthier than lemons and are better absorbed, since for Russians rose hips are a local plant. This allows it to be easily absorbed by the body, unlike citrus fruits which, with a lower content of ascorbic acid, are much more likely to cause an allergic reaction.

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Rosehip is one of the most popular plants among adherents of traditional medicine. It can be used to treat and prevent not only colds, but also many other ailments. Can rose hips be consumed while breastfeeding? Will it harm the baby? How to use this plant correctly for a nursing mother?

Rose hips during breastfeeding: benefit or harm?

What makes rose hips medicinal is the rich composition of nutrients and microelements contained in the fruits, roots and leaves:

  • Vitamins B, A, C, etc.
  • Minerals (iron, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, etc.).
  • Carotene.
  • Tannins.
  • Phytoncides.
  • Lemon acid.
  • Apple acid.
  • Riboflavin.
  • Essential oils.

Thanks to all these components, the plant has many beneficial properties:

  • Bactericidal and regenerating effects.
  • Boosting immunity.
  • Raising the overall tone of the body.
  • Choleretic effect.
  • Regulation of hormonal balance.
  • Improving carbohydrate metabolism
  • Anti-sclerotic property.

Most often, rose hips are taken in the treatment and prevention of colds, especially during exacerbations in winter and autumn. Most of those who have tried this method of therapy note its effectiveness, simplicity and low cost.

Sometimes you can find advice about giving rosehip decoction to newborns from a bottle or spoon to prevent colds and viral diseases. This cannot be done! The manifestation of allergic reactions in this case will be tens of times more severe than when the same decoction is consumed by a nursing mother

In addition to colds, traditional healers offer rose hips for the treatment of the genitourinary system and kidneys, ulcerative and endocrine diseases, vitamin deficiency, diseases of the liver and biliary system, atherosclerosis, etc.

How can rose hips be useful for nursing mothers? There are a lot of positive aspects:

  • Restoring the balance of vitamins and microelements in the body after pregnancy.
  • Prevention of seasonal colds.
  • Boosting immunity in mother and baby.
  • Increased lactation.
  • Restoring carbohydrate metabolism contributes to faster weight loss.
  • General strengthening of the body and raising the tone gives strength to care for the child.
  • The diuretic property of the plant will help get rid of swelling.

Despite the impressive list of valuable qualities of rose hips, if used carelessly during breastfeeding, it can cause harm to both the nursing mother and the baby.

Rose hips are a strong allergen due to their high content of bright pigment. If a child is prone to allergic reactions, then there is a high probability that harmless rosehip tea will lead to undesirable consequences in the form of rashes, intestinal discomfort or swelling in the infant.

Rosehip tea is also not recommended for children under one year of age. This is due not only to possible allergies, but also to the diuretic properties of the plant, as a result of which the child’s body can lose many useful substances and become dehydrated.

You can start giving this drink only after the baby turns 1 year old. It is better to add a little decoction (start with 1 teaspoon) to your baby’s usual compote or juice, rather than offering a concentrated rosehip drink.

Experts do not limit the use of rosehip decoctions and teas for nursing mothers. Only those whose children are too sensitive to allergens from the fruits of this plant should not drink such drinks.

How to brew rose hips correctly during breastfeeding

To get the maximum benefit, rose hips need to be brewed correctly.

  • Boiling kills most of the beneficial vitamins and microelements, so it is better to use the infusion method.
  • To prepare the infusion, it is better to take a thermos with a glass flask or an enamel saucepan.
  • It is better to use fruits that you have prepared yourself, since it is not known where the pharmaceutical rose hips were collected.
  • Take 3-4 tablespoons of berries per liter of boiled hot water.
  • You need to infuse the healthy drink for at least 12 hours. It is better to pour the fruits in the evening, and in the morning the aromatic healthy drink will be ready.
  • To make the taste of the broth more pleasant, you can put a spoonful of sugar or honey in a glass. Nursing mothers need to be careful with these components so as not to harm the baby.

Rosehip infusion can be drunk as a stand-alone drink, or added to your usual tea or compote.

Another useful recipe is a decoction of rosehip roots. The rhizomes of the plant have no less beneficial properties than the fruits. Another benefit of roots is that they are much less allergenic. Drinking such a drink will also bring many benefits to the nursing mother and baby, and the risk of a reaction in the baby will be much lower.

For a glass of water (250 ml) you need to take a tablespoon of dried crushed rosehip roots. The rhizomes are filled with water and simmered over low heat for about 15-20 minutes. Then you need to remove the drink from the heat, let it cool completely and only then strain. It is better to drink this decoction right away. You can store it in a thermos, but it is better to prepare a new portion each time.

Rosehip decoction is not the best way to prepare a drink, since vitamin C is destroyed at high temperatures, and it is responsible for the prevention and treatment of colds and strengthening the immune system. It is better to use infusion, juice or syrup. It is acceptable to consume raw fruits (no more than 10-20 g per day)

How much rosehip-based drink can a nursing mother drink?

Since the fruits of this plant are quite a strong allergen, you should not be overzealous with their consumption. To begin with, it is enough to drink 50-100 ml of the drink. If there is no negative reaction from the baby, then you can gradually increase the amount of infusion to 1 liter per day.

A decoction based on rosehip roots can be drunk no more than a glass a day - this amount is quite enough to saturate the body with useful substances.

Rosehip is a unique plant that will be very useful for a young nursing woman, but you need to remember the possible risks, observe moderation and be attentive to the baby’s reactions to new products in the mother’s diet.