Salty flatbreads on water. Water cakes: recipes

  • 07.08.2024

Is the house out of bread? Is your family used to eating fresh bread for breakfast? But shouldn’t we run to the store now? There is the simplest option - make delicious water cakes from products that you probably have in your home. Plus, your flatbreads will be much healthier and tastier than regular store-bought bread. And believe me, your household will appreciate your creation.

In order to quickly prepare the dough for our flatbreads, you need the following basic components:

flour, water, vegetable oil, a little salt and sugar, soda (baking powder) - optional.

The simplest recipe

You need to mix flour (500 grams), water (1 tbsp.), salt - ½ teaspoon and baking powder (20 g) or soda - ½ teaspoon (for fluffy dough). Cover the finished dough with a napkin for 10 minutes.

Then cut the dough into several pieces, each of them needs to be rolled out into small flat cakes. Fry them on both sides in a greased frying pan.

Ready water cakes should be stored in a bag so that they remain fresh for a long time. Before eating, the flatbread can be topped with garlic dressing (grated garlic mixed with previously melted butter). They can be safely served with borscht.

Delicious flatbreads with cheese

In a small saucepan, bring 300 ml of water to a boil, pour the boiling water into a deep plate with flour (300 g). Knead the dough and let it rest for 15 minutes. As you can see, the recipe for water cakes is quite simple and accessible to every housewife.

Cut the finished dough into small pieces and then roll each into a thin layer with a diameter of 15 centimeters. Place a mound of grated cheese in the center of each layer (any hard cheese can be used). Roll up each layer and roll out carefully. And now the finished cakes can be fried in a frying pan greased with any vegetable oil.

Please note that instead of filling you can put mashed potatoes with fried onions, salted cottage cheese, ready-made minced meat, etc.

Green flatbreads

To prepare flatbreads with water, you will need flour (225 g) and warm water (half a glass). For the filling - fresh green onions (quantity to your taste).

Prepare a soft dough from flour and water. Leave it for a few minutes.

Roll out a layer with a diameter of 40-45 cm. Grease it with any oil and scatter chopped green onions over the entire surface.

Now the resulting “sausage” needs to be divided into 5 parts and then each of them is rolled out into a small flat cake.

Fry all the flatbreads in a greased frying pan. And our flatbreads are ready!

Sweet cakes with honey

Do you want to please your kids with sweet cakes? Try it - and you will see, they will go away with a bang! Of course, like previous recipes, these water cakes are made using the same technology. So, we need two tbsp. flour, salt (a pinch is enough), lukewarm water (four tablespoons), honey (two tablespoons), 1 egg, sugar to taste. And, of course, any oil for frying.

Mix honey and salt in a deep plate, add water and egg. Mix and add flour to the resulting mass.

Cut the finished dough into pieces, and then roll each into a layer. Fry the resulting flat cakes in a frying pan with oil.

Sprinkle with sugar when serving.

Flatbread with mineral water

Mineral water flatbreads are prepared in the same way as regular ones. The difference is that instead of regular water, you can add carbonated mineral water to the dough. The dough turns out fluffy and airy. We recommend preparing flatbreads, maybe minced meat, mashed potatoes, mushrooms with vegetables, etc.

For the dough you need to take: mineral water (1 tbsp.), salt (teaspoon), sugar (2 teaspoons), vegetable oil. butter (2 tablespoons) and flour (2 tbsp.). Prepare dough from these ingredients.

Divide it into small pieces and then roll each into a small flat cake, grease with any oil and put any filling in the center. Pinch the edges and carefully roll out again into a small cake.

Fry the finished flatbreads in a hot frying pan.

Bon appetit!

  • Type of dish: Unsweetened baked goods
  • Cooking method: In the oven
  • Servings:6
  • 1 h 00 min
  • Nutritional value per 100 g:
    • Calorie content:238.51 kcal
    • Fat:2.44 g
    • Proteins:6.41 g
    • Carbohydrates:48.38 g


  1. Water – 1 glass;
  2. Flour – 4 cups;
  3. Salt – 2 tsp;
  4. Sugar – 3 tbsp;
  5. Egg – 1 piece;
  6. Sesame – 2 tbsp;
  7. Yeast – 2 tsp.

Cooking method

1. Before you make cakes in water and, in general, start cooking, you need to heat the water. It should be pleasantly warm, so that you can drink it, for example. Pour water into the bowl that we prepared for kneading the dough.

2. Measure out the specified amount of yeast and add to warm water. At the same moment you can add sugar, it will help the yeast work faster. Mix the contents of the bowl.

3. Pour out all the flour, add salt. We begin to slowly stir the dough. Let's achieve a homogeneous state and set the bowl in a warm place, covering it with a towel.

4. When the dough has risen, you need to knead it again: stretch, press and twist. Let it sit warm again. It should take approximately one hour.

5. As time passes, knead the dough a little more and begin to form “pancakes” from it, as in the photo.

6. On top, brush each flatbread with beaten yolk and sprinkle with a small amount of sesame seeds.

7. Place the cakes on a baking sheet on parchment and place in a preheated oven. Bake them for about 40 minutes. Temperature – 160 degrees. For the last 15 minutes, be sure to turn on the top heat. The finished water cakes can be left in the oven for a while, let them cool a little.

Cooking time – 1 hour. Number of servings – 6.

Baking in the house is the smell of comfort and warmth, and also a sign that home is waiting. Even the most tired and gloomy man will melt in front of this aroma when he returns from work. Baking is almost a guarantee of family happiness and prosperity in any home.

Bread flatbreads

Flatbreads made with water and flour in the oven can be prepared using another method. It's a little different, but overall very similar to the previous one.


  1. Flour – 350 g;
  2. Water – 150 g;
  3. Salt – 1 tsp;
  4. Soda – 1 tsp;
  5. Vinegar – 1 tbsp;
  6. Little vegetable - 2 tbsp.

Cooking method

1. Knead the dough. Pour the flour into a bowl and make a small hole in it. Pour water into the hole, add salt, quench the soda with vinegar, pour in oil.

2. Gently mix everything until smooth.

3. When we have a strong, tight dough, tear off a piece of it and form identical balls from it.

4. Roll out each ball to a thickness of approximately 5 mm and place all our circles on a baking sheet. They can be sprinkled with sugar or shelled seeds.

5. Bake the cakes in water and flour for about half an hour until golden brown. And you can also serve them with the first and main courses.

Cooking time – 40 minutes. Number of servings – 4.

As you may have noticed, the last recipe does not contain yeast, so it is suitable for those who are trying to take care of their figure. In addition to the fact that they can be fried in oil or in a dry frying pan, the flour can be replaced with rye or oatmeal. Please note that with any flour other than white, the cakes will be a little tougher.

In general, the dish that we are preparing today is considered universal, as it is served with almost everything. You can spread butter or pate on the bread, serve it with soup or broth, and also, by cutting a small pocket in the flatbread, you can actually put cabbage, meat and sauce there - you get almost real shawarma.

Another simple recipe for flatbreads made with water and eggs, which is suitable for those who prefer frying in a pan with oil.

Katlama flatbreads


  1. Flour – 200 g;
  2. Water – 100 g;
  3. Egg – 1 pc.;
  4. Butter – 20 g;
  5. Vegetable oil – 4 tbsp;
  6. Salt – 1 tsp.

Cooking method

1. To prepare the dough, you need to mix flour, water, salt and butter.

2. Knead the dough until smooth and make sure it is not too sticky. In this case, add a little more flour.

3. Roll out the dough into a large sheet, and using a bowl, cut out identical “pancakes” from it. Their thickness should not exceed 3 mm.

4. You will need the largest diameter frying pan you have in the house. Pour oil into it and heat it up.

5. Place the katlama in hot oil and fry on both sides until cooked. Place each flatbread on a napkin and let it absorb excess oil.

6. Transfer everything into a plate and serve the katlama hot. As the dish cools, it will lose its crunch.

Cooking time – 30 minutes. Number of servings – 6.

The classic katlama is a steamed meatloaf, but these flatbreads also have that name because, for variety, you can wrap the filling in them and then fry them. This can be meat, cottage cheese, cheese, onions, eggs and other options.

How else can you prepare tortillas?

As we have already noted, premium flour can be replaced with any other, and you can also add filling to the middle. What can you take instead of water to prepare this treat? As a liquid it would be appropriate to add:

  1. Milk;
  2. Kefir;
  3. Serum;
  4. Cream and other dairy and fermented milk products.

Agree, how good it is to be able to cook flatbreads with water and yeast! In fact, this is already half of dinner! After all, when there is a bread component, adding a simple soup or a piece of fried meat to it will not be difficult.

It is interesting that water cakes are the most ancient dish, which was prepared back in the period when people lived in settlements and hunted wild animals. It was in those centuries that they began to grow different cereals, noticing that abandoned grain returns several of the same ones.

At first, grains were ground by hand between two stones, and later millstones appeared, which turned them into flour. Scientists suggest that it appeared about fifteen thousand years ago!

The flatbreads were baked over coals, boiled in water and finally baked in an oven. It is the latter preparation and recipe for this dish that has survived to this day and continues to be popular, but as an auxiliary treat or addition to the main dish.

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The peoples of Central Asia have been preparing such flatbreads for a long time according to established tradition; they replace ordinary bread. Every day, Asian women fry them for their entire large family and serve them along with various dishes, these can be soups, salads or meat and fish. The base of such flatbreads is mixed with water from flour and salt, various fillings are added (optional), and fried in a special oven. Today we have prepared for you a quick recipe for such unleavened flatbread, fried in a frying pan; this is the easiest preparation option. Our recipe does not contain yeast. The dough contains only two required ingredients - flour and water, and the preparation is not just kneading water with flour, but making a choux pastry. If desired, you can also add salt, spices and any herbs to the dough. The unleavened flatbread can be filled with any filling and served with sauce.


  • Wheat flour - 150 g;
  • Water (boiled or filtered) - 100 ml;
  • Vegetable oil (refined) - 30-50 ml (for frying);
  • Salt - to taste (optional).

Note. Our recipe does not include the use of salt, but if you cannot do without this ingredient, add it to your taste, it will not spoil the overall picture.

How to cook unleavened flatbreads from choux pastry made with flour and water, fried in a frying pan

Prepare a strainer, dough bowl and frying pan. Place water in the kettle to boil.

A quick way to make flatbreads without yeast.

Sift the flour through a sieve into a heat-resistant bowl; we will pour boiling water over it. If you are using salt, now is the time to add it to the flour.

Carefully pour boiling water in a thin stream, please do not get burned. Hot items in the kitchen must be handled with all safety precautions.

Without waiting for it to cool, knead the dough, first using a spoon, and then gather it into one lump with your hands.

Place the bun on a floured cutting board. The dough should rest for a few minutes. In the meantime, prepare a knife and rolling pin, you will need them.

We form our rested bun in the form of a sausage with a diameter of 5 cm, cut into pieces of 1-2 cm, depending on the size of the future flatbread.

Form each piece into a ball and roll it into a flat cake no more than 0.5 cm thick. Make cuts in several places.

The dough is ready. Let's start frying. Heat the frying pan well, grease the bottom with oil using a brush, do not pour it out of the bottle, you can pour too much or underfill.

Advice. Use a frying pan with a thick bottom; the tortillas will fry well in it and not burn.

Place the flatbread in the frying pan; when one side is browned, turn it over to the other side. And so on, fry all the tortillas.

The finished flatbreads turn out beautiful, fluffy and crispy; if you fry them in a dry frying pan, they will be without a crispy crust, but absolutely soft, in a word, excellent.

These flatbreads can be used instead of bread, or made into sandwiches with any filling: cheese, herbs, sausage. You can use various sauces and gravies, jam and marmalade. There is room for your imagination to run wild here. We wish you to enjoy your creations and bring pleasure to your family members.

If you don’t have time to buy bread in the store, we recommend making these unleavened flatbreads in a hurry; they will completely replace bread: for breakfast, lunch and dinner. The recipe is very simple, you will spend no more than 15 minutes on it. It is also indispensable on hiking trips, when there is little food and there is not even oil and salt. We advise you to try it, don’t regret these minutes.

There is hardly a single housewife who could do without flour in her kitchen. This does not mean that we are talking exclusively about baked goods and other flour products - dishes made from corn, rye, buckwheat, rice, pea, flax, soy, and oatmeal are very diverse and extremely beneficial for the human body. But, unfortunately, not everyone appreciates all the beneficial properties that such a simple, and at the same time, product that gives us enormous scope for culinary imagination offers us! Most still limit themselves to the standard option - wheat flour, without even realizing how much they are losing.
If you are wondering what to cook from flour, then just imagine for a second: flour is part of 80 percent of the dishes that make up the daily menu of an ordinary person! Dishes made from flour - these are dumplings, dumplings, manti, and pies, pies, cakes... And if you also take into account all kinds of breadings, batters and “dressings” for dough products, it becomes clear that recipes made from flour deserve to take a special place in your personal cookbook!
Many people love dumplings, but they prefer to buy the ready-made version, unfairly believing that they cannot cope with such an important “task” on their own. We offer such simple and accessible recipes for dumplings with photos that you will forever forget about semi-finished products and spoil your family only with extremely healthy, and also incredibly tasty food! Also offered to your attention are recipes for dumplings with a variety of fillings, as well as a “lazy” option for those who do not have extra time for the kitchen. If you didn’t know how to cook manti until today, then it’s time to learn - believe me, all your family will be absolutely delighted! Simple flour recipes will allow you to wonderfully diversify your daily menu or treat your guests at the holiday table with something special!


Strawberry sponge cake

Ingredients: strawberries, sugar, water, thickener, sour cream, egg, flour

Strawberry and biscuit lovers will definitely love this cake. In addition to airy dough and delicious berries, it also contains very delicate sour cream, as well as sweet strawberry syrup... It turns out just great.
For the test:

- 4 eggs;
- 1 glass of sugar;
- 1 glass of flour.

For cream:
- 450 ml sour cream (20% fat);
- 3\4 cups sugar;
- 5-12 grams of thickener.

For the syrup:
- 50 grams of frozen strawberries;
- 2 tbsp. Sahara;
- 150 ml of water.

For the filling:
- 400 grams of frozen strawberries.


Khanum with meat, onions and potatoes in a pressure cooker

Ingredients: greens, oil, turmeric, cumin, pepper, salt, potatoes, onions, minced meat, water, flour, egg

Uzbek khanum with meat and potatoes is a tasty and satisfying dish. You can prepare khanum at home in a pressure cooker - this is a pretty successful way. We will be happy to tell you what and how to do.

For the test:

- 200 ml water;
- 450-500 g wheat flour;
- 1 egg;
- 1 tsp. salt;
- 2-3 tbsp. vegetable oil.

For the filling:
- 500 grams of minced meat;
- 2-3 pieces of onions;
- 2 potatoes;
- salt to taste;
- ground black pepper to taste;
- 0.5 tsp. cumin;
- 0.5 tsp. ground turmeric.

- 30-40 grams of butter;
- 4-5 sprigs of fresh herbs.


Dumplings with strawberries

Ingredients: flour, water, salt, egg, strawberries, sugar

I often make very tasty dumplings from strawberries. I described in detail how to do this in this detailed recipe.


- 3 cups flour,
- half a glass of water,
- 1/5 tsp. salt,
- 1 egg,
- 300 grams of strawberries,
- sugar.


Buns for 9 kopecks

Ingredients: flour, milk, yeast, sugar, salt, egg, vanillin, butter, raisins, water

In the Soviet Union there were very tasty buns that cost only 9 kopecks. I described in detail how to prepare them for you.


- 500 grams of flour,
- 100 ml. milk,
- 15 grams of dry yeast,
- 125 grams of sugar,
- a third tsp salt,
- 2 eggs,
- a packet of vanilla sugar,
- 90 grams of butter,
- 1 tbsp. raisins,
- 75 ml. water.


Mexican tortilla flatbread

Ingredients: wheat flour, corn flour, butter, salt, water

Fans of Mexican cuisine are probably familiar with tortilla - a thin flatbread made from corn flour. You can prepare it at home - it's quite simple. How exactly - see our master class.

- 40 grams of corn flour;
- 2 tbsp. butter;
- 0.3 tsp. salt;
- 50 ml warm water.


Muffins with cottage cheese and banana

Ingredients: banana, cottage cheese, egg, flour, sugar, butter, vanillin, soda, lemon juice, butter

For a cup of tea, I suggest you prepare delicious muffins with cottage cheese and banana. The recipe is very simple, so be sure to pamper your family with delicious pastries.


- 1 banana,
- 100 grams of cottage cheese,
- 2 eggs,
- 1 glass of flour,
- half a glass of sugar,
- 100 grams of butter,
- 2 pinches of vanilla sugar,
- half tsp soda,
- 1 tsp. lemon juice,
- 1 tbsp. vegetable oil.


Soup dumplings

Ingredients: egg, flour, milk, salt, pepper

If you decide to make soup, I recommend trying my very tasty dumpling soup. The recipe is simple and quite simple.


- 1 egg,
- 3-4 tbsp. flour,
- 2-3 tbsp. milk,
- salt,
- pepper.


Filo dough strudel with apples

Ingredients: water, salt, vinegar, oil, flour, starch, apple, nut, cinnamon, lemon juice, sugar

Usually strudel is made with store-bought phyllo dough, but this is for the weak. Today I will teach you how to prepare phyllo dough and use it to bake the most delicious strudel with apples and cinnamon.


- 180 ml. water,
- half tsp salt,
- 2 tsp. wine vinegar,
- 10 tsp. sunflower oil,
- 350 grams of flour,
- 50 grams of corn starch,
- 3 apples,
- 100 grams walnuts,
- 1 tsp. cinnamon,
- 2 tbsp. lemon juice,
- 3 tbsp. Sahara,
- 1 tbsp. powdered sugar.


Uzbek flatbreads in the oven

Ingredients: flour, water, kefir, sugar, egg, yeast, salt, sesame, oil

Instead of bread, I often bake these very tasty and fluffy Uzbek flatbreads in the oven. I described the recipe for flatbreads in detail for you.


- 2.5 cups flour,
- half a glass of water,
- half a glass of kefir,
- 1 tbsp. Sahara,
- 1 egg,
- one and a half tsp. yeast,
- half tsp salt,
- a pinch of black sesame,
- 2 tbsp. vegetable oil.


Lamb lagman

Ingredients: lamb, onion, pepper, oil, carrots, tomato, salt, greens, pepper, egg, flour, salt

Lagman is a very tasty and satisfying dish. Today I will tell you how to cook classic lagman at home.


- 1 kg. lamb,
- 3 peppers,
- 4 onions,
- 2 tbsp. vegetable oil,
- 2 carrots,
- 4 tomatoes,
- salt,
- a bunch of greenery,
- black peppercorns,
- ground black pepper,
- 1 egg,
- 150 grams of flour.


Khinkal Dagestan

Ingredients: chicken, carrots, onions, garlic, bay, pepper, flour, kefir, salt, soda

Caucasian dishes differ from ours in their rich taste. Personally, I really like them. Today I have prepared for you an excellent recipe for Dagestan khinkal.


- half a chicken,
- 1 carrot,
- 1 onion,
- 2 cloves of garlic,
- 2 bay leaves,
- pepper,
- salt,
- one and a half glasses of flour,
- 170 ml. kefir or homemade yogurt,
- 1 tsp. salt,
- 1 tsp. soda


Fettuccine with chicken and mushrooms in creamy sauce

Ingredients: flour, egg, chicken fillet, mushroom, onion, carrots, cream, pepper, salt, butter

Fettuccine are wide and long strips of pasta that can be prepared at home, since a high-quality product is expensive. The dough is kneaded using eggs, without water. The dish is very tasty and a pleasure to prepare – be sure to try making your own pasta.

Products for the recipe:
- 210 g flour;
- two eggs.

For the sauce:

- 300 g chicken meat;
- 100 g of canned mushrooms;
- a small onion head;
- 30 g dry carrots;
- a glass of cream;
- spices.


Ciabatta at home in the oven

Ingredients: water, salt, yeast, flour

Today I will teach you how to bake ciabatta - very tasty homemade bread. The recipe is very simple and quite quick.


- 330 ml. water,
- 1 tsp. salt,
- 1 gram of dry yeast,
- 430 grams of flour.


Lenten dumplings with potatoes

Ingredients: water, salt, oil, flour, potatoes, pepper

Lent will begin very soon, which is why today I have described for you a detailed recipe for delicious, hearty Lenten dumplings with potatoes.


- 250 ml. water,
- 1 tsp. salt,
- 2 tbsp. sunflower oil,
- 450-500 grams of wheat flour,
- 600-700 grams of potatoes,
- salt,
- ground black pepper.


Manti with pumpkin and potatoes

Ingredients: flour, egg, water, oil, salt, pumpkin, potatoes, onion, salt, seasoning


- 500 grams of flour,
- 1 egg,
- 200 ml. water,
- 1 tbsp. vegetable oil,
- salt,
- 300 grams of pumpkin,
- 3 potatoes,
- 4 onions,
- a pinch of salt,
- seasonings.

Flatbread made with water and flour in a frying pan is an excellent substitute for bread. The main thing is that their preparation is quite fast and usually takes at least an hour. In addition, they can be supplemented with cheese, potatoes, herbs and various spices.

They will be an excellent addition to soup, as well as other main dishes. So, how can you make them yourself? Everything is simple and easy, the main thing is to follow the recipe exactly.

Basic recipe

How to make flatbreads using water and flour in a frying pan:

How to fry fluffy flatbreads with kefir

What components will be needed:

  • one and a half cups of flour;
  • kefir – 220 ml;
  • 1 large spoon of granulated sugar;
  • 1 chicken egg;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • baking soda – ½ teaspoon;
  • 50 ml vegetable oil for frying and 2 large spoons for frying.

Cooking period: 1 hour 20 minutes.

Calorie content per 100 grams - 290 kcal.

Let's start cooking:

  1. If the kefir is cold, then it should be left to stand for a while at room temperature so that it warms up a little. It can be poured into a thick-walled container and heated a little over low heat;
  2. Next, break the egg and place the egg in kefir. Mix the entire mixture well with a whisk until the structure is homogeneous;
  3. Add a little salt to the mixture and stir;
  4. Then add a little sugar and mix everything;
  5. Pour a couple of large spoons of vegetable oil into the mixture, due to this the dough will acquire an elastic structure, and the finished cakes will not go stale for a long time;
  6. Sift the flour several times, add baking powder to it, mix everything;
  7. Pour the flour a little at a time into the liquid mixture, while stirring to break up all the lumps;
  8. Then knead the dough by hand until it has an elastic structure and does not stick to your hands;
  9. Let the base stand for 30-40 minutes, cover it with a waffle towel;
  10. After this, pour flour onto the table surface, place the dough and divide into 6-8 parts;
  11. Roll out each piece in the form of a flat cake with a thickness of no more than 0.5 cm;
  12. Place a frying pan on the stove, add vegetable oil and heat;
  13. Place the flatbread on the heated oil and fry it on each side until golden brown;
  14. Next, we also fry the other flatbreads;
  15. Serve with jam, honey, condensed milk for tea. You can also smear them with squash caviar or pate or serve them with first and second courses.

Recipe for yeast flatbreads with cheese

What you will need to prepare:

  • 150 ml water;
  • 300 grams of wheat flour;
  • salt – ½ teaspoon;
  • 1 small spoon of granulated sugar;
  • half a small spoon of dry yeast;
  • a piece of cheese 200 grams;
  • vegetable oil.

Cooking time – 80 minutes.

How many calories are in 100 grams – 320 kcal.

How to cook and fry yeast cakes in a frying pan:

  1. The flour needs to be sifted several times into a bowl to rid it of debris;
  2. Pour dry yeast, granulated sugar, and salt into the flour;
  3. Pour some warm water, knead the dough until smooth;
  4. We form a small ball from the base, place it in a bowl, cover with cling film, and leave to stand warm for about 40 minutes;
  5. Sprinkle the surface of the table with flour, lay out the dough and divide it into 4 parts;
  6. Roll out all the parts into flat cakes;
  7. Grind the cheese slice with a coarse grater;
  8. Place grated cheese on the surface of one flatbread, leaving space around the edges;
  9. We cover everything on top with a flat cake and press it from the edges;
  10. We make the second cake according to the same pattern;
  11. Pour vegetable oil into the frying pan, put it on the stove and heat it up;
  12. Place one layer in heated oil and fry on one side for 10 minutes;
  13. Then turn over and fry the other side for 7 minutes;
  14. Fry the second layer in the same way;
  15. We transfer the flatbreads to a plate and place them on the table with the first and second courses.

Lenten potato cakes

The ingredients you will need are:

  • 4 potato tubers;
  • 2-3 tbsp. spoons of flour;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • Provençal herbs – to your taste;
  • a little ground black pepper;
  • vegetable oil.

Cooking time – 1 hour.

Calorie content per 100 grams – 270 kcal.

Prepare lean flatbreads in a frying pan step by step:

  1. Peel the potatoes, rinse them in water to remove dirt;
  2. Place the potatoes in a saucepan, add water, place on the stove and boil until tender;
  3. Place the finished potatoes on a plate and mash them with a fork to form a puree;
  4. Add salt, seasonings, herbs to the potatoes and mix everything;
  5. Add flour, stir everything;
  6. We form balls from the potato base, sprinkle with flour on all sides;
  7. Roll out the balls into flat cakes;
  8. Place a frying pan on the stove, pour oil and heat;
  9. Place the flatbread on hot oil and fry on both sides until golden brown;
  10. Place the lean potato cakes on a plate and serve with the first or second courses.

Thin flatbreads with herbs and sour cream

What you will need for preparation:

  • 200 grams of dill, parsley and green onions;
  • flour - 6 large spoons;
  • 2 chicken eggs;
  • sour cream – 300 grams;
  • ½ teaspoon salt;
  • vegetable oil.

Cooking time – 40 minutes.

How many calories are in 100 grams – 280 kcal.

Let's start cooking thin flat cakes in a frying pan:

  1. Place sour cream, 2 eggs in a container, add salt;
  2. Rinse the greens, shake and chop into small pieces;
  3. Pour the chopped greens into the rest of the ingredients;
  4. Mix everything well;
  5. Place the fryer on gas, pour in oil;
  6. Spread the mixture onto the heated oil over the entire surface of the frying pan;
  7. After 3-4 minutes, turn over to the other side;
  8. Fry for about 4 minutes more;
  9. Place the finished flatbreads on a plate and serve with other dishes.

  • thin flat cakes in a frying pan can be cooked with water, whey, kefir and milk;
  • in order for them to be fluffy, you can add a little yeast or baking soda to the base, but first the soda must be quenched with a small amount of vinegar;
  • after frying, they can be greased with a small amount of butter, this will make their taste even better;
  • to improve the taste, you can add some seasonings, herbs and spices to the base;
  • You should fry in a dry frying pan or you can grease it with a small amount of vegetable oil.

As it turns out, it’s easy to make ordinary cakes using water, but they turn out simply excellent. They can be used as a complement to main courses in the form of bread or served with tea along with jam or honey.