Message based on the painting winter evening. Essay based on a painting by N.P.

  • 03.03.2020

In front of me now is a reproduction of the landscape painter Krymov’s painting “Winter Evening”, on which I need to write an essay. In the picture, the author depicted a real Russian winter, which is already in full swing, enveloping the entire village in its blanket of snow.

Krymov Winter evening

The main part of the canvas in the foreground is snow, which covered the field with its snowdrifts, hiding the autumn grass under a lush snow-white blanket. And only occasionally are the tops of small bushes visible. Birds are sitting on one of them. Either they are hiding from predators, or they have found a hot spot there where they can get their fill of berries. The snow does not shine in the sun, and this is understandable, because the sun no longer shines brightly, it is already low above the horizon.

In Krymov’s painting “Winter Evening,” among the snowdrifts, one can see well-trodden paths along which villagers walk every day. It was on one of the paths that Krymov depicted a small group of people, including a child. They probably went for an evening walk to get some fresh air before going to bed. Someone strayed from the group, staring at the setting sun.

In the background, Krymov depicted the beginning of the village in the painting “Winter Evening”. We see old small wooden houses, in the windows of which the light is already burning, or maybe it’s the glare that the sunlight casts. The roofs of the houses are covered with snow-white snow. It seems as if they were wearing snow-white hats at home.
There is a barn next to the houses. Two carts, fully loaded with hay, are heading towards him.

Near the village, a little to the left, there is a deciduous forest. The crowns of the trees are lush, it is clear that this forest is many years old. A bell tower peeks out from behind the trees, from where the ringing sounds on holidays, calling all the villagers to the service.

Working on Krymov’s painting “Winter Evening” and its description, I would like to say about my emotions that the painting evokes in me, and they are pleasant, even though I don’t like winter itself. In the painting “Winter Evening” you can see that there is no wind, which means that even in frost, it is pleasant and good outside. Looking at the work, you feel the crunch of snow under your feet and hear the chirping of birds. Nature gradually plunges into the abyss of the night, so there is a sense of calm and tranquility.

In front of me is a painting by the famous Russian artist N.P. Krylov “Winter”. In the foreground the artist depicted a frozen river. The ice on it is smooth, snowless, and transparent. Near the shore of the reservoir, islands of shallow water peek out from under the ice, and bushes grow on the shore itself. If you slowly move your gaze into the distance, you can see several small birds sitting at the edge of the ice and on a bush. The painting was painted on a clear, frosty and windless day. The sun is shining brightly, the white snow blinds the eyes. Looking at this picture, I have a feeling of calm and warmth, despite the fact that the author depicted winter. The painting depicts village women, leisurely and happily doing their usual activities. One of them has a wooden stick on which yarn hangs. A peasant woman with the same ice pick is talking to her; she has already rinsed the yarn in the ice hole and returns to the village. A woman with a yoke with buckets on her shoulders walks next to the peasant women. She heads across the water to the river. They are dressed in long skirts with aprons on top, warm sheepskin coats on top, and large scarves on their heads. Below, under the cliff, there is a small wooden house, next to it there is a structure with a roof made of boards, packed at a great distance from each other, and hay is placed on them to insulate the houses. The painting “Winter” gave me a feeling of peace and admiration for Russian nature! I really like his canvas and evokes the warmest feelings!

Cool! 12

The essay presents an analysis of Krymov’s painting “Winter Evening”: the main plans are described, a brief analysis of the artist’s use of color is made, and the writer’s opinion is expressed.

Nikolai Petrovich Krymov is a Russian painter. Most of his paintings depict deserted nature, which looks very poetic.

One of these paintings lies in front of me. It is called "Winter Evening". It depicts a village outskirts. Less than a dozen wooden buildings, a visible church dome and two sleighs with firewood are all that make up the picture. Looking at it, a feeling of peace and warmth is born in the soul of the beholder, although winter is shown on the canvas.

In the foreground of the work, Krymov showed an ice-bound river. The water is clean and clear. Off the coast, islands of shallow water look out from under the ice. Bushes grow on the shore. Dark birds sat at the edge of the ice and on the branches of a bush. Surely, the author painted while standing on the opposite bank, which is much higher than the river, since the artist’s gaze is directed from top to bottom.

In the background of the painting, the artist presented a small winter village. Behind it are oaks and poplars. The forest stands out in contrast against the background of white snow and bright sky. The author decided to depict the skies in greenish-yellow tones. You can feel the evening approaching. There is not a single cloud in the sky. It seems that you look at a picture and hear a ringing silence.

A huge snow field spreads in front of the houses. Krymov brilliantly uses the color palette to convey the shades of snow: from the bluish-black shadows falling from the houses to the snow-white covers of the roofs. But the main color of the snow is still soft blue, since the coming evening gives the snow a soft blue color.

The main object of work is a village of five houses. Sunlight is refracted through the windows of the person standing in the center. The dome of the bell tower is visible behind the residential buildings. The first of the houses has a barn built. A couple of carts with hay are quietly driving towards him. Four people walk towards the houses along a narrow trodden path. The figures are barely distinguishable. But judging by the size, posture and clothing, one can assume that a family with a child is wandering ahead. A little behind, the woman decided to stop to admire the beauty of the surrounding nature, which is simply impossible to pass by on such a warm winter day.

I liked this painting by Krymov. Peace and tranquility reign on the canvas. I don't like winter because of the freezing snowstorms and ice. But acquaintance with this picture made me change my mind. I realized that Russian winter can be mild and sunny.

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In front of me is a painting by N. Krymov “Winter Evening”. I look at it, and everything depicted on it seems familiar to me. In most of the painting, the artist depicted snow. Fluffy, thick, snow lies everywhere: on the ground, on the roofs of houses, it almost hides small bushes and weeds in the foreground. It seems to me that it was important for N.P. Krymov to emphasize the abundance of snow, because snow is the main sign of the Russian winter. The artist depicted a winter evening in his painting. At sunset, the snowy expanse no longer shines, the colors are muted. The sun disappears behind the horizon, its last rays change the color of the snow. In the shade it is bluish, and you can clearly see how deep and lush it is. Where the sun's rays still reach, the snow looks pinkish. Paths trampled in the snow are noticeable from afar. Their depth shows us that winter has already come into its own; it had been snowing for quite some time before. In the central part of the canvas we see a picture familiar to village life: people are returning home, trying to get into their homes before dark. Along a narrow path, two adults are walking with a child to the village; a little behind, another person is moving in the same direction. On the road to the village, two horse-drawn sleighs are traveling, loaded with large haystacks; the horses are driven by a driver. The figures of people are not clearly drawn, they are small and almost shapeless, because people are dressed in winter clothes and are not located in the foreground. Black birds sit on the border of evening light and shadow. They probably don’t fly in such cold weather to save their energy. I can well imagine their rare cries; in the winter silence they can be heard far away.


Nikolai Petrovich Krymov is a Russian landscape artist. He was fascinated by the discreet beauty of his native Russian nature. He especially loved snow, frost, and the calm majesty of winter. Although the painting is called “Winter Evening,” it is very bright, apparently the evening is just beginning. This is probably why the sky, which occupies most of the picture, is bright green. Agree, you rarely see a green sunset. And most of all there is snow in the picture. It looks like the winter is very snowy and the snowdrifts are high. It's amazing what colors the artist uses to depict white snow. This is gray, and blue, and light blue, and pure white on the roofs. These different colors convey the feeling of frost, coldness and purity of the snow covering the entire earth.

Krymov’s painting “Winter Evening” is a landscape, but it does not just depict nature and a beautiful view. This is a landscape with the presence of people, their homes, and therefore it exudes a special warmth. In the middle ground we see a thin path, trodden in the snowdrifts, along which a line of people is walking. These are peasants who live in wooden huts nearby. Among the muffled figures one can also see children, to whom such a winter probably brings joy. There are several dark dots in the foreground; village children can also be seen in them - children are sledding down the hill. Soon it will get dark and their mothers will call them home.

On the left side of the picture, a dirt road crosses diagonally; two horse teams with haystacks are moving along it. The day is approaching evening and people need to finish their work before dark. The trees and houses look dark, almost black, but it is still not black, but a dark brown warm color. These houses are sure to be warm and cozy. On the slope you can see the dome of the church, this is a symbol of light, goodness, hope. It is clear that the artist painted the picture with great love.

Source: seasons-goda.rf

Krymov’s painting “Winter Evening” depicts people slowly walking along a thin path home. They make their way through the snowdrifts, but it’s still a long way to go home. A little further away we see houses that are located at a decent distance from each other. They exude warmth and comfort, but this comfort still needs to be achieved. And in the distance you can see two carts transporting hay. Overall, the picture is kind and a little idealistic. Everyone just knows that winter has many faces. She can pat a traveler in a terrible snowstorm, and then reassure him with the mild rays of the winter sun.

The artist has chosen the optimal combination of colors, which shows that a winter evening can be beautiful. Crystal clear, white snow sparkles in the rays of the setting sun. And all this beauty is watched over by an ideal, fantastic sky, which only happens like this on special days. True, there are several dark spots in the picture - these are trees. They are clearly drawn with dark colors, since they have not yet received new outfits.

Krymov’s painting “Winter Evening” gave me a slight feeling of sadness at the passing of time, which cannot be stopped. Although the creator of this magical painting managed the impossible - he made time obey him.


The famous Russian landscape artist Nikolai Petrovich Krymov created many magnificent paintings. I am familiar with some of this artist’s works of art, but most of all I sympathize with the landscape, which the author called with the seemingly familiar name “Winter Evening.” But the picture is not as ordinary as its name. It evokes a lot of emotions and impressions in me. Let's look at Krymov's canvas “Winter Evening”.

We see that the artist has painted a village. The season in the picture is winter. Looking at the canvas, I feel a sense of peace, restraint and peace. Most of the picture is occupied by snow, it feels frosty. But it still seems to me that the winter evening that day was warm.

In the foreground, the artist placed a river, which, under the onslaught of frost, had long been covered with thick ice. The river under the ice is clean and transparent. There are bushes growing near the river, near the shore. Birds settled at the edge of the ice. They're probably cold. It is possible that the artist painted his picture standing on the opposite bank of the river, on a small hill or hillock.

Let's look at the second plan of the canvas. We see wooden huts located on it, behind which there is a forest. We cannot see the trees growing in it. Probably these are mighty oaks or poplars. The forest in the picture stands out as a dark spot. The contrast between it and the yellowish sky is clearly felt. It is noticeable that the winter turned out to be snowy, because the snowdrifts in front of the houses are high. But I don’t want to call snow drifts heavy, because the artist depicted the snow as airy, light and fluffy. This is also evidenced by the pale blue color used by the painter.

In one of the houses you can see a flickering light; on the left you can see the domes of a small bell tower. Villagers walk along the path to their houses.

The artist Krymov managed to convey in his painting “Winter Evening” not only the state of nature at this time of year, but also the village atmosphere. After getting acquainted with the picture, you also want to go to the village to breathe in the fresh frosty air, and in the evening after a walk, warm up by the warm stove.


The painting depicts a small village in winter. Most of the picture is occupied by fluffy snow; it covered the entire ground and was even located on the roofs of houses. The palette of shades of snow color is very beautifully conveyed - ranging from dark blue to white. It seems that nature has fallen asleep until spring, wrapped in frost. Behind the village you can see a dense forest with mighty tall trees, standing out as a dark mass against the background of a yellowish-greenish sky. Among the tree branches, the dome of the church can be seen.

In the foreground of the picture you can see an ice-bound river. Along it there are small bushes on which birds have settled. Perhaps they are in search of food, or they are exhausted from the cold and are resting.

The sun is hiding behind the horizon, its last rays changing the color scheme of the snow. Evening is falling on the village. In the windows of wooden houses you can see the reflections of the setting sun, or maybe the light is already on. There are trodden paths leading to the village that are visible from a distance. Judging by their snow depth, one can assume the full onset of winter.

In the central part of the canvas you can see people with a small child. They walk along a narrow, well-trodden path, perhaps in a hurry to get to the village before nightfall. Judging by their silhouettes, they are dressed warmly, and the snow creaks under their feet. One woman stopped, perhaps to admire the winter scenery. On the other hand, two sleighs drawn by horses with large shocks of hay are heading towards the village. The cab drivers walk alongside and drive the horses. There is a barn building adjacent to one of the courtyards, probably people carrying hay are heading towards it.

Despite the depiction of winter, the painting conveys feelings of warmth, calm and warmth. The picture well conveys the beauty of Russian nature in winter. Looking at the picture, you get a feeling of freshness from the frosty air.

I am looking at the painting “Winter Evening”, which was painted by the famous landscape artist N.P. Krymov. It depicts a village in winter colors. Looking at this picture, a feeling of calm and tranquility arises. It seems that, despite the huge amount of snow, this winter evening is warm and sunny.

In the foreground of the picture, the artist brought a frozen river, clean and transparent, because the ice is depicted smooth on it. Near the shore, you can see dark spots under the ice; they are also called shallow water islands. And near the shore we see growing bushes. Several birds settled on the edge of the ice and on the bush itself. It seems to me that the artist, while painting his landscape, was on the opposite bank, perhaps even on a hillock.

In the background are village huts, and behind them is a growing forest. It can be assumed that oaks and poplars grow in the forest. The artist highlighted the forest, creating a contrast between the light yellowish sky and dark houses. In front of the houses there are open spaces with snowdrifts, but the snow does not seem heavy. On the contrary, it seems light and airy, because the artist depicted it in blue. In the window of one of the huts you can see a flickering light, a little to the left you can see the domes of the bell tower. Near one of the houses there are two carts, probably with hay, and the inhabitants of this village are moving along a narrow path.

To depict snow, the author uses different shades of white and soft blue. I think the artist wanted to convey to us the mood of a village atmosphere in his painting. Looking at the work I get a feeling of peace and tranquility. I would like to become one of those residents who walk along the path. Breathe in the frosty air and plunge into the atmosphere of village life. Thanks to Krymov for giving me a few minutes of a fantastic journey into a fantasy world

Winter evening

An incredible work of art is the painting by A.N. Krymov "Winter Evening". Winter is, in general, a magical time of year, and in this picture the artist depicted all the beauty and stateliness of winter in the brightest colors. Looking at her, various mixed feelings appear: peace, joy, warmth and a little anxiety. And the following words appear in my head: comfort, hearth, home, tranquility. All this is because the artist accurately conveyed not only objects, but also his feelings.

In the foreground, the artist depicted a frozen river. At its sources, sparrows sit and warm themselves against each other, this indicates that there is frost, but it is not severe. That is why there is no one on the river - the ice is thin and you can fall through. There are people standing not far from her, and, apparently, they are admiring the excellent landscape, and the mother also explains to her naughty baby that it is forbidden to walk along the river - it is dangerous.

The painting is called “Winter Evening”, but despite this, it is very light. Perhaps it seemed light this evening due to the amount of snow, and perhaps it was not quite late. But this is undoubtedly evening; on the left side you can see a couple of horses pulling a cart. They are returning from the forest and, most likely, are carrying firewood to heat the stove and make the house warm and cozy. And also in one of the houses, the owners have already lit a light, perhaps it is a candle, or maybe a kerosene lamp.

By the way, the small houses depicted indicate that this is a small village adjacent to the forest. And from the thicket of trees peeks out the dome of the church, where services are held on cold Sunday evenings. There is a lot of snow in the picture and it looks so soft and weightless that it involuntarily resembles a feather bed on an old grandmother’s bed. And the colors with which the artist depicted the snow indicate that the weather that evening was good: quiet, snowy and frosty. Incredibly, looking at the sky, which is depicted in emerald green color, it seems that snow is about to fall, and you need to quickly return to a warm house.

Description of the picture

The painting “Winter Evening” was created by the popular Russian landscape artist N.P. Krymov. Throwing your gaze at the canvas, you understand how the artist was charmed by the modest nature of his native land. He definitely likes the snow, the persistent frost, the majestic importance of winter. When reading the title of the painting, one imagines twilight, but in fact, when you look at this painting, you see exactly the opposite. The picture is very radiant, apparently this is the beginning of a winter evening.

Apparently for this reason, the bright green sky with bluish tints is located throughout most of the picture. But in the front of most of the picture there is snow. Not a single winter can go without snow; it’s like a blanket covering the ground, hiding last year’s greenery and small shrubs underneath.

The houses stand as if dressed in white snow caps. These houses are certainly warm and comfortable. Behind the houses you can see large luxurious treetops, between which you can see the large belfry of the church.

In the middle of the picture you can see paths trodden by people. People are walking along one of these paths. These are most likely the residents of those houses that are standing under white hats. Also in the picture you can see children for whom winter is joy.

If you look closely at the picture, you can see two horse-drawn carts with hay. The day is coming to an end and people are rushing to finish their work before it gets dark.

The snow does not shimmer in the sun's rays, since the sun is no longer averse to hiding behind the horizon. In those places where the shadow falls it is dark blue, and in those places where it is illuminated by the sun it is light. This large number of shades in the picture makes you feel that cold frosty air of calm and tranquility. But in reality, when you look at the picture, it becomes not cold and comfortable. The artist achieved this result thanks to the color scheme. It is she who conveys all the sensuality and sincerity of the picture.

Essay description No. 3

It’s good to sit in the kitchen with warm tea and look at the winter evening and all its beauty. Adults are walking along that road from work, and there children are returning from a walk with their mother. Sometimes in the summer there is a desire to return to the cold season, and when I felt it, I decided to go look at winter photographs and paintings, where I came across “Winter Evening” by Krymov.

Looking at this picture, I first of all feel peace and silence. Your soul becomes light and warm, at such moments you begin to immerse yourself in childhood and remember all the stories that warm your soul: how your mother took you down the hill on a sled and how you broke your nose while skating for the first time.

In the foreground of Krymov’s painting, we first see snow. He looks fluffy and light, he doesn’t yet know that very soon, when the first rays of light appear, he will melt, and we will meet him only next year. Various bristles of bushes are visible, however, they are not entirely green: rather, a swamp, and even dirty color. We see black spots, and if you look closely, you can distinguish four birds in them.

In the snow we see numerous shadows, and not only from bushes, but also from people. Closer to the viewer, four human outlines can be seen and the first thing that catches the eye is the three people standing together. We can assume that this is a married couple with a child. The husband and wife are dressed in warm, but dark fur coats, and the child can be seen wearing a pink jacket. There is another person at a distance from them. It is not clear why he is separate from them? It’s good that the artist didn’t tell this secret, because the viewer can figure it out for himself. However, one main feature can be distinguished; they all look into the distance. A child may be looking at birds, and adults may be looking at the sky, thinking about deep things, for example, the meaning of life.

In the background we can see, first of all, the wooden houses of peasants. They are buried in snow, and huge snow-white snowdrifts lie on the roofs. Here the question also arises: whose houses are these? Those people who look into the distance? Or maybe those who ride with horses and are carrying something? There is enough light in the windows, so we can assume that none of the options proposed are suitable, and the houses are the property of completely different people. Also, in addition to houses, we can see tall, mighty tree crowns that rise above the houses. You can notice that their color is also not green, it is somehow dirty, swampy. There is a church at a distance, we can see this from the dome that looks out from the forest. And the most important thing in this picture is the sky. It is majestic and powerful, but at the same time light, and even to some extent bright. How much paint the artist used on it, here we can clearly see white mixed with green, and even blue is visible somewhere.

I really liked this picture, I will watch it in the sad moments of my life and think about the bright things.

Essay description based on the painting Winter Evening by Krymov

Silence. The barely perceptible creaking of snow. Everything is white. Somewhere in the distance horses are running, carrying haystacks. When I look at the picture, I want to drop everything I’m doing, sit on a bench, close my eyes and think about something pleasant.

It seems that nature has frozen and fallen asleep. The huge crowns of the trees do not move. They put on their dark clothes and froze in anticipation of spring. People talk very quietly, afraid to wake up all living things. White snowdrifts look like a fluffy terry blanket that covers the ground and houses. The lights are already on in the huts. The hostess is probably already preparing dinner and getting ready to light the stove.

Looking at the picture, I remember my native village. When I was little, I loved to ride slides, run through snowdrifts and play snowballs with the guys. In the evening, when I came home, I climbed onto the stove and warmed myself, wrapped in a blanket. It seems to me that when I look at this picture, I return to my childhood - everything seems so familiar to me.

N. Krymov knows how to convey not only the beauty of winter nature, but also its feelings, sounds, sensations. The picture exudes winter cold, familiar warmth and memories. Thin paths between the snowdrifts indicate that winter is already raging with might and main, but people are not afraid of it and do not want to sit at home.

Winter is a wonderful time of year. The artist was able to depict all its beauty using only two colors - white and blue. Blue evening sky, frozen river, dark blue shadows that show the viewer that the sun is already setting. These colors convey cold and cold. N. Krymov depicted all living things in black – horses, birds, people. They are all waiting for the new spring colors, but for now they are in a peaceful state and are preparing to take off these dark clothes.

The sky is already slowly getting darker, which means that soon people will go home. At home, a hot dinner, a warm stove and long conversations await them at a large wooden table.

Description of the painting for 6th grade

Looking at this picture, it is immediately clear that the artist was in a great mood and he tried in every way to convey those incredible feelings and emotions that took possession of him at that moment. Krymov, on a canvas of paper, managed to depict not only a wonderful winter evening, but even a frosty smell, which immediately sends a shiver through the body.

The picture conveys such peace that you want to instantly find yourself in this village and warm up in the first nearest house. Thanks to the artist for such an amazing and wonderful painting.

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