We set up a home theater with our own hands. Home performances What can you do for a home theater competition?

  • 06.07.2019

For most children, home theater is significant event, because it’s much more exciting than traditional games. You can act out funny scenes together, introduce your child to the fairy tale and its characters, and introduce an element of fantasy. Believe me, the child himself will not notice how he will become the main participant and director of the fairy tale.

Try everything together with your child and you will become for him best friend and an assistant. By creating a home theater, you learn together how to make puppets, sew costumes, draw scenery, write a script, design a stage and, of course, show the performance itself.

Home puppet theater for little ones

Puppet theater is ideal for the little ones, since they are not yet ready to learn roles and go on stage in front of their parents or relatives. Puppet theater is very similar to ordinary play with toys. Familiar ones are suitable for kids folk tales.

Don't forget to use your imagination: introduce new characters, add funny episodes, or change the ending.

It is no less interesting to compose and act out your own story. To begin with, it will be better if you put on a performance yourself. And over time, the baby will join the game, choosing his favorite character. You can buy a puppet theater or create it yourself, it’s up to you.

Separately, it is worth mentioning magnetic theaters, as wonderful way development of imaginative and creative thinking in preschoolers. Magnetic kits allow children preschool age independently create your own fairy tales and stories.

Costumes and scenery for home theater

For slightly older children, you can switch from puppet theater to the “real” with roles, costumes and scenery.

  • When preparing costumes, old dresses, scraps of fabric, and scarves will be used.
  • For makeup, donate the contents of your cosmetic bag; there will probably be a lot of unnecessary cosmetics in there.
  • Music is what helps a fairy tale come to life. To make the performance more fun and vibrant, you can choose musical accompaniment. Burn it onto a disc and play soft music during the performance.
  • Stretch the rope and hang a large piece of canvas or curtain on it - and you have a screen. You can decorate the screen with flowers, birds, stars or snowflakes cut out of paper, depending on your imagination and the theme of the performance.
  • What is a theater without scenery? Preparing them at home may take time. Make the scenery so that it can be used in other performances. For example, trees can be painted green on one side and yellow to show autumn and summer. You can stretch a thread and hang sun and clouds cut out of cardboard on it. Create together with the baby, figure out together what else you can do.

The child will be happy to take part in the design of the stage. It doesn’t matter if something is cut out and painted sloppily, it’s important that the child did it with pleasure. Create with your baby, invent with him.

For yourself, reserve the role of a storyteller - someone must lead the story: “Once upon a time, there was a grandfather and a woman...” and manage the whole process: monitor the performance of the little artists, suggest words if someone gets excited.

The main thing to remember is that children are not actors. They won't have the patience to learn their role by heart, so don't try to get them to perform well and have perfect coherence. This way you can easily discourage interest in your exciting venture.

Do not waste time on home performances - the result will be worth it, because for the children this is a real holiday.

You can arrange a real celebration with a performance. Hand over theater tickets, specially drawn for this occasion, for relatives, neighbors or loved ones. Also, don’t forget to have an intermission with sweets and drinks.

The benefits of home theater

Home theater will help teach the child to conduct a dialogue correctly, to look for a way out difficult situations, develop memory and independent thinking, enrich lexicon. And the children's memory will preserve vivid impressions about your exciting time together.

Theatrical games develop expressive speech in children and Creative skills. And although the hobby for home theater, as a rule, ends with childhood, communication skills, improvisation, fantasy, and most importantly, speaking skills remain. Any performances liberate the child and help overcome shyness.

Prepared by Maryana Chornovil

Do you and your child like fairy tales and interesting stories? How about getting together and spending time with the whole family? Do you want to arrange for yourself small holiday in the middle of everyday life? Then it's time for home theater! Organizing a performance is not that difficult and can become a fun game in itself. Today we'll show you exactly how to do it and offer some great ideas to get you inspired.

The day of the performance is very exciting and filled with pleasant chores for the whole family. It will be interesting for everyone, young and old, to participate in the preparation: dad can be entrusted with constructing the stage, and older children will probably want to draw a poster and get some kind of role.

It’s great to play the theater on a cloudy and rainy day, when you don’t feel like going outside and want to spend time at home in a fun, interesting and useful way. Although on a fine day at the dacha you can stage a performance at fresh air. And this is great entertainment during the holidays, when other families with children come to visit you.

Choose together what kind of performance you will stage. It is better to choose simple plots that are familiar and interesting to the child. For example, folk tales (“Kolobok”, “Teremok”, “Turnip”), stories and poems from the child’s favorite books are well suited.

A very important and exciting part of the preparation, which in itself can become an educational game, is drawing posters and tickets. Tickets are simply small pieces of paper with “Ticket” written on them. Instruct your child to deliver tickets to the spectators; for him this will be an honorable duty. The poster can be drawn small on an A4 sheet, or on a larger paper format, then the main part is drawn by adults and older children. Be sure to write the name in large letters. You can draw characters or a scene from a fairy tale, indicate the names of the actors.

In the meantime, the actors can prepare, remember the fairy tale, and adults will come to their aid. We have already written before how to help your child memorize simple poems.

Setting up the stage

Preparing a stage for a home theater with your own hands is a very responsible and creative activity, which will take time, and it is better to plan it for one of the days before the performance. All your efforts will certainly be worth it, because a beautiful and thoughtfully made stage will be useful to you for games more than once.

You can make a scene out of a box - like a big one from under household appliances, or small, for example from under dishes or toys, then you will get a mini-theater. Decorate the stage to suit your and your baby’s tastes and build a curtain. You can prepare the backdrop and decorations specifically for the performance. Here are some ideas on how to do this.

An even simpler option is a curtain in the doorway, especially if you know how to sew.

Or you can simply cover a couple of chairs or a table with a blanket - and the stage is ready!

Making doll actors

Another interesting and very easy to implement idea is to draw faces or muzzles on plastic spoons.

Many kids like it finger puppets. By playing with them, we also train fine motor skills. Mother craftsmen can sew or knit such dolls. Or you can cut them out of ordinary household gloves in a couple of minutes or simply draw faces on your fingers.

Home shadow theater

Play shadow theater- this is always a special sacrament. Meanwhile, adding a little magic to your life is not so difficult. First we need to make a screen. For this, a lid from a box (for example, a shoe box) is useful, in the wall of which we cut out a window and glue a sheet of paper (regular office paper or tracing paper) on top. In addition, you can use white fabric as a screen in the doorway. We cut out figures for the shadow theater from cardboard. You can draw them yourself, print templates from the Internet or buy ready-made ones. The cardboard figurine will need to be attached to a stick, for example, from Chupa Chups.

You can also get shadows of animals using your hands. On a sunny day or in a dark room with a table lamp on, show your baby how to do this. And this is also a great way to stretch your fingers.

Well, that’s all, the preparations are over, the guests are in place, the lights go out, and the stage is illuminated by a table lamp. Support the little puppeteer, because he is very worried at this moment. And be ready to take most performance on yourself. If a child stumbles somewhere, help, catch him. The performance itself can be very short, a few minutes. In any case, the family will be delighted and will not be stingy with praise and applause, because everyone did a great job!

Polina Kondratyuk

Imagine - evening twilight, a tightly drawn curtain and spectators frozen in anticipation of a miracle. Soon, next to the most ordinary lamp, a magical performance will begin, woven from almost nothing. Shadow theater is a fascinating spectacle that appeals to children of all ages, from one-year-old babies to junior schoolchildren who gladly take part in the preparation of the performance and come up with their own fairy tales for the shadow performance.

In order to look theatrical performance from light and shadow, it is not necessary to go to real theater. All this can be done at home using available materials. Home shadow theater - exciting and useful activity for the whole family. Everyone can participate in the preparation and performance of the performance, imagination is in full swing, the plot is full of surprises, and the level of complexity of the scenery and figures depends on the interest of the kids and the time that everyone is ready to devote to it.

What kind of shadow theater is there?

Finger theater consists of shadows that appear on the screen due to the different positions of the hands and the intertwining of the “director’s” fingers. Most often these are images of well-known animals, but professionals can show human faces or some inanimate objects. This is great for training fine motor skills and coordination.

Puppet theater is a performance using ready-made figures and scenery. The characters are cut out of cardboard, mounted on sticks and moved according to the action. Due to the fact that almost anything can be cut out of cardboard, the shadow puppet theater provides a boundless field for the flight of children's imagination.

What do you need for a home shadow theater?

1. Light source - this can be a simple table lamp, a travel flashlight or any other lamp with directional light.

2. Screen - is a translucent white plane that can be made from different materials- tracing paper, a thin white sheet, ordinary Whatman paper, or sheets of white paper fastened together. The frame for the screen can be a cut-out lid from any box, an artistic stretcher, a two-story children's bed - any structure on which you can stretch the screen. You can make it from a laid out shoe box and pull a sheet over a bunk bed. The small “stage” is suitable for simple finger performances, and if you want to prepare a real puppet show– it’s better to make a spacious large screen where the whole story will fit.

3. Setting and Characters – Choose where you want to start. If you decide to try finger theater, practice with your child to fold your palms and fingers in such a way that “live” images of animals appear on the screen. A dog can bark, a crocodile can open its toothy mouth, a bunny can move its ears - whatever you imagine. For the puppet theater you will need thick cardboard from which you will cut out decorations and figures.

Helpful Tips:

1. The screen should be located between the audience and the lamp. The actors are between the lamp and the screen. Remember that the lamp gets hot and it is best not to touch the light source during the performance.

2. In order for the shadows to be clear, the light should fall directly, and not from the side, and the lamp should not be close, but two or three meters from the wall.

3. The light source should always be behind the screen and slightly to the side. Position yourself so that the shadow of your body almost does not fall on the screen, and the shadow of your hands is evenly clear.

4. It is better to paint cardboard figures with black paint, then they will be contrasting and noticeable on the screen.

5. The size of the shadows on the screen depends on the distance from the figure to the light source. To make the figure smaller, bring it close to the screen. To make it grow in size, place it further away. It is better to secure the scenery close to the screen with tape or bent paper clips so that they do not move during the performance, and little directors will have an extra pair of hands.

6. If the children like the home theater, make a real curtain, tickets and programs. During the performance, you can arrange a real intermission with an impromptu buffet.

5. Start with a small number of characters - two or three are enough for the first time. With practice, you can easily move on to more complex performances.

6. To make the performance “colorful,” use colored light bulbs or filters that can be attached to the lamp. For night scenes - a blue filter, for morning scenes - a red one, and so on.

7. The figures can be made movable by wrapping their arms, legs, wings and tails with soft wire. Instead of sticks that hold characters up, use regular drinking straws.

Creativity in children needs constant nourishment. And sometimes standard toys at home are no longer very pleasing. They want more - their own performances, invented stories that can be demonstrated to their parents in unusual shape. The play of shadows in this case becomes an excellent solution. Let's look at how to make a shadow theater with your own hands at home and what you need for this.

What can become a shadow theater

Of course, the main characters in any shadow theater plot will be the shadows themselves. However, there may be several options for how and on what basis they can be obtained.

Hand movements You can make a theater with your own hands in literally of these words. Probably, many, given a convenient angle and opportunity, create all kinds of figures of birds, fish, and animals from their hands on the wall. But you can turn improvisation into a real art if you learn how to correctly group your hands for a particular character.
Shadow theater on the wall If you have a large spotlight or lamp in your home and a lot of free space, you can direct the light at an angle onto a wall that does not have unnecessary objects. Children stand under these rays and begin to act out scenes; I find the poses interesting. Figures cut from a stencil can also be reflected on the wall. You can cover the spotlight itself and the “scriptwriters” with a screen made with your own hands from chairs and bedspreads.
Performance on stage The audience sits in the dark, with a “screen” in front of them. Manipulations with figures made of cardboard, wood or plain paper take place between the front wall of the stage and the lamp.

How to make a shadow theater with your own hands at home

If with the first two options everything is quite easy to come up with, then with the third you need to try. Can go in a simple way and take a simple cardboard box as the basis for the scene. For example, from household appliances. A white sheet or thin white paper is stretched over the box. Special paper for patterns is also suitable - it has optimal density and does not show through.

You can make the figures yourself from different materials, but cardboard is best suited for this role, because it will be possible to cut out thin details from it (handles, legs, tails, smooth curves). You can come up with characters yourself or use stencils.

  1. Initially, cut out two identical parts from cardboard and, when gluing them, place a part of the cane inside from below.
  2. Tape the cane to the back of the figure. You can take a tube, cut its tip into strips, place them to the sides and glue these strips to the back of the hero.
  3. Glue it with glue.

The cane itself can be a wooden skewer, a toothpick, or a plastic tube. The decorations are made similarly to the characters and are mounted on foam plastic or any other suitable material.

If you want to make your own shadow theater even more interesting for children, you can make individual parts of the characters movable. They are cut out and attached to the main part with wire or thread. To do this, holes are made on both sides. The movable part also needs to be attached to a skewer, or even better, placed on a string, which the child himself can pull up at the right moment - magically the character's arm or leg will rise, the bird will fly away.

The light source in this case can be an ordinary lamp, which will shine at a right angle onto the back of the stage, highlighting the figures of the characters in the shadow theater. But it will still be safer to use a flashlight.

Interesting exciting games, can be used with great delight by children and in kindergarten, and on children's day birth. You can start with the simplest productions ordinary fairy tales, where only 3-4 characters are used (for example, “Ryaba Hen”), and then create original performances with children for grandparents in several hands.

Approaching new year holidays, which means that every family begins to think about entertainment program. A home performance can be an excellent way to organize leisure time for children. If you have big family and you usually celebrate holidays with a friendly group of children, then a small theatrical performance will help not only captivate children, but also entertain adults. Plus, it's a great way to bring the family together. In addition to their entertainment function, such performances contribute to the development of children's memory and attention.

A home performance requires some preliminary preparation, so it’s worth thinking through in advance what your little performance will look like and what it will be like.

First you need to decide what your performance will be and how many people will take part in it. And only then will it be possible to think about more detailed planning. So, first of all, you need to decide on the form of the performance. This could be a puppet show or a performance where the children themselves will play the roles. Then select a material. And only then deal with the distribution of roles and organizational issues.

The easiest way to organize a home performance is puppet show. Doll sets are now sold in specialized stores. The most convenient of them are gloves. If you can’t find a suitable kit, you can sew the characters yourself. Well, for those who do not have talents in the field of needlework, you can get by with drawn characters or, at worst, use ordinary children's toys.

In addition to the dolls, you will need a screen and an audio system. The easiest way to make screens for a home performance is to place a couple of chairs and stretch a blanket between them.
It is better to take simple material for productions. It is important that the performance lasts no more than half an hour: you are unlikely to be able to hold children’s attention longer. “Little Red Riding Hood”, “Cinderella”, “Kolobok”, “Cat’s House” - in a word, choose fairy tales with a small amount characters and words.
Decide who will play the roles. You can involve only parents in the performance. Then the kids will only be spectators. But it is better to distribute roles between children: yours and your friends. Of course, this approach will require more time from you, because you will have to work with the children, but there will be more benefits from such a performance.

If you decide to entrust the roles to little helpers, be sure to remember that it is difficult for children to learn large amounts of text. In this case, it is better to take on the role of narrator. Distribute the remaining characters among the kids. Keep in mind that it is difficult for children under 4-5 years old to participate in such productions. But since it is very important for kids to be useful in the common cause, small roles with simple text can be assigned to them. Help the "actors". Ask your friends to prepare at home by practicing skits with their children if you plan to include them in the performance. Immediately before the holiday performance, you will need to organize at least two rehearsals so that the kids know how and when they need to behave. You also need to take care of musical material. Be sure to include children's songs and melodies in the performance.

You can organize a performance without puppets. In this case, the roles will be played entirely by small actors. Of course, this option will require much more preparation: you will need to take care of costumes and scenery, allocate time for additional rehearsals, and think about how to organize the stage. You can't do without help here. If you and your friends have enough free time, you can go this route. In this case, you will need to sew or buy costumes, make scenery, and select props. Of course, we are not talking about any large-scale works, but at least small drawn attributes should be present. Houses, flowers or trees, room furnishings - use available materials, and you will have decorations sufficient for a home performance.

You need to choose a play based on your capabilities. If you only have time for the most simple preparations, then it’s better to opt for simple material: Russian folk tales are perfect for a home performance. For example, “Teremok” is an easy-to-implement idea for a production. Animal costumes are quite easy to make at home: for a bunny, make ears from an ordinary children's hairband, for a fox, a fur tail is enough, etc. The only decorations for this fairy tale you will need is the tower itself. It can be drawn on cardboard paper. The text material of the fairy tale is very light and any child can understand it. In short, preparing for the presentation will not require much effort from you, and positive impressions the children will have a lot.

Don't forget to prepare for the premiere. Make room and arrange chairs for spectators. Solemnly announce the start of the performance. Do everything so that children feel completely immersed in the process. Remember that you are not just cooking entertainment event, but also help kids understand and feel .

Approach the preparation process with soul, imagination and patience, and your efforts will definitely be rewarded with happy children's laughter.