Aerial painting by Willem Haenreits. Extraordinary aerial painting by Dutch artist Willem Haenraets Paintings by Willem Haenraets

  • 19.06.2019

Friends, today I want to dedicate my post to the extraordinary watercolor painting Willem Haenraets - Dutch artist, whose canvases give the viewer a feeling of peace and romantic idyll.

Willem's works are permeated with air, color, tenderness, lightness, surrounded by a special mood of relaxation, peace and freedom.

These amazing paintings are able to give moments of real relaxation to the eyes and heart: reviewing them, again and again you feel the atmosphere of serenity and harmony with the universe created by the artist...

Willem Heijenraets was born in the Dutch city of Heerlen on November 9, 1940. His artistic talent was discovered already in early age. At the age of sixteen, Willem began his studies at the Academy of Arts in Maastricht. After four years of study, the talented student was given a scholarship by the Belgian government, which allowed him to continue his studies at the National Institute of Fine Arts in Antwerp. He soon had his own workshop there. Willem Heijenraets studied with eminent professors Sarina and Vaarten. Experienced craftsmen were glad that a worthy replacement was growing, and in every possible way contributed to Willem’s promotion. In it they saw a continuation of the traditions of the Belgian-Dutch school.

The first exhibition took place in the same years young artist. With the proceeds, he bought himself a motor scooter, which he subsequently traveled to many picturesque places in the area, especially the area of ​​the port of Antwerp. Here he met one of the wealthy shipowners, with the help of whom Willem began to paint many commissioned portraits. When the customer died, Heienraets went to Paris for several months. On the city square Place de Tetre he painted portraits from morning to evening and was eventually able to buy himself a house in the city of Bergen (Holland). Later Willem settled there with his first wife Hannah. It was writing time large quantity paintings that were sold in art salons and galleries.

Soon a great misfortune happened - Hannah died in an accident, leaving her husband alone with a six-week-old baby.

In the 70s, Willem's life lost order. As a result, he decided to return to his native Heerlen, where he settled in the small castle Kasteel Terworm and plunged into work. He sold his paintings in Holland and Germany.

At the end of the 70s, the artist found his second wife, who already had a small daughter. Later they had a son.

In the 80s, William began publishing his works. This made a big difference in his life financially and in terms of participating in art fairs and exhibitions. Regular invitations to exhibitions in the USA and England appeared. His originals have been exhibited in a gallery in Beverly Hills, and lithographs of his work have been shown in exhibitions. Eventually, exhibition activities brought it to the painter world fame. The exhibition in Nagoya (Japan) was a huge success. The Japanese really liked the artist's style, his soft colors and romantic mood.

In the 90s, the artist became close to the owner of a gallery in Maastricht. Together they held wonderful exhibitions at Gallery Renoir every two years. However, due to the illness of the gallery owner, this collaboration ended.

Since 2003, Willem and his family have lived in Spain. The administration asked him to present his paintings at the city House of Culture. According to the artist, it was a very pleasant event.

Willem Heijenraets currently works with a publishing house that presents his work worldwide in the form of high-quality posters and lithographs. The artist sells originals himself and through galleries. His works are in many private collections in Belgium, Holland, France, Germany, England, Spain, Canada, USA, Japan and Italy.

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It is impossible to look at the works of the Dutch artist Willem Heijenraets without a spiritual outburst and enthusiastic emotions. Willem Haenraets (1940). All yours inner world the famous painter splashed delicate watercolors and textured acrylics onto paper, striking with his unique brushwork. After all, the watercolor technique is the most difficult in painting - it does not tolerate corrections. The talented master found a unique approach to the “capricious” paint, forcing it to create a world of romantic illusion born in the artist’s imagination.

The artist Willem Heijenraets was born in the Dutch city of Heerlen. WITH youth The boy showed a talent for drawing, and as a result, he studied at the Academy of Arts in Maastricht, and later at the National Institute of Fine Arts in Antwerp. He took lessons from eminent professors, who saw in their student a worthy successor to the traditions of the Belgian-Dutch school of painting. In those years, Willem successfully opened his first exhibition, spending the entire fee from it on the purchase of a motor scooter. This gave the artist the opportunity to travel outside the city and paint his aerial landscapes." alt=" “Portrait of a girl.”

And in order to somehow hold on"на плаву" Виллему в !} student years he had to paint portraits of the rich people of the city, which gained him popularity. But soon material problems forced the artist to move to Paris, where he also painted portraits: only of passing Parisians. Sitting on the pavement with an easel from dawn to dusk, the artist was able to raise money to buy a house in the Dutch city of Bergen.

IN new house he brought his wife and happiness seemed to be eternal. The artist was simply overwhelmed by a wave of romantic watercolors." alt=" “A germ of warmth has matured in the chest, clinging to life..." Author: Willem Haenraets." title="“A sprout of warmth has ripened in the chest, clinging to life...”" alt="“The soul is still alive with love and dreams. » Author: Willem Haenraets." title="“The soul is still alive with love and dreams. »

But soon misfortune crossed the threshold of his home: his beloved wife Hannah died in a car accident, leaving the artist with a six-week-old daughter in his arms. The bereavement broke the painter, and for ten years he led a chaotic lifestyle. Although I tried not to forget about work and my girl, who grew up without a mother." alt="“I will turn into a tender dove on an April morning...” Author: Willem Haenraets." title="“I will turn into a tender dove on an April morning...”

Returning with his daughter to his native Heerlen, he settled in the small castle Kasteel Terworm and plunged headlong into his favorite business.

Happiness and confidence returned to the house with the woman whom the artist took as his wife along with her child. And soon they all rejoiced together at the birth of their son. Having become a happy father for the second time, Willem set to work with zeal." alt="" alt="“And now you can already smell the delicate scent of flowers...” Author: Willem Haenraets." title="“And now you can smell the delicate scent of flowers...”" alt="“ hand will touch the skin and burn with its warmth...” Author: Willem Haenraets." title="“ hand will touch the skin and burn with its warmth...”" alt="

Today Willem Haenraets lives in the Netherlands and Spain, the artist has a large business publishing lithographs.

Video about the artist’s watercolors, not included in the review:

The airiness of multidimensional space and sensuality women's bodies combines in its paintings And French artist.

More tender than tender.....

Aerial painting by Willem Haenreits

Very difficult to describe in words
This is something that cannot be conveyed...
This feeling goes on to infinity...
This is when you want to give everything to someone.

I would like to introduce you to a wonderful artist, master of watercolor, impressionist, whose name is Willem Haenreits

Willem Haenreits was born in Heerlen, the Netherlands on October 9th, 1940. While still a boy, he showed great talent as a draftsman. When he was seventeen years old, he went to the Maastricht Art Academy. After 4 years of study, Willem received a degree from the Belgian government to study at the Belgian National Institute of Arts in Antwerp. After this he completed his Master Classes with Professor Sarina (Atelier Opsomer) and Professor Vaarten.
Willem Haenraets is an impressionist who paints modern watercolors art paintings, which are full of environment, color and light.

He is an endless artist, his romantic scenes painted in delicate colors are known throughout the whole world. Exhibitions in Amsterdam, Brussels, Maastricht, Frankfurt, Milan, Paris, London, New York, Los Angeles, Beverly Hills, Nagoya in Japan.
The artist's paintings are in private collections in Belgium, Holland, France, Germany, England, Spain, Canada, the United States, Japan, and Italy.

Couldn't resist getting into watercolor landscape -
I wanted to absorb all the warmth of the drying paints
And freeze before entering the land of amazing fairy tales,
To a world that is, of course, similar, only better than ours...

Enjoy watching!

The artist's airy watercolors are surrounded by
a halo of color, lightness, some special mood of relaxation and peace. Looking at his paintings, you catch yourself thinking that you want to drop everything, get on a bicycle, put on a straw hat, take a bouquet of wild flowers in your arms and rush off somewhere to the sea, climb onto a cliff and expose your face to the warm wind.

Using his unique soft color in watercolors, he seems to conjure with a brush, creating a romantic world of beautiful illusion

And now you can smell the delicate smell of flowers, the sea breeze is blowing, and you want to plunge into the warm sea wave...
The weightlessness and transparency of the paintings creates the atmosphere of a romantic world in which only Happiness, Harmony and Love are possible.

Delicate, joyful, lively and seemingly transparent wonderful watercolors.

On a distant planet
City of people in love.

The stars shine in a special way for them,

The sky is bluer for them

White walls over the sea

White peace and comfort.

People don't quarrel

People don't argue

People sing to each other...

Tenderness is so divinely light,
This is the rustling of dreams and the stars of the valleys,
It's the wind that blows the clouds,
Into the fragile world of illusions and mysteries...

Tenderness - mother's warm hand,
As a child, she wiped away tears...
This is from far, far away
In memory of a thawed picture...

Tenderness is the first mushroom rain
This is the taste of raspberries from the lips of loved ones,
This is a wave that comes along,
Light touch of invisible souls...

Tenderness is a whisper of “be silent...”
Like an untold confession
A wax candle that has cried,
For two who created the universe...

The artist depicts tenderness, serenity, calmness, love, feelings that look so harmonious with his style of execution. The objects of his paintings were people, animals, landscapes, and flowers.

Do you know that tenderness can be magical?
Look, do you see a ray on a raindrop?
To you through the space of the vast universe
My light of tenderness and my smile..

Tender, airy watercolors the artist Willem Heijenraets is fascinated, attracted, beckoned into his bright, warm, sunny world.

Watercolor landscape, the embodiment of imaginable dreams,
where in the ivy-covered pastorals the road at dawn,
in the petals of roses flying around in early bloom,
with the kisses of the wind running after happiness...

Bees of tender love, hurrying to drink nectar juice,
so that in the hives of hopes it can be melted into an alluring whim...
there the wave playfully hugs the hot sand,
and on the ripples of the sea, the breeze tumbles playfully...

And the naive purity of striped kittens is innocent,
that they play with their mother’s long tail,
running out, as if into life, into a garden blazing with colors...
Everything is a dream...Everything blooms with beauty...But that’s not what I’m talking about.

There is no place for trouble, sadness dies without being born,
sometimes a light spleen in the evening, getting stuck between the lines...
This house, this garden and the path running into the distance,
all your revelation, a stroke of the sun's brush.

You carry love, carelessly spilling your load,
and the poet in love draws his poem on the palm of his hand...
easily exchanging life for a dream. And the amber of your beads,
like an altar, interspersed with the lives of others...

Nikolay Tumanov, 2009

His paintings are filled with airiness, love and tenderness. They talk about such paintings - Light

Initially, the works were created using watercolor technique. Later acrylic was added. Latest episodes Most of his works are acrylic. The artist began to paint warm, and sometimes even hot, paintings with acrylic. Some works seem to be painted in mixed media. And watercolor, and acrylic, and pastel V. Heijenraets is an impressionist artist. Willem's works are permeated with air, color, tenderness, lightness, surrounded by a special watercolor mood of relaxation, peace and

Willem Haenraets

born in October 1940 in Rotterdam

At the age of 16 he entered the Antwerp art academy. Teachers at the academy quickly noted the obvious talent of the young talent and encouraged him in every possible way. creative growth. Four years later, from the moment he entered the academy, Willem Haenraets began to receive a state scholarship from the Belgian government and was able to continue his education at the National Institute of Fine Arts in Antwerp. There he soon had his own workshop. Willem Haenraets studied with eminent professors Sarina and Vaarten. Experienced craftsmen were glad that a worthy replacement was growing and contributed in every possible way to William’s promotion. In it they saw a continuation of the traditions of the Belgian-Dutch school. In those same years, the first exhibition of the young artist took place. With the proceeds, he bought himself a motor scooter, which he subsequently traveled to many picturesque places in the area, especially the area of ​​the port of Antwerp. Here he met one of the wealthy shipowners, with the help of whom Willem began to paint many commissioned portraits. When the customer died, William went to Paris for several months. On the city square Place de Tetre he painted portraits from morning to evening, and eventually was able to buy himself a house in the city of Bergen (in Holland). Later he settled there with his first wife Hannah. This was the time when a large number of paintings were painted, which were sold in art salons and galleries. Soon a great misfortune happened - Hannah died in an accident, leaving her husband alone with a six-week-old child. During these years, William’s life lost order. But in the end, he decided to return to his native Herpen, where he settled in the small castle Kasteel Terworm, immersing himself in work. He sold his works in Holland and Germany.

In the late 70s, the artist found his second wife, who already had a small daughter. Later they had a son. During this period, William began to publish his works. This made a big difference in his life financially and in terms of participating in art fairs and exhibitions. There were regular invitations to exhibitions in the USA and England. His originals have been exhibited in a gallery in Beverly Hills, and lithographs of his work have been shown in exhibitions. As a result, exhibition activities brought the painter world fame. The exhibition in Nagoya (which is in Japan) was a huge success. The Japanese really liked the artist's style, his soft colors, romantic mood. During this period, the artist became close to the owner of the gallery on Stokstraat in Maastricht. Together they held wonderful exhibitions at Gallery Renoir every two years. However, due to the illness of the gallery owner, this collaboration ended.


During these years, Willem Haenraets bought a house in Spain, in the municipality of Hondon de las Nieves. The administration asked him to present his paintings at the city House of Culture. The artist mentions this event as very pleasant.

William currently works with a publishing house that represents his work worldwide in the form of high quality posters and lithographs. The artist sells originals himself and through galleries.

In 2009, Willem Haenraets was invited by the committee of the Biennale Internazionale Della Arte contemporanea to take part in this famous exhibition. The artist himself considers this participation his great success.