The Universe and human thoughts. The main laws of the universe

  • 10.10.2023

In this article, we will look at seven basic laws, some of which you are probably familiar with.

This is one of the options for classifying the main laws of the universe, of course, the list is far from exhaustive, and each of the laws listed below may have its own branches on other, but less powerful laws. We will not talk about physical or mathematical laws, we will talk about the laws that affect the system: Man - the Universe.

The universe has its own laws, its own order, which reveals itself in the seemingly endless universal chaos. This order of things is barely noticeable to the naked eye of a person, nevertheless, it is present and has a huge impact on everything that is in this world.

Like, for example, the law of attraction, which, in fact, is only part of the law of vibration and the law of transformation. Each of these laws of the universe are important and powerful in their own way, and they operate continuously, regardless of whether you know about them or not.

1. The law of vibration and attraction.

Everything in the universe vibrates, nothing is at absolute rest. We actually live in an ocean of movement. And this is the great secret of life. You are always moving towards something and it is always moving towards you, it is action and attraction. Vibrations of the same frequency resonate with each other, so energy attracts similar energy. Everything is energy, including your thoughts. Your thoughts are vibrations that you send out to the Universe. When you concentrate, your vibrations become stronger and more intense. Your thoughts are cosmic waves of energy that penetrate time and space. Thus, consistent concentration on a particular thought or idea attracts similar vibrations.

How to use it: Focus on what you want instead of what you don't want. If you're not feeling well, listen to what you're thinking and think about something nice.

2. The law of endless transformation.

This law states that energy passes into physical form and back. Everything flows, everything changes, the universe is a huge ocean of energy raging in an endless dance of amazing transformations. Nothing stands still, even if, as it seems to you, you do not change, everything around you is transformed and never remains the same. Because your thoughts are creative energy, this energy can take on physical form. The more you think about what you want, the more creative forces you use to create a certain result in life. The universe organizes itself according to your thoughts.

How to use it: put your energy and effort, your thoughts and actions, into attracting what you want, and you will certainly attract the physical manifestation of that energy.

3. The law of rhythm.

The law of rhythm says that everything has its natural cycle. Everything moves back and forth, flows in and out, oscillates back and forth, there is an ebb and flow. Night replaces day, life revives itself. We all have good times and bad times, nothing stays the same. Change is constant. The knowledge that “everything passes” is great wisdom about the flow of life and change. This law regulates the movement of planets in orbits, and also manifests itself in the mineral and plant kingdoms. Men and women can observe this law in their mental, physical and emotional states. The law of rhythm is universal. It can be observed in the example of the rising and setting of the sun and moon, the ebb and flow of the sea, the coming and going of times. You can't feel good all the time, no one can.

How to use it: When you feel low in mood and energy, and everything is going against your plan, know that things will get better. A good time will definitely come, think about it.

4. The law of cause and effect.

This law states that every cause has its effect, and every effect has its cause. There is no such thing as chance. Everything happens according to the law. Nothing can escape this law. Each of our actions must have a cause, and an effect, and so on ad infinitum - the result is a constant, endless cycle of cause and effect. Ralph Waldo Emerson called the law of cause and effect the law of laws. Each of us is interested in the result. Your physical health, relationships, respect, your income, all this can be both cause and effect. It is necessary to focus on the causes, then the consequences will not be long in coming. Be careful what you think about. This is how this law works.

How to use it: Constantly think and act based on what you want. What you put out into the universe comes back. Say nice things to every person, treat everyone with respect, and it will all come back. Never worry about what you are going to get, just focus on what you can give.

5. The law of relativity.

This law says that everything is relative. There is neither evil nor good, there are no small or large things, nothing moves slowly or quickly, everything is known in comparison. A point of view is determined by what the observer associates it with. The nature, value or quality of something can only be measured in relation to another object. It should also be noted that all laws are related to each other and correspond to each other. All laws must be interconnected, in other words, they must be in harmony, agreement and conformity with each other. Understanding this law gives you a means of solving most of the secrets of nature that appear paradoxical. Every time you use this law correctly, you win. It is enough to understand that there are people who do something better than you, and you do something better than others.

How to use it: practice this law in relation to your situation, remembering that there is someone who is in a less advantageous position than you, so you will feel better where you are. Use it to improve your self-esteem if necessary.

6. Law of polarity.

Everything in the universe has its opposite. There is no inside of a room without an outside. There is no cold without heat and light without darkness. Where there is up, there is down. There is always a right side and a left side, a back and a front. If there is good, there is also bad. The law of polarity not only says that everything has its opposite, it speaks of equality and opposites. If there are three meters from floor to ceiling, then there will be three meters from ceiling to floor. If from Moscow to Leningrad there are 635 kilometers, then from Leningrad to Moscow there will be 635 kilometers. And it cannot be otherwise. If something bad happens in your life, there must be something good in it.

How to use it: Look for the good in people and situations. If you find this in a person, give him a compliment, people love compliments and positive images in your mind will make you feel better. What you focus on, you multiply in your life.

7. The law of gender.

The law of gender is manifested in all things, both male and female. It is this law that governs what we know as creation. The word "creation" is often misused because nothing is actually created. All new things are the result of changing something into something else. The law of sex manifests itself in the animal kingdom as the difference between the sexes. It also appears in the mineral and plant kingdoms. Without the principle of dualism, the masculine and feminine principles in things, there can be no difference in potential, continuation of movement, or regeneration. This law indicates that everything in nature has male and female principles. Both of them are necessary for existence. Also, this law says that all seeds (ideas - spiritual seeds) have an incubation period before their manifestation. In other words, after choosing a goal or creating an image in your head, a certain time must pass before this image manifests itself in the physical world.

How to use it: Stay focused and know that your goals will become a reality in due time. Know that this will happen.

You can use these laws to bring untold wealth, health, and wonderful relationships into your life. Feel the nature of these laws of the universe, understand and begin to act based on these laws, then you will definitely come closer to your greatest success.

48 laws of the universe

  1. You cannot know what is good and what is evil.
  2. But know for sure: imposed good is evil.
  3. You don't know what the Universe needs.
  4. If you are right, then you are wrong.
  5. There is no right or wrong; you don't know which is which.
  6. There is no bad thing, there is something that upsets you.
  7. There is no good, there is something that makes you happy.
  8. The universe is too big for you to harm it.
  9. Perhaps your mistakes are what the Universe needs.
  10. Your mistakes will not destroy the Universe.
  11. Don't look for the truth, it doesn't exist. And if she is, then you don’t need her.
  12. Don’t look for meaning in life; if it exists, it lies beyond its borders.
  13. How do you define the purpose of what you do? And does it belong to you?...
  14. Don't worry about yourself. In fact, the Universe values ​​you too much for you to go to waste.
  15. Don't look for your guilt. None of this is your fault.
  16. Don't worry about which path you are directing another - do you know which is true and which is false?
  17. If what you are doing is difficult for you, think about whether you need it.
  18. Do only what comes easiest to you, but do it with all your might.
  19. If you do something by accident, you do it on purpose.
  20. Maintain what you like and escape what you don't.
  21. If you can correct the consequences of your mistake, then you have not made a mistake yet.
  22. What happens happens on time.
  23. Sometimes the search for the right solution will cost you more than a mistake.
  24. What happens happens against your will, but it is your will to accept it or not.
  25. If you are in doubt about the road, take a travel companion; if you are sure, go alone.
  26. To be strong is to be lonely.
  27. The strong are strongest alone. You can choose what you want to be.
  28. Every person is lonely. The strong accept and bless their loneliness. The weak one runs away from him.
  29. Be calm and attentive to the World, then you will not miss the moment of Power.
  30. When you try to learn about yourself from others, you give them power over you. Therefore, be the measure of what happens to you.
  31. Bless the missed opportunities, you have gained greater opportunities.
  32. Give is easy, Lose is easy, Say goodbye is easy.
  33. Do not regret that there was little joy, this will give you another sadness.
  34. Love your enemy to win.
  35. If the enemy takes you by surprise and you are still alive, he is in your hands.
  36. The more losing the situation, the more winning it is.
  37. Do not be afraid of the one who tries to break your will, for he is weak.
  38. True revenge is to neglect.
  39. By giving in, you pass the test.
  40. Give in to weaken resistance.
  41. Do not strive to be stronger than your opponent, but look for where your opponent is weaker than you.
  42. When you love your enemy, you get to know him better. The more you get to know him, the more advantage you get over him.
  43. You can't always win, but you can always make yourself invincible. Victory depends on the enemy. Invincibility comes from yourself.
  44. No matter who your opponent is, always try to see him as a person. And you will soon see that this approach gives you a huge advantage.
  45. You create worry and anxiety when you measure success by the measure of praise or blame.
  46. Don't worry about where to go next when you're in the middle of a suspension bridge.
  47. When you do it, do it now, then you will never do it again.
  48. You can never say where you are going, only where you hope to arrive.

Our world is billions of years old. It existed before the advent of people and will exist just as long after us. A person may imagine himself as the king of nature, but in fact, more often he is a blind kitten who sees life as a series of arbitrary and random events.

Trying to dodge another failure, we don’t even realize that there are laws, knowing which, you can consciously manage your emotions and life, and not rush around in chaotic attempts to achieve happiness.

In the Universe there are not only physical laws that are easy to see and prove, but also energy ones. Whether we believe it or not - they work. After all, in addition to the body, we have a psyche and soul, which means it would be unreasonable to perceive the material level as the only one.

Basic laws of the Universe- these are the fundamental principles of balance on which everything that happens around us is based. The universe is energy. It moves according to its own laws, the knowledge of which will allow you to integrate into this flow, and not row against the current, exhausted.

In accordance with these laws, everything that exists is built and lives. Even if we don’t know that something like this exists, these laws play a colossal role in our lives.

The nature of the universe consists of plans and subplanes within them, different levels and sublevels, various spheres of existence. The Universe is sevenfold, like everything in our lives, starting from the smallest and ending with the Universe itself. Moreover, the largest in the Universe is similar to the smallest, and vice versa. The Universe is also a single energy field. All energy is interpenetrated and interacts with each other. Everything in the world is one single whole and is subject to the laws of the universe. This is one of the options for classifying the basic laws of the universe.

One of the fundamental knowledge that you can turn to when getting acquainted with the laws of the Universe is the Hermetic philosophy as presented by the Kybalion.

“There are seven principles of Truth: - he who knows them (with understanding) has a magic key, at the touch of which the doors of the Temple open.”


We will now outline some laws in a fairly simple presentation for understanding.

  • Law of attraction.
  • Law of intention.
  • Law of non-interference.
  • Law of balance.

Law of attraction. Like attracts like

Everything is a thought. The universe is a mental image. Thought is primary and precedes any materialization.

A simple thesis example. If all that exists is thought, then it is possible and more productive to interact with this “everything” through thought. Which, when you think about it, opens up endless possibilities.

This law speaks about the materiality of our thoughts. He explains to us why in our lives we attract only those situations and those people who are close to us in their inner essence.

This means that we attract into our lives what we think about, since energy follows thought.

If our thoughts are positive, a positive response comes into our lives. If negative - negative.

Having become acquainted with this law, we begin to understand that our reality is a mirror in which we ourselves are reflected.

If we see something in the people around us that we don’t like, it means that we ourselves have similar qualities, but we diligently turn a blind eye to it. In order to be convinced of this, it is enough to look inside yourself more carefully and stop lying to yourself. Very often it seems to us that we are something completely different from what others see in us. Thanks to this law, a person always has a mirror in front of his eyes that he can look into.

Conclusion- think about what you are thinking.

The Law of Intention, or Conscious Execution

Since everything is a thought, in life we ​​get what we have imagined for ourselves.

This law, based on the mentality of the Universe, forms the very basis of our lives. Everything that happens to us initially appears in our minds in the form of a mental image. With our thoughts we create our reality.

The mentality of the Universe is the fundamental basis of its existence. Thanks to the law of intention, the images created by our thoughts materialize and manifest themselves in everything that surrounds us.

From the first law we know that energy follows thought. It follows that everything depends on the intensity of filling the mental image with mental energy. Simply put, the more forcefully you imagine something, and the more you believe in what you think about, the more your thoughts evoke emotions in you, the faster you will get what you think about. Provided that your thoughts are directed in one direction.

The law of intention is strengthened by the law of attraction many times over.

This is important to know for the clarity of your wording.

For example.

You say, “I don’t want to be poor.”

Correct: “I want to be rich!”

You say: “I’m so tired”...

Correct: “I need to rest!”

In the second case, you fill the positive image with energy, and your energy moves not towards the negative image, but towards the positive.

And understand well that it makes absolutely no difference to the Universe whether these images are positive or negative. She will meet you in any case.

The stronger your emotion, the faster you get what you think about.

Conclusion: build your life yourself.

Law of non-interference

I am who I am and accept others as they want to be.

This law is the most difficult to actually apply, since the desire to control is deeply rooted in people's minds. By practicing the law of non-interference in everyday life, you will lose the desire to control!

The law of non-interference is directly related to previous laws. And in order to successfully apply it, you need to properly understand the laws of attraction and intentions.

The Law of Non-Interference shows us that everything in the Universe develops in accordance with personal rhythms and according to its own evolution.

It follows: to be yourself you need to allow others to be who they want to be. Give them the opportunity to make their own mistakes and go their own way. Only this leads each individual to evolution, only in this way can everyone become what they want.

Applying the law of non-interference opens the door for creative energy to flow.

Conclusion: to be yourself, to allow others to be who they are.

The law of balance (hermeticists have the law of correspondence)

As above, so below; both below and above. Small equals big.

This principle among the Hermeticists embodies the truth that there is always a correspondence between laws and phenomena in various planes of existence and life.

This law shows us that only harmonious relationships with the Universe give a person the opportunity to build his life the way he wants.

The expression “in harmony with the Universe” does not sound so pompous when you understand that each person is an “atom of the Universe”, a “living cell”, a unique part of the Universe and is in constant feedback with it. Our soul is part of the soul of the Universe. When we talk about harmony with the Universe, we, first of all, mean the harmony of a person with himself, since everything that happens to us happens to the Universe. Small equals great.

Balance implies consonance and adequacy. If we act in accordance with the desires of our soul, and do not allow violence against it, then we live in harmony with the desires of the Universe. When you act as your soul wants (as is consonant with it), it means you are doing what the Universe expects from you, since this is consonant with its soul. It follows that “Living in harmony with the Universe” means: “Living in harmony with oneself.”

This law allows us to understand that external stimuli that cause uncomfortable mental states in us, such as resentment, bitterness, anger, irritation and others, are signals about how harmonious our life is, and what we should pay attention to in ourselves in order to balance our life.

Taking into account the first three laws and acting in accordance with the desires of our soul, we suddenly realize that everything works out for us, we succeed in everything with ease. It's called being in the flow.

Conclusion: by changing ourselves, our environment changes, and, therefore, the world.

One of the most difficult moments in a qualitative change in our life is the need to admit into our consciousness those things with which we are not yet familiar. By expanding our consciousness, expanding the usual framework of knowledge about the world and interaction with it, we come to a state of readiness to find happiness in life.

By increasing our level of awareness, we help ourselves connect with ourselves, with our higher Self.

We are all creators by right of our birth. With the power of thought we are able to create, create our reality. Don’t knock your forehead against wall after wall, but create an idea (vision, picture, dream) of your life that you will be delighted with every day.

Become creative. Believe me. Love it. This is a state of miracle and magic. Believe me.

Harmony and joy on your way.


The Bible (Torah) is not a textbook on cosmogony in its direct presentation. The Bible (Torah, or the teachings of Moses) is a reflection of the Divine Teaching, transmitted by God, the Creator of our world, through His prophets and written down by them as they could understand It in their time.

God - the Absolute wants to be known about Him as the Source of everything that exists in the Universe, as the Absolute Beginning of the Universe, about His Principles - Laws.

So, let's start from the beginning in the truest sense of the word.
The Bible says:

"In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.
The earth was formless and empty,
and darkness over the abyss (there was nothing - author),
and the Spirit of God hovered over the water (hovered over the abyss - author).
And God said: Let there be light. And there was light.
And God saw the light that he was good,
and God separated the light from the darkness
And God called the light day and the darkness night.
and there was evening, and there was morning: one day."
(Bible, Genesis, Chapter 1, Art. 1-5.)

I will not rewrite the Bible (Torah), these are already established folklore texts that have come down to us from time immemorial. But I will explain the Teaching and the Principles of the Universe the way my disembodied Teachers did for me.

""In the beginning there was nothing
and the Spirit of God hovered over the deep."

Let us highlight the main words in this sentence: nothing, the Spirit of God and the abyss...
The word nothing means zero – 0.

The Spirit of God indicates that there was only the Spirit of God, and He was the first thing that was in the beginning, and His manifestation in the beginning was equal to zero, that is, the Spirit of God was in a state of manifestation of internal energy equal to absolute zero - 0.

The abyss here means boundlessness, infinity -.
The presence in this sentence of two opposing concepts: nothing - 0 and the abyss, infinity - indicates their unity, and the third concept, the Spirit of God, is in the sentence between them and unites them.

0 Spirit of God

The Spirit of God can be nothing, and its manifestation can be equal to zero - 0, and the Spirit of God can be manifested infinitely - .

"Everything is Nothing and Nothing is Everything." ""All in One"", or ""Everything is One Single Whole"".

In the beginning, the Spirit of God was first, which means that the Principle of Spirituality - the Principle of the Spirit of God is the First Principle of the construction of the Universe.

Spirituality refers to the concept of “The Spirit of God”, which means that the Principle of the Absolute (God) is the Principle of Spirituality. The principle of Spirituality is present in all objects of the Universe; this unites them.

Scientists have long come to a consensus on the theory of the Big Bang and believe that the formation of the Universe began with the Cosmic Egg, when the diameter of the Universe was
10-35 meters, this value is called the Planck length. Such a state of the Universe is called singularity, point zero, zero – 0.

There is a theory in quantum physics that states that life in our Universe is associated with energy equal to zero.

"...And God said:..."".
(Bible, Genesis, Chapter 1, Article 3.)

The word said means Word – Information – Law.

The Information Principle is the Second Principle of the Universe. Information is everywhere, it permeates the entire space of the Universe. It is initially present during the construction of any object in the Universe, interacts with it throughout its life and does not disappear anywhere, thereby preserving the memory of the object even after its death.

The first thing God created were the Laws-Principles of the Universe. The Laws of the Development of the Universe are based on these Principles, which are nothing more than the information-energy Matrix of the Universe - the information-energy field of the Universe, called ether by astrophysicists, where all the laws operate. Through this information and energy Matrix of the Universe, a kind of Internet network, all objects of the Universe are connected with the Absolute and receive information and energy. Through it we all exchange information.

"...let there be light. And there was light."
(Bible, Genesis, Chapter 1, Article 3.)

Light is energy, an electromagnetic wave, vibration.

The Energy (Vibration) Principle is the Third Principle of the Universe.
Nothing is at rest, everything vibrates, everything moves, that is, everything is energy with different vibration frequencies: light, sound, cosmic radiation, heat, and so on.

There are different types of vibrations.

Subtle energies: spiritual, informational, mental, emotional vibrations.

Physical energies: light, cosmic radiation, x-rays, sound, electromagnetic vibrations, heat.

Rough energies: mechanical vibrations, ocean waves and earthquakes.

And even what we perceive as super-hard and motionless (stones, metals) is not at rest, we simply do not notice the frequency of these vibrations.

The next three Principles are formed on the basis of the first three Principles of the construction of the Universe.
The Principle of Unity – The Principle of Trinity (or Trinity) is the Fourth Principle of the construction of the Universe. It is based on the first three Principles of the construction of the Universe, namely: the Principle of Spirituality, the Principle of Information and the Principle of Energy (Vibration).

Everything in the Universe, from the smallest elementary particles (electrons, neutrons, protons) to plants, animals and humans, has Monads. A monad is a spiritual particle that consists of three spiritual information bodies: atman, buddhic and causal body.

Everything in the Universe from the macrocosm to the microcosm has a ternary structure (spiritual, informational-energetic and material components).

The Universe is the Absolute (the spiritual principle is the Spirit of God), the information and energy Matrix (field) of the Universe and material objects (stars, planets, and so on).

Man is Spirit, soul and body.
Atom – neutron, proton and electron.

The Spirit of God, both in the manifested and unmanifested state, has Quality, Idea and Principle of action. Where the Quality of God is his Spirit, the Idea is information and laws, and the Principle of Action is energy.

"And God said: Let us create heaven and earth."
(Bible, Genesis, Chapter 1, Article 1.)

The Hierarchy Principle is the Fifth Principle of the Universe.

This Principle is also based on the first three Principles of the Universe. As we see, the Principle of Spirituality is the first Principle of building the Universe, followed by the Principle of Information, and then the Principle of Energy (Vibration).

These principles are arranged in a hierarchical order.

The first three Principles of the construction of the Universe include not only the laws of development of the Universe, but also form all four planes of the Universe: Spiritual Plan, Information Plan, Energy and Material Plan.

The Material Plane is a manifestation of the Energy Plane. All material objects consist of molecules, molecules consist of atoms, atoms of elementary particles: electrons, protons and neutrons. According to the quantum wave theory of light, we perceive an electromagnetic wave as light, but when this wave collides with an obstacle (be it a rarefied or dense medium), it twists and a corpuscle is formed - an elementary physical body with its own mass. But this physical body is not yet a substance, not yet a real material body, but rather an energy body, since it has an electrical charge, negative or positive.

A highly organized spiritual structure manifests itself and forms and controls lower organized structures, since they are at lower evolutionary stages of development.
In any structure, no matter how large or how small, we can observe the principle of hierarchy, where the higher stands above the lower and controls it. Smaller objects are part of larger objects, which, in turn, are part of even larger ones, and so on.

"... and God separated the light from the darkness.
And God called the light day and the darkness night."
(Bible, Genesis, Chapter 1, Art. 4-5.)

Everything is dual, everything has its poles, that is, its antipode: light and darkness, day and night, sky and earth, evening and morning, top and bottom, hot and cold, white and black, big and small, spirit and matter, plus extreme is positive, minus is negative, and so on.

The Principle of Polarity is the Sixth Principle of the Universe.

We live in a world where there are extreme concepts: up and down, black and white, good and evil. But we are always in intermediate states, between absolute cold and absolute heat, between absolute top and absolute bottom.

Everything is relative. All truths are nothing more than half-truths.


In the beginning there was nothing
and the Spirit of God hovered over the abyss...
(Bible, Genesis, Chapter 1, Article 5.)

The word nothing means zero - 0, we considered the word nothing in the First Principle of the Universe as a state of manifestation of the internal energy of the Absolute.

In the Principle of Eternity (Rhythm or Time Cycles), zero - 0 should be considered as the point in time where the end of one cycle, where there was nothing, and the beginning of the next cycle, when there was nothing, converge.

Nothing, or zero - 0 is a point in time - the beginning of a new cycle.

Time is a subjective concept; if there is someone who can observe time, then time exists. For every creature in the Universe, time flows at its own speed.

Even God has his own life cycle. In the beginning there is only the Spirit of God, and the Universe does not exist, it has not yet been manifested. God is in his true form as the Spirit of God, or as a point of singularity where the manifestation of God is one hundred percent spirituality and energy is zero. The Universe is born when God manifests all of His Living Qualities of the Creator.

The Principle of Eternity – the Principle of Rhythm (Cycles of Time) is the Seventh Principle of the construction of the Universe.

God says: “I am Alpha and Omega,” “Everything came from me, everything will end with me.”

Many scientists and philosophers have studied time. But since the time of Plato, little has changed... “You can’t step into the same river twice”, “Everything flows, everything changes.”

The time vector adds a fourth dimension to the three objectively existing vectors of space in Euclidean geometry - length, width and height. Many centuries passed until Nikolai Lobachevsky proved that Euclidean geometry is correct only on small scales, and it does not work in Space. The space of the Universe is not a cube, but a sphere, a ball, and the lines there are not straight, but curved, curved. All manifested and unmanifested beings and subjects in the Universe, and the Universe itself, develop not in a straight line or diagonally, but in a spiral. Therefore, the time vectors in the space of the Universe not only bend, but also intersect.

Time is the life cycles of certain living beings, so time is also cyclical. Every living being develops in a spiral, rising from bottom to top. Time accompanies this life cycle and “flows” along the same spiral, and at different stages of life time can “flow” at different angular speeds.

""... And God said: let there be light.
And the light became...
... And there was evening, and there was morning: one day."
Bible, Genesis, Chapter 5, Art. 1-2.)

Everything has its beginning, that is, a cause, therefore, everything has its continuation - a consequence. The principles of the construction of the Universe are the cause and have a continuation - the consequence - the laws of development of the Universe.

The first three Principles of the construction of the Universe: the Principle of Spirituality, the Principle of Information and the Principle of Energy (Vibration), which are included already on the spiritual plane, are the cause and have a continuation on the underlying planes in the form of the Law of Spiritual-informational-energetic development, to which everything in the Universe and even The Universe itself develops according to this law. A description of this law will be given below.

There are many planes of causation: different causes - many options for action to choose from, and many options for consequences.

Even the Principle of Cause and Effect itself is a cause and has its continuation and effect on the material plane in the form of the Law of Karma.

The Principle of Cause and Effect is the Eighth Principle of the Universe.

""... And God said: Let us create heaven and earth,
let there be lights in the firmament of heaven...
for signs... And it became so...
... And God said: let the earth produce greenery,
the grass that sows (after its kind and likeness), and the tree...

in Our image (and) in Our likeness..."

“As above, so below, as below, so above” - this hermetic axiom means that everything that happens on the Spiritual Plane is reflected on all planes: Informational, Energy, up to the Material Plane.

Conversely, our actions on the Material Plane will have consequences on higher, subtler planes, that is, what is below is similar to what is above.

The Principle of Similarity (Analogy, Correspondence) is the Ninth Principle of the Universe.


""... And God said: let the water bring forth living things;
and let the birds fly over the earth...
... And God said: Let the earth produce living creatures according to their kinds,
cattle and creeping things and beasts of the earth..."
(Bible, Genesis, Chapter 1, Art. 20, 24.)

The Universe does not know death, according to the Seventh Principle of the Universe - the Principle of Eternity - the Principle of Rhythm (or Time Cycles) there is an endless series of births and transitions from one state to another. Existence (Life) passes into Non-existence (Nothing - Nirvana), and Non-existence passes into Being.

The Principle of Life is the Tenth Principle of the Universe.

And God said: Let us create man
in Our image (and) in Our likeness...
"...And God created man in His own image,
in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them... "".
(Bible, Genesis, Chapter 1, Art. 26-27.)

Duality is manifested in everything, on all planes and on all levels.
The Principle of Duality (Gender) is the Eleventh Principle of the Universe.

On the highest planes: Spiritual and Informational, the Principle of Duality (Gender) is manifested in the Supermonad, where the male and female Atmans are united.

On the Energy Plane in the kingdom of Light, Ascended Masters have a Monad and a sexual characteristic. They appear before us in the forms of men and women.

On the Material Plane in the kingdoms (subplanes): elementary particles and minerals, everything has its own male or female principle (Atman), but in these kingdoms the gender of the Monad does not have much significance.

On the subplanes (kingdoms) of plants, animals and humans, gender is manifested (be fruitful and multiply). Entering incarnation, the Monad, male or female, builds a physical body, the gender of which is determined, firstly, by the karmic lesson that the entity must learn, or gain experience, or develop the appropriate quality and, secondly, the genetics of the parents.

""... God created man, in the likeness of God he created him,
male and female he created them, and blessed them
and man called their name on the day he created them..."
(Bible, Genesis, Chapter 5, Art. 1-2.)

The universe is intelligent. There is a law of conservation of mass, energy, ... information and spirituality, which states that nothing arises from anywhere and nothing disappears anywhere. Consequently, if intelligent forms of life appeared in the Universe, and this is precisely what a person considers himself to be, it means that the Principle of Reasonability (Mentalism) was inherent in it from the very beginning.

The Principle of Reasonability (Mentalism) is the Twelfth Principle of the Universe.


In Hinduism and Buddhism there are images and diagrams called yantras, among them a special, sacred yantra stands out - SRI YANTRA.

Sri Yantra is the diagram of ""... a fully created Cosmos (Srishti), rising from the unity of the male and female principles, in which the world acquires multiplicity, held in the unity of the primary bindu at the center"" (""Yantra..."" Madhu Hana, Ed. " "AMRITA". 1992).

Sri Yantra comes with open gates and closed gates (Fig. 1., Fig. 2.).

""…The creative impulse of the Supreme Being arises under the influence of the irresistible force of self-reproduction. Bindu expands. Cosmic evolution begins with the splitting of the primary unity into two...", ""Figures that continue to expand (with open gates) and contract (with closed gates) are not only a bridge between different levels of being, but also a symbol of the unfolding and gathering of energies" " (""Yantra..."" Madhu Khanna).

The point in the center of the Sri Yantra is the bindu point and symbolizes the Spiritual Plane.

The mutually diverging triangles, which occupy a large space on the Sri Yantra diagram, symbolize the Information Plane and denote the Supermonads and Atmans that arise when the Supermonads are divided on the Information Plane.

The lotus petals on the Sri Yantra diagram are nothing more than waves (vibrations) of the Energy Plan, as well as the Thousand-Petal White Lotus of Sahasrara.

Very often, Buddha is depicted sitting on a lotus flower, which symbolizes him as an Enlightened and Ascended Master.

The four lines of the circle are a reflection of the Material Plane and the four kingdoms (minerals, plants, animals and humans).

Sometimes in the drawing of the Sri Yantra, many points are depicted outside the fourth circle, which represent the very first subplane of the material world - the kingdom of elementary particles.

The Sri Yantra Gate signifies the cycles of the Universe.

Sri Yantra with a closed gate symbolizes the unmanifested state of the Universe, the Spirit of God, when everything is in one; Sri Yantra with an open gate symbolizes the manifested state in development and expansion of the Universe.

There are four Planes of the Universe: Spiritual, Informational, Energy and Material.

There are five subplanes (Kingdoms) on the Material Plane: the subplane of Elementary Particles, the subplane of Minerals (Substance), the subplane of Plants, the subplane of Animals and the subplane of Man (Fig. 3).

Rice. 3. Scheme of cosmogenesis and psychogenesis

If we take the entire cycle of development of the Universe from beginning to end as one hundred percent and expand this cycle into one line vertically, then at the top there will be a Spiritual Plan with a bindu point - a point of singularity, which will represent nothing more than the beginning and end of the cycle of development of the Universe and a state of absolute, one hundred percent spirituality of the Spirit of God. Then the zero at the very bottom of this vertical will represent the beginning - the initial position of the Material Plane and the beginning of the development of the Monad in the embodied state.

The ascent of the Monad up the evolutionary ladder occurs through steps - levels of spiritual development (UDR). We conventionally accept the entire development cycle of the Universe as equal to 100 UDR.

SPIRITUAL PLAN – THE PLAN OF GOD, THE ABSOLUTE, the Spirit of God – the highest level, this is the center of our Universe – the Heart of God – bindu. Only the Principles of the Universe are manifested here.
UDR 100-96. The level of action is the entire Universe.

There is no form on the Spiritual Plane, only the principle of existence is possible in the form of such concepts as: Quality of God - Spirituality, Idea of ​​God - Information (Laws) and Principle of Action - Energy (vibration).

God is the unity of the entire multitude of Supermonads. This is the world of Supermonads.

Supermonad is an absolute, spiritual, unchanging, immortal particle of God, consisting of two Atmans - male and female.

The Supermonad decides to enter the game called Life and splits into two Atmans. Atmans no longer possess Divine perfection and cannot stay on the Spiritual Plane of absolute Divine vibrations and fall onto the underlying Planes.

Below the Spiritual Plane are the manifested Planes.

UDR from 96 to 24.

The Laws of the Development of the Universe dominate on the Information Plane. The form of existence is informational supermonadic and monadic, since, upon entering this Plan, the Atman includes the program for the formation of the Monad. Therefore, the Information Plan can be called Monadic.

Atman - ""Spark of God"" - is an absolute, spiritual, unchanging, immortal, divine particle that builds the Monad and comes into play under the name of Spiritual Evolution, or Psychogenesis.

Monad is a relatively immortal spiritual essence (Spirit), which consists of three spiritual-informational bodies: Atman, Buddhic and Causal body.

The buddhic body, or Buddhi (Boddhi), is the Spiritual Soul. The buddhic body consists of two large banks of information programs.

The first bank of information programs includes, as the essence evolves - the Monad (Spirit) - programs for the construction of subtle bodies. First, it includes the program for building the physical body and then all the subtle information and energy bodies (etheric, astral, mental, and also at the moment of birth includes the energy body of the chakras).

The second bank of information programs of the Buddhic body accumulates all the positive information, all the positive programs and developments of a person throughout all his lives (knowledge, talents, experience, etc.).

The causal body, or Causal body (it can also be called the karmic body), also consists of two large banks of information programs.

The first bank of information programs of the Causal body, as the entity - the Monad evolves, accumulates and contains information on how to build a physical body (therefore, embryos of all types go through the same stages of development).

The second bank of information programs accumulates all negative information, all negative (karmic) programs, which should subsequently be gotten rid of.

The Information Plan is also called the world of Archangels and angels, the world of archetypes.

Information exists here and is transmitted in the form of thoughts.

The level of action is the entire Universe and intergalactic.

UDR from 24 to 12.

The Monad, descending from the Information Plane, slows down its vibrations and here it turns into light. The Monad does not live long on this Plane in the form of light; its rapid fall, or rather, the slowdown of its vibrations, leads to the fact that it turns into a quantum of light.

You probably remember the quantum wave theory of light? While light is propagating, it is energy, or an electromagnetic wave, but as soon as this electromagnetic wave encounters an obstacle, it twists and acquires a physical characteristic - spin, as a result of which the electromagnetic wave is converted into a quantum of light, and this is a material form - a body (corpuscle). A quantum of light is a subatomic elementary particle that has its own physical characteristics: mass, charge, etc.

The Energy Plan is the galactic level of action. Here stars are born, light up and shine, and they belong to galaxies.

The Information and Energy Plans permeate the entire space of the Universe, they together make up the so-called information-energy matrix of the Universe, which is the connecting link between the Spiritual Plan and the Material Plan.

On the Energy Plan, life forms are field, that is, information-energy; souls live here - Monads of people and other intelligent beings of our Universe (Ascended Masters).

The structure of the energy body, the presence of a certain number of chakras and their qualitative composition depend on the galaxy in which the intelligent being was born. And the structure of the physical body of this creature depends on in which solar-planetary system it originated. In the body of an earthly person, an entity may be born that has flown to us from another galaxy, whose energy structure will be different.

UDR from 12 to 0.

The plane of material life (embodied state) is the most manifested of all Plans. Consists of five subplanes (kingdoms).

The level of action is solar-planetary.

The form of life is material, ethereal and field (what people call the astral plane, where the souls of people, animals, elemental spirits, etc. live). Since the Material Plane is a continuation of the Energy Plane, there are its own levels for unmanifested, field forms of life. These field levels are called the astral.

The Astral Plane (astral) exists only on the Material and Energy Planes of the Universe - where the existence of an astral body and astral vibrations is possible.

There are several levels of the astral plane (astral plane):

– the lower astral level is the abode of elemental spirits and monads of plants and animals;

– the middle astral level – the abode of living manifested beings – plants, animals, people, as well as souls (monads) of people;

– the highest astral level continues at the mental level (plane).

The Mental Plan (level) permeates the Energy and Information Plans of the Universe up to UDR 96.

UDR 96 can be achieved by intelligent beings with a similar level of mental vibrations:

UDR 96 – 48 Archangels and angels may be located here;

UDR 96 – 12 – Ascended Masters;

UDR 96 – 12 – people only in moments of insight and contacts with representatives of the Higher Mind.

The spiritual level corresponds to the UDR that a person has developed up to this point.


The laws of development of the Universe are formed on the basis of the Principles of construction of the Universe.
The laws of the development of the Universe can work both on all Plans of the Universe, and on one separate Plan.

Let's give some examples.

The Law of Spiritual-Informational-Energetic Development is formed on the basis of the first three Principles of the construction of the Universe: the Principle of Spirituality, the Principle of Informationality and the Principle of Energy (Vibration).

The law states that any living organism or any living system in the Universe and the Universe itself develops in a certain sequence and in a spiral directed from the bottom up and unwinding counterclockwise.

First, a living being or system has a spiritual need, a desire to improve itself.

An information program is turned on (Principles of Construction and Laws of Development of the Universe) or information (knowledge) is accumulated in the direction in which a living entity or system wants to develop.

After this, on the Material Plane, having information and a sufficient amount of strength (energy), development itself occurs (the practice of accumulating experience), or the evolution of a living organism or system.

As experience accumulates, an intelligent being or living system moves to a higher level of spiritual development. One step (one turn of the spiral) of development has been completed, and the cycle can be repeated all over again if a living organism or system feels the need for it.

The level of action of the Law of Spiritual-informational-energetic development is the entire Universe on all Plans and levels.

The Law of the Transition of Quantity into Quality is formed on the basis of the first three Principles of the construction of the Universe: the Principle of Spirituality, the Principle of Information, the Principle of Energy (Vibration) and the Principle of Cause and Effect.

The law is activated on the Material Plane, where UDR = 0 (formation of elementary particles and matter), its direction shows the development, that is, the evolution of the Monad-entity or living system (including the Universe) from the bottom up from the Material Plane to the Spiritual.

The action of the Law of Transition of Quantity into Quality is the entire Universe on all Plans and levels.

The Law of Gravity is formed on the basis of the first three Principles of the structure of the Universe: the Principle of Spirituality, the Principle of Information, the Principle of Energy (Vibration) and the Principle of Hierarchy.

The law is activated on the Material Plane, where UDR = 0 (formation of elementary particles and matter), its direction shows development, that is, the evolution of the Monad-entity or living system (including the Universe) from the bottom up from the Material Plane to the Spiritual Plane; therefore, the effect of the Law of Gravity is the entire Universe on all Plans.

Gravity, or the force of attraction, is the force with which all bodies are attracted to each other. A material body with greater mass attracts objects with less mass. Therefore, the greater the mass of a body, the greater the gravity it has.

The Law of Planetary Construction is also formed on the basis of the first three Principles of the construction of the Universe: the Principle of Spirituality, the Principle of Information, the Principle of Energy (Vibration) and the Principle of Hierarchy.

The law is activated on the Material Plane, where UDR = 0 (formation of elementary particles and matter). The direction of this law shows the development, evolution of the Monad-essence or living system (including the Universe) from the bottom up from the Material Plane to the Spiritual; therefore, the action of the Law of Planetary Construction is the entire Universe on all Plans and levels.

All objects in the Universe are built according to the same principle - the center has either a subtle spiritual organization (the Absolute of the Universe, or the Atman of any living being), or a positive charge (the nucleus of an atom - a proton and a neutron), or a large mass of matter (the Sun in its system, the nucleus in galaxy).

Around this center, in their orbits on the periphery, there are other objects that have: either a “rough” material organization (the material part of the Universe - galaxies, suns, planets and other physical bodies), or a negative charge (an electron in an atom), or less mass of matter (planets and satellites in the Solar System).

The Law of Conservation of Mass, Energy, Information and Spirituality is formed on the basis of the Principle of Eternity (Cycles), the Principle of Unity (more precisely, the Trinity), as well as the first three principles of the construction of the Universe: the Principle of Spirituality, the Principle of Informationality, and the Principle of Energy (Vibration).

The law says: nothing comes from nothing and nothing disappears anywhere. Everything passes from one state to another.

Spirituality generates information, information, slowing down its vibrations, turns into energy, and energy, in turn, when slowing down its vibrations, is transformed into matter.

The Law of Conservation of Mass, Energy, Information and Spirituality works on all Plans and levels and in two directions (both top-down and bottom-up).

Since Humanity develops from the bottom up, at first man studied the laws of the material world: he weighed and measured everything; approximately 300 years ago man began to study the laws of electricity; from the middle of the 20th century - the laws of computer science; Whether we will study, and most importantly, follow spiritual laws, time will tell...

The Law of Space-Time is based on the first three Principles of the structure of the Universe: the Principle of Spirituality, the Principle of Information, the Principle of Energy (Vibration), and also relies on the Principle of Unity and the Principle of Eternity (Rhythm).

For the unmanifested Universe - the Spirit of God - there is no past and future, there is only the present, here and now.

The Law of Space-Time works only for the manifested Universe, where various Plans, subplanes and levels of Existence already exist and when intelligent Life exists on these Plans, subplanes and levels.

Time is a subjective concept, therefore time cannot exist outside of space and without an observer.

If we imagine space not in the form of a cube, but in the form of a ball, an ever-expanding sphere, then time will appear in the form of a spiral, where living subjects are observers of space and time.

Time is not linear, it is cyclical, since every living creature has its own life cycle of development and its own rhythm. The observer measures time in cycles (day, month, year, life...).

The Law of Life Cycles is based on the first three Principles of the Universe: the Principle of Spirituality, the Principle of Information, the Principle of Energy (Vibration), as well as the Principle of Life, the Principle of Eternity (Rhythm) and the Principle of Cause and Effect.

The Law is included on the Spiritual Plane, where UDR = 99 (division of the Primary Unity with the formation of the manifested multitude - the Universe).

The law works in two directions - top-down and bottom-up. The action of the Law of Life Cycles is the entire Universe on all Plans.

Every living being in the Universe has its own life cycle: birth, life, death - the transition from one state to another, the transition from an unmanifested state to a manifested (material); every living being lives according to its own rhythm of life.

The Law of Development from Lower to Higher - the Law of Evolution - is based on the first three Principles of the Universe: the Principle of Spirituality, the Principle of Information, the Principle of Energy (Vibration), the Principle of Hierarchy and the Principle of Life.

The law is activated on the Material Plane, where UDR = 0 (formation of elementary particles and matter), its direction gives rise to the development of life from the bottom up from the Material Plane to the Spiritual; therefore, the action of the Law of Development from the Lower to the Higher is the entire Universe on all Plans.

Life develops in stages from bottom to top. For the Spirit there is no involutionary path of development, there is only evolution. The Spirit of God - the Absolute - has an unmanifested and manifested state; The Atman of any simple living creature is absolute and similar to God, since it is a particle of it. Getting to the Material Plane, the Atman, or rather the Monad of a living being, begins its evolution.

First, simple information programs are turned on, then more complex ones. The accumulation of mass of matter in a living organism (Monad) makes it possible for physical growth (a program for building a physical body on the Mineral subplane).

The development of the sense organs is a program for the development of the astral body in the Animal Kingdom. Tactile receptors appear first, then taste and olfactory receptors, and only then hearing and vision.

Mental development occurs on the human subplane on the Material Plane, when the mental body development program is activated. Here a person grows mentally and spiritually (the development and development of karmic programs, as well as the development of the buddhic body and buddhic programs).

The cosmic stage of development is the formation of the Supermonad, when disparate individual consciousnesses (two Atmans) unite into a Single Consciousness (Supermonad).

The last stage of development is Nirvana, the transition of Being into Non-Existence, the transition of the manifested into the unmanifested, the union of all Supermonads takes place and the Universe collapses into a point - the Spirit of God.

The Law of Unity and Struggle of Opposites is based on the Principle of Polarity and the Principle of Gender. The law works on the Material Plane.

The development of any system (atom, solar system, galaxy), the life and development of any living organism (the physical body of an individual), any society - a community of plants, animals and human society - occurs through the interaction of two opposing forces - centrifugal and centripetal.

The action of the Law of Unity and Struggle of Opposites is the entire Universe, all Plans and levels.

The Law of Duality is based on the Principle of Polarity and the Principle of Gender, as well as on the Law of Unity and Struggle of Opposites

The law works on the Material Plane.

There is no absolutely bad or absolutely good, absolutely hot or absolutely cold, absolute top or absolute bottom, in everything there are two opposites at the same time, everything is relative, everything is a combination of one with the other.

The action of the Law of Duality is the entire Universe, all Plans and levels.

There are other Laws of the Development of the Universe, which describe private laws operating on the Material Plane, on the Energy Plane (electrical laws), Laws of the Information Plane and Laws of the Spiritual Plane (laws of Spiritual development).

There are Laws of Spiritual Development, they will be described below.

This is one of the options for classifying the basic laws of the universe; of course, the list is far from exhaustive, and each of the laws listed below may have its own branches to other, but less powerful laws. We will not talk about physical or mathematical laws, we will talk about the laws that affect the system: Man - the Universe.

The universe has its own laws, its own order, which reveals itself in the seemingly endless universal chaos. This order of things is barely noticeable to the naked eye of a person, nevertheless, it is present and has a huge impact on everything that is in this world.

Like, for example, the law of attraction, which, in fact, is only part of the law of vibration and the law of transformation. Each of these laws of the universe is important and powerful in its own way, and they operate continuously, regardless of whether you know about them or not.

1. The Law of Vibration and Attraction

Everything in the universe vibrates, nothing is at absolute rest. We actually live in an ocean of movement. And this is the great secret of life. You are always moving towards something and it is always moving towards you, it is action and attraction. Vibrations of the same frequency resonate with each other, so energy attracts similar energy. Everything is energy, including your thoughts. Your thoughts are vibrations that you send out to the Universe. When you concentrate, your vibrations become stronger and more intense. Your thoughts are cosmic waves of energy that penetrate time and space. Thus, consistent concentration on a particular thought or idea attracts similar vibrations.

How to use it: Focus on what you want instead of what you don't want. If you're not feeling well, listen to what you're thinking and think about something nice.

2. The law of endless transformation

This law states that energy passes into physical form and back. Everything flows, everything changes, the universe is a huge ocean of energy raging in an endless dance of amazing transformations. Nothing stands still, even if, as it seems to you, you do not change, everything around you is transformed and never remains the same. Because your thoughts are creative energy, this energy can take on physical form. The more you think about what you want, the more creative forces you use to create a certain result in life. The universe organizes itself according to your thoughts.

How to use it: Put your energy and effort, your thoughts and actions, into attracting what you want, and you will undoubtedly attract the physical manifestation of that energy.

3. Law of rhythm

The law of rhythm says that everything has its natural cycle. Everything moves back and forth, flows in and out, oscillates back and forth, there is an ebb and flow. Night replaces day, life revives itself. We all have good times and bad times, nothing stays the same. Change is constant. The knowledge that “everything passes” is great wisdom about the flow of life and change. This law regulates the movement of planets in orbits, and also manifests itself in the mineral and plant kingdoms. Men and women can observe this law in their mental, physical and emotional states. The law of rhythm is universal. It can be observed in the example of the rising and setting of the sun and moon, the ebb and flow of the sea, the coming and going of times. You can't feel good all the time, no one can.

How to use it: When you feel low in mood and energy, and everything is going against your plan, know that things will get better. A good time will definitely come, think about it.

4. Law of cause and effect

This law states that every cause has its effect, and every effect has its cause. There is no such thing as chance. Everything happens according to the law. Nothing can escape this law. Each of our actions must have a cause, and an effect, and so on ad infinitum - the result is a constant, endless cycle of cause and effect. Ralph Waldo Emerson called the law of cause and effect the law of laws. Each of us is interested in the result. Your physical health, relationships, respect, your income, all this can be both cause and effect. It is necessary to focus on the causes, then the consequences will not be long in coming. Be careful what you think about. This is how this law works.

How to use it: Constantly think and act based on what you want. What you put out into the universe comes back. Say nice things to every person, treat everyone with respect, and it will all come back. Never worry about what you are going to get, just focus on what you can give.

5. Law of relativity

This law says that everything is relative. There is neither evil nor good, there are no small or large things, nothing moves slowly or quickly, everything is known in comparison. A point of view is determined by what the observer associates it with. The nature, value or quality of something can only be measured in relation to another object. It should also be noted that all laws are related to each other and correspond to each other. All laws must be interconnected, in other words, they must be in harmony, agreement and conformity with each other. Understanding this law gives you a means of solving most of the secrets of nature that appear paradoxical. Every time you use this law correctly, you win. It is enough to understand that there are people who do something better than you, and you do something better than others.

How to use it: Practice this law in relation to your situation, remembering that there is someone who is in a less advantageous position than you, so you will feel better where you are. Use it to improve your self-esteem if necessary.

6. Law of Polarity

Everything in the universe has its opposite. There is no inside of a room without an outside. There is no cold without heat and light without darkness. Where there is up, there is down. There is always a right side and a left side, a back and a front. If there is good, there is also bad. The law of polarity not only says that everything has its opposite, it speaks of equality and opposites. If there are three meters from floor to ceiling, then there will be three meters from ceiling to floor. If from Moscow to Leningrad there are 635 kilometers, then from Leningrad to Moscow there will be 635 kilometers. And it cannot be otherwise. If something bad happens in your life, there must be something good in it.

How to use it: Look for the good in people and situations. If you find this in a person, give him a compliment, people love compliments and positive images in your mind will make you feel better. What you focus on, you multiply in your life.

7. Law of gender

The law of gender is manifested in all things, both male and female. It is this law that governs what we know as creation. The word "creation" is often misused because nothing is actually created. All new things are the result of changing something into something else. The law of sex manifests itself in the animal kingdom as the difference between the sexes. It also appears in the mineral and plant kingdoms. Without the principle of dualism, the masculine and feminine principles in things, there can be no difference in potential, continuation of movement, or regeneration. This law indicates that everything in nature has male and female principles. Both of them are necessary for existence. Also, this law says that all seeds (ideas - spiritual seeds) have an incubation period before their manifestation. In other words, after choosing a goal or creating an image in your head, a certain time must pass before this image manifests itself in the physical world.

How to use it: Stay focused and know that your goals will become a reality in due time. Know that this will happen.

You can use these laws to bring untold wealth, health, and wonderful relationships into your life. Imbue with the nature of these laws of the universe, understand and begin to act based on these laws, then you will definitely come closer to your greatest success.

48 laws of the universe

  1. You cannot know what is good and what is evil.
  2. But know for sure: imposed good is evil.
  3. You don't know what the Universe needs.
  4. If you are right, then you are wrong.
  5. There is no right or wrong; you don't know which is which.
  6. There is no bad thing, there is something that upsets you.
  7. There is no good, there is something that makes you happy.
  8. The universe is too big for you to harm it.
  9. Perhaps your mistakes are what the Universe needs.
  10. Your mistakes will not destroy the Universe.
  11. Don't look for the truth, it doesn't exist. And if she is, then you don’t need her.
  12. Don’t look for meaning in life; if it exists, it lies beyond its borders.
  13. How do you define the purpose of what you do? And does it belong to you?...
  14. Don't worry about yourself. In fact, the Universe values ​​you too much for you to go to waste.
  15. Don't look for your guilt. None of this is your fault.
  16. Don't worry about which path you are directing another - do you know which is true and which is false?
  17. If what you are doing is difficult for you, think about whether you need it.
  18. Do only what comes easiest to you, but do it with all your might.
  19. If you do something by accident, you do it on purpose.
  20. Maintain what you like and escape what you don't.
  21. If you can correct the consequences of your mistake, then you have not made a mistake yet.
  22. What happens happens on time.
  23. Sometimes the search for the right solution will cost you more than a mistake.
  24. What happens happens against your will, but it is your will to accept it or not.
  25. If you are in doubt about the road, take a travel companion; if you are sure, go alone.
  26. To be strong is to be lonely.
  27. The strong are strongest alone. You can choose what you want to be.
  28. Every person is lonely. The strong accept and bless their loneliness. The weak one runs away from him.
  29. Be calm and attentive to the World, then you will not miss the moment of Power.
  30. When you try to learn about yourself from others, you give them power over you. Therefore, be the measure of what happens to you.
  31. Bless the missed opportunities, you have gained greater opportunities.
  32. Give is easy, Lose is easy, Say goodbye is easy.
  33. Do not regret that there was little joy, this will give you another sadness.
  34. Love your enemy to win.
  35. If the enemy takes you by surprise and you are still alive, he is in your hands.
  36. The more losing the situation, the more winning it is.
  37. Do not be afraid of the one who tries to break your will, for he is weak.
  38. True revenge is to neglect.
  39. By giving in, you pass the test.
  40. Give in to weaken resistance.
  41. Do not strive to be stronger than your opponent, but look for where your opponent is weaker than you.
  42. When you love your enemy, you get to know him better. The more you get to know him, the more advantage you get over him.
  43. You can't always win, but you can always make yourself invincible. Victory depends on the enemy. Invincibility comes from yourself.
  44. No matter who your opponent is, always try to see him as a person. And you will soon see that this approach gives you a huge advantage.
  45. You create worry and anxiety when you measure success by the measure of praise or blame.
  46. Don't worry about where to go next when you're in the middle of a suspension bridge.
  47. When you do it, do it now, then you will never do it again.
  48. You can never say where you are going, only where you hope to go.

Read Intesense in

Assuming that there is a Supreme Power or Supreme Being who created and controls all the affairs of this complex Universe, we find great meaning in the quotation from The Vision of Ramala: “This supreme Being manifests himself and maintains the order and balance of his creation by means of what is known as the great natural laws of the cosmos. These natural laws are comparable to your earthly scientific laws and determine the relationships between all created things on the physical plane and on the planes above and below it. They control and hold in perfect balance every divine manifestation of the infinite spirit, every level of spiritual awareness, every molecule of matter.

These laws control the lives not only of all human beings, but also of your Creator, the Solar Lord, in whose body we live, move and have our being, and also of the Great God, in whose body your Creator lives, moves and has his being. All levels and degrees of awareness are bound by submission to these great laws.

Natural laws are superior to the Solar Lords and all Gods. They rule over all creativity and existence - not only the many thousands of Solar Lords and Gods who live inside the Universe you see, but also those who inhabit other levels of the Universe.

He is wise who recognizes that science and religion are essentially looking for one thing, calling it Truth or Knowledge of the Universe and God. The natural laws of the Universe are the same as the human laws of science, only they are expressed at a higher and more holistic level of existence.”

Here is another quote - the words of Lord Sananda from the book “Remembering Unity”: “The spiritual energy of the soul of every living creature listens to the sounds of the Universal information flow pouring out from the Source of energies of God the Creator. This harmonious tuning contributes to the fact that an understanding of the principles known to us as cosmic laws is manifested in the lifestreams of earthlings. These instructions were given to man and created by him as he gained his life experience on Terra, which you call the Earthly habitat.

Now on Earth the time has come when the totality of awareness of cosmic law resonates with the Will of the Holy Father and His Gift of Love to every living particle. Attunement to your Divine Self, in conjunction with the Will of Source Energy, known to you as the Essence of Love Itself, creates a path of knowledge that each of you must follow in order to create Balance, Harmony, Peace, Love, and Eternal Existence in your Life. The harmony of this alignment created the decrees known to you as cosmic law.

Each vital Unit has freedom of choice: whether to follow this law or not. Your knowledge of cosmic law lies for the time being in the repository of code seeds of crystalline energy within the essence of your soul, which is truly you!

It is known that there are 33 (according to the Number of the Universe) laws that govern the Universe. Here are some of them:

1. Law of Unity.

Everything in the world is interconnected and comes from a Single Source. This Law is also called the Law of Energy. Here is another excerpt from the book “The Vision of Ramala”: “The soul is wise to recognize that all humanity is truly part of a single whole, and each being can be considered an individual cell of the cosmic brain of your Creator. Truly, there is no division - except where humanity itself wishes to invent it.

So, one of the great lessons of physical existence is to rise above this apparent separation to see the obvious and know that truly you are one with your Creator - not only in the physical, but also in the spiritual aspect of your being.
There is no separation in this physical world between you and your God. This world is your God himself; your God is the world in which you live! Living in it, you are an integral part of it.
Just as one aspect of your God lives in you and is an integral part of you. Thus, the great can be found inside the small, which, in turn, is embraced by even greater things.

2. Law of Fulfillment.

Here are quotes and references from the book “We Are Gods” by Anna-Leah Skarin: “There is a Law, immutably established in Heaven, before the creation of the Earth, in which every blessing is ordained, and if we are destined to receive a Blessing from God, it is only by following this Law."

This Law is also known as the Law of Generation and the Law of Creation: “As you sow, so shall you reap.” Plant a seed and you will get a harvest from it. Every thought has the power to create reality, and as you judge, so you will be judged.
This Law of Fulfillment distributes the power of thoughts and words. Accompanied by the strength of emotions, they generate a vibration that brings to each one the reward he deserves, according to what he generates. Desire is the heat that awakens a sleeping seed to life and gives it the power to manifest itself - the power of creation. This law is true and eternal, regardless of our desires, and if we sow thoughts (seeds) and remove weeds (doubts and fears), we can be sure that the seed will sprout.
By preparing our minds without worries and fears for the great thing that lies ahead, it will undoubtedly come true. The power that allows us to control circumstances and build them to perfection is in our hands. This is the power of thought, which is the Power of Divinity.”

3. The Law of Cause and Effect, also known as karma.

This law regulates the replenishment of energy from the divine reserve - the cosmic “reservoir” of energies, where for every action there is a corresponding reaction. This law applies to the actions of all beings. Karma was often seen as "retribution for sins" because "what you give is what you get back," which can be seen as punishment. However, karma is nothing more than the return of energy: as soon as energy is released by the will of any being, it will certainly return back, according to the principle of “like attracts like.” Energy expands in search of similar vibrations; thus, if it is initially negative, then returning to the one who emitted it, it returns to him the original negativity. The same applies to positive energy.

4. Law of Change, or Transmutation.

Every condition can be transmuted, and everything that exists is in a constant process of change. The only unchanging thing in the Universe is the principle of the indestructibility of energy and the endless change of forms.

This law is also known as Law of Alchemy: Every condition of life can be changed for the better and become divinely beautiful, regardless of how it was in the beginning. If we accept it, bless it, thank God for it, and maintain constant gratitude for everything that happens to us, we can transmute the most bitter and heartbreaking experiences and conditions into spiritual beauty through this perfect and all-fulfilling law. We can also gain the power to transmute our spiritual desires and dreams into tangible, material manifestation.
This law can never be violated, for it includes the spiritual law of change and transmutation as well as the material laws and elements. His Athymy is the Omnipotence of God in action, bringing eternal and invariably accurate results.
Anna-Lee Skarin continues: “The Law of Spiritual Alchemy is the law of the transmutation of all conditions, all vibrations, all darkness into beauty, harmonious sounds and light. We should all learn the “language of angels” and speak in “new tongues.” This is possible when a person speaks through the lips of the soul, and not through the lips of the flesh or even the mind. He who speaks through the mouth of the flesh simply talks. He who speaks from an uninspired mind brings even more confusion and discord to the world. The speaker from a full mind nourishes the minds of people. He who speaks from the heart deserves the trust of humanity. But the one who speaks through the mouth of the soul heals the broken heart of the world and feeds the exhausted, hungry souls of people. He dries the tears of despair and pain; he brings light, for he alone is able to bear its weight. The language of the soul is a sacred and inexpressibly beautiful language... it alone can bring the blessing of glory, for it is the language of the eternal spheres and the communication of the Gods. He carries within himself the Gift of the Spirit, called “new languages”... The power of transmutation is the power of contact with the center of the soul through the heart of every person. This is the only method that gives the power of accomplishment and perfection."

5. Law of Balance, integration of polarities.

The very term “polarization” means the formation of opposing or opposing forces, without any “competition” between them. These forces move together towards a common goal, more harmonious than each of them, which contributes to their spiritual growth. The duality of “opposing” forces of energy, projected onto the properties of the individual and making it competitive and contradictory; became the source of the ego - an integral property of the soul in incarnation. We live on the plane of duality and therefore need to master the Law of Balance in order to balance the polarities of male and female, positive and negative energies, and achieve harmony and integration. The Law of Balance, accepted as the basis of our existence, is the first step towards enlightenment.

6. Law of Manifestation (Manifestation)

Allows us to express our desires and needs when behind them there is a motivation for the highest good - not only of ourselves, but also of others. Decide what exactly you want, express it clearly and unambiguously, let go of this desire from yourself and accept it as accomplished. Don't hesitate! Our ability to manifest our desires in this physical world is a real fact. You just need to tune in synchronously with the Divine Will and not allow the introduction of any “sabotaging” patterns from your cellular memory.

7. Law of Synchronicity.

This is the law of being at the perfect time in the perfect place. Flawless alignment and alignment allow events to flow happily and harmoniously. This Law, also known as the Law of Grace, states that beings are perfectly aligned, moving with the Divine Flow as God himself manifests himself in their lives.

8. The Law of Wise Discrimination, also known as the Law of Differentiation

Helps us to be in perfect alignment with what will be the next step in our future evolution. This concept has already been discussed in detail in the chapter on discernment.

9. Law of Forgiveness

establishes the need to pay karmic bills, and balance the energy of those who caused the energy imbalance. He brings the message of forgiveness of oneself and others, because without forgiveness there is no true healing.

10. Law of Resonance.

Such energies attract correspondingly charged particles into their electromagnetic fields; thus, whatever we send out in the form of thought, energy and action will certainly be strengthened and returned to us.

11. Law of Perfection.

Everything is perfect and in its divine state.

12. Creative Law of Divine Affirmations

The power of thought and the spoken word that affirms that YOU ARE WHAT YOU THINK YOUR REALITY AND YOURSELF ARE. As you think, that's what happens.

13. Law of Retribution.

The principle according to which a person receives what he deserves is nothing more than a blessed reward. This law is universal and does not depend on personal needs or desires. It is directly related to the Law of Cause and Effect and the Law of Creativity, and is carried out in direct dependence on a person’s choice of his course of action.

14. Law of Assimilation (Absorption)

It does not allow a single particle to be integrated into our body that we, as a spirit, have not subjugated to ourselves and have not put to serve our purpose.

15. Law of Adaptation (Adaptation).

A law that states the need to trust in the only constant thing in the Universe - the ever-changing nature of energy, expressing itself in many forms, and to go with this flow. We must remain as flexible as possible because willingness to embrace change is the basis of growth. The ability to open up and unimpededly let the purest flow of energy through oneself is a source of great joy and balance, opening the way to tuning into ever greater forces. By tuning our energy fields to accept ever purer energies, we more fully enjoy the great experience of being.

16. Law of Causality.

Acts in harmony with the movement of the stars, so that when a being is born in a certain position of the celestial bodies of the solar system, he gains the opportunity to realize the conditions necessary for his training in the school of life. This is the subject of the science of astrology, which studies the influence of the sign and time of birth on our future life.

17. Law of Evolution and Renaissance.

The unhurried process of development, occurring with unwavering persistence in repeated incarnations of forms, allows them to increase the effectiveness of their actions in realizing the Universe. Thus, at the appropriate time, the flow of being carries everyone to the heights of spiritual perfection - recognition of the Source and their original belonging to It. This Law is also known as the Law of Periodicity.

18. Law of Analogies.

“Know yourself and you will know the whole world.” This Law allows a being to achieve an understanding of the Divine Power within itself, and within the Universe, through understanding all aspects of its own being.

19. Law of Duality.

As soon as a being has consciously connected with the Source and achieved enlightenment, it leaves the scope of this Law and is no longer subject to it. Until that time, this Law determines the polarity of his energies.

20. Law of Reason.

Since the Spirit is the Absolute Reality, the mind is the intermediary through which the Spirit manifests itself, and the creation of forms occurs on the physical plane. The Law of Reason states: what you believe in will definitely come true. This means that at this level, a person’s beliefs influence and create his reality. “The Law of Reason is the totality of human beliefs.” Anna and Peter Mayer explore this Law in detail in their book What It's Like to Be a Christ, and I have also touched on it in previous chapters.

21. Law of Reverence.

This Law honors the right of each individual to seek the Universal Truths and Divine Wisdom, in the manner intended in the “song of every heart,” and also prescribes respect for all forms of life of the Universal God.

22. Universal Law.

It consists in the fact that knowledge and awareness, and all living things, and life itself have such vitality and such strength that allows them to draw from within themselves everything that they need for growth and successful fruiting.

23. Law of Love.

A law that places welfare, care, and affection for one's neighbors above oneself. The Law of Love allows you to see the essential kinship between yourself and all forces that can be regarded as positive.

24. Law of Mercy.

He allows us to forgive all mistakes and sins - others against ourselves and ourselves against others. This is precisely what true mercy consists of. To be merciful means to live according to the Law of Love, and those who live according to these sacred laws do not make mistakes in this world.

25. Law of Gratitude

Ruled by the Law of Resonance , says: The more fully we express gratitude for everything we enjoy in life, the more we attract to ourselves of everything to be grateful for!

26. Law of Patience

States that every created thing has a beginning and an end. Because everything that unfolds in the physical world according to the Divine Plan operates in Divine Time. Patience manifests itself as a perfect understanding that the adjusted focus will certainly lead all thoughts, words and deeds to the long-awaited time of fruition. In the play of the Divine Will, a person gains the consciousness that a phenomenon does not achieve immediate manifestation only because it is destined otherwise at a given moment in time.

27. Law of Example

Says the most powerful force for change occurs when everyone “does what they say.” In this way, every person, concept or phenomenon can serve as an example for others. Those who have truly become models of love, service and dedication contribute to the manifestation of freedom, joy, beauty and peace on this plane of universal existence. Those who desire the world to be a better place to live in are invited to align their lives with the deepest truth of their own being in every moment of every day, honoring all Life.

28. Law of Tolerance

closely related to the Law of Reverence

Inspires us to recognize Divinity in everything. This recognition allows one to rise above all judgment and divisions arising from differences of race, religion, culture, gender, age and belief.


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