Yulia Belyaeva year of birth. Anton and Yulia Belyaev about their son and parental experience: “We are like in a computer game, where every step is important”

  • 20.06.2019

An open conversation with the frontman of the band Therr Maitz Anton om Belyaev about music, wife Yulia, son Semyon and other vital things.

Photo: Evgeny Dyuzhakin Anton Belyaev with his son

Recently, Anton Belyaev, with the group Therr Maitz, presented his new album Capture at the Stadium club. Shortly before this, we went to the frontman's country studio to see how preparations for the concert were going, and to find out how he manages to combine recording new tracks with raising his eight-month-old son.

Anton, your childhood passed in Magadan, in the most normal conditions, and your son Semyon is growing up not just in Moscow, but in a country house, and even with a music studio. Which one of you do you think is luckier?

I don't know. I'm not such a whimsical person myself. By and large, I don’t care what my home looks like. I can live in more modest conditions. What you see appeared about a year and a half ago, when I thought that this moment would come - we would have a child and I would want to see him. This is difficult in a city like Moscow, with a huge amount traffic jams and time running out.

If I didn’t work here, behind the wall, if I couldn’t go to the studio in the middle of the night and start cutting, but rushed to Mnevniki from Leninsky Prospekt, where we lived before, I wouldn’t be at home 90 percent of the time. This is a tragic situation and, in my opinion, wrong. So I prepared to be there for my son.

It turns out that you built a nest in your family?

The wife is responsible for how good it is here. Mine was only a location solution.

Are you a person of inspiration or a schedule?

Differently. Sometimes it’s schedules, sometimes it’s inspiration - nothing depends on me here. I am a hostage to the situation - the higher I jumped, the higher I will have to jump further. I would not like to lower the bar that we have set, and this obliges me to work a lot.

You talk about work all the time. Anton, admit it, are you a workaholic?

Only what I love. But in everyday life I am a lazy and careless person. I don't respect time boundaries unless it concerns music. But when it’s related to my product, how I look, how I live, where I throw my socks and whether I have time to eat in the morning doesn’t really bother me.

What is the highlight of your career as a musician - performing at the Royal Albert Hall?

These are all momentary joys. It is clear that it is great to achieve some goal, to play in a famous hall, to entertain a lot of people. But in general, for us, any performance is work and another set of mistakes that will need to be corrected next time.

But there must be a return, right?

For example, I make a video (like the video we just posted online), and I manage to get what I want from all participants in the process. And now it's posted on YouTube... The moment the download button is pressed, I realize that I did everything I could and feel some satisfaction. On March 8th I will play a concert with a new line-up, and after - if everything goes well, and it will, because I’m doing everything for this - I will praise myself. I’ll say: “Well done, Antosha!” But, I’m afraid, as usual, in ten minutes I’ll start reflecting on what was wrong. Simply because we always talk more about what was wrong than how great it was.

And this comes from a man who was included in the list of “100 Most Stylish Men”, the frontman of a group that regularly receives prestigious awards...

When I hear that we have been nominated for some kind of award, my reaction is always the same - I say that I won’t go.

Because it's all empty?

Certainly! Well, they did - great, thanks to them! Yulia says: “You’ll probably behave the same way when you’re nominated for a Grammy. You’ll say you’re not interested.”

She can be understood. There is an unspoken rule: a wife comes to her husband’s award ceremony in beautiful dress, and you are trying to deprive Yulia of this. You have to go to the Grammys!

That's exactly why I have to! For me, this is the main reason for going to all these places where they give out fame and fortune, and I resist. In this regard, I probably don't best husband, I do not support girlish joys. It's like a wedding, you know? Ritual is important for women.

Was this irony now?

No, no, I understand everything and don’t treat it with ridicule. Just to each his own. Personally, I don’t need rituals. I decided everything for myself when I said: “Yulia, be my wife.”

That’s what he said – “be”?

He said “be”, we were already on “you”. ( Laughs.) For me, after Yulia’s answer, everything was decided, everything fell into place. But this was followed by a limousine, food that we didn’t eat because we were leaving right away, flowers, friends, a photographer, a video... A wedding is such a finished product, a package of services.

Do you accept this?

Certainly! What you! There is absolutely no point in resisting - you will be destroyed immediately! ( Laughs.)

It seems to me that these rituals are an anchor that binds too creative people to the ground. Julia is responsible for this in your couple.

Just don’t think that this is a cry for help through the OK magazine! - “Save! Help! Take me away from here!" In no case. I like it all. If we assume even for a second that this is not the case, my universe would turn into a complete... In my life, a person like Yulia is very important, and thank God that I met her. She controls me, stabilizes my chaos. When would I rest if Yulia hadn’t told me it was time to rest? When would I sleep if Yulia hadn’t said it was time to go to bed?

Are you really that helpless in everyday life?

It's getting crazy! We recently submitted a release, and I couldn’t finish it. Nine o'clock in the morning. We have been without sleep for two days. The sound engineer broke down at five and lay down on the sofa in the studio. I did everything, but I couldn’t leave. I just sat there until Yulia and Semyon came in the morning, took me by the hand and led me away, gave me a cheesecake with the words: “You’re finished. All. Well done". Who would do it if not her?

In contrast to her busy husband, isn’t Yulia bored on maternity leave? She was in charge of all Therr Maitz's affairs before giving birth, wasn't she?

This is a very long conversation. We are all infinitely glad that Semyon appeared, and it is clear that Yulia’s main function is now that of a mother. I think any mother will agree that it’s difficult to call child care a vacation. These are, rather, army training with strict time management and huge energy costs. Of course, while her son is small, Yulia can’t escape this, but sometimes she wants to.

We are all dissatisfied with our personal circumstances. But Yulia was going for it, she wanted it and put a lot of effort into making it happen. Therefore, I am very happy in my motherhood, which I came to consciously.

You say that as if the birth of Semyon - personal story Yuli and you have nothing to do with it...

Everything was clear to me right away. This is generally a pressing question for women - how to combine or what to choose - motherhood or a career. I waited for my wife to get enough of it and start saying: “Why am I sitting at home? I'm not needed. Life is passing me by. I have such a beautiful Escalade, but I can’t even drive it. I am imprisoned here like a princess in a castle." And so it began. At once. And I’m already prepared for this case the right words.

What words?

A lot of words. ( Laughs.) Let me give you my example. Imagine, I'm doing something that from the outside may look like an achievement. I sit in my personal swamp and think: “Lord, what a nonentity I am! Everything is so cool for everyone, but again I made some kind of garbage, and no one will need it.” And these thoughts keep spinning and spinning in my head. It's the same here.

What a sensitive husband you are, Anton, it turns out!

If only it would help! I try to sympathize during moments of such attacks, which are infrequent, it should be noted. But at the same time, I understand perfectly well that this is temporary and, having reassured the person with some words now, in three days I will receive a new batch of complaints from a different angle. There must always be something wrong. That's life.

Well, at least you changed your tour schedule after Semyon was born?

This is precisely Yulia Alexandrovna’s zone of influence, we still have it CEO, and she always faces a dilemma - to earn money by staging a concert, or to have a husband at home.

But are you able to make a decision without her?

She is able to accept without me. I prefer everyone to be in their place. It’s strange to make a highly qualified specialist out of a person and then stand next to him and give advice. I have people working for me who I have tormented long enough, and I don’t touch them. Julia makes a schedule at her own discretion. I just follow him. Of course, she does some things reluctantly, realizing that she is sending me on a tour of the Far East for two weeks, but this is work.

Do you bring souvenirs from tours?

Fish? Deer thigh? We quite often visit places where everything is so stingy and northern. There is little you can bring from there and nothing will surprise you.

Very soon you will have to explain this to your son, who is waiting for dad with gifts. Do you think he will understand?

We started with the fact that our house was completely equipped for the child, so that he would be pleased, so that he would develop properly and we would all be close. But I am afraid that the relative well-being that I have achieved will be projected onto the boy...

Are you afraid that Semyon will grow up to be a major?

Yulia and I were recently talking about the times when there were only one shoes for the season. I can remember every pair I wore ten years ago from fall to spring. New couple I didn’t buy it until the previous one was demolished. At the same time, all my life, probably until recent years, I lived beyond my means - I always loved good clothes and taking a taxi. At the institute I had an increased scholarship - 400 or 420 rubles. I remember, I received the money, went by taxi to the store, bought a jacket for 380 rubles, a cardigan, returned by taxi and again plunged into the reality of the hostel - “give me salt, give me bread.” And I still had 200 rubles worth of debts.

You can't say that. This must be experienced.

I don’t want my son to grow up as a person who doesn’t understand what it’s like to have no money at all. Apparently, it will have to be artificially limited somehow. Because in conditions where a child always has everything, it’s possible to grow something wrong. But in general, I look at Semyon, and it is already clear that he has character, some habits of his own, a desire for independence. I think he will understand everything correctly. Well, I’m still not an oil tycoon. I'm not unlimited and I'm unlikely to sponsor his achievements. He will climb on his own.

Is the topic of money so important to you?

Often in my work I come across people to whom something has happened and they have suddenly escaped poverty. This is something terrible. It’s so easy to break a person by giving him everything he wants. Of course, money changes people, and I became tougher in my communication, but otherwise, it seems, I managed to stay within limits. I am fixated on the profession, expanding this area, but I will not cover everything with gold.

Some people buy a Rolex with a gold case, while others, like Elton John, go on tour with their piano. Would you like to have your own piano?

Not yet. Maybe I’ll still go crazy in five years, I don’t know. But for now, I think we need to separate excesses from what actually works. You see, there’s a Minimoog synthesizer standing there - the guys put it up for sale, and next to it on the website they’re selling the same one in gold. It sounds the same, but costs three and a half million rubles. It’s as if he’s saying: “My owner can afford it like this!” That is, this is a slightly different level.

What do you think is more difficult - the test of wealth or poverty?

I had a very funny story. In the passage on Leninsky, where we lived, there was a grandmother standing. Every time I came home by taxi, I had to go through this passage. And then one day, returning drunk, I gave her a five-thousand-dollar bill and moved on. And out of the corner of my eye I see her reaction - she is in shock. It’s clear that she hasn’t held that kind of money in her hands for a long time. And I began to practice this. Every time he passed there, he began to give her what was larger in his pocket. And you know, at some point my grandmother stopped reacting to money altogether. ( Laughs.)

Anton, is that who you are - cheerful and positive - or is this a mask for the public?

We all hide behind something. I don't think people need to see all of an artist's experiences. Look, the promo for Radiohead's Thom Yorke's latest record says that he broke up with his wife of a very long time, and this record is the result. Yes, sometimes it’s probably worth telling fans about something personal. But, to be honest, I don’t know anything about Thom Yorke or his wife, whether they had problems for thirty years life together and what he felt all these thirty years. For everyone, Radiohead is such a machine of high-quality intellectual music, and we don’t know what is behind it, but here it comes out - a broken man, tired of life, whom his wife no longer understands... Why all this? Plus, I am as creative as I am a pragmatic person.

An ideal combination of qualities.

I see what kind of world is around me. That's not what people like. They like polished cars, artists in bow ties and tails, who come with their beautiful wives, Instagram millionaires, to a beautiful reception. If they find out who and what I am, I think they'll just be scared.

How do you know what people like?

I recently listened to an amazing lecture by Kurpatov on the functioning of the brain. We struggle all the time, trying to understand the psychology of the user who consumes our music, and why music with two taps, three taps works for the masses, but ours is... more complicated. Everything is very simple there. The brain is a machine. It has a utilitarian purpose. A person needs to survive, and the brain sends signals for actions that will ensure his survival. Elementary. Therefore, the brain chooses what is simpler. Brain. Myself. Not a human. Here are three tasks before him with approximately the same endings. One is tricky, the other is not very tricky, and the third is completely simple, take a step - and that’s it. The brain will move. This is how physiology works.

Did this discovery make you happy?

It was rather shocking and gave rise to a bunch of questions. But in general this explains everything. My music is a constant challenge. I'm testing how difficult I can make it, but at the same time accessible to people. So, having more simple options, people will always choose them. Not because they made this decision, but because the machine works that way.

So we are not to blame for anything?

At all! There is a theory that when you are free from everyday life, your brain supposedly has additional time and resources to think well. But in reality, simplification will lead to brain atrophy. Not only will you not solve complex problems, you will not even suspect their existence.

Maybe your grandson will no longer be there. Or a great-grandson. But first we need to raise our son. What, besides the schedule, changed in your life with the birth of Semyon?

An understanding of some basic things has come, which all parents and parents of parents probably have. Finally, it dawned on me, and along with inadequate affection and love, a monstrous fear for Semyon appeared. I see all the dangers around him. Now, when he is just starting to move, all this is highlighted in my imagination with red lights, as in computer game. I’m already thinking about how I’m going to pick him up from the police. Thanks to Semyon, a lot of things became clear to me. This is how you don’t call your mom for a month and a half, not because you don’t love her, you just have nothing to tell, but for her it’s serious stress. Now I understand why.

Text: Yulia Sonina. Photo: Evgeny Dyuzhakin. Style: Kirill Vychkin. Grooming: Alena Pavlova

Therr Maitz lead singer Anton Belyaev shared with his fans good news. The singer published a photo on his Instagram from the maternity hospital, which shows his wife Julia and their son who was just born.

Anton Belyaev, judging by the photograph, was present at the birth and captured the family at the most intimate moment. The lead singer of the band Therr Maitz captioned the photo:

“Semyon Antonich... maybe Simon)), Belyaev introduced the newborn to the Internet public. – Bec 3680 Height 53. Born 24 hours. Healthy. Mom is fine too. Thanks to the doctors... true professionals. They are comfortable."

Anton Belyaev’s wife Yulia also shared the good news on her Instagram: “Meet our little seed: Semyon Antonovich Belyaev) aka Simon, aka Shimon) 24 hours of hardcore and the baby with us), Belyaev’s wife said with humor. – Weight 3680 Height 53.”

The semi-finalist of the show “The Voice” wrote a lullaby for his son, which turned into a charity project. “I am glad that with the appearance of Semyon Antonich and his lullaby, our first charity project happened. And I’m glad that creators who make films for millions can pick up a camera themselves and, with a minimal budget, shoot a simple but heartfelt video about love. Applause to the studio."

All proceeds from the sale of the track "Undercover" will be donated to the Bureau of Good Deeds fund, which helps orphans.

“Undercover” was first performed at a concert in November last year, but it was only in mid-January that Anton and Yulia shared the news that they were expecting a son. While working on the single, Anton decided that this music could help other children - those whom their parents abandoned. This is how the idea of ​​a charity release arose, which will be carried out jointly with Sony Music Entertainment and the Bureau of Good Deeds foundation - all proceeds from the sale of the track will be donated to orphans in orphanages throughout the entire existence of the track.

A special page is dedicated to the charity release “Undercover” undercover.therrmaitz.com, where you can purchase the single, find out more details about the project, or help abandoned children by transferring money directly to the Bureau of Good Deeds fund.

Today, the happy father has already posted a selfie of little Semyon, thanking the doctors in the caption and admitting that childbirth can make even an adult man panic:

“Handsome Simon is great, he behaves decently, lets me sleep and has even started eating right. And I think it’s time to say thank you to those who helped him be born. You know how much I love professionals, people who know exactly what... at what moment and whether it is necessary at all)) We were extremely lucky with the doctor, despite the anxious moments, I felt that everything was under control. This, believe me, is important. Because childbirth is a situation in which a self-confident 37-year-old person panics)) inside, of course)) our doctor’s name is Tatyana Normantovich. Thank you".

Biography facts

Became a student at age 5 music school in piano class.

At the age of 17 he entered the KhSIIK (Khabarovsk) in the pop and jazz department.

In 2004, the musician assembled the first line-up of the Therr Maitz group.

In 2006, Anton moved to Moscow.

In 2011 he re-established the group.

In 2012 he marries journalist Yulia Markova.

In 2013, he became a semi-finalist in the “Voice-2” project.

In 2015 Therr Maitz - best performers of the year in iTunes and Apple Music Russia.

In 2016, Therr Maitz won the Best Russian Act category at the MTV Europe Music Awards.

In 2016 Anton creates musical arrangement for the immersive performance “The Returned”.

RIA News / Ekaterina Chesnokova

“We got a great guy!”

Elena Plotnikova, “PRO Health”: Anton, you admitted that you panicked during your wife’s birth. Why?

Anton Belyaev: I was afraid for the lives of Yulia and Semyon. Childbirth is very scary, because the situation when one person becomes another and this is accompanied by an incredible amount of pain, and even before your eyes, is beyond a man’s understanding. In addition, during childbirth there was a very scary moment for us. Imagine, Semyon’s pulse suddenly jumped from 120 to 250 and began to fall again. We see all this on the monitor, we don’t understand anything, and the doctors don’t really explain anything. Of course, you can invade in an unnatural way, but still no one fully knows what is going on inside the woman, how the child feels. At such moments it is very scary.

- After everything you have experienced, do you regret being present at the birth?

No, I don’t regret it, why should I regret it? Of course, there are things that a man is better off not seeing. You know how people say: “Don’t go to childbirth, then you won’t love your wife!” This is nonsense, completely degenerate. A man just needs to understand that it is better not to look in certain places. I stood near my wife’s head, trying to help her morally, because at such a moment complicity is very important. For a woman, childbirth is a serious stress, and another pair of hands, even frightened ones, is always useful. And again, the case with Semyon’s pulse - I wouldn’t want to be in such a situation alone, it’s better to have a familiar person nearby who will say: “Everything is fine!”

Your wife Julia admitted that with the advent of your son, you turned from a brutal man into a touching one. What does this mean?

It seems to me that I never turned into anyone, it always existed in me, I liked children. But there was no such thing that I wanted a child and at the age of 30 I thought: “Okay, I need to have a baby!” Although my friends have been actively asking me for the last 10 years: “Well, where is the heir? Who will you leave everything to?” And when suddenly this happened, my father mechanism turned on. I'm very happy with Semyon, he turned out to be a cool dude. Yulia and I happy parents: great luck that the child is healthy, that he naturally receives his vitality, eats and so on.

It’s easy for me to be a dad, everything is so cool that I don’t care special effort I don't apply it. Although I understand that it’s a little more difficult for Yulia.

By the way, young mothers are often afraid to leave their child with their husband: they say, it’s easier to cope on their own. Do you just want to be alone with your son?

Yes, the adaptation has already taken place. But what happened when we arrived from the maternity hospital and I was left alone with him for the first time - horror! I was afraid to take off his clothes in case I broke his arm! I take him to the bathroom, he starts screaming, and I think he’s dying of cold! I start to wash him, everything sticks to his skin, I can’t tear off the diaper with force: what if I tear off a piece of skin? Within 20 minutes I realized that I was standing over him, and sweat was pouring from me. When you are left alone with such a small creature, of course you are afraid that something will happen to him at any second.

Anton Belyaev with his wife. Photo: www.globallookpress.com

“We fight for every listener!”

Anton, I know what’s in yours creative biography there was a month when you gave 40 concerts. Did you slow down with the birth of your child?

We took a short break at the end of Yulia’s pregnancy, and now we are also holding back a little. But in fact, there was no less work even with the break. After all, in addition to open concerts There are also closed ones - no one refuses money. We just agreed that my schedule would become more open. And my wife puts on the concerts as my immediate director, so it’s easy for her to say: “This won’t happen!” But in the fall the meat grinder began again - a new show “Songs” was added to the concerts on TV, where I play the role of a creative music producer, this is completely new to Russian show business approach to finding talent with the subsequent opportunity to work in one of the largest Russian labels.

I’ve heard this opinion about your group more than once: “The guys sing great, their songs are exciting, but it’s unclear for what audience!” Do you have an answer: who are your songs for?

Well, someone comes to our concerts (laughs). We are an alternative to the music that makes Russian pop. Once rap was at the forefront of shiny costumes and pop music, trying to fight simple lyrics and music, now rap has become mainstream and even pop music itself. We are doing something else, doing something that doesn’t exist yet, in very easy access. We fight for every listener, prove our right to life and show that we are needed.

- Do you have a portrait of your viewer in your head?

No, they are all very different. It's not just emo kids who wear leather jackets and eye makeup, and it's not just those who ride motorcycles. We are not trying to please any one part of the audience and we do not want to overwhelm people with our music. We simply show what we can do and gently ask: “Maybe this is right for you?” We differ from mainstream show business in that we do not pursue an aggressive policy, like some: whether you like it or not, you will listen to us. And, as it turns out, this is exactly what people need. Some of the viewers are very annoyed that the next award of the music channel tells him who he chose, although the award does not even know who he really likes. The award distributes awards according to its internal agreements, without noticing what listeners need. And what do we end up seeing? They pushed pop artists onto TV a couple of times through such awards, they flashed on the screen, and that’s it - they don’t collect concerts, people are not ready to buy tickets for them.

- But it is through such a screen that artists become recognizable!

We did research on this matter, at first we wanted to actively play our music on radio and channels, but then we realized that this was not very suitable for us. Yes, people watch your video, but they don’t start to believe that they can get satisfaction at a concert. For them, TV projects are beautiful statues. Not all, of course, but very many. That’s why we have so many groups that are not on TV, but that tour around the country and feel great.

Can't you get by without money?

- Can you tell us how your music is created? Do you write everything yourself?

Yes. But the text is globally inventing Victoria Zhukova, our vocalist, she has this responsibility. But there is no single recipe for creating such melodic, and even on foreign language, works like ours. For example, I can come up with a chorus, but the verse doesn’t work, and that’s it, then I just put it off until better times. This, by the way, happened with our song “Found U”. The chorus for it was stolen from the past, and from ourselves. And then a verse is strung on it. This is an infinite constructor. But it happens that a song is written from start to finish in 15 minutes.

The majority of people started talking about you and your group after the “Voice” project. As yours creative life changed after him?

There is more money! (Laughs.) Such projects provide access to spectators, to large venues. On my part it was a PR campaign, that's all. Even before “The Voice,” of course, we performed, earned money, everything worked out for us, but there was no strong financial support for a big push forward. We could have been at the same stage for another 70 years. And “Golos” gave this impetus.

- It turns out that without such shows, talented ordinary guys cannot make it?

Basically, yes, they are always offended by those with money, they believe that they are taking their place. And this is the problem with these guys. They need to understand that the niche of singing deputies, football players' wives, rich sons and daughters will always exist. This won’t give them anything anyway - well, they’ll scroll around the channel for a year, two, three, they’ll realize that the costs aren’t recouped, there are still no full houses, and it’ll all be over. You won’t endlessly spend money on an unprofitable business. And you can’t fool the audience. They will look for good, high-quality music - and will find poor artists who break through only thanks to their talent.

“Music is consumption, not pleasure”

One of Russian performers said that we don’t have enough good music to constantly give various awards for it. Do you agree with this?

Part of our mentality is to believe that we are the only ones who have it bad. Actually this is not true. All over the world - in London, in New York - a popular radio station with some incredible garbage can be playing in a taxi. There will always be music of the moment. It has a shorter path to the consumer, but the path back is also faster - it quickly disappears. All this is being done due to the fact that the main pool of people feeding the industry are young people from 15 to 30 years old. For them, you need to make a new product every day, but, as you understand, it is impossible to do this every day with your soul.

Where did the donkey mascot go?

Anton, you are going to have a busy autumn and winter. A lot of work: the release of a new show, solo album, concerts, and then a parade New Year's corporate events not far away. Could you describe your ideal day? Full of tasks?

Just like today - almost without stress. A short interview, a few small work questions and an evening with the family. If you can also watch a movie, it will be perfect. I really like doing nothing, this almost never happens, but today I feel like I deserve it.

- Where is your famous donkey Plusha, with whom you never parted even on “The Voice”?

It has already been inherited by Semyon. Before the birth of the child, Plusha was always with me, just lying in the pocket of my backpack. And now, with the birth of my son, I left him in his crib and went on tour. Only in a strange city did I realize that I had forgotten Plusha: “How can I live without him?” I had to keep in touch with my wife and find out about the stuffed pet’s affairs. This is such an infantile habit.

Russian musician, frontman of Therr Maitz and producer.

Biography of Anton Belyaev

Anton Belyaev born in the fall of 1979 in Magadan. Alfina Sergeevna, m Anton's mother worked as a computer science teacher, and her father worked as an electronics engineer in a computer center. Belyaev has a sister, Liliya, who is 11 years older than him.

Anton has been passionate about music since childhood. At the age of 5, his parents sent him to the music school. The boy wanted to learn to play the drums, but only children who were already 9 years old were enrolled in this class. Therefore, the future musician began to play the piano, and then went to competitions for young pianists and various festivals. Young Belyaev also liked to listen Sting.

In 9th grade Anton Belyaeva expelled from the gymnasium, and he easily entered School of Music. However, he did not last long there either: everywhere the reason was bad behavior and a strong passion for jazz, and not at all a lack of talent.

The creative path of Anton Belyaev

Everything returned to normal as soon as Anton Belyaev ended up in Khabarovsk. There in 2002 he graduated from Khabarovsk state institute arts and culture, pop and jazz department. At that time, he already had years of study behind him in the jazz studio of Evgeniy Chernonogy.

In the fall of 1998, Anton Belyaev began performing in nightclubs in Khabarovsk. In 2004, he received the position of art director of the Rus establishment and collected own team: Maxim Bondarenko (bass), Evgeniy Kozhin (drums), Dmitry Pavlov (guitar), Konstantin Drobitko (trumpet). Later this band received the name Therr Maitz, and Anton Belyaev became its indispensable frontman.

In 2006, Anton Belyaev moved to Moscow, retrained as a music producer and began working in the company of domestic celebrities: Igor Grigoriev , Polina Gagarina , Tamara Gverdtsiteli , Maxim Pokrovsky And Christmas trees.

“I had to fall very deeply into poverty, start making arrangements, producing absolutely incredible artists whom I can’t stand, such as Basque, Gverdtsiteli, I had numerous chansonniers...”

In 2011, the jazz band Therr Maitz resumed its vibrant concert activities, And Anton Belyaev started collecting nightclubs again. The composition of the group had changed by this time: the vocalist became Victoria Zhuk, Nikolai Sarabyanov plays the guitar, Artem Tildikov plays the bass guitar, Boris Ionov (Polina Gagarina’s ex-boyfriend) is responsible for the drum kit, and Anton Belyaev himself is simultaneously a composer, vocalist and keyboard player in the group.

Anton Belyaev is a resident of the Jazz Parking project and is famous to a wide circle as the frontman of one of the most popular indie bands in the capital. Therr Maitz performs at festival venues and works in several directions: from electronics to trip-hop.

In the fall of 2013, the second season of the legendary music show "Voice" on Channel One. Anton Belyaev performed as part of the third day of auditions and performed the composition Wicked Game, accompanying himself.

The charming musician did everything so that all four mentors of the project would turn to him. So Anton Belyaev became a participant in the program “The Voice Season 2” and joined the team Leonid Agutin. On the morning of October 5, 2013, Anton Belyaev literally woke up famous - the whole country was talking about him.

In 2016, Anton produced the Russian melodrama “ Voices of a big country» director Taira Mamedova. Anton, like his rivals on the show “The Voice,” played one of the main roles. The film also starred Alena Toymintseva , Andrey Grizzly , Egor Sesarev , Tina Kuznetsova , Mariam Merabova , Yaroslav Dronov , Ilya Kireev , Valentina Biryukova , Georgy Yufa and etc.

In 2018, a musical and sports drama was released « Ice", for which Belyaev wrote the soundtrack. From the film footage, a video was compiled for the song “ Fly».

Personal life of Anton Belyaev

Anton lives opposite Gorky Park and often spends free time on the bike paths of the embankment.

“In general, I’m not a big fan of art, I love pop music. I like Hollywood movies to distract me. I won't say that I'm smart, but I'm a thinker. I constantly burden myself with things like understanding the structure of the world and other bullshit, so I don’t need a movie that tries to explain something to me again. It’s like when I was a child in harsh Magadan, it was stupid to watch the movie “Kids” about children who get drunk, poke each other and get AIDS. Why do I need it? It’s all in the next entrance.”