Green Lantern. The most powerful superhero in the world

  • 10.10.2019

The iconic comic book superhero image may resemble a circus strongman in tights and a cape, but muscles aren't the only way to be the toughest person in the world. Sometimes the hero draws his strength from magic, earthly or alien technologies.

The debate among fans about which is the most powerful superhero in the world will never seem to subside. However, the impartial resource IGN (one of the most respected and largest gaming portals) created the top 100 best comic book heroes (IGN’s Top 100 Comic Book Heroes), which includes heroes, villains and anti-heroes endowed with superpowers.

Introducing the top 10 most powerful superheroes according to IGN.

It's hard to suspect a blind person of putting on a superhero costume at night and going out to fight evil. But that's exactly what Matt Murdock is, a lawyer from Devil's Kitchen who knows all the dark sides of New York. He is one of the few disabled superheroes.

Due to a tragic childhood incident and training with Stick, Murdock's senses are incredibly heightened. He also has radio and echolocation, is excellent at wielding bladed weapons, and has trained in many types of martial arts.

Vulnerabilities: Mortal as an ordinary person. It is impossible to count how many times Daredevil was defeated or in pain due to gunshot wounds or being outmatched in hand-to-hand combat.

9. Hulk

Brainiacs like Batman can rely on clever technological innovations to defeat their enemies. But the Hulk is not like that. He simply takes and destroys all the bad guys (or good ones, if they are not lucky enough to be at hand), using only the strength of his fists. And thanks to his invulnerability, the Hulk can deal with an entire army, no matter whether people or non-humans fight against him. He is the most powerful Marvel and DC superhero, if we take brute physical strength as the main parameter.

A green brute's strength is directly related to how angry he is. And although the Hulk's alter ego Bruce Banner tries to restrain his anger so as not to turn into a monster, he does not always succeed.

His weakness? Wait until the Hulk transforms into the harmless Dr. Bruce Banner and kill him if you can. Although Banner explained that he once tried to commit suicide, the Hulk did not allow him to die. Now this could be a problem for the villains of the Marvel Universe.

8. Flash (Wally West)

Flash is not only the fastest man on Earth, he is also able to travel through time and even to other worlds. He doesn’t need huge muscles to change the reality we are used to in one minute, simply by running back into the past. He also hardly ages, which is an unattainable ideal for many other superheroes.

Flash has almost no weaknesses, with the exception of his strong attachment to his family and friends. He may fall into a trap if he rushes to save people dear to him.

7. Green Lantern (Hal Jordan)

The Green Lantern Corps is an intergalactic police force. Each Green Lantern's power comes from his ring, which "works" on willpower, allowing him to transform thoughts into physical objects and constructs. These designs could, in principle, be anything, as Green Lantern's power limit seems to be limited only by his own imagination.

The ring's power also allows Hal Jordan, Earth's first Green Lantern, to quickly travel throughout the universe, understand any language, and survive in any environment.

Minus: the ring needs recharging.

6. Captain America

Captain America, aka Steven Rogers, is, first and foremost, a military hero who was created to fight Nazi Germany during World War II. Given his increased speed, strength, agility and accelerated regeneration, Cap has many advantages, and his indestructible shield can be used for both offense and defense.

However, when it comes to fighting other superheroes on the roster, the Captain doesn't stand much of a chance. His fights in Avengers: Civil War with Iron Man and Spider-Man don't really matter since they were both trying to apprehend Cap rather than kill him.

Negative features: does not have invulnerability (although he heals faster than ordinary people), “is not friendly” with modern technologies.

5. Wonder Woman

The only lady on our list of superheroes is not only the strongest woman in every sense, but one of the most powerful superheroes of all time. She accomplished many incredible feats. For example, Wonder Woman and Superman defeated the divine being known as the Specter. You might say, "Well, she didn't do it alone," but when you consider that the Specter is the wrath of God incarnate, has cosmic powers, and can grow to the size of a planet or larger, it becomes clear that only the greatest superheroes can defeat him .

Diana - this is Wonder Woman's real name - wields the Lasso of Truth, with which she can force anyone to tell the truth. The lasso is so powerful that Wonder Woman once used it to contain the explosion of an atomic weapon.

She was also able to lift Thor's hammer, so theoretically the God of Thunder was out of a job.

Diana can also communicate with animals, can fly, is invulnerable to most physical attacks, and has accelerated regeneration. And finally, she is one of the most beautiful female characters in DC Comics.

With all these advantages, Wonder Woman can be wounded by bullets or piercing weapons. The attackers will not be able to break through the muscle tissue, but the bleeding wounds on Diana’s body will remain.

4. Wolverine

James Howlett, aka Logan, aka Wolverine, is a mutant who has fantastically fast regeneration, and superhuman strength and agility. He heals instantly from wounds large and small, although severe trauma (such as a bullet wound to the head) may take some time to recover.

His skeleton is covered with the (supposedly) indestructible metal adamantium. Various incarnations in comics and on the silver screen make it difficult to understand just how powerful Wolverine is, but it is known that you need to decapitate him and immediately remove his head somewhere away from his body to kill this mutant.

Wolverine's bone claws are capable of cutting through flesh and bone, but when coated with adamantium, their power is increased to the point where they can cut through any metal, as well as brick, stone, and other hard materials.

Plus, Logan ages very slowly. He was alive as early as 1845 and has served in every US military conflict since the Civil War.

Among Wolverine's shortcomings, one can cancel his harsh, unsociable character and loss of memory of the past.

3. Spider-Man

"Friendly Neighborhood" Peter Parker is a superhero close to the people. He doesn't have Bruce Wayne's multi-million dollar fortune, nor was he born with superpowers like Superman. Until he was bitten by a radioactive spider, Parker led a quiet and unremarkable life as a teenager and often had money problems. He is a type in which many young men can see themselves.

Thanks to the spider's bite, Parker acquired many new abilities: amazing agility, increased speed, Spider-sense (aka sixth sense), the ability to move along steep surfaces and release webs from his hands. Spider-Man's web is so strong that it can hold the Hulk, and thanks to it, Parker can deprive villains and heroes of various items, which is what he did with Captain America, tearing his shield out of his hands.

Spider-Man was able to withstand the Hulk's blows and then fought the green giant, although he lost the fight.

Due to his intelligence, Peter Parker can be compared with such recognized superhero geniuses as Tony Stark, Reed Richards and Hank Pym. While still a teenager, he created a device that allowed him to shoot webs.

Parker's weakness is his physical vulnerability. And his girlfriend is constantly getting into trouble.

2. Batman

Bruce Wayne is the only one on the list who cannot boast of any superpowers. He doesn’t know how to quickly heal wounds, doesn’t know how to fly, and hasn’t even mastered telepathy. Instead, he uses cutting-edge technological innovations to fight evil no less effectively than his Justice League colleagues.

Wayne's high intelligence, combined with excellent fighting skills and the ability to buy the most sophisticated weapons, makes him one of the most dangerous comic book characters for supervillains.

Weaknesses: Batman doesn't trust anyone, not even himself. He created a dossier on all superheroes (including himself), where he listed their strengths and weaknesses, as well as possible ways to destroy them. He is physically vulnerable, despite his protective suit.

1. Superman

Superman is the most powerful superhero in the world. He is invincible (unless Batman peppers him with kryptonite bullets, apparently), is almost as fast as the Flash (can fly a thousand times faster than the speed of light), can move entire planets, and can even "fly through a star without noticing it."

Superman also boasts amazing regeneration, and recovers even from deep wounds. With his breath he can freeze objects and extinguish fires, and with his scream he crushes diamonds into small pieces.

Super vision, super hearing, super intelligence... perhaps the Man of Steel does not have a single ability without the prefix “super”. He's also as charming as a Greek demigod. Except that he is not too picky when choosing clothes. Who wears underpants over their pants?

The most powerful superheroes 2017

4.4 (87.43%) 35 votes

The most powerful superheroes of all time, who are they and what skills do they have? These questions worry many fans of TV series and films about superheroes, who save humanity from terrible disasters over and over again. There are many opinions regarding the strongest and most powerful superhero of all times and universes. Every fan of full-length cartoons and films about heroes has personal preferences. Therefore, it is quite difficult to assess this issue objectively. But we will try to compile a list of the most famous and popular superheroes, as well as characterize them. And of course, you can find the latest trailers for films in which our strongest superheroes will save the world in 2017.

The most powerful superheroes - Hulk

The talented doctor Bruce Banner, who in ordinary life specializes in

  • biology,
  • physiology,
  • chemistry,
  • engineering,
  • nuclear physics,
  • gamma radiation,

He is one of the strongest and most famous superheroes.

When an outstanding scientist begins to get very angry and irritated, he turns into the green Hulk. In this incarnation he has:

  • possessing fantastic power,
  • excellent speed,
  • incredible endurance,
  • ability to recover.

The Hulk's strength directly depends on the degree of anger. In an angry, excited state, he can destroy megacities, throw military fighters and pose an impressive danger to his enemies. At the same time, in his ordinary life, Dr. Banner is a person unprotected from dangers.

The most powerful superheroes - Flash

One of the most powerful superheroes among the existing ones. He is capable of moving at fantastic speeds, significantly exceeding the speed of light. In a split second, Flash can get to any point not only on Planet Earth, but also in the Universe. However, the uniqueness of the superhero is not limited to this.

He can also:

  • pass through any obstacles without problems,
  • move in time
  • and also read quickly,
  • think,
  • acquire new knowledge,
  • gain endless mass.

Flash also has a powerful blow, exceeding in strength a similar characteristic of other popular heroes. No one is able to catch him due to his incredible speed and reaction.
In 2017, Flash will appear in the film about superheroes and, of course, saving humanity “Justice League”. The film is expected to be beautiful, watch the trailer:

The most powerful superheroes - Superman

The most powerful superhero of all time, who regularly saves the Earth and its inhabitants from obvious threats. A young guy raised in a family of farmers actually turned out to be an alien. This is the reason for his outstanding abilities. Superman's powers and capabilities are limited only by his mind.

It has:

  • amazing power
  • invulnerability,
  • endurance,
  • speed,
  • superintelligence,
  • super vision,
  • super hearing.

This superhero can fly, create icy wind and burn out his eyes. His diverse superpowers are simply amazing.

The main advantages of Mrs. Gray include the possession of god-like powers. This makes her the most powerful and amazing being in the Marvel Universe.

She is fluent in:

  • telekinesis,
  • telepathy,
  • has unlimited potential for psychic abilities.

These qualities allow Jean Gray to capture objects in Earth's orbit and manipulate hundreds of components directly in the air. Her powers, growing to incredible levels, will allow

  • fly in space,
  • survive in almost any atmosphere,
  • easily rearrange matter
  • and even resurrect the dead.

All this is only a small part of the capabilities of the great and frightening Jean.

The most powerful superheroes - Doctor Strange

A powerful wizard and skilled martial artist, Doctor Strange regularly wins serious battles.

Magic skills help him:

  • fly,
  • teleport,
  • stop and change the direction of time,
  • revive yourself from the dead,
  • make yourself invulnerable.

Strange's abilities are limited solely by his imagination. However, the doctor also has a weak trait inherent in people - he is susceptible to emotions.

The most powerful superheroes - Nova

The leader of the intergalactic police, Richard Reader, is the owner of the Nova Force, an incredible source of energy. Thanks to this, he is endowed with a number of superpowers, among which stand out:

  • incredible strength,
  • endurance,
  • speed,
  • invulnerability,
  • agility and regeneration.

In addition, Nova has access to the combined mind of all the inhabitants of Xandar, containing the knowledge and experience accumulated throughout its existence. The main drawback of this superhero is his predictability.

The most powerful superheroes - Thor

The mighty son of Odin has incredible strength and is considered the strongest in the Avengers team.

  • practically invulnerable
  • has increased endurance,
  • can fly
  • summon lightning.

With his main weapon Mjolnir, the list of superhero abilities is even greater:

  • teleportation,
  • creating an impenetrable shield,
  • absorption and redirection of energy,
  • as well as healing and resurrection.

With just one blow of his hammer, he can easily cause an earthquake throughout the entire planet. Thor invariably directs his magical powers and other useful things to the fight against evil.
In 2017, he will also direct him to fight against evil in the new film Thor Ragnarok, the trailer for which can be viewed now:

The most powerful superheroes - Martian Manhunter

One of the most influential members of the Justice League is Jonn Jonzz, who is a loyal ally of earthlings.

Martian Manhunter can:

  • fly,
  • become invisible
  • change the density of your own body,
  • pass through obstacles
  • and take the form of different living beings.

This hero also owns:

  • x-ray vision,
  • telekinesis,
  • telepathy,
  • excellent endurance,
  • amazing power
  • and speed.

J'onn J'onzz has repeatedly demonstrated abilities related to energy generation, energy beam control, and heat. Almost nothing is impossible for Martian Manhunter.

The most powerful superheroes - Doctor Manhattan

At one time, Dr. Jonathan Osterman disintegrated into tiny particles in the laboratory, and was reborn in the new essence of Dr. Manhattan. This powerful member of the Guardians is one of the most powerful, but most importantly smart superheroes.

Jonathan is able to:

  • control matter at quantum levels,
  • is able to change the density and size of his body,
  • endowed with the gift of foresight,
  • has a number of unique abilities - levitation,
  • teleportation,
  • telekinesis.

If desired, Dr. Manhattan can destroy entire worlds.

The most powerful superheroes - Silver Surfer

The Silver Surfer used to be an astronomer on the planet Zenn-La. He agreed to become one of Galactus' messengers, who endowed him with incredible cosmic power. From that time on, the hero's body was transformed into a practically indestructible metallic substance. He is a member of the Fantastic Four and moves around the universe using a silver board.

The Silver Surfer's abilities allow him

  • move at hyper speed,
  • control the energy of the universe,
  • pass through matter
  • see through time
  • detect objects at a distance of many light years.

A member of the valiant team of heroes "X-Men", Henry McCoy is actually an intelligent and kind person, although he inspires fear, horror and despair.

The superpowers and superabilities of the Beast include:

  • excellent athletic ability,
  • phenomenal mind,
  • possibilities of regeneration and restoration.

The most powerful superheroes - The Thing

A very tough and almost indestructible hero named Benjamin Grim was once human. He fell into electromagnetic radiation on one of the planets and turned into a monster with indestructible skin. However, feelings were preserved in the soul of the sand-colored stone sculpture. Thanks to this circumstance, Ben became a member of the Fantastic Four. He is a professional pilot and martial artist.

The most powerful superheroes - Wonder Woman

Diana of Themyscira is a sweet, beautiful and sophisticated princess with a whip. She is able to resist any anti-heroes and withstand the onslaught of an entire army. Thanks to her qualities, Wonder Woman is deservedly included in the famous “Justice League”.

This superwoman's special powers include

  • inhuman speed,
  • ability to fly,
  • seduction

New film about Wonder Woman this year, watch the trailer:

The most powerful superheroes - Quicksilver

A very fast superhero known as Pietro Maximoff. He moves faster than sound and has a very strong character. Quite an interesting and memorable personality.

Mercury can quite easily

  • overtake Formula 1 racers,
  • able to travel through time
  • change your appearance using a special crystal.

The most powerful superheroes - Mister Fantastic

Intellectual Reed Richards is a doctor of science who was able to graduate from four universities. One of the best superheroes grew up as an ordinary person. He dreamed of discoveries in the fields of mathematics and geometry. But he had to perform feats in the name of saving humanity as part of the Fantastic Four.

The features of Mister Fantastic are

  • genius,
  • flexibility,
  • resistance to damage.

The most powerful superheroes - Luke Cage

Born in New York's famous Harlem neighborhood, difficult teenager Luke was never distinguished by outstanding abilities, a bright mind or high intelligence. However, the guy always took the path of goodness and justice. That is why he became the defender of a large metropolis.

  • great endurance,
  • agility,
  • ability to quickly restore tissue after wounds and burns.

The most powerful superheroes - Drax the Destroyer

Previously, this superhero, part of the Guardians of the Galaxy team, was a completely ordinary person. However, the tragic circumstances associated with the loss of his family changed him greatly. In order to confront the villain Thanos, the great god Kronos makes a strong superhero out of a man.

He endows him

  • great strength
  • extrasensory abilities,
  • ability to throw knives,
  • has the ability to release energy discharges.

The most powerful superheroes - Black Widow

A very seductive person, Natasha Romanova, comes from Russia. She can “frame” not only the generals of the Russian army, but also aliens from other Galaxies. The main purpose of the beautiful heroine on earth is to work in the Avengers team. Natasha is fluent

  • martial arts,
  • different types of weapons,
  • espionage skills

and also endowed with superpowers:

  • hypnotic influence
  • slow aging
  • incredible immunity...

The most powerful superheroes - Iron Man

One of the founders of the famous heroic team "Avengers" is known as Tony Stark. He is a brilliant inventor and designer, as well as a wealthy industrialist with a daring character. He sees his main goal as protecting planet Earth and destroying its enemies. A high-tech armored suit equipped with weapons helps him solve these problems. Iron Man can also invent “toys” that are dangerous for opponents directly during battle.

The most powerful superheroes - Batman

Successful industrialist Bruce Wayne, who took the path of eradicating crime and fighting for justice. He was prompted to do this by the massacre of his parents, which he witnessed. He is ready to do the most incredible and heroic deeds to protect the city of Gotham and its inhabitants.

Batman makes great use of

  • own intelligence,
  • knowledge in sciences,
  • martial arts skills.

This hero is endowed with an unbending will and is able to instill panic in his enemies.

The most powerful superheroes - Captain America

The sickly young man Steve Rogers, thanks to the influence of an experimental serum developed by military scientists, loses his former appearance and reaches maximum physical strength. Captain America uses newly discovered non-human intelligence to protect US security and aid military operations. The hero has a unique indestructible shield, which, if necessary, can be used as a weapon.

The most powerful superheroes - Wolverine

A true romantic, young man James Howlett became a superhero and acquired superhuman abilities after a successful experiment. His skeleton has become virtually invulnerable to any damage, and his hands are equipped with long, dagger-sharp claws. Wolverine has incredible regeneration, which allows him to survive serious damage.

Also, James

  • very dexterous
  • hardy,
  • endowed with truly bestial instincts,
  • not susceptible to aging,
  • He is excellent at martial arts.

The movie Logan is coming out in 2017, watch the trailer about your favorite superhero:

The most powerful superheroes - Ant-Man

This is truly the smallest superhero endowed with outstanding abilities. Talented scientist Hank Pym gained fame after shrinking to the size of an ant and acquiring super powers and unique qualities. He is endowed with the broadest knowledge of biology and chemistry, and also knows how to control his growth.

The most powerful superheroes - Spider-Man

Ordinary teenager Peter Parker received superpowers. After that, he became a desperate fighter against criminals in New York.

Spider-Man has

  • increased agility,
  • unique fighting style,
  • spider sense
  • as well as the ability to soar in the air and deftly jump on skyscrapers.

In addition, Peter has the highest intelligence and can throw any villain into panic.
Of course, the world cannot live without Spider-Man for long, so in 2017 he returns home:

These are the most powerful superheroes, ready to protect humanity from any danger. Only the viewers and readers of our site can decide which of them is the strongest. But one thing is clear: with such defenders, humanity has nothing to fear. At least in the Marvel and DC universes. Write your opinions about which superhero is the strongest in the comments.

In their elms, superheroes are invincible. They save people, appear at the right moment and always win. But what if you put them together in one room? Who will be the coolest? Now we will go through the Top 20 incredible superheroes of all time!

20 Superhero – Nova

Real name: Richard Rader. He is the chief of the intergalactic police. Although he has superhuman powers, he gained his success through hard work and training.


  • flies at the speed of sound;
  • quickly heals his wounds and can heal those around him;
  • has access to higher intelligence.


  • predictable (cannot break the law, which is why he often becomes a target of the enemy) Therefore, he ranks only 20th in the top.

19 Ghost Rider

Johnny Blaze was a stuntman. He did cool stunts on a motorcycle. His father's illness forced him to sell his soul to the devil. Overall he's more of an anti-hero type, but in the end he defeats the demon.


  • fiery motorcycle and creepy chains that you can’t escape;
  • immortality.


  • in the world of demons, he is just a pawn who follows instructions; in the top 20 most powerful superheroes, he has only 19th place.

A bright image that different heroes tried on. There were several films. And each time the personality and appearance changed greatly.


  • incredible speed (more than any hero);
  • super reflexes;
  • slows down its aging.


  • not found.

17 Mercury

Pietro Maximoff has long been a favorite of the public. He's very Flash-like. For some time he was in the ranks of the popular Avengers team.


  • moves quickly;
  • wounds heal faster than in humans;
  • his mind is not susceptible to telepathy.


  • He is very dependent on his sister Scarlet Witch, and can fall into a trap while saving her.

Chapter of the Fantastic Four. He controls all missions, he is responsible for his people. Reed Richards is one of the smartest heroes of all time.


  • genius in various fields (achieved this with the help of his own mind);
  • can stretch the body and resist wounds.


  • autistic;
  • there are problems with the team.

Artut Douglas was forced to become a hero. He used to be a simple man. His family was attacked. His people were in danger. Therefore, Arthur's soul was transferred to a new strong body.


  • creates strong explosions using his hands;
  • masterfully wields bladed weapons;
  • feels where the person he needs or the enemy is.


  • possesses all the weaknesses of the human soul, which is what the enemies take advantage of.

Natasha Romanova specially prepared for the profession of a spy. It was prepared by the KGB. After several successful operations, she remained in the United States to continue collecting information for Russia.


  • biochemical substances made her body stronger and more resilient;
  • does not age, can read minds;
  • skillfully uses equipment and weapons.


  • Since she can greatly weaken the enemy's defenses, anti-heroes without protection pose a threat to her.

Strange is the real name of a famous surgeon who injured his hands in an accident. He learned about the possibilities of monks in the East and decided to go to study with them. There his whole life changed.


  • magical abilities (can create weapons out of thin air);
  • a special cloak that in itself can protect the owner;
  • a stone that travels through time.

Weak qualities:

  • he remains a simple man;
  • during a fight he is not stronger than others, only his intelligence and intelligence help him win.

12 Wonder Woman

A crowd favorite. This is a brave Amazon who leads strong women. Is the ideal of feminists. Real name: Diana.


  • agility, strength, ability to fight in any conditions;
  • wields a lasso and is protected by bracelets.


  • vulnerable, as she can be injured at any moment;
  • often gets into trouble when trying to save his friends (predictably).

One of the Fantastic Four. After experiments, he turned into a monster, which consists of strong stone. For the hero this is punishment.


  • can even destroy a tank with his bare hands;
  • bullets don't kill him.


  • inside he remained a simple person and has a hard time experiencing many things;
  • hates his condition.

10 Catwoman

Poor girl Selina experienced many troubles. She worked hard, became a prostitute, was a thief. One unlucky day, Selina died. But the cats came to her and resurrected her. She then became a very powerful superheroine. Deservedly takes 10th place in the Top 20 “The Strongest Superhero”.


  • cat's agility, ability to climb in any place;
  • self-confidence.


  • a simple woman who does not fully understand her purpose;
  • has a weakness for stealing.

Logan doesn't remember much of his past life. Now he is a mutant. His skeleton has been modified. He helps fight evil in the X-Men and Avengers teams.


  • 6 sharp knives coming out of hands;
  • strong skeleton;
  • regeneration (recovers even from mortal wounds).


  • does not remember his past;
  • has an explosive nature.

Wade suffered from cancer. Experiments from the X-Men healed him. But along with the positive aspects, there were also negative ones. He turned into a monster and a strange type.


  • feels almost no pain;
  • fights skillfully;
  • great strength.


  • mentally unbalanced, he can easily be enraged;
  • is often a villain.

7 Spider-Man

Peter was just a weakling and a brainiac until he was bitten by a spider developed in a laboratory. He developed a number of abilities and immediately began helping people and fighting crime. Tries not to show his real face.


  • weaves a web and can use it to move great distances;
  • crawls along the walls, sees and hears perfectly.

Weak qualities:

  • a simple person receives injuries and wounds;
  • There is a girl who always has to be saved.

6 Hulk

Bruce Banner conducted the experiments. Something went wrong. There was an explosion. He covered the teenager and exposed himself to the blow. Mutations turn him into a huge monster.


  • enormous strength;
  • invulnerability.

Weak qualities:

  • split personality (Bruce in the body of the Hulk cannot take control of everything);
  • frequent anger, irritation, short temper.

Tony is a rich man who develops weapons. He is very successful. For the sake of progress, he created a special suit that makes a person invulnerable. With his help, Tony became part of the Avengers team.


  • the ability to fly, shoot bullets and rockets;
  • resourcefulness, ability to invent cool things;
  • the suit doesn't take bullets.


  • without the suit he has no power.

4 Batman

Bruce Wayne is human. He is not a mutant, not a super being. But thanks to his training and intelligence, he is able to fight the villains. Now he has a luxury car and a secret base. He makes everything clear and beautiful.


  • combat training;
  • a huge number of weapons, interesting devices for battles;
  • dexterity, the ability to be secretive.


  • he could be injured and killed.

3 Superhero - Captain America

Steven Rogers was a skinny, sickly looking guy. To become part of the US Army and help the country in the fight against enemies, a large portion of a new substance was pumped into him. Now he is strong, cutting through the skies with a huge shield and a bright cloak. Deservedly takes 3rd place in the Top 20 most powerful superheroes.


  • knows martial arts;
  • slowly ages, heals wounds;
  • easily fights opponents.


  • lags behind progress, does not understand the work of many modern technologies.

2 Strong Superhero - Thor

This is the most powerful hero from the Avengers team. He is a god. No villain can match his strength.


  • flies, shoots lightning;
  • wields a huge hammer that no one can lift;
  • invulnerable.


  • other gods can deal with him.

1 The Strongest Superhero – Superman

He was born on another planet, but was transported to Earth as an infant. The hero was adopted by a simple family. There he began to be called Clark. Adoptive parents quickly recognized his special abilities. When the boy grew up, he began to maintain order in his country.


  • ability to fly, hold heavy objects;
  • freezes with breath;
  • charged by the stars;
  • reflexes and intelligence are developed.


  • not found.

Thanks to the latest comics and films where heroes fight together, it is possible to watch their progress. It's strange to see Iron Man unable to lift Thor's hammer. After all, he is the best in his cinema. But for true superhero fans, this is not so important.

Switch and find out. . .

WHO IS THIS? - !!!

And this is!!!

Presented to comic book fans fastest superheroes possessing exorbitant speed of movement.

Fallen One reveals the top ten fastest superheroes. The character can increase strength; strength; create black holes; manage time and space; control the electromagnetic spectrum and transform matter. The Fallen is capable of moving at speeds greater than the speed of light and is immune to the harsh conditions of space.

He is not only super fast, but also the strongest superhero. The character is able to fly from the Earth to the Sun in a few seconds. Its speed is 10 times faster than the speed of light. The Sentinel's strength is equivalent to the explosion of a million suns, and he is capable of lifting over 100 tons. Divine endurance and invulnerability are unparalleled. The superhero can even resurrect himself.

Professor Zoom, also known by his nickname Reverse Flash, is considered one of the fastest superheroes. Professor Zoom's abilities are similar to those of the Flash: he can run at supersonic and faster-than-light speeds, including moving through water, creating powerful whirlwinds with super-fast movements of his hands, and so on. So he is able to run at speeds exceeding the speed of light 15 times. Along with his superpowers, Zoom has a high level of intelligence: even in his native 25th century, when science has significantly advanced in its development, he is considered a real genius.

He is one of the fastest superheroes, capable of moving at supersonic speeds and creating portals for movement. Each Green Lantern possesses a power ring, giving them enormous control over the physical world as long as the wearer has enough willpower and physical strength to use it. Although the ring of the Golden Age Green Lantern, Alan Scott, was powered by magic, the rings worn by all subsequent Lanterns were a technological creation of the Guardians of the Universe, who bestowed such rings on worthy candidates. They form an intergalactic police force known as the Green Lantern Corps.

He is a living planet, the largest of all Green Lanterns and the fastest hero with a speed almost equal to the speed of light. When Mogo wishes to show his affiliation with the Corps, he moves the foliage around his equator, turning it into a green stripe with the Green Lantern symbol in the middle. In his early appearances, Mogo rarely interacts with the rest of the DC Universe - hence the title "Mogo Doesn't Communicate". In Mogo's first appearance, this is explained by the fact that his gravitational field would wreak havoc on any other planet, so Mogo chooses to represent himself using holographic projections. But Mogo later showed the ability to control his gravity.

Included in the list of the fastest superheroes. Real name: Philip Wallis. After accidentally exposing Serling to T-radiation, his physiology changed such that he could now exist in a parallel dimension connected to the ordinary world. While there, he could observe events on Earth without being observed by anyone from Earth in any way. At will, he was able to move into the earthly dimension in varying degrees of materiality - he could become visible but intangible, or visible and material, only by wishing it. He could instantly move from one place to another.

ranks fourth in the list of fastest superheroes. Rather, this is not a superhero, but a supervillain, capable of moving at speeds close to the speed of light. He was one of Daredevil's very first enemies, but over time he radically changed his worldview and became a loyal ally of the superhero.

Unlocks the top three fastest superheroes. The character is also one of the most popular Marvel comics. He is capable of reaching speeds greater than the speed of light. An outcast superhero from the planet Zenn-La was born with a special intelligence and can control cosmic energy. He is one of the members of the Fantastic Four. The Surfer's special feature is his ability to control space objects and fly on a surfboard. This is one of the most noble martyrs in the universe. The Silver Surfer values ​​his freedom above all else, but he can sacrifice even that for a good cause. His real name is Norrin Radd, he was born on the planet Zenn-La and is a member of the most ancient and technologically advanced race of humanoids that has created an international utopia, devoid of crime, disease, hunger, poverty and favors any kind of living beings.

He ranks second on the list of the fastest superheroes. Real name: Pietro Maximoff. Quicksilver has the uncanny ability to move at incredible speeds that exceed the speed of sound. Until recently, he was portrayed within the main Marvel Universe as a human mutant endowed with supernatural powers. Quite often the character appears in connection with the X-Men, being first introduced as their opponent; in later publications he becomes a superhero himself. Quicksilver is the twin brother of the Scarlet Witch, half-brother of Polaris; In addition, in a number of alternative realities and until recently in the main universe, he was presented as the son of Magneto. Debuting in the Silver Age of comics, Quicksilver performed throughout over five decades of publication, receiving his own solo series and regularly appearing as a member of the Avengers.

Literally meaning "flash" or "lightning", he is the fastest superhero in DC Comics. Flash has the ability to reach speeds exceeding the speed of light and use superhuman reflexes, which violates some laws of physics. Mercury wasn't even close to him. Until now, there have been four characters who have the ability to develop super speed and act under the pseudonym Flash: Jay Garrick, Barry Allen, Wally West, Bart Allen. Flash is close friends with several superheroes who go by the name Green Lantern. The most notable friendships are between Jay Garrick and Alan Scott (Golden Age Green Lantern), Barry Allen and Hal Jordan (Silver Age Green Lantern), Wally West and Kyle Rayner (Modern Green Lantern), and between Jordan and West.

In an article about the most powerful superheroes, one cannot fail to mention the Hulk. Of course, he is not the strongest, but this guy can even beat up the gods. The strength of the Hulk depends on the level of his anger; the angrier the Hulk, the more he gets to his opponents.

The Hulk has an uncontrollable temper, which is a problem for everyone. One day the Avengers got tired of this, and they sent the Hulk into space.

Powers and abilities

  • Superpower
  • Impenetrable Skin
  • Endurance

The Surfer is one of the strongest characters in the Marvel universe. Some fans compare the Silver Surfer's strength to Doctor Manhattan from the DC Comics universe. When Galactus came to the Surfer's home planet and began to devour it, the hero offered him his service in exchange for Galactus leaving his planet. The Silver Surfer can subjugate all 4 forces of the universe and, in essence, represents the pure power of the cosmos.

Powers and abilities

  • Cosmic Power
  • Divine Power
  • Invulnerability
  • Divine Endurance
  • Cosmic Flair
  • Cosmic Healing
  • Cosmic Self-Maintenance
  • Empower others

One Allfather has great physical and magical strength. He is a god for people and the permanent leader for the Asgardians. Odin can manipulate energy and magic, and can take power from any Asgardian or human and use it. The only chance to defeat him is to kill him during Odin's Dream. The rest of the time it is almost impossible to do this.

Powers and abilities

  • Superpower
  • The ability to take the powers of others
  • Strong Magic
  • Divine Endurance

The Phoenix Force isn't even a character, it's POWER. She just chose a “vessel” for herself in the form of Jean Gray’s body. After that, Jean Gray went crazy and started doing not the best things. After the Phoenix moved into Jean's body, she became one of the strongest beings in the universe. She even obeyed the laws of physics. Well, such little things as the destruction of entire stars and planets are not worth mentioning.

This force was created by the universe itself. When the universe was dying, the Force saved it, after which it was reborn from the ashes.

Powers and abilities

  • Telepath
  • Submission to the laws of physics
  • The power of the universe
  • Ability to revive

The Living Tribunal is considered the second most powerful in the Marvel multiverse. He is second in power only to the Almighty. Even Thanos, along with the Infinity Gauntlet, did not dare to call the Tribunal to fight. The age of the Tribunal is equal to the age of the universe, its powers are infinite. His main task is to protect the entire Marvel Multiverse. The Living Tribunal can hardly be called a hero, he is neither a hero nor a villain, he is above all this. If you read the crossover comic between the Marvel and DC universes, you know that the Tribunal was almost the only one who could truly protect the universes.

Powers and abilities

  • Infinite Power
  • Ability to create universes
  • Second most powerful in the universe
  • Resurrection Ability

The Beyonder is also difficult to call a hero or a villain. He has such power that he can revive people and kill anyone simply at will. Some believe that Beyonder is the universe itself, its reflection in him.

At one point, the Beyonder even defeated Lady Death herself.

Powers and abilities

  • Changing reality
  • Flight
  • Teleportation
  • Super Strength

It is difficult to write something specific about him. He simply is and he is omnipotent.

Powers and abilities

  • This guy can do anything

The Sentry is one of Marvel's most powerful characters. Its power is so great that it can be compared to the explosion of millions of stars. This dude is so cool he can resurrect himself.

Powers and abilities

  • Superhuman strength
  • Superhuman speed
  • Superhuman endurance
  • Superhuman Agility
  • Superhuman Senses

Scientist Jon Osterman tramped inside a working reactor and survived. But.. with minor changes. More precisely, very large ones. He began to have the ability to fly, read minds, and control everything at the atomic level. He became immortal and could be everywhere. There is an opinion that everything that happens in the current DC Comics universe is one big experiment by the Doctor. His only weakness is tachyons, speed particles, but even they cannot seriously weaken him.

Powers and abilities

  • Immortality
  • Create universes
  • Manage everything at the atomic level
  • Speed

Green Lantern has a Power Ring that gives him unlimited powers. This essentially makes him one of the strongest heroes in the universe.

Powers and abilities

  • Unlimited ring possibilities
  • Invisibility
  • Flight
  • Speed

This couple from Krypton is also quite strong. Not many on Earth can resist them. Their powers are already known to everyone, as is their history. I think there is no point in describing this again.

Powers and abilities

  • Impenetrable Skin
  • Flight
  • Speed

Scarlet Witch is capable of many things. One day she created her own entry, where everyone got what they wanted. True, it didn’t end well in the end. In the comics, she is the daughter of Magnetto; in the cinematic universe, her origin was changed.

Powers and abilities

  • Magic Expert
  • Flight
  • Good hand-to-hand fighter
  • Tactical Expert

Doctor Strange studied magic for seven years under the auspices of the Old One. Then he himself became the supreme magician of the earth and his power grew exponentially. Also, Strange is the keeper of one of the infinity stones, the time stone.

Powers and abilities

  • Expert in Destruction Magic
  • Flight
  • Good hand-to-hand fighter
  • Dark Magic Expert
  • Wielding the Power of the Gods
  • Possession of the Infinity Stone

Ghost Rider made this list thanks to his Punishing Glare, which, by the way, is useless against those who do not consider their actions to be evil. But in general, the Racer is a very strong hero who is capable of dealing with almost all villains, including Mephisto himself.

Powers and abilities

  • Withering look
  • Flame Chain
  • Increased survivability
  • Great power

Magnetto was the daughter, now the son of Professor X. The Legion has a very powerful and not everyone understands force. He can create whatever he wants, get into anyone’s head and do whatever he wants there.

Powers and abilities

  • The power of the mind
  • Creation of matter
  • People management