The importance of spiritual literature in human life. Lesson plan on literature (9th grade) on the topic: Literature as the art of words and its role in the spiritual life of a person

  • 13.04.2019

Reading is an important part human life. This is an easy way to keep your mind clear long years. A person who is familiar with a large amount of literature of various genres has a broader outlook and develops his brain. Often schoolchildren receive homework - to write an essay in which they give arguments in favor of this activity.

Essay goals

Why do Russian language teachers include tasks of this kind in their students’ homework? In the process of writing, the student must provide compelling arguments for each thesis. The role of literature in human life is a broad topic that allows us to once again refresh our memory of the evidence that confirms the importance of reading in modern life. It is much easier for people of the 21st century to come home, sit down at the computer or TV, rather than start reading a book.

Everyone understands that such an attitude contributes to mental degradation. However, for some reason, many still prefer other activities to books. A student can try to write an essay that will be designed to convince the reader of the importance of the role of literature in human life. The arguments that the student will use can be taken from a variety of sources: Everyday life, cases with old acquaintances, personal experience. The main thing is that this or that idea must be proven or explained. And of course, we shouldn’t forget about these important points, such as spelling, punctuation, and writing style.

Understand yourself

Reading various literature, watching how the plot of a book develops, people, willy-nilly, begin to think about serious issues of our existence. After all, it is for this purpose that great works were written - they help the reader to focus on a specific problem that a person may encounter. By observing how the characters behave, the reader learns to identify and, to some extent, predict their actions in everyday life.

It often happens that the writer himself, at some stage of his life, experienced certain difficulties and decided to pass on his experience to subsequent generations through a novel, play, short story or short story. The role of poetry is no less important - by reading poems, a person can feel the poet’s mood, his worldview at a certain point in time. And sometimes poetry also has healing power. For example, reading poems about difficult times, a person feels that he is not alone in his problems, that once before him people faced similar difficulties.

The role of literature in human life: arguments

So why is it so important to remember the importance of reading in this day and age? Many people will like this thesis: reading books can relieve stress. It takes the reader to another world, where he can escape from everyday problems and plunge into a new atmosphere for a while. Today is very a large number of people suffer from constant stress. And this plus of reading will be appreciated by those who are already tired of thinking about endless problems every day.

Psychological benefits

Another interesting argument is about the role of fiction in human life. Scientists have proven that we age when our brain ages. That is why reading can even slow down time a little and “put off old age.” After all, devoting time to literature, a person is forced to think, draw conclusions, and understand the meaning of what is described in the book. And the additional load on the brain has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the entire body.

The arguments to the problem of “the role of literature in human life” do not end there. Scientists have found that reading can help good sleep. If a person regularly reads a book at night, soon his brain will perceive this activity as a signal - it’s time to sleep soon. Thanks to reading, people can thus feel more energetic the next morning.

Cons of reading

However, when describing the role of literature in human life, arguments do not necessarily have to prove its benefits. A student may also have the opposite opinion. For example, you can indicate that those who are too keen on reading can use this activity to ignore difficulties real life. Behind tons of literature in this case there is a common fear of reality. Of course, a person always learns something new from books. But you cannot learn everything with the help of literature. Most people gain experience by interacting with reality. Here you need to follow the principle - “everything should be in moderation.”

The role of the teacher

The role of a literature teacher in a person’s life is also great. Most likely, each student will bring arguments here from his own experience. After all, a literature teacher is the one who introduces the class to the works of the great classics and helps them better understand the meaning that writers and poets wanted to convey to their descendants through their creations. In a sense, a literature teacher is the first psychotherapist a person encounters in his life. After all, it is he who introduces schoolchildren to the world of people and all the diversity of relationships between them.

The purpose of the lesson:

Determine the role of literature in the spiritual life of society,
To form students’ understanding of literature as the art of words,
Reveal level literary development students.

Besides literature, what to breathe,

Sinking to the bottom of the sea...

M. Shcherbakov. Whole summer

1. Org. Moment

2. Conversation on the question of understanding the quote included in the epigraph of the lesson

(Mikhail Shcherbakov, Moscow poet, creator of the original song, our contemporary).

3. Discussion of statements by Russian writers

How do you understand the statements of Russian writers about literary work and the role of books in a person’s spiritual life, try to confirm or refute the positions they express.

“As a person, as a personality, the Russian writer... stood illuminated bright light selfless and passionate love for the great work of life - literature, for the people tired in their work, for their sad land. He was an honest fighter, a great martyr for the sake of truth, a hero in work and a child in relation to people, with a soul as transparent as a tear and bright as a star in the pale skies of Russia.” M. Gorky.

“All of Greece and Rome fed only on literature: in our sense, there were no schools at all! And how they grew. Literature, in fact, is the only school of the people, and it can be the only and sufficient school...” V. Rozanov.

“Russian literature... has always been the conscience of the people. Her place in public life country has always been honorable and influential. She educated people and strived for a just reconstruction of life.” D. Likhachev.

4. Expressive reading of poetry

Now we will read poems in which poets reflect on the secrets of writing, on the role of writers in society.

Ivan Bunin

The tombs, mummies and bones are silent,—
Only the word is given life:
From ancient darkness, on the world graveyard,
Only the Letters sound.

And we have no other property!
Know how to take care
At least to the best of my ability, in days of anger and suffering,
Our immortal gift is speech.

A. Akhmatova

It happens like this: some kind of languor;
The chime of the clock does not stop in my ears;
In the distance, the rumble of fading thunder.
Unrecognized and captive voices
I imagine both complaints and groans,
Some secret circle is narrowing,
But in this abyss of whispers and ringings
One, all-conquering sound rises.
It’s so incredibly quiet around him,
You can hear the grass growing in the forest,
How he walks dashingly on the ground with a knapsack...
But now the words are heard
And light rhymes are signal bells,—
Then I begin to understand
And just dictated lines
They go into a snow-white notebook.

B. Pastrnak

I want to reach everything
To the very essence.
At work, looking for a way,
In heartbreak.

To the essence of the past days,
Until their reason,
To the foundations, to the roots,
To the core.

Always catching the thread
Fates, events,
Live, think, feel, love,
Complete the opening.

Oh if only I could
Although partly
I would write eight lines
About the properties of passion.

About iniquities, about sins,
Running, chasing,
Accidents in a hurry,
Elbows, palms.

I would deduce her law,
Its beginning
And repeated her names

I would plant poems like a garden.
With all the trembling of my veins
The linden trees would bloom in them in a row,
Single file, to the back of the head.

I would bring the breath of roses into poetry,
Breath of mint
Meadows, sedge, hayfields,
Thunderstorms rumble.

So Chopin once invested
Living miracle
Farms, parks, groves, graves
In your sketches.

Achieved triumph
Game and torment -
Bowstring taut
Tight bow.

5. Conversation on issues

Why is literature called the art of words? Show with examples what the art of words is?

Remember the works in which the characters read books and give them their assessments. Why is literature important to them?

What have you learned from literature about love and betrayal, about death and immortality, about nobility and meanness? Is such knowledge important for a person?

How has literature helped your own spiritual development?

What benefits can it give? to modern man reading literature of the past?

6. Conversation revealing the level of literary development of students

What Russian folklore do you remember? What is the significance of oral works folk art For modern reader?

What eternal questions were raised by Russian writers? How did they solve them?

How are the humanistic thoughts of the authors reflected in the works of Russian literature? Name the works in which the problem of protection is raised human personality. Give reasons for your position.

How did the heroes of Russian literature imagine happiness? Do you agree with them?

How do pictures of nature described in literature help in understanding human characters?

Identify works by fragment:

Blue, blue and purple hairs showed through the thin, tall stems of grass; yellow gorse jumped up with its pyramidal top; white porridge dotted the surface with umbrella-shaped caps; brought in, God knows from where, an ear of wheat was pouring into the thicket. Partridges darted under their thin roots, stretching out their necks. The air was filled with a thousand different bird whistles. Hawks stood motionless in the sky, spreading their wings and motionlessly fixing their eyes on the grass. The cry of a moving cloud wild geese reverberated in God knows what distant lake. A seagull rose from the grass with measured strokes and bathed luxuriously in the blue waves of air. There she has disappeared in the heights and only flickers like a single black dot. There she turned her wings and flashed in front of the sun. Damn you, steppes, how good you are!
“You want to know what I saw

Free? - Lush fields,

Hills covered with a crown

Trees growing all around

Noisy with a fresh crowd,

Like brothers dancing in a circle.

I saw piles of dark rocks

When the stream separated them,

And I guessed their thoughts:

It was given to me from above!

Stretched out in the air for a long time

Their stone embraces,

And they yearn for a meeting every moment;

But the days go by, the years go by -

They will never get along!

In what ways do writers evoke laughter, sadness, bitterness, indignation, and other feelings in readers?

What is the role of antithesis in literary work? Give examples from Russian prose or poetry.

What role does it play in work of art hero-narrator? Give examples from works studied in 8th grade.

8. Homework

Answer one of the questions in writing:

How are people and history connected in " The captain's daughter"A.S. Pushkin?
What moral values ​​does M.Yu.’s poem affirm? Lermontov "Mtsyri"?
What is “bad in Russia” is ridiculed by N.V. Gogol in the play “The Inspector General” and M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin in fairy tales?

§ 1 The role of art in the history of mankind

Since ancient times, art has played a leading role in the development of a person’s worldview. Music, painting, sculpture, architecture have always influenced people's consciousness and formed the system moral values person.

Fiction is one of the types of art, the art of words. In literary works using artistic word You can display events of the past and present, objects, phenomena that accompany us throughout our lives. With the help of literature, we not only learn about the world around us, but also try to understand our own actions.

§ 2 The role of books in world culture

Greatest thinkers public figures, writers around the world have many times noted the outstanding role of books in the development of mankind.

The book is the foundation of the spiritual culture of the people. It is in the process of reading that the great sacrament of introducing a person to new ideas, thoughts, artistic images. Hence the enormous importance of the process denoted by the broad and capacious word “reading.”

So, the role of a book as a type of art is great: it shapes a person’s thinking and conveys accumulated experience.

§ 3 The process of creating a book

At first, the book existed as a carrier of the Word, it was a carrier of hidden knowledge, and familiarization with it was possible through long-term dedication. The process of writing a book for a long time was unusually difficult sacred sacrament. Thus, the chronicler began to write only after a long period of fasting and prayer, believing that the angel himself was leading his hand. Only by the 17th century did written text become common and accessible to ordinary people.

Consequently, the process of creating books reflected careful attitude to the written word.

§ 4 The role of Russian literature in the history of the country

Our people have created highly artistic literature. The names of A.S. Pushkin, M.Yu. Lermontov, L.N. Tolstoy, A.P. Chekhov, F.M. Dostoevsky are known all over the world. Our literature not only presented the history of the people, their struggle for freedom, for happy life, but also reflected the deep, painful spiritual search of people of different eras. Russian literature honestly reflects social reality: different periods of the life of the entire people, the aspirations and hopes of people. Russian writers and poets instill interest in their history, love for native land, to your ancestors, to your neighbor and to fraternal peoples... Literature helps and supports a person in difficult moments of life’s journey.

D.S. Likhachev wrote about our literature: “Russian literature... has always been the conscience of the people. Her place in the public life of the country has always been honorable and influential. She educated people and strived for a just reconstruction of life.”

In conclusion we can say that fiction is based on humanistic views and beliefs, approves of imperishable and eternal human values. This is precisely why it is close, very necessary and simply necessary for humanity, which the Russian writer Ivan Bunin reflected in his poem “The Word”:

The tombs, mummies and bones are silent,—

Only the word is given life:

From ancient darkness, on the world graveyard,

Only the Letters sound.

And we have no other property!

Know how to take care

At least to the best of my ability, in days of anger and suffering,

Our immortal gift is speech.

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Essay on the topic “Literature in human life.” 4.74 /5 (94.76%) 42 votes

Since childhood, we have been accompanied by various literary works: fairy tales, riddles, short stories, poems, novels, plays, and so on. All of them play a huge role in the development of a person. Also in early age literary works lay in us the fundamental moral principles and norms. Fairy tales, riddles, parables and jokes teach us to value friendship, do good, not offend the weak, respect our parents, and think about our actions. All this is stated accessible language language for children, so they remember it quickly and easily. That is why the role of literature and books, in general, in human life is enormous. They not only participate in the formation of man, but constitute the main part moral education each of us.

During the study school literature, we not only learn new authors, new works, new movements, but also become closer to literature so much that it becomes an integral part of us. Famous teacher V.P. Ostrogorsky said: “A correctly and widely educated general aesthetic mood elevates and ennobles a person through the noblest pleasure, which becomes a need. It makes his whole life attractive and interesting, revealing in it, in nature, in man, a beautiful existence that he had never suspected before... Thus, this feeling, suppressing egoism in us, takes us out of the daily circle of everyday life, into At the same time, awakening to bring thought and goodness into this everyday life, it brings us into broad communication with nature, society, homeland, humanity... Yet all this, taken together, i.e. all these aesthetic relationships to oneself, nature, people, art, society, and create a special spiritual world with yourself, then good mood, then unity with the world, then a constant desire for spiritual beauty, for serving the common good, for honest work and the fight against evil - in a word, that alone has constituted human happiness at all times.”
In my opinion, these words very deeply and vividly reflect the role of literature and art, in general, in human life. Books teach us to love those around us and give us real human happiness. That is why people who read books and love literature can feel all the delights of the world around us: see the beauty of nature, love and be loved. In addition, thanks to literature, our lexicon and the spiritual world is enriched.
Based on the above, we can conclude that literature is very important in a person’s life: it influences our worldview. Shapes our inner world, enriches our speech. That is why we must read, love and respect the book as much as possible, because without it our world will be gray and empty.

Description of the presentation by individual slides:

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Maintaining. Literature and its role in the spiritual life of a person Lesson 1 Literature teacher: Mullayanova A R.

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Homework. Prepare a plan and retelling of the textbook article “On Old Russian Literature.” Read “The Tale of Igor’s Campaign” (translated by N. A. Zabolotsky). Individual tasks. Prepare reports about A. I. Musin-Pushkin and the problem of the authorship of “The Lay...” using a textbook article, reference books and Internet resources (4 people). Compose lexical and historical-cultural comments on the words and expressions of “The Word...”: difficult stories, Boyan, spread his thoughts along the tree, placed prophetic fingers on living strings, strengthened the mind with strength, sharpened the heart with courage, filled with the military spirit; to drink from the Don with a helmet, bringing together the glory of both halves of this time, prowling along the path of Trojan, the grandson of Veles. Literature teacher: Mullayanova A R.

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The main content of the lesson. Masterpieces native literature. Formation of the need for communication with art, the emergence and development of creative reading independence. Deepening the understanding of literature as the art of words. Identification of the level of literary development of students. Main activities. Reading and discussion of the textbook article “A Word for Ninth-Graders”, emotional response and expression of the reader’s personal attitude to what was read. An oral or written answer to a question. Participation in collective dialogue. Running tests. Planned results: Personal: nurturing love for the Fatherland, its history, literature and culture; the formation of a responsible attitude towards learning, interest in reading, respect for work, including the work of the writer and reader. Meta-subject: developing the ability to determine the goals of one’s learning, set new goals for oneself in studies and cognitive activities, work in a group; improving semantic reading skills. Subject: awareness of the role of reading and studying literature for personal development; understanding of literature as one of the national and cultural values ​​of the people, as a special way of understanding life Literature teacher: Mullayanova A R.

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Masterpieces of native literature. Deepening the understanding of literature as the art of words Introductory conversation: - Why is literature called the art of words? Show with examples what the art of words is. - Explain the meaning of the word masterpiece. A masterpiece (French chef-d "œuvre - “highest work”, “crown of labor”) - a unique, unsurpassed creation, the highest achievement of art, skill or anything else - What are masterpieces of literature? - What masterpieces of Russian writers and poets are you would you put it on the “golden shelf” of world literature? - Remember the literary works whose heroes read books and give them their assessments - What do you learn from books about love and betrayal, about death and immortality? nobility and meanness? Why is this knowledge important for a person? - What benefits does the literature of the past give to the modern reader? - What dangers await a person in life who has not read much and has not thought about books?

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Formation of the need for communication with art, the emergence and development of creative reading independence Group work. Discussion of statements by Russian writers and poets about literary work and the role of books in a person’s spiritual life: Group 1. Confirm or refute the words of V.V. Rozanov (pay attention to the “Dictionary of names of famous literary scholars, writers, artists, composers, actors” included in the textbook whose names appear on the pages of the textbook”): “All of Greece and Rome fed only on literature: in our sense, there were no schools at all! And how they grew. Literature, in fact, is the only school of the people, and it can be the only and sufficient school...” Listen to A. S. Pushkin’s poem “The Poet” performed by O. Efremov. Find the commonality in the statement of V.V. Rozanov and the poem by A.S. Pushkin. How should a modern writer create so that literature becomes the “only and sufficient school” of the people? Group 2. Confirm or refute the words of M. Gorky (pay attention to the “Dictionary of the names of famous literary critics, writers, artists, composers, actors, whose names appear on the pages of the textbook” included in the textbook): “As a person, as a person, the Russian writer ... stood illuminated by the bright light of selfless and passionate love for the great work of life - literature, for the people tired in their work, for their sad land. He was an honest fighter, a great martyr for the sake of truth, a hero in work and a child in relation to people, with a soul as transparent as a tear and bright as a star in the pale skies of Russia.” Listen to N. A. Nekrasov’s poem “To the Russian Writer” performed by O. Anofriev. What do M. Gorky’s statement and N. A. Nekrasov’s poem have in common? On what public role does Nekrasov indicate the writer? Do they have modern writers such an influence on readers as in the time of Nekrasov? Give reasons for your answer. Group 3. Confirm or refute the words of D. S. Likhachev (pay attention to the “Dictionary of the names of famous literary critics, writers, artists, composers, actors, whose names appear on the pages of the textbook” included in the textbook): “Russian literature... has always been the conscience of the people . Her place in the public life of the country has always been honorable and influential. She educated people and strived for a just reconstruction of life.” Listen to B. L. Pasternak’s poem “In everything I want to get to the very essence...” performed by A. Proshkin. Prove that the role of literature is important both in the social life of the country and in personal life person. Group 4. Confirm or refute the words from the song “The Whole Summer” by the modern poet-bard M. Shcherbakov: “Besides literature, what is there to breathe when sinking to the bottom of the sea...” What is the metaphorical meaning of these words? Read expressively or listen to A. A. Akhmatova perform her poem “I have no need for Odic armies...”. What secrets of the poet's craft does she reveal? How is her poem similar to the quote from Shcherbakov’s song? How can literature help a person spiritually and moral life? How can one distinguish real literature, accessible only to spiritually rich people, from low-quality poetry? Literature teacher: Mullayanova A R.

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Reading and discussion of the textbook article “A Word for Ninth-Graders.” Comment on the words of V. G. Belinsky in the article. Name a work that you read “while being for some time under its singular influence” and justify your choice. Literature teacher: Mullayanova A R.

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Identification of the level of literary development of students, method I. Oral conversation, revealing the level of knowledge and skills: 1. What is the optimism of Russian folklore and ancient Russian literature and their significance for the modern reader? 2. What eternal questions did Russian writers raise? 3. Which works reflect the humanistic thoughts of the authors? Name the books where the problem of protecting the human person is posed. 4. What is the general image of Russia in the works of Russian writers? How did they prove that empathy and compassion are needed in life? 5. How did the heroes of literature see happiness? Do you agree with them? 6. How literary landscapes help us understand human characters? 7. In what ways do writers evoke laughter, sadness, indignation, and other emotions in the reader? Give examples. 8. What is the role of antithesis in literature? Give examples. 9. What role does the hero-narrator play in a literary work? Give examples from the works you studied. 10. Prove that conflict is the basis of the plot of the drama Literature teacher: Mullayanova A R.

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Identification of the level of literary development of students I method. Diagnostic work: 1. “The rooster on the high Gothic bell tower glittered with pale gold; The streams shimmered like gold across the black gloss of the river; thin candles (the German is thrifty!) glowed modestly in the narrow windows under the slate roofs; the vines mysteriously poked out their curled tendrils from behind the stone walls; something was running in the shadows near the ancient well on the triangular square, suddenly the sleepy whistle of the night watchman was heard, a good-natured dog was grumbling in a low voice, and the air was caressing his face, and the linden trees smelled so sweetly that his chest, involuntarily, began to breathe deeper and deeper, and the word: “Gretchen” - either an exclamation or a question - just begged to be spoken.” What work is this excerpt from? Name its author, genre, main characters. What compositional technique is used here? What is the author’s attitude towards what is depicted? Give reasons your opinion 2. Remember one of M. Yu. Lermontov’s poems. By what means does the author draw key images and create a certain mood? 3. Name the types of art you know. How is fiction similar to them? Literature: Mullayanova A R.

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Identification of the level of literary development of students III method. Test tasks and a written response to problematic issue: 1. Match the names of the authors with the titles of the works and their main themes. Write down your answers in three numbers: Literature teacher: A. R. Mullayanova Authors Works Main topics 1. I. A. Krylov 1. “Undergrowth” 1. Topic “ little man" 2. D. I. Fonvizin 2. "Vasily Terkin" 2. The theme of patriotism, an allegorical comparison of Kutuzov and Napoleon in Patriotic War 1812 3. A. S. Pushkin 3. “October 19” 3. The theme of the feat of the Russian soldier in the Great Patriotic War 4. A. T. Tvardovsky 4. “The Overcoat” 4. The theme of loyalty to friendship that arose during the years of apprenticeship 5. N.V. Gogol 5. “The Wolf in the Kennel” 5. The theme of exposing the ignorance of landowners and the education of a nobleman