Donkey is what an animal. Donkey animal

  • 30.06.2022

The words donkey and donkey came into our speech from different cultures and from different historical eras. The vocabulary of the Russian language was constantly enriched by foreign borrowings. This process was facilitated by foreign trade, wars and cultural cooperation.

Origin of the word donkey

In the 2nd century, the Gothic tribes, having crossed from Scandinavia to Europe, encountered the ancient Roman civilization, where the donkey had long been used to transport people and goods. Moving to the southeast, the Goths reached the banks of the Dnieper and founded the state of Oium there. Its population was multi-ethnic and consisted of many nationalities, including the ancestors of the Slavs. It was during this period that the word donkey was borrowed from Gothic (cf. Gothic asilus). And the Goths, in turn, borrowed it from Latin (cf.: Latin asinus). With the emergence of writing in Rus', the word donkey appears in texts (cf.: Old Russian, Old Slavic osl).

General information

A donkey is an unpretentious animal that can be without water and food for a long time (compared to a horse). Belongs to herbivores. With an eight-hour working day, it is advisable to feed domestic donkeys at least three times a day. They do not tolerate severe frost and humid climates. The mating season, like most animals, occurs in the spring months (maximum from February to June). A donkey bears her offspring for about a year. A healthy donkey lives an average life 25–35 years. In some individuals (Catalan and Poitous) the height reaches one and a half meters or more, and in the smallest (dwarf Mediterranean) - no more than one. Short-haired and long-haired breeds are raised.

Coloration varies from black and brown to light gray and white. Most often, the front of the muzzle, eye circles, and belly will be lighter than the rest of the body. They do not need horseshoes and feel confident on mountain trails. Capable of carrying large loads, sometimes exceeding their own weight. Donkeys get along well with horses and do not like dogs.

Main types of donkeys

The donkey is an odd-toed ungulate mammal from the equine family. The ancestors of today's domestic donkeys were wild breeds from Africa (Nubian donkeys). Domestication occurred more than 5 thousand years ago - back in the Egyptian civilization. Donkeys came to Europe much later - 3 thousand years ago. The most famous breeds these days are:

  1. Catalan (Spain).
  2. Poitous (France).
  3. Pyrenees (France).
  4. Provençal (France).
  5. Cotentin (France).
  6. Bukhara (Central Asia).
  7. Maryskaya (Central Asia).
  8. Mediterranean dwarf.

Donkeys are crossed with horses to produce more hardy and efficient individuals (mule, hinnie). A small population of wild donkeys survives in East Africa and Israel, but is close to extinction. The Asian wild ass is the name given to the wild ass, which has never been domesticated by humans.

Donkey in the cultures of peoples

We find mention of the donkey as a sacred animal in various religions and cultures:

  • Ancient Egypt (image of the rising sun deity).
  • Babylon (god Ninib).
  • Judaism (sacred animal for prophets and kings).
  • Islam (animal of heaven).
  • Hinduism (harnesses the chariots of deities).
  • Taoism (vehicle of immortals).
  • Christianity (Jesus rides into Jerusalem on a donkey).

We meet the image of a donkey as a humble (sometimes stubborn) animal in fiction: the constant companion of Khoja Nasreddin; the vehicle of Don Quixote's faithful squire, Sancho Panza; transformation into a “golden donkey” by Apuleius; donkey Eeyore from Winnie the Pooh, etc.

Origin of the word donkey

The rise of the Ottoman Empire and the expansion of its borders in Europe did not pass without leaving a mark on the cultures of nearby states. Thus, in the Old Russian language of the 16th century, the word donkey of Turkic origin appears (cf.: Tur. eşek). There is also an assumption that the “Turkic” donkey was borrowed from the peoples of Siberia after their conquest by Ermak (cf. Tat. işäk). Both events took place within the same historical era, and therefore the answer cannot be unambiguous.

2017-08-17 Igor Novitsky

In Russia, donkeys are quite rare animals. Apart from zoos, they are bred almost exclusively in the southern regions of the country. And there are not so many of them there. This is due both to their low usefulness for modern agriculture and to climatic conditions.

Who are donkeys?

A domestic donkey or simply a donkey is a domesticated variety of a wild donkey. The domestication of animals occurred approximately at the same time as horses were domesticated - about 6 thousand years ago. For a long time, they were bred only in northeastern Africa and Mesopotamia, where wild animals are still found today. They came to the territory of Europe only in the era of antiquity.

From the moment of domestication, they were ridden and harnessed to carts, but as domestic horses spread, the use of donkeys was reduced to only packing them. Since the donkey is much tougher than the horse and is better suited for moving on rocky ground, these animals have become especially common in regions with rocky, mountainous terrain.

Moreover, the donkey’s endurance made it an excellent “machine” for hard work in ancient agriculture and the “industry” of that time. If horses get tired quite quickly under high loads, then donkeys are able to work 9-10 hours with a single break for food.

Although wherever domestic donkeys were bred, people consumed their milk and meat, obtaining these products was never the main goal. Cows, goats and sheep were much more productive in this regard, and donkey meat is too tough. Only donkey skin was highly valued, which was used to make parchment and drums.

Breeding donkeys in Russia and in the world

Since wild ones come from Africa, they are more adapted to hot climates than horses. That is why they were most actively bred in hot regions. And after the New World was discovered, donkeys were brought to Mexico and Australia, where it was also hot. But in Europe (except for the south) they were in little demand, since they did not tolerate the damp, cold climate very well.

When motorized transport almost completely replaced horses in the 20th century, a similar fate was to befall domestic donkeys. However, ironically, the main regions for donkey breeding - hot with mountainous terrain - are quite poor countries in which the population often cannot afford a car, and the state is not able to finance the development of road infrastructure. Thus, animals are still very, very in demand in Africa, the Middle East, Central America and Central Asia.

However, domestic donkeys are bred in not very large quantities in most economically developed countries, as evidenced by donkey videos on the Internet. However, this is not done for economic purposes, but as a hobby. In addition, in Europe and the USA there are many small breeding farms where they are raised live for sale.

In general, the world population of these animals today is about 40-50 million. Even with such a spread, this is only an estimate, since in many countries no accurate statistics exist. (Well, who, for example, will make similar calculations in Somalia, Yemen, or Afghanistan?)

As for Russia, at the end of 2015 there were only about 10.5 thousand donkeys in our country. Moreover, almost all of them (10.2 thousand) are concentrated in the North Caucasus Federal District, namely in Dagestan - 9.5 thousand. Thus, when they show you a photo taken on the territory of the Russian Federation, with a 99.9% probability it was made in the Caucasus.

Advantages and disadvantages of donkeys

The main advantage for which they are valued above all is their amazing endurance. As mentioned earlier, the beast is capable of working all day almost continuously. These animals also have enormous carrying capacity. While a horse can carry a maximum of 30-50% of its own weight, a donkey can carry 50-70% of its own weight. And this again takes into account the fact that the donkey will carry such a load all day, and the horse will be exhausted in a few hours.

Another important advantage of the donkey is its unpretentiousness to living conditions. The animal can be kept without problems in a cramped, poorly lit room without proper ventilation. This is why animals are so in demand in poor, hot countries where owners cannot provide the animals with quality living conditions.

Even compared to sheep, they are not at all demanding on their diet. They are able to survive on minimal pasture, even thorny grasses and shrubs. Moreover, donkeys can eat artificial materials made from plant fibers (for example, string, paper, fabric) without risk to their health, as demonstrated in numerous amateur videos of donkeys. By and large, to feed a donkey, it is enough to leave it to graze for a short time in a vacant lot with sparse herbs and shrubs. And on an ordinary steppe pasture (not to mention the meadows and fields of the middle zone), donkeys quickly get fat.

Donkey hooves are much harder and stronger than horse hooves, which allows the donkey to walk on rocky ground and solid stone without any problems. Given their high carrying capacity, this makes donkeys an excellent vehicle for transporting goods along mountain trails that are unsuitable for road transport. Moreover, the animals don’t even need to be shoed for this.

Sometimes stubbornness is called a flaw. In fact, they are not stubborn, it’s just that donkeys have not lost the instinct of self-preservation, as happened with the vast majority of other domesticated animals. For example, a horse can easily be driven to death, but a donkey always knows the limit of its strength and under no circumstances crosses it. A very tired person, no matter how obedient he may be, will stop to rest and will not move, no matter how much you urge him on. There are no cases in history when an animal died from physical exhaustion.

Another manifestation of the instinct of self-preservation is courage in relation to small predators. Donkeys jealously protect themselves, their offspring and other domestic animals from rats, stray dogs, foxes and even wolves. For this reason, they are often used as guards in pastures.

A significant disadvantage of donkeys is their strong susceptibility to dampness and cold. Since the wild ass comes from the hot semi-desert regions of Africa, improper keeping in a normal European climate quickly leads to colds. Hoofs also suffer greatly from dampness.

Finally, donkeys cannot swim at all. This can hardly be considered a big problem, but it will be truly impossible to force someone to ford the river.

Donkey breeds

Today there are less than three hundred breeds in the world, which is much less than that of horses. Moreover, most are barely distinguishable from each other, and each such breed, in fact, is simply a local population of a given animal. Sometimes even an experienced specialist will not be able to determine from a photo of a donkey what breed it is. Among the more or less distinctive breeds, the following can be distinguished:

  • Mammoth. These are the largest, growing up to 140-160 cm at the withers. The coat is fawn or red, sometimes black or piebald. The breed was bred in the United States in the century before last, but almost disappeared after the mechanization of farms. Today this breed is bred as a hobby, but they can sometimes be seen in the fields.
  • Catalan. Its homeland is medieval Spain, namely the region of Catalonia. The Spanish donkey is only slightly smaller in size than the mammoth breed (up to 140-150 cm). The coat color is usually black with distinct light spots on the face, belly and legs. Animals of this breed are considered to be the fastest, and therefore they are used in donkey racing.
  • Poitou (Poitou). This is a very old and, at the same time, quite rare breed. It also comes from those animals that were brought to ancient Gaul by the Romans. The breed finally took shape in the French region of Poitou about a thousand years ago. Animals grow up to 135-150 cm. The wool is dark brown, sometimes red (see pictures of a donkey). A distinctive feature of Poitou donkeys is their long (up to 10 cm) shaggy hair. Sometimes in some individuals the fur grows even stronger, falling into a kind of braided dreadlocks. Initially, these donkeys were used for their intended purpose, but due to technological progress, the breed almost became extinct in the second half of the last century. Today, Poitou donkeys are bred as a decorative breed.
  • Miniature Mediterranean breed. Brought out about a hundred years ago in Italy. Height does not exceed 62-90 cm at the withers. The coat color is mousey or brown. Due to its small size, the breed is used exclusively as a decorative or show breed. It is also said about donkeys of this breed that they are excellent companion animals.

Features of breeding donkeys

If we do not take into account the mountainous regions of the North Caucasus, where they can be used for packing and transporting goods in the mountains, there is no practical benefit from breeding in Russia. But there are always those who like to breed them just for fun. Above we have already talked about decorative breeds (see donkey pictures), which can become part of your private mini-zoo. It should also be noted that these are very intelligent animals that love communication. Because of this, wealthy people sometimes give donkeys to their children as a companion animal (instead of a dog or pony).

In this article we will analyze how a mule and a donkey differ, what they look like and what features are characteristic of each of them.

There are several thousand different animals in the world. They all have their own characteristics and different body structures. With the evolutionary development, many of them were tamed, and they have become familiar pets to us today. In addition, many animals began to be used as farming assistants.

In many countries, mules, donkeys and donkeys helped transport cargo to the most remote areas, helping to establish trade and economic ties between regions. We will analyze how these animals differ, what they look like and what features are characteristic of each of them.

Who is a donkey, donkey, mule: comparison, explanation

In order to understand the differences between animals, it is necessary to consider each of them in detail.

A mule is a mammal that was created by crossing a mare with a donkey. This animal has a number of the following differences:

  • Its body size is similar to that of a horse.
  • The animal's head resembles that of a donkey
  • Mules are distinguished by strength and endurance
  • Animals can take part in races
  • Males cannot give birth to offspring
  • The maximum lifespan of mules reaches 40 years
  • They are easy to breed on a farm, since the animals eat most types of feed and have strong immunity

There are also 2 types of mules:

  • Sled
  • Pack

They have the following characteristics:

  • The height of draft mules does not exceed 140 cm, while pack mules reach 160 cm
  • The first type weighs about 400-600 kg, and pack ones only 300-400 kg
  • Traction force as a percentage of total body weight – 18-20%
  • Animals older than 4 years are allowed to work with heavy weights
  • All males must be castrated as they are infertile when active.

It is customary to practice mule farming in the following regions:

  • Balkan countries
  • North and South America
  • Africa
  • Middle Eastern countries

The donkey is a representative of the class of mammals that belongs to the genus “Horses”. There are 2 types of this animal:

  • Home
  • Wild

All representatives are characterized by the following features:

  • Donkeys can live from 25 to 35 years
  • Growth rates vary depending on the breed (from 90 to 160 cm)
  • It is permissible to use animals to their full potential upon reaching the age of three.
  • Donkeys are trained to work from the age of 2
  • Animals must be raised with care, as they cannot tolerate low temperatures and dampness.
  • Only grass and shrubs are used as food
  • The color of the coat depends on the breed of the animal
  • Males can have offspring

Regarding donkeys, it is worth saying that this was originally the name given to wild donkeys that were tamed by humans in the process of evolution. These animals are of African origin, since similar attempts used with representatives of the Asian steppes (kulans) were unsuccessful. However, later the word “donkey” began to be used to refer to female donkeys. It is worth noting that they are ready to conceive after 3 months from birth and produce no more than a couple of cubs.

Thus, the following conclusions can be drawn:

  • Donkey and donkey are representatives of the same animal class and species
  • The mule was created by crossing a female horse and a male donkey.
  • Donkeys can be wild or domestic
  • Male mules cannot reproduce

What a donkey, donkey, mule looks like: photo

A donkey differs significantly from a mule in external features. In order to distinguish these representatives, it is necessary to take into account the most pronounced features of each of them. For example, a mule is characterized by:

  • The size and shape of the body resembles a horse
  • The voice of a mule is similar to the voice of a horse
  • The shape of the hooves, hips and head is similar to their structure in a donkey.
  • The color resembles the color of the coat of horses
  • Mules have 6 lumbar vertebrae
  • Animals are heavy and can reach 160 cm in height
  • Animals will inherit the mane, neck shape, tail and bangs from the mother (mare)

Donkeys and donkeys are characterized by the following features:

  • Number of lumbar vertebrae – 5
  • Animals weigh less
  • Certain breeds are shorter in stature than mules
  • Coat color can vary depending on their breed
  • There is always a tassel at the end of the tail
  • A donkey has slightly longer hair than a donkey.

What is the difference between a donkey and a donkey and a mule?

These animals have some differences and they are expressed in several features. For donkeys and donkeys, there are characteristic differences in the following categories:

  • Gender (donkey is male and donkey is female)
  • Height and weight (males are larger and heavier)
  • Lifespan (males live longer)

Animal differences

The mule differs from donkeys and donkeys in the following factors:

  • Great endurance
  • High efficiency
  • Increased noise level (donkeys and donkeys are less noisy)
  • Weight and height (mules are significantly heavier and often taller)
  • Increased immunity stability
  • Ability to adapt to any weather conditions
  • Unpretentiousness in food (mules can eat almost any food)
  • Reproductive function (male mules are sterile, unlike donkeys)
  • Body structure and shape
  • Coat and coat colors (mules are more similar to horses)
  • The need for castration of males (donkeys without the necessary indications do not need to be deprived of the opportunity to reproduce offspring)
  • Lifespan (mules live longer)
  • Possibility of training a mule to work from childhood

Based on these factors, we can summarize: the donkey and the donkey do not have multiple differences, since these animals belong to the same class and species. However, a mule has more individual characteristics because it contains horse genes in its DNA. It was this factor that became decisive in the breeding of offspring, because thanks to it the animal became much larger, more resilient and stronger than its father (donkey).

Who is more stubborn, smarter: a donkey or a donkey?

Both donkeys and donkeys are characterized by:

  • Stubbornness
  • Clumsiness
  • Low noise level
  • Low movement speed
  • Calm
  • Patience
  • Pickiness in food and living conditions

Often this animal can stop halfway for no apparent reason. In such a situation, the owner is unlikely to be able to force the donkey or donkey to continue moving. But, despite this fact, they are capable of covering long routes and helping to transport large cargo.

Let's also say a few words about mules. Since mules have the genes of a horse and a donkey, they can inherit certain character traits.

As a rule, representatives of these animals are characterized by:

  • Agreeableness
  • Caution
  • High degree of performance
  • Loudness
  • Shyness
  • High movement speed

Laziness and stubbornness may also be inherent, but only in the case of aggressive behavior of the owner. Also, mules often participate in sports races, so they can be trained from an early period, but it is important not to show aggression.

Unambiguously answer the question: “Who is smarter than a donkey, a donkey or a mule?” - impossible. All representatives of these animals have both positive and negative aspects of behavior. And donkeys and donkeys are equally stubborn. Although females are more often lenient and more susceptible to the influence of their owner.

What is the name of a female donkey?

There are several designations for female animals of this group:

  • In the classical designation, a female donkey was called an ass. But in the 16th century, on the territory of modern Russia, the Turkic word “donkey” began to be used to designate female animals of this species
  • The word "donkey" was previously used exclusively in relation to all African donkeys that were domesticated by humans
  • A female mule is called a "mule"

Thus, we found out the following:

  • Donkey and donkey are representatives of the same animal species
  • A mule is a cross between a mare and a donkey.
  • All animals have a number of positive and negative qualities
  • Mules live longer
  • Donkeys and donkeys are more stubborn
  • Mules are trainable and have a high life expectancy
  • Donkeys and donkeys tend to be slower

Video: Hybrid animals

It is distinguished by a large head and disproportionately large and elongated ears. The color of these odd-toed ungulates is most often brown or gray; there are white and black individuals, as well as other colors, as seen in photo. Animal donkeys There are up to several dozen breeds distributed throughout the world.

Domestic donkeys are also called donkeys. In the history of the development of human civilization and culture, they have played a significant role since ancient times, used in various spheres of economic life.

According to scientists, the domestication of wild donkeys occurred even earlier than the domestication of horses. The chronicles mention pet donkey of Nubian origin, who were in the service of man four millennia before our era.

The center of domestication of donkeys is considered to be the Egyptian civilization, as well as the African regions close to it. Then donkeys quickly spread throughout the countries of the East, came to Southern Europe, and were also kept in America.

People managed to use only African breeds of animals; Asian donkeys, otherwise called kulans, turned out to be incapable of domestication.

Wild donkeys They have a strong build and a good-looking appearance. They live in countries with arid climates. They are not very fast, but in some cases they are capable of reaching the average speed of the car.

Their hooves are adapted to move on uneven and rocky surfaces. And the dirty soil of countries with a humid climate contributes to various damage, the occurrence of deep cracks and inflammation in the hooves. Wild donkeys are herd animals. In Mongolia they are found in herds, which number on average about a thousand heads.

Character and lifestyle of a donkey

Donkey animals were widely used by people for riding and traveling on horseback, carrying loads on their backs and in carts. However, after horses were tamed, animals related to donkeys, they became preferable due to their greater speed of movement and physical strength, as well as the ability to go without water and food for a long time.

With good care, a hardworking donkey is able to work up to 10 hours a day and carry loads on its back, in some cases much more than its own weight. There are known cases of keeping donkeys for milk, meat and leather.

Donkey milk was drunk mainly in ancient times, and was consumed on a par with sheep or camel milk. This product was also used as a cosmetic in ancient times. In ancient times, donkey skin was used to make parchments, and drums were covered with it.

Donkeys are sometimes considered stubborn and unattractive animals, but among the ancients they enjoyed well-deserved respect. And their owners were revered as wealthy people, receiving many advantages over others in movement and opportunities.

It is also interesting that Christ, according to the Bible, rode into Jerusalem on a donkey. The image of these animals was also used in many ancient mythologies.

Cows and sheep obediently trudge to the slaughterhouse, dogs do not attack humans, although they are predatory, horses can be driven to death in extreme circumstances. But the donkey, unlike them, clearly senses the limits of its capabilities, and if its health is threatened, it will not overwork.

And when he’s tired, he won’t take a step until he’s rested. This is why donkeys are known as stubborn. However, with good care and affectionate treatment, they faithfully and patiently serve their owners. They are friendly, calm and sociable animals, getting along with their neighbors. Some argue that donkeys are much smarter than horses.

During rest, donkeys seem detached and self-absorbed. They are silent. Animal donkey sounds They rarely make noise, but when there is dissatisfaction and a threat to life, they roar furiously in a loud and harsh voice.

Protecting offspring and territory, they are aggressive and boldly rush to attack, fighting with dogs, coyotes and foxes. They are often used to guard livestock. Today, in large cities, keeping donkeys has again become profitable. Animals do not pose a danger and do not require a large area for their living activities.

Donkey food

There is an opinion that keeping a donkey is comparable to caring for a horse. But there are also significant differences. The donkey is more unpretentious to cleanliness, and does not require any special and special food, eating very little.

Donkeys can eat hay and straw, and their stomach can even digest thorns. They can be fed grain: barley, oats and other grains. Their maintenance is not too expensive for the owners.

Donkeys in the wild eat plant foods. They eat grass, various plants and leaves of bushes. Because they live in areas with arid climates and sparse vegetation, they often have to wander for a long time through sandy and rocky terrain in search of anything edible. Donkeys can go without water for a long time.

Reproduction and lifespan of a donkey

The mating season for donkeys is associated with the onset of spring. Females carry their cubs for 12-14 months. As a rule, a donkey gives birth to one donkey, feeding it with her own milk for about six months. Literally immediately after birth, the cub is already on its feet and is able to follow its mother. Usually, it takes him less than a year to become completely independent.

Crossbreeding of domestic donkeys by their owners contributes to the emergence of new species. Often produced from males animal mulesdonkeys, crossed with mares. However, since hybrids are born incapable of procreation, their reproduction requires selection using a large number of purebred donkeys.

If well cared for, domestic donkeys have a lifespan of approximately 25 to 35 years. Cases of longevity up to 45–47 years have also been recorded. In nature, donkeys live much shorter lives, about 10–25 years.

Unfortunately, animal wild donkey, as a species, is currently in critical condition. Scientists know that it is hardly possible to count more than two hundred individuals in the wild. This species of animal is protected and listed in the Red Book. Great efforts are being made to breed wild donkeys in nurseries and zoos.

What is the difference between a donkey and a donkey? Few people ask this question, however, having heard something like this, one thought will probably come to everyone’s mind: “But still? Are there any differences? Or are these just two names for the same animal?

How diverse and eloquent the Russian language is! Many will be able to express the same thought in completely different words or expressions. However, it is not always possible to use interchangeable words, while leaving the meaning of what was said the same. It is very important to know and understand in what situations a particular expression will be appropriate. Many people believe that a donkey and a donkey are two completely identical concepts. However, is this really so? What is the difference between a donkey and a donkey? This article will help you find the answer to this interesting question.

Origin of words

To date, no one knows exactly how the word “donkey” appeared. Some scientists are inclined to believe that it comes from the Latin word Asinus. There is no exact translation, but there is a more vague designation - a small animal that is very similar to a horse, standing firmly on its hooves and from time to time emitting a strong roar.

But the history of the origin of the word “donkey” is deeply rooted in the Turkic languages. And it exactly characterizes exactly the animal that many are accustomed to calling a donkey. Biologists are inclined to believe that the donkey had Somali ancestors, and since then the animal began to be used for economic purposes.

Historians have also contributed to the interpretation of the words - they believe that the very first donkeys, or donkeys, first appeared in the northern part of Africa, and over time they gradually settled throughout the Middle East and Asia.

What is the difference between a donkey and a donkey?

At their core, both the first and the second animal are something like a small, gray and incredibly stubborn animal. However, this is just a stereotype - a public opinion that has no connection with reality. In fact, donkeys are animals with many advantages: unpretentiousness, omnivorousness, endurance, and large load-bearing capacity.

Most indicators eloquently indicate that these animals are more practical to use than a horse. So what is the difference between a donkey and a donkey? At its core, there are no characteristic distinguishing features between these animals. It's the same species. The only difference is that they are called that depending on their habitat.

The virtues of a “stubborn” donkey

What is the difference between a donkey and a donkey? The photo of both eloquently demonstrates that there is no difference between the animals as such, but it is much more interesting to learn about what advantages these stubborn creatures have. The donkey and the donkey have excellent development. As you know, a horse can be easily driven, but this trick will not work with a donkey - it will not even move until it has had a good rest. This is where the opinion came from that these animals are stubborn to the point of impossibility.

Interesting facts about the little gray animal

  • The donkey is the horse's closest relative.
  • In the wild, they do not live individually, but gather in herds that can number about 1,000 individuals.
  • In ancient times, the donkey was considered a sacred animal among the Indo-Europeans.
  • Donkeys live for about 30 years, but history knows that some individuals lived to see their 60th birthday.

What is the difference between a donkey and a donkey and a mule?

At its core, a mule is a hybrid resulting from crossing a male donkey and a female horse. He has common features with both parents: the same long ears and the same drawn-out roar as his dad, but in everything else he has adopted his mother’s traits. This animal is also widely used in economic activities and has excellent endurance.

In fact, donkey and donkey are two names for the same animal, the use of which will be appropriate in any situation.