Chili pepper calorie content 100 grams. Calorie content Green hot chili pepper

  • 04.09.2024

The common name for hot pepper, chili, is actually just a colloquial form of red hot pepper. By the way, it is also called cayenne. If you look at the translation of this word, then at first glance it may seem that the pepper is named after the country of Chile, but this is a mistaken opinion. In fact, translated from the Astec language, “chili” means “red.”

It is also a mistake to assume that the fruits of this plant used for food are all red. Their coloring varies from yellow to black-olive. In the modern world, red hot pepper is cultivated in many countries with a tropical climate, especially in Thailand, but America is considered to be its homeland, since it was there that its ancient relatives were found.

Interestingly, the inhabitants of ancient America even revered the goddess of chili pepper, Chantico. By the way, you can grow this culinary miracle on your windowsill in a flower pot, because it only requires regular watering and fertilizing with a flower mixture.

Benefits of chili pepper

Despite the prevailing stereotype that spicy food has a detrimental effect on the human body, there are many ways to use it beneficially.

Thus, scientists from the University of Tasmania have proven that eating one chili pepper a day helps you fall asleep more soundly and quickly, and in some cases even relieves such troubles as prolonged insomnia.

The latest discoveries of Japanese scientists are stunning. They believe that chili peppers could form the basis of a cure for hair loss, as this vegetable contains capsaicin compounds, which can help stimulate the hair follicles.

Hot pepper is a universal remedy for blood vessels - it narrows them when they are dilated, and dilates them when they are narrowed. If there is insufficient blood supply to the lower extremities, a bath with the addition of chili will come to the rescue.

In addition to its use in food, chili can be useful in other areas. For example, in personal hygiene products - many dentists advise adding it to toothpastes, arguing that the microelements contained in it help protect gums from bleeding.

Chemical composition of chili pepper

Hot red peppers are rich in vitamins C and A, and B vitamins. When planning your diet, you should take into account the fact that green peppers have less vitamin value than red ones.

Minerals are also present in this vegetable - potassium, magnesium, iron. In addition, it contains substances such as fatty oils, sugar, capsorubin, and carotene.

Homemade chili peppers

Canned chili peppers.

For this preparation you will need: chili pepper, garlic, bay leaf, dill seeds, vinegar. First, process the pepper: rinse it under cold running water, remove the tails.

Then take a jar and sterilize it. First, place finely chopped garlic, bay leaf, and dill seeds on the bottom of the jar, then place chopped and washed peppers on top of the spices.

Separately prepare the marinade (salted boiled water), then pour it over the contents of the jar. Before rolling up the lid, pour a little vinegar into the jar.

Hot green chili pepper rich in vitamins and minerals such as: beta-carotene - 13.4%, vitamin B6 - 13.9%, vitamin C - 269.4%, vitamin K - 11.9%, potassium - 13.6%, manganese - 11.9%, copper - 17.4%

What are the benefits of hot green chili pepper?

  • B-carotene is provitamin A and has antioxidant properties. 6 mcg of beta carotene is equivalent to 1 mcg of vitamin A.
  • Vitamin B6 participates in maintaining the immune response, processes of inhibition and excitation in the central nervous system, in the transformation of amino acids, the metabolism of tryptophan, lipids and nucleic acids, promotes the normal formation of red blood cells, maintaining normal levels of homocysteine ​​in the blood. Insufficient intake of vitamin B6 is accompanied by decreased appetite, impaired skin condition, and the development of homocysteinemia and anemia.
  • Vitamin C participates in redox reactions, the functioning of the immune system, and promotes the absorption of iron. Deficiency leads to loose and bleeding gums, nosebleeds due to increased permeability and fragility of blood capillaries.
  • Vitamin K regulates blood clotting. A lack of vitamin K leads to an increase in blood clotting time and a decreased level of prothrombin in the blood.
  • Potassium is the main intracellular ion that takes part in the regulation of water, acid and electrolyte balance, participates in the processes of conducting nerve impulses and regulating pressure.
  • Manganese participates in the formation of bone and connective tissue, is part of enzymes involved in the metabolism of amino acids, carbohydrates, catecholamines; necessary for the synthesis of cholesterol and nucleotides. Insufficient consumption is accompanied by slower growth, disturbances in the reproductive system, increased fragility of bone tissue, and disturbances in carbohydrate and lipid metabolism.
  • Copper is part of enzymes that have redox activity and are involved in iron metabolism, stimulates the absorption of proteins and carbohydrates. Participates in the processes of providing oxygen to the tissues of the human body. Deficiency is manifested by disturbances in the formation of the cardiovascular system and skeleton, and the development of connective tissue dysplasia.
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You can see a complete guide to the most useful products in the appendix.

Chili pepper is very beneficial for the body, although this product also has its opponents. Considering all its qualities, many gardeners grow this crop in their garden plots, on the balcony or simply on the windowsill. All the positive and negative qualities of Chile, as well as the peculiarities of cultivation, will be described below in the article.

Composition and calorie content of Chili

The bright color and spicy taste of chili peppers cannot help but attract the attention of lovers of all things fiery. The bush of this plant grows up to 60 cm on average, although there are larger and smaller varieties. The vegetable looks like a small pepper-shaped fruit up to 4 cm long. Classic chili is bright red, but it also comes in yellow, orange, purple, green and some other colors.


Chile is native to tropical Africa. Most of all today, it is grown in India and Chile. It is a traditional and beloved product there.

The main use of chili pepper since ancient times is cooking. It can be used fresh or dried. You can eat it in pieces (although it is very spicy), rings are usually thrown into dishes during stewing, boiling, frying, and sometimes it is crushed into a powdery mass and consumed like regular black pepper, only in smaller quantities. In addition, this culture has won an honorable place in alternative medicine and cosmetology.

Chili peppers contain an abundance of vitamins (including A, B2, B6, C, K and 35 others), as well as about 20 minerals. The main biologically active substance in the vegetable is capsaicin, a phenolic compound that makes it so hot. 100 g of pods contain 0.44 g of fat, 1.87 g of protein and 7.31 g of carbohydrates. Caloric content of 100 g of product is 40 kcal.

Beneficial properties and harm of chili pepper

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Chili pepper has a lot of useful qualities, but it can also cause harm. First, let's look at the benefits of the product.

  • Thanks to the alkaloid capsaicin, pepper has antibacterial, immunomodulatory, and antiviral properties. When interacting with the spicy juice of this product, 75% of harmful bacteria and infections simply die, for this reason it is recommended to eat it for inflammation, colds and in a number of other cases.
  • For people with gastrointestinal problems, hot peppers can help improve their functioning and improve their appetite. In addition, heavy food is much easier for the stomach to digest if you eat hot pepper in small quantities.
  • In the case of men, hot pepper increases potency.
  • It is a world-recognized aphrodisiac.
  • The liver and cardiovascular system work more smoothly with regular consumption of hot peppers.


  • It improves blood circulation, prevents the development of blood clots and atherosclerosis, and makes the walls of blood vessels elastic. Thanks to the dilation of blood vessels, it brings the pressure back to normal.
  • Eating chili leads to an increase in the level of endorphin in the blood, a hormone that improves mood and relieves depression. It also reduces pain and is characterized by sweating and laxative effects.
  • Hot pepper lowers blood sugar, so it can and even should be consumed if you have diabetes.
  • In folk medicine it is used for rheumatism, arthritis, radiculitis.
  • If used as a mask for external use, pepper stimulates hair growth.

The harm from chili peppers can be very severe if eaten incorrectly or in unlimited quantities.

  • People with exacerbations of gastrointestinal tract diseases (ulcers, gastritis, pancreatitis) and liver should limit the use of the product.
  • If you eat more than one chili pepper every day, you can get regular heartburn and even aggravate various diseases.
  • It is not recommended to use hot peppers for hypertension, as well as for pregnant and lactating women.
  • It may be too dangerous for children, because their stomachs are not as strong as those of adults.
  • Chili can cause burns to the mucous membranes, so after cutting or collecting it, you should wash your hands well and do not rub your eyes.

Growing Chili Peppers

Growing Chili in open and closed ground is almost the same as growing sweet peppers. To begin with, it is advisable to grow seedlings, then harden them, plant them in a permanent place when the sprouts reach 15 cm in height (1.5-2 months), and care for them. In the southern regions, the seedless method can also be used. If the region is cold, a greenhouse is used for growing, and if it is warm, then it can be grown in open ground.

  • In terms of care, it is very important to ensure proper watering. A chili pepper bush may be small, but its root is capable of growing to a considerable depth and therefore watering is carried out abundantly and not superficially.
  • When caring for a bush, it is very important to form it correctly. The fact is that Chile forms a powerful bush and blooms almost continuously. If you pinch the apical and side branches in time, and also remove excess flowers, you can get a very beautiful, ornamental plant.

If you do not form a Chili bush, it will still grow quickly and produce a harvest, although the peppercorns will be small.

  • If the bush is large or there is a lot of harvest on it, it is worth installing a support and tying it up. This will not only make the plant’s load easier, but also the gardener’s harvest.
  • In order for the yield to be high, and the plant to have rich foliage color and not get sick, it is fed from time to time. Feeding can be done once a week or a little less often. As a nutrient, you can take mineral fertilizers for tomatoes or a simple infusion of wood ash.
  • If a gardener wants to grow a crop all year round, after harvesting the last harvest, he needs to transplant the bush into a large pot, cut it at a height of 10-15 cm and put it in the cellar until spring. During subsequent spring planting, you will notice that in the second year the crop develops much faster.

The harvest on this plant ripens gradually. And you can pick both ripe and unripe peppers. If an unripe crop is harvested, this is usually done in the fall, when it is already cool outside, you just need to hang it at home or put it on the windowsill - it can ripen on its own.

Varieties of chili peppers for growing at home

Growing chili peppers at home is a common practice. This is an unpretentious plant. And if you choose the right variety, you can get a productive, home-made bush.

  • “Medusa” is an interesting domestic pepper, producing a bush only 20 cm in height. Fruits are up to 5 cm long, curved in shape.
  • “Orange Miracle” is a well-known variety that produces bushes up to 35 cm with a neat appearance and shape. It does not require serious care, but produces orange, hot peppercorns.
  • “Aladdin” is distinguished by the fact that it produces multi-colored peppers: green, cream, red, purple. This plant is a real decoration for an apartment or house.
  • “Little Miracle” is an early-ripening variety that produces small peppercorns. When ripe they turn green, red, orange or purple.
  • “Queen of Spades” is a mid-season variety. The bushes are almost round, up to 30 cm. The peppercorns are shiny and grow with their noses up. At first they are purple, but as they ripen they give a cherry hue.

How to grow chili peppers on a windowsill?

At home, you can grow chili peppers on your balcony or windowsill. It's quite easy to do. Seeds are sown around the beginning of March, when daylight hours become longer. Before this, they are soaked for several days in gauze moistened with water in a warm place. This will allow the seeds to hatch and seedlings to appear earlier, otherwise dry seeds will take up to a month to germinate in the pot!

A box or pot for seeds should be filled with expanded clay to a depth of 2 cm, and universal soil should be poured on top. Now the ground is well leveled, and holes are made up to 0.5 cm in depth at a distance of 6 cm from each other. Sprouted seeds are sown in them, sprinkled with soil and moistened with a spray bottle. Now you should cover the container with film and place it somewhere warm and light and check from time to time that the soil does not dry out.

It is necessary to water the chili pepper and apply any fertilizers strictly at the root, because the leaves of the plant are tender and burns may occur.

Hatched seedlings need 18 hours of daylight, so they are illuminated whenever possible. After 2 leaves appear, you can transfer each sprout with a lump of earth into a separate pot. Now all that remains is to provide proper care.

  • For normal development, it is recommended to grow pepper at a temperature of +22...+25 degrees in summer and within +16 degrees in winter.
  • You can water peppers growing in a pot up to 2 times a day, at low humidity. Or once every 1-2 days, if the humidity is within normal limits. If there is not enough water, the pepper will shed its leaves.
  • In March, bushes are usually pruned to rejuvenate and remove old or weak branches.
  • If there are few ovaries, you can artificially pollinate the flowers by simply shaking them.
  • Feed the peppers on the windowsill once a month with complex fertilizer.

Proper cultivation of chili peppers can provide the gardener with a healthy, tasty vegetable for the whole year. And if you don’t have a garden, you can easily grow indoor varieties on a windowsill or balcony, getting small yields of hot fruits.

Calories, kcal:

Proteins, g:

Carbohydrates, g:

Hot red pepper, or chili pepper, is the dried fruit of certain varieties of tropical subshrub Capsicum frutescens or Capsicum annuum, a spice that has a pungent taste.

American Indians cultivated chili peppers as early as 6,000 years ago. Archaeologists were quite surprised that hot pepper, seemingly not the most important component of nutrition, was distributed in America along with corn, the main product of American cuisine. Chili peppers also came to Europe thanks to the voyages of Columbus. The Spanish conquistadors made quite a handsome profit from these scalding little pods.

The name of pepper in Russian is consonant with the name of the country of Chile, but comes from “chilli” from the Aztec Nahuatl languages ​​(modern Mexico) and is translated as “red”.

Chili pepper is on the list of ten products recommended by WHO experts for mandatory consumption in order to maintain health and longevity.

Chili pepper calories

The calorie content of chili pepper is 40 kcal per 100 grams of product.

Composition of chili pepper

Health benefits of chili peppers

Researchers at the University of Tasmania have found that chilli peppers are an excellent remedy for insomnia. Eating chili promotes the production of endorphins, “hormones of happiness,” which results in pain relief and stress reduction (calorizer). When consumed in moderation, it has a strengthening effect, improves digestion and increases appetite; has an irritating effect on the skin.

Chili pepper, while providing an analgesic effect, does not cause numbness. Scientists hope to create a new generation of anesthetic drugs based on it. Chili has a beneficial effect on digestion and improves liver function.

Harm of chili peppers

For Europeans, excessive consumption of chili peppers can be dangerous to the digestive tract and even cause internal burns. The hottest part of chili is the seeds; it is better to discard them. If you have sensitive skin, it is better to use gloves when cutting chili, and under no circumstances touch your eyes during cooking.

The hottest and hottest of all peppers is red chili. Experts around the world recommend it for regular consumption. It contains many vitamins and minerals necessary for the human body, it provides benefits and truly prolongs life. But you shouldn’t overuse hot pepper, so that its properties don’t turn out to be harmful.


Chili peppers are valued by doctors and nutritionists. It is used to prepare a wide variety of dishes and even drinks. It can be part of both a meat stew and an original dessert. But is chili pepper good for you? Acute, capable of irritating mucous membranes, it may even seem dangerous to health. It’s not for nothing that patients with gastritis are first advised to give up acute foods.

But there are actually many positive effects from eating red pepper. Among them:

  • Vasodilation and stabilization of the heart muscle.
  • Increasing the elasticity of the walls of blood vessels.
  • Reducing high blood pressure, important for hypertension.
  • Fighting infectious diseases and harmful bacteria that have entered the body.
  • Prevention of cancer.
  • Prevention of type 2 diabetes, the body requires less insulin to lower sugar.
  • Positive strengthening effect on the nervous system.
  • Increased sweating and production of endorphins - hormones of happiness.
  • Pain-relieving effect due to the release of endorphins.
  • Accelerates blood circulation and prevents the formation of blood clots.
  • Strengthening the immune system.
  • Improving appetite and regulating digestion.
  • Stimulates hair growth, slows down the aging process of the body.

Chili pepper is relevant for hypertension, intestinal infections and food poisoning. It strengthens the heart and blood vessels, protects against heart disease. Based on it, researchers are already trying to create anesthetic painkillers that do not cause numbness.


The beneficial properties of chili peppers are numerous, but they are not limited to them. If overused, it can cause harm to your body. Side effects from eating hot pepper in large quantities:

  • Heartburn.
  • Stomach and intestinal upset.
  • Diarrhea.
  • Development of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

It is also worth considering that if it gets on the mucous membrane, it burns. If pepper gets on the mucous membrane, in order to avoid a serious burn, you should immediately rinse the affected area with clean warm water.

The dangers of hot peppers regularly become the subject of debate among experts. Even the healthiest people should treat its use with caution. If you sprinkle it on everything without regulating consumption, gastritis may begin to develop, followed by peptic ulcers of the stomach and intestines.

Eating hot peppers can be addictive. The more you eat it, the easier it is perceived. The pepper begins to seem less spicy; to obtain heat, the dose is increased. But this is dangerous, because only taste tolerance is developed; chili in large quantities does not become less dangerous to human health. Don’t forget about this and increase your personal “dosage”.

Dietary properties

Are you planning to lose weight? Add chili peppers to your diet. It will help improve the body's digestive processes and improve normal appetite. And thanks to its warming effect, it will accelerate the burning of subcutaneous fat. Many popular diets contain spicy foods seasoned with chili. It also helps reduce salt intake due to its taste. Dishes do not become bland, and salts are not deposited in the body. At the same time, when you eat spicy foods, you want to drink more, and to lose weight and organize a healthy diet, you need a lot of water.

In therapeutic dietary nutrition, hot pepper can also be relevant. It is recommended for patients with cardiovascular problems and high blood pressure. Pepper will help strengthen the heart and blood vessels, improve blood circulation and prevent the formation of blood clots. But it can only be recommended if there are no contraindications. To create a therapeutic diet, be sure to consult your doctor.

Calorie content

Chili peppers are low in calories. This is 40 kcal per 100 grams. It is unwise to eat it in such quantities: pepper is added in small quantities, so it does not affect the overall picture of nutritional value. But due to its auxiliary effect on digestion, it is considered a useful product when preparing diets.


  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (gastritis, ulcers and others).
  • Liver diseases.
  • Kidney diseases.

Yes, chili pepper improves digestion and has a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal system. But only if you do not have any diseases in which the effect on the mucous membrane can cause an exacerbation. We also must not forget that even if there are no contraindications, you should not overuse pepper.

Is it possible for pregnant and lactating women

Chili peppers and spicy foods in general are undesirable for women during pregnancy and lactation. If you really crave something spicy, you shouldn’t deny yourself this: you can listen to your body. But you can’t regularly eat something spicy, even if you don’t have stomach disorders or liver or kidney diseases. Pepper has a very aggressive effect on the body; it is impossible to predict how it will affect the development of the fetus. And it is unknown whether it will cause negative manifestations in a newborn, who receives all the substances from chili in mother’s milk.

There is usually no complete ban on spicy foods in nutrition guides for pregnant and lactating women. The diet during these periods is very individual and should be monitored by the attending physician. And many therapists recommend avoiding spicy foods so as not to provoke irritation of the gastrointestinal system and potential problems with fetal development.

Nutritional value

Chili peppers contain the most carbohydrates, most of which are sugar. There are very few fats, most of them are polyunsaturated. But the fat content is completely insignificant for this product and will not affect the weight in any way. Due to its energy value, chili pepper becomes a seasoning acceptable for dietary nutrition in the absence of contraindications. And in moderation.

Thanks to its chemical composition, rich in vitamins and beneficial mineral elements, chili pepper has a positive effect on the nervous system, improves digestion, strengthens the heart and blood vessels, and prevents cancer. The composition is based on the substance capsaicin, which is organically supplemented with vitamins A and C.

How to use

Red chili pepper is one of the most popular spices around the world. It is added to soups, main courses, and side dishes. It goes well with meat, poultry, and vegetables. You can even find recipes for desserts with pepper; it goes well with chocolate and coffee drinks.

It can become not only a seasoning, but also an independent component of a dish. In small quantities, fresh peppers are cut into salads, pickled and canned whole. Even alcoholic drinks are prepared on its basis, vodka-pepper is especially popular.

Outdoor use

In folk and traditional medicine, the warming medicinal properties of chili pepper are actively used. You've probably seen pepper patches on sale. They are used to treat diseases of the spinal column, inflammatory processes, and respiratory diseases. If warming therapy is necessary, you can use a pepper patch (after consulting with your doctor).

Chili pepper is also used in the field of cosmetology. It is added to anti-cellulite creams and body scrubs, also because of its warming effect. Blood vessels dilate, fat burning accelerates. But it’s worth remembering that anti-cellulite cream with pepper won’t do any good if you don’t do any physical exercise at the same time.

Chili peppers are often used to stimulate hair growth. You can find burdock oil, masks and balms with it. It allows you to get rid of dandruff and prevent its further occurrence, accelerates and improves hair growth, and strengthens hair follicles. But you should not use such products if your scalp is sensitive. You can first consult a trichologist about the advisability of use.


Rules for storing fresh chili peppers:

  1. Store in the refrigerator (not the freezer), preferably on the middle shelf.
  2. Store in a plastic bag or other airtight packaging.
  3. Consume within 2 weeks.

If there is a need for longer storage of peppers, they can be frozen or dried. But when freezing, separate the peppers individually so as not to defrost everything at once: repeated freezing will lead to the destruction of the beneficial substances in the product.

How to choose

To select hot pepper:

  1. Break the stem. If liquid appears on the crack, the pepper is fresh.
  2. Examine the fruit itself. It should be elastic, shiny, without damage or lethargy.
  3. Bend the pepper. It shouldn't crack, but it shouldn't fold in half either.

Fresh pepper contains a whole range of properties that will be useful for both men and women. A limp one will not add the required spiciness to the dish, and its benefits will also decrease.

What goes with it?

You can pair fiery red chili with almost anything. It is suitable for sauces, meat, fish, vegetables and side dishes. Its spiciness is combined even with chocolate and coffee: you can increasingly find pepper drinks in coffee shops and hot chocolate from different manufacturers.

It can be combined with other seasonings. Suitable for mixing with various dried herbs, other peppers, and spices. It can often be found in store-bought seasoning mixtures for a variety of dishes.


Red chili peppers are the hottest and most popular around the world. It is used to prepare soups, hot dishes, salads, drinks and even sweet desserts. It warms, improves digestion, accelerates blood flow and promotes rapid fat burning. But it also has a number of contraindications, in which use is completely excluded, because it can harm health and cause exacerbation of diseases.