And from Shein's biography. Shein, Alexey Semyonovich: biography

  • 07.09.2024

Russian commander, Generalissimo Alexei Semenovich Shein was born in August 1652. He came from an ancient Old Moscow boyar family, which, according to family legend, traced its origins to a native of Prussia, Mikhail Prushenin, who decided to serve in Russia from the time of Grand Duke Alexander Nevsky. Mikhail Prushenin was the ancestor of the Morozov boyars, from whom branches of the famous Russian families of the Sheins, Saltykovs and Choglokovs were formed.

The Sheins were one of the sixteen noble families of the ruling elite of the Moscow state and had the right to bypass the lower ranks when promoted to the boyar class. The commander’s grandmother, Maria Borisovna, the wife of the steward’s grandfather Ivan Mikhailovich Shein, was from the Lykov-Obolensky princes, and her mother Anastasia Nikitichna, from the royal family of the First Russian Generalissimo A.S. Shein Romanov, was the niece of the beloved wife of Ivan the Terrible, who died untimely, and the aunt of Tsar Mikhail Fedorovich. The commander's great-grandmother, Maria Mikhailovna, the wife of his great-grandfather, boyar Mikhail Borisovich Shein, came from the Godunov family. Alexei Semenovich began serving at the royal court in 1672. in the positions of sleeping bag and room attendant. In 1680-1682 - was in the voivodeship in Tobolsk and ruled all of Siberia.

April 10, 1682 one of the nearby stewards, in the thirtieth year of his life, was granted a boyar status. In 1683-1684 Shein was in the voivodeship in Kursk. Participated in the Crimean campaigns in 1687 and 1689. In the last campaign, Shein led the service people of the Novgorod rank and was the second governor after the commander-in-chief, Prince V.V. Golitsyn, while being called a close boyar and Pskov governor.

After the unsuccessful first Azov campaign in 1695. Alexey Semenovich Shein led the second campaign in 1696, which ended in the complete defeat of the enemy on land and in a naval battle, as well as the complete surrender of the garrison of the Azov fortress. Peter the Great, who won his first victory, awarded the commander the highest military rank - generalissimo.

To meet the victors returning from the campaign, for the first time in Russia, a triumphal arch was built in Moscow and a ceremonial reception of the troops was organized. A place of honor in this procession was occupied by Generalissimo A.S. Shein, riding on a horse with a white feather on his hat. When the procession reached the triumphal gates, cannon fire thundered, music played and hymns and poems were sung with greetings to the victors and wishes to the troops that they would always return with such victories. At the same time, Lefort and Shein were especially “great.” Alexei Tolstoy in his novel “Peter the Great” artistically described the commander at the most solemn moment of his life: “With great pomp... riding a Greek chariot, a squat, pompous, with a face that extended wide, boyar Shein, the generalissimo, bestowed with this honor before the second Azov campaign... Behind him, sixteen Turkish banners were dragged along the ground in banners.”

For the capture of Azov, the commander was awarded a gold medal of 13 chervonets, a cup, a brocade caftan with sables and extensive patrimonial land holdings.

The next year, A.S. Shein had to again lead troops in the south of Russia and oppose the Turks, who were plotting to retake Azov, and the Crimean Tatars, who were preparing for a campaign against the Western allies of Peter I. According to the agreement, Russia was supposed to distract the enemy from attacking the allies . Upon receiving news of the movement of a large Turkish army to Azov, the troops led by Shein advanced and defeated the enemy at the Kagalnik River, after which they brought the Nogais and Tatars living near the Kuban River into submission. “Third” Azov campaign A.S. Sheina 1697 consolidated Russia's conquests in the south of the state and accelerated the end of the war between Russia and Turkey and the conclusion of the Peace Treaty of Constantinople in 1700.

From 1696 to 1700 Shein headed the Inozemsky, Pushkarsky and Reitarsky orders, which corresponded to the status of the commander-in-chief of all Russian troops.

The last years of the commander's life were devoted to strengthening the southern borders of the Fatherland. Under his leadership, a new Trinity Fortress (the city of Taganrog) was built on the Azov coast - the first naval base of Russia, which, according to the first plans of Peter I, was to become the new capital of the Russian state. The international situation and the military-political situation in the country did not allow the early plans of the future emperor to come true.

The first Russian generalissimo died on February 12, 1700. at the age of 48 and was buried in the Trinity-Sergius Monastery at the altar of the Church of the Descent of the Holy Spirit (currently the Holy Trinity Sergius Lavra in the city of Sergiev Posad, Moscow region).


Shein (Alexey Semenovich) - Russian commander. Born in 1662. In 1695 he was sent to the city of Azov with an army, which included two amusing regiments, Preobrazhensky and Semenovsky; Peter himself was under Sh. with the rank of captain of the Preobrazhensky regiment. Sh. besieged Azov, but only managed to take two towers located above the city; the city itself, guarded by a strong garrison and receiving food and military supplies from the sea, repelled all attacks, and Peter, convinced that without a fleet the capture of Azov was impossible, retreated in order to squeeze the city from the sea and the dry route the next year. In 1696, Sh. again approached Azov and besieged it from a dry route, and Peter blocked the city from the sea, using a fleet built in Voronezh; two months later, Azov surrendered, despite the fact that the Crimean Sultan Nuradin attacked the Russian camp five times with a strong army; all these attacks were repulsed with great damage. In 1698, Sh. was detached with the Preobrazhensky and Semenovsky regiments against 4 rebel streltsy regiments, which, taking advantage of the absence of Peter and excited by Princess Sophia, were indignant, seized guns and moved from Toropets to Moscow. On June 18, Sh. met the rebels 46 versts from Moscow, near the Resurrection Monastery, on the banks of the Istra, and at first tried to reason with the rebellious, but then entered into battle with them and defeated them completely. He died in 1700. His journal about the campaign to Azov and the structure of the Taganrog fortress was published in “Ancient Russian Vivliofika” and was especially published by Ruban (St. Petersburg, 1773).

Brief biographical encyclopedia. 2012

See also interpretations, synonyms, meanings of the word and what SHEIN ALEXEY SEMENOVICH is in Russian in dictionaries, encyclopedias and reference books:

    Russian commander. Born in 1662. In 1695 he was sent to the city of Azov with an army that included...
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    ? Russian commander. Born in 1662. In 1695 he was sent to the city of Azov with an army, which included ...
    (1662-1700) boyar, generalissimo (1696). Great-grandson of M. B. Shein. Voivode in the Crimean campaigns of 1687 and 1689. Participant in the Azov campaign of 1695. Commander...
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Born in 1662, he died in February 1700 at the age of 38, six months before the start of the Northern War. The events of the war that lasted more than twenty years with its numerous battles and victories, the radical reforms of Peter, who attracted many outstanding figures, the new stage of Russian history, the history of the empire, which lasted two centuries, could not help but obscure from the descendants the young military leader, whose service was so suddenly interrupted.

A descendant of an ancient Moscow boyar family, known to Russian chronicles since the 13th century, he is the great-grandson of Mikhail Borisovich Shein, an outstanding commander and defender of Smolensk during the reign of Alexei Mikhailovich, who was unjustly accused of treason and executed. As a boy, he was present at the execution of Razin, at the age of 14 he became a steward, at 19 he was appointed governor of Tobolsk, granted a boyar at 20, and at 21 he was appointed governor of the then border town of Kursk, and actively participated in the coronation of the young Tsars Peter I and Ivan V in 1682. .

Having been preparing for the military field since childhood, one of the most educated Russian people of that time, having served as a governor for seven years, he participates in two Crimean campaigns in 1687 and 1689, commanding Novgorod regiments. These campaigns, led by Prince Vasily Vasilyevich Golitsyn, prepared in haste, were undertaken by Russia after it joined the coalition of Austria, Venice and Poland (the Holy League) at war with Turkey. Hikes through the deserted and waterless Wild Field ended in retreat. There were no major battles. But they showed that Russia will not be able to defeat even the Crimean Tatars without serious transformations.

Interrupted for six years, including due to internal Russian turmoil, the war resumed with the Azov campaign of 1695, where Shein was by that time a close boyar, one of the three commanders, along with F.A. Golovin and F.Ya. Lefort. But this campaign did not bring victory either. A fleet was needed. A flotilla capable of blockading Azov from the sea was built a year later, and in 1696 the military effort was crowned with victory. In the second Azov campaign, Peter was the commander of the flotilla, Shein was the commander of the land forces. He carries out a “proper siege” against Azov and in July the Turkish fortress fell. Twenty days before the capitulation, Peter, accustomed to foreign terms, awarded Shein the rank of generalissimo, which corresponded in the then Russian system to the rank of “voivode of a large regiment.”

The victory over the Turks, essentially the first since the Don Cossacks captured Azov in 1637, was celebrated on a grand scale. Two months later, a triumphal procession of troops took place in Moscow, led by their commander on horseback. Peter, promoted from bombardier to captain, walked modestly on foot. For the capture of Azov, the tsar awarded Shein a gold medal, a commemorative cup, a caftan embroidered with gold, and an estate of 305 households.


Alexey Semyonovich Shein
Date of birth (1662 )
Place of birth Moscow
Date of death February 12(1700-02-12 )
Affiliation Russian kingdom
Years of service -
Rank Generalissimo
Commanded Novgorod discharge regiment
Alexey Semyonovich Shein at Wikimedia Commons


Later, Peter I appointed Shein commander-in-chief of the entire army, commander of artillery, cavalry and head (judge) of the Inozemsky Prikaz. In 1697, Shein served in Azov and supervised the construction of a sea harbor in Taganrog. He had to constantly repel the attacks of the Turks and Tatars. In 1698 he organized the first navigation school in Russia.

In 1698, Shein took part in the suppression of the Streltsy revolt. Later Shein fell out of favor with Peter I for not exposing the connection between the Streltsy and Princess Sophia. When Peter I began cutting boyar beards, he was the first to cut the beard of Alexei Shein.

According to another version, Peter’s disgrace was only a temporary quarrel due to the fact that Shein punished the rebel archers too mildly, and the boyar’s beard was cut off with his consent. Shein was buried in the Trinity-Sergius Lavra.


On April 1, 2013, the Bank of Russia issued three commemorative coins from the series “Outstanding Generals and Naval Commanders of Russia” dedicated to A.S. Shein. The reverses of the coins depict:

On a silver coin with a denomination of 3 rubles: on the mirror field of the disk on the left there is a relief portrait of A. S. Shein with a saber in his hand, on the right near the edge there is a relief image of the fortress, on the upper right along the edge there is the inscription: “A. S. SHEIN”, below - dates in two lines: “1662” and “1700”, in the background - a sailing ship on the sea surface. On a silver coin with a face value of 25 rubles: on the mirror field of the disk on the right is a relief portrait of A. S. Shein in a ceremonial Old Russian dress with a mace in his hand, to the left of him - on a fragment of a stone wall - a cartouche with dates in two lines: “1662”, and “1700”, behind the wall are generalized symbols of military victories and reforms: a soldier in European dress, a mortar, a spear with a pennant - badge, a berdysh and the banner of the second Azov campaign, in the background there is a fortress tower, in the center there is a rowing boat and a sailboat on the sea surface , on the right along the edge - the inscription: “A. S. SHEIN." On a gold coin with a face value of 50 rubles: on the mirror field of the disk there is a relief portrait of A. S. Shein in a European dress and wig, to the left of him are the dates in two lines “1662” and “1700”, below along the edge is the inscription: “A. S. SHEIN."


  1. Tver land in the military history of Russia. Shein A.S. (undefined) . Retrieved November 9, 2015.
  2. An erroneous date is widespread in literature and Russian numismatics - August 1662. See, for example: Sedov P.V. On the history of the early biography of “Generalissimo” Alexei Semenovich Shein... P. 8.

Russian voivode, boyar, statesman, first Russian generalissimo

Alexey Shein came from an old boyar family. His great-grandfather Mikhail Borisovich Shein commanded Russian troops during the Smolensk War of 1632-1634. Russian troops were defeated. Mikhail Shein was accused of treason and executed, and his family was exiled to the Simbirsk province.

As a boy, Alexei Shein was present at the execution of Stepan Razin, June 6, 1671. Later in his life he was present at the coronation of Peter I and Ivan V (in 1682).

In 1682, Princess Sofya Alekseevna granted Alexei Shein the title of boyar.

In 1680-1681, Alexey Shein was a voivode in Tobolsk and in 1683-1684 in Kursk. Boyar since March 25, 1682, close boyar since 1695. Alexey Shein took part in the Crimean campaigns of 1687 and 1689 and in the Azov campaigns of 1695-1696. During the first, unsuccessful Azov campaign, Alexey Shein commanded the Preobrazhensky and Semenovsky regiments. During the second Azov campaign, in 1696, Alexey Shein was the Commander of the ground forces. On June 28, 1696, for military successes in the second Azov campaign, Peter I awarded Shein the title of Generalissimo and awarded him a gold cup that weighed 6-7 pounds. Shein became the first Generalissimo of Russia. Later, Peter I appointed Shein Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Army, commander of artillery, cavalry and head (judge) of the Inozemsky order. In 1697, Shein served in Azov and supervised the construction of a sea harbor in Taganrog. He had to constantly repel the attacks of the Turks and Tatars.

In 1698, Shein participated in the suppression of the Streltsy revolt. Later, Shein fell out of favor with Peter I for not exposing the connection between the Streltsy and Princess Sophia. When Peter I began cutting boyar beards, he was the first to cut the beard of Alexei Shein.

According to another version, Peter’s disgrace was only a temporary quarrel due to the fact that Shein punished the rebel archers too mildly. And that Peter cut Shein’s beard with his consent. Shortly before his death, Peter even wanted to erect a monument to Alexei Shein in the Alexander Nevsky Lavra.