Peoples of Africa. Peoples inhabiting Africa Southern and Equatorial Africa

  • 11.08.2024

In Africa, according to various sources, there are from five hundred to 8000 peoples, including small nations and ethnic groups that cannot be clearly classified as one of them. Some of these nations number only a few hundred people; there are really not so many large ones: 107 peoples number more than a million, and only 24 - more than five million. The largest nations in Africa: Egyptian Arabs(76 million), Hausa(35 million), Moroccan Arabs(35 million), Algerian Arabs(32 million), Yoruba(30 million), Igbo(26 million), Fulani(25 million), Oromo(25 million), Amhara(20 million), malagasy(20 million), Sudanese Arabs(18 million). In total, 1.2 billion people live in Africa, on an area of ​​just over 30 million square kilometers, that is, approximately one sixth of the population of our planet. In this article we will briefly talk about what main nations the population of Africa is divided into.

North Africa

As you may have already noticed, among the largest nations there are many whose names include the word Arabs. Of course, genetically these are all different peoples, united primarily by faith, and also by the fact that more than a thousand years ago these lands were conquered from the Arabian Peninsula, included in the Caliphate, and mixed with the local population. The Arabs themselves, however, were relatively few in number.

The caliphate conquered the entire North African coast, as well as part of the western coast up to Mauritania. These places were known as the Maghreb, and although the Maghreb countries are now independent, their inhabitants still speak Arabic and practice Islam, and are collectively called Arabs. They belong to the Caucasian race, its Mediterranean branch, and the places inhabited by Arabs have a fairly high level of development.

Egyptian Arabs They form the basis of the population of Egypt and the most numerous of the African peoples. Ethnically, the Arab conquest had little effect on the population of Egypt, in rural areas almost none at all, and thus for the most part they are descendants of the ancient Egyptians. However, the cultural appearance of this people has changed beyond recognition, in addition, most of the Egyptians converted to Islam (although a considerable number of them remained Christians, now they are called Copts). If we count together with the Copts, then the total number of Egyptians can be brought to 90-95 million people.

The second largest Arab nation is Moroccan Arabs, which are the result of the conquest by the Arabs of various local tribes that did not constitute a single people at that time - Libyans, Getulians, Maurusians and others. Algerian Arabs formed from motley Berber peoples and Kabyles. But in the blood of Tunisian Arabs (10 million) there is some Negroid element, which distinguishes them from their neighbors. Sudanese Arabs make up the majority of the population of northern Sudan. Also, among the largest Arab peoples in Africa there are Libyans(4.2 million) and Mauritanians(3 million).

A little further south, in the hot Sahara, the Bedouins roam – this is the name given to all nomads, regardless of their nationality. In total there are about 5 million of them in Africa, they include various small nations.

West and Central Africa

South of the Sahara, dark-skinned but white-skinned Africans belonging to the Mediterranean subrace of the Caucasian race are replaced by people of the Negroid race, divided into three main subraces: Negro, Negrillian And Bushman.

Negro is the most numerous. In addition to West Africa, peoples of this subrace also live in Sudan, Central and South Africa. Its East African type is distinguished primarily by its tall stature - often the average height here is 180 cm, and is also characterized by the darkest skin, almost black.

In Western and Equatorial Africa, the peoples of this subrace dominate. Let's highlight the largest of them. First of all this Yoruba, living in Nigeria, Togo, Benin and Ghana. These are representatives of an ancient civilization that left a legacy of many distinctive ancient cities and a developed mythology. Hausa They live in the north of Nigeria, as well as in Cameroon, Niger, Chad, and the Central African Republic. They also had a developed culture of city-states in ancient times, and now they profess Islam and are engaged in agriculture and animal husbandry.

Igbo live in the southeast of Nigeria, having a small settlement area, but high density. Unlike previous peoples, the Igbo do not have an ancient history, since they were formed from many different peoples relatively recently, already during the era of colonization of Africa by Europeans. Finally, people Fulani settled over a vast territory from Mauritania to Guinea and even in Sudan. According to anthropologists, they originated from Central Asia, and already in modern times this people were noted for their belligerence, participating with great enthusiasm in Islamic jihads in Africa in the 19th century.

Southern and Equatorial Africa.

In contrast to representatives of the Negro subrace, people from the Negro subrace are short, their average height barely exceeds 140 cm, which is why they are called - pygmies. Pygmies live in the forests of Equatorial Africa. But there are very few of them; other peoples dominate in this territory, primarily from the Bantu group: these are duala, fang, diamonds, mboshi, Congo and others for equatorial Africa and Xhosa, Zulu, Swazi, Ndebele for South. The basis of the population of Zimbabwe is the people Shona(13 million), also belonging to the Bantu group. In total, the Bantu number 200 million, settled over half the territory of the continent.

Also in Equatorial Africa live representatives of the third subrace, Bushman or Capoid. They are characterized by short stature, a narrow nose and a flat bridge of the nose, as well as skin that is much lighter than that of their neighbors, having a yellowish-brown tint. Here the Bushmen themselves are distinguished, as well as the Hottentots, who live mainly in Namibia and Angola. However, representatives of the capoid subrace are few in number.

In the very south, the Bantu have minimal competition from groups of Afrikaners, that is, descendants of European colonists, primarily the Boers. In total, there are 3.6 million Afrikaners. South Africa can generally be called a melting pot - if we count Madagascar, where the Malgashes from the Mongoloid race settled, then people from almost all parts of the world live here, because in addition to the Mongoloid Malgashes, people also settled in southern Africa Hindustani, Biharis, Gujaratis speaking Indo-Aryan languages, as well as Tamils ​​and Telugus speaking Dravidian languages. They came to Africa from Asia, while the Malagasy sailed from distant Indonesia.

East Africa

First of all, it is worth highlighting the Ethiopian subrace. As the name implies, this includes the population of Ethiopia, which genetically cannot be attributed either to the dark, but white-skinned northerners, or to representatives of the Negroid race living in the south. This subrace is considered the result of a mixture of Caucasoid and Negroid, combining the features of both. It should be noted that “Ethiopians” is a collective concept; the following peoples live in this country: Oromo, Amhara, Tigrayans, gurage, shidama and others. All these peoples speak Ethiosemitic languages.

The two largest peoples of Ethiopia are the Oromo, also living in northern Kenya, and the Amhara. Historically, the former were nomadic and lived on the east coast, while the latter were agriculturalists. The Oromo are predominantly Muslim, while the Amhara are predominantly Christian. The Ethiopian race also includes the Nubians living in the south of Egypt, numbering up to two million.

Also, a significant part of the population of Ethiopia is the Somali people, who gave their name to the neighboring state. They belong to the Cushitic language family along with Oromo and Agaw. There are about 16 million Somalis in total.

Peoples are also common in eastern Africa Bantu. Here these are the Kikuyo, Akamba, Meru, Luhya, Juggga, Bemba, living in Kenya and Tanzania. At one time, these peoples were displaced from here by Cushitic-speaking peoples, of whom something still remains: Irako, Gorowa, Burungi, Sandawa, Hadza– but these peoples are far from being so numerous.

Among the great lakes of Africa live the Rwanda, Rundi, Ganda, Sogo, Hutu, Tutsi, and also the Pygmies. Rwanda is the largest people in this region, numbering 13.5 million. The lake region is inhabited by Swahili, Comorians, Mijikenda.

The article contains information about the population of the continent. Forms an idea of ​​the zonal population of the continent. It contains interesting facts from the life and way of life of some of the most ancient African peoples living on the planet today.

Peoples of Africa

Africa is unique and amazing, and so are the people who inhabit the continent. The peoples of Africa are diverse in all parts of it.

The main percentage of people living here is quite small. Typically, they are represented by groups of hundreds or thousands of people. As a rule, they inhabit several nearby villages.

The modern peoples of Africa are related not only to various anthropological types, but also to various racial groups.

North of the Sahara and in the desert itself you can meet individuals of the Indo-Mediterranean race, which belongs to the large Caucasoid race.

In the lands of the southern region, it was the Negro-Australoid race that became widespread. Small races are distinguished from it:

TOP 4 articleswho are reading along with this

  • Negro;
  • Negrillian;
  • Bushman

Peoples of North Africa

Now in northern Africa there are many uninhabited areas. This is influenced by the characteristics of the current climate. Once upon a time, the Sahara transformed from savannah to desert. Residents of these places moved closer to water sources. At moments of such forced migrations, such areas formed centers of the emergence of great civilizations and cultures.

During the Middle Ages, inhabitants of European powers often visited the African part of the Mediterranean coast. By the beginning of the twentieth century, foreigners had become full-fledged masters in these territories. This significantly influenced the population of northern Africa and local culture. The process lasted about fifty years.

Due to the regular presence of the inhabitants of the Arab and European powers, carriers of the traits of the Indo-Mediterranean race now live in North Africa:

  • Arabs;
  • Berbers.

Rice. 1. Berbers.

They have dark skin color, dark hair and eyes. A distinctive feature of representatives of this race is the presence of a nose with a characteristic hump.

Among the Berbers there are people with light colored eyes and hair.

Most of the local residents profess Islam. Only the Copts are an exception. They are direct descendants of the ancient Egyptians and profess Christianity.

As a rule, the peoples living in the northern region of Africa are engaged in agriculture. In these territories, industries such as horticulture and viticulture are actively developing.

Date palms are grown in oases. Cattle breeding is typical for Bedouins and Berbers who live in mountainous or semi-desert areas.

Since ancient times, the southern part of the black continent has been inhabited by peoples who lead a predominantly nomadic lifestyle.

Rice. 2. Nomads of Africa.

As a rule, they do not have a government with characteristic powers. Among the people of this area, the hallmarks are a predisposition to hunt, gather and understand the interaction of all living things in nature.

The African pygmies and the natives of the Andaman Islands are people who have no idea of ​​the existence of fire.

Rice. 3. African pygmies.

The mainland is home to about 590 million people. Report estimate

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There are not many places left on our planet where you can see communities of people living in living conditions that have remained virtually unchanged over many centuries. One of these places is Africa, where there are people who live by hunting, fishing and gathering. These tribal communities lead a largely secluded life, rarely coming into contact with the surrounding population.

Although recently the traditional way of life of many nationalities and tribes has undergone significant changes, and they are increasingly integrated into modern commodity-money relations, many continue to engage in subsistence farming. These communities are characterized by low-productivity agriculture. Their main economic task is self-sufficiency in basic food products in order to prevent prolonged famine. Weak economic interaction and a complete lack of trade often become the cause of interethnic contradictions and even armed conflicts.

Other tribes reached a higher level of economic development, gradually assimilating with larger state-forming peoples, and at the same time losing their distinctive features. The abandonment of natural forms of economic management, and increasing involvement in modern economic relations, contributes to increased cultural and technological development. Which is reflected in increased productivity and a general increase in material well-being.

For example, the introduction of the plow among some agricultural peoples and tribes in West Africa led to a significant increase in crop yields and an increase in available funds, which in turn led to the creation of favorable conditions for further modernization of agricultural work and the beginning of mechanization.

List of largest African tribes and nationalities

  • Makonde
  • Mbuti
  • Mursi
  • Kalenjin
  • Oromo
  • Pygmies
  • Samburu
  • Swazi
  • Tuaregs
  • Hamer
  • Himba
  • Bushmen
  • Gourma
  • Bambara
  • Fulani
  • Wolof
  • Malawi
  • Dinka
  • Bongo

More than 1 billion people live on the African continent, or 34 people per square kilometer. In fact, Africa's population is unevenly distributed. The waterless deserts, scorched by the heat, where there is no rain for years, are almost deserted. In the impenetrable forests of Equatorial Africa, only a few tribes of hunters cut paths. And in the lower reaches of large rivers, every piece of land is cultivated. Here the population density increases sharply.

In the Nile oasis, over three thousand people live on one square kilometer. The northern and eastern coasts of the mainland and the shores of the Gulf of Guinea are also densely populated. International trade and modern industry, banks and scientific centers are concentrated in large cities.

North Africa is inhabited by Arabs and Berbers, who belong to the southern branch of the Caucasian race. 12 centuries ago the Arabs came to the Mediterranean coast. They mixed with the local population and passed on their language, culture, and religion. Ancient buildings testify to the high art of Arab architects, the taste and skill of the people. Ancient Arab cities have still retained their unique appearance. Narrow streets sheltered from the sun, merchants' shops on every corner, and artisans' workshops.

The vast territory of Central Africa extends south of the Sahara. Numerous black peoples live here: Sudanese peoples, pygmies, Bantu peoples, Nilotes. All of them belong to the equatorial race. Distinctive features of the race: dark skin color, curly hair - developed over a long time under the influence of natural conditions. Among Negroids there are hundreds of different tribes and nationalities with unique facial features, head shape, and skin color. The Nilotic peoples, for example, are the tallest people on the mainland. The average height of a Nilotic man is 182 cm, and the height of a pygmy is 145 cm. In the forests of Equatorial Africa live the shortest people on earth, skilled trackers and hunters.

The appearance of African huts has remained unchanged for centuries. Most of the population of Central Africa lives in such villages. The source of food is agriculture. The main tool of work is a hoe. In savannah and open forests with rich grass cover, nomadic herders graze cattle. Residents of the coast, in addition to farming and animal husbandry, engage in fishing. And some peoples completely connected their lives with the water element.

In eastern Africa, on the territory of Ethiopia and Somalia, there are peoples of mixed race (the peoples of Ethiopia and Somalia, Nilotes, Bantu peoples). The ancient ancestors of the Somalis and Ethiopians probably descended from a mixture of Caucasians and Negroids. Thin facial features are like those of Caucasians, dark hair color and curly hair are like those of Negroids. Excavations in Ethiopia have shown that man lived there 4 million years ago.

The indigenous population of South Africa are Bushmen, Hottentots, and Boers. South Africa is the most developed part of the black continent due to the industry of South Africa.

The island of Madakascar is located off the eastern coast of the mainland. The Malgash, representatives of the Mongoloid race, live here. 2000 years ago, Malagasy sailed to Madagascar from Indonesia.

Africa is unique and multifaceted, and so are the people living on the mainland. The peoples inhabiting Africa are diverse in its various parts, there are several thousand large and small ethnic groups, and 107 of them have a million or more representatives, and 24 of them number five million people.

Most peoples are small in number; they are usually represented by several hundred or thousands of people and inhabit one or two nearby villages.

Modern peoples living in Africa belong not only to different anthropological types, but also to different races. Thus, north of the Sahara and in the desert itself, you can meet people of the Indo-Mediterranean race, which belongs to the large Caucasian race. But in the lands to the south it is the Negro-Australoid race that is widespread, in which the Negro, Negrill and

The races among which the largest number of inhabitants belong to the first.

Largest nations on the mainland:

  • Egyptian;
  • Yoruba;
  • Moroccan;
  • Sudanese Arabs;
  • Hausa;
  • Algerian;
  • Fulani;
  • Amhara;
  • Igbo.

Peoples of South Africa

For a long time, South Africa was inhabited by nomadic peoples who did not have a clear government and were excellent hunters, gatherers and specialists in natural life.

Then from the north, most of all from Central Africa, new peoples began to arrive in the southern lands. These were mainly Bantu, who brought agriculture and mining with them. These immigrants led a settled life, and it was on the basis of such peoples inhabiting Africa in the south that the first states began to appear in the region.

The next influence on the southern population was the Europeans, who first arrived there in 1652, although they had passed through before. Foreigners subsequently dominated and ruled all of South Africa for about 350 years, which affected the social and cultural situation.

Peoples of South Africa:

  • braid;
  • Swazi;
  • soto;
  • tsonga;
  • Zulu;
  • Herero;
  • Ndebele;
  • Venda;
  • Tswana;
  • Matabele;
  • Shona;
  • pedi;
  • ovambo;
  • Bushmen;
  • Hottentots;
  • Hindustani;
  • Gujaratis;
  • Biharis;
  • Tamils;
  • Telugu.

Today, the Bantu peoples are still engaged in agriculture, growing legumes, corn, millet and vegetables. They also raise small and large livestock.

For the Hottentots, cattle breeding is a priority, but one of their groups, the Topnar-Nama, used to be engaged in hunting at sea all the time.

The Bushmen remained nomads; they still hunt and gather food. For them, their home is wind barriers made of branches, grass and skins. They wear loincloths and, if necessary, cover themselves with cloaks.

Cattle breeders and sedentary farmers live in hemispherical huts - kraals, and dress in loincloths with aprons; the leather cloaks they use are called kaross.

Peoples living in North Africa

Now in North Africa there are many practically uninhabited areas, which is due to the peculiarities of the modern climate. When the Sahara turned from savannah into desert thousands of years ago, its inhabitants were forced to move closer to the water, for example, to the Nile Valley and to the coasts. Then such populated areas became the beginnings of great civilizations and cultures.

During the Middle Ages, Europeans increasingly visited the African coast of the Mediterranean Sea. And by the beginning of the twentieth century, foreigners began to rule in these territories, thereby influencing their culture, which lasted for about half a century.

Due to the constant presence of inhabitants of Arab and European countries, representatives of the Indo-Mediterranean race live in North Africa:

  • Arabs;
  • Berbers.

They have dark skin, hair and eyes of dark shades, the nose on a narrow face has a hump. Among the Berbers, people with light eyes and hair are not excluded.

The majority of the local population professes Islam, with the exception of the Copts, who are the direct descendants of the ancient Egyptians; they are Monophysite Christians.

Most often, the peoples inhabiting Africa in the north are engaged in agriculture; gardening and viticulture are also developed; date palms are cultivated in oases. Cattle breeding is practiced by Bedouins and Berbers who live in mountains or semi-desert areas.

Peoples of central Africa

In Central Africa, the predominant population belongs to the Negroid race:

  • athara;
  • Yoruba;
  • Bantu;
  • Oromo;
  • Hausa.

Representatives of this race are distinguished by dark shades of skin, hair, eyes, their lips are thick, their nose is also pronounced - the bridge of the nose is low, and the wings are wide.

The structure of such ethnic groups is complex, and researchers often know very little about them. Those that live in virgin impenetrable forests have hardly been studied.

In the conditions of dense and impenetrable tropical forests, one can observe a special anthropological type - pygmies, who are distinguished by their short stature (around 141 centimeters). Their skin is lighter and their lips are thinner than other representatives of the Negroid race. In addition, they have a peculiar body structure - short lower limbs and a large head.

You can observe various religions in these territories, among which there are a large number of adherents of Islam and Christianity; the beliefs of ancient ancestors have not been forgotten.

Africa- a continent on which traces of the life activity of ancient man on the planet were found. Therefore, the mainland is considered the birthplace of humanity. Africa is inhabited by peoples of all three major races.

Representatives Caucasian, namely its southern branch (Arabs, Berbers and Tuaregs), inhabit the north of the mainland. They have dark skin, a narrow nose and an oval face, dark eyes and hair. The peoples of North Africa speak Arabic and Berber.

Peoples live south of the Sahara equatorial race(Negroids). They are characterized by dark skin color. Negroids have a wide, flat face, thick lips, and curly hair. Negroids are the inhabitants of East Africa - tootsi, whose growth reaches 2 m. They live in humid equatorial forests pygmies(Fig. 84), whose maximum height is 150 cm, in the Nile basin - nilots with almost black skin, and in southern Africa - bushmen And Hottentots, who have a yellowish skin color and a wide, flat face. The Ethiopian highlands are inhabited Ethiopians, In appearance they look like Caucasians, but their skin color is brown with a red tint. They live on the island of Madagascar Malagasy, belonging to Mongoloid race.

Any country in Africa is home to dozens of different peoples and tribes, all of them have their own language, traditions, and way of life (Fig. 85). Material from the site

Nomadic tribe of the Sahara. The Tuareg nomadic tribe lives in the Southern Sahara. They engage in trade and breed camels and goats. At night they sleep in tents made from animal skins. The tribe's name means "closed from view," as Tuareg men wear national costumes made of black or dark blue cotton and wrap long scarves around their heads.

Two world wars spread in Africa religion: predominates in the Arab countries of North Africa Islam, in other countries - Christianity. There are also numerous indigenous religions on the continent.

Racial and linguistic African population composition very diverse.

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