Why can't you transfer money across the threshold? Why you can’t say hello and goodbye over the threshold Why don’t you transfer money over the threshold

  • 13.09.2024

Probably every Slavic person has heard that you cannot pass things over the threshold. Popular wisdom says: if you want to avoid problems, try to handle things responsibly.

If you plan to transfer any item in your possession to another person, do it correctly, and then problems and misfortunes will not affect you. People know that things cannot be passed over the threshold. However, they have no idea where the danger lies.

If you plan to transfer any item in your possession to another person, do it correctly, and then problems and misfortunes will not affect you

Why can't you pass things over the threshold?

The superstition about the prohibition of passing things over the threshold takes its roots from pagan times. In its place, our ancestors buried the ashes of their deceased relatives. And they did this so that the dead could enter the house and help the living.

Therefore, this special place is able to separate two worlds - the dead and the living. According to old legends, if you pass on things, you will awaken the souls of dead people, and thus, you will doom yourself to suffering and misfortune.

There is another reason why nothing should be passed over the threshold of the house. Any item you receive in this case will bring you bad luck, so the first thing you need to do is get rid of it as soon as possible.

How to pass things over the threshold correctly?

If you still intend to transfer something to another person, and are forced to do it through the threshold, then do it correctly, following these recommendations:

  1. Invite a person into your home, and then hand him an item, or take it from him.
  2. You can go outside the premises yourself and do the same.
  3. If a person deliberately wants to give you something through (especially money) this indicates that he wishes you misfortune. In this case, you should not take anything from this person. If the situation allows, try to completely avoid contact with this person.

What else can’t you do across the threshold?

According to superstitions, there are other things that should not be done:

  • You cannot communicate with strangers across the threshold. Ignoring this superstition can lead to serious quarrels and conflicts.
  • It is also not recommended to sit on the threshold. A person who does this risks attracting into his life rumors and gossip concerning himself and people close to him.
  • There is also a superstition that after the wedding the husband must carry his wife over the threshold into the house in his arms. If the girl enters on her own, this will lead to a difficult and troublesome family life.
  • Pay attention to which foot you step on. If you do this with your left foot, then your day will be unsuccessful. If you do this with your right foot, you will be successful all day long.
  • Also, you should not kiss your lover or beloved across the threshold. This can lead to the end of a happy relationship. It is best to kiss in the house itself. This will help preserve the wonderful energy of your love.
  • If you're going on a long journey, be sure to say your last words at the door, not on it. By doing this, you will ensure a comfortable and happy journey.

Try not to pass things on and you might see your life really start to change for the better. Incorrect transfer of things can lead to unpleasant consequences not only on the part of the receiving person, but also on the part of the transmitter.

Be responsible in everything you do. Every folk sign has meaning. If you find it for yourself, you can protect yourself from dangers and adversity.

Many signs are connected specifically with things. To avoid problems, it is necessary to store certain items correctly. If you are going to give or transfer to another person what belongs to you, you need to follow important rules.

Most people have heard that it is forbidden to pass things over the threshold, but few people know why this is not recommended. Experts will help you find out about this by presenting to your attention a list of folk signs.

Why you can't pass things over the threshold

Folk signs regarding the threshold appeared in ancient pagan times. Previously, it was in this place that the ashes of dead people were buried. It was believed that in this case their souls would help living people. Do not forget that the burial site has negative energy. For this reason, many are still afraid to hand things over the threshold.

The pagans believed that the threshold separated the world of living and dead people.

If a person passes something through the threshold, then in this way he disturbs the souls of the dead. By breaking this rule, a person dooms himself to misfortune.

It is believed that the threshold is the border between two worlds, and they have different energies. Because of this, there is a risk of incorrectly establishing contact with the person to whom you are transferring the item. For this reason, quarrels and disagreements may arise in the future.

In Rus' it was believed that by passing things over the threshold, a person gives away his luck and wealth. Before you give anything to another person, let them into your home or go out to them yourself.

There is a belief that evil spirits live under the threshold, capable of stealing not only financial success and happiness, but also the human soul. By passing things over the threshold, you risk once again disturbing the spirits and bringing down their anger on yourself.

An item handed to you over the threshold will bring misfortune. To avoid this, you need to get rid of it as soon as possible.

What else you can’t do across the threshold

Many people, opening the door to strangers, are forced to communicate with them through the threshold. However, it is believed that this should not be done. As you already understand, according to popular belief, a threshold separates our world from the other world.

In order not to disturb its inhabitants, it is undesirable not only to transfer things, but also to talk with others through the threshold. This threatens quarrels and serious conflicts.

It is forbidden to sit on the threshold. By breaking this rule, you risk attracting unpleasant rumors into your life concerning you and your loved ones.

It is believed that after the wedding, when the newlyweds enter their home, the groom must carry the bride in his arms. If a woman crosses the threshold herself, a difficult family life awaits the couple.

When leaving the house, cross the threshold with your right foot. In this case, the day will be successful for you. If you do this with your left foot, then expect troubles and failures.

You can't stand on the threshold. By opening the door, we remove protection from our home. Thus, we release positive energy from it and attract unwanted guests.

If you want to kiss your lover, it is not advisable to do it through the threshold. By breaking this rule, you will find new paths in life, but, unfortunately, your loved one will no longer be with you.

The boundary separating a home from the street has always been considered not only from a practical point of view. Our ancestors could explain to everyone why they do not pass anything over the threshold, do not sit on it, and why the harmless board under the door is so important that one must bow to it when entering the house.

Why can’t you transfer things and money across the threshold?

We should start by clarifying the role of the threshold in the ancient world. Previously, the space behind the door presented a lot of dangers, so they tried to protect the house with all available forces, not only from physical intrusion, but also from intangible influence. That is why the thresholds were made high enough so that evil spirits could not overcome them. They also placed different ones under them, preventing bad thoughts and intentions from entering the house and bringing intangible entities with them.

But if the energy value of the threshold is so high, why can't things be transmitted through it? The problem is that people standing on opposite sides of the entrance will literally be located in two different worlds, since the threshold draws a clear boundary between them. And this will certainly affect the state of those communicating, which means it will be difficult for them to understand each other. That is why it is believed that not only is it impossible to communicate across a threshold, but it is also worthless to transmit anything through it. If the sides initially have an energetically opposite vector, then both the thing and , will not be able to use it in such a way that it suited both of them. The result is quarrels and all sorts of failures.

Another explanation for why they do not pass it over the threshold may be the belief of the ancestors in the presence of not only evil, but also good spirits who also live near the border of the house and protect its inhabitants. If you stand on the threshold for too long, pass something through it, talk, that is, use it for other purposes, then the spirits can get angry. And it’s good if it ends in minor dirty tricks, but they can stop guarding the house, and evil will immediately pour into it.

Of course, all these are unproven superstitions, but our ancestors, despite the lack of knowledge, were not always wrong.

Have you ever noticed how someone avoided greeting each other across the threshold or giving something? Even when they come from the store, many people don’t hand over the shopping bag at the door, and they don’t even put it down themselves, making the “final push” and walking a few steps deeper into the apartment? Why is it impossible not only to pass things over the threshold and carry on conversations with a guest who has visited the house, but also, for example, to sit in the doorway between rooms. A short excursion into the history of the origin of the belief, an explanation of the signs will be found in this article today.

Where do the roots "grow" from?

Most folk beliefs came to us from ancient times. Some were so distant from the period of time where you and I live today that you are amazed. The roots of the folk sign: why you can’t pass things over the threshold and, in general, do something on it (stand, sit, talk), came into our lives from the ancient pagans. Apparently, the sign works great to this day, if many people still believe in it.

What's there under the threshold?

The ancient Slavs had no idea about cemeteries. But the families were large, and one must understand that with a lack of medical care, people died in large numbers. The relative who went to his forefathers was buried very close - under the threshold. The body was burned and the ashes were placed in this place. This is the most important reason why you cannot pass things over the threshold. The houses had earthen floors, and this greatly facilitated the burial of remains at any time of the year, and not only, by the way, right under the threshold. It was not uncommon for the deceased to be buried right in the house.

Home is strength, the outside world is evil

As it becomes clear, the threshold was considered a place of transition to another world. The pagans could not morally allow themselves to “throw away” their body to be dealt with by the evil spirits scurrying freely there on the street. Just as today you cannot bring things from the cemetery into your home, so in those days it was not allowed to perform many actions on the threshold.

In the house of the living and those who are beyond life, good household spirits will definitely (as it was believed) remain. It was precisely such thoughts that came to the minds of the ancient pagan Slavs, and, relying on them, a decent Slavic pagan did not have the moral right to bury his relative outside his own home. In addition, the inhabitants of the housing hoped for otherworldly help from their deceased, if necessary. For example, ask the gods for the health of your neighbors.

Sign: why you can’t pass things over the threshold

It is clear that it is extremely undesirable to disturb a buried relative, so as not to provoke anger and inadvertently bring trouble. And by passing something at the door, a person violates the fine line between two worlds - the living and the departed.

The first reason why you cannot pass things and money over the threshold is the fear of angering the deceased. Their souls would become so angry, the ancestors believed, that instead of protection and protection, you could easily get something the opposite. Expect trouble here: diseases will attack or the cattle will die, or even a fire will happen in the house.

Nowadays, those who are aware of the belief do not even think about such misfortunes. But they are afraid of bringing various troubles onto their own heads. These people will always answer why you can’t pass things over the threshold. “This is not good,” they will say meaningfully.

Another reason is that if you give something without entering the house, it will not benefit the person to whom the thing is given. Objects, things and products - the other world will take them for itself, the same will happen if you try to give away a certain amount in monetary terms.

You can't rest or talk

From the sign of why things cannot be passed across the threshold, other beliefs that are no less familiar to us follow.

You came to visit and what will a good owner (or hostess) do? That's right, if you are an expected or welcome guest, they will invite you to come inside the house. How often do you hear in such cases: “Don’t stand on the threshold.” So, more than two thousand years have passed, but the words remain the same. Apparently, the sign “took root” very firmly, at the genetic level, into the Slav. And although today people are buried in specially designated places, no one likes to stand on the threshold and often does not dare, in superstitious fear of bringing trouble on their own head.

Conversations on the threshold are also prohibited. Therefore, if the guest is not entirely expected or is completely unwanted, they have a conversation with him, at least crossing the threshold: outside the home.

Men do not shake hands on the threshold either. They enter the apartment or, conversely, take a couple of steps out of it and then shake hands.

By the way, sitting, and even more so lying on the threshold, in the doorway between rooms, is also still considered unacceptable. And all for the same reason - unfortunately. To lie with your head on the threshold is to bring illness upon yourself, the ancients believed. Modern people also adhere to this belief. No one wants to give up their own health for nothing.

Let us remember: everything that is on the threshold is on the edge of two worlds, and most often, the world of spirits dominates here. Therefore, we do not stand at the door, do not shake hands and do not take (hand over) things or money. Moreover, we don’t sit on the threshold and rest our heads. All these actions can bring grief to those who dared and disregarded centuries-old beliefs.

Believe it or not is a purely personal matter.

There are many strange signs associated with such a place in the house as the threshold. It is impossible to explain them using ordinary logic or practical expediency.

You cannot say hello or pass different things across the threshold. Hospitable housewives will immediately tell the guest: “Don’t stand on the threshold, come into the house!” What is the reason for such a biased attitude towards the threshold can only be understood by becoming acquainted with the traditions of our distant ancestors.

What happened to the ancient Slavs beyond the threshold

Traditions associated with the threshold were formed more than one and a half thousand years ago, when the ancestors of modern residents of Russia were still pagans. They didn’t even think about any cemeteries or funerals in the modern sense of the word. When another relative left to join his forefathers, the deeply grieving family was in no hurry to part with him. The body of the deceased was burned, and the ashes were simply buried under the threshold of the home (and in even more ancient times, the remains of relatives were buried right in the house).

This custom is associated with the belief that the world beyond the threshold of one’s home is extremely hostile and inhabited by evil forces. The pagan Slavs considered it wrong to throw the ashes of their relative “to be torn to pieces” by these unclean spirits. Having buried him under the threshold, they seemed to leave the deceased within a protected circle. For this, the living inhabitants of the house could count on a certain “gratitude” from the deceased.

From this very common tradition, it is clear that the ancient Slavs were not afraid of their deceased loved ones. They did not have that disgusting and superstitious fear that modern Russians, Belarusians or Ukrainians experience in relation to the bodies of deceased people. On the contrary, in ancient times, pagans believed that the ashes of their ancestors protected the home and the entire family from troubles, evil spirits and diseases.

Why you can’t transfer some things (or money) across the threshold

The ancient Slavs not only counted on the protection of their deceased relatives, but also sought to provide them with a peaceful rest after death. The ashes of the ancestors could not be disturbed by empty chatter, greetings or other actions performed on the threshold. For this reason, they communicated with strangers on the street, and dear guests were immediately asked to go to the rooms or premises where food was prepared.

The living tried not to linger at the threshold, so as not to needlessly disturb their deceased relatives. The pagans believed that a dead person seemed to have gone to eternal rest. For his long and often difficult life, he fully deserved this rest. It is not for nothing that the word “deceased” is directly related to the verb “to rest,” which means “to sleep,” “to rest.” Our ancestors were very respectful of this legal right of every person to rest after death also because they themselves counted on the same careful attitude towards themselves.

This tradition began to become a thing of the past after the adoption of Christianity. The deceased were no longer burned and buried under the threshold and began to be buried according to church custom on consecrated cemetery ground. But the tradition of not passing things over the threshold has survived to this day as an echo of the ancient customs of our ancestors.