Recipes for duck in the sleeve stuffed with apples. Duck with apples in the sleeve for special occasions Soft and juicy duck with rice stuffed with apples and prunes

  • 11.02.2022

Dear hostesses, good mood to you!

Today we are preparing a royal dish - duck with apples, we will bake it in the oven, in different variations and with different fillings.

Our recipes in this article are united by the fact that they all contain apples, as well as the fact that they are incomparably tasty, reliable, proven and simply beautiful.

Such a beautiful bird is sure to decorate any feast and cause great delight among guests. Compliments and good mood to the hostess are provided!

So let's get started. To quickly navigate between recipes, use the links in the box:

Before you start, a few tips:

  1. Choose a duck that is not very large, within 1.8-2.2 kg, this will allow it to bake faster and better.
  2. Apples for stuffing choose strong varieties so that they do not spread into porridge when baked.
  3. It is preferable to choose apples that are sweet and sour and sour, they will harmonize better with meat.
  4. Be sure to remove excess fat before starting cooking: this is the tail (tail) - it can be cut out completely, or it can be partially cut out - only the sebaceous glands.
  5. Remove the esophagus from the neck, if there is one, as well as the upper part of the wings, where there is the least meat (they tend to burn).
  6. Also, before starting cooking, the carcass must be washed well, all remaining hairs and feathers should be removed using roasting or tweezers.
  7. If some parts of the duck are fried very strongly, when the carcass itself has not yet been baked, wrap them with foil with the shiny side out, this will prevent burning.

Here are some simple, but useful tips, armed with which we start cooking.

Duck with apples in the oven - the most delicious recipe

Wonderful, very successful and very tasty recipe.

If you've never tried roast duck before, you should definitely give it a try.

This is the recipe that all the guests ask for at the end of the feast!


  • Duck - 2 kg
  • Apples (sour) - 4-5 pcs.

For marinade:

  • Orange juice - 115 g
  • Soy sauce - 100 g
  • Ginger - 30 g
  • Honey - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Orange peel - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Dried garlic - 2 tsp
  • Black pepper - ½ tsp
  • Honey - 1 tbsp.
  • Cinnamon - ¼ tsp

Orange sauce:

  • Juice and fat from a duck - 10-12 tbsp.
  • Orange juice - 170 g
  • Orange pulp - 1 pc.
  • Starch - 1-2 tsp
  • Honey - 1-2 tbsp.
  • Lemon juice - 1 tbsp.
  • Water - 50 ml
  • Cinnamon - a pinch


Let's prepare the bird for cooking. It is necessary to rinse it well, remove all excess remaining hairs and feathers.

We do this with a torch or tweezers, very carefully so as not to damage the skin.

You can also remove the neck, if you don't like it, and the ends of the wings.

Please note that the sebaceous glands must be removed from the tail of the bird.

We remove them due to the fact that during cooking they can give the dish a very unpleasant smell and thus spoil it completely.

The glands are cut from the back. Also, the tail can be removed entirely along with the glands, this option is also not bad.

Let's prepare the marinade for our carcass. To do this, take soy sauce, orange juice, a little honey, grated ginger and orange zest.

We rub the zest trying not to capture the white pulp, because it is bitter, but we do not need it.

Mix all the ingredients for the marinade in one bowl. Mix well to dissolve the honey.

Pour the marinade over our bird. Pour some inside. Next, with your hands, evenly rub the bird with liquid on all sides.

When you have done this, cover it with a film and put it in the refrigerator for further impregnation for 24 hours.

Periodically, it will need to be turned from back to belly so that our marinade soaks the meat well from all sides.

This is the secret of magical softness and perfect taste.

So, the duck stood in the refrigerator, well fed. You can start cooking.

Let's prepare the filling. To do this, take sour apples, wash them, without peeling off the skin, cut them into slices, removing the seeds.

Add some honey and a pinch of cinnamon to them. The aroma will be incredible, very festive.

We wipe the duck itself from pieces of ginger and orange, put it on a baking sheet covered with foil, on a pillow of apple circles.

Thanks to them, it will not stick to the foil during cooking and will give a very tasty juice, which we will use for watering and for a special orange sauce that makes this dish simply royal.

Rub the duck on all sides with a mixture of black pepper and dried garlic (it is better if it is garlic powder).

Fill the duck with apples, cinnamon and honey and use a wooden skewer to close the edges so the stuffing doesn't fall out.

Alternatively, you can fasten the edges with toothpicks or sew.

You can not close, but then put a little less stuffing.

Cover the bird with foil and place it in an oven preheated to 180 degrees. Estimated cooking time is 2 hours.

But everything will depend on the size of your duck and your oven, the time may vary.

We'll get it in an hour and a half. Pour the juice that stood out from it.

And also we take part of the juice (10-12 tablespoons), together with fat, to prepare orange sauce.

Cover it again with foil and send it to the oven for another half an hour.

During this time, we will prepare an amazing orange sauce.

Of course, if you don’t have much time or don’t feel like messing around, then you can do without it, the duck will still turn out great.

But once you make it, you won't regret it. It complements the dish and gives it an exquisite taste.

So, let's prepare all the ingredients. Peel the orange slices completely from the films and cut into pieces.

Mix everything: duck juice, orange juice, honey, lemon juice, water and cinnamon (except starch and orange pieces) in one saucepan and put on fire. Let it boil.

At this time, mix the starch with water and carefully pour into the saucepan. Stir.

The starch thickens the sauce, so if it seems too thin for you, you can add starch at your discretion, first diluting it with water to get the desired consistency.

Bring to a boil again and add the orange slices to the sauce. The sauce is ready!

The taste should be rich sweet and sour. The acidity and sweetness can be adjusted to your liking by adding a little more lemon juice or honey.

And our duck is almost ready, it was baked for 2 hours, it remains only to brown it.

Remove the foil that was on top. And pour the bird with the secreted juice.

At this stage, it may turn out that the carcass itself is not yet reddened, and the legs and wings are already completely dark.

To keep them from burning while it browns, wrap them in foil.

Return the dish to the oven for about 20 minutes so that it becomes so beautiful and toasted.

We check readiness as follows: pierce in thick places with a toothpick. Only clear juice should stand out, in no case blood.

Cover the duck with foil and let it stand in the air for about 15 minutes, it will cool down a bit and completely reach.

It can be served on the table as a whole, decorated with apples, oranges and herbs.

And you can divide into portioned, thin pieces and serve on plates. Be sure to pour them with a wonderful sauce.

Looks amazing and tastes amazing! The aroma is such that guests will feel dizzy!

Thanks for the recipe channel Positive Kitchen.

Duck with apples and lingonberries baked in the sleeve

A recipe with a very tasty sourness, which unusually sets off the taste of duck meat.

When baked in a sleeve, it turns out very tender, juicy. Looks great on the table and tastes amazing!


  • Duck - 2 kg

For the marinade and toppings:

  • Mustard - 1 tbsp. l
  • Salt - 1 incomplete tbsp
  • Black pepper
  • Seasonings to taste
  • Soy sauce - 1 tbsp. l (you can lemon or orange juice)
  • Sour apples - 3 pcs
  • Cowberry - 3 tbsp. l

For lingonberry sauce:

  • Lingonberries (frozen) - 250 gr
  • Sugar - 70-80 gr
  • Water - 125-130 gr
  • Potato starch - 8 gr (about 1 tbsp)
  • Cinnamon (optional)


We will prepare our bird using the tips (see above).

She should be clean, bald, dried with paper towels, with glands cut out.

Be sure to cut out the sebaceous glands that are in the tail, otherwise they will spoil your dish with their smell.

Prepare a marinade for her, for this we mix salt, mustard, black pepper, a spoonful of soy sauce.

The latter can be replaced with lemon, orange juice or pomegranate sauce. It will also be very tasty.

You can also add your favorite seasonings, such as curry or paprika, to the marinade.

Lubricate the carcass with the resulting mixture, both outside and inside, do not regret, coat well.

You can let it brew for 24 hours in the refrigerator, then the taste will be richer.

For the filling: wash the apples and cut into slices, removing the core. Mix them with a few tablespoons of frozen lingonberries. Stir.

Stuff the duck with this mixture. The belly of the bird can be fastened with toothpicks so that the filling does not fall out.

Prepare the baking sleeve. Gently place it there, tie the bag.

Use a sharp knife to make small holes in the bag so that air can escape and the sleeve does not inflate during cooking.

We put our future masterpiece in the oven at a temperature of 180 degrees for 2 hours.

And while it is cooking, we will make lingonberry sauce for meat.

To do this, take 250 g of frozen lingonberries, pour it into a saucepan and fill it with 130 g of cold water.

Put on fire and bring to a boil. We put 80 g of sugar in a saucepan, and cook for another 3 minutes until the latter is completely dissolved.

You can add a little cinnamon to taste.

We interrupt the resulting berry syrup with a blender, but not until completely crushed, but so that a few berries remain, it will be more beautiful.

Return the saucepan to low heat. Dilute potato starch with a little water.

And with constant stirring in a thin stream, pour it into the heated sauce. Bring to a boil, but do not boil. The sauce is ready!

15-20 minutes before the end of the cooking time, open the bag and let the duck brown on top.

Pierce it in several places to make sure it's done. Only clear broth should come out of the holes.

Cut the finished dish into portioned pieces, decorate with apples and lingonberries, pour over with lingonberry sauce. Exquisite!

Duck stuffed with buckwheat and apples

A delicious recipe with mustard marinade and buckwheat, which is very juicy!


  • Duck - 1.8-2 kg
  • Green apples 2-3 pcs
  • Buckwheat - 1 cup
  • Salt, spices

For marinade:

  • Honey - 80 g
  • Mustard - 80 g
  • Black pepper, curry or paprika - 1/2 tsp
  • Salt - 1 tsp


Prepare the duck carcass by removing the plumage and glands.

For the best effect, you can scald it, then the feathers will come out very easily, and the skin will stretch well.

Pat it dry with paper towels before marinating.

Let's prepare the marinade: melt the honey in a water bath so that it becomes quite liquid.

Mix it with mustard, add seasonings, salt. Mix the resulting syrup well.

Coat the bird on all sides. Rub the inside with a mixture of salt and spices.

Now wrap it in cling film and send it to the refrigerator for impregnation for 2-12 hours (it is convenient to leave it overnight).

After the carcass is safely marinated, prepare the filling.

To do this, boil buckwheat until half cooked (salting it) and cut sweet and sour apples into slices.

Start the bird alternately adding buckwheat and apples inside. Secure the belly with toothpicks or a skewer.

Place the duck in a high-sided roasting dish and cover with foil.

Put in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for about 2 hours.

When half an hour is left before the end of the cooking time, the foil must be removed and the duck should be allowed to brown.

Be sure to check for readiness by piercing it with a toothpick or knife, the juice should stand out transparent.

Our beauty is ready! Decorate it as your fantasy tells and it will become the star of the holiday table!

Duck with apples and oranges baked in foil

Very elegant, breathtakingly tasty and fragrant! Just a masterpiece!


  • Duck - 1.8-2 kg
  • Apples (sour) - 2 pcs
  • Oranges - 3pcs
  • Lime - 1pc
  • Honey - 1 tsp
  • Spices (to taste): Salt, pepper, coriander, dried garlic, paprika, cinnamon.
  • Parsley, pomegranate seeds for decoration.


Take the duck and prepare it by trimming the ends of the wings and the sebaceous glands from the tail. And also remove the esophagus from the neck, if any.

Carefully remove the remaining feathers and hairs with tweezers. Wash the bird.

Prepare the marinade: squeeze 2-3 tbsp. l orange juice, add salt 1-2 tsp and seasonings: 1/2 tsp each of pepper, coriander, paprika and dried garlic and add a teaspoon of honey. Stir.

Rub the duck inside and out with this mixture, and let it brew for 1-2 hours. So it marinates better, it will be very fragrant and acquire the desired taste.

Let's prepare our filling: wash the apples and cut them into 4 parts, removing the seeds and seed membranes and put them in a bowl.

Take half an orange and cut it into 4 parts, removing the seeds and attach them to the apples.

Squeeze half a lime on the chopped fruit and sprinkle with a little cinnamon and add a teaspoon of honey to the filling.

Mix the stuffing well.

Gently place the stuffing inside the duck carcass. After that, the hole can be sewn up or chipped with a wooden knitting needle, or you can leave it open so that the filling is visible.

Cover a baking sheet with foil, place the duck on it. Top it with another sheet of foil, shiny side inward.

Bake the bird at 180-190 degrees for about 2 hours.

Every 30-40 minutes we take it out and pour over it with juice, which will stand out during the cooking process.

When the last half an hour remains, we no longer cover our bird with foil so that it turns red and has a crispy crust.

To check readiness - test with a toothpick, if light, transparent juice comes out when punctured, it is ready.

Put the duck on a dish, decorate with thinly sliced ​​orange slices, parsley and pomegranate seeds. Beauty and unparalleled taste!

Soft and juicy duck with rice stuffed with apples and prunes

Check out another great recipe on how to cook a bird already with a side dish of rice!

We hope you enjoy our recipes. Cook with pleasure and you will definitely succeed!

See you in new delicious articles!

Duck with apples in the oven is a festive dish that is mainly prepared for Christmas, New Year or other holidays. In order for poultry meat to be soft, juicy and tasty, it must first be marinated. You can marinate the duck in soy sauce, honey, wine, lemon juice, spices. Duck is stuffed differently in different countries. In England - bread and bacon, in Russia and Ukraine - apples or cereals, in China - oranges and soy sauce. Today we will cook duck with apples and bake in the oven. The duck turns out incredibly tasty and tender. Before cooking, we marinate it with a marinade of soy sauce, honey and spices. Stuff the bird with apples and onions. Apples add sweetness and rich flavor to the duck. We will bake the duck in the sleeve, then the meat is saturated with the aroma of spices and apple juice. As a side dish, you can take vegetables or fruits. Cooking a duck is not at all difficult, the main thing is to bake it correctly in the oven.


  • duck - 1,200 kg.
  • apples - 3 pieces.
  • onions - 2 pieces.
  • lemon juice - 1 teaspoon.
  • soy sauce - 2 tbsp. spoons.
  • honey - 1 tbsp. a spoon.
  • curry - a pinch.
  • salt - 0.5 tsp.
  • olive oil - 1 tbsp. a spoon.

How to cook duck with apples in the oven in the sleeve:

To prepare this dish, you will need the following ingredients: duck, apples, onions, lemon juice, honey, soy sauce, spices, salt.

If you are preparing a duck for a large company, you need to take a bird of at least two kilograms. My duck weighs 1 kilogram, its meat is enough for 3 people. The main thing is to choose a duck young in age and fresh. Wash the bird inside and out under running water. To prevent the ends of the wings from burning, you can cut them off.

We are preparing the marinade. Pour soy sauce, honey, a couple of drops of lemon juice into a bowl. Mix until smooth. Add your favorite spices, I have it curry.

We rub the duck with salt inside and out, and then grease it with marinade. We put the duck to marinate for at least 2 hours, and preferably at night. The marinade will make the duck meat soft and spicy.

Apples are best taken sweet and sour. Wash them, no need to peel them. Cut them into large pieces. Peel the onion and cut into thin slices. Sour apples break down fat and duck meat becomes less greasy.

We take our duck out of the refrigerator and stuff it with apples and onions. Rub it with the rest of the marinade.

Place the duck in a roasting bag and drizzle with a little olive oil. We put slices of apples and onions on the sides, add the rest of the marinade. We put the duck to bake in a preheated oven for 1 hour at a temperature of 200 C degrees. If you have a larger duck with apples, then add 30 minutes for every additional pound.

One of the most favorite and popular holiday dishes in my family is duck with apples baked in the oven. The meat of this bird is different from chicken, in a duck it is so dense, fatty and so appetizing! And yet there are insanely delicious apples soaked in duck fat and aroma. I know that not everyone likes thermally processed fruits, but apples must be put inside the carcass. By itself, duck meat is quite dry and tough, apples will add juiciness to the finished dish. We will cook the duck in the sleeve. I use it for two reasons. Firstly, the duck in the roasting sleeve is better fried and does not dry out. Secondly, after this method of cooking, the oven remains practically clean, it is not necessary to wash it of fat.

Duck in the sleeve. Required Ingredients

Of course, we will start with the carcass of the bird. In order to cook a duck in the sleeve, we need:

one duck;

Four to five medium apples, it is better to choose a variety with sourness;

Ground black pepper;

Three large cloves of garlic.

These are the components without which it will not work to cook a duck in a sleeve with apples. But there are also additional ingredients, they depend on how you decide to rub the bird carcass. Salt, pepper and minced garlic is the most traditional option. But you can lubricate the duck with honey-mustard sauce, which will give the festive dish a spicy flavor note. In this case, I recommend adding one or two quinces to apples.

Honey mustard sauce

One tablespoon of honey.

One tablespoon of mustard.

One teaspoon of lemon juice.

Mix all ingredients with a fork. If the duck caught is very large, then we make two or even three portions of the sauce.

Duck in the sleeve. Preparing for baking

The duck must be thoroughly washed and dried. If feathers, fluff and pads remain on the carcass, remove them: manually pluck what happens, grind the rest over gas. We clean the garlic cloves and pass through a press, mix with salt and black pepper, and rub the duck inside and out with this mixture. Apples must be washed and cut into medium pieces. You do not need to clean them, just cut out the core. We stuff the duck with fruit, stuff it so that the edges of the bird can be sewn up with coarse thread or chipped with toothpicks. Now you can grease the carcass with honey-mustard sauce, using a culinary brush for this. When the procedure is completed, leave the bird for an hour or two so that the meat is soaked in sauce.

Duck in the sleeve. baking

The bird is infused, it's time to send it to the oven. We put the stuffed duck in the sleeve and add the remaining apples there. The duck in the sleeve will turn out right away with a side dish, if you put coarsely chopped potatoes in the same place. The oven must be preheated to 200 degrees. At this temperature, bake the dish for about an hour and a half. Then the sleeve must be cut so that the bird is covered with a delicious crust, and send the duck for another hour in the oven. By the way, pay attention to your baking sleeve. Some manufacturers perforate it so that it does not burst in the oven, and it can be cut without effort. Perforation must be on top. Time has passed, and the duck in the sleeve is ready. It must be laid out on a large dish, cut into pieces with kitchen scissors and can be served on the table. Bon Appetit!

(5 ratings, on average: 4,20 out of 5)

Many people associate a duck with apples with the New Year and Christmas. Although, of course, this dish can be made not only for the festive table. There are many ways to prepare this delicacy. The most "juicy" and appetizing duck is obtained with apples in the sleeve.


First, let's cook the duck carcass. Defrost it first if it has been frozen. It is advisable to do this gradually - first it must be placed in the refrigerator, and after about half an hour, pull it out and continue the defrosting process at room temperature. You can also use the defrost function in the microwave. With a chilled carcass, such manipulations are not required. Then you need to check how the duck is plucked. If there are hairs left on it, they should be removed. This can be done quickly by singeing the carcass over the fire of a gas stove. The remaining "shturpachki" are easily removed if the carcass is rolled in flour, and then quickly wiped with a damp towel. Then the duck must be thoroughly washed and wiped dry.


Then we prepare the marinade for the duck. The classic recipe does not include the use of marinade, but then the duck will be baked without a golden crust and will not be so juicy. To make the marinade, mix olive or sunflower oil in a bowl with garlic squeezed through the garlic, add one teaspoon of salt, pepper and basil and mix thoroughly. Then you need to take an orange, cut it into 4 parts, squeeze out the juice, mix everything again. Rub the carcass evenly with this marinade.

Apples should be washed, peeled, pitted and cut into slices or cubes. Then you need to take a lemon and, after squeezing the juice out of it, sprinkle chopped apples with it so that they darken. Then the apples should be sprinkled with salt and, if desired, other spices.


We stuff the duck with the prepared stuffing. It is not necessary to stuff the carcass tightly with apples, because of this, during baking, the skin of the bird can stretch and burst greatly. At the end of stuffing, the carcass must be sewn up with coarse threads and stitches “over the edge”. You can also use toothpicks for this. On both sides of the carcass, small cuts should be made and duck wings should be filled into the formed pockets. The recipe provides for this so that during baking the duck does not lose its shape and does not turn out wrinkled and dried out.

We put the stuffed duck in a sleeve and put it on a baking sheet with the paws up and the back down. The baking sheet must be placed in a well-heated oven (it is better to do this in advance). Every half an hour it is recommended to water the duck with slowly rendered fat. The baking process usually lasts for one and a half to two hours.

Determination of readiness and serving

To determine the readiness of the duck, you can pierce the duck with a knife in the thickest place. If the juice released at the same time is without blood, then your duck with apples in the sleeve is ready and you can turn off the oven.

Immediately before serving the dish, toothpicks or threads must be removed. Duck with apples is usually served hot. Stuffed apples can be put on a plate as a side dish. One of these options is shown in the photo. The duck itself can be appetizingly carved right in the presence of guests, putting tidbits on a plate for each of them.

And today's video recipe is cooking a Christmas duck with apples in the oven. Bon Appetit!

Duck baked in a sleeve with sweet and sour apples is ideal for a festive lunch or dinner. If you cook it correctly, choosing a good recipe for this, then the dish will turn out incredibly tasty and juicy, and the meat will be tender, with a delicious ruddy crust. The bird is quite fatty, so, of course, you can’t eat too much of it. But every problem is solvable, so the duck can be perfectly stuffed with some yummy. You can stuff the carcass with rice, buckwheat porridge, or limit yourself to only fruits, such as prunes, apples or oranges.

Duck with potatoes and apples

Each recipe is good in its own way, so choose a dish based on your taste. Moreover, with a little practice and experimenting with the ingredients for the filling - rice, buckwheat, apples and others - you can decide exactly what duck goes best with, at what temperature it should be cooked in the sleeve, when to take it out and thanks to which sauce it turns out more crispy and ruddy crust. We invite you to start right now!


  • two small sour apples (for example, the Antonovka variety is good)
  • one and a half kilogram duck - one piece
  • 100 grams soft prunes
  • salt - to taste
  • five large potatoes
  • 1/3 lemon
  • three tablespoons of honey
  • two cloves of garlic
  • seasonings - optional
  • 25 milliliters vegetable oil

Cooking method:

Duck skin is quite oily, which is good and bad at the same time. On the one hand, the food turns out to be very juicy, but on the other hand, it is heavy for the stomach. That is why we suggest taking note of this recipe for a dish with apples. The fact is that in the process of cooking poultry in the oven, fruits will not only absorb excess fat, but also give the carcass a spicy, slightly sour taste. Optionally, you can use special spices, such as paprika, dried Provence herbs, and so on. In this case, you don’t have to do a side dish - baked potatoes will play this role. Let's get started?

First you need to prepare the marinade: melt honey in a steam bath, add a little salt, seasonings and half a serving of vegetable oil to it. The duck is smeared with the resulting mixture not only from all sides, but also inside. Leave it on for a few hours, and preferably all night. Then the carcass will be perfectly soaked, and the meat will be very juicy. To prevent the product from being weathered, cover it with a special cling film.

The filling is prepared very simply: cut the sour fruits into medium-sized cubes, after getting rid of the seeds and core. To make prunes softer, soak them in hot water for about fifteen minutes. Then drain the excess liquid, rinse and dry, then divide into two halves with a knife, but if you want, you can use whole dried fruits. Combine the ingredients in one bowl, sprinkle with freshly squeezed lemon juice, and then stuff the carcass with apples and prunes. To prevent them from falling out, sew up the hole with thread or fasten it with wooden skewers. As for the garlic, peel it and, after making a few cuts, stick it into the product.

The duck is cooked in the oven in a sleeve or simply on a baking sheet - the recipe "allows" both options. In the second case, grease the metal surface with the remaining oil and place the bird on it. Then preheat the oven to 200 degrees and send the dish into it. In the meantime, remove the skin from the potatoes, cut them into large pieces, sprinkle with salt and spices. After about 45 minutes, remove the product, pour over the duck with the juice released from it and lay out the vegetables next to it. And again put it back for another hour, reducing the temperature to 180 degrees.

If you decide to bake a carcass with apples and dried fruits in a sleeve, then simply place the bird in it along with the potatoes and wrap it tightly. Cook in the same way as described above, only before removing (about half an hour before), cut the bag and hold the product in the oven for a while. Thanks to these simple manipulations, a crust is formed, and the duck will turn out to be roasted and ruddy. The released fat can be used as gravy - just pour it into a special gravy bowl and serve it on the table along with the main course. By the way, do not forget to get rid of threads and skewers. We hope you enjoy this recipe!

Duck with fruits

If you don’t know which recipe for “fruity” duck is better - for example, stuffed with prunes with apples or with oranges - we recommend trying both. In this case, you will be able to judge objectively. The baked bird looks great on the festive table and is always popular with guests. For a side dish, you can cook boiled rice with vegetables, mashed potatoes or buckwheat porridge, depending on what event you have in store.


  • large orange
  • duck (buy a carcass weighing one and a half to two kilograms)
  • two sweet apples
  • three small garlic cloves (you can use dried product)
  • 30 grams of olive or other vegetable oil
  • ground red and black peppers
  • basil - optional

Cooking method:

If you value your time and effort, we recommend buying already plucked and completely gutted duck - then you will not have to do it yourself. All that remains is to singe it, rinse and dry it (use ordinary paper towels for this). The next step in preparing a dish with apples is the marinade. To make it, combine vegetable oil in one bowl, squeeze garlic here with a press. Enter dried spices - paprika or black pepper, basil, salt - and mix everything thoroughly. If using fresh herbs, mash them well with your hands and then grind them with a mortar and mortar. Cut the peeled orange into four parts, squeezing a little juice into the sauce. Let him insist.

Now rub the duck inside and out with the resulting marinade - this will not only give the dish an unusual taste, but also give it a beautiful golden hue. If time permits, refrigerate the bird for one to two hours to soak. Then preheat the oven to 180 degrees, and take care of the filling yourself. Peel the washed apples and remove the core by chopping them into large pieces. Cut the remaining orange in the same way. It remains to stuff the bird with fruit and sew up the hole. If you plan to bake the product in a sleeve, put the carcass in it, close it with clips and send it to the oven. Depending on the weight, the duck is cooked on average from one and a half to two hours.

If you like the dish, you can try it next time using a different marinade recipe. You will see how much the taste of the product will differ. So, mix 30 grams of light mayonnaise, a tablespoon of fragrant honey and a little spicy mustard. Optionally, add your favorite fresh or dried spices. By the way, it is better to take mayonnaise not from a store, but from your own preparation. For him, you will need one egg, vegetable oil, salt, sugar, as well as table vinegar or water, which are added only if it is necessary to dilute a too thick mass. Beat the ingredients with a whisk, and then you can make a duck marinade with red apples, the recipe of which you already know.

Bird with rice and apples "in Russian"

Finally, we offer another recipe that you can try out this coming weekend. After all, cooking duck takes quite a long time - about two hours. But the effort is worth it! A tender bird with rice, vegetables and green apples has a truly perfect taste - the mere sight of the dish causes a storm of positive emotions. The reaction of your relatives will pleasantly surprise you - for sure you will be known as an outstanding culinary specialist.


  • curry and salt
  • one medium duck
  • four green sour apples
  • three bell peppers
  • two small onions
  • one and a half cups of rice
  • fresh herbs
  • olive oil

Cooking method:

Remove offal from pre-plucked duck, later you can make delicious light noodle soup from them. But more about that another time, now back to our meat dish. So, after you wash the carcass, dry it well, and fill the rice with water in advance and leave for one to two hours. Then he will "reach" with the bird right in the oven. Now you need to prepare the filling: cut the core out of the apples, get rid of the seeds and chop the fruit into small cubes. Peel the pepper from seeds and cut into thin strips, onion into half rings. Lightly brown the onion vegetable in olive oil until light golden.

Take the bird and rub it first on the top and then inside with a mixture of table salt, ground pepper and curry. By the way, if there are edible duck "leftovers" - lungs or liver - you can use them for stuffing. To prepare it, combine apples and finely chopped greens in one bowl, leaving a part for decoration. Now stuff the product, fix the hole with toothpicks and put the dish on a greased baking sheet or in a glass heat-resistant dish.

As for rice, after it swells, rinse it several times, let it drain, and then send it to the duck, spreading it around the product. Add the fried onion and bell pepper to this. Pour salted water over everything (use 1/3 cup) and cover with foil. To bake a dish in a sleeve, put all the ingredients into it along with the bird, fix it with clips, put it in a preheated oven. The optimum temperature is 190-200 degrees. In two hours the duck will be ready!

These recipes are suitable both for special occasions (celebrating a birthday, Christmas or, for example, the eighth of March with a large number of guests), and for dinner in a close family circle. The only disadvantage of baked duck is a rather long cooking time. But don't let that scare you! After all, an appetizing ruddy bird with apples is a real perfection available to everyone!

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