Types of unloading days. Unloading days for weight loss: options

  • 08.05.2022

Fasting days are a good way to cleanse the body, give it the opportunity to “rest” from regular overeating and, along the way, reduce weight a little. However, it should not be assumed that this method will allow you to deal with the problem very quickly.

Fasting days are indicated for the purpose of cleansing and a kind of reboot of the body. The right fasting day is the key to good health and lightness. But it is very important not only to take into account all the rules of practice of such a method, but also the peculiarities of getting out of it. How to spend fasting days correctly, what types of them are, and which ones it is advisable to practice, will be discussed in this article.

Why unload?

Why are such days needed and what exactly - benefit or harm - is noted "at the exit"? The answer to the question of whether such unloading is useful is given by nutritionists, who highlight a number of evidence in favor of their implementation. The following arguments can be given here:

  • Unloading stimulates the excretion of decay products and excess fluid from the body, which ultimately allows you to feel light.
  • The body can get the opportunity to rest, as every day it is forced to work at full strength, digesting a lot of food, including harmful ones.
  • During unloading, you can slightly change your attitude to the daily diet. A person who eats moderately all day long will often eat a little less afterwards. And if fasting days are held regularly, then in the end he may think about whether such large portions are needed, and as a result, reduce food intake.
  • This helps to train willpower, which can later become an important step towards proper nutrition.
  • Many are interested in whether fasting days help to lose weight. In fact, you can lose weight, but not significantly. However, if carried out consistently, once a week, it will help not only to lose a few extra pounds, but also to keep the weight off later. Such weight loss will be stable, and there will be no negative impact on the body. As a result, it will take more time to reduce weight, but these indicators will be more stable.

As for the harmful effects of such a system of unloading on the body, unpleasant symptoms can occur if important rules are not observed. For example, if a person practices 3 unloading days in a row, then at some point he may feel bad. In this case, weakness is possible, which ultimately leads to a violation of general well-being and performance.

Very carefully, cleansing with the help of such unloading should be carried out for people suffering from chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, severe diseases of other organs and systems. In this case, it is necessary to consult a doctor before practicing something like this.

Basic Rules

First of all, you should tune in psychologically to the unloading mode. At first, getting used to such days will not be easy. The feeling of hunger and discomfort can affect the general condition. But after a few repetitions, a person, as a rule, perceives fasting days much better. Soon they will return to their normal life. To make this happen as quickly and painlessly as possible, you need to consider the following points:

  • No need to unload more than once a week. Even 2 unloading days in a row, especially at first, a person can perceive it as too difficult a test, and give up unloading completely. Provided that a person has too much weight, you can increase the number of such days to two per week later, when the body adapts to one. But it's still not worth doing them in a row.
  • Directly on the fasting day, you should not practice serious physical exertion. It is better to skip classes in the gym, but light exercises will benefit.
  • It is better to plan such a day for a period when a person is very busy. If during the day he has a lot of important things to do, then thoughts about food will not be too intrusive - there simply won’t be enough time for this.
  • Do not skip meals allowed during the unloading period. It should be divided into several doses and eat evenly throughout the entire period.
  • It is necessary to adhere to the recommendations for the amount of food given in the description of each particular discharge.
  • Do not forget about the drinking regimen. During the unloading period, it is necessary to drink up to 2 liters of water, and most of it must be drunk up to 15 hours.
  • It is recommended at this time to practice hiking in a relaxing sauna and massage. These procedures will help activate the cleansing.
  • Do not take laxatives or diuretics during this period. The best method of unloading and cleansing the body is the natural way.
  • The way out should also be correct - after moderate food intake, you should not immediately start eating everything and in large quantities. This will cause digestive problems.
  • Finally, it is important to choose the right unloading option. The most effective fasting day is the one that is most easy and comfortable to endure.

Numerous fasting days for cleansing the body and losing weight are described in various sources. The important thing is that it is absolutely not necessary to practice unloading on unloved products. It is quite possible to choose the most optimal option for a fasting day to cleanse the body and reduce weight, and spend this time without tangible discomfort. Therefore, the answer to the question of what is the most effective fasting day is most likely individual - a certain system is suitable for each person. The best options for such unloading are described below.

Since apples are a very useful product for the body, such unloading is not only effective, but also allows you to saturate the body with important substances. This fruit contains many , as well as potassium, carotene, iron, organic acids. Apples are rich in fiber, which stimulates the cleansing of the body. They also have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the kidneys.

However, people perceive apples differently. Some accept a diet consisting entirely of them, normally and claim that apples provide satiety. In others, this fruit, on the contrary, provokes a strong appetite, seething in the stomach and a laxative effect. In this case, it is better to stop at another option.

Such cleansing is contraindicated for people with high acidity, stomach ulcers, and other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. With such diseases, apples can provoke an exacerbation.

How to conduct? In this case, no special recipes are required. Throughout the day, you need to eat up to 2 kg of apples and drink 2 liters of liquid. Apples can be baked if desired. You can drink pure water or green tea without sugar.

Another option for unloading is apple-curd. In this case, you need to eat 1 kg of apples and 600 g of low-fat cottage cheese.

On fruit

Not only apples can be used for this purpose. Almost any fruit (in this case, only bananas and grapes are not recommended) are suitable for such a short cleansing. They have a lot of vitamins, so this unloading will positively affect both health and appearance. However, with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, this method is better not to practice.

It is necessary to eat up to one and a half kilograms of any fruit throughout the day. You also need to drink clean water.

It is relatively easy to carry such an unloading. Kefir improves the condition of the intestines, promotes the activation of digestion and metabolic processes, relieves the feeling of heaviness. It is helpful to those who are suffering. This product is quickly absorbed by the body.

True, for those people who are difficult to tolerate dairy products, it is not recommended to practice this. The consumption of kefir in such people can lead to too active gas formation and heaviness in the stomach.

The menu should be as follows: one and a half liters of kefir, which must be divided into 5-6 servings. It is recommended to choose kefir made 1-2 days ago, as a very fresh fermented milk drink can lead to increased gas formation and cause.

On yogurt

Other fermented milk products can also be used for unloading. For this purpose, natural yogurt is quite suitable, which has a low fat content and a short shelf life. This is a useful product that has a beneficial effect on the digestive tract.

However, it must be taken into account that, like kefir, yogurt can cause digestive problems in some people.

The fasting day menu for weight loss provides for the consumption of 3 glasses of yogurt and 2 green apples. The daily menu provides for the alternation of these two products. That is, in the end, you get 5 meals.

This is one of the most popular options among those seeking to lose weight and improve their health. Since there is a lot of protein in cottage cheese, this allows you not to feel exhausting hunger, and during unloading, fat reserves decrease, and not the amount of muscle mass. But it is very important to choose the “right” cottage cheese - with a fat content of about 1.5%, and not completely fat-free.

This method is also not suitable for those who do not tolerate dairy products. The menu consists of 400 g of cottage cheese, which must be divided into five parts, and one large green apple. At regular intervals, one part of cottage cheese should be consumed with a slice of a green apple. About half an hour before taking the next portion, you need to drink a full glass of water.

The main advantage of this method is the feeling of satiety, which is characteristic of protein diets and fasting periods. At the same time, the same positive effect is noted as with other unloading options - the metabolism improves, the activity of enzymes that destroy fats increases. Proteins from meat are especially well absorbed by the body in the absence of carbohydrates in the menu. This method is suitable for those who plan to combine diets and fasting days: before eventually switching to a protein diet, it is advisable to “try your hand” on a meat fasting day. Then on a diet based on protein foods, a person will feel better, as the body will prepare for such nutrition.

It is necessary to take 400 g of boiled lean beef or chicken fillet, divide it into 5 parts and eat with cucumber or cabbage throughout the day.

Buckwheat is a very satisfying cereal, which contains a lot of microelements useful for the body, vitamins and dietary fiber. And if buckwheat is consumed with kefir during unloading, then this cleaning method will be even more effective. As a result, intestinal motility and digestion in general improve.

The consumption of buckwheat porridge is contraindicated for people with diseases of the stomach and intestines, as well as for those who have individual intolerance.

It is recommended to steam buckwheat: you need to take 250 g of buckwheat, pour boiling water over it overnight (1: 3 ratio), without seasoning with salt and spices. All porridge should be divided into 5 servings and eat throughout the day. You can add some greens.

There is also a more gentle method: consume buckwheat with mushrooms and herbs, and drink a glass of kefir at night.

Rice very effectively cleanses the lymphatic system, gastrointestinal tract and the body as a whole. This method allows you to speed up the metabolism, reduce swelling and facilitate the work of the liver and kidneys. For people suffering, it is better not to practice this method.

Ideally, a fasting day should be spent on brown rice or buy unpolished white cereals. To properly cook rice, you need to pour one glass of cereal with boiling water and boil for a minute. Next, drain the water, pour the cereal with 2 cups of clean water and cook until it is ready. You need to eat this amount of rice in four doses.

Those who like tea with milk may also like this unloading. It can be practiced after gluttony, as reviews indicate that when consuming such a drink, you don’t feel like eating at all. After overeating, it will help to find lightness and establish normal digestion.

In addition, such unloading provides a diuretic effect, which activates the cleansing of the body.

To prepare such a drink, you need to heat one and a half liters of milk to 80 degrees, pour 5 tablespoons of green tea into it and leave the drink for 10 minutes. Then it needs to be filtered and drunk throughout the day in small portions.

Cucumber unloading is also popular, because cucumbers contain very few calories, as well as a large amount of tartronic acid . This substance helps to slow down the formation of fats from carbohydrates.

On such a day, you can eat as many cucumbers as you want - up to 2 kg. It is important that cucumbers are not grown in a greenhouse. That is, this method is best practiced in the summer. You should also eat one boiled egg with one of the meals. In this case, all the same, as a result, the total daily calorie content will be very low. Such unloading is recommended when a person leaves a particular diet.

However, it is not recommended to practice such unloading for longer than one day.


It is no less effective to eat vegetable salad throughout the day. In the morning you need to prepare a large bowl of salad from any vegetables, except for legumes (beans, peas) and starchy ones (beets, potatoes, carrots). The salad should be without salt, you can season it a little with spices. Also, during the day, you can cook different salads, for example, from cabbage and cucumbers, from herbs and tomatoes, etc. You should not practice this method for people suffering from chronic colitis.

There are also quite unusual options for unloading, like this one. It provides for the consumption throughout the day of up to 150 g of dark chocolate with the highest content of cocoa beans (about 80%). This chocolate contains many useful substances. You can drink water or unsweetened tea.

entrance and exit

It is important not only to carry out the unloading period directly. It is equally important to enter it correctly and then exit it later.

You need to start entering the evening before. To do this, you need to have a very light dinner - it is best that it be stewed vegetables, salad or vegetable soup. In the morning, directly on the fasting day, it is recommended to drink a choleretic collection of herbs to prevent stagnation.

The exit should also be as smooth as possible. The next day, you need to eat in small portions and often. In the morning, light vegetable dishes should be preferred. It is not necessary to do a boot day immediately after the end of the unloading day. On an empty stomach, it is recommended to drink a glass of water with honey and a little lemon juice. During these days, you should give up heavy food - fried, smoked, too fatty. This will make it possible to consolidate the positive result of unloading.

Excess weight is not only an abundance of fat in different places. There is a lot of ballast in the body, which weighs it down and requires removal by effective methods. Getting rid of the waste, unnecessary, the body becomes light. How to achieve optimal results quickly, without compromising health, depends on the products that form the basis of preventive nutrition on fasting days. Nutritionists have developed different options for fasting days for weight loss. It is important for a person to choose the best for himself. This will help him with the advice of professionals and reviews of those who have lost weight, which are posted in this article. After reading the material, you will learn the features of the use of protein and vegetable products for fasting days.

No living organism can be built without protein. It plays a primary role in the construction of cells and tissues. Protein fasting days for weight loss is an excellent way to heal your body and help it become leaner. The main advantage of a daily diet on proteins is the absence of feelings of hunger. Food rich in this component stays in the stomach for a long time, is slowly processed, and does not allow blood sugar levels to drop sharply. Therefore, a person feels good on such a fasting day, does not experience psychological discomfort.

There are many high protein foods. In their list there are those that are especially loved by every person, evoke pleasant emotions in him. A good mood is a guarantee that the daily unloading will be effective. A protein fasting day is one of the best options for short-term weight loss. Anyone who resorts to it can create an individual program using certain products. You can eat only proteins once a week. Repeat the diet - after 7-10 days. The main thing is that the interval between protein fasting days is 2-3 days. You should not practice a two-day unloading with protein products. Despite the fact that the diet is not very rigid, it is important to undergo an examination and get permission from a doctor before it is carried out.

Options for protein fasting days:

Options for protein fasting days for weight loss Products Distribution between meals
Liquid components Main Ingredients
Curd 1-2 cups of unsweetened tea; 600 g of cottage cheese, a handful of bran soaked in water; sweet and sour fruits, berries
Kefir Kefir (1.5 liters), water 5-6 identical tricks
Meat Tea without sugar, lean kefir (1 cup each) Lean boiled unsalted meat: beef, veal, chicken, etc. - 300-400 g; green pea; vegetables (cucumber, tomato, cabbage, carrot) 4 doses in equal amounts
Egg and cheese Tea (coffee) with 1 dessert spoon of sugar 1) fat-free cheese (100 g);

2) 2 soft-boiled eggs;

3) Curd (200 g)

Eat in this order for breakfast, lunch, dinner. Each time drink according to the norm of the liquid (see column 2)
Fish Water, kefir 400 g of lean fish, boiled without salt;

Vegetables without starch

4 doses in equal amounts
Mixed Tea, coffee without sweets 1 cup each, tomato juice (1 tbsp), plain mineral water, protein shake (for breakfast) 1) meat without fat (100 g);

2) meat with herbs and vegetables (200 g);

3) chicken breast, boiled without salt, Chinese cabbage (200 g whole portion);

4) boiled white beans (200 g)

4 receptions in the order specified in article 2

Fasting day for weight loss on protein products is useful for the body of women and men of any age. The menu options suggested in the table are a great way to lighten the body. However, they should not be used often. Excess protein can exacerbate some chronic diseases.

Expert opinion

Smirnov Viktor Petrovich
Nutritionist, Samara

Fasting days - this is perhaps the most pleasant type of diet, which requires a minimum of composure and determination. However, not all types of fasting days are equally useful. So, the meat and fish form of unloading may be contraindicated in patients with chronic diseases of the pancreas - unloading curd or kefir days are very suitable for them. Rice or vegetable, as well as fruit fasting days are suitable for many. Any of the fasting days during which no salt is taken will bring much more benefit to the body: in this case, the body leaves a lot of fluid on the following night. The volume of circulating blood decreases, and the heart has a much lower load. The great value of fasting days is that they can almost always be carried out without first consulting a doctor. It is needed if the patient has severe metabolic disorders, gastritis and peptic ulcer.

Vegetable and fruit fasting days

To cleanse the body of salts, toxins and lose some weight, nutritionists recommend eating only fruits and vegetables at least one day a week. The fruits contain a huge amount of useful components: fiber, carbohydrates. They have no ill-fated fat. Therefore, the most effective fasting days for weight loss are organized on fruits, berries and vegetables. In each of the fruits, some element prevails, for the sake of which it is eaten.


One of the most popular garden fruit among those who lose weight - cabbage - attracts with its accessibility and ability to influence problem areas of the human body. It consists of coarse fibers that are digested for a long time by the stomach and, like a “panicle”, clean out slag deposits. For fasting days for weight loss, white cabbage is preferable. For vitaminization - other types of this fruit. However, they all stimulate the gastrointestinal tract to work actively, remove excess moisture, and accelerate metabolic processes in the fat layer.

Practical advice: Cabbage should be eaten regularly by healthy and especially sick people. This vegetable more than others contributes to weight loss.

On days of unloading the body, cabbage is consumed in any form (fresh, stewed, boiled, sauerkraut) and combined with other products. Therefore, the feeling of emptiness of the stomach does not arise. The saturation effect lasts for a long time.

There are several options for consuming cabbage for unloading.

  • Stew 1.5 kg of vegetables with onions, carrots, tomatoes, sweet peppers with the addition of vegetable oil. There is a dish during the entire time of wakefulness, divided into 5-6 receptions. Drink during this period green tea, rosehip broth without sugar. It is allowed to use seafood in addition to cabbage stew.
  • The same 1.5 kg of a fresh head of cabbage is stretched for the whole day. Salad can be seasoned with lemon juice and any oil except butter.
  • Eat 1 liter of plain kefir and half a kilogram of sauerkraut or fresh cabbage in 12 hours, evenly dividing it into several meals.
  • 400 g of boiled (baked, stewed) fish, 0.9 kg of fresh cabbage are eaten as a second course. Washed down with rosehip broth, green tea, plain water.
  • For breakfast, stew 1 medium carrot with an apple. For lunch, cook borsch on vegetable broth, make cabbage salad (200-250 g in total). Drink a glass of yogurt at noon. For dinner, prepare a hodgepodge of cabbage and lean fish. Use the minimum amount of salt. During the day, drink mineral water without gases.


The apple is one of the most sought after fruits. They grow in almost any region. You can buy them all year round. However, among these fruits there are sour, sour-sweet and sweet varieties. For dietary nutrition, the latter are preferred. To get the effect of a fasting day, use at least 1.5 kg of fresh apples. It is not necessary to eat them in this form. Can be baked in the oven. In this case, a large amount of pectin is formed in the fruits, which is necessary for the removal of toxins. Apples are a tricky fruit. For some people, it acts in the opposite way and increases appetite. There will be no benefit from such unloading. And the stomach can suffer from excessive secretion of hydrochloric acid.

Carrot and pumpkin

Carrots and pumpkin are one of the most attractive vegetables for losing weight. They are tasty, nutritious, very useful:

  • normalize metabolism in the body;
  • improve immunity;
  • promote the removal of harmful accumulations and purify the blood.

Carrots are eaten fresh, stewed. A delicious porridge is cooked from pumpkin, in which you can not add sugar. For a fasting day, it is recommended to prepare a vitamin salad of 3 pieces of carrots and medium apples. They are rubbed on a coarse grater and seasoned with honey and lemon juice. To properly use the pumpkin, it is better to bake it in the oven. So useful pectin is activated in it.


The largest berry - watermelon - is used by many overweight people to lose extra pounds. It is especially actively eaten during the period of fruit ripening, when they are most rich in useful substances. Despite the excellent taste and the abundance of components necessary for a person, it can be dangerous for people suffering from puffiness. Arranging a fasting watermelon diet, you should buy a fruit of 1.5 kg and eat its pulp during wakefulness. Some adherents of such a diet advise eating berries with black or bran bread.

Rules for organizing fasting days

Before you arrange a fasting day from any products, you need to familiarize yourself with the general nutritional requirements that nutritionists put forward.

  • In the evening, on the eve of the appointed day, they drink a glass of prunes compote. It will relax the intestines. In the morning, the body will freely cleanse itself of feces.
  • The entire amount of recommended food is divided into 4-5-6 equal parts.
  • Food is consumed as slowly as possible, chewed thoroughly. It is important to remember that the effect of saturation comes 20 minutes after the start of the meal. With prolonged chewing, it happens that there is a lot of cooked food. Therefore, weight loss is more effective.
  • The next day do not eat harmful and heavy foods.
  • During the unloading period, they drink a lot of fluids (water, juices, herbal teas).
  • Active movement is an additional condition for achieving a positive effect from unloading nutrition.
  • When choosing specific foods, losing weight should be based on their own taste preferences and not eat something that causes negative emotions.

If you choose the right diet for a fasting day, you can lose weight and significantly improve the general condition of the body. Thus, fasting days are necessary. They are needed for weight loss and healing of the body.

Many people mistakenly believe that during a fasting day you need to either not eat at all, or eat everything, but in very small portions. However, such days for unloading should be built like real diets, just very small. If you try to call a fasting day in one word, then the word “mono-diet” is well suited. It already follows from the name that you will have to eat all day with only one product or several, but of the same group. Moreover, you will have to eat no more and no less than five times a day.

Such a day will be an excellent help for your digestive system, which has been actively working for a very long time. It is for this that all mono-diets include exceptionally light and healthy foods (although you might like to eat one shawarma all day). Unloading the body helps it start important biochemical processes that cleanse the body themselves. That is why it is so important after a hard day for the digestive system to spend fasting days not even for weight loss, but for cleansing. Well, we will now provide you with options that can be carried out at home.

Advice! In addition to any of the following methods, it is always necessary to give the body a sufficient amount of fluid. To do this, it will be enough to drink plus or minus two liters of drinking or mineral water. The amount depends on your body weight (the more weight, the more water).

Unloading the body: apples

Let's start with a very sweet and juicy fruit - an apple. Apples are dearly loved in our country, they are grown in very large quantities, so it is very easy to find them, and it is affordable to buy them at home. For some, apples grow even in summer cottages. Let's see how good this apple mini diet is.


First, it is impossible not to note the excellent taste of the fruit. Eating it all day, you will not have any particular problems, since apple dishes are quite diverse: in addition to the freshest fruit, you can drink its juice with or without pulp, you can eat mashed potatoes, jam, and also bake apples in the oven. In addition to taste, an apple boasts a large amount of useful vitamins, iron, fiber, carotene and other substances that not only cleanse the body, but also improve health.


Unfortunately, if you have real gastrointestinal diseases, then apples will only cause an exacerbation. In particular, this will be manifested in diseases associated with increased acidity of the stomach.


Take one and a half kilograms of fresh apples. A third of the fruits would be best baked, since it is baked apples have in their composition more pectin - that is, an adsorbent. With the rest, you can do any dishes. It is also worth drinking about five glasses of apple juice or compote without sugar.

Advice! In no case do not take sour varieties of apples for this diet. In such quantities, they will only become an irritant to your stomach.

Kefir diet

When girls talk about fasting days for weight loss, they, listing multiple options, always stop at kefir. This is perhaps really the most popular way that every third representative of the fair sex knows. Kefir is very tasty, and you can buy it in many places in your city (and if the villages, then it's even easier). Let's take a closer look.


Kefir diet is generally easier and more pleasantly tolerated by the body. It will be easy for you to keep the day on kefir, as it nourishes the body very well, without making you feel hungry. Of the beneficial properties of kefir, it should be noted that it helps to stop the processes of decay that can occur in the intestines, and also helps in getting rid of metabolic end products, that is, it helps the body get rid of all the accumulated food decomposed in your intestines. Kefir helps to activate digestion, which means that you will not feel heaviness in the stomach, and all processes associated with the endocrine system will improve their work. Your complexion will even out, acne, rashes and even allergy symptoms will begin to leave your face.


The owners of this disease themselves know, but we cannot but say that all dairy products are prohibited for consumption by people with lactose intolerance. Kefir falls under this category, so if you have this intolerance and you don't want to get a lot of heaviness in the stomach and severe flatulence, you should not follow this mini-diet.


For a good unloading kefir day, you should stock up on one and a half liters of fat-free kefir (or yogurt). Divide these liters into five servings and calmly consume throughout the day.

Advice! It is important that you choose kefir that is older than one day old, as fresh kefir makes a good basis for diarrhea. There will be problems if you buy an expired drink or keep kefir for more than three days in the refrigerator. In this case, even constipation is possible.

Day with yogurt

Another fermented milk product that deserves your attention. Some, speaking of fasting days for weight loss, offer options on the water, as if without any food you will get an even more effective result. However, this is an extremely dangerous recommendation. In addition, instead of such a mockery of your body, you can spend a very tasty day of yogurt. Try it, you will like it.


Remember everything that was described above about kefir? We get the same thing, only under the auspices of a very pleasant and sweet taste. That is why yogurt days are so loved by girls all over the world. Yoghurts go well with a variety of fruits and berries, and this can also work in your favor.


The disadvantages of this mini-diet are the same as the previous version. True, in this case, you can get rid of some problems by simply buying a product without various additives and enhancers of taste and aroma.


For a great day of unloading the stomach, you only need three glasses of yogurt and two fruits, it is best if this fruit is a green sweet and juicy apple. In this case, yogurts are used for the main meals: breakfast, lunch and dinner. Well, between them you can use an apple.

Advice! We recommend that you buy fermented milk products, at least for various diets, exclusively in farm stores. In the markets, there is a risk of buying a product with a lot of fat or too fresh, and in supermarkets, you will surely stumble upon yoghurts with additives. In farm stores, all storage conditions and product properties are prescribed.

Unloading the body: cottage cheese

We could not ignore this dairy product, which is also widely popular when it comes to ways to lose weight. Cottage cheese is a rather specific product both in taste and in its properties, so it is worth considering such a curd diet in a little more detail.


Cottage cheese has something that all previous options do not have - a large amount of protein. This guarantees you not only the absence of a feeling of hunger, but also the burning of fat masses, while muscle, on the contrary, returns to normal. However, we must not forget that completely fat-free cottage cheese during fasting days becomes a strong metabolic disruptor, which we cannot allow in any way.


You can already guess what drawback exists in the cottage cheese mono-diet. It especially concerns women who have already exceeded thirty-five years. True, there is a way for them too: it is enough to purchase exactly grained cottage cheese, supplemented with fruits, and preferably dried fruits.


For a fasting day on cottage cheese, you will need four hundred grams of cottage cheese with a fat content of at least one and a half and not more than 1.8 percent and a fresh green sweet apple. Eat your serving of cottage cheese with an apple slice at every meal.

Advice! To cleanse the body as intensively as possible, be sure to drink at least two liters of drinking water before each meal.

Buckwheat or rice, ma'am!

Another popular way on fasting days for weight loss are various options for buckwheat or rice. Here you already have to prepare and cook, as well as take other products. Both options are often written in one paragraph, as they have approximately the same properties, advantages and disadvantages. Let's take a look at these mini-diets.


Both cereals help well in providing the body with all the microelements and substances necessary for good nutrition. Buckwheat porridge has a slight advantage, since its combination with kefir unusually well cleanses the entire gastrointestinal tract from stagnant decay products and relieves any heaviness in the stomach. But rice better than buckwheat removes water from the body and completely eliminates harmful toxins.


Other than perhaps an allergy to one of the foods, which occurs in isolated cases around the world, there were no particular drawbacks to these diets. The only option in which you should not spend such fasting days is problems with constipation, however, in this case, you cannot spend only rice days, but you can eat buckwheat.


For buckwheat days, you will need a glass of buckwheat, previously poured all night with two glasses of boiling water and left closed until morning, and one liter of one percent kefir, if you can use it. In this diet, you eat only three times a day, washing down buckwheat with kefir.

Rice days also require a glass of rice, but already filled with a glass of boiling water, boiled for one minute, strained and boiled again, but already in two glasses of water and fully cooked. You also need to eat it for three meals.

Advice! Spend these diets not so often, because they are still quite difficult to tolerate by the body.

Unloading days for weight loss: reviews

You probably want to know how effective the fasting days for weight loss presented in our article are. And although the options for the body's perception of diets are purely individual, the reviews are always positive.

Anna: I do fasting days three or four times a month, I try without interruptions. Thus, I maintain my weight well on one figure. Of course, kilograms cannot but return periodically, but I steadily remove about one kilo. I’m sitting on buckwheat with cucumbers, and, you know, I don’t feel hungry at all, except maybe the first couple of times. But the ease is incomparable.

Alevtina: I don’t know a diet simpler than a kefir-apple day. It is very easy to bear and even delicious. Indeed, at first you lose no more than 400 grams, but then things go much faster, and in a month and a half you gain decent minus four kilos. It turns out not at all exhausting, but very pleasant, even to some extent you get dependent on such days, because then you feel great.

Natalia: It's cool to go on a diet with kefir and bananas. As I eat four pieces a day and drink one glass in the evening, it immediately becomes easier. I don’t feel hungry, but it leaves almost up to a kilogram. I tried, of course, absolutely kefir days, but then I want to eat more.

Olga: I sit alternately, either on apple or on kefir unloading. Helps clean the sink like a plunger! To help with diets, I take the laxative Lavacol to cleanse the intestines. The first time I did not do this, and it was a little harder, so I advise. It is much better and more pleasant than using an enema.

Lisa: My favorite is the rice diet. And I like to mix rice with vegetables. It’s just enough to add about 150 grams of some vegetables to rice, you can even add a salad. But as a dinner, you should drink kefir, and then you will be completely happy. Personally, I lose up to two kg on such a diet if I do it once a week. By the way, it is worth taking brown rice, it is more useful from it.

Anastasia:And I'm sitting on a rather atypical unloading. I have a juicer at home, and so every Sunday I spend a day of unloading juice. I take out fruits, vegetables and berries that I find and squeeze. Best of all it turns out with apples, oranges and carrots, the kilogram leaves stably. In addition to delicious drinks, I get a light body and a bunch of vitamins for the next week. I am happy as an elephant.

Svetlana Markova

Beauty is like a precious stone: the simpler it is, the more precious!


The days of "unloading" the body is a great option not only to lose extra pounds, but also to give your intestines a little rest. Fasting days for weight loss also affect the production of enzymes. But before introducing such a cleaning method, you should consider a lot of questions about what types of fasting days exist, their benefits, harms, and the necessary menu.

What are the fasting days

Certain fasting days, the purpose of which is to lose weight, originate from diet No. 8, researched by Russian nutritionist-physician Pevzner in order to treat obesity. He advised setting these days once or twice a week, along with a low-calorie diet. A number of recipes for fasting days were also formed, the main ones are:

  1. Apple.
  2. Vegetable.
  3. Meat.
  4. Curd.
  5. Kefir.
  6. Sour cream.

In addition, it is necessary to consume a certain amount of liquid in the form of water, tea and coffee without sugar. By analogy with these recipes, the rest were invented - a fasting day for weight loss on dried fruits, tomato juice, oranges, cabbage, cheese, bananas, ice cream and chocolate.

What are their benefits and harms

You not only limit yourself in the use of products from the usual diet, but also stimulate the metabolic process, and for weight loss this is an essential criterion. In this case, toxins are removed and fat deposits in problematic areas are reduced. There are 3 key tasks that confront such a concept as a "fasting day for weight loss."

  1. The body rests from the excess of food received every day. Much of it becomes body fat.
  2. Cleaning of accumulated slags. Nutritionists recommend not only to “unload”, but also to carry out cleansing activities at the same time.
  3. The transition to proper nutrition according to a certain scheme for the body.

The most effective fasting days for weight loss

Thanks to a wide variety of fasting days, everyone can determine and find the right one for their body. Ideally, they should be done once a week, during the holiday and post-holiday period. The benefits of such a diet are confirmed by many people: one-day unloading helps to maintain a figure, health and good mood and well-being.


A protein fasting day is not accompanied by a feeling of hunger: food containing proteins is absorbed at a slow pace, so the degree of glucose in the blood remains within the normal range. The protein diet menu should include vegetable and animal proteins. Pay attention to such a moment as fluid intake. Drinking non-carbonated water should be in an amount of at least 2 liters. You can also eat vegetables, but try to eat them raw:

  • Tomatoes - 1 kg.
  • Cucumbers - 1 kg.
  • Cabbage - 0.3 kg.
  • Dill - 1-2 bunches.
  • Sweet pepper - 0.2 kg.

Curd or dairy

Unloading days for weight loss on cottage cheese and milk are a great benefit for the body. Lactic acid foods contain the right bacteria, which are necessary for the normal functioning of the intestinal tract. Due to the fact that the efficiency of the intestinal tract improves, the blood is cleansed, the state of human health also changes for the better, immunity increases.

These products contain milk calcium - the only one of the main accelerators and accomplices of weight loss. Each unloading helps to improve digestion, helps to eliminate toxins from the body, and relieves the consequences that have arisen after overeating. Cottage cheese and dairy fasting days include the following meal options:

  1. Divide 500 g of cottage cheese exactly into 5 doses of 100 g each and consume 1 liter of water.
  2. Mix 400 g of cottage cheese with 1-2 tsp. wheat bran, divided into 4 doses of 100 g each. During the day, drink 1 liter of kefir or rosehip broth.
  3. Divide 5 glasses of milk into exactly 5 meals.

On rice or buckwheat

A diet on rice or buckwheat is considered the most effective method of eliminating extra pounds. But to achieve the desired result, you should know the basic rules of dieting. This kind of fasting days not only contribute to weight loss, but also rejuvenate the body, improve the efficiency of the gastrointestinal tract. There are no particular disadvantages in this diet. The only thing, for those who suffer from constipation, it is better to choose a buckwheat menu, not rice. The buckwheat diet menu includes:

  • Pour one glass of buckwheat groats with two glasses of boiling water.
  • Wrap with a thick cloth so that the heat will remain throughout the night.
  • Divide the prepared dish without salt and spices into three portions, use it together with low-fat kefir.

The rice diet menu includes:

  • Pour boiling water over one cup of long-grain rice.
  • Boil for 1 minute, then drain the water and, adding two cups of water, cook the rice until tender.
  • During the day, eat porridge 3 times.

On kefir

Unloading days on kefir have their own characteristics. The dairy product is well tolerated by the body, copes with edema. In addition, kefir goes well with any other products, many cereals. Such a diet not only eliminates excess weight, but also rejuvenates the entire body as a whole. The benefits of this diet are as follows:

  1. Kefir reduces the processes of decay in the entire intestine, actively promotes metabolism and the complete elimination of its final products.
  2. When taking kefir, digestion improves, and this contributes to a fresh complexion and a decrease in allergic reactions.
  3. Kefir products are completely digested in a short time.

on apples

Apples have a huge reserve of vitamins C, E, B1, B2, P, which have a positive effect on metabolism. There are a lot of potassium, carotene, iron in these appetizing fruits, and fiber perfectly cleanses the intestinal tract. Using an apple diet is not recommended for people suffering from high acidity of the stomach, or having other problems with the digestive organs. The apple fasting day menu includes:

  1. 1.5 kg of apples, divided into 5 or 6 equal parts, consumed throughout the day.
  2. 4-5 glasses of apple juice or apple compote prepared without sugar.

On oatmeal

Unloading days for weight loss on oatmeal contribute not only to the elimination of extra pounds, but also to improve metabolism. On such a day, you need to drink unsweetened, non-carbonated water. The amount of fluid consumed per day is 1.5 liters. You should drink 30 minutes before you eat porridge or 30 minutes after eating.

On the water

The diet of the day on mineral water is simple - you need to use one water and that's it. It is allowed to add lemon juice to it. The required measure of drinking mineral water should be at least 2 liters. If with an increase in the daily norm to 4 liters you do not develop swelling, you feel good, then you can safely continue to unload. A day on mineral water should be spent without cigarettes, alcohol and more time spent outdoors.

Menu of fasting days for the week

Diets for weight loss are called contrast diets because they contain a combination of fasting days. The obvious advantages of the diet for weight loss described below include the possibility of eating a wide variety of dishes. Reception of the necessary products is scheduled for 7 days, which is convenient, since your diet will be varied throughout the week.

Monday - weight loss with vegetables.

  • Breakfast - coffee with milk, a little sugar, 50 g of bread.
  • Lunch - vegetable soup and stewed vegetables.
  • Dinner - 2 slices of bread, 30 g of cottage cheese, vegetables.
  • Before going to bed - tea with lemon.

Tuesday is a fasting day for meat.

  • Breakfast - coffee with milk and sugar, 2 slices of bread.
  • Lunch - it is allowed to cook meat broth, 100 grams of lean veal, vegetable salad (cucumber, tomato), apple.
  • Dinner - a piece of steamed chicken or boiled, low-fat ham (100 g), 3-4 gherkins, vegetable salad.

Wednesday is an egg day for weight loss.

  • Breakfast - coffee with milk and sugar, a slice of bread, 1 egg.
  • Lunch - scrambled eggs from 2-3 eggs, melon or 1 apple.
  • Dinner - 2 hard boiled eggs, a piece of bread, vegetable salad.

Thursday is milk day.

  • Breakfast - a cup of milk milk (add 1/3 milk to 2/3 strong tea infusion), 1 tsp. sugar and a slice of bread.
  • Lunch - half a liter of milk, 1 potato and a thin slice of bread, 20 grams of cottage cheese.
  • Dinner - all the same products and their norm as for lunch, just add butter (5 g), 1 apple.
  • Before going to bed - a cup of kefir.

Friday - weight loss by eating fish.

  • Breakfast - tea with milk, 1 tsp. sugar, some bread.
  • Lunch - fish broth, boiled fish (100 g), a slice of bread, 1 pear, vegetable salad.
  • Dinner - 1 trout, 1 glass of tomato juice, apple.

Saturday is fruit day for weight loss.

  • Breakfast - a cup of coffee with milk, 1 tsp. sugar, 2 slices of bread.
  • Lunch - 300 grams of fruit (except bananas, nuts), a slice of bread and 30 grams of cottage cheese.
  • Dinner - diet, as for lunch, only other fruits.

Sunday is drinking day, you need to drink water (one and a half to two liters) to restore water balance.


For safe and comfortable weight loss, you need to spend a fasting day once a week. The choice of a light menu is determined according to your tastes and preferences. If there are no health problems, then the recommendations of the doctor should be taken into account. Experts say that on this day you can not overwork. But it has been proven in practice: if the body is healthy, then, on the contrary, it plunges even more into work, so there is no time to think about food.

How to spend a fasting day with gastritis

In the case of gastritis, it is allowed to use kefir mono-diet. Also, such a fasting day is allowed to be carried out in case of nephritis, atherosclerosis, obesity, and diabetes. With these diseases, it is allowed to use a fish fasting day, as well as juice. Juice is especially necessary for those people who suffer from gout, urolithiasis, liver and kidney diseases.

Everyone has probably heard the expression "unloading day". But many believe that this applies to those who pay a lot of attention to their figure and are on diets. In fact, unloading the body must be given not only in the process of losing weight. Even in the case when the figure suits and there is no need to restrict nutrition, a fasting day will help the body to relax and cleanse itself.

What it is

The first association that comes to mind is hunger. However, on this day, it is not necessary to starve yourself. Fasting day involves limiting caloric intake to 1000 kcal. Depending on the foods you choose, you may not feel hungry at all. You just can't eat whatever you want. And the portions will be smaller. During unloading, the body is healed and cleansed. Well, weight loss will be a nice bonus, the main thing is to know how to arrange a fasting day for weight loss correctly.


No one doubts that dietary restriction carries a huge amount of benefits:

After a day of "hunger strike" one feels an unusual lightness and a rise in strength. Often this leads to the following - a person begins to monitor what he eats and switches partially or completely to proper nutrition.


Despite all the positive aspects, it is still stress for the body. Therefore, there are restrictions for its implementation. Ideally, you should consult with your doctor before unloading. You should be careful in the following cases:

  • problems with the gastrointestinal tract;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • pregnancy.

If the above problems exist, you must be extremely careful to avoid unpleasant consequences.


Food on this day should be low-calorie, so a priori, healthy food of natural origin is meant. The following are categorically excluded:

Food should be as simple as possible. Boiled or steamed, which one is a matter of taste.

There are three groups of fasting days according to the type of products:

  • protein: fish, lean meat, cottage cheese, kefir, legumes;
  • carbohydrate: fruits and vegetables, cereals;
  • fatty: mainly dairy products.

On this day, you can follow a mono-diet or make up a whole diet for the day from two or more products. Therefore, unloading can be very tasty!

It is important that the amount of water consumed is sufficient, at least 1.5-2 liters.


There are many of them, so everyone will be able to choose the most suitable one, based on taste preferences or focusing on their well-being: what suits the body best.

To achieve the result, you need to properly prepare.

Compliance with these rules will help you comfortably endure such a difficult day and achieve the greatest results.

If the goal of unloading is to lose weight, experts recommend eating vegetables and fruits. It is also very effective to completely refuse food for a day. At this time, you should drink water or green tea.

You can spend the day on green tea with milk. It is prepared as follows: 1 tbsp. l. tea leaves pour 0.5 liters of boiling water and insist until cool. Then add a liter of milk 1.5%. This drink quenches not only thirst, but also hunger.

However, it has a very serious minus - it negatively affects the kidneys.

Pregnancy is not a death sentence

Women in this position can also arrange for themselves days of unloading and rebooting. Everyone knows that during this period there is a big load on the intestines and kidneys. The first is strongly squeezed by the fetus, which is why expectant mothers suffer from constipation. And the kidneys work for two. Therefore, cottage cheese, kefir and fruit and vegetable days will be a good option for pregnant women.

However, there is one BUT: it is very important to consult with your gynecologist. If he gives the go-ahead, then you can safely proceed.