Vedic numerology - learn how to change your destiny. Vedic numerology

  • 29.08.2024

The Vedas are a collection of Hindu texts dating from the 18th to 12th centuries BC. Therefore, we are talking about one of the oldest knowledge on Earth.

According to generally accepted data, numerology is younger. However, the general history of these esoteric sciences dates back centuries. And it’s no wonder that at some point in time their symbiosis arose - Vedic numerology. Moreover, the most convenient “tool” for structuring any science is numbers.

Of course, the right of priority belongs to the “senior”. But the Vedas describe all existing properties of human nature. Numerology provides an individual approach.

Therefore, the key to understanding human nature is in numbers. And the numbers are the date of birth and full name. And all the provisions of Vedic numerology are based on the assessment of the three main numbers of a person - Soul Number, Name Number and Destiny Number.

Destiny number.

Vedic numerology by date of birth allows you to determine a person’s Destiny Number. It is enough to sequentially add all the numbers of this date to get the desired result.

For example, you were born on May 15. 1993. Therefore, your Destiny Number is 6 (1+5+5+1+9+9+3=33, 3+3=6). And this is not just a number, but comprehensive information about why you came into this world, what path you will choose, and what innate abilities will justify your choice.

Vedic numerology considers the Destiny Number as the main criterion for assessing a person’s life potential. It contains all the qualities you acquired during past lives. It determines what goal you set for yourself and what your chances are of realizing it.

Number of the Name.

The number of a name in Vedic numerology is multi-valued. Its meaning is the key to understanding your behavior at the level of innate instincts.

This is the way you react to every situation in which you find yourself. And that means your image in the perception of others. Thus, Vedic name numerology provides answers to questions related to your potential performance in each situation on each specific day of life.

A more detailed analysis is based on a study of the numbers of the first name, last name and patronymic separately. The calculation process itself is not a problem: each letter of the alphabet corresponds to a number. Simply add them up and bring them to a value from 1 to 9.

Soul number.

And finally - the Number of the Soul. In Vedic numerology, this is the basis of the foundations, the strongest of all possible influences. Because the Soul Number is a person’s desires, all-conquering, dominating both his aspirations and his external manifestations.

A person uses all his abilities to fulfill his desires, all his capabilities are adjusted in accordance with them. And if you know your Soul Number, it means that you have no doubts about your position in life and the goals that are decisive for you.

According to the canons of Vedic numerology, the Soul number is the number or sum of the digits of your birthday. If you were born on the 24th, then your Soul Number is “six”.

The soul number is the strongest of human vibrations. Each number from 1 to 9 has its own vibration that cannot be avoided. These vibrations exist regardless of whether we feel them. You can take advantage of their positive properties and curb their negative ones by knowing when they will appear.

The soul number is obtained by simply reducing the date of birth to one digit. These are the vibrations in which the visible world appears. The personal soul number reveals the path that a person chooses for himself. The soul number plays an important role in the choice of food, sex, friendship, marriage, in determining individual needs, ambitions and desires.

According to Vedic Numerology, the date of your birth contains a special energetic vibration that determines the course of your entire life. This energetic vibration is called the “Destiny Number”.

The number of fate is your personal cosmic code, which can tell you about your purpose, can tell you about your abilities and talents, and suggest in which area you can maximize your inner potential. However, the number of fate can also give valuable advice - a warning about which path you should not take, so as not to incur negative karma.

Ancient Indian numerologists noticed that in the life of every person there are “strong” and “weak” periods.

During strong periods, favorable opportunities always open up in different areas of our lives. This is the time when luck, like a tailwind, will lead you in the right direction and attract the right people into your life. Even if the case seems lost, something unexpected will happen that will ultimately lead you to success.

However, when it comes to weak periods, the situation is “exactly the opposite.” Whatever you undertake, everything will fall apart or move forward with great effort. Therefore, before planning any undertaking, get to know your strong and weak periods.

According to Ayurveda, the ancient Indian system of healing, the human temperament, or its chemical nature, consists of three currents: wind (vatta), bile (pita) and phlegm (kappa). The main flow within each person is caused by the influence of the planet (the energy of a certain number). When any of these flows increases or decreases, it causes disease.

This numerological calculation will help you find out: what diseases are associated with your personal number; will give recommendations for maintaining health; you will learn when and how best to unload the body.


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Vedic numerology is a way of diagnosing the character, behavior and various inclinations of a person based on his date of birth. Numerology is a self-sufficient science that is closely intertwined with astrology, psychology and philosophy. This is a real system of awareness of the world and self-realization, which is currently available to almost everyone.

In the article:

Vedic numerology - what is it?

All our lives we are surrounded by numbers. They are the real keys to understanding who we really are, what the future holds for us. With the help of numbers, you can understand why a certain person behaves in this way; numerology allows you to study a person’s talents and understand his true personality.

Numbers have always carried a large amount of information and were very symbolic. If you start studying their symbolism, you will be able to find out a person’s abilities, his predispositions, possible adversities and obstacles that will await him, ways to overcome them, the encoding of his personal matrix, and so on.

There is a large amount of different literature that is devoted to this science. One of them is the book “Vedic Numerology”, Vidya Ananda, Ravindra Kumar.

Vedic numerology at the moment is a science that is based on the wisdom of ancient scientists, sages who, back in ancient times, realized the full value of numbers and their magical meaning.

Slavic karmic numerology is a full-fledged science, with the help of which you can prevent troubles, correct your destiny and realize your main task. Vedic numerology insists that there are three most important individual numbers in the life of every individual:

Soul number by date of birth

The soul is an amazing and mysterious concept from the field of philosophy and religion. If you believe philosophical and religious sources, then this is a certain substance, an immaterial entity. It expresses human personality. You can focus on the fact that the number of the soul is one of the strongest vibrations of a person.

It is this figure that can show what a person’s path will be. Without realizing it, every person is guided by this number when making any choice. It doesn’t matter what it concerns: friends, enemies, partner, food, and so on. All ambitions, desires, dreams, needs of a person are determined precisely by the number of the soul. There are 9 of them in total. It cannot be a two-digit number. And also the number 0 is missing.

Vibrations may not be felt by the person himself, but it is impossible to deny their existence. If you find out the number of your soul, then you will be able to use the information, a description of your positive and negative qualities. Having the information, you will know when your strong character traits will appear and you will be able to control them.

Online and find out your soul number. For example, if your birthday is on the 18th, then add 1 to 8. You get 9. Each number has its own meaning. You can also learn more about yourself. The effect of this figure is especially pronounced at the age of 35-40 years.

Destiny number

This number can show what abilities you have, what your nature is. With its help, you can determine the initial encoding of your bioenergy matrix. There are two aspects: positive and negative.

If your number is in the positive aspect, it means that no matter what goals you set along the way, you will still achieve everything. If you have a negative aspect, then you will have to make a lot of effort in order to change the sign of the existing vibrations to the opposite.

If it is natural for the human soul to desire anything, then fate is destined only for what he deserves. Many people believe that a person's destiny is very much bound by his actions and karma. We can say that events destined by fate begin to manifest themselves in most cases after 35 years.

At this age, a person has less freedom of action, but has the opportunity to reap the benefits of his activities. simple enough. Knowing this number, you will be able to answer many questions, adjust your behavior, and do everything to make your life more successful in the future.

What is a resident number in Vedic numerology?

All information about numbers that is given in numerology can be used to calculate the compatibility of people, the relationship between a certain individual and an object, home, country, city, and so on.

The resident number includes the number of the house, street, city, country. In order to find the best place of residence for yourself, you need to add all the numbers of the calculated object together and get one number (applies to streets and houses).

If we talk about the city and country, then in this case use the table that is used when calculating the number of the name. When you receive the final number, pay attention to whether it matches the fate number.

If the resident number and the fate number are different, then it is quite possible that you will feel uncomfortable in this house, you will be haunted by a constant feeling that you need to move. It is quite difficult to choose the ideal place to live, so try to settle on what more or less suits you.

Name number and Slavic numerology

The first and last name carry very important information about each person. It is not for nothing that in ancient times many people were given two names. One was constantly named, and the other was hidden.

This was done so that no magician could cast a spell on a person, since in most cases the sorcerer needs to know the person’s real name. This tradition is still preserved among some peoples.

In order to receive a complete interpretation and personal description of fate, you need to know three numbers:

  • name;
  • surnames;

The impact of these three numbers manifests itself under different circumstances.

Your surname carries hereditary traits. Therefore, when a woman changes her last name after marriage to her husband's last name, her life can change dramatically, since she takes on hereditary traits of a different kind.

Therefore, before you give in to tradition and change your surname, consider whether it suits you and whether it can bring more success than the surname you received at birth. After all, it greatly influences the number of the name. , which will reveal to you the secret of your own life, very simply.

If you want to study numerology in more detail and dive into compiling the matrix, then use the book “Slavic Karmic Numerology. Improve the matrix of your destiny” - Natalya Maslova (Velenava).

Vedic numerology is an esoteric science based on the teachings of great sages and the tenets of Indian medicine, astrology and religion. Followers of Vedic numerology believe that a person’s life is influenced by three separate Numbers: Soul, Destiny and Name. It is not difficult to calculate them, but together they allow you to understand why this or that person came to Earth, determine his purpose and open up amazing opportunities to change his life. At the same time, numerology helps to recognize weaknesses in health, determine compatibility with a partner and plan the most important stages of life.

Basics of Vedic Numerology

The doctrine recognizes nine basic numbers (from 1 to 9). Those that are more than nine are reduced to the basic ones by adding together the numbers from which they are written. Zeros do not affect calculations and have no numerological significance, although it is believed that their presence in the date of birth has a negative effect on karma. Zero also reduces the influence of adjacent numbers.

A tantric numerologist focuses on the human body, while Indian sages study the movement of planets and associate them with numbers, endowing each with certain traits.

Rahu and Ketu are where the orbits of the Sun and Moon intersect.

Soul Number

This Number (its other name is jiva) is one of the most important in a person’s destiny, it determines his personality, character and inner world. With it you can:

  • find out individual compatibility, choose a life partner;
  • find out which job to choose and how to develop your career in order to earn a decent living and live happily.

When determining a person's jiva, find out what time he was born. In India, a new day begins not at midnight, as throughout the world, but an hour before dawn, that is, one and a half to two hours before sunrise. Thus, if a person was born on October 15 at 03:15, from the point of view of Vedic numerology, his date of birth will be October 14, and his Soul Number will be five (1+4=5). The resulting value will indicate how much influence the day you were born has on you.

Remember - there is no bad Soul Number. Each person creates his own life, it is important to always go towards your goal.

The Soul Number influences a person throughout his life, but after thirty-five years of age, the Destiny Number begins to show greater activity.

Destiny Number

Destiny number can be calculated b, if you add together all the components of the date of birth. So, if a person was born on November 15, 1981, his value is nine.


Seven and two will also have an influence, but nine will still be the main one.

Destiny number is the most important number in Indian numerology and cannot be changed. If it is bad, then nothing can be corrected. The elders advise making a talisman and doing charity in order to mitigate the trials prepared from above.

According to the Destiny Number, all people can be divided into two categories:

  • People with an even Destiny Number are aristocratic and loving. They are able to decorate everything ugly with bright colors. These are creative individuals; their actions and thoughts may seem naive to others. However, they are able to show courage and often defend their position, even if the truth is not on their side, which is not always liked by others.
  • People with an odd Destiny Number are revolutionaries by nature. They stubbornly move towards their goal, wanting to change what others seem familiar with. If their thoughts coincide with general ideas, they will become bright leaders, energetically moving towards their dreams, without being distracted by anything extraneous.

To obtain an accurate picture of the human universe, you can create a Vedic horoscope based on your date of birth. It is a table in which numbers are entered in a certain order, vertically and horizontally. The initial form of the table is as follows

3 1 9
6 7 5
2 8 4

Horizontal rows carry a separate semantic meaning:

  • 1st row (3, 1, 9) - mental level;
  • 2nd row (6, 7, 5) - material level;
  • Row 3 (2, 8, 4) - low level.

The table must be filled out from the numbers that make up the full date of birth. Let us give an example of drawing up such a horoscope. Let's say person born June 27, 1989 (27−6−1989). You need to exclude the century from the year of birth and take only the last two digits. In our example, these are 8 and 9. We substitute all the numbers in the original form of the table, and we get the following form.

Thus, at the highest level, the owner of the horoscope belongs to Mars. He is rude and direct, he believes only in himself. On the material level, the influence is exerted by the numbers 6 and 7, this Venus and Ketu. Their combination creates a creative person who strives to make money through art. There is a craving for gambling. At the lowest level are the Moon and Saturn: hard work and stubbornness are combined with daydreaming. Summing up the character of this man, we can say that he walks with a firm step towards his goal, although at heart he is a romantic who dreams of easy money and high art.

If a number is repeated several times in the Vedic horoscope, it enhances its meaning. Missing numbers and also each combination of planets carries a separate meaning l, to find out the complete book of fate by date of birth, it is better to contact numerologists.

Name number

The moment of birth is decisive in the fate of any person. A day earlier or later, and we would be completely different. The voice and appearance will remain the same, but the inner world, the way of thinking, the relationship with others - all this would change. Ancestral destiny entered us with the first breath of air and will accompany us throughout our lives.

The Name Number can be composed in three different ways:

  • full name;
  • full name and surname;
  • last name, first name, patronymic.

Each of these numbers manifests itself in different cases. In everyday life, when we are called simply by name, influence has a number made up of the name. In all official aspects of life: work, formal receptions - the strongest vibration is the number made up of the first and last name. The number obtained from the combination of last name, first name and patronymic influences us in all life situations.

Example: Pavel Sergeevich - 8+1+3+6+4+1+6+9+4+6+6+3+1+7=65=6+5=11=1+1=2

Thus, it turns out to be a two.

If you get an odd value, you are a calm and modest person with great inner potential. There is a risk of not opening up due to natural shyness tee. An even number indicates that you are a creative person and strive to always be visible. You want fame, even on a small scale.

The first letter of a name has a stronger vibration than all other letters.

Along with her husband’s surname, after marriage, the girl also takes its mental meaning. It is believed that adding the family name to the bride's name creates harmony in the family and protects against scandals and squabbles. However, it should be remembered that by changing her last name, a girl also changes her karmic essence, which can lead to problems at work and in communicating with friends. It’s better to think carefully about everything before changing your name and seek advice from a numerologist (especially if everything is going well in your life with your family name). Do not give in to pressure from relatives, the main thing is to maintain harmony and love in the family so that the biological matrices coincide.

The Name Number tells about a person’s personal life and does not affect the Destiny Number and the Soul Number, however, it is important that they are in constant positive vibration with each other. Those of us whose Name and Soul are combined are in a good environment for friendship and mutual understanding; the combination of Name and Destiny allows a person to leave an important mark in this life. If the total vibrations of all three meanings conflict with each other, discord will inevitably occur in fate, and achieving the intended goals will become a difficult or even impossible task.

Vedic numerology is an interesting science, the study of which will help you live in harmony with yourself, determine your weaknesses and strengths. Remember: the prediction can be changed. Numbers only indicate the direction, but we ourselves choose which path to take. There is no number that can stop us on the path to our dreams.

Fate sends us signs, often in the form of numbers; using them, we can learn to navigate difficult situations. Numerology will not tell you the solution, but the meaning of each of us is hidden in it - and if you understand the meaning of the signs around us, you can become a happy Person.

Attention, TODAY only!

In Vedic numerology, the Destiny Number is a number obtained from adding the numbers of the date of birth, month and year, called the number in Western numerology Life Path .
The encoding of the human bioenergetic matrix ranges from 1 to 9. In order to work with cosmic energy, it is necessary to take into account the vibrational structure of the first nine numbers. Each number has positive and negative vibrations. Positive vibrations of numbers are associated with awareness of an individual’s Cosmic mission and understanding of his Divine destiny. Negative vibrations provoke destructive behavior. Hidden connections between numbers should be taken into account, which can show the lack of necessary contact with the Higher Mind, or determine the dominant vibration. The larger the number, the stronger its vibration: for example, the number 10 vibrates stronger than the number 1, and 20 vibrates stronger than the number 2.
The Destiny Number is what you were incarnated with and what you should do. It shows what your nature is and what abilities you have to work directly with the currents of the Universe. This number determines the initial encoding of the bioenergetic matrix. If this number is in a positive aspect, you will successfully achieve your goal. If it is characterized by a negative mode, you will have to work hard to change the sign of its inherent vibrations to the opposite one.
The series of Destiny Numbers are a network of people’s relationships with the Cosmos, the Highest Code for describing the world and the basis for coordinating thinking aimed at gaining enlightenment. Destiny number is more important than Soul Number or Name Number. A person always thinks the same, but his destiny will not always be what he wants. Due to the fact that a person's destiny begins to clearly manifest itself after 35 years, a certain compromise must be accepted between what a person wants to have and what he wants to achieve. The soul is free in its thoughts, expectations and desires. But fate gives a person only what he really deserves. This is due to the fact that fate is connected with the karmas of past lives. Therefore, a person must remain selfless - when committing actions, he should not worry about what will happen as a result of his actions; he should not care about the fruits of his actions. Without thinking about the fruits of his karma, a person remains aloof from pleasure and pain. Pain is caused by attachment to karma. The real cause of pain is waiting. By the age of 35, a person learns this lesson. There comes a time when he realizes that for his own good he should remain aloof from expectations and perform only his own duty. Thus, a person finds happiness.
The Destiny Number is not subject to any external influences. This Number is associated with our samskaras - vibrational influences received as a result of actions in previous incarnations, which gives us a little freedom of action, but we get much more freedom when collecting the fruits of our past karmas. Whatever we do now will come back to us in the future or in the next life; the same fruits that we receive now testify to what we deserve in past lives. Friendship or enmity, unexpected reward or punishment - all these are the results of karmas of past incarnations - and their causes cannot be traced in the present. The fruits of karmas presented in this life can create a good and supportive environment for a person.
If the Destiny Number is bad, then a suitable internal environment can be created by a good Soul Number, the correct use of talisman stones, as well as selfless help to those in need (charity). Everyone must go through what fate brings to them, but you can make your fate easier. There are many stories about saints and the holy lives of those who created good karma for themselves, but encountered resistance and suffered as a result throughout their lives. And, as you know, there are many stories about bad people who created only bad karmas for themselves, but lived happily and in luxury. These stories indicate the Destiny Number of these people: they created good (or bad) karma for themselves in past lives, and the good (or bad) karma of this life does not yet have any influence. Therefore, such people either live happily or suffer.
Characteristic features of people with Destiny Number odd: This is a constantly burning, revolutionary type, persistently striving for changes in any field of activity - politics, religion, crafts, personal relationships. He could act as a leader of those who are in subordinate or secondary roles. In their desire for change, such people often miss what is nearby, at hand. Most often they come out of all troubles unscathed. Stubbornness and one-sided attitude towards life make such people either witches or witch hunters, religious fanatics or atheists. All their lives they are filled with determination and confidence. The discrepancy between their views and the events of real life bothers them little. They see the world as they imagine it. When their plans coincide with common goals, they become bright leaders, acting with all their characteristic energy, without being distracted by anything extraneous. This is the type of people who naturally have the talent of a psychologist and strive to use their capabilities. The human soul is an open book for them, they are the most observant - not a single little thing escapes them. They are cool, collected and calm in any situation. Such people are attracted to everything new and different from the familiar. They are active, active, proactive, ambitious, prone to rivalry and competition, striving to pave a new path everywhere: from cooking to art. They are distinguished by realism and independence from the opinions of others.
Characteristics of people with even Number of Destiny: these are loving, artistic natures that transform ugly into beautiful, dullness into bright colors. These people find the opportunity for creative self-expression in any situation. There may be a lot of childishness in their behavior, but despite this, at the necessary moments they are able to show courage. “These are seekers of truth and wisdom, they are quite capable of foreseeing future events. Defending their position even when power is not on their side, they are not always to the taste of others. People tend to consider them idealists, and yet they can be called illuminating the way In unexpected situations, such people may lack imagination and resourcefulness, but in vital things they navigate completely freely.

In order to get an interpretation of your Destiny Number from the point of view of Vedic numerology, fill out this form and click on “Result”.