Types of mineral water analysis. Mineral water

  • 15.08.2024

Stasevich Vlad, Isanov Gleb

Project Manager:

Ananko Kristina Sergeevna


State Educational Institution "Gymnasium No. 71" in Gomel

Author research work in chemistry on the topic "Determination of the quality of mineral water by chemical analysis" conducted a study of the chemical components of mineral water and their effect on human health and the condition of plants. Organic impurities in mineral water are determined.

In the proposed chemistry research project on the topic “Determination of the quality of mineral water by chemical analysis,” the author studies the history of the discovery of mineral water, its scientific characteristics and chemical composition, and also presents the classification of mineral waters.

The presented chemistry project on the topic “Determination of the quality of mineral water by chemical analysis” contains a study of the composition of mineral waters from different manufacturers and their effect on living plant cells using the example of practical experiments.

1. About mineral water.
1.1. The history of the discovery of mineral water.
1.2. Classification of mineral waters.
1.3. The chemical composition of mineral water and its effect on the human body.
1.3. The value of mineral water for humans.
2. Determination of the chemical components of mineral water.
2.1. Determination of water pH.
2.2. Determination of the presence of sulfate ions in water.
2.3. Determination of the content of iron (II) ions.
2.4. Detection of aluminum ions in water.
2.5. Detection of copper ions in water.
2.6. Determination of calcium ions in water.
2.7. Detection of ammonium ions in water.
2.8. Detection of alkali metal ions in water.
2.9. Determination of carbonate hardness of water.
2.10. Determination of organic impurities.
2.11. The effect of mineral water on plants.
List of sources used


The shelves of food stores offer a wide range of mineral water to suit every taste. You can easily find carbonate and sulfate mineral water, carbonated and non-carbonated, with and without flavorings.

The natural beneficial properties of mineral water are unique, because they were formed in the bowels of the earth, under very special conditions. They undergo natural processing by various rocks, high temperatures, dissolved gases, and all kinds of energy fields.

These waters carry enormous information in their composition, structure and properties. This is what explains their unique taste and healing qualities.

And since it is impossible to artificially recreate the conditions of an underground natural laboratory, no complex of minerals can compare with natural mineral water.

As part of the research work on the topic “Determination of the quality of mineral water by chemical analysis,” it is planned to find out: which mineral water is the most useful and safe for our body?

The variety of mineral water presented on store shelves can confuse anyone.

Object of study – mineral water of various brands.

Subject of research – bean seeds

Hypothesis – we study mineral water and assume that all types of mineral water are beneficial for humans.

Target - study the composition of mineral waters and their effect on living plant cells.


  • Study the literature on this issue;
  • Study the biological role of mineral water and its effect on human health;
  • Analyzing the composition of various brands of mineral water;
  • Compare mineral waters from different manufacturers;
  • Study of the influence of mineral water on the development of bean seeds.

Conference of municipal students

educational institutions of the city of Kaluga “Start into science”

Section: Chemistry

Qualitative analysis of the composition of mineral waters sold in the territory

Kaluga region

Ryzhova Valeria Evgenievna, 8th grade student

School No. 46, Kaluga

Scientific supervisor:

Gromova Yulia Sergeevna, chemistry teacher

MBOU "Secondary general education

School No. 46, Kaluga

Kaluga, 2014


    Main part

    1. The importance of the composition of mineral waters for the life of the body.

    Carrying out analytical work. Analysis of the obtained data.


Literature used



Water ( H 2 O ) – chemical compound of hydrogen with oxygen; hydrogen oxide. Pure water is a colorless, odorless and tasteless liquid. Water is the most common substance in nature, accounting for about 71% of the Earth's surface. Water is the most important component of living matter, without which life is impossible. It makes up about 75% of the total mass of the human body, and the chemical composition of human blood is very close to the chemical composition of seawater, where life originally developed.

Relevance of the work: Nowadays, the rhythm of life of most people is very great, and often we do not pay due attention to our health, overwork of the body occurs unnoticed and deals us an unexpected blow. You can replenish the balance of fluids and ions in the body by drinking mineral water, which, along with liquid (water), contains all the ions necessary for the normal functioning of the body: cations and anions. I was wondering if all those mineral waters that are sold in our country are really city, contain the ion composition stated on their labels.

Purpose of the study: Conduct a qualitative analysis of mineral waters sold in the Kaluga region to determine whether what is written on the label of these waters corresponds to reality.

Hypothesis: It is possible that not all mineral waters purchased by us in Kaluga actually have the ionic composition reflected on their label and do not contain foreign impurities.

Research methods: qualitative analysis (qualitative reactions to anions and cations).

Practical significance: The results obtained will help you figure out whether the information about mineral water on the label corresponds to reality.

Main part

    The importance of the composition of mineral waters for the life of the body

TO when the body receives a strong load , it loses fluid in large quantities. Dehydration is stress for the body . It leads to such consequences as: fatigue; headaches; nausea; loss of concentration of vital electrolytes; increased risk of heat stroke; lack of ability for prolonged physical activity; changes in water balance in the body; overload of the heart muscle; disruption of the process of energy production in the muscle fabrics, etc.

When dehydration occurs, the body activates protective mechanisms that prevent sodium excretion (renal secretions) and also reduce sweating (this increases body temperature, thickens the blood, and increases heart rate). This can lead to vascular insufficiency and heat stroke. Sweat evaporating from the surface of the skin contains a large amount of electrolytes (Na +, Mg 2+, K +,

Plain water is not suitable for replenishing lost electrolytes. It dulls the feeling of thirst, but does not replenish the body with lost substances, so you need to drink watercontaining sufficient minerals and salts. It is imperative to pay attention to whether it is mineral water or regular drinking water.

Purified water – water brought to a level of impurities that does not exceed the natural background or permissible value (MPC).

Drinking water – water in which bacteriological, organoleptic indicators and indicators of toxic chemicals are within the limits of drinking water supply standards.

Mineralized waters – 1) waters containing noticeable amounts of minerals; 2) natural waters containing salts, dissolved gases, organic substances in quantities of more than 1 g/l.

Most often, mineral waters are of underground origin and often have elevated temperatures and radioactivity.

Mineralization - This is the process of gradual accumulation of salts in waters.

Waters are classified according to the amount of soluble salts:

    Low mineralized (0.5 – 5 g/l);

    Medium mineralized (5 – 30 g/l);

    Highly mineralized (more than 30 g/l) [ 2 ] .

There is another classification of mineral waters:

    Table mineral waters (mineralization up to 1 g/l);

    Medicinal table mineral waters (mineralization from 1 g/l to 5 g/l);

    Healing mineral waters (not less than 5g/l). These waters can only be consumed after consulting a doctor. Unlimited consumption of highly mineralized waters leads to disruption of the salt balance in the body.

Medicinal table minerals waters contain the same composition of substances that are present in the human body, and their healing effect is to replenish the disturbed salt balance. Mineral medicinal table waters affect all hormonal systems and the nervous system.

Table 1

Some types of mineral waters and their composition

Name of water (saturationCO 2 )


Mineralization, mg/l

Overall hardness


Chemical composition

Cations, g/ml

Anions, g/ml

Societe minerale

(not carbonated)

dining room


Ca 2+ <40

Na + <200

Mg 2+ <15

HCO 3 - <400


(highly carbonated)

dining room


Mg 2+ <40

Ca 2+ <90

Cl - <200

SO 4 2- <60

HCO 3 - <60



dining room



Ca 2+ <27

K + <3

Na + <21

Mg 2+ <14

Fe generally <0.1

NO 3 - <3

Cl - <38

HCO 3 - <98

SO 4 2- <48

Lipetsk pump room (carbonated)

medical dining room

3300 – 4500

Ca 2+ 60 - 120

K + <30

Na + 900 - 1200

Mg 2+ 25 - 50

Cl - 550 - 850

HCO 3 - 250 – 350

SO 4 2- 1200 - 1700

F - <0.87

Demidovskaya Lux

(not carbonated)

dining room



Ca 2+ <32

K + <2

Na + <6

Mg 2+ <14

Cl - <3

NO 3 - <1.4

SO 4 2- <116

F - <0.7



medical dining room

2200 – 2800

Ca 2+ 500 - 600

Mg 2+ <100

Na + + K + <100

SO 4 2- 1400 - 1600

HCO 3 - 2 00 - 3 00

Cl - < 25



medical dining room

3000 – 4500

Ca 2+ 8 0 - 120

K + 500 - 700

Na + 500 - 700

Mg 2+ <100

Cl - 75 0 - 1 0 00

HCO 3 - 2 8 0 - 400

SO 4 2- 1 2 00 - 1 5 00


still drinking water

dining room

100 – 300

1,5 – 2,5

TO + AndNa + 50 – 200

Sa 2+ 250 – 600

Mg 2+ 50 – 200

Cl - 150 – 700

SO 4 2- 300 - 700

HCO 3 - 8 00 - 1500

"ABOUT!" Sport

dining room

350 – 800

Sa 2+ 70 – 200

HCO 3 - 200 - 400

SO 4 2- 80 – 200


dining room

200 – 300

1,5 – 3,5

Sa 2+ 250 – 750

TO + 20 – 100

Mg 2+ 50 – 150

HCO 3 - 800 - 1800

Holy spring "Sportik"

dining room

100 – 500

TO + AndNa + <20

Sa 2+ 250 – 8 00

Mg 2+ 50 – 200

Cl - 150 – 1000

SO 4 2- <200

HCO 3 - 500 - 2000

Mineral waters are distinguished according to the main anion or cation into:

    chloride (Cl - );

    hydrocarbonate (HCO 3 - );

    sulfate(SO 4 2- ) ;

    sodium(Na + ) ;

    potassium(K + ) ;

    calcium(Ca 2+ ) ;

    magnesium (Mg 2+ ) etc.

It is believed that carbonated water is healthier than still water. But they cannot be compared, since the water is extracted from a non-carbonated source. Mineral waters are carbonated in order to give it a certain flavor. Carbon dioxide serves as a preservative. In addition, “air bubbles” help quench thirst faster.

The purpose of this work is to compare the results of our studies of mineral water samples with GOST standards and information indicated on the labels.

The quality of water must meet certain standards set forth in SanPiN “Drinking water. Hygienic requirements for water quality”, European Community standards ( EU) – Directive “On the quality of drinking water intended for human consumption” 98/83/EC, in the international recommendations of the World Health Organization (WHO) “Guidelines for the quality control of drinking water” 1992. and US Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) regulations. With some minor differences in these requirements, only such water ensures human health. An increased content of non-toxic salts or the presence of organic, biological and inorganic contaminants in quantities exceeding those specified in these standards leads to the appearance of various diseases.

It is necessary to take into account MPC– maximum permissible concentrations of harmful substances in water. MPC is defined as the maximum concentrations at which substances do not have a direct or indirect effect on the health of the population when exposed throughout life.

    Carrying out analytical work. Analysis of the received data

Equipment and reagents

four mineral water samples:

1. Still drinking water “Oh!”

2. Non-carbonated mineral water “Oh!” Sport.

3. Oxygen water “Vitaoksiv”.

4. Holy spring "Sportik".

– test tubes;


    alcohol lamp, test tube holder, ring, screen, slides.

Experience scheme

Qualitative determination of some ions

To conduct a qualitative analysis, we selected four samples of mineral waters from among the brands offered in our retail chains. We carried out qualitative reactions for those ions that should be contained in mineral water samples, as indicated on their labels.

We separately carried out qualitative reactions for anions (sulfate ions SO 4 2-, bicarbonate ions HCO 3 -) and cations (sodium Na +, potassium K +, magnesium Mg 2+ and calcium Ca 2+). The results were compared.

Work progress

Reagents were added to the control and samples of the studied mineral water samples, giving qualitative reactions to the ions that were stated on the label. The control must contain the ion being determined and shows that the reagent works (reacts). In this case, a change in the color of the solution or the formation of a precipitate was observed, which indicated the presence or absence of an ion in the solution (mineral water).

Table 2


Progress of the experiment



K +

1. Add 2-3 drops of solution containing potassium ions to 2-3 drops of solution NaHC 4 H 4 O 6 and to accelerate the formation of a precipitate, rub a glass rod along the walls of the test tube. A white crystalline precipitate forms.

2. Flame coloring. Moisten the ring of wire with the sample of water being tested and lower it into the flame of an alcohol lamp. Look through blue glass.

1. Sodium hydrogen tartrate forms with potassium ions at pH 4-5 white crystalline precipitateKHC 4 H 4 O 6 .

2. Volatile potassium salts color the flame pale purple color.

Na +

Flame coloring.

Volatile sodium salts color the flames yellow.

Ca 2+

1. Add 2-3 drops of a reagent solution to 2-3 drops of a solution containing calcium ions. A white crystalline precipitate forms.

2. On a black watch glass, mix a drop of the test solution with 2-3 drops of the reagent solution, then add 1-2 drops of NH 4 Cl solution, a drop of ethanol and mix again. Cloudiness or the appearance of a crystalline precipitate indicates the presence of calcium.

3. Flame coloring. Moisten the ring of wire with the sample of water being tested and lower it into the flame of an alcohol lamp.

1. Ammonium oxalate forms with calcium ions crystalline precipitateCaC 2 O 4 H 2 O .

2. Hexacyanoferrate (II ) potassium at pH>7 in the presence of NH 4 Cl interacts with calcium ions to form white crystalline precipitate composition K n (N.H. 4 ) m CaFe (CN ) 6 , where n and m, depending on conditions, can vary from 0 to 2. Mg 2+ ions interfere

3. Volatile calcium salts color the flame brick red color.

Mg 2+

To 1-2 drops of a solution containing magnesium ions, add 2-3 drops of 2M HCl, 1 drop of NaH 2 PO 4 solution and mix, adding 2M NH 3 drop by drop until the smell of ammonia appears. A white crystalline precipitate forms.

Sodium hydrogen phosphate forms with magnesium ions in the presence of NH 3 at pH 9 white crystalline precipitateMgNH 4 P.O. 4 ·6H 2 O .


Cl -

To 2-3 drops of a solution containing chloride ions, add 2-3 drops of AgNO 3 solution. A white cheesy precipitate forms.

Silver nitrate with chloride ion forms a white curdled precipitate AgCl

SO 4 2-

1. To 2-3 drops of a solution containing sulfate ions, acidified with a few drops of 2M HCl, add 1-2 drops of BaCl 2 solution. A white precipitate forms.

2. To 2-3 drops of a solution containing sulfate ions, acidified with 2M HCl, add an equal volume of 0.002M KMnO 4 and 2-3 drops of BaCl 2. Heat the solution and add a few drops of 3% H 2 O 2 solution. The solution becomes colorless, but a colored precipitate remains.

1. Barium chloride forms with sulfate ion white crystalline precipitate BaSO 4

2. Barium chloride in the presenceKMnO 4 forms with SO 4 2- isomorphic crystals, colored pink or pink-violet.

NSO 3 -

To the precipitates formed when barium chloride was added to the samples, add a solution of hydrochloric acid. The release of carbon dioxide is observed.

The study data were recorded in Table 3 and compared with the original data (on the labels).

Table 3

Comparison of study results with label data

Name of mineral water

Mineral composition of waters

Research results






still drinking water

K+ and Na+

Ca 2+

Mg 2+


SO 4 2-

HCO 3 -

K + ; Na + ;Ca 2+ and

Mg 2 +

Cl - ; SO 4 2-; HCO 3 -

"ABOUT!" Sport

still mineral water

Ca 2+

HCO 3 -

SO 4 2-

Na + ; Ca2+

SO 4 2-; HCO 3 - ; Cl -


Ca 2+


Mg 2+

HCO 3 -

Ca 2+ ; K + ; Na + ; Mg 2 +

Cl - ; HCO 3 -

Holy spring "Sportik"

K+ and Na+

Ca 2+

Mg 2+


SO 4 2-

HCO 3 -

K + ; Na + ;Ca 2+ and

Mg 2 +

Cl - ; SO 4 2- and

HCO 3 -

In general, the results of our research show that the qualitative composition of the waters taken for analysis corresponds to the declared mineral composition. However, some types of mineral waters studied contain ions not indicated in their physicochemical characteristics. In particular, the presence of chloride ions and sodium cations in mineral water "ABOUT!" Sport , as well as in "Vitaoxiv" clearly indicates the presence of unusual mineral salts in these waters, or indicates the likelihood of their adulteration.



    As a result of a study of four samples of mineral waters in order to compare the qualitative ionic composition of these waters with those indicated on the labels, no significant deviations were revealed.

    All mineral waters comply with GOST.

Thus, we can conclude that the above drinks can be used as food, despite the fact that some of them may contain ions not listed on the packaging.


1. Blinov L.N. Chemical-ecological dictionary-reference book. – St. Petersburg: Lan Publishing House, 2002. – 272 p.

2. Ershov A.V., Novikov V.N., Korolev V.B., Vyphanova G.V. Modern ecology. Interdisciplinary conceptual and terminological dictionary-reference book. Kaluga. - 2003. – 237 p.



5. Ryabchikov B.E. Modern methods of water preparation for industrial and domestic use. – M.: DeLi print, 2004. – 328 p.


Perm, 2017



1.1. Classification of the range of mineral water……………...……6

1.2. Factors shaping the quality of mineral water………………9

1.3. Factors preserving the quality of mineral waters……...……….12

1.4. Russian mineral water market………………...............………15


2.1. . Analysis of the assortment of mineral waters in Perm at the Magnit store………………………………………………………..……….........24

2.2.Objects of research……………………………………………..25

2.3.Assessment of the quality of mineral water from different manufacturers…..…...27


LIST OF REFERENCES………..……..…….38


Relevance of the topic. Mineral waters are underground (rarely surface) waters, which are characterized by a high content of biologically active components and which have specific physicochemical properties. Depending on these properties and composition, mineral water can be used both as an external and internal remedy.

Mineral water is a natural medicine created by nature itself. The healing effect of mineral water on the human body, its medicinal properties since ancient times. Resorts, sanatoriums, health resorts, and mineral water bottling plants have been built on the basis of mineral water deposits. Finally, mineral waters are suitable for extracting useful components from them and extracting salts. You need to learn how to use mineral water correctly and in what quantities. The consumption of mineral water is often carried out with the aim of balancing the content of macro- and microelements in the body, however, counterfeit mineral water that does not contain the declared mineral substances is increasingly entering the market.

The purpose of this course work is to study the range and quality of mineral waters from different manufacturers.

In accordance with the goal, it is necessary to solve a number of problems:

1. study the commodity characteristics of mineral water;

2. analyze the range of mineral waters in the Magnit store;

3. assess the quality of mineral water samples from different manufacturers.

The object of research is mineral water. The subject of the study is the assortment and assessment of the quality of goods.

When writing the course work, the works of such authors as V.Ya. Kulakova, I.E. Oransky, A.A. Moiseenko, A.D. Yevtushenko, as well as periodical literary sources and Internet resources.


1.1.Classification of the range of mineral water

The classification and systematization of mineral waters are based on determining the totality of several indicators and the most important features that make it possible to distinguish in the general system of the underground hydrosphere the types and main groups of mineral waters according to their intended purpose and hydrogeochemical characteristics.

The main indicators on which the classification of mineral waters is based are: mineralization, ionic composition, gas composition, temperature, acidity (alkalinity), radioactivity.

Classification of mineral waters by mineralization. Mineralization is the sum of all water-soluble substances - ions, biologically active elements (excluding gases), expressed in grams per 1 liter of water. There are low-mineralized mineral waters, low, medium, high mineralization, brine mineral waters and strong brine waters.

Depending on the degree of mineralization, mineral waters used for drinking treatment are divided into:

a) canteens;

b) medical dining rooms;

c) medicinal.

Table mineral water stimulates digestion and has no medicinal properties. It can be drunk in any quantity. As a rule, it is soft, pleasant to the taste, without any foreign smell or taste; many soft drinks are made from it.

You cannot cook food with table water. When boiling, mineral salts precipitate or form compounds that are not absorbed by the body.

Medicinal table mineral water is drunk both for prevention and as a table water. But it has a pronounced therapeutic effect only when used correctly. If consumed in unlimited quantities, the salt balance in the body may be disrupted.

Medicinal mineral waters are used for drinking treatment and for external use - baths, showers, bathing, as well as for inhalation. The effect of its use depends on the correct choice of the type of water and on the correct intake - dose, frequency, temperature, diet. Therefore, treatment with mineral water must be carried out under the supervision of a doctor.

Classification of mineral waters by chemical composition:

a) hydrocarbonate;
b) chloride;
c) sulfate;
d) sodium;
e) calcium;
f) magnesium;
i) mixed.

Classification of mineral waters depending on the gas composition and the presence of specific elements:
a) carbon dioxide (acidic);
b) sulfide (hydrogen sulfide);
c) bromide;
d) iodide;
e) arsenic;
e) glandular;
i) silicon;
j) radioactive (radon).

Mineral waters according to their mineralization are divided into fresh, slightly mineralized, low-mineralized, medium-mineralized and highly mineralized. The dependence of the purpose of mineral water on its mineralization is presented in Table 1.

Table 1 - Classification of mineral waters by salinity

Thus, the Russian market offers a large number of types of mineral waters that can satisfy all the needs of the population.

1.2. Factors shaping the quality of mineral water

The main factor shaping the quality of mineral waters is the raw material, in particular the location of its natural source. Natural springs of different mineral waters are located at different depths.

The production of mineral waters consists of the following operations: extraction, transportation, treatment by filtration, cooling, disinfection; saturation with carbon dioxide (and only for carbonated mineral waters), bottling. Filtration is carried out to remove coarse and fine suspended impurities through sand, asbestos-cellulose and ceramic filters.

Cooling is necessary to better saturate mineral waters with carbon dioxide and prevent microbiological processes. However, at low temperatures the solubility of mineral salts decreases and they may precipitate. As a result, the mineralization of water and its medicinal value will decrease.

Disinfection of mineral waters is used to destroy microflora. When processing mineral waters containing iron, ascorbic or citric acid is added to prevent the formation of iron oxide sediment in bottles. Mineral waters containing hydrogen sulfide are degassed.

The bottling of mineral waters involves their washing, quality control, filling of bottles, capping, rejecting and labeling. In addition, mineral waters are poured into railway or automobile tanks for transportation over long distances.

1.3.Factors preserving the quality of mineral waters

Factors that preserve the quality of mineral waters include requirements for packaging, storage and transportation.

Mineral water is bottled on powerful automatic and semi-automatic lines. For bottling mineral water, glass bottles with a capacity of 0.33 and 0.5 liters made of yellow-green glass or plastic bottles with a volume of 1, 1.5 and 2 liters are used. Bottled water is hermetically sealed with special caps - metal or plastic with gaskets made of polymer material or crust.

Glass bottles with a capacity of 0.33 and 0.5 liters must be made of transparent, colorless, semi-white and dark green glass. Weak color shades are allowed: greenish, bluish, yellowish.

The glass should not contain foreign inclusions, have notches, chips, cracks, or chips. Bottles with such flaws are considered defective. Bottles must have the correct shape and be stable on a horizontal plane. Their outer surface, side and bottom seams must be completely smooth. The surface of the rim and the neck of the bottles itself should not have burrs or protrusions. Bottles with such defects are also considered defective, since the burrs and protrusions of the seams break off during capping, and pieces or tiny particles of glass can get into the drinks.

The body of the bottles must have a uniform thickness; slight thickening towards the bottom and neck of the bottle is allowed. If the glass thickness of bottles is uneven, their strength and heat resistance are reduced.

Bottles must be thermally resistant and not crack due to temperature changes. The higher the heat resistance of the bottles, the higher their quality.

In addition to glass bottles, mineral water is bottled in bottles made of PET (polyethylene terephthalate).

The advantages of PET bottles are their low weight, the ability to close them when the contents are not fully used, one-time use (which increases their purity), safety (they do not break).

The downside to using them is the shorter shelf life of mineral water. There are other negative aspects regarding bottling technology.

Glass bottles with mineral water are sealed with crown stoppers (corrugated crown-shaped tin cap), consisting of a metal cap and gasket. The metal cap can be made of tinplate. Crown caps can be produced with colorful designs (lithographed) or with embossed designs and inscriptions. The outer and inner surfaces of metal caps must be clean and smooth and free of contaminants that cannot be removed with water. Cracks, dents, cuts, tears, burrs, and traces of corrosion are not allowed.

The gaskets are made from solid-cut cork with a polymer film applied to the outer surface. However, better sealing of mineral water bottles is achieved by using gaskets made of plastisols (pastes) and other polymeric materials. Composite gaskets must be of the same structure without loose places and crumbled edges with particles of cork oak bark clearly visible on the surface, tightly adjacent to each other. The ends of the gaskets should not have burrs. Polymer pastes must be poured into the metal cap in a continuous layer. Bubbles, cavities, sagging and delamination are not allowed on polymer gaskets.

The quality of bottle closures is determined by tightness, which plays a decisive role in preserving the quality and durability of products during storage. The tightness of the closure is achieved with high quality closure materials, especially gaskets, crown caps, and bottles. If the bottles are well sealed, ferruginous waters will be preserved for 4 months and all others for 1 year.

PET bottles are sealed with polyethylene stoppers, the dimensions of which strictly comply with the regulatory and technical documentation.

To design mineral water bottles, only rectangular-shaped labels are used, which are glued to the cylindrical part of the bottle. Each label indicates the name of the manufacturer or its trademark, the subordination of the plant, the name of the mineral water, its group, well number or name of the source, chemical composition, purpose of the water (canteen, medicinal-table, medicinal), recommendations for medicinal use, methods and shelf life, bottling date, crew or rejector number, standard number. Labels must be printed on paper with a density of 70-80 g/m2. Paper that is too thick causes increased glue consumption, while paper that is too thin allows glue to leak onto the front side. To apply labels to bottles, use glue that quickly hardens (sets) on glass. It should also be easily washed off the glass with warm and hot water without any residue.

Mineral waters are transported by all types of transport. Packaging of packages is carried out in accordance with GOST 23285. Mineral waters poured into consumer containers are not perishable products. The shelf life of mineral waters of specific names, as well as the storage conditions and transportation of products during the shelf life, are established by the manufacturer in the technological instructions for the mineral water of a specific name.

1.4. Russian mineral water market

The Russian mineral water market still remains one of the most dynamically developing segments of the soft drink industry. Among other large segments of this industry, similar growth rates can be noted for the juice market. This situation is understandable: over the past few years, against the background of improving the well-being of the population and promoting a healthy lifestyle, consumer preferences have been shifting towards more “natural” alternatives to soda – water and juices.

Sparkling water is the most preferred among Russians – 72.7% bought it last year.

Among the main features of the market, one should note its pronounced seasonality. During the warm season, interest in mineral water increases not only from regular customers, but also from consumers who prefer other non-alcoholic drinks throughout the year. As a result, for example, in July 2007, on the most capacious market, the Moscow market, sales of mineral water exceeded the annual average by 35%.

The seasonality observed in the market as a whole can also be observed in the distribution of segment shares by packaging type. For example, in summer the share of products produced in glass bottles decreases, and the share of water in small-volume PET packaging increases.

It is important to note that due to the high price, mineral water in a glass bottle occupies a significant market share in terms of cost, while its share in sales, measured in liters, is almost 3 times lower than the cost indicator.

The aluminum can, which is widely used in the markets of low-alcohol drinks, in particular beer and cocktails, is represented in the water market by virtually one brand - Aquaminerale, and it accounts for a very small share of sales - 0.1%.

It should also be noted that the shares of these market segments may vary significantly by region. Firstly, this is due to the characteristics of demand. For example, in Moscow, compared to other cities in which the study was conducted, still water is more popular. Moreover, a significant part of its sales comes from products in PET packaging with a volume of 0.5–0.6 liters, since such water is convenient to consume outside the home: at lunch or while playing sports, as well as water in 5-liter PET bottles , which is usually used for domestic needs or used when traveling out of town.

Secondly, each large region has a large number of local producers, whose specialization determines the structure of regional markets.

Speaking about the main players in the Russian mineral and drinking water market, first of all it is necessary to name the largest international concerns The Pepsi Bottling Group, which owns the Aqua Mineral brand, and The Coca-Cola Company, which owns the BonAqua brand. These giants of the global soft drink market occupy stable positions in the Russian water market. Accordingly, Aqua Mineral and BonAqua lead the list of major brands. Moreover, if we consider the drinking water segment separately, these brands account for about 70% of the market in the regions and 60% in Moscow. It should be noted that these brands are not only similar in name, but also do not differ much in market share. In fact, in the eyes of the consumer, they form a special category of products produced by highly reputable companies.

Meanwhile, manufacturers of these brands are actively competing. Thus, almost simultaneously, the production of BonAqua Plus water with fruit flavor and Aqua Mineral Life with vitamins and mineral supplements was launched.

In the mineral water category, there are presented, first of all, traditional brands of the segment, familiar to Russians since Soviet times: Borjomi, Essentuki and Narzan. These products occupy a strong position in the Moscow market. Essentuki ZMV and JSC Narzan are consistently included in the ranking of leading manufacturers.

Meanwhile, new players continue to conquer the mineral water market. The seasonality factor inherent in the category as a whole plays into the hands of producers from competing industries: the production of mineral water gives them the opportunity to adapt to periodic fluctuations in demand. Thus, drinking and mineral water are represented in the portfolios of large manufacturers of non-alcoholic and low-alcohol drinks.

In addition, over the past year, Moscow retail has seen many new products positioned in the premium segment of the market. These include water brands Valser, Panna, Valio and others. As a result, the premium segment, the leaders of which are nevertheless the Borjomi and Narzan brands, occupied 23.8% of the market in Moscow.

In the middle price segment, both in Moscow and in the regions, Aqua Mineral and BonAqua were leaders.

In conclusion, we can say that the Russian mineral and drinking water market is still in the process of formation. In the near future, we should expect not only continued high sales growth rates, but also structural changes in the market. Most likely, they will be associated with the development of individual subsegments: for example, with an increase in the share of premium products, as well as with the growing popularity of water in original packaging and large containers. In the regions, a redistribution of market shares between manufacturing companies is possible.

Conclusions for Chapter 1.

Mineral water has beneficial properties; it can be used for medicinal purposes or consumed every day.

Natural mineral waters contain a wide composition of salts and microelements that our body lacks. The effects of mineral waters are very diverse and affect all organs and systems.

There are various producers of mineral waters on the Russian market. A wide range allows you to choose mineral water according to your taste, vitamins and at a favorable price. And also the huge variety provides great opportunities for their use on the human body.


2.1. Analysis of the assortment of mineral waters at the Magnit store

The main producers of mineral waters on the Perm market are Pepsi Co Holdings LLC; IDS Borjomi Georgia; Wimm-Bill-Dann.

Let's study the range of mineral waters at the Magnit store.

CJSC Tender is a chain of Magnit retail stores. The store's assortment includes the following product groups:

· Alcoholic drinks;

· Cereals, food concentrates;

· Confectionery;

· Canned food;

· Oil, fats;

· Dairy products;

· Meat products;

· Drinks.

CJSC Tender has a license for retail trade of alcoholic beverages. Type of retail trade enterprise of JSC "Tender" - supermarket "Magnit". The form of service is self-service. The retail area of ​​a separate supermarket that is part of a retail chain is 400 m2.

The management structure of the Magnit supermarket includes the branch director, merchandiser, sales floor administrator, cashiers, packers, and workers.

The sales floor administrator is always present on the trading floor.

The opening hours of the Magnit supermarket are from 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. The organization of labor protection at an enterprise includes the organization of fire safety, as well as the organization of normal working conditions.

Let's look at the structure of the assortment of mineral waters in the Magnit store (Table 2, Fig. 1).

Table 2 – Share of the range of mineral waters

Figure 1 - Specific gravity of the mineral water assortment

An analysis of the assortment structure allows us to assert that the largest share in the assortment of mineral waters at the Magnit store is occupied by low-mineralized waters. This is explained by the fact that this type of mineral water is in greatest demand.

Let's calculate the assortment indicators of the Magnit store.

Assortment breadth - the number of types, varieties or names of goods of homogeneous or heterogeneous groups. This property is characterized by two absolute indicators - actual and base latitude, as well as a relative indicator - the latitude coefficient.

Actual latitude (Shb) - the actual number of types, varieties or names of goods available. Basic latitude (Shb) - latitude taken as the basis for comparison.

The breadth coefficient (Ksh) is expressed as the ratio of the actual number of types, varieties and names of goods of homogeneous and heterogeneous groups to the base one:

K w = W d / W b * 100

Kw =25/41*100=60.1%

The results obtained showed that the width is optimal for this type of store.

The completeness of the assortment is the number of types or varieties or names of goods in a group of homogeneous products. The indicator characterizes the ability of a set of goods of a homogeneous group to satisfy the same needs.

Indicators of the completeness of the assortment are:

· actual completeness indicator (PD) - characterized by the actual number of types or names of goods of a homogeneous group (names of mineral water brands);

· Basic indicator of completeness (Pb) - characterized by a regulated or planned quantity of goods of a homogeneous group.

Completeness is calculated using the formula:

K p = P d / P b * 100

Let us calculate the coefficient of completeness of the assortment of mineral waters.

K p =4/6*100=66.7%

The results obtained showed that completeness is optimal for this type of store. The closer this indicator is to 100%, the more complete the assortment of the retail enterprise.

Assortment novelty is the ability of a set of products to satisfy changing needs through new products.

Novelty is calculated using the formula:

Kn =3/31*100=9.7%

The results showed that novelty is not optimal for this type of store.

Assortment stability is the ability of a set of products to satisfy demand for the same products.

Stability is calculated using the formula:

K y = U/P d * 100

K y =11/31*100=35.5%

The results showed that sustainability is low for this type of store.

The breadth of the assortment is not optimal for this type of store, but the completeness is within normal limits. The novelty is nominal for this type of product and therefore the Magnit store should expand the range of mineral water to better meet the needs of consumers. According to our calculations, sustainability showed us that the ability of a set of goods is not able to satisfy the demand for the same goods. Thus, the Magnit store, located at Perm, st. Lenina, 88, it is recommended to carry out actions to increase the sustainability of demand.

2.2. Objects and methods of research

Mineral waters are the most popular and popular soft drinks on the market. They quench thirst well and also contain minerals that have a beneficial effect on human health.

We examined 3 samples of mineral waters of the following names:

· sample 1 - AquaMinerale;

· sample 2 – Borjomi;

The labeling of the analyzed samples was studied in accordance with the requirements of the TR CU “Food products regarding their labeling” (Table 3).

Table 3 - Labeling of mineral water samples from different manufacturers

Labeling requirements Sample 1 Sample 2 Sample 3
Product name AquaMinerale Borjomi Essentuki
Manufacturers' names PepsiCoHoldings LLC IDS BorjomiGeorgia Wimm-Bill-Dann
Market circulation sign E.A.C. E.A.C. EAC, PCT
Product composition Potassium 10, bicarbonates 200, magnesium 20, sulfates 100, chlorides 50, bicarbonates 200. Calcium 20-150, magnesium 20-150, potassium 15-43, sodium 1000-2000, bicarbonates 3500-5000, chlorides 250-500, sulfates<10. Calcium 50-200, magnesium Mg 150, sodium + potassium 2700-4000. bicarbonate 4900-6500, sulfate 25, chloride 1700-2800. Boric acid 40-90
Best before date 12 months 12 months 12 months
Date of manufacture 10.05.17 16.03.17 08.04.17
Storage conditions Store at temperatures from 0⁰ to +35⁰С and relative humidity no more than 85%. Keep away from direct sunlight Store in areas protected from the sun at temperatures from +3⁰ to +30⁰С in a dark and cool place at a temperature from +5⁰ to +20⁰С
Name and location of the manufacturer N Branch of PepsiCoHoldnigs LLC in Yekaterinburg, Sverdlovsk region, Kosmonavtov Ave., 13. Borjomi, Georgia. Importer in Russia: IDS Borjomi LLC, Studenchesky lane, 3, Moscow, Russia LLC "Universal mineral water bottling plant "AQUA-WHITE", Russia, Stavropol Territory, Essentuki, st. Novopyatigorskaya, 1.
Indications for use - Diseases of the esophagus, chronic gastritis with normal and increased secretory function of the stomach, peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, diseases of the intestines, liver, gastric bladder and biliary tract. Diseases of the pancreas, disorders of the digestive system after surgery for gastric ulcers. Postcholecystectomy syndromes. Metabolic diseases and urinary tract diseases. For the above diseases, water is used only outside the acute phase. Water diseases are used only outside the acute phase. Diseases of the esophagus, chronic gastritis with normal, increased and decreased secretory functions of the stomach. Peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum. Diseases of the intestines, liver, gall bladder and biliary tract. Pancreatic diseases. Disorders of the digestive system after surgery for gastric ulcer, postcholecystectomy syndromes. Metabolic diseases and urinary tract diseases. With the above

An analysis of the table shows that all 3 samples comply with the requirements of the CU TR “Food products regarding their labeling”. The absence of the “Indications for Use” clause in AquaMinerale is not a violation, since this water is artificial.

When assessing the quality of mineral waters, organoleptic and physicochemical methods (deviation of filling completeness) were used.

Consider organoleptic indicators.

Organoleptic indicators are determined according to GOST 23268.1-91 “Healing mineral drinking waters, medicinal table waters and natural table waters. Methods for determining organoleptic characteristics and volume of bottled water.” Evaluate transparency, color, taste, smell, saturation with carbon dioxide.

How to test (analysis) mineral water for quality at home? Types of mineral waters, their characteristics and requirements for them. Regulatory documents on mineral waters. What are considered mineral water quality standards? How mineral water is analyzed in laboratory conditions, analysis methods. Before you conduct a quality test (analysis) of mineral water, you need to understand the types of this liquid and the requirements for its quality. Only then can you judge the quality of the liquid in the bottle based on the test results.

Types of mineral water

Mineral water can be of natural origin or artificial. The first is made from liquid collected from deep-sea artesian wells. To produce such water, only registered sources may be used. Usually, the quality of such a liquid can be judged by the set and preservation of mineral components. There are several types of mineral water:

  • Water for healing people. It can only be taken on the recommendation of a doctor. The degree of mineralization of such liquid is 8 g/l.
  • Medical canteen. The concentration of useful mineral compounds in this type of liquid should be in the range of 2-8 g/l.
  • Table water. This type can be drunk regularly. Its mineralization level should be 1-2 g/l.
  • Table water with a minimal degree of mineral saturation. Their volume usually does not exceed 1 g/l.

The main difference between artificial water is that it is produced at a factory, but in terms of composition and quantity of mineral compounds, such water does not differ from natural water. At the same time, the label must indicate that the water is produced artificially.

Also, mineral water can be carbonated or non-carbonated. In this case, carbonation can occur naturally or artificially. Also, based on the presence of cations and anions in water, it can be divided into 31 types, including chloride, sulfate, hydrocarbonate and mixed waters.

Mineral water quality standards

The quality of mineral waters, whether table or medicinal water, is regulated by GOST R 54316-2011. The quality standards for such water are:

  1. Extraction method. Natural mineral water is extracted from a well. The extracted water is purified and filtered. There are also separate standards for the cleaning and filtration process. According to standards, the liquid should be crystal clear, but a slight sediment of mineral compounds is allowed. The taste and smell must correspond to the composition of the liquid.
  2. Standards impose restrictions on a certain list of chemical elements. Thus, in water with minerals, ammonium content is allowed in an amount not exceeding 2 mg/l, phenolic substances in a volume of 0.001 mg/l, nitrates up to 50 mg/l, lead up to 0.3 mg/l, nitrites up to 2 mg/l. The concentration of arsenic is also specified: for medicinal water this figure cannot exceed 3 mg/l, and in canteens and medicinal water it cannot exceed 1.5 mg/l.
  3. The concentration of nitrogen dioxide (carbonation of the drink) cannot be less than 0.3%. The production of still water is also allowed.
  4. Spill requirements. Water is sold in tightly sealed bottles.

After this, the product must undergo testing to confirm its quality. To do this, a sample is analyzed, its organoleptic qualities, composition, microbiological parameters are checked, and radiological control is carried out. The harmlessness of all components of mineral water is also strictly controlled, and the physical usefulness of the elements is checked.

Analysis of mineral water at home

Each of us can check the quality of bottled water in affordable ways. To do this, you need to carry out a number of small experiments:

  • For the first test, you will need to drop water from a bottle onto a clean glass or mirror and let it dry. If after this there are no traces left on the surface, then the water is clean. A dried whitish spot will indicate the presence of excess chlorine, and circular stains at the site of the drop will indicate an excess of salts.
  • The second analysis requires standing bottled water in a jar. To do this, pour a sample of water into a clean three-liter jar and place it in a dark place for several days. High-quality water should remain as clean and transparent, without odor or sediment. If the water becomes cloudy, turns green, or has sediment or an unpleasant odor, it means there are bacteria in it. An oil film on the surface of the water will indicate the presence of harmful chemicals.
  • If you pour mineral water without gas into a dark saucepan and boil for 10-15 minutes, then after draining the liquid you can draw conclusions about the quality of the water. If there is a white coating, sediment or scale on the walls of the dishes, we can say that there is an excess of salts, iron oxide, and calcium in the water.

Mineral water examination

Analysis of high-quality mineral water according to organoleptic indicators should give the following results: it is a colorless transparent liquid with a characteristic taste and smell of dissolved minerals. When storing such a liquid, a slight sediment may form.

The mineral water test can be carried out:

  • Express method
  • By weight method

The first method is carried out like this. First, 100 ml of water from a bottle is taken into a clean glass. She is allowed to stand for 10 minutes. Then the trace left by a drop of this liquid on the glass is examined. Simple drinking water can produce a salt contour. Mineral water will have a vague outline of the trail. In this case, its inner part will be filled with a whitish coating. The trace of a drop in medicinal table waters should be more densely filled with white coating, while in medicinal waters the trace will be completely white.

The gravimetric method allows, in laboratory conditions, to determine the concentration of mineral salts in grams per cubic decimeter.

If you want to check the quality of mineral water, then you can order the most reliable analysis only in a laboratory. No amount of home testing will give you the full picture. To conduct an analysis in our laboratory, you need to contact us at the phone numbers listed on the website.