Alexander Sheps helped a man cope with alcohol addiction. Swami Dashi treatment of alcoholism

  • 26.09.2019

Alcoholism and extrasensory perception

From the point of view of parapsychology, a drunk person significantly reduces his protection from magical machinations against him due to a sharp drop in his own energy. In addition, he, on top of everything else, becomes an easy prey for energy vampirism on the part of the lower planes of the subtle world - demons, restless souls and other similar entities. Moreover, after a good libation, the human energy frame is destroyed when the chakras deviate from their normal axis, and this, in turn, leads to their imbalance and premature illnesses. As a result, the alcoholic lives much less than the time allotted to him by nature.

If we mean not a magician or a psychic, but a person as such in principle, then, although drunkenness is one of the sins for him, it is very easy to determine which forces, dark or light, predominate in a person when he is drunk. Some become kind, others, on the contrary, show anger and begin to go on a rampage. That is, under the influence of alcohol, as a rule, the control of the brain, the control of a person’s consciousness over his actions, is switched off, and what is in the person’s biofield, in his subconscious, begins to appear. The same thing manifests itself in a person if he is exposed to drugs or hypnosis.

But if someone decides to engage in extrasensory perception, then they especially should not abuse alcohol, since any extrasensory activity in alcoholics is reduced to nothing.

There are several reasons for this. The first is that our ability for spatial-visual imagination weakens, which leads to a blurring of the goal and, accordingly, a miss when trying to achieve it. The second is that our will is reduced to the level of failure to complete the task. However, a drinking person is in himself a person of weak will, for whom there is no place in parapsychology. After all, if he cannot overcome himself, how can he overcome someone else’s spirit, someone else’s illness, resist someone else’s evil will and Fate in general? And finally, the third reason is that the internal energy potential decreases to such a low level that the neophyte becomes unable to penetrate the aura of other people and influence them for his own purposes. Moreover, he is not able to influence anything at all or influence very little, because the implementation of the psychic’s commands is controlled by the amount of energy that he puts into them.

For those who love statistics, I’ll give you some numbers: one hundred grams of vodka you drink is on average equivalent to fifteen hours of your complete helplessness as a psychic. Accordingly, a bottle of vodka drunk knocks the magician off track for three days.

Of course, I do not urge anyone to give up alcohol completely, but this activity must correspond to a time, measure and place, which for a psychic are significantly narrowed compared to an ordinary person. Moreover, a psychic, if he really is one, is never treated for alcoholism, since he is beyond such a scourge, and he controls himself completely. And a beginner who has taken the path of extrasensory perception will never become a psychic if at any moment he is not able to break with his addiction.

And, in general, any drinker should ask himself: no matter how many mistakes he has made in life and who would he be now if he were not the bottle’s bosom friend?

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The star of the “Battle of Psychics” Swami Dashi travels around the country with seminars in which he helps people understand themselves, rethink what is happening in their lives, get rid of internal negativity and correct their psychological state. To convey his thoughts to more people, the mystic decided to release an autobiographical book.

In the work “Rebirth. Spiritless Spirituality” he recalls the moment when he felt that he was seeing subtle worlds and energies. “I intuitively understood that something had opened up in me that day. My eyes began to see somehow differently. That incident became such a beacon for me, a signal flare that momentarily illuminated the path ahead of me,” said the psychic, announcing the future work.

The book will be presented in Moscow on May 24, but StarHit has obtained fragments from the first chapter, in which Dashi talks about how he tried to recover from alcoholism. Many years ago, a man realized that no means could help him give up alcohol forever.

“It all started with the fact that I found myself in a severe binge, which, alas, has not been measured in days for a long time. My life at that time was a fabulous “broken trough”. I've lost everything. I've lost friends. I lost my family. I lost myself. I was clearly aware that I was dying. I was not yet thirty then,” Swami writes.

As the man admits, at that time he knew nothing about the practices of alternative medicine, so he decided to do a 40-day fast according to the Paul Bragg system. According to Dasha, he was not afraid of anything, because he believed that his life would not get any worse.

“If I knew what was in store for me... But I didn’t know anything and boldly relied on my “gut feeling,” which I now call intuition. I understood perfectly well that I was jumping from ten meters without a parachute. But I was no longer afraid to risk my life, because at that moment I had managed to turn it into a living hell,” the mystic recalls.

According to Swami, forty days of being locked up and without communicating with people helped him rethink a lot. Despite his physical ailment, he was able to gain a certain purity in his thoughts and learn to meditate. Gradually, Dashi improved his skills and discovered a lot of new things about his consciousness.

With the help of magic? Alcohol addiction is a huge grief for any family, as it literally changes a person both externally and internally. It is no coincidence that foreign experts and scientists always recommend that the whole family undergo rehabilitation after one of the members has been drunk. Many people are so desperate in their unsuccessful fight against this disease that they are increasingly thinking about the question: is there a conspiracy against alcoholism using water?

The Church is against it!

Psychological trauma is one of the most difficult and unforgettable moments. A person who drinks heavily will certainly cause harm to the environment in which he is located. Therefore, many decide to treat alcoholism with magic. At the moment, there is literally a whole propaganda against sorcerers, various healers, as well as psychics. I would like to immediately emphasize that there are very few ideological moments in this propaganda. This is explained by the fact that the church is the very initiator of such a “struggle.” But the church is only an institution of the unique power of Orthodoxy. And cases of real healing from drunkenness only after ordinary confession and communion, unfortunately, have not been recorded.

Practical magic

In defense of this method of treating an illness, we can say that there were times when great geneticists were not allowed to treat people with herbs, and homeopathy itself was strictly prohibited. But this ban only slowed down the development of such methods of treatment for this disease for some time. The question “is it worth trying magic treatment for drunkenness?” has a completely different meaning. Provide help to your loved one, as well as yourself? Stop the destruction of your destiny or let everything take its course?

The societies of evangelists, Pentecostals, Seventh-day Adventists, and Baptists allowed by the Orthodox Church today do not consent to official medicine, they are prohibited from having blood transfusions, organ transplants, and even if the problem is between life and death. Can such behavior whitewash the love of faith or the degradation of a person? And what is especially important - the loyalty established by people to some prescriptions or your current life, which you have alone?!

Magic treatment is an unconventional method, so it should be treated with caution.

Since ancient times, practical magic has helped people cope with many ailments, including helping against drunkenness. Of course, not every one of us knows what black magic is and how it can affect a person. Black magic is very dangerous for an ordinary person and if used incorrectly, the consequences can be sad, even death! Therefore, before you try to cast a spell on water, think about what consequences may occur.

Health and happiness are in your hands

What does a person become when he starts drinking?

  1. Vicious;
  2. Does not control himself;
  3. Screams for no reason;
  4. Gets irritated over trifles;
  5. Scandals and fights;
  6. Leads an immoral lifestyle.

There is an opinion that everything that is directed against caring for people’s health is not a real faith. Only its “melting” by ardent adherents of “pure faith”, interpretation for their own personal purposes, can lead to prohibitions on seeking help from magicians and clairvoyants for other problems. A person simply must be lucky, loved and healthy, only in this case he is able to achieve his goals and be useful to all the people around him. Relieving a person from drunkenness, doctors, monitoring alcoholics in their work, made a unanimous conclusion: healthy, wealthy and successful people will never drink.

Why are there so many alcoholics

The emergence of an addiction is usually based on the inability to realize oneself as an individual, to solve problems, misunderstanding of one’s loved ones, and the inability to “fit in” with society. And all these problems remain with the patient if treatment for alcoholism is carried out in a drug treatment clinic with the help of special medications that cause complete aversion from drunkenness.

All mental correction of an addict that takes place as part of official treatment essentially comes down to the following statements: “drinking is very bad” and “if you start drinking again, you will die immediately.” Unfortunately, this is a completely ineffective approach from traditional medicine.

People are different and some believe and some don’t, that if you read on water, you can get rid of addiction. We believe that no one will deny that there is some kind of negative energy in the world, which, one way or another, is present in our lives. So, alcoholism is a kind of bad black energy:

  • Alcohol Egregor;
  • Egregor of violence;
  • Egregor of faith and church;
  • Gambling addiction;
  • Debauchery and much more.

It is within the power of a magician and sorcerer to eliminate all these types of addiction, and they can also remove damage, love spells, and even inherited drunkenness. Among other things, anyone who undertakes to treat people, be it a psychic or a sorcerer, or a healer, has their own advantages over those invisible forces that help him. Therefore, using your personal connections with the energy of invisible forces makes such treatment much more effective and efficient. If you think that everyone can read water, you are deeply mistaken. You need to not only read the water, but also have certain abilities that not every person has!


We often try to explain to people who complain about their lives, having not changed even after visiting various holy places, such as a monastery or church. Understand that God is not faced with the task of healing a specific person, his task is to bring him to faith by any means, and this, as a rule, proceeds through various trials and heavy losses. Healers, sorcerers, psychics are a kind of intermediaries before an invisible force who are able to hear and develop a certain energy, thanks to which any healer is able to cure a patient and he does not even have to cast a spell on water.

It is very difficult to love and care for a person who is unable to take responsibility for his actions due to chronic drunkenness. But if you consider that he is seriously ill, then naturally you need to try to cure him. Don't give up, even if some method doesn't work. There are many ways to treat addiction: coding, water spells, drug therapy, etc., some will certainly help your loved one and gain health.

All materials on our site are intended for those who care about their health. But we do not recommend self-medication - each person is unique, and without consulting a doctor you cannot use certain means and methods. Be healthy!

Get rid of alcoholism You can do it yourself, the main thing is desire. How to overcome alcohol addiction with the help of herbs, healthy products and hobbies, said the shaman. You can read her advice in the article.

Nowadays, many people suffer from alcoholism. And even more people don’t admit it: “What alcoholism, I only had a bottle of beer...” If this “bottle of beer” has become almost daily, you have domestic alcoholism. Are there any accessible ways to get away from this scourge on your own? This question was answered by a participant in the “Battle of Psychics-14”, shaman Irina Bogdanova.

As the shaman said, her grandmother was a healer. Irina learned a lot from her, and also with her help learned many secret knowledge on curing various misfortunes. Here's what she told her about how to overcome the “green snake”:

“It is ideal to replace sugar consumption with honey. It neutralizes the effect of alcohols. A drunk person should be given a tablespoon of honey every 30 minutes. At the same time, an aversion to alcohol begins to develop and the person stops drinking alcohol.”

Irina Bogdanova is sure that any addiction arises from idleness! Therefore, the psychic advises trying to occupy yourself with something:

“Learn to take a walk before bed. Such walks can last from twenty minutes to an hour or more. Play sports. Come up with a hobby - knitting, sawing, photography, etc... You just need to distract yourself with something.”

However, everyone knows that no one and no method will help in treating addiction if a person does not want to be cured.

“Why doesn’t treatment for alcoholism always help? If a person does not have an internal desire to leave alcoholism, he returns back. After all, it is impossible to move someone who is sitting in his apartment across the road,” the clairvoyant assures.

Irina Bogdanova also spoke about herbs that can help you fight alcohol addiction.

Brew one teaspoon of anise seeds with a glass of boiling water and leave for 20 minutes. The patient needs to drink a quarter glass three times a day before meals.

Brew two tablespoons of dried St. John's wort herb with half a liter of boiling water and keep in a water bath for half an hour. Refrigerate. The drink is given to the patient two weeks before the expected binge. This is done daily before each meal.

Fill a three-liter saucepan halfway with oats in husks and fill to the top with cold water. Heat and simmer over low heat for half an hour. Then drain the broth and add about one hundred grams of freshly picked calendula flowers to it. It is advisable to wrap the container with the decoction tightly and leave overnight. The next morning you can take one glass before meals.

Collect centaury, wormwood and thyme. Chop the leaves and mix in equal parts. Three tablespoons of the resulting mixture, pour 200 g of boiling water and leave in a water bath for two hours. Then strain. You need to take a tablespoon before meals (daily for three months).

Pour two tablespoons of bearberry into a glass of boiling water. Place on fire and boil for 15 minutes. You need to take this infusion one tablespoon six times a day for a week.

Remember! Alcohol intoxication will not replace the smiles, hugs and love of your loved ones. Be healthy!