Read White Feathers Russian fairy tale. "Russian folk tale \"White Feathers\"

  • 06.07.2019

About our smaller brothers

Answers to pages 23 - 24

White feathers
Russian folk tale

It was a long time ago.
The winter that year was very cold. So cold that the birds were all frozen from the cold.
Only the capercaillie remained alive and did not freeze.
Winter has passed, spring has come again. Swans arrived from the south.
When the capercaillie told them about the winter cold, he trembled all over.
But the warm spring has passed, and the hot summer has ended...
The swans began to prepare to fly south.
“How can I,” asks the capercaillie, “am I left here to freeze alone?” I will fly with you too!
“The road is long,” say the swans. - You'll still fall behind
The wood grouse is crying and doesn’t want to stay:
- I won't leave you alone. Just take me with you!
The swans thought - what to do? And it’s a pity to leave the wood grouse, and the road ahead is difficult.
Here is one swan and says to his comrades:
- Let's take it, maybe it will fly. I will tie him to me with a thin rope. Do you, wood grouse, agree?
The wood grouse rejoiced:
- I agree, of course I agree!
The swans gathered, flapped their wings and flew away.
Swans fly over the forest. Below, the rowan trees are turning red, the spruce trees are waving their dark branches, the birch trees are waving their golden leaves.
- Goodbye, swans! Goodbye white people! Have a nice trip!
They fly over the fields, fly over the forests. There are swans in front, and a capercaillie on a string behind. He flies and barely flaps his wings. It's difficult for him.
- Well, are you tired? - the swan shouts to him.
“Nothing,” says the capercaillie, “while I’m flying.”
Another hour or two flew by. The swans settled down to rest. The capercaillie is completely tired. Sits, eyes closed.
That's it, wood grouse, you still stay, the swan tells him, winter will soon pass, and we will return again. And so that you don’t get bored, I’ll give you white feathers.
The swan pulled out ten white feathers from itself and stuck them in the wings of the capercaillie.
The swans rested and flew on. And the capercaillie sat for a long time under the birch tree, looked after them and cried. He cried for so long that his eyes and eyebrows turned red.
Since then, the capercaillie's eyes and eyebrows have become red, and white feathers have appeared in their wings. And wood grouse no longer fly south in the fall.

1. What did the swan give to the wood grouse? Find the answer in the text. Write it down.

The swan pulled out ten white feathers from itself and stuck them in the wings of the capercaillie.

2. What do you know about wood grouse now? Re-read the end of the fairy tale. Fill in the missing words.

Since then, wood grouse have eyes and eyebrows turned red, and in them white feathers on wings appeared. And wood grouse no longer fly south in the fall.

3 ∗ . Solve the crossword puzzle.

1. A bird that sleeps in the snow.
2. Best singer.
3. Forest doctor.
4. Bird with a long neck.
5. A bird that sleeps during the day and flies at night.

Masalova Tatyana Sergeevna

Primary school teacher

Municipal educational institution "Belgorod region Belgorod district Belomestnenskaya secondary school"

Literary reading.

Topic: Russian folk tale"White Feathers"


    Continue work to familiarize students with works of oral folk art using the example of the Russian folk tale “White Feathers”

    Develop reading skills: distinguish between original and folk fairy tales, distinguish between the real and the fictional in fairy tales, draw up a schematic plan for fairy tales, retell according to plan, independently read books about animals, complete tasks on the topic, determine the theme and genre of the work

    Foster love and kindness towards animals

    Compare the concepts of “kindness” and “mercy”


textbook, reader, illustration of a capercaillie, illustrated book by Garshin “The Frog Traveler”, cards for modeling, magazine “Anthill”.

Lesson progress:

    Organizational moment

    Checking homework (about homework students report)

Expressive reading of the fairy tale “Where does the whale get such a throat” by F. Kipling by roles

(assessed by students after monitoring each student and group)

    Lesson topic message.

U: Today in class we will get acquainted with the new work “White Feathers”.

    Working on new material.

    Work on the text of the work before reading.

T: - What can you say about this piece before you hear it?

Get ready to listen, you have the opportunity to test your assumptions, try to remember the content as best as possible.

2 . Listening (read by teacher)

3. Work with the work after reading.

1) Testing assumptions

    Modeling (note that this is a folk tale)

2) - reading

Division into parts


Write on the board:


    Cold winter

    Long road

    White feathers

Conversation after independent reading:

What trouble happened to the capercaillie? (it was difficult to winter)

Who did he turn to for help?

How did the swans react to the capercaillie's request?

What qualities did the swans have that they didn’t leave the capercaillie in trouble? (kind, sympathetic, attentive, caring, noble, smart, resourceful)

What was the capercaillie like? (persistent, patient, weak)

How did swans make it easier for wood grouse to fly?

How did the capercaillie's journey end?

5. Oral drawing

What can you tell us about swans and wood grouse? (describe appearance, habits)

What changes in the appearance of the capercaillie occurred after parting with the swans?

Show illustrations of birds.

What's true in this fairy tale? (description of wood grouse)

+Additional information about birds – see .

In the world of interesting things:

    Swan – “king of birds” - exercise Russian p. 14

    Wood grouse are the ancestors of the glorious family of grouse birds. (3-4 kg, they fly noisily, but not far, they spend the night in the snow).

The capercaillie is also called a rooster.

The beauty of these birds leaves few people indifferent.

The capercaillie has a fan-shaped tail, like a peacock's. Page 48

6.Exercise in expressive reading.


What feelings did you experience while reading the fairy tale?

Try to convey this mood when reading.

Work in groups. Reading by roles.

7. Reading by roles. (Check, analysis)

8. Comparison with the fairy tale “The Frog Traveler” (guesses based on illustrations )

V . Generalization of knowledge.

1. Today in class...

2. This fairy tale taught me...

VI . Homework: role-playing + retelling of the plan.

Additional task: read “The Frog Traveler” or watch a cartoon

Show books about birds and books where the heroes are birds.

Additional task: 1. Retelling according to plan

2.Work based on illustrations

3. Remember fairy tales where the main characters are

swans or other birds.


"Wild Swans"


"Gray Neck"

"The Fox and the Crane"

The main idea of ​​the lesson: “Be able to overcome difficulties.”

No sources were used to create the development.

Ermolina Lyudmila Petrovna
Job title: primary school teacher
Educational institution: MAOU Cheremshanskaya secondary school
Locality: from Cheremshanka
Name of material: lesson notes on literary reading
Subject: Russian folk tale "White Feathers" UMK " Primary school XXI century"
Publication date: 12.02.2016
Chapter: primary education

Methodological development of a literary reading lesson

on the topic “Russian folk tale “White Feathers””

Educational and training complex “Primary school XXI century”.

Russian folk tale "White Feathers"

continue acquaintance with Russian folk tales, learn to analyze and evaluate what you read, improve reading techniques; develop speech, replenish vocabulary, instill a love for oral folk art, learn to convey the intonations of the characters and their feelings with their voice.
Bring up:
mutual assistance, the ability to listen to a friend, listen to the opinion of another person, accept a point of view different from one’s own.
Form UUD:

to form the initial level of aesthetic perception of a work of art; develop the ability to express one’s emotions in expressive reading and determine the basis for emotional experience literary text, formation of interest in works of folk art.
Regulatory UUD:
understand the purpose and meaning of the tasks performed; plan your action in accordance with the task; express your guess.
Communicative UUD
: perceive the opinion of peers about the read work; take part in the discussion of what you read, use available speech means to convey your impressions.
Cognitive UUD
: the ability to navigate one’s knowledge system: to distinguish the new from the already known with the help of a teacher; gain new knowledge: find answers to questions using the textbook, your life experience and information received in the lesson.
Planned result
Subject: convey your attitude to what you read with intonation, compare author’s and folk tales, determine the genre and theme of the work, explain the actions of the characters and argue your attitude towards them. Personal: the presence of motivation to work for results, to creative work. Possession of communication skills in order to realize opportunities for successful cooperation with the teacher and students in the class. Meta-subject: willingness to listen to the interlocutor and conduct a dialogue.
Textbook " Literary reading. 2nd class" (author L.A. Efrosinina), workbook No. 2, individual sheets for modeling..
Organization of space
individual work, pair work.
Lesson stage

Teacher activities

Student activities

Motivation to


. General readiness of children for the lesson. Children's attention span. Hello guys. Literature is an extraordinary magical land. The authors of the works are real wizards who have a magic wand. For the authors, this is an artistic expression. With one stroke of the pen, the author can transform simple words into the unusual and mysterious. If you don’t think about the word, you won’t understand the meaning of the work, its idea that the author wanted to convey to us. And only an attentive reader is able to unravel and understand the meaning of the work. Therefore, I wish you to be attentive, thoughtful readers today. Good luck to you. And so we begin our lesson! Self-monitoring of readiness for the lesson. Reaction to the teacher, attention.
goal setting;
planning educational cooperation with the teacher and peers.

work to reading
. 
Exercises for voice development
: (Slide) Teacher: Whoever wants to talk must pronounce everything correctly and clearly So that everyone can understand Children: We will talk We will pronounce So correctly and clearly So that everyone can understand Pure sayings On - on - on - a Lo pine grows in the forest - lo – lo – it’s warm outside Ol – ol – ol – we bought salt. Su-su-su - don’t anger the wasp Or-or-or - Masha went into the forest. Ul-ul-ul - our chair broke.


Fluency in past material. Reveals the level of knowledge. Identifies typical deficiencies. Organizing the preparation of students for reading a text, predicting its content and thematic, emotional orientation in accordance with their age. Independent determination of the semantic, thematic, emotional orientation of the text, highlighting its characters based on the title, keywords, illustrations preceding the text, based on the reader’s experience.
logical - analysis of objects in order to highlight features.
skill with sufficient completeness and accuracy

The Russian people have a “living flower”. Let's collect this

flower. I read, you name what genre it is.

Every answer you give is a petal.

1 petal.
Not a tailor, but walks around with needles all his life.
2 petals.
The weavers wove fabrics for Tanya's dress.
3 petals.
The turtle tucked its tail and ran after the hare. I found myself ahead. If you don't believe it, come out.
4 petal
. There is no land more beautiful than our Motherland. What other petals can we add to our “magic flower”? (as the children answer, new petals appear) Look, our flower is missing a core. How to call riddles, nursery rhymes, etc. in one word? A flower appears on the board. Acceptance of lesson goals, readiness to read and discuss the text. riddle tongue twister rhyme proverb songs, epics, nursery rhymes, fables, fairy tales, etc. folklore express your thoughts in accordance with the tasks and conditions of communication
: determining the sequence of intermediate goals, taking into account the final result.

knowledge, emergence

topics, problems

Remember which section we are working with? What works posted in this section have you studied? And today we will get acquainted with last work from this section.
- Name new fairy tale you'll know if you handle it


The name consists of two words.

In the first word, the root is taken from the word protein, the ending is from

glorious words, in the second word there is a root, as in the word

feather bed, suffix, as in the word sun, ending from

children's words.

“White feathers” (slide)
Do you think it’s possible to tell by the title who it’s about? (About birds) And what birds will you learn about if you guess the riddles (slide)
About our smaller brothers.
Perform a task that trains individual abilities for learning activities, mental operations and learning skills Contents Russian folk tale “White Feathers” Children’s assumptions
He sat down on a tree, on a twig, A piece of his beard sticks out, Like a flyer, he is rather bad And, at times, a bit deaf. (Grouse grouse) – 1. Wood grouse are the ancestors of the glorious family of grouse birds. (3-4 kg, they fly noisily, but not far, they spend the night in the snow). The capercaillie is also called a rooster. The beauty of these birds leaves few people indifferent. Capercaillie - the tail is fanned out, like a peacock. Beauty - the bird swims - does not hide. White, like foam, sedate in her movements. The beak glows like a red bud over the backwater. And the neck is an arc above calm water. (swan) Swans are long-lived, smart and majestic birds. Their wingspan reaches two meters. Swans – migratory birds. They have very developed flight muscles, allowing them to fly over thousands. It is not for nothing that the swan is called the king of birds due to its strength and beauty.

text perception
. (hearing)
Conversation –



Organizes students to investigate a problem situation. Listen to the piece and tell me if your guesses are correct. The teacher reads the text -Are your assumptions correct? Did you like the work? What feeling did the piece you listened to make you feel? Listening in accordance with program requirements for the quality of reading (technique and meaningfulness of reading). The presence of a primary emotional reaction to the text, its adequacy to the text. The ability to express your feelings and thoughts. Checking your assumptions about the content and characters of the text, reflection: why did the forecast turn out to be inaccurate? What information was not enough?
forecasting; Be able to make the necessary adjustments to the action after its completion based on its assessment and taking into account the nature of the errors made;
communicative –


Let's make a model of the cover of this work. Show the theme and genre of the work with a symbol on the pieces of paper. (children draw model options) Who wants to explain their choice? Prove that this is a fairy tale. Using the textbook, complete the cover model. Children's reasoning Brown circle because it is a fairy tale about animals. Blue circle because this is a fairy tale about magic. The circle is colored brown and blue, as this is a fairy tale about the adventures of birds. Animals communicate with each other using human speech. Children complement the cover model with proactive cooperation in searching and selecting information

Working with text

(questions and assignments in the textbook part 2 p. 36)
Physical education minute
Relationship with the results of identifying primary perception. Organization of exploratory reading, dialogue with the author through the text.
What's in this fairy tale, really?

Tell us how the swans reacted to the hero’s request?

Why did the capercaillie's eyes and eyebrows turn red? Find

the answer is in the text.

How did the capercaillie's journey end? Find

the answer is in the text and read.
Look at the illustration for this work. Read the passage for which the illustration is made. The ability to answer teacher’s questions based on the text and argue your point of view. Showing attention to the judgments of comrades, the desire to find and “unravel” the author’s clues in the text Page 34, paragraphs 4, 6,7. Spring has come. Swans arrived from the south. The hot summer is over, the swans begin to gather south. Page 36 last paragraph... wood grouse have red eyes and eyebrows, and their wings have white feathers... and wood grouse do not fly to the south. Page 36, 3 paragraph. The swans rested... their eyes and eyebrows turned red. Page 36 1 paragraph. The capercaillie is completely tired. Sits, eyes closed. Page 35 paragraph 4. They fly over the fields... It’s difficult for him.
mastery of monologue and dialogic forms of speech in accordance with the grammatical and syntactic norms of the native language and modern means of communication
semantic reading of the text; extracting information in accordance with the purpose of reading, analyzing an object with highlighting essential and non-essential features
- sequencing
intermediate goals taking into account the final result; drawing up a plan and sequence of actions
Working with text



reading, working on


Think about what pace and intonation you should read the beginning of the fairy tale? How many paragraphs can you read like this? How will events develop next? The capercaillie addresses the swans. Do you think we should read the words of the wood grouse? What intonation is appropriate when reading the words of a swan? Why? Let's read the dialogue between the capercaillie and the swans, trying to maintain the desired intonation and reading pace. At what moment, why did the capercaillie rejoice? Did the swan's tone change when he offered to help the capercaillie? Read this dialogue and try to convey to your listeners the joy of the wood grouse. How would you read the words of the birch trees waving their branches after the swans? How did events develop further? What has changed in the birds' behavior? Smoothly, with a calm intonation, you can read six paragraphs, as there is a description of winter, which is replaced by spring, summer, autumn...) The swans are going to fly south, and the wood grouse remains to winter Excitedly, with a tinge of fear in the voice, as the wood grouse very afraid of the approaching winter. Swans do not know what a harsh winter is, so their words can be read slowly, judiciously, with dignity. Reading exercise When the swans decided to take him with them No, he still speaks just as calmly and measuredly, because the flight of swans to the south does not depend on the capercaillie Exercise in reading With sadness, as they say goodbye to friends), (exercise in reading the corresponding passage of the fairy tale.) The capercaillie is very tired, He can barely flap his wings, so he needs intonation

Creative work
Work in groups Read the proverbs. Do they fit into the fairy tale? Justify your point of view.
I made a mistake that I hurt myself - science goes ahead
Life is like the sky: sometimes the sun is shining, sometimes there are clouds

will cloud over
. The capercaillie realized that he was unable to fly long distances, he did not calculate his strength and therefore cried a lot, but since then, he no longer tried to fly to the south, that is, “forward science.” The life of any creature consists of good and bad. Children draw
control, correction, highlighting and awareness of what has already been learned and what still needs to be learned, awareness of the quality and level of assimilation;
managing the partner’s behavior – control, correction, evaluation of the partner’s actions. 3 4 5 1
Solve the crossword puzzle “Birds” 1. Bird with a long neck. 2. A bird that sleeps during the day and flies at night. 3.Best singer 4 Bird that sleeps in the snow. 5.Forest doctor. Draw your favorite episode of the fairy tale on the back of the sheet with the model.



-Have you completed the tasks? -So why do wood grouse have red eyes and eyebrows? And the white feathers in the wings? You all know the words (hang on the board and read in unison) “A fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it good fellows lesson" So, what did this fairy tale teach you? (That’s right, count on your strengths. You must live with faith in the best, be able to overcome obstacles) So, the main idea of ​​the lesson, let’s read in chorus,
“Know how to overcome difficulties!”
This will become our motto in the future. Evaluate your work in the lesson: Red circle - it was difficult. Yellow circle – it worked, but not always. Green circle - I felt the joy of working in class, everything worked out. House back 1 Page 34 read and retell Option 1 – from the point of view of the capercaillie Option 2 – from the point of view of the swans.) Demonstration of the main result: answer to a problematic question, etc. Carry out self-assessment of their own educational activities, correlate the goal and results, the degree of their compliance
the ability to express one’s thoughts with sufficient completeness and accuracy;
meaning making.

Russian folk tale "White Feathers"

Genre: folk tale about animals

The main characters of the fairy tale "White Feathers" and their characteristics

  1. Capercaillie. Lonely, pathetic, weak.
  2. Swan. Proud, handsome, good friend, strong, fast.
Plan for retelling the fairy tale "White Feathers"
  1. Scary winter
  2. Return of the Swans
  3. Wood grouse's story
  4. Short summer
  5. Fees to the south
  6. Rope
  7. Tired capercaillie
  8. Parting
  9. White feathers
  10. Tears of a wood grouse
The shortest summary of the fairy tale "White Feathers" for reader's diary in 6 sentences
  1. In the harsh winter, all the birds died and only the capercaillie remained
  2. In the spring the swans arrived, but the warm time quickly came to an end.
  3. The capercaillie began to ask to go south and was offered to fly on a string
  4. The capercaillie flew on a string all day and was completely exhausted
  5. The swans left the capercaillie alone, but gave him white feathers
  6. The capercaillie cried heavily and his eyes and eyebrows turned red.
The main idea of ​​the fairy tale "White Feathers"
Everyone has their own destiny, a swan to fly south, a wood grouse to spend the winter in the snow.

What does the fairy tale "White Feathers" teach?
This fairy tale teaches you to love animals, in particular birds. Teaches you to be attentive, observant, notice various features animals.

Review of the fairy tale "White Feathers"
This is very interesting story about how wood grouse got white feathers and red eyes. I felt sorry for the poor wood grouse, who was unable to fly with the swans even in tow. But in our time, wood grouse winter well under the snow and do not freeze.

Proverbs for the fairy tale "White Feathers"
A friend is known in need.
Winter has come and brought frost.
Living alone is a cold heart.
It is difficult for a lonely tree to grow.
The white swan is not a friend to the wood grouse.

Read summary, brief retelling fairy tales "White Feathers"
That year the winter turned out to be unprecedentedly harsh. So frosty that all the birds died during the winter. Only the capercaillie miraculously survived, because it hid under the snow all winter.
And so, when the swans arrived in the spring from the distant south, the capercaillie began to tell them about the cold, and he himself trembled with fear.
The short northern summer passed and the swans began to gather south again. And the capercaillie begs them not to leave him alone, to take him with them. But how to do this? The capercaillie will not reach, he cannot fly as fast as swans.
And then one of the strongest swan said to tie the wood grouse to him on a string. So that he drags the capercaillie as if in tow.
No sooner said than done, the swans flew off, and the capercaillie followed them on a string.
The swans flew for a long time without stopping, the capercaillie was tired, he could barely flap his wings.
But then the swans descended and sat down to rest. The capercaillie lies on the ground, exhausted, breathing heavily. And the swan tells him that it will not carry him further, that the capercaillie will not be able to cope with the flight. The wood grouse will have to spend the winter here, and so that he would not be sad, the swan pulled out ten white feathers and stuck them in the wood grouse’s wings.
The swans flew further, and the capercaillie sat on the ground, looking after them and crying.
Since then, the eyes and eyebrows of wood grouse have been red from crying, and their wings have white feathers.

Drawings and illustrations for the fairy tale "White Feathers"

Russian folk tale "White Feathers".

It was a long time ago.

The winter that year was very cold. So cold that the birds were all frozen from the cold.

Only the capercaillie remained alive and did not freeze.

Winter has passed, spring has come again. Swans arrived from the south.

When the capercaillie told them about the winter cold, he trembled all over.

But the warm spring has passed, and the hot summer has ended...

The swans began to prepare to fly south.

How can I, asks the capercaillie, stay here alone to freeze? I will fly with you too!

The road is long, say the swans. - You'll still fall behind.

The wood grouse is crying and doesn’t want to stay:

I won't be left behind. Just take me with you!

The swans thought - what should we do? And it’s a pity to leave the wood grouse, and the road ahead is difficult.

Here is one swan and says to his comrades:

Let's take it, maybe it will fly. I will tie him to me with a thin rope. Do you, wood grouse, agree?

The wood grouse rejoiced:

I agree, of course I agree!

The swans gathered, flapped their wings and flew away.

Swans fly over the forest. Below, the mountain ash is turning red, the spruce trees are waving their dark branches, the birch trees are waving their golden leaves.

Goodbye, swans! Goodbye white people! Have a nice trip!

They fly over the fields, fly over the forests. There are swans in front, and a capercaillie on a string behind. He flies and barely flaps his wings. It's difficult for him.

Well, are you tired? - the swan shouts to him.

“Nothing,” says the capercaillie, “while I’m flying.”

Another hour or two flew by. The swans settled down to rest. The capercaillie is completely tired. Sits, eyes closed.

That's it, wood grouse, you still stay, - the swan tells him, - winter will soon pass, and we will return again. And so that you don’t get bored, I’ll give you white feathers.

The swan pulled out ten white feathers from itself and stuck them in the wings of the capercaillie.

Since then, the capercaillie's eyes and eyebrows have become red, and white feathers have appeared in their wings. And wood grouse no longer fly south in the fall.

Complete the tasks. Place an X in the □ next to the correct answer.

1. What is this text about?

□ o cold winter

□ about the meeting of capercaillie and swans

□ about the difficult flight of birds

□ about between birds

2. At what time of year did the meeting between wood grouse and swans take place?

□ in spring

□ in autumn

3. Why did the swan pull out 10 white feathers?

□ so that the capercaillie does not get bored

□ to give them to the capercaillie

□ to keep him warmer

□ as a keepsake

4. The capercaillie stayed for the winter because...

□ the swans didn’t take him with them

□ he can't fly

□ he's tired

□ he would have died on the way

5. Look carefully at the illustration. Write down the passage for which the illustration is made.


6. Indicate the order in which the events occurred. The number 1 is already there. Put the numbers 2, 3, 4.

The swans are going south.

1. Cold winter.

Meeting of wood grouse and swans.

White feathers.

□ describe the appearance of the capercaillie

□ describe the appearance of the swan

□ explain how swans go south

□ talk about the mutual understanding of birds

8. What is the genre of this work?

□ story

□ fairy tale

□ poem

9. Which title most suits the story told by the author?

□ capercaillie

□ flight of swans

□ white feathers

□ cold winter

10. What is true in this work?

□ wood grouse have red eyes and eyebrows, and white feathers in their wings

□ wood grouse can fly long distances on their own

□ wood grouse can cry

□ swans help wood grouse during migration