Biography and personal life of dancer Evgeniy Papunaishvili. Evgeniy Papunaishvili: nationality of the dancer, his wife, biography and personal life Television career of Evgeniy Papunaishvili

  • 24.06.2019

Participant's name: Evgeniy Robertovich Papunaishvili

Age (birthday): Moscow

City: 11/11/1981

Education: MADI

Job: own dance school

Family: married

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The future dancer and choreographer Evgeniy Papunaishvili was born in big family engineers. In addition to him, parents Robert and Lyudmila raised two more sons - older brothers Mikhail and Alexander.

From the age of five, Evgeniy was involved in dancing and football. His parents note that he was a very restless boy, and therefore it was necessary to help him somehow release excess energy. Zhenya liked both classes equally, but at the age of 12 he became more interested in dancing.

He was even entrusted with leading the rhythm at school. At the age of 14, Evgeniy began teaching dance in studios, this was the first income of the future professional dancer international class, winner of the 2002 Finnish Open Championship Latin American dances, champion of Moscow in the same area in 2004 and semi-finalist of the Russian Championship and international tournaments.

Despite all the achievements in at a young age, Papunaishvili thought that it was not worth taking dancing seriously in the future, and therefore decided to enroll in the capital’s Automobile and Highway Institute, graduating in 2003.

A year before, he began working as a dance teacher at the Gala Dance studio, and after that he became one of the owners of a network of metropolitan budget dance studios called D-Fusion.

He has the largest dance lesson in the country, when 1830 people were present at the same time. This achievement was included in the Guinness Book of Records and Russia.

Evgeniy has his own dance school in Moscow, he teaches himself ballroom dancing and caribbean mix.

Papunaishvili is one of the most coveted and expensive choreographers in our country, and this is well deserved. He admits that as a child he was even embarrassed to say that he was engaged in dancing, but now he is ready to devote his whole life to this activity.

After participating in the show “Dancing with the Stars” he became everyone’s favorite. He took part in the project in 2007 and 2015. Already in 2016 he showed himself with the best side paired with gymnast L. Gruzdeva in circus show“Without insurance”, and a year later he took part in the “Alone with Everyone” project.

The handsome dancer is still single. His Georgian heart He is certainly not indifferent to young ladies, and Evgeniy is often credited with having a lot of romances, and especially with the participants of “Dancing with the Stars.”

But the choreographer says that among the stars he had an affair exclusively with.

At the end of 2016, Papunaishvili began dating Italian Salima, a famous top stylist.

Didn't even bother the lovers the language barrier. Fans noted that Evgeniy treats his new passion very well.

Photo by Evgeniy

Evgeniy Papunaishvili actively maintains his account on Instagram, delighting his army of subscribers with new photos.

This tall brown-eyed man with charming smile the whole country saw him on the show “Dancing with the Stars.” Now he broadcasts himself and continues to win victories in his favorite pastime. The biography of Evgeniy Papunaishvili is as vivid as all his appearances on the screen.

Many are interested in the dancer’s personal life, because for a long time he was one of the most eligible bachelors in the capital. How is his career and relationships with women going now? Let's find out!

Biography of Evgeniy Papunaishvili

Born on December 11, 1981 in Moscow. Despite the fact that his parents were engineers, he chose a completely different path. This is a considerable merit of the mother. The boy had two paths - either football or the floor. Too active and restless at five years old, he came with his mother to sign up for a dance club and a football section. The boy liked both of these activities. But if he proudly talked about football at school, he tried to keep quiet about his second hobby. Dancing was not such a prestigious occupation, and he was embarrassed to tell his friends about it. However, when the boy turned 14 years old, he was offered to teach gymnastics classes at school and was even paid money for it. The shameful hobby began to bring in good income, and Zhenya was no longer ashamed of his calling.

In those years, he did not yet see much prospects in dancing and tried to follow in the footsteps of his parents and older brother. He honestly studied at the Automobile and Highway Institute, but was unable to do what he didn’t like. Upon reaching the age of 21, he began seriously teaching dance in the studio. Realizing that such work would not bring big earnings, he became a co-owner of several dance halls.

First victory

In 2002, he competes at the championship in Finland and becomes the winner. This was the first achievement in the biography of Evgeniy Papunaishvili. In 2004, he performed in Moscow and also became a champion. Then followed a series of high-profile victories international competitions and even a unique achievement in the form of a line in the Guinness Book of Records. Evgeny conducted the world's largest dance lesson, which was attended by 1,830 people. From that moment on he understands that he has accepted correct solution in life, and no longer regrets his passion for dancing.

A television

Such merits did not go unnoticed, and soon he accepted an offer to participate in the TV show “Dancing with the Stars.” This was one of the brightest periods in the biography of Evgeniy Papunaishvili - his hot dances became the property of the whole country. It is worth noting that the dancer’s partners were all hand-picked - just screen stars. In the first season, Russians cheered for their couple with Natasha Koroleva, who took third place. These fiery dances forever remembered by the viewer. For the third season, Evgeny danced with singer Irina Saltykova. Unfortunately, the couple did not reach the finals.

But the fourth season was a triumph for Papunaishvili and Yulia Savicheva. Their victory was obvious and no one doubted it. Each dance received the highest marks. Julia herself had a lot to do with this - a hardworking and capable student quickly mastered the art of dance under the guidance of an experienced mentor.

Finished dancing

The fifth season gave the country not only a wonderful show, but also the most discussed topic - the personal life of Evgeniy Papunaishvili. Ksenia Sobchak became his partner, and everyone noticed that the relationship between these two did not end on the dance floor. The romance between the partners began to be discussed faster than it actually began. The dancer did not talk about his relationship, saying only that he and Ksenia were dating. Their joint photos appeared in the media and rumors began to spread that the “blonde in chocolate” would finally get married. But the romance ended quietly, along with the end of the show.

The seventh season again became victorious for Evgeniy. This time his partner was Natasha Ionova. The eighth part began again with the hype around the dancer and Alena Vodonaeva. They finished second, but there were rumors of a closer relationship. The ninth season brought third place to his duet with Svetlana Ivanova, and in the tenth he and his partner did not reach the final.

Long-awaited event

In the summer of 2017, the dancer’s fans became sad - their idol got married. Yes, not on a simple Russian beauty, but on a real sultry Italian! Evgeniy Papunaishvili’s wife was a girl named Salima. Despite the fact that the enviable groom chose a foreigner as his wife, all the fans looked with pleasure at this beautiful couple. Evgeniy, like a true romantic, proposed to his beloved on football match. Thousands of spectators watched him ask Salima to become his wife and how the touched girl agreed. Who would refuse such an offer? On July 11, the wedding of Evgeniy Papunaishvili and his Italian bride took place.

On this moment the dancer still dances, but now has his own large school. He tries to attract young people to this type of art through social media. Evgeniy Papunaishvili’s wife works as a stylist and often appears in her husband’s photos on Instagram. Perhaps in the near future the 35-year-old dancer will have an heir who will love dancing no less than his famous father.

Evgeniy Robertovich Papunaishvili was born cold winter in Moscow on December 11, 1981 in a family of engineers. The parents of the future dancer are Robert and Lyudmila. In the family Evgeniy is youngest son in family. He has two older brothers - Alexander and Mikhail.

From the age of five, Evgeniy Roberovich studied in sports sections in football and dance. Papunaishvili happily went to football and dancing, but he often kept silent about his last hobby among his friends, fearing criticism and ridicule. However, already at the age of 12, he taught rhythmic gymnastics at his school, and at the age of 14, he earned his first money by teaching not at his own school, but at various studios.

Dancer career

Although football occupied a large place in Evgeniy’s adolescence, he decided to devote his life to dancing. Until the age of 21, he continued to work in the studio, until in 2002 he took the place of co-owner of the Moscow chain of budget dance studios D-Fusion.

The biography of Evgeniy Papunaishvili was accompanied, for the most part, by victories. Papunaishvili conducted the largest dance lesson in the world - for 1830 people, for which he was included in the Guinness Book of Records. Later, he realized that dancing, which he had once been shy about, would be his main hobby and direction in life.

"Dancing with the Stars" and your own school

Later, the dancer built his own dance school called the “Evgeniy Papunaishvili Dance School”, without having his own home, explaining that dancing is more important to him than property. According to him, he can remove the roof under the house for now.

"Dancing with the Stars" is a show in which the choreographer became even more popular. And not only because of repeated victories. Evgeniy danced with movie and pop stars, namely:

  • Natasha Koroleva
  • Irina Saltykova
  • Yulia Savicheva
  • Ksenia Sobchak
  • Albina Dzhanabaeva
  • Alena Vodonaeva
  • Tatiana Bulanova,
  • Glafira Tarkhanova
  • Gluck'oZoy

Now Evgeny is the most expensive choreographer in Russia.

Personal life

Evgeniy Papunaishvili does not have a wife. Many novels are attributed to him, but only one was confirmed from the dancer himself. “I won’t deny: we really met with Ksyusha Sobchak.”

Now the romance has ended in separation, and the Georgian choreographer has become free again. Many expected that Papunaishvili would start an affair with Glyuk’oZa, who would leave her husband and remain with a young suitor, but this all turned out to be an invention of journalists. The singer stayed faithful wife And she didn’t leave her husband.

Evgeniy Robertovich Papunaishvili had virtually no difficulties in his career (with the exception of hard training), and the Georgian dancer continues to delight his observers with his participation in new shows to this day.

The audience of the television show “Dancing with the Stars” immediately drew attention to the expressive, charming professional dancer with brown eyes and a white-toothed smile, who captivated with his ability to dance impromptu, impeccable movement, professionalism and openness. Today, Evgeniy Papunaishvili, an international-class dancer, is actively engaged not only in dancing.

Biography and creative career

He was born in Moscow on December 11, 1981 in a family of engineers. Zhenya was the third child of Robert and Lyudmila Papunaishvili. Besides him, his parents had two more eldest sons: Mikhail and Alexander. Little Zhenya grew up as a restless and very energetic child. In order to direct his energy in a peaceful direction, the parents decided to take the five-year-old boy to two sections at once: football and dance.

He enjoyed doing both sports and choreography. However, Evgeniy hid his passion for the art of dance from his peers, fearing ridicule. But he was able to overcome this fear and from the age of 12 he performed rhythmic gymnastics with his classmates at his school. From the age of 14, Evgeniy was engaged in choreography and dance training in various studios on a professional basis, earning not only money, but also prizes at various dance competitions.

However, such successes did not influence the choice of higher educational institution. Evgeniy continued in the late 90s family tradition and entered the Moscow Automobile and Highway Institute, which his mother graduated from, and where his older brothers were already studying. He believed that dancing could not be the main job for a man.

He successfully combined his studies at a technical university with participation in Russian and international dance competitions. In 2002, at the open international championship in Latin American dances in Finland, Evgeniy Papunaishvili took first place.

Biography of a talented young man represents a series of continuous successes, behind which it is not always possible for an outside observer to see the colossal physical labor that Papunaishvili puts into each of his dances. At the same time he began teaching at dance studio“Gala Dance”, and after some time became a co-owner of the D-Fusion chain of dance studios. At this time he was only 21 years old.

Career young performer is developing rapidly:

  1. In 2003, he received an engineering degree and devoted himself entirely to his favorite activity - dancing and choreography.
  2. In 2004, Evgeniy became a semi-finalist at the Moscow Latin American Dance Championship, after which there were no less successful performances in other Russian and international dance championships.

Evgeniy’s popularity increased every year, confirmation of his skill was the holding of the largest dance lesson in Russia, in which Zhenya conducted a master class for 1830 people. For this unique incident, he was included in the Guinness Book of Records, and from that time on, dancing became his main focus. professional activity, which brings not only great income and fame, but also requires incredible physical and mental dedication.

Stellar openness

After the release of the popular television show “Dancing with the Stars,” Eugene became incredibly popular, but this did not make him inaccessible and closed to fans and admirers. Russian star sports dances has a page on Instagram, to which more than 120 thousand people have subscribed. Evgeniy willingly communicates with subscribers and journalists, answers all questions and listens to criticism addressed to him.

Page in this popular network Evgeniy Papunaishvili started his own dance school to popularize dance classes. Evgeniy built a modern, spacious room for dance classes with his own money before he had his own home. He considers dancing to be the main thing in his life and devotes all his strength to it. Today, Papunaishvli is rightfully considered the most expensive dance teacher and choreographer in Russia. He performs perfectly almost all types of sports dances:

  • European;
  • Latin American;
  • ballroom;
  • Caribbean mix;
  • Argentine tango;
  • hip-hop;
  • electro dance and others modern trends dance.

Since 2007, he has been actively appearing on television in the show dedicated to dancing. First successful project became the “Dancing with the Stars” program, which made him recognizable to a huge audience.

Television career

Television career Evgenia Papuanishvili began by participating in one of the most successful television projects, “Dancing with the Stars,” in which he acted as a professional partner and mentor famous actresses, singers and TV presenters, among whom were:

  • Natasha Koroleva;
  • Ksenia Sobchak;
  • Svetlana Ivanova;
  • Irina Saltykova;
  • Tatyana Bulanova;
  • Albina Dzhanabaeva;
  • Glafira Tarkhanova;
  • Glucose;
  • Alena Vodonaeva.

He took part in almost all seasons, and his partners, thanks to his unique teaching gift, were able to take prizes. The only failure in this sense was the duet with theater and film actress Glafira Tarkhanova, who failed to reach the finals. In a duet with singer Glukoza, Zhenya took first place. Working with such a partner helped Alena Vodonaeva take second place in the dance show; working with actress Svetlana Ivanova led to third place in the 2015 season.

In the history of this project Evgeniy became the most popular professional dancer, who demonstrated not only superior craftsmanship, but also exceptional individuality.

Evgeniy not only demonstrates to TV viewers his dance art, but also constantly tries himself in new roles. He took part in the television show “Without Insurance,” successfully performing with professional gymnast Leila Gruzdeva.

His project “I Can!” turned out to be interesting, in which singer, artist and bodybuilder Sergei Glushko, better known as Tarzan and the husband of Natasha Koroleva, performed with him.

Internet users remember the incredibly incendiary salsa in the dance studio, which journalist and writer Andrei Korzun performed with Evgeniy. This dance duet was created as part of an online dance training program that Papunaishvili conducted online for everyone who wanted to learn dance moves.

In addition to thematic television shows and programs directly related to dance, there were also television talk shows. Papunaishvili was a participant in the television program “Alone with Everyone,” in which he was not afraid to speak openly about his innermost experiences and unknown details past life. It was on this program that the media dancer first spoke about meeting his future wife Salima.

All television projects with the participation of Papunaishvili are remembered by the viewer and receive high ratings. Evgeniy not only has something to show his fans, he can also have interesting and frank conversations about himself and his favorite business.

Recently Evgeniy Papunaishvili began acting in the new project “Everybody Dance!” as a presenter, where he performs with him crooner Soso Pavliashvili. Their Georgian duet made a great impression on the audience.

In each of his new television shows, the dancer strives to promote art, infecting not only his partners with incredible energy. film set, but also TV viewers, with a desire to master the language of dance expression and beautiful pirouettes. Evgeniy showed himself excellent not only as a participant dance shows, but also as a lively host of such events. The audience appreciated the versatility of Evgeniy’s talents.

He appears on television, participates in various projects, teaches and popularizes dancing, and also continues to practice his favorite pastime - dancing and choreography. Evgeniy Papunaishvili for a short time was able to become one of the most sought-after dancers and choreographers in modern Russia, actively involved not only in the dances themselves, but also in their teaching at various venues.

From his very first appearance on the television screen, Evgeniy Robertovich Papuanashvili immediately attracted the attention of a huge number of dance fans and instantly became a star in whom interest was shown great amount of people

Dancer's personal life

Until recently, Evgeniy was considered one of the most eligible bachelors in Moscow, who was credited with dizzying romances with all his partners in the show “Dancing with the Stars,” including Glucose. Throughout the project, Evgeniy spent a lot of time with his partner, which gave viewers and journalists a reason to draw a conclusion about the tender feelings that arose between them. However, upon completion of the project, Glucose did not leave her husband, and the relationship did not go beyond friendship between the famous pop singer and a successful dancer.

Evgeniy Papunaishvili himself, whose personal life has become the object of close interest since his appearance on television great circle people, denies all speculation. He only confirms his affair with Ksenia Sobchak, which was not an easy hobby for him. They began to talk about their relationship in the glamor press before they started dating, publishing photos together. Viewers also expected that Ksyusha would finally get married. However, upon completion of the project, the romance ended and the marriage was never consummated.

The dancer’s nationality and natural temperament create the image of a frivolous heartthrob in the eyes of others. Evgeniy himself has repeatedly said in his interviews with journalists that he is looking for one and only woman with whom he would like to walk hand in hand through life.

Family and Children

In 2016, such a meeting took place. Evgeny has an Italian girlfriend named Salima. For quite a long time, relationships were difficult to establish due to the language barrier. Salima Bijaber works as a top stylist. The dancer spoke enthusiastically in his interviews about new darling, but did not talk about wedding plans. As it turned out later, Salima learned Russian so that she could communicate with Evgeniy without a translator. She extended her contract with the Aldo Coppola beauty salon on Novinsky Boulevard in Moscow for two years in order to stay in Russia for Evgeniy’s sake.

Fans and journalists gossip columns I was surprised by Papuanishvili’s romantic marriage proposal, which he made to his beloved in the summer of 2017 in the presence of a large number of people at the stadium.

Evgeniy Papunaishvili and his wife Salima spent their honeymoon in Greece. Impressions about your honeymoon the dancer shared with his fans on his page.

Evgeniy posts all his photos with Salima on his Instagram account. Salima herself notes that she was captivated by Evgeniy’s incredible positivity. That is why she began dating him, by her own admission. Bijaber believes that Zhenya is very similar to the Italian in his kindness, open and cheerful character. Salima said in her interview that Evgeniy simply adores pasta, which she prepares for him at home with great pleasure. She says that Evgeniy is passionate in everything, and above all in his work, dancing forms the basis of his life.

Soon the couple had a daughter, of whom Evgeniy is very proud. The new father is still actively involved in dancing and teaching at his school, and promises to please the audience with new television projects. At the same time, he does not abandon practical studies in his dance school where it comes a large number of famous people who want to learn to dance.

Although training from such a master is very expensive, he tries to make it affordable for everyone. wide range dance school, using Internet broadcasts and involving media persons in conducting master classes. Each program with the participation of Papaniashvili arouses constant interest among Russian viewers.

Attention, TODAY only!

The future dancer and choreographer Evgeniy Papunaishvili was born into a large family of engineers. In addition to him, parents Robert and Lyudmila raised two more sons - older brothers Mikhail and Alexander.

From the age of five, Evgeniy was involved in dancing and football. His parents note that he was a very restless boy, and therefore it was necessary to help him somehow release excess energy. Zhenya liked both classes equally, but at the age of 12 he became more interested in dancing.

He was even entrusted with leading the rhythm at school. At the age of 14, Evgeniy began teaching dance in studios, This was the first income of the future professional dancer of international class, winner of the Finnish Open Championship in Latin American Dance in 2002, Moscow champion in the same discipline in 2004 and semi-finalist of the Russian Championship and international tournaments.

Despite all the achievements at a young age, Papunaishvili thought that it was not worth taking up dancing seriously in the future, and therefore decided to enroll in the capital’s Automobile and Highway Institute, graduating in 2003.

A year before, he began working as a dance teacher at the Gala Dance studio, and after that he became one of the owners of a network of metropolitan budget dance studios called D-Fusion.

He has the largest dance lesson in the country, when 1830 people were present at the same time. This achievement was included in the Guinness Book of Records and Russia.

Evgeniy has his own dance school in Moscow, he himself teaches ballroom dancing and Caribbean mix.

Papunaishvili is one of the most coveted and expensive choreographers in our country, and this is well deserved. He admits that as a child he was even embarrassed to say that he was engaged in dancing, but now he is ready to devote his whole life to this activity.

After participating in the show “Dancing with the Stars” he became everyone’s favorite. He took part in the project in 2007 and 2015. Already in 2016, he showed his best side together with gymnast L. Gruzdeva in the circus show “Without Insurance”, and a year later he took part in the project “Alone with Everyone”.

The handsome dancer is still single. His Georgian heart is certainly not indifferent to the young ladies, and Evgeniy is often credited with a lot of novels, and especially with the participants of “Dancing with the Stars.”

But the choreographer says that among the stars he had an affair exclusively with Kseniy Sobchak.

At the end of 2016, Papunaishvili began dating Italian Salima, a famous top stylist.

The lovers were not even hindered by the language barrier. Fans noted that Evgeniy treats his new passion very well.

Photo by Evgeniy

Evgeniy Papunaishvili actively maintains his account on Instagram, delighting his army of subscribers with new photos.

Evgeniy Papunaishvili will soon become a father, as his wife Salima is six months pregnant.

The addition to the family of a 35-year-old choreographer and regular guest of the show " Amazing people"on "Russia 1" is expected at the end of the year. Evgeniy's wife Salima is six months pregnant.
The expectant mother feels great and does not suffer from toxicosis, so she continues to travel with her loved one. Recently, the couple returned from Italy, where they visited Salima’s homeland - the city of Como. They posted photos from the trip on social networks, but in all the frames Evgeniy carefully covers his wife’s rounded forms. " How everyone here remembers and loves you,– Evgeniy commented on one of the pictures. – This is one of the most beautiful places, in which I was" It's good to rest, but home is always better.

« I used to hate being alone in a bachelor's apartment,” admitted Papunaishvili. – I was in no hurry to return from filming, and now every evening I literally fly home, knowing that the food smells delicious there and that my beloved wife is waiting».

« My happiness❤️,” the future father briefly captioned the photo.

Let us remind you that Evgeniy and Salima got married in July of this year. The newlyweds decided not to have a magnificent celebration, but modestly signed their names at the registry office. The couple chose original outfits for the ceremony. Papunaishvili went to the painting in sneakers, and his chosen one wore an informal knee-length dress.

« It was a special day for us. The two of us arrived at the registry office and signed. Nobody knew about this. Only my older brothers arrived. Then we made a surprise. We went to my parents’ dacha, they didn’t suspect anything, for them it was a great gift. We had an amazing time. And the celebration will come later. We want to have a wedding, invite relatives and friends in advance. It will be such an Italian-Georgian holiday“,” Evgeniy told StarHit.

Biography of Evgeniy Papunaishvili

Born on December 11, 1981 in Moscow. Despite the fact that his parents were engineers, he chose a completely different path. This is a considerable merit of the mother. The boy had two paths - either football or the floor. Too active and restless at five years old, he came with his mother to sign up for a dance club and a football section. The boy liked both of these activities. But if he proudly talked about football at school, he tried to keep quiet about his second hobby. Dancing was not such a prestigious occupation, and he was embarrassed to tell his friends about it. However, when the boy turned 14 years old, he was offered to teach gymnastics classes at school and was even paid money for it. The shameful hobby began to bring in good income, and Zhenya was no longer ashamed of his calling.

In those years, he did not yet see much prospects in dancing and tried to follow in the footsteps of his parents and older brother. He honestly studied at the Automobile and Highway Institute, but was unable to do what he didn’t like. Upon reaching the age of 21, he began seriously teaching dance in the studio. Realizing that such work would not bring big earnings, he became a co-owner of several dance halls.

First victory

In 2002, he competes at the championship in Finland and becomes the winner. This was the first achievement in the biography of Evgeniy Papunaishvili. In 2004, he performed in Moscow and also became a champion. This was followed by a series of high-profile victories at international competitions and even a peculiar achievement in the form of a line in the Guinness Book of Records. Evgeny conducted the world's largest dance lesson, which was attended by 1,830 people. From that moment on, he realizes that he made the right decision in life, and no longer regrets his passion for dancing.

A television

Such merits did not go unnoticed, and soon he accepted an offer to participate in the TV show “Dancing with the Stars.” This was one of the brightest periods in the biography of Evgeniy Papunaishvili - his hot dances became the property of the whole country. It is worth noting that the dancer’s partners were all hand-picked - just screen stars. In the first season, Russians cheered for their couple with Natasha Koroleva, who took third place. These fiery dances will forever be remembered by the viewer. For the third season, Evgeny danced with singer Irina Saltykova. Unfortunately, the couple did not reach the finals.

But the fourth season was a triumph for Papunaishvili and Yulia Savicheva. Their victory was obvious and no one doubted it. Each dance received the highest marks. Julia herself had a lot to do with this - a hardworking and capable student quickly mastered the art of dance under the guidance of an experienced mentor.

Finished dancing

The fifth season gave the country not only a wonderful show, but also the most discussed topic - the personal life of Evgeniy Papunaishvili. Ksenia Sobchak became his partner, and everyone noticed that the relationship between these two did not end on the dance floor. The romance between the partners began to be discussed faster than it actually began. The dancer did not talk about his relationship, saying only that he and Ksenia were dating. Photos of them together appeared in the media and there were rumors that the “chocolate blonde” would finally get married. But the romance ended quietly, along with the end of the show.

The seventh season again became victorious for Evgeniy. This time his partner was Natasha Ionova. The eighth part began again with the hype around the dancer and Alena Vodonaeva. They finished second, but there were rumors of a closer relationship. The ninth season brought third place to his duet with Svetlana Ivanova, and in the tenth he and his partner Glafira Tarkhanova did not reach the final.

Long-awaited event

In the summer of 2017, the dancer’s fans became sad - their idol got married.

not a simple Russian beauty, but a real sultry Italian! Evgeniy Papunaishvili’s wife was a girl named Salima. Despite the fact that the enviable groom chose a foreigner as his wife, all the fans looked at this beautiful couple with pleasure. Evgeny, like a true romantic, proposed to his beloved at a football match. Thousands of spectators watched him ask Salima to become his wife and how the touched girl agreed. Who would refuse such an offer? On July 11, the wedding of Evgeniy Papunaishvili and his Italian bride took place.

At the moment, the dancer is still engaged in dancing, but now he has his own large school. He tries to attract young people to this type of art through social networks. Evgeniy Papunaishvili’s wife works as a stylist and often appears in her husband’s photos on Instagram. Perhaps in the near future the 35-year-old dancer will have an heir who will love dancing no less than his famous father.