Battle of psychics 16 Victoria Ridos. Victoria Ridos - biography, information, personal life

  • 26.06.2019

Fans of Victoria Germanovna Raidos, an experienced tarot reader and occultist, clairvoyance specialist, healer and practicing magician, call her Elf. She was part of the Coven of Northern Witches - a clan the strongest psychic Banteeva Natalia.

It is known that according to the horoscope Victoria is Capricorn, born on December 27th. But the witch does not say in what year. She prefers to surround her biography, personal life, and the names of loved ones with secrecy, since the envy of competitors through the evil eye and damage will harm the witch and her relatives. All that is known from Victoria herself is that she is married and raising a daughter.

Psychic Victoria Raidos is endowed with the ability to see the past and look into the future, receiving information from the afterlife. She is convinced of the ability of people to change their world, and has the power to redirect human energy flows.

Victoria says that she gave her the basics of the sacrament of magic dear grandmother. She also taught fortune telling with Tarot cards. The girl conducted her first practical experiments in esoteric knowledge on herself. Convinced of her abilities, the sorceress began to practice on her family, friends, and acquaintances.

Victoria was the host of the informal youth project “Wake Up,” organized by Natalya Banteeva. They traveled half the country together, organizing meetings with the population.

Victoria claims to have diplomas from several esoteric schools. Teaches the art of card interpretation at the Tarot Academy in St. Petersburg.

Based on the voting results, viewers of the “Battle of Psychics” project awarded Victoria Raidos the title of winner of the “Battle of Psychics” on the TNT channel.

VIDEO: Victoria Raidos - winner of the 16th season of the show “Battle of Psychics”

Victoria Rydos won the final of season 16 of the “Battle of Psychics.”

The host of the show, Marat Basharov, announced the results audience voting show “Battles of Psychics”, which started on December 19.

The finalists waited with bated breath for the results to be announced. The three best participants of the 16th season are Estonian witch Marilyn Kerro, ancestor cult priestess Victoria Raidos and clairvoyant Nicole Kuznetsova.

They all deserved to win. The clairvoyants proved their abilities in actual battle - overcoming fear, fatigue and resistance of their opponents.

Finalists of the “Battle of Psychics” of season 16: Nicole Kuznetsova, Victoria Raidos, Marilyn Kerro

Estonian witch Marilyn Kerro could not hold back her tears. She tried to win for the second time and the second time she became only the second (however, in the 14th season she lost to Alexander Sheps, but she found her lover in him). The video footage taken after the announcement of the results shows that Kerro was very upset and cried, while her lover Alexander Sheps had to for a long time calm the girl down.

After the award, Victoria Raidos immediately began looking for Kerro. “Where is Mary?” she asked. Then Victoria hugged Kerro and said that she was great.

Numerous fans and fellow magicians came to congratulate the winner and support the finalists.

The ceremony was attended by the public's favorite holy fool Pakhom. With his appearance as Groin, he defused the tense situation that existed between the finalists Rydos and Kerro - he came with a poster containing the hashtag “#I’M BACK.”

Pakhom - “#I’M BACK”

The esotericist Vlad Kadoni and his mother, the Siberian sorceress Elena Golunova, could not miss the ceremony. Even before the results were announced, mother and son said they saw Victoria as the winner. Also seen at the ceremony were Danis Glinshtein, Ekaterina Ryzhikova and Georgy Malinovsky. Singer Linda came with her friends, her father and two huskies.

The winner of the 15th season of the “Battle of Psychics,” Julia Wang (at the time of the award, she was 6,666 kilometers from Moscow) transmitted an encrypted message through the skeptic Sergei Safronov. Rhydos heard Wang's message predicting her victory.

Fans of the most anticipated show on the TNT channel in 2015 were eagerly awaiting the outcome of the battle between the strongest witches of the 16th season of the Battle of Psychics project. And now it has happened. On December 25, the final episode of the program was aired. As a result, it became known who became the winner of the 16th “Battle of Psychics”.

Tense finale

The final was very tense: no one could even guess who would become the winner of the project and take their well-deserved cup. There were three strongest finalists left in the show, who were in no way inferior to each other and went head to head throughout the entire project: the dark Estonian witch Marilyn Kerro, white witch Nicole Kuznetsova and priestess of the ancestor cult Victoria Raidos.

According to the producer of the show, Maria Shaikevich, even she could not imagine until recently who would win the championship in a difficult battle. The tension was growing and everyone was getting nervous. This became a real test of the endurance of the finalists and their support groups.

I was surprised by the scale of the battle finale: this time it broke all records in the entire history of the show. Crowds of fans, guests, relatives and friends of the finalists were literally looking for a place to wait. Even the eliminated participants came to congratulate the winner of the 2015 Battle of Psychics.

Who won the 16th “Battle of Psychics”?

TV viewers gave the largest number of votes to Victoria Rydos. The unique and very talented girl calmly accepted the victory, as if she had no doubt that she would win main prize. Victoria Raidos is the winner of the 16th “Battle of Psychics”.

Unexpected second place

Before the audience and guests found out who became the winner of the 16th “Battle of Psychics” on TNT, another finalist of the project, Marilyn Kerro, was counting on her victory. She came to prove to the whole country that she deserves first place. Before this, Marilyn participated in the project and took second place, losing the victory to her lover Alexander Sheps.

Second place was a real shock for the Estonian witch. She was counting on support from her fans and fans of their mystical couple, but when she heard who became the winner of the 16th “Battle of Psychics,” she burst into tears and couldn’t believe her ears. For a long time, the beloved guy could not calm down the upset girl, but she promised that she would return and compete for first place. Rhydos, seeing Marilyn upset, also decided to support her, saying that she was a great fellow.

Nicole accepted third place with love and gratitude. She thanked her fans for their support and congratulated the winner. She believes that even the fact that she made it to the finals is real happiness. Nicole came to the show despite her health. It was truly difficult for her to pass the tests.

Curiosities of the finale

Julia Wang also appeared at the finale of the “Battle of Psychics,” but only on the monitor screen: the girl herself could not come in person, since she was 10,000 kilometers from Moscow. But she reported her predictions about who won the “Battle of Psychics” of season 16 in a riddle, incomprehensible ordinary people. Even the skeptic Safronov could not decipher the sent code. But Victoria understood everything perfectly: she heard that Julia was talking about her, and, as it turned out, she was completely right.

Also, no one expected Pakhom's extraordinary return. The man who left the show mid-battle at will, nobly saving other participants from leaving, appeared at the finale with a sign “I’m back.” Discouraged spectators could not understand whether Pakhom really returned closer to the final to prove his superiority? When the man appeared with a chair in his hands in the finalists' room, he caused a real shock. But soon Pakhom explained that he simply came to congratulate the finalists and see who became the winner of the 16th “Battle of Psychics.”

Let us remind you that the “Battle of Psychics” in 2015 became the most real intrigue in the entire history of the show. The strongest finalists and the most difficult tests will be remembered by TV viewers for a long time and will make even the most inveterate skeptics think.

Published 12/26/15 18:01

The finale of the "Battle of Psychics", season 16, was aired on TNT on December 26, 2015. The winner of the project is Victoria Raidos.

Who won the “Battle of Psychics”, season 16 became known on TNT

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On December 26, 2015, TNT aired the final episode of the 16th season of the popular TV show “Battle of Psychics,” as a result of which the name of the winner of the project became known.

In anticipation final release, show producer Maria Shaikevich said that the final episode of the 16th season of “Battle of Psychics” turned out to be extremely difficult.

"The Season 16 finale will be very intense, I think the most intense ever intkbbee project. Until the very last minute, it was unknown who would win, because the three finalists - the Estonian witch Marilyn Kerro, the priestess of the ancestor cult Victoria Raidos and the clairvoyant Nicole Kuznetsova - came with a minimal margin. While waiting for the results, the guests were noticeably nervous and worried, the tension grew, the award ceremony lasted a very long time,” admitted the show’s producer Maria Shaikevich. Her words are quoted by

The winner of the 16th season of the “Battle of Psychics” became known based on the results of audience voting. During the period from December 12 to 19, anyone could send an SMS in support of the best, in his opinion, clairvoyant project.

As a result, in the 16th season of the “Battle of Psychics”, Victoria Raidos from St. Petersburg won. TV viewers gave it to her greatest number votes.

"Battle of psychics", Victoria Raidos PHOTO

Marilyn Kerro from Estonia took second place.

"Battle of Psychics", Marilyn Kerro PHOTO

Nicole Kuznetsova was third.

"Battle of psychics", Nicole Kuznetsova PHOTO

“Battle of Psychics”, season 16, final 12/26/2015 VIDEO: watch online

Note that the results of the 16th season of the “Battle of Psychics” became known a week before the final episode aired. The fact is that guests who attended the award ceremony in Moscow “leaked” information about this to the Network, which caused a flurry of criticism from “Battle” fans throughout the country.

The very first winner of the “Battle” (2007 season) was the first to fall under a wave of speculation about her name, which is why 5 years ago she was forced to record a video message to her fans. The clairvoyant reminded gullible magic lovers that she only accepts clients in person - in a Moscow center called “Magic Power”, where her younger brother Maxim also works.

Zulia Radjabova

Like many other finalists of the project, Radjabova is now taking part in the program “Psychics Are Investigating,” which, unlike “Battle,” is entirely devoted to unraveling mysterious deaths, including criminal ones.


Mehdi Ebrahimi Vafa

A doctor and psychologist from Iran, winner of the third season of “Battle,” willingly communicates with journalists. For example, on the eve of last New Year, Mehdi shared with Cosmo advice on what rituals on the holiday night will help find and strengthen love. The advice is, of course, still relevant a year later.

Tursuna Zakirova

One of the kindest—literally—participants in the battle of magicians. Now the healer from Tajikistan works together with Vorotnikova at the Magic Power center and is involved in charity work. There is also a magic video posted on Tursuna’s website, viewing which promises improved well-being and the fulfillment of desires. But the video is broken, so we are left without a spell...

Lilia Khegai

Lilia, a clairvoyant from Uzbekistan with Chinese-Korean roots, focuses on her predictions while lighting a cigarette. It’s good that her participation in the “Battle” took place in 2008, when the law on television still allowed smoking on camera; would Khegai have managed to win otherwise? Yes, we were not mistaken, the fifth season of the show took place just a year after the first: in 2007 and 2008, the seasons ran one after another, three per year. TNT switched to the traditional television format of “one season a year” after the sixth final of the project.

Alexander Litvin

Today, former customs officer Alexander Litvin is the most media-rich former participant in the “Battle.” Litvin has his own glossy column and a fashionable personal website with the possibility of consultation via Skype (29,900 rubles). A more budget-friendly option to receive a magical charge from the winner of the “Battle” - “Calendar” happy life"for 150 rubles. By the way, one of the former editors of Cosmopolitan devoted an article to Litvin’s advice on how to get married, and followed it for six months. You won’t believe it, but Olya... got married. True, a year later than the psychic promised. Maybe the bride was cheating and did not follow Litvin’s advice completely?

Alexey Pokhabov

The first finalist of the “Basharov” period of the “Battle” (remember that the host of the first six seasons was actor Mikhail Porechenkov) turned out to be one of the youngest winners of the show. Now Pokhabov has his own Center for Personal Development, specializing in astrology, fortune telling with Tarot cards, art therapy and psychology. Last year, Alexey became one of the psychics who gave us advice on attracting love in the New Year.

Vladimir Muranov

The winner of the eighth season got a job with Mikhail Vinogradov himself, a psychiatrist-criminalist, an expert at “Battle”, who commented and evaluated the work of participants in previous seasons. Last year, the 42-year-old psychic admitted in an interview with Life that he suspected that a couple of his competitors in the season were figureheads for the show.

Natalya Banteeva

At the beginning of autumn, the winner of the ninth season of “Battle” admitted that she did not always use her gift for good purposes. The witch said that when she was 14 years old, her mother began dating a crime boss, who persuaded young Natalya to use her abilities for personal gain. Soon Banteeva herself found herself behind bars for the first time.

“At the age of 18 I was imprisoned, but by that time I had already spent four years under investigation in Kresty in the same cell with cannibals and drug dealers. During this time, I myself became an authority. The former head of this prison, with whom I still communicate, says that no one sleeps on my bed in the isolation ward and “pardons” are tied to it, that is, notes asking for a commutation of the sentence from those who were sentenced to for a long time conclusions,” Natalya said in an interview with magazine.

After her release, Natalya did not abandon her past habits: the witch got carried away gambling and thanks to her abilities she could beat anyone. “Once I played preference with five Georgians and won the entire bank from them - 36 thousand euros. These guys shot me in the leg and wanted to kill me, but I was able to explain to them that they themselves were to blame for the loss. As a result, they took me to the hospital, and then I walked around with the Ilizarov apparatus,” the psychic shared.

Over time, Banteeva realized that she needed to earn money in an honest way. Natalya began studying esotericism, psychology and astronomy, and also entered the Institute of the Human Brain named after. Bekhtereva.

The witch learned about the “Battle” from her friend Natalya Vorotnikova, the first winner. After the victory, Natalya created her own production center, Banteeva Group, launched the Vosko clothing line and opened a school of magic.

Mohsen Norouzi

An astrologer and clairvoyant from Iran describes his childhood in Tehran as poor, but full of wonders. Numerous magical signs convinced the future psychic to bring his gift to people. Now Norouzi is not only creating talismans for good luck and healing, but also making forecasts for the world of show business. For example, last year Mohsen predicted that Yulia Snigir would leave Tsyganov and go to live abroad.

Vitaly Gibert

The brightest, most positive, radiant and enlightened winner of the “Battle” after the end of the season became interested in Eastern practices, began to seek harmony in himself and the world and show a bright path to humanity. We also fell under the rays of goodness: last year, on the eve of Valentine's Day, Vitaly told us how to attract love into our lives. Unlike his colleagues in “Battle,” Vitaly does not give personal consultations, but travels around the country with seminars, promising to dissolve the guests of his lectures “in a stream of light and love.”

Elena Yasevich

Elena became one of the stars of the project who helped former “Battle” participant Vlad Kadoni develop a perfume and magic business. Kadoni, now the host of the show “Dom-2,” opened the Kadoni Studio perfume boutique a year and a half ago. The finalist of the “Battle of Psychics” assures that his spirits have magical abilities: a certain aroma can help in love or career, bring good luck and material security. It must be said that for Elena herself, the service “setting up a money channel” is one of her core services, but what the witch categorically refuses to do, other than damage and love spells, is searching for people and predicting the future.

Dmitry Volkhov

Dmitry, according to his own statement, “serves the pagan cult of the Slavic deity Veles.” The psychic takes the figurine of God with him to spiritual seminars in different cities. The official website of the sorcerer is dmitriyvolkhov.rf. Be careful, because another resource dedicated to Volkhov offers to receive an SMS with a prediction from a psychic for 20 rubles. We felt sorry for the money...