Brothers Grimm fairy tale Snow Maiden questions and tasks. Literary quiz on the topic: “Fairy tales of the Brothers Grimm

  • 27.06.2019

MKOU "Pavlokhutorskaya secondary school No. 12" Tula region, Efremovsky district

Test by literary reading

"Through the pages of the fairy tales of the Brothers Grimm"

Prepared by the teacher primary classes 1 category

Domnina Valentina Vladimirovna

Designed for primary school teachers, after-school teachers, head teachers educational work. Intended for primary school teachers, after-school teachers, and head teachers of educational work. Suitable for any UMK.

Goal: to remember well famous fairy tales, instill a love of reading. This resource will allow you to create fabulous atmosphere involves children's oral responses and work with the text of fairy tales. Doesn't take up much class time.

Goal: to consolidate well-known fairy tales in memory, to instill a love of reading.

Test: “Do you know the fairy tales of the Brothers Grimm”

1. Name the brothers Grimm.

A) Hans and Jacob B) Friedrich and Wilhelm C) Wilhelm and Jacob

2. In which city is the bronze monument to the characters from the fairy tale “The Town Musicians of Bremen” located?

A) Leipzig B) Bremen B) Berlin

3. Which fairy tale is not written by the Brothers Grimm?

A) “The Brave Little Tailor” B) “ Caliph Stork" C) “The Fox and the Geese” D) “Smart Elsa”

4. Based on the basic words, remember and write down the name of the fairy tale.

A) Miller, daughter, straw, king, gnome, child, messenger.

(“Gnome – Tihogrom”)

B) King, daughter, suitors, beggar, hussar, castle, royal holiday.

("King Thrushbeard")

C) Miller, donkey, dog, cat, cockerel, house, robbers.

("The Bremen Town Musicians")

D) Mother, two daughters, rose bushes, bear, dwarf, beard, scissors.

("White and Rosette")

5. First, guess the name of the fairy tale.

A) “Many years ago, there lived a father with three sons. The sons grew up to be great guys, one better than the other. So their father tells them...” (“ Three brothers")

B) One widow had a daughter, and she also had a stepdaughter. The stepdaughter is diligent, beautiful, but the daughter is not good-looking and is a terrible lazy person...” (“ Lady Blizzard")

C) in one German city there lived a tailor, his name was Hans. The whole day he sat on the table by the window, his legs crossed, and sewed..." ("The Brave Little Tailor")

6. Based on the description, recognize the hero of the fairy tale and write down the name of this fairy tale.

A) “She became famous throughout the world for her beauty. She was beautiful beyond all measure, but she was arrogant like no one else.” (The queen from the fairy tale " King Thrushbeard"

B) A little old man with a wrinkled face and a long beard as white as snow. (Dwarf from the fairy tale “White and Rosette”)

C) A small, nimble man - big-headed, long-armed, with thin legs. (Gnome from the fairy tale “Gnome - Quiet Thunder”)

7. Through what entrance did the hardworking stepdaughter and lazy daughter get to Mrs. Metelitsa?

A) through the window B) through the well B) through the door

8. What words had to be said to receive porridge in a magic pot?

A) One, two, three, pot, cook! B) One, two, three, four, five, porridge is on the table again!

C) Cook, cook, porridge, cook, don’t be lazy!

9. Who was the beautiful prince turned into in the fairy tale “White and Rosette”?

A) in eagle B) into a bear B) into a wolf


    I.A. Agapova, M.A. Davydova. Funny literature in primary school: Toolkit. – M.: TC Sfera, 2004.

    Brothers Grimm. Fairy tales. In 2 parts. Gregory Page, 1993

For the Brothers Grimm fairy tale "The Snow Maiden" ask 10 interesting questions


1. Why was your daughter named Snegurochka? 2. Who did the queen order to kill the Snow Maiden? 3. Why did the huntsman take pity on the Snow Maiden? 4. What did the Snow Maiden see in the hut? 5. Who was the owner of the hut? 6. What did the dwarfs offer to the Snow Maiden? 7. How did the queen find out that the Snow Maiden was alive? 8. Who did the queen dress up as? 9. Where did the queen go? 10. What did the Snow Maiden buy from the merchant?

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The main character of the Brothers Grimm fairy tale “The Snow Maiden” is a young princess. Her skin was so white that they called her Snegurochka. Soon after the birth of the Snow Maiden, her mother died and the king married another woman. The new queen had a special mirror that could speak. It always told the queen that she was the most beautiful.

But in the forest, the Snow Maiden found a small house in which mountain men, gnomes, lived. They accepted the girl into their family. From the magic mirror, the stepmother learned that the Snow Maiden was alive and well. Several times she went to the gnomes' house and tried to trick her stepdaughter with cunning. But the gnomes saved the Snow Maiden from death every time. But the evil queen's third attempt was crowned with success. The poisonous apple caused the Snow Maiden to fall into eternal sleep.

A certain prince was passing through those places. He saw the sleeping Snow Maiden and was so delighted with her beauty that he took her with him. During the journey, a poisoned apple jumped out of the Snow Maiden's throat, and she woke up. The delighted prince offered her his hand and heart, and the princess agreed to marry him. A evil queen received a well-deserved punishment.

That's how it is summary fairy tales.

The main meaning of the Brothers Grimm fairy tale “The Snow Maiden” is that good always defeats evil, no matter how hard evil tries. The fairy tale teaches you to be attentive and careful with strangers who give you some gifts. If a gift is given with malicious intent, it can cause harm.

In the fairy tale, I liked the gnomes who sheltered the Snow Maiden and took care of her. They saved her from death several times.

What proverbs fit the Brothers Grimm fairy tale “The Snow Maiden”?

You can't do anything with envy.
Whoever deceives today will not be believed tomorrow.
Where there is justice, there is truth.

MKOU "Pavlokhutorskaya secondary school No. 12" Tula region, Efremovsky district

Literary reading test

"Do you know the fairy tales of the Brothers Grimm"

Prepared by a primary school teacher of the 1st category

Domnina Valentina Vladimirovna


Intended for primary school teachers, after-school teachers, and head teachers of educational work.

Goal: to consolidate well-known fairy tales in memory, to instill a love of reading.

Test: “Do you know the fairy tales of the Brothers Grimm”

1. Name the brothers Grimm.

A) Hans and Jacob B) Friedrich and Wilhelm C)Wilhelm and Jacob

2. In which city is the bronze monument to the characters from the fairy tale “The Town Musicians of Bremen” located?

A) Leipzig B)BremenB) Berlin

3. Which fairy tale is not written by the Brothers Grimm?

A) “The Brave Little Tailor” B) “Caliph Stork"C) “The Fox and the Geese” D) “Smart Elsa”

4. Based on the basic words, remember and write down the name of the fairy tale.

A) Miller, daughter, straw, king, gnome, child, messenger.

("Gnome - Tihogrom")

B) King, daughter, suitors, beggar, hussar, castle, royal holiday.

("King Thrushbeard")

C) Miller, donkey, dog, cat, cockerel, house, robbers.

("The Bremen Town Musicians")

D) Mother, two daughters, rose bushes, bear, dwarf, beard, scissors.

("White and Rosette")

5. First, guess the name of the fairy tale.

A) “Many years ago, there lived a father with three sons. The sons grew up to be great guys, one better than the other. So their father tells them...” (“Three brothers")

B) One widow had a daughter, and she also had a stepdaughter. The stepdaughter is diligent, beautiful, but the daughter is not good-looking and is a terrible lazy person...” (“Lady Blizzard")

C) in one German city there lived a tailor, his name was Hans. All day long he sat on the table by the window, his legs crossed, and sewed..."("The Brave Little Tailor")

6. Based on the description, recognize the hero of the fairy tale and write down the name of this fairy tale.

A) “She became famous throughout the world for her beauty. She was beautiful beyond all measure, but she was arrogant like no one else.” (The queen from the fairy tale "King Thrushbeard"

B) A little old man with a wrinkled face and a long beard as white as snow.(Dwarf from the fairy tale “White and Rosette”)

C) A small, nimble man - big-headed, long-armed, with thin legs.(Gnome from the fairy tale “Gnome - Tihogrom”)

7. Through what entrance did the hardworking stepdaughter and lazy daughter get to Mrs. Metelitsa?

A) through the window B)through the wellB) through the door

8. What words had to be said to receive porridge in a magic pot?

A) One, two, three, pot, cook!B) One, two, three, four, five, porridge is on the table again!

C) Cook, cook, porridge, cook, don’t be lazy!

9. Who was the beautiful prince turned into in the fairy tale “White and Rosette”?

A) in eagle B)into a bearB) into a wolf


I.A. Agapova, M.A. Davydova. Fun literature in elementary school: Methodological guide. - M.: TC Sfera, 2004.

Brothers Grimm. Fairy tales. In 2 parts. Gregory Page, 1993

Municipal educational institution

average comprehensive school № 4

Literary quiz

based on the fairy tales of the Brothers Grimm


Belova S. A.

Jacob Grimm


Wilhelm Grimm


    "The Bremen Town Musicians"

    "Pot of Porridge"

    "Puss in Boots"

    "Little Red Riding Hood"

    "Snow White"


    "Golden Goose"

    "The wolf and the seven Young goats"

The Brothers Grimm were born into the family of an official in the city of Hanau (Hanau). Their father was first a lawyer, and then dealt with legal issues for the Prince of Hanau.

Older brother,Jacob Grimm is bornFebruary 4, 1785 . (01/04/1785-09/20/1863), and the youngest -William Grimm-February 24, 1786 .(24.02.1786-

12/16/1859). The children grew up in a prosperous family, in an atmosphere of love and kindness.

In four years instead of the required eight years, the brothers graduated full course gymnasium. They received a law degree and served as professors at the University of Berlin. They created a “German grammar” and a dictionary of the German language.

We studied monuments, history and collected traditional folklore.

Collecting and studying folk tales The Brothers Grimm were fond of student years. Three collections of “Children's family tales” (1812, 1815, 1822) brought them fame as great storytellers. Among them“The Town Musicians of Bremen”, “A Pot of Porridge”, “Puss in Boots”, “Little Red Riding Hood”, “Snow White”, “Cinderella”, “The Golden Goose”, “The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats” - about 2000 fairy tales in total.

Some scientists believe that the Brothers Grimm did not compose fairy tales, but processed and creatively retold only those that were written down from the words of folk storytellers.

The fairy tales of the Brothers Grimm have been translated into many languages ​​of the world, including Russian. They were reprinted many times in Russia. Subtle irony, slyness, and humor are inherent in fairy tales. Social relationships are very clearly visible in them.

Explanatory note.

To play the game, the class is divided into several teams. Teams choose a name and a captain. The winner is determined by the number of points scored. For a correct answer - 1 point. The winning team receives a sweet prize.

1. Presentation of commands.

( Each team names itself and says a motto)

2. “Warm-up” competition.

(Teams take turns naming the fairy tales of the Brothers Grimm, 1 point for each correct answer).

Answers:"The Bremen Town Musicians"

"Pot of Porridge"

"Puss in Boots"

"Little Red Riding Hood"

"Snow White"


"Golden Goose"

"The wolf and the seven Young goats".

"The Brave Little Tailor"

"Mistress Blizzard"

"Tom Thumb"

"King Thrushbeard"


3. “Guess” competition.

- Complete the sentence. What fairy tale is this line from?

    One day a girl left the house somewhere, and her mother put the pot in front of her and said: ...

(-One, two, three, cook a pot!) (“ A pot of porridge")

2) Once my mother baked pies and said to her daughter: ...

(-Go, Little Red Riding Hood, to grandma,

bring her this pie, a pot of butter, and find out

Is she healthy?) (“ Little Red Riding Hood»)

    Why are you leaving, Mishenka?” asked Snow White. And he answers her: ...

(-I must go into the forest - protect my treasures

from evil dwarfs.) ( "Snow White")

    One day she had to go into the forest to get food, and so she called her kids and said: ...

(- Dear children, I need to visit the forest, so

without me, beware of the wolf!)

( "The wolf and the seven Young goats")

    What do you see there, Gray? - asked the rooster.

(- What do I see? A laid table, and food on it,

and drinking, and the robbers are sitting at the table and

treat themselves) ( "The Bremen Town Musicians")

4 . Competition "Fairytale"

"Snow White"


"The Bremen Town Musicians"


"Little Red Riding Hood"

old lady

"Golden Goose"


"Pot of Porridge"


"The wolf and the seven Young goats"



Marquis de Carabas

"Puss in Boots"


Answers to the competition “Fairytale”:

1. "Snow White" -Rosette, bear

2. “Musicians of Bremen” -donkey

3. “Little Red Riding Hood” -wolf

4. “Golden Goose” -fool

5. “Pot of Porridge” -old lady

6. “The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats” -wolf

7. "Cinderella" -mice

8. "Puss in Boots" -Marquis de Carabas

Team No.____________

4 . Competition "Fairytale"

-What fairy tale are these characters from? Match the characters and the title of the work.

"Snow White"


"The Bremen Town Musicians"


"Little Red Riding Hood"

old lady

"Golden Goose"


"Pot of Porridge"


"The wolf and the seven Young goats"



Marquis de Carabas

"Puss in Boots"


5. Competition "Find the owner" (Each team has 1 question. The last question is answered by the one who raises his hand first)

-Guess what fairy tale these things are from?

    Boots, royal carriage("Puss in Boots")

    Shoes, pumpkin("Cinderella")

    Axe, glasses(from the woodcutter from Little Red Riding Hood)

    Roses, beard("Snow White")

    Knife, musical instruments("The Bremen Town Musicians")

6. Crossword.

According to a fairy tale "The Bremen Town Musicians"













    Which of these animals Bremen musician: turkey, goat,rooster ?

    Which of these animals is the musician of Bremen: the bull,cat, hare?

    The tree under which the Bremen musicians settled down at night: spruce,oak , willow?

    Who lived in the house that the Bremen musicians liked: a policeman,robbers, chess players?

    Which of these animals is the Bremen musician: cow, horse,dog ?

    Which of these animals is the Musician of Bremen:donkey , goose, duck?

    Who is the owner of the old donkey: the lumberjack,miller , Sagittarius?

    The robber told his comrades that terrible people had settled in their house: heroes,giants , generals?

    Who is the owner of the old dog: the lumberjack,hunter, tailor?

    What, according to the robber, scratched his face:a spear, knitting needle, bump?



6. Crossword.

According to a fairy tale "The Bremen Town Musicians"













    Which of these animals is the Musician of Bremen: a turkey, a goat, a rooster?

    Which of these animals is the Musician of Bremen: a bull, a cat, a hare?

    The tree under which the Bremen musicians sat at night: spruce, oak, willow?

    Who lived in the house that the Bremen musicians liked: a policeman, robbers, chess players?

    Which of these animals is the Musician of Bremen: cow, horse, dog?

    Which of these animals is the Musician of Bremen: donkey, goose, duck?

    Who is the owner of the old donkey: lumberjack, miller, archer?

    The robber told his comrades that terrible people had settled in their house: heroes, giants, generals?

    Who is the owner of the old dog: a lumberjack, a hunter, a tailor?

    What, according to the robber, scratched his face: a spear, a knitting needle, a pine cone?


    The place where the donkey placed his front legs, intending to scare the robbers.

7. Captains competition. (Each team has 1 question. The last question is answered by the one who raises his hand first)

    Why did the old lady give the girl a pot?(For kindness)

    What time did the clock strike when Cinderella left the ball for the first time?(Three quarters past twelve)

    Who was the bear in the fairy tale “Snow White?”(the king's son, bewitched by the dwarf)

    How many people ran after the fool and why?(7 people)

    What did the cat say to say when he ran ahead of the carriage?(This is the house (mill, garden) of the Marquis de Carabas)

8. Competition "Encryption".

Based on the fairy tale "The Golden Goose"

- What decree did the king announce?


Answer: “Whoever makes the queen laugh will marry her.”

Team No.___________________________

Competition "Encryption".

Based on the fairy tale "The Golden Goose"

- What decree did the king announce?


9. Competition “Experts of Brothers Grimm's Fairy Tales.”

(Each team has 5 questions from a certain fairy tale. The questions of the last fairy tale are answered by the one who first raises his hand)

1 team: fairy tale “Puss in Boots”

    What did the miller leave to his sons?(Mill, donkey and cat)

    What modest gift did the cat give to the king?(Ryabchikov)

    Why did the cat's owner end up in the river?(To get an outfit)

    Who did the giant turn into?(to the mouse)

    What did the cat become after the marquis's wedding?(Noble nobleman).

Team 2: fairy tale “Cinderella”

    Why was the girl called Cinderella? (The poor girl sat near the fireplace, by the ash box)

    Who was Cinderella's old aunt?(Good sorceress)

    What did the sorceress turn the pumpkin into?(Into the gilded carriage)

    What did the six living mice become?(Mouse-colored horses)

    What was the lost shoe made of?(Crystal)

Team 3: fairy tale “Little Red Riding Hood”

    Who gave the girl a red riding hood?(Grandmother)

    What did the grandmother shout to the pretend wolf?(Pull the string, my child, the door will open)

    What did the wolf offer to Little Red Riding Hood when he met?(I also want to visit your grandmother. I will go along that road, and you go along that one)

    What did the wolf answer to the question: “Why do you have such big teeth?”(To quickly eat you)

    Who saved the grandmother and granddaughter?(Lumberjacks)

Team 4: fairy tale “Snow White”

    Name Snow White's sister.(Rose)

    Who was lying on the floor by the fireplace next to the sisters?(Lamb)

    Who became a frequent guest in the house?(Bear)

    Where was the dwarf's beard tangled?(In a tree, tangled with a fishing rod in the lake)

    What did he do wrong?(Bewitched the prince, stole treasures)

all: fairy tale “The Golden Goose”

    What did the fool say to the old man he met?(-If you like my food, let’s sit down and have a bite together)

    Why did the tavern owner's daughters stick to the goose?(Out of curiosity)

    Who followed the fool and the goose? (Three girls, pastor, pastor's servant, peasants)

    What ship did the king order to build?(So ​​that he could swim on water and on land)

    What award did the fool get?(The king's daughter).

10. Summing up the results of the competition. Rewarding.