Man and law, analytical program. Alexey Pimanov: personal life, children

  • 12.04.2019

Childhood and family of Alexey Pimanov

Alexey was born in Moscow. As a child, the boy devoted a lot of time to sports, playing hockey and football. He even tried himself at one time in the capital's Lokomotiv, becoming a candidate for master of sports. Pimanov recalls that he often returned from training, knocking and clicking his skates on the steps, and literally fell from fatigue.

As a teenager, he loved to play the guitar. In the family, like in many families at that time, all holidays were celebrated at a set table, be it March 8, May 1 or New Year.

After school, Alexey entered Technical University communications and received a diploma in 1989. In 1992, he graduated from Moscow State University, receiving a profession as a journalist.

The beginning of Alexey Pimanov’s career at the television center: from technician to journalism

Pimanov has been on television since 1986. His first position was as a video engineer, then he worked as a cameraman at the Television Center, and in 1989 he began working in the editorial office of the socio-political programs of Central Television, starting as the host of the “Steps” program.

Since 1990, Alexey Viktorovich worked as a special correspondent for TK ViD for a year. Then, for two years, he was the host and director of his own program “Behind the Kremlin Wall.”

Since 1993, Pimanov headed the Resonance studio, State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company. And since 1995, he began to try himself as a producer of such programs as “Sports News”, “Football Review”, “Man and the Law” and “Seven Days of Sports”.

Program "13". Guest - Alexey Pimanov

In 1996, Alexey Pimanov headed the Ostankino TC, becoming general director, and became a permanent host of the “Man and the Law” program.

Alexey Viktorovich acted as a screenwriter and director of about a hundred documentaries.

Since 2004, Pimanov began producing serial films, where he was the screenwriter and director: “Alexandrovsky Garden”, “Zoya”, “The Hunt for Beria”, “Gypsies”, “Zhukov”, etc. Among his films there are also full-length films : “The man in my head” and “Three days in Odessa.” First of all, Pimanov considers himself a journalist. Thanks to his main profession, he had the opportunity to try his hand at both politics and directing. Nothing came easy.

At the beginning of his career, in the absence of useful contacts and necessary connections, he had to deal with the system one-on-one more than once. Now, as a journalist, he can say that people in his profession are not welcome anywhere with open arms. He had to prove his right to exist in journalism every day. The difficulties that arise in work and life only anger Pimanov, forcing him to move on.

Personal life of Alexey Pimanov

IN this moment Alexey Viktorovich is married for the third time. His first wife was economist Valeria Arkhipova, whom Pimanov met while studying at a technical school. From his first marriage he has two adult sons: Denis (born in 1980) and Artyom. Both have connected their lives with television - they direct the program “Man and the Law”,

Pimanov’s second wife is TV presenter and director Valentina. Their daughter Dasha. She too creative person: journalist, screenwriter and director.

Since everyone in the family works in approximately the same field, it is important that no one interferes with each other during work. The daughter began to live independently very early, but even when she was little, her personal space always belonged only to her.

Pimanov about Navalny and VKPB

There are many animals in Pimanov's house. This is a ninety-kilogram Bernese shepherd dog - a real “mountain of fur and love,” as the TV presenter’s daughter put it. In addition, they have a small Chihuahua Nafanya and a furry cat Eremey. All animals need to be taken to the veterinarian and to salons from time to time. All these worries fall on Daria.

In 2014, Alexey Pimanov married actress and film producer Olga Pogodina. They met in 2007 in one of the restaurants in the capital. Later, Pimanov invited Olga to his series “Three Days in Odessa,” but she received the role on her own, having gone through all the necessary castings.

Pimanov’s divorce from Valentina was commented on by his eldest son, who noted that the couple separated peacefully and intelligently. “What can you do, everything in our life is changing quickly,” Denis complained.

TV presenter's hobbies

Pimanov continues to play hockey and football whenever possible. He knows many famous athletes. So, he often plays hockey with Sergei Makarov, Vyacheslav Fetisov and Alexei Kasatonov, which surprises Alexei Viktorovich himself.

Today the project “Idols” by Valentina Pimanova is the highest rated on ORT. By this she proved that she is not only just the wife of a famous journalist, she is also a professional in her field.

I, a pensioner of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, have been standing in line for housing for 31 years. After going to court, in 2017 he began to fight for justice. I contacted the prosecutor's office - to no avail, I went to court - the case has been under consideration for the 3rd year, to no avail.
Representatives of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Russian National Guard shift responsibilities to each other, as a result of which apartments go to no one knows where. At the moment, 109 people have been “thrown out onto the street” and have been removed from the register for housing. They motivate all their actions by presidential decree No. 157.
During the formation of the National Guard, it transferred the registration files to the FGKU OVO Ministry of Internal Affairs, and the Ministry of Internal Affairs, in turn, refused to register. As a result, only active National Guard employees remained in line for housing. Pensioners, by decision of the housing commission, were removed from the queue.
At the moment, I live in a private house with an area of ​​55 sq.m. I am the owner of ½ share. Total residents - 7 people (me, my wife, mother-in-law - group 1 disabled, daughter and husband, brother and common-law wife).


Good afternoon Alexey, I constantly watch your program and really believed in its sincerity and fairness. But, alas! When I asked for help (and I really needed it), I didn’t receive it.
It seemed to me that you are true Christians, but you are as crafty as our leadership.
It's a shame to lose last faith in honesty, decency, justice. It's scary to live on.

I watched a program about Pavel Barshak, it seems to me that there is a real organized gang of scammers operating in Novosibirsk, and the leader most likely works in a bank, because no one can withdraw money from cards so easily. My son, who lives and works in Novosibirsk, was also withdrawn 40 thousand rubles. From the card, when he began to figure it out, what a surprise it was when he was presented with a court decision, which was 2 years ago, that he was a debtor for the loan. He had never taken out any credit in his life. What should we do now? Even if such famous artists are they deceiving? And there is not even hope of getting the money back.

Hello! There is a lot of indignation over the latest episode of the program “Man and the Law” dated February 22, 2019. You mixed the personal and breaking the law in a story about social networks. Everyone has every right exhibit your photos in any way, I repeat, within the limits of the law. A teacher/doctor at a rock party or a teacher/doctor in swimwear is their own business until they violate the dress code of the institution where they work, that is, they do not come to work in a swimsuit, for example. Yes, I agree that representatives of such professions should follow the same dress code at work, but they need to live the way they want (I repeat, within the law)! Why are you promoting these stereotypes? The more free-minded the same teacher is (within the law), the more likely it is that his students will succeed when they are not limited by social boundaries. Are you against the development of the nation? Are you against equality? It’s strange for me to see all this in this program, although I look forward to it every Friday. I would really like the framework to be delimited by desires: not an obligation, but a desire for people to do something for the good. And the plot is a clear violation of the rights of people who simply live and take pictures. I'm talking about personal life when the law of the Russian Federation is not violated!

Good afternoon A year and a half ago in Sevastopol, there was an accident in which my son died, leaving three children orphaned and one of them disabled. We were recognized as victims, the other side as the accused. A lot of time has passed, but the case is not moving forward. The accused brings the investigator certificates about his state of health, where it says that he is sick. But there is no VKK conclusion, there is no disability, there are no incurable diseases. The accused continues to work calmly, live without remorse, and he is also involved in a criminal case for drug distribution. Why do such people live with impunity? I ask for your help. I appealed Many authorities are still responding. Maybe your legal investigation will restore justice. Thank you.

Alexei! I have been watching the program “Man and the Law” for decades. After the latest changes, I don’t want to watch it! Half of the show is screensavers. For what? And this background when someone speaks besides you. For what?

Thank you for your fight for justice and honor...

Alexey, Lyosha. Don’t take this as some kind of familiarity. I just somehow became close to you. I just believe you! So here's a specific question. Maybe in your program. Why is exaggeration now starting, preparing public opinion that these two “footballers” have probably already suffered in captivity? Although there is nothing special to prove here. This is the level of basota, the level of street punks! And who should be punished to the FULLEST!!! Our football will not suffer from this! And this will be a test of our THEMIS’s strength. (do not consider it a provocation). And now some lyrics. I follow your work with great pleasure. There is a lot I would like to say. Since I am also a person somewhat close to this action, mainly to pictorial realism. “Malevich Square” does not inspire me! It is your meticulousness that inspires me, to get to the bottom of the matter, to the particulars, and from the particulars, the GENERAL comes out. This is a philosophy of life. And further. I just admire your couple!

The report about chips implanted in people brought us into righteous anger. This is yet another preparation for fooling the people. Shame on the editors. You didn’t mention a word about the book of the Apocalypse, which says that with the adoption of left hand and the head of the mark of the beast, man will be blotted out of the “book of life.” You slyly slipped in your report the “forerunner” of that seal of the Antichrist seal, as a benefit or a convenient gadget. If there are Christians among you, then get away from evil and correct yourself before us. He who has ears, let him hear... Chipization is deceit.

It's amazing how not knowledgeable people They tell us what to do. We should consult with psychologists. Even if a smoker does not have the opportunity to smoke, what is he thinking about? About the road? I doubt. Let him stop and smoke, as in the case of a mobile phone, it will increase traffic jams... Just as there is a legal headset, there are cigarette lighters that do not distract from the road. And looking into the windows of houses, as well as into the windows of cars, is a matter of ethics.

Hello! I noticed that in Lately The once most interesting program has become very boring. The main plot covers everyday life. The sharpness of the plot, which previously covered violations of laws and crimes by high-ranking servants of the people, has disappeared. If anything is said, it is limited to a couple of phrases and no more. Why are they silent about the governor of the Irkutsk region? With his art with a gun, etc. It seems that the program was crushed from the top and naturally, in order not to repeat the fate of the program Moment of Truth with Karaulov, one has to select such lean and boring plots...

For some reason in latest issues included “news from the fields” of Ukraine, Syria...
Has the chaos in our country ended? Or has the format of the program changed, which used to shock and arouse confidence that Pimanov with his program was the only defense of the humiliated and slandered?
Is the news “no longer news”?
And the annoyingly boring facts in the news are not very interesting...

For me personally, the programs of previous years were more interesting... Nowadays there is a lot of stuff that is not related to observing or breaking the law in our country... now I’m watching the program from January 18, 2019, I listen for about 15 minutes and watch about America, Iraq, Cuba, etc... Anything, just off topic... all day long we listen about all this politics at everyone federal channels, do we really have few people who break the law and whom everyone should know by sight??? Crimes, corruption, murders... Are there many more pressing topics???


thanks for interesting stories. The whole family watches your show all the time.

Hello, I am contacting you with my problem - I got into an accident on my car, insured under comprehensive insurance, on June 29, 2019, the policy only provided for repairs, and this process has been going on for 6 months now. The insurance company Alfastrakh claims that it transferred the money to the Autogermes service and that’s where its responsibilities are completed, but for S.T.O.A. They refuse to return the car because the contract was drawn up with alpha insurance and they obey it. As a result, the car is parked on the street because... It wasn't my turn. I pay a loan for it, I have to rent another car because... I live in SNT and the nearest train platform is 12 km away, and the nearest store is 7 km away. Who should be responsible for my car? Sincerely, Tatyana MO Pushkinsky district.

Man and Law are not simple words, Man is Strength and Kindness and Law is Truth and Rightness. Thank you for everything, that’s what a poet would say, because nothing is impossible for you, I’ve been watching your program for a long time, I can’t say that there is one thing in it, but YOU HELPED SO MANY PEOPLE, of course they are grateful to you. They are your program best project. There is nothing impossible for you, you will forgive me for such words if I’m wrong IT’S ALL NON-SANE

I always thought so too and tried not to miss a single program. But it affected me, I asked for help with the question of whether there is a statute of limitations by calling 84956460697. They explained to me that there is a statute of limitations, although our judge from the very first meeting invited me to evaluate the house. What's the point? Ex-husband with whom he has been divorced since 1996, this year he is filing for division of the house and demanding 1/2 of the house from me. After 22 years!!! And now, as a pensioner, I have to pay a certain amount to the scoundrel who beat me and my son, wandered around somewhere and decided to ask me for money now. The editors offered me the help of a lawyer. The cost of his services starts from 100,000 rubles. I’m a pensioner, not a millionaire, so what should I do? Here's some help for you. Where is the truth? Justice?

Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

Federal Agency for Education

Penza State University

Department of Communication Management

Coursework in the discipline “Journalistic Creativity” on the topic:

“Journalistic skills of the host of the program “Man and the Law”


student gr.06 Yuzh 1,

Afonina Daria.


Professor ChetvertkovN.V.

1. Introduction

2. Creative path A. Pimanova

3. Program “Man and the Law”

3.1 General characteristics

3.2 Journalistic skills of A. Pimanov

4. Review of episodes of the program “Man and the Law”

4.1 “Gambling business”

4.2 “Operation of exchange offices”

4.3 "Untitled Tragedy"

5. Characteristics of analytical programs:

5.1 Incompetence of leading analytical programs

5.2 Significance and necessity of analytics

6. The future of the “Man and the Law” program

7. Conclusion

8. References

1. Introduction

Modern Russian television it is impossible to imagine without analytical programs dedicated to the most important events in our country and abroad. Tens of millions of television viewers, and this is the most active part of the country’s population, give their preference to such television programs.

The main topic of the release of an analytical program is determined, as a rule, by the authors and presenters themselves. The opinion they express may not coincide with the channel’s information policy, but this is the opinion of a professional observer, stated in an extremely correct and short form. Correspondent-analysts are initially tasked not just with presenting reporting material, but with analyzing the event and possibly predicting its further development.

Non-standard approaches to presenting material and vivid plots make such television programs more spectacular, emotional, and therefore interesting not only to adherents of information and analytical genres, but also to all viewers in general.

However, lately you have increasingly noticed that on the “hottest” days for the country there are simply no analytical programs on the air. This draws attention not only to the professional, but also to the political side of this problem. Some presenters have generally made it a rule to use purely informative, boring patter, listing what has already been said many times.

Thus, preparing a decent analytical program is not as simple as it might seem at first glance. It is important to take into account not only one’s own strengths, the relevance of a particular problem (or issue), the possibility of obtaining required material or facts, but also the real needs of society.

Today, when the country is faced with the problem of mobilizing the nation, not only what the TV presenters will talk about on screen, but also their moral authority will be of great importance for television viewers.

In this regard, the main goals of this course work are:

Review of modern analytics on Russian television,

Characteristics and analysis of the program “Man and Law”,

Determining the place of this program among others,

Evaluation of the TV show “Man and the Law” from the point of view of the journalistic skills of the author and presenter - Alexey Pimanov,

Determination of possible trends in the development of analytical programs on TV.

The topic presented in this course work is quite relevant today. Millions of TV viewers prefer the analytics genre.

In this regard, our main task is to understand the variety of television programs of an analytical nature and give objective assessment program "Man and the Law".

The construction of the course work provides the user with the opportunity, without reading the entire text, to directly extract the necessary information using the content.

2. The creative path of A. Pimanov

Among the overflowing positive information on our television, what stands out is analytical program Alexey Pimanov “Man and the Law.”

In 1989 he graduated from the Moscow Academy of Communications.

In 1992 he graduated from the Faculty of Journalism of Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov.

On television since 1986: until 1989 he worked as a video engineer at TTC and as a cameraman. In 1989, he moved to the editorial office of socio-political programs of the Central Television.

In 1989 - 90 - presenter of the “Steps” program.

In 1990 - 91 - special correspondent for TC "ViD".

In 1993 - 94 - Director of the Resonance studio, Ostankino shopping and entertainment complex.

In 1995 - 97 - producer of the programs “Seven Days of Sports”, “Football”

review", "Sports News" and "Man and the Law".

Since 1996 - General Director of the Ostankino TC and host of the "Man and the Law" program.

In 1997, ORT proposed to revive the “Health” program.

Currently, Alexey Pimanov is the author of the programs “Man and the Law” and “Kremlin, 9”, and also produces 12 television programs created by his television company: “Man and the Law”, “Lubyanka”, “Kremlin, 9”, “Idols”, " Impact force", "Health", "Army Store", "Emergency Call", "Secrets of the Century", the "Documentary Detective" series, "Russian Special Forces" and "Tasty Stories".

He lists his hobbies as political science, history and sports. Plays hockey and tennis.

3. Program “Man and the Law”

3.1 General characteristics

The socio-political program “Man and the Law” has been broadcast on the country’s main television channel for 35 years (Alexei Pimanov has been hosting the program since 1996). So " old age“does not in any way prevent the program from remaining one of the most popular and relevant on domestic television. Perhaps because the main topics are the fight against organized crime, investigations into corruption in the highest echelons of power, and crime stories.

The program tries to give a balanced assessment of the most important events in the political, economic and social life country, covers a huge range of issues and problems that people have to face every day, not only from a legal point of view, but also from the standpoint of universal morality.

That is why “Man and the Law,” focusing on the average viewer, constantly follows the fate of its constant hero - an ordinary person caught in the pincers of injustice and lawlessness.

The “Man and the Law” program continues to develop within the framework of the established last years stylistics. Aleksandr Karpov’s sharp “social” reports, Alexander Senatorov’s foreign scandals, “ human stories"(often with a criminal past or present) by Oksana Sviridova, materials from the series “a journalist changes profession” by Rustem Davydov, analytical comments and special reports by Pyotr Gulenko, current journalistic investigations by presenter Alexey Pimanov.

Alexey Pimanov likes to invite guests to the studio of the “Man and the Law” program. These are the main newsmakers of the week, politicians, representatives of security forces and law enforcement agencies, famous journalists with their not always “convenient” investigations, VIPs known throughout the country who, through no fault of their own, have found themselves in a major mess (be it incorrectly issued copyrights, protection of honor and dignity, or a provoked traffic accident).

The basic rule of the program is as old as the world: first-hand information and only verified facts.

In the new season, the “Man and the Law” program has changed a little. The changes affected, in particular, the introduction of a new section, in which a story is published about the best investigation of the week, published in the domestic media, where the details of the topic raised are revealed. Such stories are now published in every episode of the “Man and the Law” program.

This is a unique video version of each investigation, which includes “behind-the-scenes footage” describing, for example, what threats were made against the journalist and from whom, as well as what obstacles were put in front of him and by whom. Moreover, authors of sensational publications are invited to the program for face-to-face meetings with opponents. The viewer becomes a direct witness to the development of events.

Moreover, the “Man and Law” program is not limited to a narrow range of topics. The plots are devoted to anything - from politics to football. The weekly release cycle does not prevent the program from responding as quickly as possible to the most pressing events in the life of the country.

A certain club of journalists specializing in investigations has been created around the program. However, I would like to note that those who call the “Man and the Law” program criminal are very mistaken. Showing corpses, flashing police sirens in the frame and bloody scenes created with the marginalized in mind are not the goal for presenter Alexei Pimanov.

3.2 Journalistic skills of A. Pimanov

Some reviews of A. Pimanov's investigative journalism leave a bitter aftertaste. Characterizing them as “harassment journalism” or “black PR” becomes very unpleasant. It's a shame for a really good program.

In terms of the way of thinking and the accuracy of its presentation, today it is quite difficult to compare another full-time television analyst with A. Pimanov, and besides, Pimanov’s form of presentation is very figurative and non-standard.

He does not simply comment on a problem, phenomenon, event in our life, but carefully examines it using several diverse sources.

Very popular today and familiar to every viewer is TV presenter Alexey Pimanov, his biography, personal life and children from two marriages never cease to interest fans. It brought him massive popularity own project“Man and the Law”, which attracts millions of Russians and Russian women to the screens.

short biography

Alexey Pimanov was born, raised and still lives in Moscow. In 1960, on February 9, an ordinary boy, Alexey, was born, who today has achieved significant heights in his career in television, politics and took 100th place in the Forbes ranking for total family income (in his third marriage to Olga Pogodina).

How it was:

  • in 1989 he successfully completed his studies at MIS (Moscow Institute of Communications);
  • 1992 brought him another diploma in journalism from Moscow State University;
  • Pimanov’s career on television started back in 1986, as a technician, then as a video engineer, cameraman;
  • from 1989 to 2010 he worked as a presenter, special correspondent, author and director, director of various programs;
  • today Alexey Pimanov is the general director of the Ostankino TV channel, the producer of many television programs broadcast on Channel One;
  • in 2009 he began his political career with membership in the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation;
  • in 2014, the leadership of Ukraine included his candidacy in the so-called “list of prohibited entry” journalists in Russia (there are only 49 of them on this list).

A. Pimanov in his youth

This is not all the merits and regalia of the journalist; Wikipedia provides detailed information about the biography, career and awards of Alexei Pimanov; here we will take a closer look at his personal life and children.

Personal life of a television journalist

Recently, the interest of fans of Alexei Pimanov in his biography, personal life and children has increased greatly. This is not surprising, because the 55-year-old journalist and producer married for the third time a young beauty, theater and film actress, Honored Artist of the Russian Federation, Olga Pogodina.

Fate brought these bright and talented people on Pimanov’s project, where he acted as a director, and she was chosen to main role and was one of the producers. This is the full-length film “The Man in My Head.”

Alexey Pimanov with his second wife

At that time, both Alexey and Olga were married. Pimanov was married to colleague Valentina Pimanova, Pogodina was married to a businessman, whose name she has not yet disclosed.

Analyzing the biography of Alexey Pimanov, his family, the birth of children, one cannot help but see that his personal life is quite eventful, and novels often begin at work. The producer himself notes that journalism always remains in the first place, and reviews from his companions and children indicate that he is an extremely responsible, romantic, polite and attentive family man and father.

For the first time, Alexey entered into a legal marriage when he was very young. He met his first wife while still a student. Her name is Valeria Arkhipova. She works as an economist. This union gave Pimanov two sons, Denis and Artem. The union soon broke up and a few years later Alexey married a second time beautiful woman, colleague from working on television, Valentina (nee Zhdanova) Pimanova.

With his third wife Olga Pogodina

It was an amazing union of two beautiful, charismatic people. They were connected not only by family, but also joint projects. Valentina became known to the general public thanks to such programs as “Idols”, “Woman’s World”, “Behind the Kremlin Wall” where she worked with her husband and acted as an editor. In this marriage, the Pimanovs raised adopted daughter Daria. Looking ahead, it should be noted that all of Pimanov’s children, both from his first and second marriage, are crazy about their beloved dad and followed in his footsteps.

Fans are keenly interested in Alexey Pimanov’s biography, personal life and children (photos of which are presented below) on his personal Instagram page. It should be noted that Alexey does not publicly display evidence of his private life, and for a long time Everyone did not have access to the page. But now it is open and Pimanov actively comments on the notes of his friends and acquaintances, and fans catch his every word and like every thought expressed by their idol.


Pimanov has three children. Two boys were born from their first marriage, Denis and Artem Pimanov. The eldest son Denis followed in the footsteps of the famous dad. He successfully completed his studies at the Faculty of Theater Directing in State University Culture and Arts in the capital. After receiving his diploma, he began working with his dad on television projects Pimanov and even became the main director of the television show “Man and the Law”; moreover, he founded the law firm of the same name. Now he is happily married.

Alexey Pimanov has three children

Among Denis' hobbies, special mention can be made of riding a motorbike, skateboarding, and snowboarding. As is obvious, the son took after his father here too, being into sports. Since childhood, Alexey Pimanov himself has been passionate about football (he is a candidate for master of sports in this game), hockey, and has played for Lokomotiv to this day. free time spends time on the ice talking with Russian stars this game of global scale by Fetisov, Kasatonov. Now Pimanov also plays excellent tennis.

The second son, Artem, received the same education as his older brother, works as a director, and is married. Alexey Pimanov's daughter, Daria, who appeared in his second marriage, graduated from the Faculty of Journalism at the capital's Litovchin Humanitarian Institute, and successfully completed higher courses in directing and screenwriting.

Director Pimanov at work

Daria always speaks enthusiastically about her father, saying a lot about how lucky she was to grow up in a family where they respect and adore each other.

Traditions are highly respected in the Pimanov family. Alexey remembers how, as a child, he loved family celebrations. They were distinguished by the fact that the family gathered together to celebrate birthdays, New Year and March 8th. It was not customary to invite friends to such gatherings. This brought the family together very much. Now that Pimanov has become the head of a large family, on holidays he gathers all the household members at his dacha in the Istra district.