Read Manizh's interview. Manizha Sangin: My whole life is my mother’s art project

  • 15.06.2019

Singer Manizha filmed super popular videos using a mop and forced her to sing in the streets strangers. The 25-year-old artist loves to surprise the audience. Apparently, thanks to this, her army of fans is growing by leaps and bounds. The performer's music is liked by Vera Brezhneva, Polina Gagarina and many other stars Russian stage. The girl began recording and posting her first 15-second videos with songs on Instagram out of despair, being depressed. As a result, she created the world’s first full-fledged Instagram album “Manuscript”, and on May 20 Manizha will give a big concert on stage Ice Palace. The singer told StarHit why she had not communicated with her father for 10 years and why she is still ashamed of her mother.

You became famous thanks to Instagram. What unusual things did you have to do for the sake of popularity?

Every video is hard labor and pleasure. I remembered two videos - one filmed in Moscow, the other in New York, when I asked passers-by to sing with me. For several days I walked the streets like crazy with a phone, a tripod, a sound recording device, approached everyone and said: “Hello, my name is Manizha, let’s sing together!” I wanted to show that it is not necessary to have musical education to star in a cool video. It is enough to agree and surrender to childish spontaneity. I managed to meet different people: some immediately refused, but there were also those who, completely missing the notes, had such a blast!

Did you consciously strive to become an Internet star?

To be honest, I started making videos out of despair. I participated in an international project, worked in England, recorded at Michael Spencer’s studio, he worked with Kylie Minogue, I had a contract for one album. I did great job, giving it four years of his life. And all this came to nothing. Due to the financial crisis, which hit everyone, the project was closed. Being depressed, I returned to Moscow. I literally went crazy. And I came up with a game: post a video once a week to brighten up your Monday. I asked: “People, what song do you want to hear?” Then I chose the one that I also liked, did a cover, tagged the “winning person” in the video, who marked his friends, and further down the chain. A month of such work brought 10 thousand subscribers. Instagram became my springboard, and there I also met part of my team with whom I now work. I want to be an example for those who are hesitant. Prove that from Instagram you can stand on the stage of Ledovoy. No radio stations or steam locomotives are needed...

Do you communicate closely with your fans?

They are the basis of my existence. I try to answer everyone: in private messages, by mail, everywhere. True, this is becoming increasingly difficult to do, because there are now many of them. For me, this is a way to understand what to do next.

Did you change anything after critical comments?

I had a precedent. On May 9, 2016, I made a video for the song “Dark Night”. There was a huge discussion and I received a lot of criticism. She answered all the spiteful critics: “Thank you very much. It’s probably true that we shouldn’t have done this.” And the surprising thing is that they immediately changed their minds. People just wanted attention, they didn’t expect me to respond to them.

Are there any famous people among your fans?

I have a good relationship with Vera Brezhneva. Once she reposted my video – and it was incredibly nice! Polina Gagarina, Timur Rodriguez, Anfisa Chekhova also wrote that they like what I do. Rapper L'One came to the concert - and didn't even ask for an invitation, but simply bought tickets - for himself, his wife, and his child. I am glad that there are fellow musicians among my listeners.

To which of modern stars are you equal?

I really love Alla Borisovna Pugacheva - especially her early records. I just love Zemfira too! Vanya Dorn is cool. Now there are a lot of interesting artists who make cool music.

Who do you like from foreign countries? As far as I know, you even stood on the same stage with Lana Del Rey?

It was three years ago, I sang as her opening act in the same “Ice”. We sent the recording to the casting. And Lana’s management invited us. It was funny when later during our performance her assistant ran up to the sound engineer and asked me to turn it down, saying it was too cool to warm up. But it didn’t work out that way. After the concert, Lana came to my dressing room. She said that she liked it, saying that I’m cool, I should continue in the same spirit. She and I chatted for half an hour, hugged and congratulated each other on a successful performance. I also worked with musicians Jamiroquai, Robbie Williams: all very modest and kind guys.

You managed to live in London and Moscow, but finally settled in St. Petersburg. Why?

Let me start with the fact that I was born in Tajikistan. When I was one year old, there was military action there, and my mother moved me to Moscow. So my whole life has been and remains here. And I came to St. Petersburg five years ago, looking for myself. I became friends with the musicians with whom we later created a band. Many people generally think that I am from the Northern capital. I can’t say that this is the only city where I manage to create. But there are places where I feel freer, where there is less running around, worries, and I can concentrate better. For me, St. Petersburg is the most delicious city. There are amazing cafes there. I am a coffee lover and love to have breakfast - it is a certain ritual for me. If I don’t have breakfast, my day is ruined.

How did your mother react to your constant moving to different countries, cities? Are you ashamed of something in front of your mother?

She took it all hard and tried to dissuade me. But she had no choice - she realized that she needed to let go. I didn’t tell her many things later: how difficult it was for me there, lonely. Was very funny story in childhood. Do you remember the series “Wild Angel”? There Milagres always drank wine and talked with Jesus. And she asked him for something good. One day, as a small child, I drank wine at home: for my family, for the health of my loved ones, thinking that this was some kind of connection with the Almighty. How my mother scolded me then! And I was so offended that she didn’t understand - after all, I did it for her!

After moving to St. Petersburg, did you support yourself?

My mother still helps me financially, although this is no longer required. Now I earn money, I don’t beg. But I always find my mother’s “gifts” in my passport. Sometimes I say: “Mom, I need such and such an amount of money.” And she always tries to send more! And so on all the time. When I moved, I had a goal: to grow up, to stop being a child. I must say that I have always been under the care of my elders. She started earning money from music at the age of 12. At 16, she was already giving concerts, participating in a pop project - it was a real school. And at 18 I started writing songs. But I wanted to get a higher education...

For the first time he will give a big one solo concert in Moscow in the Hall of Columns of the House of Unions - he will perform hits from the debut album Manuscript and new songs that no one has heard yet. We decided to ask the popular Instagram singer 15 frank questions. She answered very honestly.

You became famous thanks to Instagram. Did you purposefully go there for fame?

No. In fact, when I started Instagram, I didn’t have such a goal. It was an ordinary Instagram of a person who writes music. Such a traveling musician who travels from one country to another and writes songs. Then I started making music collages for friends. They started telling me to do this more often, and everything turned into a system. Every Monday I posted videos that people found interesting.

Creativity for you is...

The opportunity to feel like you belong in this world, to feel the thrill of what you do.

How many people are working on the Manizha project?

Many people write that an English or American marketing company is working on me, super cool advertising agency... It's all nonsense. Six musicians, two managers and a key partner of the project - MS Production - work with me. A main man– this is mom, she is a leader and inspirer.

Are you signed to any major label or are you working on your own?

I work on my own, I don’t have a contract with a label, I’m generally against big labels. It seems to me that if you know what you want, then you can achieve it without the help of a label.

How much do you spend on creativity per month?

If we talk about time - great amount. If we talk about money – a huge amount. (Laughs.)

Yes, I never let anyone lead them. Only on VKontakte or Facebook can a manager help me. But I managed and manage Instagram myself, and I answer comments and DMs myself.

Do you get nervous before going on stage?

Yes, on the one hand, anxiety is a nasty feeling, but on the other hand, it is an excellent motivator, because it is what helps you get together and do everything 150%.

What is more difficult: speaking in front of a small audience in a club or in front of a large number of people?

In front of a small number of people in the club. I hate performing in clubs, especially when someone at the bar starts making a cocktail while you're performing. I remember how people made noise, didn’t listen, ate, and every time I went on such a stage, everything inside me shrank, and I asked the universe to make it stop. And it doesn’t matter whether there are 150 people or 100 million. The main thing is that these people don’t eat and listen to me.

Who helps you create your stage and everyday clothing style?

Mom, she is the creator of the Modar brand, which means “mother” in Farsi. We collectively call her clothes hugs because they give a feeling of safety and protection on stage.

Do you ever have a genre crisis?

Certainly! I hate this feeling and it's hard to fight. I still don't know the recipe.

Do you write the songs yourself, or do you have a team of writers?

Immediately after graduation song competition“Eurovision-2018”, where representatives of Russia did not perform in the most successful way, it became known. singer performing under a pseudonym.

Manizha We are talking about Manizha Dalerovna Khamraeva.. The girl is 26 years old, she was born in Dushanbe Most of her current fans met the girl thanks to her short music video which she posted on social network


Creative path The main and sufficient reason for this particular singer’s trip is her long creative path

. Indeed, Manizha, at the age of 12, participates in various competitions and festivals, is well prepared for them and will not worry during performances - she has long overcome all this. After participating in various festivals, when Manizha Having gained experience, she began recording her own songs - this happened in 2005. The singer then records songs“My Angel”, “Fish in the Sand”, “Dance of Love”, “Wake Up” , which hit the radio in Tajikistan. This is where the first significant victories come - Manizha wins a competition called “Time to Light Up the Stars”, and also already in next year

wins the “Navoi Dil” competition, which was organized by the “Asia Plus” radio station.

@Manizha This year marks the beginning of another round of growth in popularity. Taking for myself pseudonym RuKola , the girl writes down new song “I neglect” and gets declare oneself - during this period it is removed new clip, but not with anyone, but with Semyon Slepakov, who at that time was himself a living brand. This leads to the opportunity to get to " Russian radio", "Humor FM" and other radio stations.

The clip ends up on television and gets a lot of views on the Internet. We can say that during this period Manizha is emerging as a full-fledged star, very self-confident and aware of her capabilities. At the same time, the girl herself remains modest and spends a lot of time on professional development, does not give up singing and continues to actively train.


Another event speaks of the singer as a professional high level- in 2011 she met Alexey Kosov, known under the pseudonym Asshai- a famous musician who is distinguished not only by his unusual musical style, but also extreme demands on the quality of their work. Alexey invites Manizha “Om”. Friendship with the band's musicians continues - they create the project “Krip De Shin” and Manizha continues to actively participate in concerts, as well as in recording new songs - all this leads to the next round of her professional growth, formation as an accomplished singer who knows what she wants.

The ability to express herself leads to her disagreeing with the Assai Music Band musicians and realizing that she now knows exactly how she can express herself.

Solo album


In February 2017, Manizha completed the creation of his solo album, which was called " Manuscript" Although this album turned out to be the first, that is, connected with the beginning creative searches girls, but turned out to be extremely successful and in Russian iTunes turned out to be very high.

With such a creative journey that began at the age of 12, Manizha will be a very bright, strong and confident participant in the upcoming Eurovision 2019, therefore her candidacy, which we only recently learned about, is an extremely correct decision .

Let's hope that next year Russia will be represented by a performer and a team of a higher level, because this year has put the country in a position that is considered extremely disastrous for its level.

And if Manizha performs for Russia in 2019, and with the announced song “MANIZHA I AM WHO I AM". We'll soon find out whether this is true or not.

Almost 200 thousand users have already subscribed to this girl’s blog. If you are not one of them, then this review is definitely for you.

Manizha Sangin- a Muscovite who moved to the capital of Russia back in early childhood- from Dushanbe.

She is the first singer in the world who began to “make” musical collages - full-fledged art products consisting of several (usually nine) beautiful video images and gorgeous polyphony and polyphony.

The singer began her musical career on Instagram with 15-second videos she shot herself: at that time it was simply impossible to make one-minute clips. The girl immediately decided to post videos on Mondays. After all, no one likes Mondays, as a rule, and therefore Manizha intended to make this day of the week kinder and brighter.

The girl was the first to come up with the idea of ​​filming music collages. Photo: personal archive.

In a few recent years the girl wrote more than 100 of her own compositions - in English and Russian. At the same time, she began collaborating with the best contemporary musicians and sound producers in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Los Angeles and London. Word of mouth quickly spread the news about the extraordinary singer. Internet users from all over the world began to follow her work. And now all these people (Manizha herself calls them not listeners, but “hearers”) are looking forward to the release of the girl’s first album. It would be more accurate to say an Instagram album, which, however, will be available not only on Instagram. It will be available for purchase in iTunes and in the Yandex.Music application.

In the meantime, while waiting for the record, we carefully studied the singer’s blog and compiled for you a rating of her ten most popular videos. Enjoy, music lovers, future and present.

10th place (145 thousand views)

9th place (152 thousand views)

8th place (171 thousand views)

7th place (182 thousand views)

Singer Manizha ( full name– Manizha Dalerovna Khamraeva) is a popular DIY singer of Tajik origin, performing compositions in soul and ethno style. She managed to be remembered by Internet users with her short colorful videos on Instagram, which became her real business card and resulted in the world’s first musical Instagram album Manuscript, and in May 2017 Manizha assembled the Ice Sports Club. She didn’t need producers or millions in subsidies to achieve success, and that’s impressive.

Childhood and adolescence

The future singer Manizha was born in the capital of Tajikistan in a large intelligent family creative family. Her grandfather Toji Usmon was a famous Tajik poet, writer and ethnographer. Her father is a doctor, and her mother is a clothing designer; she is the owner of her own brand, Modardesigns, and part-time art director for her talented middle daughter.

Interview with Manizhi

The girl’s older sister, Munisa, is a journalist, correspondent for Channel One, brother Tozhdusmon, named after his grandfather, is a financier. Younger sister Anisa is studying abroad at a prestigious culinary school and plans to open her own catering business, brother Sherzod is a future diplomat.

But not always in this big friendly family Prosperity and prosperity reigned, but serious trials also fell to her lot. When Manizha was two years old, a fire broke out in Tajikistan. Civil War. Their house was destroyed by a shell, and the family was forced to flee to Moscow. In the capital, they had to start everything from scratch, but the mother and grandmother did not give up and shouldered the responsibility of raising five children on their fragile shoulders.

At the insistence of her grandmother, 5-year-old Manizha was sent to music school, where she began to master the piano and learn to sing.

It was customary in the family to speak several languages, so the children are fluent not only in Russian and English, but also speak Tajik and Farsi quite fluently.

True, a year later the girl left school and began studying vocals with private teachers (one of them was the famous Tatyana Antsiferova), so she does not have a diploma in music education. This did not prevent her from becoming the winner of the prestigious music competition"Rainbow Stars" in Latvia, as well as a laureate of the children's festival "Ray of Hope" and international competition young talents"Kaunas Talent".

The beginning of a musical career

From the age of sixteen, Manizha began writing her own songs and performing with them under the pseudonym RuKola. A video was shot for the composition “I Neglect” with the participation of Semyon Slepakov, who also directed the video. The song quickly became popular and stayed at the top of the domestic charts for several months.

Rukola (Manizha) - I neglect

Soon another composition by the young singer, “Hourglass,” was heard on the radio, and six months later RuKola’s debut album, “I Neglect,” was released. In the same year, Manizha became a participant in the “Five Stars” competition for young talents, where she was remembered by the audience and jury members for her original performance of songs from the repertoire of Zemfira and Sofia Rotaru.

Despite obvious creative success, Manizha did not seek to obtain a music education and after graduating from school she entered the Faculty of Psychology of the Russian State University for the Humanities. The girl remembers with warmth student years and still keeps in touch with his classmates, many of whom now work in advertising and show business.

In the fall of 2010, the singer’s next album, “Second,” was released, which included eleven new tracks. The frontman of the Assai group, Alexey Kosov, liked many of them, and the musician invited Manizha to sing at their concerts. The girl had to persuade her parents for a long time to let her go to St. Petersburg, which won her heart at first sight. She fell in love with the city on the Neva with all her heart, and it was there that her best songs were born.

After working with Assai for some time, Manizha went to their subsidiary project Krip De Shin, but due to creative differences she soon left the team. At this time on her life path people met who were seriously interested in the work of the young singer and offered to help her. The girl went to London, where she enrolled in the best studios and collaborated with famous musicians, including with Michael Spencer, who recorded an album for Kylie Minogue. Also, already in Moscow, she managed to perform as an opening act for Lana del Rey at Ledovoy and work with the teams of Robbie Williams and Jamiroquai.

Project Manizha

The girl spent about four years in London. She even had a contract to record an album, but due to the financial crisis the deal was unsuccessful. Out of hopelessness, she returned to Moscow. In order to somehow smooth out the depressive moments of her life, every Monday she began to select her favorite song, record her video cover of it and post it on Instagram. Thus, over time, the idea of ​​a new project, Manizha, was born.

It was important for her to remain an independent artist, able to convey to the public own creativity, and not remain a pawn of a prestigious label, always ready to fulfill any whims of the producers. This is what’s good about social networks - by posting original fifteen-second videos on Instagram, Manizha aroused keen interest among the public. The number of her subscribers began to grow rapidly and by mid-2018 exceeded 300 thousand. There were not only covers, but also videos that Manizha filmed herself, simply running through the streets with her phone and inviting passers-by to sing with her.

Manizha - Chandelier

Now the famous film producer Alexey Alekseev works with her on a team, who provides invaluable assistance with ideas for videos and their implementation. At the beginning of 2017, Manizha pleased fans with the new album “Manuscript”, which immediately took the top positions in Russian iTunes. A video clip was shot for the song “Chandelier”, and viewers of Channel One were able to appreciate live performance this composition was broadcast on the “Evening Urgant” program.

Personal life of Manizha

Manizha is not married and prefers not to advertise events in her personal life. His main love she calls music, but like many oriental women, she dreams of strong family and a large cozy house filled with children's voices. More recently, the singer established a relationship with her father, who considered stage activity an unworthy occupation for a true Muslim and for ten long years refused to communicate with his daughter.

Manizha now

Singer Manizha continues her active creative and concert activities. So, in June 2018, she presented to the public new track“Loved as much as I could”, traditionally accompanying the music with a stylish video sequence, and performed at the Moscow Manor Jazz festival.

Manizha also does not forget to delight the viewers of the MTV channel with her presence - in June 2018, she took part in the final of the show “12 Evil Spectators” and the program “Top-20” with host Tata Bondarchuk.