Birthday in the style of Marvel superheroes. Superhero themed birthday

  • 21.07.2023
I already wrote that this year we are celebrating New Year’s Eve with friends. First we go to the forest, there is a New Year's fairy tale for children, a bonfire, fireworks, then we return to the city and continue to have fun.

A selection of games for Superheroes.

“We need to pump ourselves up”
It’s a long way to the gym, but we need muscles right here and now. We take two T-shirts of size XXXXXL. And we inflate about 30 balloons.
Superheroes put on T-shirts, the task is to put the most balls under the T-shirt in the allotted time. The most muscular one wins.

Now the heroes are strong enough to break through a brick wall with ease. The game will require 10 -15 boxes lined up as a wall. All participants will have to break the wall one by one using the ball.

"Super touch"
The day before we shop at a joke store: the crazier the prizes, the better. We hide them in an opaque fabric bag. Super heroes must guess what the item is hidden in the bag using only their sense of touch. The one who guesses gets a prize from the bag.

Defuse kryptonite
We scatter kryptonite (balls the size of snowballs rolled up from foil) around the room. Everyone knows how kryptonite affects the abilities of superheroes. It should not be touched with bare hands. Chinese chopsticks to help the heroes. The task is to collect as many kryptonite balls as possible in the allotted time.

Super accuracy competition
Two teams (superheroes and superheroines). Each team is given a balloon. You need to hit the target with the ball.

Super speed competition
Now the participants of the same teams are invited to compete in speed (there is a balloon between their legs, they need to run to the goal, come back and pass the baton to the next participant).

Here you can arrange a battle with blasters made from modeling balls or any other soft “weapons”.

Competition "Superstraws"
This competition will require a lot of plastic juice or cocktail straws. Participants are invited to participate, and the presenter divides them into two teams. Each team receives half a pack of straws (approximately equal quantity).
The presenter gives the start, and the teams begin to make a long straw: insert the end of one straw into another and so on. Teams are given a few minutes to complete the task. The team that makes the longest straw during this time wins the competition.

Game "Liberation"
The leader forms a large circle of chairs (or designates the circle in some other way) to limit the movement of players.
A participant with his hands and feet tied (prisoner) sits in the center of a circle formed from chairs. Next to him is a blindfolded player (guard). The remaining participants in the game (liberators) try to free the prisoner, that is, they try to untie him. The guard must interfere.
By touching any participant, he takes him out of the game, he must go beyond the circle of chairs. The player who manages to free the prisoner without being caught becomes the guard himself the next time.

Competition "Web".
Conditions of the competition: participants are divided into two teams and stand in a circle. Each of them receives an elastic band for jumping, it is pulled around the participants. The task of the teams is to all exchange their rubber bands together, move from their circle to another circle, while remaining with their team. You can hold a competition for a while.

Competition "New Superhero".
For this competition, you need to divide the guests into two teams, each of which must come up with and create their own new superhero.

Competitions for stock, suddenly there will be few basic ones.

Game "Folk Art"
5 people are needed to participate in the competition. The four go into another room for a while.
The remaining fifth person reads the text out loud.
“The Greek was driving across the river, and he saw a cancer in the river.
He put the Greek’s hand in the river, and the crayfish by the hand of the Greek-DAC.”
(instead of this tongue twister there can be any other one, including proverbs).
One of the participants is invited to the hall. The participant who read the text must use facial expressions and gestures to retell the story to the person who came. The arriving participant, if he understands what is being said, says: “Got it!” Then the next one is invited, to whom the second one tells his story.
Also without words.
Then the next participant is invited and so on until the last one. Naturally, everyone will have their own story, but everyone will find it funny. At the end, the first participant reads for everyone else what really happened.

Competition "Bus"
For this competition you need a pack of popcorn in a large bowl.
The competition is held in two stages and several couples (m+f) are needed to participate.
The first task is carried out by women - each is given a needle and thread. At speed, in just over a minute, they take popcorn from a large bowl and thread it onto a string to make beads. Once the time runs out, the amount of popcorn on the beads is counted. The pair that makes the most “beads” on the beads earns a prize point.
Then the next stage is when the women put the beads on themselves, and now the male representatives of the couples must eat these beads as quickly as possible. The pair that destroys the beads the fastest wins. This ends the second stage, after which the audience themselves choose the winner.

Don't expect a miracle! Wonder yourself! Have fun with us!

Boys and girls from 5 to 10 years old are interested in superheroes and dream of having superpowers, being as brave and helping people. Let's give them the opportunity to feel as fearless as everyone's favorite character, Batman, the Man-Bat - the hero of popular films and comics who fights against villains. A children's party with Batman will not leave any child indifferent.

If you choose the image of Batman as the main theme for your children's birthday party, you will certainly please all the guests. After all, this superhero takes an honorable second place in popularity among famous characters, second only to Superman.

This hero is a model of strength, courage and justice, a defender of the weak and a formidable crime fighter. That is why he is so loved by both children and adults. Batman is a true hero of our time, and of yesteryear too.

Throw your child a fun party with Batman, a super character who inspires fear in all intruders. This scenario for holding a children's birthday party can be implemented both at home and outdoors. Create appropriate decorations, menus and costumes, and the children will remember the holiday for a long time.

And Batman himself should entertain the children at the birthday party. For this role, either a hired animator or a child's father in a superhero costume and mask is suitable.

Invitations for children's holiday

Preparations for a superhero party need to start early. In order to make the birthday boy's friends look forward to the upcoming holiday with interest, the invitations should be complex. We suggest cutting out a bat from black paper, like on the Batman emblem. Its wings must be folded to form an improvised envelope. Include an invitation printed or written on yellow paper in the envelope. Invitation text: “My young friend, Gotham needs your help. I’m waiting for you (date, time) at the appointed place (address). The city needs heroes. Your Batman." Having received such an invitation, the child will look forward to his friend’s upcoming birthday.

Costumes for the holiday

First of all, take care of the costume for the main character. The easiest option is to rent such a suit. If this is not possible, make it yourself. The superhero needs to be dressed in black trousers and golf. Make a patch of yellow fabric in the shape of a bat on the golf shirt in the chest area. The raincoat can be sewn from a piece of black fabric. But you will have to work hard on the mask. It is not so difficult to cut it out of cardboard and paint it with black paint.

Don't forget about costumes for kids. They will also be interested in wearing black capes and bat masks.

Room decor

Buy Batman themed plates and glasses. If you couldn't find similar dishes, don't worry. Black or yellow dishes are fine. It can be decorated with superhero stickers. Decorate the room with white, yellow and black balloons. You can make an arch out of these balls and use it for a photo shoot. Hang a serpentine on the walls, along the edges of which attach small black mice.

Place a card with the child’s name next to each plate, so the children will understand how to sit.

Holiday superhero menu

For such an event you will have to work hard on the menu. You can cook regular food, but decorate it with bats. A good option would be gingerbread in the shape of a mouse. Familiar dishes can be given themed names, for example, “Mr. Frozzie Ice Cream,” “Poison Ivy” salad, “Joker” cutlets.

Without a doubt, the main decoration of the table will be a cake depicting the city of Batman - Gotham with a figurine of the character on top.

Meeting with guests

When the guests arrive, each child is given a superhero mask and cape. Play music from the movie of the same name. While children are waiting for a superhero, let them play catch or hide and seek.

Scenario for a children's birthday

Batman enters the hall to the music from the film. The holiday is held in the form of a direct dialogue with the participation of children.

Batman: Hello my young superheroes. I am Batman - the man-bat, a gloomy, strong man. Welcome to the city of Gotham. I have called you all together for a very important matter. Today is our name day. Do you know what you can do on your birthday? Is it possible to get sick on your birthday? Is it possible to offend the birthday person on his birthday? Is it possible to tug his ears a little on this day?

All questions need to wait for an answer from the children.

Batman: I want to know from you, do you like adventures? Then let's go on a superhero adventure and get gifts! And now, everyone who loves gifts, please raise (a short pause is made, the children raise their hands out of habit) your leg. And whoever raises his leg the highest is our toughest fighter for justice!

Batman: Now come to me, birthday boy, how old are you?

(The birthday boy answers, for example, eight).

Batman: I didn't even hear it. Eighty eight? What are you, a pensioner, or what? Oh, just eight! Somehow I can’t believe it. When I was eight, I was a little taller. I was about this height.

(Places his hand above the birthday boy’s head, slightly higher than his height).

Batman: Now we will check whether you are lying or not. We give you three tries, if you jump with your head to my hand, then you are eight years old. And if you don’t make it, then you’re two years old, and you’re wearing diapers.

(The first two times, raise your hand higher so that the birthday boy cannot jump).

Batman: Well, guys, it’s not working out because we don’t support it. Let's support the birthday boy and clap for him!

(Children clap, the birthday boy jumps to his hand).

Batman: Indeed, eight years! Let's congratulate him all together: Happy Birthday! And then they came up with the same idea: to put diapers on such an adult!

Batman: Now let’s all shout your names at the same time, and I will immediately remember you all. So, we remembered all our names. And now, on the count of three, we start shouting. Stop! I completely forgot. I have a request to you: don’t shout, you know: “Semyonov Fedor Petrovich...” But simply: Sasha, Masha, Tanya. So, let's start, one, two, three.

(The children all shout their names together).

Batman: What? I heard this: asimavacqualita! I heard this name. Well, let's do it again!

(The children shout their names again).

Batman: Wait, has everyone really heard the name of the great hero - Boiled Sausage? Something’s not working out for me, okay, let’s get to know each one individually.

(Meets the children, shakes hands with each one, approaches the birthday boy for the last one).

Batman: My name is Batman, and yours How?

(When shaking hands, he pretends that he is in pain and cannot pull his hand away).

Batman: Let me go now, it hurts a lot! Well, wow, a strong man! You must have magical birthday powers. Come on, show off your muscles! With such power, you definitely need to become the most important superhero.

Batman: Now let me take you for a ride on my Batman bike. Stand in a circle.

(Children hold hands and run in a circle, stop is abruptly said, the children fall).

Batman: Well, I don’t know, you all got caught, I also wanted to take you for a ride on the Bat-motorcycle. On the count of “three” we stand in a circle; whoever didn’t have time gets a banana. Well, let's try again on a motorcycle? What do you need to ride a motorcycle? That's right - helmet, suit, knee pads, elbow pads.

(Together with the children he shows what to wear where).

Batman: Who will start the motorcycle? Well, come on, start it.

(The child says: “Vzh-vzh-vzh”).

Batman: No, it's a mixer in mom's kitchen! Okay, let's all do it together: drn-dyn-dyn, and let's go! First one way, then the other!

Batman: Now let's test the strength of our friendship! We repeat after me: “Everyone at the holiday is friends, and you, and you, and he, and me!” Hug the neighbor on the left, and now the neighbor on the right. Now let’s raise our hands and shout: “Together we are friends!”

Batman: Let's try faster. « Everyone at the holiday is friends, and you, and you, and he, and me!” Pinch the neighbor on the left, and now the neighbor on the right. And hands up: “Together we are friends!”

Batman: And now even faster. « Everyone at the holiday is friends, and you, and you, and he, and me!” Scratch the neighbor on the left, and now the neighbor on the right. And hands up: “Together we are friends!”

Batman: Now super fast. « Everyone at the holiday is friends, and you, and you, and he, and me!” Tickle the neighbor on the left, and now the neighbor on the right. And hands up: “Together we are friends!”

(The kids do as Batman says.)

Batman: Now let's play games.

Games and competitions

1. Mr. Freeze dancing

Batman: One of my enemies is the villain Mr. Freeze. He has a freeze cannon. But today he's throwing a dance party!

Play some fun music for the children. While it sounds, the children dance. As soon as the music stops, they should freeze. To make the game more interesting, give a new task for the freezing pose each time.

2. Questions about Batman

Batman: Let's figure out which of you is a real Batman fan. I will ask you questions, and the one who knows me best will win.

* City where I live? (Gotham).

*What color is my suit? (Black).

* Where do I live? (Batcave).

*Primary means of transportation? (Batmobile).

*What is the name of my worst enemy? (Joker).

* What animal is depicted on my costume? (Bat).

3. The most dexterous and strong

Batman: I would like to know which of you is the strongest and most dexterous.

Ten cups are placed in a row; you need to pass across them without hitting any of them. Then, together with the children, we make a pyramid of cups; we need to jump over it. The winner is the one who does not touch a single glass.

4. Bowling

Batman: Let's see how accurate you are.

A line is marked with a rope, and plastic bottles or children's skittles are placed behind the line. From a certain distance, children roll the ball towards the skittles. The participant who knocks down the most pins wins.

5. Batman's phone

Batman: Sometimes I really need to convey important messages to my friends. Can you help me with this?

The participants sit in a row, and Batman quietly says a word into the ear of the first in the chain, and he passes it on to the other player in exactly the same way. The last participant says what he heard.

Master Class

After the children have had enough time running around and playing, you can arrange a master class on making a boomerang. To do this, prepare a boomerang blank made of thick cardboard and sheets of cardboard in advance. The guys can circle the finished blank on their sheet or draw their own. Then this drawing is cut out and decorated with paints or pencils.

In memory of a fun holiday

After this event, all the children will go home happy, well-fed and satisfied. In order for the memories of such a cool and funny holiday to remain for a long time, give each of your little guests a memorable souvenir. This could be a small Batman toy, stickers, or a temporary Batman tattoo.

Don't forget about the photo shoot. To do this, you can paint the children’s faces with face painting, and then take photos with a superhero in an arch made of balloons. After some time, both you and your child will be very pleased to look at these photographs and remember the wonderful holiday.

And don’t remember, the holiday atmosphere depends only on you. Rejoice, laugh, and your children's birthday will be unforgettable.

So, where to start? cooking to the party? The first thing you need to do is make a to-do list: decide on the number of invitees and the location of the party, decorate the venue, make invitations, sort out the images of the characters, think through costumes, come up with a menu, and an entertainment program. In general, there are a lot of worries and troubles, but if you think of and prepare everything in advance, your party will be unforgettable.

You can have a superhero party absolutely in anywhere, everything will depend on the number of people. This could be an apartment, a private house, a cafe. Very often, for such parties, an apartment or house is rented on a daily basis. This is a great option for everyone, you will be sure that guests will not come to you unexpectedly, neighbors will not complain about loud music, and guests will not break your favorite vase.

If you have decided on the location of the holiday, you need to get it right design to create the appropriate atmosphere. But the design depends on which superheroes you want to see at the party. After all, everyone’s heroes are different: someone will want to reincarnate as Hulk, Superman, Spiderman, cat woman; someone likes it better Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles And samurai; and someone prefers Russian superheroes - heroes. Think over and discuss with the guests the exact theme of the event, and begin to decorate the hall.

How to design a party venue?

For registration you can use:

. New Year's garlands. They will be appropriate at a party and will create a feeling of celebration.

. Posters. You can hang posters with images of superheroes. To cheer up your guests, you can paste the faces of your friends onto the posters instead of the characters’ faces.

. Hero Attributes. You can make a web from the mesh, draw symbols of Superman and Batman, and place models of weapons everywhere. Very often, for this purpose, their toy arsenal is taken away from younger brothers.

. Super wish board. On such a board, everyone can write their super wishes: super strength, super health, super heroism, and so on.

. Comics. Place comics on shelves and coffee tables; they will perfectly complement the style of the party.

Do clips from films O superheroes with the most current scenes. Broadcast this video all evening, guests will enjoy comparing themselves and others with the characters on the screen.


They say that theater begins with a hanger. In the same way, any party begins with invitations. By correctly inviting guests, you will set the tone for the entire holiday, and an original invitation will be the key to a successful party.

What should the invitations be like? There are several options:

. Invitation card. This is a standard paper card that you can buy or make yourself. Cards can be personalized with photos of guests. You don’t have to write the text, but stick it from cut-out newspaper letters and words. The invitation must indicate where and when the party will take place. Don't forget to mention the dress code.

. Photo invitation. You can take a photo invitation and send it by email, social networks or SMS by phone. To do this, prepare posters with information about where and when the event will take place, take a photo with them, make a collage and send it to the recipients.

. Video invitation. An original invitation will be a video in which you can tell guests in detail about the party. It can be sent by email or burned to disk.

. Quest invitation. This type of invitation is suitable for people who lead an active lifestyle and like to solve puzzles and riddles. You can do several stages, at each of them giving a hint about the next one. As a result of the quest, the guest must find an invitation card to the party.

To help you quickly decide on the image of the superhero you will transform into at the party, here is an approximate list of heroes:

Iron Man.
. Rossamakha.
. Superman.
. Spider-Man.
. Batman.
. Thor.
. Hulk.
. Captain America.
. Green Lantern.
. Catwoman.
. Daredevil.
. Supergirl.


If the party is stylized, then all guests should be in suits. To do this, announce a competition for the best costume and a reward for the winner. The characters' costumes should be as similar as possible to the original. Of course, you can buy or rent them. But if this is not possible, then you can do it yourself. For raincoat A sheet will suit Superman and Batman perfectly; with a little effort, you can easily draw the symbols of your heroes on a T-shirt; you can make sleeves and knee pads for Iron Man from cardboard; using fabric and cardboard, make masks. In general, if you work hard, you can achieve the desired result with minimal cost.


The holiday table should not be ordinary and boring. All dishes must be super dishes and drinks must be super drinks. Meat dishes should predominate on the table, because heroes need strength for exploits. Prepare super-cutlets, pizza in a cheese web, bake super-strength meat, super-flying wings, make a Caesar salad, stuff super-peppers. Don't forget about super beer, super wine and super vodka, as well as super rossol "for tomorrow." Experiment, come up with super names for your dishes. The main thing to remember is that there should be enough food, because hungry guests are not the best option.


In addition to the competition for the best costume, many more competitions can be held; below are examples:

Contest " Super kettlebell».
For this competition it is necessary to invite several men who want to participate. You need to prepare weights in advance, say five pieces, four of which are real, and the fifth is fake. Conditions of the competition: participants must lift weights as many times as possible. It is clear that the fake weight will be light, and it will be much easier to lift it. But this participant will become an example to others, and they will try to keep up and lift their weights more times. The main thing is that the hero with the fake weight does not give himself away, grunting, wiping off sweat, lifting it and lifting it up.

Contest " Cobweb».
Conditions of the competition: participants are divided into two teams and stand in a circle. Each of them receives an elastic band for jumping, it is pulled around the participants. The task of the teams is to all exchange their rubber bands together, move from their circle to another circle, while remaining with their team. A very fun competition that will give you a lot of good mood. You can hold a competition for a while.

Contest " Super abilities».
This is an improvisation competition and should be held towards the end of the party. Ask your guests to express themselves, to show what their hero is capable of. Believe me, not every stuntman will be able to perform the super abilities that they will show you.

Contest " Super eggs».
Both men and women can participate in this competition. To do this, tie a string to the belts of two participants with a bag in which put two raw eggs. The participants' task is to break the opponent's eggs without using their hands.

Contest " New superhero».
For this competition, you need to divide the guests into two teams, each of which must create their own new superhero, come up with a name and super powers for him. Then these heroes will measure their strength.

Hold a drawing for a super prize, a competition for the best super toast, a song or poem about superheroes. In order not to forget anything, write a script for the event, take a camera and a video camera to capture the gathering of superheroes at your holiday. You can also invite an artist to draw caricatures of your guests. Inspiration and have a good time!

A bright superhero-themed party is a great chance to make your wildest dreams come true and become a superman for one evening. Did you dream of becoming Batman or Spider-Man as a child? Do you like films about Iron Man, Daredevil and other science-fiction characters? Then this party is for you. As an occasion - February 23, a corporate party, a bachelor party or just a meeting of friends. It doesn’t matter what the occasion is for gathering, the important thing is a good mood and a willingness to fool around a little.

We create invitations

It is good to use cards with images of superheroes as invitations. This scheme will help to distribute the roles so that there are not two Batmans at the holiday - whichever character is depicted on the invitation is the one you need to dress up as. If there are a lot of guests and there are not enough characters for everyone, or there are girls at the party, print out the superhero “S” emblem and build cute invitations on this basis. For ambiance, you can print with neon paint, which will glow in the dark, reminding you of an upcoming event. Be sure to indicate the location and time of the superhero meeting.

We welcome guests

Let an attractive supergirl greet everyone at the entrance to the hall. She will be handing out masks and comics. You can entrust her with the mission of voting for the most awesome superhero - let her distribute voting forms to everyone, and at the end of the evening she will count and announce the winner.

Decorating the room in super style

Posters of the 40s in the pin-up style will be an excellent decoration for the walls, because any superman appreciates female beauty and will gladly admire charming girls. Put up a Tantamaresque, with the help of which everyone can instantly transform into a hero and take a photo in this form for the story, as they say.

When decorating, don’t forget that the main “source” of everything heroic and super heroic in the whole world is Marvel; in fact, the super heroes at your party can be Marvel comic book characters.

In the background, clips of movies and cartoons about superheroes can be broadcast on the screens.

Set up a large stand (this can be an ordinary piece of Whatman paper) on which you can leave anonymous and non-anonymous wishes/messages for men or girls or for the heroes of the evening. It will be very interesting for each party participant to periodically approach the Whatman paper to see whether there is a new message for him or not. This can start a whole correspondence.

By the way, in order not to guess what pin-up posters are and how they can decorate a super hero party, we bring to your attention examples:

We treat you to super food

To accomplish feats you need a lot of strength and energy, so we give preference to tasty, healthy food. Freshly squeezed juices, lots of vegetables and fruits. Make delicious burgers with beef patties, vegetables, and lettuce. All kinds of cheese and meat cuts will also fit into the theme. You can turn to Japanese cuisine and treat daredevils to sushi, rice noodles and other healthy delicacies.

Super fun

You need to choose music so that it inspires you to great deeds and helps you feel a surge of energy. For example, soundtracks from Superman movies are great. In principle, you can choose any music to your liking - although superheroes are unusual, they are still people who have their own preferences. Focus on the wishes of the public and you won’t go wrong.

It would be very interesting to use quotes at such a party that have become popular in relation to the situation, while each participant should strive to use the phrase of their own hero, for example:

Tony Stark

The pompous phrases spoken by the heroes at turning points or when thinking about something great will sound especially funny. With the right wit and the right moment, such phrases can cause a lot of laughter. Here is a list of bombastic quotes:

  1. Try new things and never stop (Iron Man)
  2. Sometimes only madness makes us who we are (Batman)
  3. No matter what comes your way, there is always a choice. These choices make you who you are (Spiderman)
  4. Violence is the price we pay to achieve a great goal (Superman)
  5. Never trust a beautiful woman. Especially if she likes you (Magneto)
  6. If people were destined to fly, they would have wings (Wolverine)
  7. Mutation is the key to evolution. It allowed us to go from being a single-celled organism to becoming the dominant species on earth. This process is long and usually takes thousands of years. But from time to time evolution takes a leap forward. (Professor X)

And of course, such a party cannot take place without competitions that can excite all the participants of the event.

An excellent game that requires the use of imagination, humor and the ability to work in a team - creating a superhero. To do this, two teams are working on the birth of a new star - a unique superhero. And they do this using everything that is at hand. Then you need to come up with a name for the superhero and what abilities he will have. You don’t need to limit yourself to well-known characters; you can come up with a Super Cleaner or a Super Secretary. It all depends on the ability to use imagination.

You can organize arm wrestling competitions, invite an artist who will draw comics about Supermen with portraits of the guests of the evening. An interactive shooting range will also provide excellent entertainment, where those interested can compete in accuracy. For those who come without a mask, a body art service can be organized, where an artist will paint their face to resemble a specific superhero.

Have a lot of fun at a masculine soul celebration - a superhero party. An evening when you can discover secret possibilities within yourself, save humanity and simply relax in a fun and noisy company. Organize a superhero themed party and enjoy a lot of new experiences.

A short plan for preparing for a party in the style of super heroes

If you feel that hot blood flows in your veins, and the heart of a superhero beats in your chest, a superhero-themed party is clearly for you, which means it’s time to move from words to actions.

Answer yourself the first most important question: we will organize it ourselves or we will order it on a turnkey basis.

If you decide to order a turnkey party, the issue of choosing a quality performer is very pressing, use our services to greatly simplify your task.

If you are confident in your abilities, we offer you a short thesis plan to help you keep your finger on the pulse and not forget anything during preparation. Copy it, print it in Word and go! Conquer the world!

  1. If the decision about the party was made by the company, determine who will be responsible for preparing the party (one or more people, if several, determine who will be the coordinator) and distribute the tasks according to this list.
  2. Make a preliminary list of party participants.
  3. Call or meet with everyone to clarify the preliminary list of participants.
  4. Determine the date and time of the party.
  5. Determine the budget that you are willing to spend on the party (the solution to all subsequent issues will largely depend on this amount)
  6. Resolve the issue of financing (who, in what amount, when and how will pay all the costs of preparation and implementation)
  7. Find studios that rent retro costumes and give each party participant a memo with addresses and phone numbers (this way you can avoid excuses like “I didn’t know where to find the right outfit...”)
  8. Decide where you intend to hold the party (restaurant, office, yacht, country complex, etc.). To solve this issue more easily, leave a request on the site indicating that you are planning a party in the style of super heroes. For sure, you will be answered by sites that have experience in organizing such a style, which means that design issues are off your shoulders. Or maybe someone will organize a similar party in the near future, then from the entire to-do list you will only have to remember to come to the address on the day of the party.
  9. What dishes/drinks should be on your table? Who prefers what?
  10. Consider the issue of transport and delivery of participants home.
  11. Decide who will do the decoration of the room. If you plan to do everything yourself, decide on the decoration elements; it is best to have them ready at least 1 week before the event. If you rely on the experience of professionals, leave a request on the site; they will offer you not only design options, but will also demonstrate existing decoration elements. You can choose the best performer based on quality and price.
  12. Consider the entertainment part. Which contests and competitions attract your friends and which ones don’t? Use our competitions section to quickly solve this problem.

February 23, in the style of superheroes, is a holiday of real men, strong and brave, capable of heroic deeds. Spider-Man, Batman, Iron Man, Lantern Man, Rossamaha, Daredevil, Thor and many others will gather in one place to celebrate February 23 and measure their superpowers.

The walls can be decorated with pictures in pin-up style with seductive beauties of the 30s and 40s, because everyone knows that superheroes are crazy about charming girls.

Everyone will be able to take a photo with their favorite superheroes in the tantamaresque.

If technical support allows, then on plasma you can broadcast clips from films and cartoons about superheroes.

On the super wishes board, girls can leave wishes for something super for men, for example, super agility, super endurance, super happiness, etc.

Meeting with guests:

Supergirl welcomes guests and hands out superhero masks, as well as mini-comics for voting for the most superheroic superhero. Ballots with the name of the candidate (for example, Spider-Man Ivan Petrovich Kocharyshkin) must be placed in a secret box, and the winner will be declared at the end of the evening.

Scenario for February 23rd in superhero style

Never before have so many superheroes gathered in one place, which means the holiday will be super! By the way, the celebration will be hosted by one famous superheroine - Catwoman (hosted in a Catwoman costume).

To begin with, the presenter will introduce the guests to superheroes. All you need to do is shout “Super-duper!” three times. After such a simple procedure, everyone is guaranteed a superhero image.

Catwoman is the best at superheroes. How well do guests know them? The presenter will test this by arranging a quiz of riddles about superheroes.

Photos of superheroes are shown on the screen, and guests must remember the name of the character and what his superpower or superpower is.

Catwoman can cheat and show the opponents of superheroes - villains. Guests must be careful!

Script competition February 23 “Superman set”

Various tools help superheroes maintain their superpower. Under the strict guidance of Catwoman, the newly-made heroes will be engaged in their production: from a modeling ball (SDM) you need to make a sword, and then fight your opponent with the help of this formidable weapon.

The life of superheroes is unique: they may be ordinary people, but when the world is in danger, superheroes immediately come to the rescue. How well are the guests familiar with the biography of superheroes, and will they be able to cope with the tricky tasks of Catwoman?

A video (a fragment from a film or cartoon about a superhero) is broadcast on the screen. At a certain point, the video stops and the presenter asks a question related to this plot.

Superheroes are born rarely, but it is always a very significant event. And on February 23, the moment came to create a new superhero. To do this, guests are divided into teams and create a completely new, unique superhero from one of the participants using improvised means.

The team must come up with a name for their superhero, create a costume and tell what the character's superhero power is. And the competition will end with a fashion show of newly-made superheroes.

Superheroes can also be corporate, for example, the Super Accountant, whose superweapon is his salary - with its help he influences ordinary people. Or a super cleaner, whose magical power lies in the super mop - it works wonders, especially after corporate parties.

Competition for the script on February 23 “Spider-Man” (analogous to the game “Confusion”)

Probably everyone has dreamed of being Spider-Man at least once in their life. Guests will create a huge collective Spider-Man. To do this, they need to hold hands and strictly follow the Catwoman's instructions. But being Spider-Man is not so easy: once completely entangled, guests must independently get out of the web without breaking the thread (hands must always remain clasped).

The artist will draw portraits of guests in the style of superhero comics.

Real superheroes are famous for their super strength. Here she can compete with a worthy opponent to approving applause from the audience.

Men are engaged in arm wrestling.

The constant battle against evil and restoration of justice requires super-accuracy from a superhero. Superheroes will be able to test this super quality at the shooting range.

Everyone knows that superheroes lead double lives. People go to a beauty salon as ordinary men and return as superheroes.

A body art artist paints a superhero mask.

program script February 23 in the style of superheroes can be complemented by a laser show, dance or circus performances, and exhibition fights.

Maria Balykova