Cashflow. How to start cash flow and let wealth into your life Where is the cash flow

  • 19.03.2022

“Wealth belongs not to the one who owns it, but to the one who knows how to enjoy it”

Benjamin Franklin

Is money easy?
Money is easy...
Money is easy!

Which of these three options does this phrase sound in your head? Question? Doubt? Statement?

This is the first test of your beliefs about money...

Many of our readers are concerned about the question: How to open cash flow?

Today we will look into this. From my personal experience and experience, I see that the path from question to statement is much easier than many people think.

Now a new time has come. A time when lightness is the energy of every person and most of this energy is on the money channel. This can be seen when calculating everyone’s personal matrix.

What does ease in the area of ​​your money depend on?

We all really want to live easily and joyfully. Ask everyone what they dream of and you will hear: “If I had more money, then...”

All our dreams and desires revolve around money. Or rather, they start from their number. We think that when... then then... In fact, everything is completely opposite in this world! Today you will discover simple secrets of interacting with the energy of money. These are the secrets of lightness.

Choose a state of enjoyment from money: the money you have now and the money you see in other people’s lives. Choose to feel joy when interacting with money. This state will open your financial flow and expand it.

Relax inside about money. Just know that when you are relaxed, you are open to everything, you are in joy, then you yourself become a channel. When you are relaxed, money flows easily through you, through all your 72 thousand energy channels. Relax inside, trust the loving Universe and continue to perform actions in the physical world, albeit the same ones, but in a different state. You will see new results very quickly.

Example. Before our eyes, the guys-musicians in the St. Petersburg metro showed such an incredible example of relaxation, enjoying their playing, a state of joy, lightness and drive from what they were doing, that many people gratefully gave them money.

Reverse example, when you see musicians, exhausted by the “hardships of life,” asking for alms to evaluate their work. How do you feel? A pity? Pity does not bring lightness. Pity stings and nullifies the power of the one towards whom it is directed. Pity is not the best adviser to help people.People are strong - believe in their strength, not their weakness. But this is a topic for another article.

So, the second principle of ease is to choose to interact with money through a state of joy, pleasure and love.

3. Your ability to play is important. Learn this from children

Many times you have heard and read: “Our whole life is a game!” But this motto works wonderfully in life. How much of a player do you feel in your life? Or is life an incredibly serious matter for you?

What does it mean to you to play, not to worry about anything, to see a thousand easy solutions in everything? Remember your childhood - the “money” is over - you pick some leaves and continue playing))). It still works today. When you realize that everything is a game, that you have chosen to live through each experience in order to feel it, learn something and move on, choosing something completely new.

Every moment of your life you are already different and, accepting all the previously chosen experiences (understanding that they bring you some knowledge about you), you can easily immediately choose a different path to obtaining the same knowledge. You choose the rules of life yourself.

Feel a new taste of life while playing. You simply choose your new rules, new roles and new scenarios. You realize who the main Writer of your life is.

Open your heart to life, perceiving everything with humor, joy, and interest. Be like children!

The opposite statement also applies - we can easily and through any game solve and release many programs and beliefs of the past. In the game you can solve any life issues and see non-standard solutions, get incredible tips and direction.. This is a very exciting process that requires honesty and responsibility.

Example. Recently we played the most common board business game, like Monopoly. The game developed very quickly: players bought businesses and created concerns, and I received gifts from the bank, a vacation in a hotel, or winnings at a casino. At first I was happy from these moments, but looking at how quickly all the real estate was being sold to people, I became sadder and sadder...

Thoughts came to me that soon I would have to go to other people’s sites and pay them a lot of money for this, but I don’t have my own sources of income yet... Tension from these thoughts came to my body, the game no longer seemed so fun, I saw unfriendly players in the players, negotiating between of dishonest bankers and at some point I even didn’t want to continue this action that did not please me. Tears came to my throat and I said that enough is enough, I don’t play like that anymore))).

Choose the presence of money in your life - and everything will work out!

Intensives About Money And About Money 2— changes in the field of money occur already in the process of completing the course!

What happened? I took everything that was happening too seriously. But very often the same thing happens in life. After thinking and relaxing, I realized that my thoughts had brought me to this state. Thoughts of fear and condemnation. Thoughts of distrust in the world and lack of faith in yourself...

My thoughts brought me here, which means we choose “new rules” - we choose new thoughts and states. I relax, breathe, trust every move and let go of all expectations. Let everything happen as it should happen. I accept finding positive aspects in everything - these are my new rules.

You can’t even imagine, as soon as I chose this, miracles began to happen - my intuition pointed out to me that another player was cheating and he chose to leave the game. New opportunities opened up for me, ideas began to come about cooperation with others on mutually beneficial terms for us, gifts continued to arrive, and in the end, having also received “a few additional lessons on choosing new thoughts,” I also finished the game with a million euros.

The world showed me that it was worth paying attention to my thoughts, freeing myself from judgments and evaluations, as I was being led along a path that my mind could not foresee initially, when it calculated my “bleak future” and was upset in advance.

So, the third principle of ease - play in life and live life awareness in the game, live your old beliefs, release them - this is the easiest way!

By applying these 3 principles in my life, I saw incredible results in a short time. This is not a magic pill - it is a new way of thinking. A way of thinking from the position of the Creator of your life, its Master, its Author.

note: Your tool for easy change - in a convenient online format. Choose the one that suits you!

Are you ready right now to choose the position of the Author of your life and choose a new way of thinking? Then lightness is already entering all areas of your life. Money is the easiest energy you are opening up to right now, it's very simple if you choose to do so.

Write if you found this article useful, and are you ready to make a choice in favor of ease right now? Were you interested in learning how to open cash flow? Then we're on our way.

YOUR opinion is very important to us!

With love and faith in your strength and lightness, Irina Bolgova

Greetings, dear friends! Since you are reading my blog, it means that you and I are united by one idea and goal - become financially independent and stop the endless “rat race”. Who wants to realize themselves, their ambitions, gain financial freedom and start enjoying life without worrying about whether they have enough money to buy an extra pair of shoes, go to the cinema or buy winter clothes for their child. Today there are a huge variety of ways to create your own business and acquire all kinds of assets.

On the way to success and wealth, we all hit bumps and we gain invaluable experience. Author of the book "Cash Flow Quadrant", renowned businessman, investor and financial commentator Robert Kiyosaki I am confident that losses and losses that precede success can be reduced and minimized. If you are wondering how to do this, then you will need the Cash Flow game, developed by Kiyosaki himself.

The history of the creation of “Cash Flow”

The game interested me, and I decided to be curious about why and why the author decided to move away from serious lectures and start developing a toy. It turned out that after reading another seminar on the topic of financial literacy, the importance of passive income and creating one, a married couple approached Robert Kiyosaki, beaming with joy and happiness. The “enlightened” husband and wife thanked the businessman for opened their eyes to simple things that from now on they will cease to be poor, will begin to save money and learn to multiply it. A few years after the next seminar, a married couple approached Robert again, tearfully thanking him and swearing that from that very day they would begin to invest all their free money, master it and stop being poor.

At this moment, Kiyosaki was overcome by a feeling of déjà vu. He was sure that he had heard similar things before. The author of the training asked the couple if they were the ones who attended his lecture several years ago. The joyful couple simply beamed, because Kiyosaki himself remembered them! They confirmed that they had indeed already attended his seminars. Then the businessman asked them how their lives had changed qualitatively during this time, how the knowledge they had gained had helped them get rich, because today’s lecture was on the same topic as several years ago, which means they listened to it twice.

It turned out that the grateful spouses had nothing to boast about. They did nothing that Kiyosaki's knowledge inspired them to do. Actually, it was for this reason that they came to the lecture again, to arm themselves with a magic kick that would allow them to get off the ground. It was at this moment that Robert Kiyosaki realized that between theory which he teaches, and practice acquired in the process of performing specific actions, there is an almost bottomless abyss.

It was then that he was enlightened by the idea of ​​​​creating desktop business simulator, which can replace the same type and, in a sense, boring lectures, and gain real skills in an easy and unobtrusive game form.

Gameplay and basic rules of the CashFlow game

So, the essence of the game is to achieve financial independence by proper management a small amount of personal finance received by the player in the form of wages.

I think you will all agree that any business begins either with a goal or with a dream. It is based on this rule that at the very beginning of the game each participant will have to choose his own dream, towards which he will go throughout the entire gameplay. Thus, Robert Kiyosaki is trying to show you and me how important it is to choose a goal towards which we will move. The game is considered completed when one of the players achieves the goal. The same player becomes winner game party.

In order to overtake your rivals and win, you just need to increase your cash flow. In the context of a game, cash flow is nothing more than the difference between the income and expenses of a participant in the game.

Buy the game Cash Flow

To achieve your dream, being the most mediocre worker and receiving the most ordinary salary, you need to go through two stages of the game:

  • « Rat race”, in which most people spend their lives until retirement, spinning like a squirrel in a wheel.
  • « Fast track", on which successful people earn huge money and realize all their dreams and desires.

As you progress through the game you will be asked to enter into certain deals, bargain and make all sorts of decisions, thereby training your entrepreneurial thinking. It must be said that as the game progresses you will experience both dizzying ups and frustrating downs. CashFlow is a series of victories and disappointments, ruins and acquisitions.

Who is this game for?

I advise both ordinary office workers and owners of large companies to buy the Cash Flow game. CashFlow will teach you:

The rules of the “Cash Flow” game provide for the appearance of children during the game, dismissal from work, sudden enrichment or, on the contrary, ruin. CashFlow is not your average table game; this is real training, capable of organizing and increasing all your finances.

A few words about the Cash Flow Quadrant

I would like to make a short insert and tell you that Robert Kiyosaki himself conventionally divides the business world into four categories:

  • Employees;
  • Entrepreneurs or self-employed workers;
  • Businessmen;
  • Investors.

In the role employees This gradation includes people who perform certain actions and tasks, receiving compensation for their work in the form of wages. Employees are interested in the stability of their position and certain guarantees that the state and the employer must provide them.

TO entrepreneurs or self-employed workers, in accordance with the quadrant scale, we include those who managed to open their own business and now work for themselves, without having a system that provides them with a stable income. In other words, if this person stops working, then, just like an employee, he will lose his income.

Go to category businessmen we include people who have managed to create a system that can bring them regular income, regardless of their labor costs. It is businessmen who act as employers and, as a rule, the turnover of their business amounts to quite impressive figures if we compare these figures with the income of hired and self-employed workers.

Investors- these are people who receive income from their investments in securities, real estate, business, and so on. The main goal of investors is to obtain the maximum return from their investments, maintaining a balance between risk and return on investment.

Half quadrant

The quadrant is conventionally divided into two halves. Hired and self-employed workers remain on the left side, and businessmen and investors move to the left. As you understand, people who belong to the right side of the quadrant are free and financially successful individuals.

It is believed that the more you play Cash Flow, the easier it will be for you to understand exactly how you can achieve financial freedom, become rich, successful and finally move from the left side of the quadrant to the right.

Rules of the game CashFlow

So, in the description of the game, I mentioned two circles that players need to go through in order to win:

  • « Rat race»;
  • « Fast track».

First round

Now we need to go back to the first circle. According to the rules of the game, our first task is to find a way out of the rat circle. That is, you and I need to gain financial security, generate passive income that will exceed our total costs. To get out of this circle, you need to fulfill the following conditions:

  1. Provide yourself with an amount of passive income that will exceed your total monthly expenses. I'll make a little theoretical footnote at this point and say that the income you receive regardless of whether you do any work or not; This is the income that is generated as a result of investment.
  2. Pay off all your existing liabilities. That is, get rid of the loans taken out, the mortgage issued - everything that is defined in the map of your profession, which determines your starting position in the game.

It should be noted that exactly the game in a small circle is the most dynamic, because here a huge number of specific character traits of the player are manifested, his strong and weak qualities are highlighted.

Second round

Once the first goal is achieved and you leave the Rat Race circle, the time to implement the second goal: Gaining financial independence so you can realize your lifelong dream. I would like to note that the rules of the game on a large circle are somewhat different from the rules established on a small one. Here you need to either buy the dream or increase your cash flow by $50,000.

I would like to draw your attention to the fact that money is not an end in itself, it is just a means to achieve it. Once you are able to understand exactly what goals you are pursuing and what you want, only then money can help you realize your dream.

If the dream is truly “yours,” then it will become a real source of motivation and inspiration, will help you not to get lost in the world of big money, and not to miss the most valuable and important things in life.

Beginning of the game

At the very beginning of the game you will need to deal with the following tasks:

  • Choose a dream from the list offered by the game, or come up with your own. This dream needs to be written down and transferred to the dream cage. Every dream has its own price. Some players choose cheaper dreams, others choose more expensive ones.
  • Fill in your game balance based on the data in the starting card issued to you. It is very important to transfer the data from the card to the balance sheet.
  • Check your balance and the balance of the player sitting to your left.

To play the game, I advise you to stock up on the following tools:

  • calculators, pencils, erasers, chips, tablets;
  • play money.

Game colors

Now let's look at the color groups on the playing field.

Small and big deals

This is the ability to create assets. Small traces include assets worth up to $5,000, large ones - over $5,000.

Unplanned expenses or the “Let’s Spend” card

It is impossible to refuse them, unlike the situation with transactions. Unplanned expenses in the game include:

  • pleasure expenses;
  • mandatory expenses.

Market cards

contain all sorts of events taking place in the market. These include the appearance of buyers who want to purchase the property at your disposal.

Card "Poluchka"

Every time you cross a square Payment check", you will need to contact the presenter and tell him the amount currently stored in the cash flow account. If you suddenly forget to ask the presenter for money, then you lose it. You can receive the payment receipt before the next player rolls the dice.


both in life and in the game, - completely voluntary event. However, by giving 10% of your income to good causes, you will have the opportunity to double the speed of movement around the small game circle.

Unemployment or bankruptcy

means only one thing - you lost your job, and therefore you need to pay the bank an amount equal to your total expenses. If you do not have that much money on hand, then you will have to sell part of your assets at a price equal to 50% of their real value. In addition, after bankruptcy for two months when crossing the cell " Payment check“You will be able to receive exclusively Passive income, if you have one, of course.

Birth of a child

means that you need to increase the expense item by the amount declared in the column “ Expenses for children" in your starting game map.

Interpretations of "Cash Flow"

And now I suggest you get acquainted with the variations of CashFlow:

Buy a game with 2% cashback

Why should you play the CashFlow game?

I am sure that many of you have played the board game Monopoly at least once in your life, and therefore, most likely, are extremely skeptical about the idea of ​​​​learning the basics of finance through a regular business game. That's why I want to consecrate for you 5 reasons, for which you should play Kiyosaki's Cash Flow game.

I offer a kind of agreement - if my arguments do not convince you, then you can safely ignore CashFlow. But if you still find this game interesting, then you promise to immediately buy the game “Cash Flow”. Well, now let's figure out why we need to play CashFlow:

  1. Firstly, the possibilities of Robert Kiyosaki's game significantly exceed the possibilities of all other financial games like “Capitalist”, “Millionaire” or the “Monopoly” I mentioned.
  2. Secondly, this game helps us make sure that the difference between poor and rich people is solely in the way they think.
  3. Thirdly, with the help of CashFlow we can understand how well savvy we are in terms of financial literacy.
  4. Cash Flow Changes Thinking, makes you and I more developed and stronger in making financial decisions.
  5. Allows you to learn in a playful way to think like an entrepreneur, analyze surrounding factors and predict their impact on certain types of assets.

Completing a Balance Sheet

Since all the gameplay takes place not so much on the playing field, but on your balance sheet, it is important to know all the rules for filling it out.

as follows.

Purchase of shares

So, let's say you bought 600 shares of Apple at a price of $2 per share. This event must be indicated in your balance sheet in the column "Stock".

Sale of shares

If you decide to get rid of securities, then the bank will have to give you an amount equal to the value of your shares at a given time and multiplied by the number of securities you are selling. You carefully remove the sold securities from your balance sheet using a regular office eraser.

Buying a property

For example, you become the owner of a house whose cost is 35,000 dollars V. You paid for it deposit at the rate of $2,000, which means that in the mortgage you need to indicate not 35,000, but only $33,000. The cash flow from owning this property is $220. In chapter " Assets» we will need to indicate the down payment paid for the property ($2,000) and the total cost of the home ($35,000). But the cost of the mortgage will need to be reflected in the section “ Liabilities" In chapter " Income“We write down the amount of passive income and recalculate our Cash Flow.

Property For Sale

If you decide to sell a property, you need to erase the property from your balance sheet and deduct the mortgage amount from the purchase price. After that, you erase the amount of passive income that the building brought you and recalculate the cash flow.

Acquisition and sale of business

Everything happens by analogy with real estate, and therefore I see no point in describing this point again.

Getting a loan

If you need to obtain a bank loan, then in the section “ Liabilities"You indicate the loan amount." In the column " Expenses“You need to enter the amount of interest payments on the loan issued, and then change the total expenses and the amount of cash flow.

Investor circle

Once you leave the Rat Race, you will find yourself on a large gaming circle, or as it is also called, Investor circle. Here you can get to three types of fields:

  • business investment;
  • dreams;
  • surprises.

Your task on the Investor Circle is to buy your dream or earn an amount equal to $50,000. Here, the small circle cards do not affect you in any way. All you have to do is roll 2 dice. If you suddenly forget to immediately withdraw your money, then you can receive it at any time convenient for you, without losing the earned money as is the case with the “Rat Race”.

Where can you buy CashFlow?

Residents of large cities can buy CashFlow 101 in almost any large bookstore or specialized board game store. However, I want to warn you right away that for such a purchase you will overpay from 30 to 50% of the cost boards. It is for this reason that I do not see a more reasonable solution than ordering the game on the Internet through a cashback service. Among many dubious stores, I managed to find the online store, where I purchased “Cash Flow” for myself. If you are also thinking about getting this tabletop exercise machine, I advise you to register in the service and then go to the products indicated in the following links:

  • « Cash Flow 101 »;
  • « Cash flow 202 »;
  • Children's rich dad .

Buy a game with 2% cashback


So, at the end of today’s review, I want to once again return to the words of Robert Kiyosaki: “The more and more often you play Cash Flow, the sooner you will become successful and rich.”

Write in the comments under this article your reviews and impressions of the game, share your thoughts on the effectiveness of the game. Well, with this I say goodbye to you. Good luck stopping the “rat race” and realizing your dreams as soon as possible. See you soon!

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The amount of money does not depend on how much or how hard you work.

In the new time they operate new principles allowing attract money.

And you can start Cash Flow in your life right now! We'll tell you how to do this.

8 Steps to Start Cash Flow

1. Adopt a new paradigm for making money

« Work hard” is a paradigm that was prescribed until the mid-20th century. Remember the peasants, when they earned a living through backbreaking labor, planted, then harvested, sold.

Somewhere in the middle of the 20th century a new law came: "Work smart".

In Soviet times, you first had to graduate from college, after which a person received a job assignment.

Now the principle is different: "Work with passion".

This will bring satisfaction and money. You need to build inside everything that leads to money, an understanding of your success and an understanding of the laws of how it works. And, of course, find your passion!

2. Rewrite limiting beliefs

Outdated, negative ideas about money slow down its entry into your life. This could be parental attitudes, and even karmic experience (“money is evil”, “we haven’t lived richly, and we won’t”, “all rich people are bad people”).

Realizing such attitudes and rewriting them is simply necessary if you want to increase the flow of money into your life.

3. Increase your intrinsic value

Your income depends on your intrinsic value, self-love. This is an energy law. The more you value yourself, the more the world and the people around you value you.

That’s why it’s so important to invest time, work, emotions, and, of course, money into yourself. Please and pamper yourself more often - this will lead to money!

4. Support yourself with the right books and seminars

The information you receive shapes your way of acting and thinking. Don’t become depressed and worried about “lack of money” or “high prices.”

Better read good books, for example, “Think and Grow Rich” or the biography of Steve Jobs.

Also, special programs and courses are good at setting up correct financial thinking.

After it, your view of money will definitely change!

5. Expand your comfort zone

Money comes for your needs. Many have a program that is enough for minimal needs (food, rent), and that’s okay.

You will understand that by the nature of your “service as a human being on planet Earth,” you are entitled not only to daily needs, but also to needs and desires.

And what you need is an expansion of your comfort zone. Every now and again allow yourself something more, at least in small things.

6. Remove the feeling of “internal debtor”

If you have debts or loans, they can drain a lot of your energy. Because the standard way you think is that you take it from yourself, take away what you need and give it there. This chain needs to be rewritten.

The main trick is to remove the feeling of burden so that you feel ease every time you give money there.

A mortgage for an apartment and a loan means that you have already received something. You wake up right in the morning, tune in to the positive and radiate joy that you have this! This state should be the main one that you broadcast outward.

7. Get Cash Flowing

Money must move. If you are saving a certain amount, open a bank account (they “work” there and grow with interest). Money lying “in the stocking” stagnates and gradually depreciates.

If your needs have increased, look for new earning opportunities. When you receive money, spend it on your needs, buy what makes you happy, what you dreamed of.

The more active the cash flow is, the more it spins up.

8. Start acting on a new attitude towards money.

For many years you acted in a certain way: some saved, some squandered, some were afraid of money because it caused conflicts in the family in childhood, etc.

In order for a new paradigm to take hold, it must be confirmed over and over again by direct actions. Put the above points into practice, at least in small steps.

You will see your life begin to change. After all, you really deserve it!

P.S. Do you want to learn more about the laws of wealth and prosperity? Subscribe to Alena Starovoitova's free introductory course.

Activate cash flow in your life right now!

Hello everyone, Alexander Berezhnov is here.

Friends, each of my articles is my own experience gained in battle, as well as the experience of my friends, mentors and like-minded people who have gone through a lot and achieved success.

Today there are several versions of this game: Cash Flow 101, 202, 303 and 404.

All of them are designed to teach you how to competently handle personal finances, investing skills and building your own business.

How it all began

Eight years ago, a friend of mine gave me the book “Rich Dad Poor Dad” by Robert Kiyosaki to read. He said that I would definitely like it! I started studying it, and time flew by in a flash.

The book is amazing, read in one sitting. After reading it, my whole life changed! I realized that I wanted to become an entrepreneur, and subsequently, having achieved great success after a couple of decades, teach other people to do this.

While I was reading Robert Kiyosaki's book Rich Dad Poor Dad, I learned that he created the legendary real life financial simulation game CashFlow. Now it is played by millions of people all over the world; championships and trainings are held in different cities.

Rich Dad Poor Dad tells the author's life story of how he became a dollar millionaire, investor, and world-renowned financial coach under the guidance of a mentor.

The book also talks about the high moral principles of real entrepreneurs and charity.

Funny story about how I bought the game "Cash Flow"

Some time after reading this book, I decided that I would start my entrepreneurial journey with charity. I didn't hesitate and donated 10,000 rubles children's department of the Stavropol city psychiatric hospital.

But so that my help would definitely reach the children, I went to a good book and stationery store and bought children’s games, magnetic boards, albums, pencils, paints and other goods for the school year for the children.

By a happy coincidence, it turned out that it was in this store that the only game “Cash Flow” was sold in the city at that time. And I bought it for myself along with the “children’s” products. This purchase changed a lot in my life, strengthening my entrepreneurial spirit and allowing me to gain new acquaintances and experience!

Game description

The essence of the game– become financially independent by properly managing the SMALL personal finances that you receive in the game in the form of a salary.

Friends, everyone knows that any business must start with a goal or dream. At the beginning of the game, each participant chooses his dream. Thus, the author shows the importance of this step in the life of every person. The player who completes it the fastest wins.

There is another way to win - to significantly increase your cash flow. No wonder the game has a corresponding name.

How can you achieve your dream while working a regular job and receiving a salary?

To do this, the game has two stages:

  1. "Rat race" - here most people spend their entire lives until retirement, spinning like a “squirrel in a wheel”
  2. "Fast Lane" - wealthy people earn big money here and make their dreams come true!

During the game you will make deals, bargain and make a variety of decisions, training your financial intelligence. Here you will find ups and downs, big profits and ruins, disappointments and victories.

You will experience all these interesting moments during the game.

Friends, be sure to play Cash Flow and I assure you that you will look at your finances differently.

The game will be of interest to everyone - from a simple office worker to the owner of his own large company.

During the game you will learn:

  • How to manage personal finances correctly?
  • What financial instruments to invest in (real estate, stock market, bank, own business, precious metals, etc.) and how to do it Right?
  • What is the difference between “linear income” and “passive”?
  • What is the Cash Flow Quadrant?
  • How to behave correctly if you are fired from your job?
  • What are “assets” and “liabilities”?
  • How to create or buy a business correctly?

During the game, just like in life, you may have children, you may be fired from your job, you may get rich or, on the contrary, go broke.

This is not just a game - it’s a whole training that will help you organize and increase your own finances.

What is the Cash Flow Quadrant?

  1. Wage-earners
  2. Self-employed workers(entrepreneurs)
  3. Businessmen
  4. Investors

  1. Wage-earners- these are people who perform certain functions while working for a salary. They are interested in the stability of their position and certain guarantees from the employer and the state.
  2. Self-employed workers(entrepreneurs) are those who have opened their own business and work for themselves, but do not have a system that provides them with income. That is, if such a person stops working, then, as in the case of an employee, his income will also tend to zero.
  3. Businessmen– people who have created a system that brings them income regardless of their daily labor costs. They are employers and often their business turnover is measured in very large numbers compared to hired and self-employed workers (entrepreneurs).
  4. Investors– receive income from investing available funds in businesses and property. Investors strive to get the highest possible return on their investments and try to strike the right balance between risks and returns on investments.

The quadrant itself is conventionally divided into left and right sides. On the left side are employees and entrepreneurs, and on the right side are businessmen and investors. Moreover, people on the right side of the quadrant are much more free and financially wealthy.

By regularly playing Cash Flow, you will understand more and more how exactly become such a person: free, rich And successful.

Reviews of the game "Cash Flow"

My colleagues and like-minded people have already played 106 games over 5 years. In particular, with my friend and co-author of the HeatherBober blog Vitaly, we played more than 30 games. At the end of each game, I asked people to provide written feedback about the game by filling out a special form with questions. Over the years I have accumulated a whole stack of such reviews.

See for yourself:

Here's what my friends say about the game:

Evgeniy Marchenko

Now I understand how to make a million dollars!

Cool game, enlightening. You begin to look at life and your finances from a different perspective. The training gives real results. Now I understand how to make a million dollars!

Playing “Cash Flow” for the 3rd time now, I never cease to be amazed at all the “tricks” of the game. It's especially interesting to watch people. Today I saw how a person behaves when he has free money. Most often, he begins to repay the loans and continues to remain in the “rat race”. I'm looking forward to the next game.

Alexey Zorkin

I managed not only to have a good and useful time, but also to make very good acquaintances...

I thank the presenters for their help in the strategy, for the useful information and the warm atmosphere. The game has a practical orientation. I highly recommend everyone to attend this training. Here you will learn how to properly invest your personal savings. I will be glad to meet and play with you again! Thanks a lot!

Thus, I was able not only to have a good and useful time, but also to make very good acquaintances. We are still friends with these people today and cooperate in a variety of areas.

And here are photos from our games:

I highly recommend playing Cash Flow to everyone, regardless of age or occupation. I am sure that you will spend your time usefully and at the same time gain very good practical knowledge and interesting experience!

All this will help you further improve your financial situation. Play the game more often with friends and business partners. I especially recommend this game to those who have problems planning their finances.

Where to buy the game "Cash Flow"

In large cities, the game can be found in large bookstores or specialized board game stores.

But there this game in the board version will cost 30-50% more, so it is much more profitable to order it via the Internet.

There are many different dubious online stores, but I prefer to order only from the most reliable and trusted ones, for example, from the online store (free delivery within Russia)

And remember, as he himself says

“The more often you play Cash Flow, the richer you become!”

Robert Kiyosaki

This is true because you begin to think more effectively, and as a result, your actions change, allowing you to achieve the best results!

Here's a live video of Robert Kiyosaki talking about his acting: (3:55)

Dear readers, what do you think about this game? What other business games do you know? Share your opinions and reviews in the comments!

I suggest you watch a short video. Unfortunately, the quality of the shooting leaves much to be desired. But as a result of viewing, you will gain invaluable financial knowledge. And if you also apply them into your life, and also teach this to your child, then you will certainly become rich yourself and raise a RICH child! ;)

So, Robert Kiyosaki will reveal some of the main secrets of rich people right now.

To make it easier for you and your child to understand the information you have just received, we will consider everything in order in a simpler and more accessible form. ;)

Attention! HUGE REQUEST!

Why? It's simple! :) A child will not be able to read on his own until he remembers all the letters. The same goes for this post. It will be difficult for a child to understand the material in this article if he has not mastered the previous knowledge.

Secrets of rich people from Robert Kiyosaki.

Secret 1. The importance of financial literacy.

What is financial literacy?

Imagine that we found 100 people. And each of them was given 10 thousand rubles.

What will poor people do if they don’t know the basics of financial literacy? They will simply SPEND ALL THE MONEY on immediate desires. They will buy themselves trinkets: a new phone, new toys, spend it on entertainment...

What will rich people who know the ABCs of financial literacy do? By the end of the month they will at least DOUBLE THE INITIAL AMOUNT! :)

Did you catch the difference? :)

What are assets and liabilities?

Financial literacy begins with these concepts.

The main problem most people have is that they confuse assets with liabilities. What's the difference?

A financial asset is anything that BRINGS you money. And financial liability is everything that TAKES them away.

In other words. If you remain unemployed: assets will FEED you, and liabilities will EAT you.

Let's remember the previous example.

Poor people SPENT EVERYTHING to fulfill momentary desires (trinkets). This means that they invested their money in LIABILITIES.

The rich GOT extra money. :) This means that they invested the same amount of money in ASSETS.

Secret 2. Rich people don't work for money.

What is the difference between the poor and the middle class? It’s practically non-existent, because they SPEND their money in almost the same way.

Poor people have the only source of income - hired work. They receive income in the form of a monthly salary. They receive it and immediately spend it all on food, clothing, and accommodation. As they say, they live from paycheck to paycheck.

The cash flow of poor people looks like this: they receive income and immediately turn the entire amount into expenses.

The middle class also receives income from wage work. But their level of income in the form of monthly salary is higher than that of the poor. Therefore, they spend one part of the amount on living expenses, and the second part on buying an apartment, a car and other expensive trinkets.

What mistake does the middle class make?

Let's imagine what will happen to a representative of the middle class if he loses his hired job? The person will no longer receive a salary. That is, you will be left without income. But he will still have to spend on living expenses. And besides, you also have to maintain your expensive trinkets. Utility bills, taxes, gasoline, etc. As a result, the person decides to borrow money until he finds a new job.

What does this mean? The fact that a representative of the middle class used the second part of his monthly salary to buy LIABILITIES. And being left without work, I felt from my own experience HOW my liabilities EAT HIM UP!

By buying liabilities, he killed his golden goose, not even allowing the little chick to be born. That’s why the hen didn’t bring him any golden eggs!

The cash flow of the middle class looks like this: receive income - buy liabilities - turn into expenses.

The poor and middle class concentrate on earning active income. They trade their time for money. If you didn't show up to work, you didn't get paid.

The rich concentrate on creating sources of PASSIVE income. No matter what a rich person is doing at the moment, money is constantly dripping into his pocket. And this suggests that the cash flow of rich people begins with ASSETS that bring them monthly income.

It is in ASSETS that the main secret of the rich lies! Assets are the golden goose that lays the golden eggs. The rich buy all expensive trinkets in exchange for golden eggs. That's why the rich live in mansions and drive Porsches, while the middle class live in ordinary houses and drive Toyotas. ;)

The cash flow of rich people looks like this: they invest money in assets and receive income.

Everyone makes their own choice. Be poor? Or be rich?

People aren't just born rich! Those born in poverty and poverty also BECOME rich!

To BECOME rich, you need to be able to ACT as accomplished rich people do.

Every person who goes to work and receives a monthly salary has HIS CHOICE!

If a person spends money on momentary desires and trinkets (a new phone, a new toy, a trip to the entertainment center), then he CHOOSE POVERTY!

If a person seeks to increase his salary and buys expensive trinkets (a house, a car), then he CHOOSES A MIDDLE CLASS LIFE!

If a person, receiving income, buys assets, then he CHOOSE TO BE RICH!

Your choice depends ONLY ON YOU!

Secret 3. The rich work for themselves.

- Do you know what kind of business I'm in? — Ray Kroc, the founder of McDonalds, asked the students.

- What a question? Of course we know! You sell hamburgers.

- No! My business is not hamburgers! My business is real estate!

Ray Kroc meant that sales is his PROFESSION. He mainly sold hamburgers and received income from this activity.

But his BUSINESS was to create assets - he bought real estate.

Give your child the task of asking people what kind of business they are in. The answers will vary. I am a doctor. I am a lawyer. I am a businessman. But they will all be wrong! Because none of this is business! This is a PROFESSION.

PROFESSION means that you work FOR money. And BUSINESS means that your money works FOR YOU.

The main financial problem of most people is the fact that they DO NOT HAVE THEIR OWN BUSINESS!

That's all for now! ;)

If you have any questions, be sure to ask them in the comments. And I will try to help you find the answers to them! ;)