Didactic manual “Musical tower. Didactic game “Musical ladder” Other musical exercises with ladder

  • 30.08.2019

Svetlana Cretu

Didactic game « Musical ladder »

Target: to develop the ability to distinguish between the gradual movement of a melody up and down, the names of notes in musical scale.

Equipment: « ladder» eight steps, toy (you can use a matryoshka doll or other)

Painted under each step (can be pasted) picture. At the beginning of the name of each picture is the name of the note.

1. House – note "BEFORE"

2. Turnip – note "RE"

3. Bear – notes "MI"

4. Apron - note "F"

5. Sun – note "SALT"

6. Frog - note "LA"

7. Lilac – note "SI"

Progress of the game:

1) The teacher invites the children to sing a song « Ladder» E. Tilicheeva. When singing, children gradually raise their hand up (palm up and then down (palm down).

A child is called upon request. Teacher plays a melody, the child is asked to guess and show the movement of the melody up or down with a matryoshka doll or any other toy, depending on the plot of the game. The child takes the nesting doll in his hands and moves it up the steps.

2)Musical ladder can be used when learning a step (notes) musical scale, as well as when consolidating the studied material.

There are seven steps in the world


Remember their name

And write it in your notebook.

If the notes are sung in a row

This will be a sound...

Publications on the topic:

Application in the junior group “Cat House (Ladder)” Goal: To develop artistic and creative skills in appliqué. Objectives: 1. Learn to compose an image from several objects; continue.

GAME “MUSICAL CARROUSEL” The purpose of the game: to develop the musical and creative abilities of children, to promote the manifestation of emotionality.

Musical didactic game "Rhythmic riddles". Goal: implementation of independent creative musical activity of older children.

Master class for the pedagogical competition “Ladder of Success” Master class “Ladder of Health”. Caring for raising a healthy child is a priority in the work of any preschool. Healthy.

Goal: to strengthen children’s sense of rhythm, introduce them to the strong beat, develop perseverance, auditory perception, logical thinking, bring up.

Hello Dear colleagues and guests of my page! Today I want to tell you about the games and gaming exercises that I use.

Musical game “Grandma Marusya” Video Game "Grandma Marusya" for younger children preschool age. Children sing along with pleasure and perform accessible movements according to the text of the song.

Municipal preschool educational state-financed organization kindergarten No. 12


Compiled by: music director Myskina N.N.


The main purpose of musical and didactic games is to develop children’s musical abilities in an accessible way. game form. Musical and didactic games enrich children with new impressions, develop initiative, independence, the ability to think creatively, help children understand the relationship of sounds in height, develop singing skills, a sense of rhythm, timbre and dynamic hearing.
The use of musical and didactic games in the classroom makes it possible
conduct it in the most meaningful way. In the game, children quickly assimilate the requirements of the program for the development of singing skills, perception of music and musical-rhythmic movements.
Musical and didactic games should be simple and accessible, colorfully designed, interesting and attractive; such games make children want to play, sing, listen to music, and dance. Musical and didactic games that develop the perception of music using classical and folk musical works arouse the child’s interest in music and form an emotionally positive attitude towards it. Developed auditory perception has a positive effect on the formation of prerequisites for engaging in various types of musical activities, which is why the help of musical and didactic games is necessary.
Musical and didactic games stimulate singing activity and contribute to the development of sound interaction between an adult and a child. The singing of an adult has a beneficial effect on the child’s melodic ear, and the alternation of singing and music in audio recordings gives games a special emotional richness, allows you to concentrate the child’s attention, and maintain his interest in musical and gaming activities longer.
When organizing musical and didactic games, children need to be given more independence. Practice shows that the more you trust children, the more conscientious, responsive, and conscientious they are about assignments. We offer you some musical and didactic games to develop children's singing skills, music perception and development musical ear.

GAME “MUSICAL LADDER” (4 – 5 years old)

Target: Give children an idea of ​​the gradual ascending and descending movement of a melody.
Game material: eight-step ladder and figurine (animal, cartoon character, etc.)
Methodology for organizing the game:
The teacher talks with the children about the steps and ladders they know in life around them, tells them about a special musical ladder that cannot be seen or touched with your hands, because her steps
These are musical sounds, they can only be heard.
Children are invited to listen to the movement of sound up and down the steps of a musical ladder (the teacher sings the song “About the Ladder”), accompanying their singing by moving their palms along imaginary steps.

The steps sound up and blow,
Then they will bring us down.

The exercise is repeated several times with the children.
To reinforce children's ideas about the stepwise movement of a melody up and down, the teacher uses visual aids (for example, an 8-step ladder made of cubes and a figurine that moves up and down along it).

GAME “NASTY ECHO” (4 – 5 years old)

Target: development of pitch hearing in combination with a sense of harmony.

Game material: short phrases containing children's names and mood words.

Methodology for organizing the game:
Children stand, forming a circle, in the center of which there is a teacher with an echo ball. When throwing an echo ball to one of the players, the teacher sings his name or mood word. The child must return the ball, intonationally accurately repeating the musical phrase sung by the teacher.
You can use both the usual and the affectionate form of the name, complicating the phrases and thus developing the child’s musical ear
(Tanya - Tanechka, Lena - Lenochka).

GAME “BELLS-JELLMS” (5 – 7 years old)

Target: development of vocal timbre hearing.
Game material: song “Bells-bells”, bell.
Methodology for organizing the game:
Children, holding hands, dance in a circle, singing the song “Bells and Bells.” A blindfolded child stands in the center of the circle. The fourth phrase of the song is sung by the child, to whom the teacher hands the bell. The child standing in the center of the circle should recognize the singer by his voice. If recognition occurs, the singing child, ringing the bell, moves inside the circle, and the blindfolded driver tries to catch him, following the ringing of the bell. At the end of this stage of the game, the singing child becomes the driver. If recognition does not occur, the game is repeated with a new soloist.
You should not ensure that the driver catches the singer, since the main victory in the game is recognizing the soloist by his voice, and continuing the game only increases the pleasure of the players.

Song "Bells"
The daredevils called,
Dili-dili-dili-don -
Guess where the ringing is coming from.

GAME “MUSICAL HOUSE” (5 – 7 years old)

Target: development of instrumental timbre hearing.
Game material:“musical house” - screen and various musical instruments, surrounding children in Everyday life kindergarten.
Methodology for organizing the game:
The teacher sets up a screen house and explains to the children that this is an extraordinary house in which various musical instruments live. “Since these instruments are your good friends, you can recognize them by their sound,” says the teacher. The teacher takes turns extracting sounds from various instruments. Children should recognize them.
The main condition of the game is careful, concentrated listening to the sounding instrument, absolutely excluding talking, shouting, discussion; the teacher himself decides who will answer the question.

GAME “MUSICAL LOTTO” (5 – 7 years old)

Target: consolidation of work on the development of vocal and instrumental timbre hearing.
Game material: audio recording with the sound of vocal (male, female, children) and instrumental (symphonic and folk orchestras) timbres, large cards, which are the main lotto field and are divided into sectors; small cards corresponding to each sector.
Methodology for organizing the game:
This game is a continuation of preliminary conversations with children about the sound of different timbres. An audio recording sounds with a pronounced timbre of a particular instrument or voice. Children choose a small card corresponding to this sound and cover a certain sector on the main lotto field with it.
The sound of musical fragments should last no more than 30 seconds.
The game involves focusing on the process of recognizing different timbres. Every child should have a set of cards.

GAME “QUIET-LOUD” (4 – 5 years)

Target: development of dynamic hearing.

Game material: song by E. Tilicheeva “Be quiet and louder on the tambourine”
(collection “Music in kindergarten”. M.: Muzyka, 1982. Issue 1), tambourine.

Methodology for organizing the game:
Children stand, forming a circle, in the center of which there is a teacher with a tambourine in his hands. The teacher performs E. Tilicheeva’s song “Be quiet and louder on the tambourine” using a tambourine to contrast the images of thunder and a stream. During the performance of the song, at certain semantic moments, the teacher connects the children to the image of this contrast on the tambourine. You can complicate the game by inviting children to perform the song themselves, i.e. choose to play the role of a child driver.
It is very important that children organically combine what is depicted with the singing of the driver. The driver's singing should be bright, expressive, but not loud or forced.


Target: development in children of a reaction to changing dynamic shades.

Game material: audio recording of W. A. ​​Mozart’s variations from the opera “The Magic Flute”.

Methodology for organizing the game:
Children sit or stand at a short distance from each other, holding colored handkerchiefs in their hands. When the music is loud, children wave their handkerchiefs over their heads; when the music is quiet, they hide the handkerchiefs behind their backs.
Children who are inattentive to changes in dynamics and sound volume drop out of the game. The teacher decides, depending on the situation, how many rounds of the game the child misses, while he must console the child and give him hope of winning next time.

GAME “KOLOBOK” (4 – 5 years old)

Target: development of dynamic hearing in combination with purity of intonation in singing.
Game material: any familiar song that can be sung without musical accompaniment, a playing field, a hammer and several small objects representing a haystack, a log, a stump, an anthill and a Christmas tree.
Methodology for organizing the game:
The teacher places the figures on the playing field in any order. Children look at the figures and choose a driver together with the teacher. The driver goes out the door or turns away from the rest of the players.
The children agree on which figure they will hide the “bun” behind and call the driver:
The bun rolled away, the bun rolled away - a ruddy side,
How can we find him and bring him to his grandparents?

Come on, Lena, walk along the path, walk,
And use the cheerful song to find the little bun.

The children sing a familiar song, and the driver at this time takes a hammer and moves it around playing field from figure to figure. If the hammer is far from the figure behind which the bun is hidden, the children sing quietly, if close, they sing loudly.
During the performance of the song, the teacher makes sure that the children intonate clearly, sing affectionately, expressively, and do not force the sound.

GAME “FUNNY TRAIN” (5 – 7 years old)

Target: development of pitch and timbre hearing.

Game material: a set of children's musical instruments and voiced toys, a silhouette of a train cut out of cardboard with several empty windows, cards with musical instruments drawn on them (the size of the windows). The tools are located behind the screen.

Methodology for organizing the game:
The teacher draws the attention of the players to a colorful train in which musicians playing different musical instruments are traveling. If you listen carefully, you can determine which instruments are heard from different windows fun train. The teacher performs a familiar melody alternately on different musical instruments. Having recognized the instrument, the child goes to the table with cards on which the instruments are depicted, and selects the one he needs, with which he closes the empty window
trains. Then another child completes the task, and so on, until all the windows of the trailers are closed.
To ensure that pictures depicting instruments stick well to the train windows, we recommend using double-sided tape.


Target: development of singing skills and pitch hearing in children.

Game material: small cards with images of goslings, ducklings, chickens, large cards with images of a goose, duck, chicken.

Methodology for organizing the game:
Children sit in a semicircle, each holding one card with a picture of either a gosling, or a duckling, or a chicken. The teacher offers to play and begins the story: “In the same yard lived a hen with chickens, a goose with goslings and a duck with ducklings. One day I blew strong wind, it started to rain and everyone hid, mother birds lost their children. The duck was the first to call her children (shows a card): “Where are my ducklings, dear guys? Quack quack!
(sings on the notes “D” and “F” of the first octave)

Children whose cards have ducklings on them pick them up and answer:
“Quack, quack, we’re here!” (sing on the sound “A” of the first octave)

The teacher takes the cards from the children and continues: “The duck was happy that she found her ducklings! The mother hen came out and also began calling her children:
“Where are my chickens, dear boys? Ko-ko-ko! (sings on the notes “D” and “F” of the first octave). The chickens answer: “Ko-ko-ko, we are here!” (sing on the sound “A” of the first octave).
The game continues until all the birds have found their children.

GAME “Once upon a time there were sounds” (5 – 7 years old)

Target: development of musical hearing in children, familiarization with the basics musical literacy(pitch, duration, musical intervals, chords).
Game material: small cards with pictures of notes.
Methodology for organizing the game:
The essence of the game is that each sound seems to become a separate creature that can talk, experience feelings and emotions. These sounds often visit each other (chords are played), and sometimes they can quarrel (major and minor second intervals).
Then the game follows the principle of a fairy tale: one day sounds (you can name specific notes) found a treasure map (a melody sounds). The location of the treasure is marked on it (chord T). The notes are going on a trip on a ship, they are sailing past the islands to which they must land in order to save a magic sound from the dragon, which will help them get to the desired island. In this case, the dragon's home may be the lower register, and the Magic sound may be a trill sounding in the upper register.
The conditions of the game depend on the stage at which the game takes place, as well as on how the child masters basic musical literacy and solves the problem. During the game you can use simple lungs melodies of Russian folk songs, as well as music by composers P.I. Tchaikovsky and M.I. Glinka.

GAME “PLAY A SONG” (5 -7 years old)

Target: develop in children the ability to distinguish the form of a musical work (song, chorus in a song).

Game material: circles and rectangles different color.

Methodology for organizing the game:
The teacher performs a song and asks to determine whether it has a lead, a chorus, how many verses, and how many times the chorus is repeated. After this, he invites one of the children to compose a song using multi-colored figures: each verse is indicated by a circle of some color, and the chorus by a rectangle.
During the repeated performance of the song, the child lays out geometric shapes in the sequence that corresponds to the structure of the song. The rest of the children check whether the forms are laid out correctly. As an option, several children complete the task.

GAME “DISCOVER A FAIRY TALE” (5 – 7 years old)

Target: develop children’s ability to distinguish the contrasting nature of parts in music in connection with its content and development musical image.

Game material: two square cards of green color, indicating the first and third parts of the music, in which the gentle lyrical image Little Red Riding Hood. And also one red square, indicating the middle part, characterizing the appearance Gray Wolf.

Methodology for organizing the game:
The musical director performs the piece. The called child takes a flower corresponding to the character of the music and shows it. If the work is known to the child, then he names the composer and the title of the work.

GAME "WHO'S SINGING?" (45 years)

Target: develop in children the ability to distinguish between registers (high, medium, low).

Game material: three cards made of cardboard depicting a mother, father and little son.

Methodology for organizing the game:
Children listen to a story about musical family(at the same time, the music director shows the corresponding pictures), in which everyone loves music and song, but sings in different voices. Dad - in a low voice, mom - in a medium voice, son - in a high voice. Children listen to the performance of three pieces sounding in different registers and receive explanations. The play, sounding in a low register, is called “Papa's Story” (papa talks about a military campaign); a piece sounding in the middle register is called " Lullaby"(mother sings a lullaby to her son); the piece, sounding in a high register, is called “Little March” (the boy, humming, marches to the music).
After repeating each piece, the children guess whose music was played, choose the right card and show it, explaining their choice. The task is performed by the whole group of children, then individually, while “ musical riddles" are performed in different sequences.

GAME “DROPS” (5 – 7 years)

Target: development of musical ear, determination of the nature of music.
Game material: pictures in the form of droplets, which depict different facial expressions.
Methodology for organizing the game:
Children are given pictures with droplets of water depicted on them with different facial expressions. First they call the ones drawn emotional states, find common and distinctive features. “Droplets” are united with each other according to the principle of similarity and opposition. Then, from the proposed musical fragments, those that are most suitable to describe each drop are selected. After this, the teacher tells the children that all the droplets live on the same cloud and are very friendly with each other (cheerful, light music sounds).
Next, the children carefully monitor the change in the character of the work: for example, when cheerful music sounds, the droplets dance happily, when the music changes to sad, they gather on a cloud and become sad; when menacing music sounds, the droplets turn into menacing drops and stomp their feet. The teacher must explain the nature of the music and movement of the children.
You can use music: “Waltz” by F. Chopin, “Fur Elise” by L. Beethoven,
“Seasons” by P. I. Tchaikovsky.

GAME “MUSICAL FLOWERS” (4 – 5 years old)

Target: determining the character and mood of the music.

Game material: three flowers depicting three moods - sad, cheerful, calm; Each child has one flower, reflecting the nature of the music.

Methodology for organizing the game:
The teacher performs a piece of music, the called child takes a flower corresponding to the nature of the music and shows it. If the work is known to children, then the child says its title and the name of the composer.

GAME “CAT AND MICE” (5-7 years)

Target: improve children's ability to distinguish dynamic shades, the ability to expressively convey a musical and playing image.
Game material: musical work “Loud and Quiet Music” by G. Levkodimov.
Methodology for organizing the game:
The teacher reads the poem, accompanying it with musical excerpts performed in the dynamics that are voiced by the poem. Children perform actions according to the text and dynamics.

There lived a cat named Vasily, he was a lazy cat! Sharp teeth and a fat belly!
He always walked very quietly and loudly and insistently asked for food.
Yes, he snored a little more quietly on the stove, that’s all he knew how to do.
The cat once had a dream, like this, as if he started a fight with mice.
Screaming loudly, he scratched them all, with his teeth and clawed paw.
In fear, the mice quietly prayed, oh, have pity, have mercy, do me a favor!
Then the cat exclaimed a little louder - scat! And they scattered.
While the cat was sleeping, this is what happened: the mice quietly came out of the hole,
Crunching loudly, they ate the bread crusts, then laughed a little more quietly at the cat,
They tied his tail with a bow! Vasily woke up and sneezed loudly,
I turned to the wall and fell asleep again, and the lazy mice climbed onto my back,
They made fun of him loudly until the evening!

GAME “MUSICAL PALETTE” (5 – 7 years old)

Target: development creative imagination children when perceiving music.

Game material: sheets of paper cut in the shape of a palette, paint, brush.

Methodology for organizing the game:
Children approach tables on which paints, brushes, and sheets of paper cut out in the shape of a palette are laid out. Children listen to fragments of musical works and draw a circle on the palette with a color that, in their opinion, corresponds to the nature of the musical work.
For older children, the game is played in the second half school year, when children have already accumulated some experience in listening, analyzing and comparing different musical works.
With kids preparatory group The game can be played at the beginning of the school year and a second time at the end of the school year, this will allow you to check the effectiveness of the work.
Repertoire: Senior group– “Children’s Album” by P. I. Tchaikovsky
Preparatory group - “Seasons” by P. I. Tchaikovsky

GAME “THREE LITTLE PIGS” (5 – 7 years old)

Target: development of pitch hearing in children.
Game material: the cardboard depicts a forest and fairy house, one window is cut out in the house, which covers a rotating disk with the image of three little pigs: Nuf-Nuf in a blue cap, Naf-Naf in a red cap, Nif-Nifa in a blue cap. If you rotate the disk, all the piglets appear in the window of the house one by one. Three metallophone records are attached to the top of the playing field. Under the “F” plate of the first octave there is drawn Nuf-Nuf, under the “A” plate of the first octave - Naf-Naf, under the “C” plate of the second octave - Nif-Nif. A hammer from a metallophone is also attached here, which can be freely removed from the loop. Each player is given three pictures depicting the hats of three little pigs: blue, red, yellow.
Methodology for organizing the game:
Children sit in a semicircle. "Look, children, what beautiful house, - says the teacher, the familiar piglets Nuf-Nuf, Naf-Naf, Nif-Nif live in it. The piglets love to sing, they hid in the house and will only come out when you guess who is singing. Nif-Nif has the highest voice: “I am Nif-Nif” (sings and plays the piano “C” of the second octave); Nuf-Nuf has the lowest voice: (sings and plays “fa” of the first octave); Naf-Naf’s is a little higher (sings and plays “A” of the first octave). Then the teacher plays any of the three sounds on the piano and asks them to guess who is singing. Children must pick up a picture of the cap of the pig who sang the song. If most of the children guessed correctly, then the teacher rotates the disk and a pig appears in the window. If the children guessed incorrectly, then no one appears in the window.

GAME “MAGIC BAG” (3 – 5 years)

Target: development of musical memory in children.

Game material: a small bag beautifully decorated with applique; It contains toys: a bear, a dog, a cat, a bunny, a cockerel, a bird.

Methodology for organizing the game:
There can be any number of participants. “Children,” says the teacher, “guests came to us, but where did they hide? Maybe here? (shows the bag). Now we’ll listen to the music and find out who’s there!”
Children play familiar melodies on the piano that characterize the characters.
Children recognize the music, one of them takes the corresponding toy out of the bag and shows it to everyone.

GAME “FIND A PUPPY” (4 – 5 years old)

Target: development of dynamic hearing in combination with expressive singing.

Game material: any familiar song that can be sung without musical accompaniment, a small figurine of a puppy.

Methodology for organizing the game:
Children sit on chairs, forming a semicircle. The teacher, together with them, chooses a driver who goes out the door. Children hold out their closed palms to the teacher, and he hides a puppy in someone’s palms (based on the principle of the game “Ring”). After this, the children call the driver:
Our puppy ran away and hid behind some barrels,
There are so many of them in the yard, it’s impossible to find it.
Come on, Sasha, hurry up and find us a puppy!
We will not help, we will sing a song!
The driver offers each child both palms, into which the children alternately place theirs, while singing a song, sometimes loudly, sometimes quietly.
The driver tries to find the puppy, listening to the dynamics of the performance.


Target: developing children's ability to unite various types activities (singing and playing musical instruments).

Game material: rhythmic folk song"Andrey the Sparrow"
baton for conductor and percussion musical instruments.

Methodology for organizing the game:
The teacher divides the children into four equal subgroups (4-6 people), each of which forms a side of the square. In the hands of each subgroup are homogeneous percussion instruments(1 subgroup - tambourines, 2 - spoons, 3 - rattles, 4 - rattles). In the center of the square of subgroups stands the conductor. All children perform the song “Andrew the Sparrow”; at the direction of the conductor addressed to any subgroup of children, she performs this phrase of the song and plays musical instruments.
The teacher must pay attention to ensure that the singing is drawn-out and calm. First, the teacher acts as a conductor, and then any child at will.

GAME “COMING MUSIC” (5 – 7 years old)

Target: learn to come up with a melody to the words of familiar quatrains, develop singing skills.

Game material: cards with text, diploma.

Methodology for organizing the game:
Five or six children choose cards with the text, then the teacher reads it out and invites the children to come up with a melody for these verses. The rest of the guys are the jury, they listen to the performance and evaluate it. For the best composer an honorary diploma (winner badge) is awarded.

GAME “OUR JOURNEY” (5 – 7 years old)

Target: teach children the simplest techniques of playing children's musical instruments, develop a sense of rhythm.

Game material: children's musical instruments - metallophone, tambourine, square, spoons, drum.

Methodology for organizing the game:
Children come up with a story about their journey and depict it on some instrument. For example: she ran up the stairs, climbed hard up the slide, jumped rope, rolled down the slide. One child depicts the journey, the other learns.
Children of one group begin musical journey, and the second group continues. After finishing playing the instrument, it becomes clear what each group of participants represented.

GAME “MUSICAL CHICKIES” (5 – 7 years old)

Target: consolidation of knowledge about the pitch of sound (high and low), development creativity in children.
Game material: a picture of a tree whose branches are arranged in the form of a staff, birds – 5 pieces, a set of hats for “birds”.
Methodology for organizing the game:
Children sit on chairs in a semicircle. Teacher: “Spring has come, birds have returned from warmer climes, built nests and hatched chicks. The chicks were happy that they had learned to fly and began to fly from branch to branch, fluttering and singing songs.
The teacher chooses a mother bird and chicks, puts hats on them and gives them a picture of birds. The children sing:
We are funny little birds, we can fly,
And we have fun fluttering from branch to branch! The chick children sing their song and lay out the images on the upper branches of the tree, calling them by name: chick Re, chick Si, etc. The children sing:
I don’t want to fly to you, I’ll be here singing songs! Then the mother sings her song, she “flies” down and calls the kids to her.
And mommy is worried, fly down, little bird.
I will sing a lullaby and you will fall asleep, baby! Each chick sings its own sound in turn, flies from the tree and sits next to its mother.
At the end of the game, all children sing the names of the chicks and return them to the branches.

GAME “MUSICAL SECRET” (5 – 7 years old)

Target: consolidation of the material covered in singing, listening to music and determining genres (dance, song, march) and the nature of musical works.
Game material: a game panel depicting a map of the area, “stones” attached with Velcro, on the back of which the task is written; bell.
Methodology for organizing the game:
The teacher tells the children about interesting journey which they have to do today. You just need to take a magic bell with you, it will show the way. The teacher carries the bell along the path on the playing field, over a certain “stone” it rings. Having removed and turned over the “stone,” the teacher reads the task and completes it. Children -Then, at the end of the path, the bell finds a basket with treats or cards.

Thumbelina GAME (5 – 7 years old)

Target: repetition of the covered material.

Game material: a three-dimensional paper flower, the petals of which are cut and joined at the top. There is a small doll inside it.
This is Thumbelina; flat small paper flowers, on the back of each there is a musical task and a drawn doll - an elf with wings.

Methodology for organizing the game:
The music of E. Grieg “Morning” sounds. Teacher: “Do you guys remember the wonderful
a fairy tale about Thumbelina? (children answer). Look what's in front of you beautiful flower! Maybe we can find her inside? (opens the flower and takes out the pupa). Here she is! (plants it between the flowers that lie scattered on the table). Do you remember in the fairy tale Thumbelina dreamed of a land of elves? We will help her get there if we do everything musical tasks, which are under these colors.
Turning over each flower, children are asked to perform a familiar dance, song, or poem. At the end of the game, Thumbelina finds herself among the elves and chooses a prince for herself.
You can include in tasks the determination of the nature of the music of unfamiliar works. Children can talk about their feelings and fantasies that arise when listening to works.


1.R.M. Chumicheva “Child in the world of culture”

2.A.G. Gogoberidze, V.A. Derkunskaya “Childhood with music”

3.M.A. Aralova "Games with children" early age"(supplement to the magazine " Preschool teacher»)

4.R.M. Mironov “Game in the development of children’s activity”

5.N.G. Kononov “Musical and didactic games for preschoolers”

6.N.I. Lgovskaya “Organization and maintenance of musical and gaming leisure activities for children”

7.M.A. Mikhailov "Development musical abilities children"

The musical and didactic manual “Ladder” is aimed at distinguishing certain properties in preschool children musical sound: “height”, “duration of sound”, “direction of movement of the melody”.

Brief description of production:

For the manufacture of didactic manual you will need wooden blocks that are folded like a ladder, connected to each other with glue, and varnished; table theater“Turnip” is made of colored pictures pasted onto caps; forest animals are crocheted.


Develop the perception and discrimination of sequences of three, five, and seven scale degrees, going up and down.


1. Teach children to correlate their actions with music (the movement of the toy) by auditory perception.

2. Develop attention, memory, logical thinking, voice skills.

3. Support children's experimentation with non-musical subjects.

4. Cultivate emotional responsiveness to music.

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

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“Musical and didactic games as a means of developing children’s musicality in an integrated music-sound and subject-development environment of a preschool educational institution”

“Musical and didactic games as a means of developing children’s musicality in an integrated music-sound and subject-development environment of a preschool educational institution”...

Musical and didactic games as a means of developing musicality in children of primary preschool age (research activity). Musical director Svetlana Aleksandrovna Sokolova.

Musical and didactic games are important means musical activity. Their main purpose is to instill in children a love of music in an accessible form and to interest them in the basics of musical literacy. M...

Olga Timofeeva

IN modern pedagogy Visual aids are understood as teaching aids that create visual representations in children for better learning. educational material. Visibility not only makes it easier cognitive activity children, but also organizes their perception and activates the process of memorization.

IN musical preschool education application visual aids It has special meaning. Using visual aids in musical education of children allows, in a simple, playful form accessible to children, to give an idea of music. Thanks to the use of visual aids, children develop more actively musically– sensory abilities.

With the help of visual aids, the child’s mental activity is activated, his independence develops. musical activity, which acquires creative nature. The benefit can be used on musical classes and independent musical activity

Dear colleagues, I offer to your attention musical ladders(three, five, seven speed).

Material used: toothpaste boxes, parchment paper, white sheets of paper, glue, scissors, self-adhesive paper.

They turned out like this musical ladders.

Publications on the topic:

Dear colleagues. I want to show you my manual, it will be useful music directors, and educators (you can do.

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The didactic manual is intended for working with children 5-7 years old during direct educational musical activities, as well as.

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This didactic game helps to activate children in educational activities and provides each child with the opportunity to be independent.

Master Class. Musical and didactic game “Game drinking with the worm Badi”

Do-it-yourself musical and didactic game for the development of singing skills and musical ear.

Guseva Ekaterina Aleksandrovna, music director, National Educational Institution Secondary School “Obninsk College”, Obninsk.
I propose the production of a musical didactic game for the development of musical abilities. The master class will be of interest to music directors, educators, music teachers in primary school, parents. The game is recommended for children of older preschool age.
Target: Formation of musical abilities in children in an accessible play form.
Tasks: Develop singing skills, pitch and dynamic hearing in children.
Enrich children with new experiences.
To encourage independent discrimination of the basic properties of musical sound.
Necessary materials:

- waste materials: children's golf, red cardboard, two ping pong balls, a piece of fur, a blue marker, scissors, super glue, a needle, a spool of blue thread.
Step-by-step production:
1. Cut out an oval from cardboard.

2. Glue the oval onto the golf course with super glue.

3. Draw small circles on the ping pong balls with a marker.

4. Glue the balls to the golf course with super glue.

5. Sew a piece of fur onto the golf course.

6. Worm Badi is ready to play.

Progress of the game:

Musical director: There lived a cheerful worm,
Nice, sweet, good-natured guy.
Since childhood I really wanted to sing.
Because I couldn’t do it properly.
And he crawled to kindergarten,
Learn from the guys.

(The music director shows the worm to the children)

Musical director: Meet, children, this is the worm Badi. Let's show him where to start in order to learn how to sing correctly. To do this, chanting will help us:

1. Let's start by singing with our mouth closed, singing the sound "M". Let's close our lips, open our teeth and sing quietly.

(The music director holds a worm on his hand with his mouth closed and sings along with the children)

2. Now, opening our mouth a little louder, let’s sing the sound “O”.

(Children and the worm, opening their mouths slightly, sing)

3. Sing the next sound “A” loudly, opening your mouth wide.

(Everybody sing)

4. Now, let’s connect these sounds together, sing them gradually rising upward. Who will show the worm what we did?

(The music director, one by one, offers to put a little worm on your hand and sing the task)

Musical director: Well done kids, well done Badi. Come to the next lesson, we will show you many new exercises for voice development.