Fortune telling for Ivan's day. Simple fortune telling on Ivan Kupala, accessible to everyone

  • 26.09.2019
From July 6 to 7, Ukraine celebrates one of the most ancient and mystical holidays of the year - Ivan Kupala.

It was believed that on this day herbs acquired special healing powers, water could wash away illnesses and failures, those unhappy in love could finally find their soulmate, lovers could find out their future, and anyone who finds a fern flower could find happiness, good luck and wealth .


It is not customary to sleep on the night of Ivan Kupala. It is believed that by organizing noisy celebrations and dances, as well as cheerfully singing songs, young people scare away evil forces from their homes.

Traditionally, on this holiday, large bonfires were lit, around which festivities took place, a common meal was held, round dances were performed, songs were sung and danced. At the same time, festivities around the “cleansing” fire begin in the evening.

After midnight and before dawn on July 7, the water in reservoirs acquires powerful healing powers. Therefore, before sunrise, take a swim in a lake or river. It also adds health and cures all ailments.


One of the important rituals on Ivan Kupala is jumping over the Kupala fire. - in pairs or alone - to attract good luck, success and health. Whoever jumps the highest will be the luckiest, healthiest and most beautiful.

To cleanse your body and soul from illnesses and evil thoughts, you need to jump over the Kupala fire three times. For the ritual to work, collect branches of male (beech, oak, maple) and female trees (rowan, alder and pine) and lay them out in the shape of a pyramid and set them on fire. Before jumping, ask the fire to take away illnesses and adversities.

Lovers can find out the future of their relationship with the help of a fire. Hand in hand, the couple must jump over the Kupala fire. If lovers do not let go of their hands while jumping, they will live together for the rest of their lives; if they open their palms, there will be quarrels.

And women who have not had children for a long time jump in order to recover from infertility.

Jumping over the Kupala bonfire has a number of signs:

If you jump three times, the year will be healthy, prosperous, happy, successful;

If you suddenly stumbled, it means illness;

If you turn the fire with your foot, there will be trouble in the family.

If something like this happened, you should definitely jump over the fire 9 times, mentally forming positive images.

The Slavs believed that the Kupala fire destroys all evil - illness, misfortune, poverty. That is why old clothes were burned on it. There was a custom of throwing the shirt of a sick child into the Kupala fire. It was believed that his illness burned away along with her. Livestock was often driven through the Kupala fire to protect it from pestilence.


On Ivan Kupala, women and men who want to find a partner weave a Kupala wreath. Chamomile, St. John's wort, wormwood, nettle and other medicinal herbs must be woven into it. After Kupala, such a wreath serves as a talisman all year round. They hang it above the door so that not a single unkind glance can penetrate through it. If one of the household members gets sick, the housewife plucks a little grass from the wreath and throws it into a decoction or tea. Often, by the next Kupala holiday, all that remains of the wreath is the rim, which is burned in the Kupala bonfire.

On this night, unmarried girls also wove wreaths from herbs and flowers and threw them into the water: if the wreath sank, they won’t be asked to marry in the next year, the guy will stop loving her, even if he hasn’t sailed from the shore, the betrothed is somewhere very close, and if he has sailed far away - then a guy from afar will woo. If the wreath quickly floats away from the shore, this promises a happy life and a good husband; if the wreath floats further than the wreaths of her friends, the girl will be the happiest. If the candle in the wreath does not go out for a long time, life will be long.

Fortune telling for IVAN KUPALA

On a fern. If several guys are courting a girl at once, the following fortune telling will help her decide: for each applicant you need to take a branch of fern (mark them so as not to confuse them). The branches are pressed against the river bottom and suddenly released. The guy who was conceived on the twig that emerged first will be the betrothed.

In circles on the water. Make a wish, throw a pebble into the water and count the circles: if there is an even number, the wish will come true, if it is odd, it will not.

Seeing your betrothed in a dream. On the night of Ivan Kupala you need to collect 12 different herbs or flowers. This bouquet should contain fern and thistle. Put it under your pillow at night, and before going to bed, say: “Betrothed groom, come to my garden for a walk, show yourself.”

For love. Before going to bed, you need to collect a few plantain leaves and put it under your pillow. When going to bed, you should say: “Triputnik-fellow traveler, you live along the road, you see young and old, say my betrothed!” This night the girl should dream about her betrothed.

For the groom. Pluck as many branches of fern as you guess for the number of people. Fortune telling at midnight from July 6 to 7. For each branch, think of the name of the guy you want as your betrothed. Mark them with colored threads to avoid confusion. Dip into the water near the shore of the pond and press the branches to the bottom with your hand. Release quickly. Whichever branch comes up first, the guy planned for it will become your destiny.

For the future. To do this, you need to break the church candle into several pieces and melt the wax. Once it melts, pour it into a container of water. What figure he will take is what he expects in the near future. For example, a ring or candle - for a wedding, a wallet - for money, a star - for luck, a heart - for love, a flag - for the visit of an important guest, flowers - for a new admirer, stripes - for travel, waves - for the fulfillment of desires.

To fulfill a wish. You need paper and cherry pits. Draw a circle with a diameter of 9 cm on paper. Take 9 cherry pits. Make a wish and carefully throw the bones up over the picture. If all the fallen bones are within the circle, the wish will come true. If up to 3 stones fall out of the circle, it will be fulfilled, although with unforeseen difficulties. But if most of the seeds are outside the circle, it will not be fulfilled.

For money. Gather a bouquet of herbs at dawn for the holiday. Bring them home, spread them out and dry them. If the herbs rot or become moldy, it means that the year will be unsuccessful financially. But if the grass is dry, then you should crush it into powder. Pour this powder into your wallet, it will attract money like a magnet.

To your health. Using Kupala herbs you can learn about the health of all family members for the year ahead. To do this, you need to find a gap in the entryway and insert several flowers into it according to the number of family members, wishing for one of the household members for each flower. Fortune telling can be interpreted the next morning by the appearance of the flowers. If the flower does not wilt overnight, it means that the person will not have any health problems for a whole year. If he does wilt, the illness cannot be avoided, but it will be short-lived and mild. A completely wilted flower does not bode well for that family member.

For a long time, the night of Ivan Kupala was magical, our ancestors considered it the best and most energetically powerful night of the year, they used this night to perform various ceremonies and magical rituals.

This summer night in July was considered an excellent time to start the swimming season, as it was believed that all otherworldly forces were leaving the reservoirs and the water in them was being purified.

There are a number of ritual fortune telling that are performed on this night and are passed down from generation to generation. These fortune-telling appeared during pagan times, and have survived to this day, almost in their original form. Perhaps that is why the majority of celebrations of this kind are usually held in the fresh air.

Historical experience

The most popular attribute of fortune-telling on this magical night was considered a wreath; it was woven the day before from herbs, flowers and plant branches that grew near the places where the rituals took place. Also, in traditional fortune telling, on the night of Kupala they used an open fire (bonfire), they jumped over it, threw various objects into it, and watched how quickly and intensely the flame flared up. These events always looked bright and festive.

Fortune telling for the betrothed

This fortune telling was carried out by unmarried girls, it was carried out both alone and together with friends. For this ritual, a mirror, a wooden spoon and a plate of dumplings were prepared in advance. It was carried out in the dark, in a bathhouse, although, if desired, it was possible to illuminate the room with candles.

The mirror was placed in such a way that everyone present was reflected in it. A plate of dumplings was placed in front of him and a wooden spoon was placed, then all participants uttered a spell:

“On Ivan on Kupala, the betrothed-mummer come to me, come out of the darkness, taste the treat, show yourself in the mirror.”

After this, the girls left the bathhouse and went in search. I had to find a cherry branch. The girl who found her first returned to the bathhouse and tried to see the face or outline of the future groom in the mirror. When she managed to do this, the girl ate one dumpling and knocked on the mirror with a spoon; her friends also repeated it. The treasured cherry twig, found during the ritual, was left behind; it became a talisman both for the girl herself and for her future family.

Fortune telling for the number of children

In addition to marriage, girls were also interested in the number of offspring they were destined to produce. To carry out this ritual, the fortuneteller went to a pond that was surrounded by tall trees and bushes.

She took with her:

  • jug of milk;
  • coals from the oven;
  • bread (baked with your own hands);

The girl sat down on the shore, laid out the objects she had brought with her and uttered a spell.

After the incantation was pronounced, the girl listened to the surrounding sounds. If one exclamation was heard, this indicated that she would have one child, two - two children, and so on. The voice coming was male - a boy will be born, female - a girl...

Fortune telling with a wreath for wishes

Another type of fortune telling in which a wreath was used is fortune telling. In this ritual, it was not just a decoration, but rather served as an oracle, indicating whether the wish would come true or whether it would remain only in the imagination of the fortuneteller.

The night before, it was necessary to make a wish, most often it concerned the girl’s personal life, and launch a wreath on the water.

If the wreath floated far away, the wish came true;

If he returned to the shore, back to the owner, this meant that it would not be fulfilled.

If the wreath floated to the opposite shore, the future chosen one of the fortune-telling maiden will come from distant countries;

If the wreath lingered in the middle of the reservoir, this meant that the year would be quite successful and would pass without significant troubles.

Fortune telling with a stone

There was a very simple way to find out whether a wish would come true, without using any magical objects or special training. A fortune-telling girl or guy went to the nearest body of water, found a stone they liked, threw it into the water and counted the circles formed on the water. An even number of circles was an omen of the fulfillment of a wish, and an odd number meant that the wish would not come true this year.

Fortune telling on Ivan Kupala at home

Of course, all of the above methods of fortune telling are very interesting, and those who performed such rituals claim that they are also very reliable. Modern girls who want to look behind the veil of the hidden choose less extreme options for themselves. Most often, such fortune telling can be done at home.

Fortune telling for love

This fortune telling will help determine whether the sympathy between two people is mutual. The fortuneteller takes a deep container, a basin, a bucket, a tub (preferably wooden) and fills it with water. Two flowers without stems are lowered into the water (these should be flowers that were picked the day before - daisies, marigolds, etc.), they are lowered into the container at the same time and they observe what happens to the flowers in the future. If they swim towards each other, then the young people are destined to be together; if they stay on the surface for a long time, this means that the couple will have a long and stormy relationship; if they find themselves on opposite sides of the tank, this means separation.

Fortune telling with plantain

This ritual uses the following spell: “Triputnik-fellow traveler, you live along the road, you see young and old, say my betrothed.” For this, you need to collect a lot of plantain and put it under your pillow before going to bed and cast a spell. In a dream, a girl will see her future husband.

Money fortune telling

On the night of Ivan Kupala, you need to collect all the cash you have in the house, put it near the bed and wish for improvement in your financial well-being. After waking up, you should count the money, while deliberately getting lost, you need to repeat these attempts several times in a row. You should get out of bed only after completing these calculations. This guarantees material well-being throughout the year.

Everyone spends their leisure time differently. Some people walk with their children in the park, some go to a cafe, and some while away their evenings by laying out cards; the night of Ivan Kupala is perfect for all of them. You can tell fortunes about money, personal life and luck, for the next month or year, regardless of who performs such a ceremony - this is very informative, and in some cases also effective.

The night of Ivan Kupala is a time of miracles and magic. Previously, it was not customary to sleep on this night - our ancestors told fortunes about the future and cast spells on love.

This night is one of the most energetically powerful nights of the year, when you can easily look into the future and find out your destiny. How did our ancestors guess on Ivan Kupala?

Fortune telling on Ivan Kupala for love

On the night of Ivan Kupala, girls gathered on the banks of a river or lake, collected wildflowers and wove wreaths from them. They attached a candle to the wreaths, lit it and launched it into the water. Whose wreath will sink faster or whose candle will go out sooner, she will get married first.

If the wreath remains afloat for a long time, then this year the girl will definitely not be able to become a bride. If the wreath lands on the shore, then the fortune-telling girl will sit in the wenches for a long time.

Fortune telling for the future on the night of Ivan Kupala

In order to find out your destiny for the year, it was necessary to pick seven small birch branches. They were mixed and hidden in the hand. The fortuneteller must draw one of them. If you came across a smooth and even branch, it promised a calm and prosperous life this year. If the branch had flaws or bumps, then this predicted problems, troubles, difficulties and illnesses.

Jumping over a fire on this holiday not only helped to cleanse oneself of diseases and problems, but also predicted the future.

  • If a young couple jumps over the fire and gets their hands wet while jumping, then they will be together for a long time.
  • If young people get their hands wet, they will soon part ways.
  • If clothes or hair are set on fire while jumping over a fire, then the year will be unlucky. If you managed to avoid contact with fire, then this is good luck.
  • Fortune telling on Ivan Kupala at home

    Despite the fact that on this magical night all the festivities, rituals and fortune-telling took place on the street, near forests, rivers and lakes, there are also many ways of fortune-telling at home.

    The most popular fortune telling on Ivan Kupala at home is fortune telling with wax. On Kupala night, you need to melt the candle wax in a large spoon and pour it into a dish with water. The frozen wax figure is interpreted on the basis of the personal associations of the fortuneteller. For example, a ring foreshadows a wedding, and a long stripe can mean a long journey. The main thing is to show your imagination!

    Do you want to know if your wish is destined to come true? Pour water into a small bowl. Find a small pebble on the road. Whisper your wish into the water and throw a pebble into it. Look carefully at the number of circles formed on the water. If there are an even number of them, then the wish will come true. If it’s odd, then it’s not destined to come true.

    Use all the power and magic of the night of Ivan Kupala if you want to know your future! We wish you good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

    06.07.2015 00:30

    Fortune telling on paper is a simple and effective way to get answers to exciting questions. Exists...

    Today each of us can find out our destiny from the cards. You don't need to have...

The holiday of Ivan Kupala has always been associated with extraordinary fun and, of course, magic. In order not only to celebrate this wonderful holiday in a very interesting way, but also to feel the spirit of the real Ivan Kupala, let’s remember a few fairly striking Kupala signs and mysterious rituals:

According to popular belief, it is believed that all the herbs collected on the night of Ivan Kupala have truly special powers.

All sorts of rashes on the face will go away if you wash your face with dew on the day of this holiday, and if you sprinkle your home with such dew, then cockroaches and annoying bedbugs will definitely disappear.

There is such a sign on Ivan Kupala: the wish of anyone who can climb over twelve fences on the holiday will definitely come true.

On Kupala night, a fire has special power. If you dilute it, then in this way you can drive away not only evil spirits, but also cleanse yourself. And the one who jumps over such a fire will be a real lucky person in his life, as the sign of Ivan Kupala speaks about this. It is also believed that if you burn the clothes of a sick child in this fire, then absolutely all diseases will go into the fire.

In order to protect yourself from all sorts of evil forces, which on a festive night truly have the greatest power, they place ferns and nettles on the threshold of their house, as well as on the windowsills. This ritual on Ivan Kupala will help reflect their action.

Oil from ant heaps, which must be collected on Midsummer night, will help against numerous diseases.

The following ritual will help you save your home from attacks by thieves: you need to place Ivan da Marya flowers in the four corners of your home on the night of Ivan Kupala. It is believed that such flowers will talk, creating the effect of the presence of the owners of the house.

There are also signs of Ivan Kupala about the weather: a very good harvest of cucumbers is foreshadowed by dew on the day of Ivan Kupala; a large number of mushrooms should be expected if there are many stars in the sky on the night of Ivan Kupala; rain on Ivan Kupala foretells the smiling sun exactly five days later.

The sign about marriage to Ivan Kupala for young beauties says that if, without looking at all, you collect various flowers and herbs and put them under the pillow, and the next morning you count twelve herbs, then in this case, the young unmarried beauty will come out anyway getting married this year.

Rituals for Ivan Kupala

The purest water, the brightest fire and a variety of herbs have truly magical properties on the night of Ivan Kupala. And all the ceremonies and magical rituals on Midsummer’s Day are among the most “strong,” since the day of the holiday, and especially the night, have incredible energetic power.

It was believed that from the day of Ivan Travnik until Ilyin’s day, that is, until August 2, absolutely all reservoirs and various lakes were abandoned by all evil spirits, and, therefore, based on this fact, it was allowed to swim during this period of time. Also, water acquires quite healing properties, and morning dew has truly magical powers.

The main rite of Ivan Kupala was bathing in water, and on Kupala night it was customary to bathe in holy springs. After all, it was at this fabulous time that water entered into a humble union with fire, and such an incredible connection was a fairly enormous natural force. Water not only healed, cleansed completely from all evil, but also endowed with excellent health.

All girls performed the ritual of Ivan Kupala with morning dew in order to always remain beautiful and young. To do this, they took tablecloths and collected dew with them, then squeezed them into any vessel and washed their hands and face with this dew.

Kupala rituals with fire

A fairly important and most importantly fun Kupala ritual with fire was considered to be jumping over a rather large fire. People lit fires on the banks of various bodies of water, jumped and danced around them until they dropped. Such a ritual on Ivan Kupala could determine the happiest of the crowd. To do this, young beauties and boys jumped over the fire of the fire and the one who did not touch the flame at all was considered to be the happiest.

They also drove cattle over the fire in order to protect them from death and all sorts of diseases. And mothers burned the shirts of extremely sick children in the Kupala bonfires, because in this way it was believed that their child could be healed.

The Kupala fire could also warn against all sorts of evil spirits - mermaids, goblin, water creatures, and so on, which, in turn, became quite active on the night of Ivan Kupala and tried in any way to harm not only humans, but also animals.

Kupala rituals with herbs

It has always been believed that it was on the night of Ivan Kupala (Ivan the Travnik) that all the collected herbs and flowers have not only healing, but also magical powers. And the ritual of collecting herbs and various beautiful flowers was truly the main event of the holiday.

In order to fight evil spirits and simply use herbs in various spells and magical rituals on Midsummer, the following was done: herbs and flowers collected on Midsummer's Day were placed under the morning Kupala dew, then thoroughly dried and stored until needed.

But the main and main flower on Ivan Kupala was and remains the fern. Absolutely all signs and superstitions say that whoever finds a flower of this plant on Kupala night will be able to use it to find untold riches and attract into his life not only good luck, but also incredible success. And in order to find a fern flower, we offer you several fairly important recommendations that will help you find this plant.

Ivan Kupala signs

A huge number of young beauties weave wreaths from various herbs on Kupala night, such as Ivan da Marya, burdock, and Virgin Mary grass, and then with a lit candle they set them afloat. The signs of Ivan Kupala say: if such a wreath immediately sinks, then, unfortunately, the person you love has completely stopped loving the girl and it will not be possible to marry him. If a wreath with such herbs floats to the shore, this indicates that such a girl will still remain unmarried. Well, if the wreath floated further, and the girl whose wreath floated further than the others, she was destined to be truly happy. The young beauty whose candle in her wreath will burn the longest will live the longest.

They also say this: if on the night of Ivan Kupala you write on a piece of paper all the bad things that happened in the year, and then burn this piece of paper in a fire, then absolutely all the misfortunes will not happen again.

It is enough to improve your health, as well as tell fortunes about your marriage, using a broom, but not a simple one, but one made from herbs collected on Kupala night; in this case, you can also use a completely new birch broom made from Ivan da Marya flowers and ferns. In order to improve your health, you need to take a very good steam bath in a bathhouse with such a broom. And to tell fortunes for marriage, you need to leave the bathhouse and throw a broom behind your back, in which direction it will fly, you can definitely go there and get married.

In order to see their betrothed in a dream on the night of Ivan Kupala, all unmarried girls place either plantain or tripartite under their heads before going to bed;

On the morning of Ivan Kupala, collecting water from a well or spring will always help against depression and a certain irritability.

Trouble will bypass your house if, on the day of Ivan Kupala, you collect the leaves of nettles, rose hips and other various thorny plants and burn them, and the ashes from them, in turn, are sprinkled along the windows and threshold. This ritual also helps prevent troubles in your personal life;

In order to make a very good amulet for your home, it is necessary to pick St. John's wort grass at midnight on Ivan Kupala and hang its branches at the front door.

It is believed that children conceived on the night of Ivan Kupala will be distinguished by special health and very increased success in their lives.

Conspiracy against loneliness on Ivan Kupala

The Ivan Kupala holiday will help you find your happiness and get rid of constant loneliness. To do this, on Midsummer’s Day it is necessary to light exactly 7 church candles in front of the icon of the Most Holy Theotokos, called “The Softening of Evil Hearts”, or “Seven Shot”, and read the following prayer forty times:

“O long-suffering Mother of God, who surpassed all the daughters of the earth in Her purity and in the multitude of sufferings You endured on earth, accept our much-painful sighs and keep us under the cover of Your mercy. Do You not know any other refuge and warm intercession, but as one who has the boldness to be born of You, help and save us with Your prayers. May we reach the Kingdom of Heaven without stumbling, where, together with all the saints, we will sing the praises of the One God in the Trinity, now and ever, and forever and ever. Amen".

Under no circumstances should you be distracted by anything while reading or interrupt the reading of the prayer.

After reading the prayer, you need to say the plot against loneliness on Ivan Kupala three times:

    “The bad, damned, evil word, like an arrow from the enemy, struck me with loneliness! But with God’s help, with the Most Holy Theotokos, I will cover myself with invincible hope, I will lift myself with pure prayer, I will find Jesus’ help. Now and forever, and forever and ever. Amen".

    Fortune telling for Ivan Kupala

    The magical holiday of Ivan Kupala is a holiday of sincere love, bright fire and clean water. On the mysterious Kupala night they wondered, thereby trying to find out their future; they also looked for blooming ferns and had fun by lighting fires and weaving wreaths from various herbs. Fortune telling on Ivan Kupala is carried out throughout the week, that is, until Peter’s Day.

    Ivan Kupala is truly the most unusual and extremely sensitive holiday. And those who do not have a soulmate waited for it with particular impatience, since it is with the help of fortune telling on Ivan Kupala that one can easily find out when a meeting with a loved one will take place.

    Fortune telling for the future

    This Kupala fortune-telling for the future is performed on birch branches. It is on the holiday of Ivan Kupala that it is necessary to pick exactly seven small birch branches and mix them all together, after which one must pull out one of the seven. Life will be very long and quite calm if the elongated birch branch is an even and smooth branch. But, if an elongated branch has various tubercles, then, unfortunately, this promises various obstacles on the path of life.

    Fortune telling for love

    Using this fortune telling on Ivan Kupala, you can determine whether the person for whom you have feelings will love you, and whether you will be together with him in the future. You need to pour water into a fairly wide container and then lower two flowers without stems into it. The best option for this fortune telling would be daisies.

    The flowers must be lowered into the water very carefully and extremely slowly, while also closing your eyes so as not to peep at all. The behavior of flowers will tell you about the future fate of love. The young couple will be together in the future if the flowers become closer. Unfortunately, it is absolutely not destined to be together if the flowers end up on opposite sides of a container of water. A very stormy relationship, which eventually turns into a wedding, is marked by the unstoppable movement of flowers, their constant swimming.

    Health fortune telling

    Fortune telling on Ivan Kupala will help you find out about the health of your loved ones and relatives. To do this, you need to collect only one blade of grass for each relative, be it bearberry or bearberry. Absolutely all diseases will be of no consequence if the blade of grass lasts longer than others. If the blade of grass of one of the relatives withers very first, then this year, unfortunately, diseases will follow on his heels.

    Fortune telling

    This fortune telling is carried out on the night of Ivan Kupala on a Kupala bonfire made of dry birch logs, which in turn will help you find out what fate awaits you in the future. Light a fire and watch the flames:

    Your life will be quite happy and extremely interesting if the flame from the fire is even and you hear a very pleasant crackling sound;

    The future, unfortunately, will be very boring and insipid, if the fire takes a long time to burn, and the flame, in turn, is weak;

    Incredible love passion awaits you in your destiny if you observe a bright red flame. Quite warm and very calm family happiness, but without any special passions, awaits you if you see a bright orange flame. And, unfortunately, melancholy and dislike await those who see an extremely dim flame.

    Fortune telling for the betrothed

    And now we will tell you about a very interesting and mysterious fortune-telling for the betrothed using the Kupala wreath.

    For this fortune-telling, you need to weave a beautiful wreath from various herbs - field or forest. And then in the evening, just before sunset, the wreath must be lowered into the water, while observing it:

    Unfortunately, the betrothed will either not marry or will cheat; this signifies a drowned wreath;

    This year it will not be your destiny to get married if the wreath unravels;

    If the wreath quickly sailed to the shore, but not the opposite one, then the long-awaited wedding will definitely not happen this year;

    And it marks an imminent wedding if the wreath has floated far, far away and floats, in turn, for a very long time.

    Fortune telling on the night of Ivan Kupala

    In the midst of the long-awaited summer, when the sun illuminates all the meadows and forests, and when a wide variety of grasses bloom very wildly, an extraordinary holiday comes - Ivan Kupala, which is celebrated with special joy. A large number of beliefs and legends are associated with this holiday, and the main event of this day is fortune telling. With the help of fortune telling on the night of Ivan Kupala, you can find out what awaits a person in the future or when a long-awaited meeting with a soul mate will occur.

    Fortune telling by the fire

    This fortune telling is performed around the fire on the night of Ivan Kupala. To do this, make a fairly large fire and jump over it. It is a very favorable sign if the jumper does not touch the blazing flame at all. For a girl, this promises an extremely quick marriage, but for a young man - special luck in business and, of course, in heartfelt experiences.

    Fortune telling using a magical bouquet of herbs

    This fortune telling for young unmarried beauties is perfect for seeing your betrothed in a dream. To do this, you need to put a bouquet of various herbs under your pillow on the night of Ivan Kupala, and the more different amounts of herbs are included in such a bouquet, the more truthful the dream will be. The optimal option for a magical bouquet is 12, 24 or 40 types of plants.

    Fortune telling on a fern

    The fern blooms with absolutely extraordinary magical color on the night of Ivan Kupala. And in order to make a choice between one suitor or another, fern will always help. To do this, you need to pick exactly as many branches of fern as there are admirers in your heart and wish for the name of a young man on each of these branches.

    Afterwards, it is necessary to lower fern branches to the bottom near any lake or river, while pressing them firmly with your hand so that they do not float up ahead of time. Next, absolutely sharply remove your hand, and observe which particular branch emerges before the others, that one, naturally, will be your betrothed, with whom you will be very happy.

    Prophetic dream on the night of Ivan Kupala

    The following fortune telling will help you have a prophetic dream on the night of Ivan Kupala: you need to collect seven completely different flowers at sunset and then put them under your pillow at night.

    Fortune telling

    For this very interesting fortune telling, you need to have a wreath, which, in turn, will consist of four types of herbs. such as ivan-da-marya, burdock, thyme and bear's ear. In order to find out about your future fate, you need to float this wreath downstream of any river, and observe how it, in turn, behaves. If, unfortunately, the wreath drowns, this sign means that your loved one will leave for someone else. There is absolutely no point in dreaming about a long-awaited marriage this year, since this fact is indicated by a completely broken wreath or if the wreath unravels and forms a chain afterwards. And finally, a young unmarried beauty should prepare for the wedding if her wreath does not fall apart and drown, but continues to slowly float down the river.

    We wish you to meet the mysterious and enigmatic night of Ivan Kupala not only quite interestingly, but also to find your soulmate, find out your future and just see a magical fern flower, and most importantly, believe in fortune telling, and you should absolutely never give up if the result of fortune telling you didn't like it at all.

    Based on materials from the site "Money and Luck"

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Witches celebrate their holiday. It was believed that witches kept water boiled with the ashes of the Kupala fire; after sprinkling it on Ivan Kupala, the witch could easily fly wherever she pleased.

According to peasant beliefs, one cannot sleep on Kupala night, as all evil spirits come to life and become especially active - witches, werewolves, mermaids, snakes, sorcerers, brownies, water creatures, and goblins.

"KP in Ukraine" has prepared a selection of the most common ones.

Fortune telling by shadows on Ivan Kupala

On Kupala night, take a sheet of paper and carefully crush it with your hands into a shapeless mass (not a ball), without looking at it. Place the crumpled paper on the bottom of the plate and set it on fire. When it is completely burnt, carefully hold the plate up to the wall, without disturbing the ash shape, and carefully rotate the plate until some shadow is outlined. By the outlines one can judge the betrothed.

Tell fortunes in a dark room with candles or dim light.

Fortune telling on Ivan Kupala using a bow

Take several bulbs, write the guy's name on each and place them in water. It is believed which bulb will germinate faster, so expect an invitation to get married.

It is important to perform the ritual alone so that you are not distracted or disturbed.

Fortune telling on Ivan Kupala using a ring

At midnight, take a glass with a flat bottom and without patterns, pour water into it and carefully lower a round gold ring into the middle. Then look through the water into the middle of the ring - the image of the betrothed will appear to you.

Fortune telling on Ivan Kupala by wish

Take a new box of matches, hold it in your hands and focus on your desire or question that you would like to receive an answer to. Then start taking matches out of the box, saying “will come true”, “will not come true” or “yes”, “no”, or “loves”, “does not love” for each one. The last match will be the answer.

Fortune telling on Ivan Kupala using flowers

On Kupala night, pour water into a basin and throw two of your favorite flowers without stems (daisies, roses, lilies) into it.

If the flowers disperse in different directions, alas, you will not be with the person you were wondering about. If they get together, a strong and long relationship awaits you.

Fortune telling on Ivan Kupala on a peach pit

Eat a peach while making a wish and thinking about it. Then look at the bone, if there is at least one straight line on it, your wish will certainly come true.

Fortune telling on Ivan Kupala using candle wax

For this fortune telling, break the candle into several pieces and melt the wax. As soon as the wax melts, immediately pour it into a container of water and see what shapes the wax takes when frozen in water. For example: a ring or a candle - for a wedding; wallet, coin, chest - to wealth; heart - love; flag – visit of a guest; star - luck; flower, flowers - a new suitor; the human figure is a friend; wave - wish fulfillment; stripes - travel.

Fortune telling on Ivan Kupala using coffee beans

For this fortune telling you will need 16 coffee beans. Close your eyes and ask a specific question or simulate a situation that requires resolution and carefully throw the grains on the table. Open your eyes and count how many grains fell with the hollow facing up.

0 – the fortune telling did not take place, it is better not to repeat it today.
1 – luck is on your side.
2 – all difficulties will go away by themselves.
3 – possible betrayal of a person you considered a friend.
4 – try not to wishful thinking.
5 – the business started will lead to success.
6 – it’s time to take active action.
7 – no need to worry, everything will work out sooner or later.
8 – the solution will come by itself, you just need to calm down and get distracted.
9 – listen to the advice of your inner voice.
10 – recommendations from close people will be very practical.
11 – try, the risk is justified.
12 – don’t talk too much.
13 – don’t get nervous over trifles.
14 – learn to always rely only on yourself.
15 – a little more and fortune will definitely turn its face towards you.
16 – everything will be just great.