Chameleon pencil drawing. How to draw a chameleon: step-by-step description for beginners

  • 02.07.2020

The chameleon is another quirk of nature’s “creativity”. The reptile is capable of changing the color of its own skin depending on the surrounding area. The flora and fauna of our planet are replete with similar “works” of nature. Perhaps we are imperfect and do not know how to do what nature does, but we will still try to convey all its efforts through the creativity available to us.

Technology decides a lot today, but the full disclosure of the inner world can be realized through a simple drawing. Let's talk about how to draw a chameleon and put a grain of your soul into the work. It may be a little difficult, but trust your creative fire.

Before you draw a chameleon step by step, make sure you are ready to create.

These lizards look very unusual. This reptile has the ability to camouflage itself from prey during hunting and from predators. Chameleons have very long, sticky and strong tongues. They are used to catch their prey.
Are you ready to plunge into creativity? Then let's get started.

How to draw a chameleon step by step?

For novice artists, depicting a lizard will not be difficult if the work flow is consistent with the step-by-step guide presented below.

Stage 1. Start with the eyes and draw the area around them. Next, draw the muzzle, frontal part and ear. Place a point on the nose and draw a curve for the mouth.

Stage 2. Below the head, draw a branch on which the lizard sits; it does not have to be horizontal, but can be slightly tilted down.

Stage 3. Draw the body of the reptile and outline the location of the legs with slightly noticeable contours.

Stage 5. Draw a spiral - this is the future inner part of the tail. Draw some curved lines near the eyes and draw sweets on the stomach.

Stage 6. Complete the drawing of the tail, draw a ring-shaped outline along its outer side. It is known that the lizard's body is not uniform, so apply the appropriate pattern.

Stage 7. Apply shading and lines. You should now have a drawing of a chameleon.

Tools and materials

In order to draw a chameleon and begin the creative process, you will first need to prepare the following tools and materials:

● Any work surface convenient for you.
● A white sheet of paper (from a sketchbook to special paper for beginning artists).
● Simple pencil.
● Eraser.
● paints and markers.

Let's take a closer look at how to draw a chameleon

Execution steps:

● Start with the head, draw the head of the chameleon. Don't forget that he wears a small crown on his head.
● Draw the base of the body, from the head you need to draw a line with a small bend. This will be the future back of the chameleon.
● Now you can start drawing the paws, draw four of them.
● Let's move on to the most difficult process - the head. Draw a large circle for the chameleon's eye and lower jaw.
●Draw the eyes. Draw another small circle in the middle of the circle. One eye is finished, the second eye will be depicted differently. On the other side of the head, sketch out a small tubercle with a top.
● Next draw the lizard's tail. It should resemble a bagel shape at the end.
● Draw small teeth on the back. This is the characteristic of a chameleon.
● Don't forget to draw the contours of the abdomen.

Your chameleon is almost ready, all that remains is to add minor elements. At the end of which the question of how to draw a chameleon will be settled.


A creation can be unique if a piece of your soul is invested in it. Emotions and desires will shimmer with all the colors of the rainbow in your drawing. Perhaps not everyone will notice, but the warmth and kindness of your creation will make this world a little better.

A chameleon is a small animal that is somewhat reminiscent of a lizard. It is interesting because it can change colors, becoming the same color as the environment. That's why kids can't wait to see it, to see if the chameleon really changes color.

Of course, there is no way to get such an animal, but you can draw it. Children love to imitate everything they see. In addition, the chameleon can be painted in any color immediately on our website.

You will need: a sheet of paper; pencil; eraser; compass.
Step 1

Auxiliary figures

To begin with, we should draw the figures with which we will depict the chameleon. This is two circles. The first is large, the second is small, and it intersects with the first figure.

Outlines of the torso

Draw the outlines of the torso. The lower part starts from the head, and the upper part starts from the circle line. Draw the top line down, it smoothly turns into the tail.

Removing extra lines

Erase almost the entire large circle, leaving only the top part.


Draw the line of the tail down, then make it curled. The tail gradually tapers towards the tip.

Draw a thin tip. It does not touch other lines.


Correct the animal's head. Its tip is slightly narrowed, closer to the neck it widens.


Draw the chameleon's legs short and slightly curved. Draw shorter limbs that are on the other side of the animal.


Chameleons spend a lot of time in trees. To prevent our animal from hanging in the air, draw a branch under it. You don’t have to use a ruler, the branches are usually uneven, you can draw them by hand.

Ends of the legs

A chameleon holds onto a branch with its paws. Draw the endings appropriately so that the animal is holding on to the branch.


Let's move on to drawing the muzzle. The chameleon's eye is large and round.

Draw a smiling animal's mouth. By the way, the little animal really looks like it is smiling.

On top, draw a pattern in the form of a straight line that smoothly goes into the nose.

Comb on the back

Draw a small ridge on the back from the neck to the tail.


Draw slightly curved stripes on the chameleon's body.


You can paint the chameleon as shown in the picture or choose colors at your discretion.

The chameleon is another quirk of nature’s “creativity”. The reptile is capable of changing the color of its own skin depending on the surrounding area. The flora and fauna of our planet are replete with similar “works” of nature. Perhaps we are imperfect and do not know how to do what nature does, but we will still try to convey all its efforts through the creativity available to us.

Technology decides a lot today, but the full disclosure of the inner world can be realized through a simple drawing. Let's talk about how to draw a chameleon and put a grain of your soul into the work. It may be a little difficult, but trust your creative fire.
Before you draw a chameleon step by step, make sure you are ready to create.

These lizards look very unusual. This reptile has the ability to camouflage itself from prey during hunting and from predators. Chameleons have very long, sticky and strong tongues. They are used to catch their prey.
Are you ready to plunge into creativity? Then let's get started.

How to draw a chameleon step by step?

For novice artists, depicting a lizard will not be difficult if the work flow is consistent with the step-by-step guide presented below.
Stage 1. Start with the eyes and draw the area around them. Next, draw the muzzle, frontal part and ear. Place a point on the nose and draw a curve for the mouth.

Stage 2. Below the head, draw a branch on which the lizard sits; it does not have to be horizontal, but can be slightly tilted down.

Stage 3. Draw the body of the reptile and outline the location of the legs with slightly noticeable contours.

Stage 5. Draw a spiral - this is the future inner part of the tail. Draw some curved lines near the eyes and draw sweets on the stomach.

Stage 6. Complete the drawing of the tail, draw a ring-shaped outline along its outer side. It is known that the lizard's body is not uniform, so apply the appropriate pattern.

Stage 7. Apply shading and lines. You should now have a drawing of a chameleon.

Tools and materials

In order to draw a chameleon and begin the creative process, you will first need to prepare the following tools and materials:

● Any work surface convenient for you.
● A white sheet of paper (from a sketchbook to special paper for beginning artists).
● Simple pencil.
● Eraser.
● Colored pencils, paints and markers.

Let's take a closer look at how to draw a chameleon

Execution steps:

● Start with the head, draw the head of the chameleon. Don't forget that he wears a small crown on his head.
● Draw the base of the body, from the head you need to draw a line with a small bend. This will be the future back of the chameleon.
● Now you can start drawing the paws, draw four of them.
● Let's move on to the most difficult process - the head. Draw a large circle for the chameleon's eye and lower jaw.
●Draw the eyes. Draw another small circle in the middle of the circle. One eye is finished, the second eye will be depicted differently. On the other side of the head, sketch out a small tubercle with a top.
● Next draw the lizard's tail. It should resemble a bagel shape at the end.
● Draw small teeth on the back. This is the characteristic of a chameleon.
● Don't forget to draw the contours of the abdomen.

Your chameleon is almost ready, all that remains is to add minor elements. At the end of which the question of how to draw a chameleon will be settled.


A creation can be unique if a piece of your soul is invested in it. Emotions and desires will shimmer with all the colors of the rainbow in your drawing. Perhaps not everyone will notice, but the warmth and kindness of your creation will make this world a little better.

In everyday life, these animals are extremely rare, but they are still very surprising in their properties and unique abilities. Everyone knows how great chameleons are at hiding to hunt insects in their native environment. They practically merge with the surrounding area and, thanks to their eyes on two sides of their heads, which can rotate their pupils in different directions, they see everything that happens around them. Good luck with our drawing lesson today. There will be very few steps, although we already know how to do it with great patience. but the result will greatly please you. Let's begin.

We will pay attention to the fact that in its normal state the chameleon is green at the very end, but for now...

Step 1.

Let's draw two rounded shapes with simple thin lines - a large head and an oval small body of our cute chameleon.

Step 2.

Using the resulting lines, we will draw the head of the chameleon itself, note that the lines of the head converge on the body but do not connect, the lines should turn out rounded with only one corner at the top point.

Step 3.

Let's draw the two front legs and feet on the way to our goal. All that needs to be noticed is the small indentation on the feet.

Step 4.

The most difficult and at the same time interesting. We draw the humpbacked body of the chameleon and the dashingly twisted tail. We finish drawing the back leg and stomach.

How to Draw a Chameleon for Kids Step 4

Step 5.

At the last step of the drawing lesson, all we were left with was a big eye with a pupil and a charming smile. A small line for the nose and all we have to do is color our wonderful hero.

Today we will learn to draw chameleons. And the title of the article “chameleon drawing” is a nod to search engines. This is exactly what the most popular request for drawing a chameleon looks like in keyword statistics. This means that during the course of the article I will insert this wording into the text a couple of times.

By the way, here is the first step-by-step Drawing - Chameleon.

How to draw a chameleon - 1

And here are the stages of its implementation - the pictures are enlarged by clicking.

You will get this beauty:

We can talk for a long time about the lifestyle and character of a chameleon, but now this is not our task. Briefly: a chameleon is a lizard that can change the color of its body (and not only for camouflage, but, apparently, simply for the sake of art). It feeds on insects, which it catches with its long, very long (two-thirds the length of the chameleon itself!) sticky tongue. The tail is also long and prehensile. The chameleon twists it around the branches along which it moves, and when at rest it keeps it coiled in a spiral. It moves slowly, stealthily creeping up on its victims by rearranging its jointed paws, the fingers of which are also adapted for grasping branches.

I watched a chameleon in a terrarium: it moves like a robot. Chameleons' eyes can rotate in any direction and are unsynchronized: each one looks in its own direction. Often the body of this lizard, and especially the head, is decorated with protrusions and outgrowths of the most bizarre shape, what? complementing its appearance, it makes the chameleon look like some kind of alien.

Let's draw a chameleon step by step - lesson 2

Now let’s get down to business and also ask ourselves the key question “how to draw a chameleon.” And the answer is this: let's start by marking the body, first with a simple pencil.

After making sure that the proportions are in order, we clarify with a marker. The back is arched, the abdomen too.

The tail is a spiral, and the chameleon carries it tensely outstretched like this:

The head is large and with some kind of sharp-angled outgrowth above the neck (I wonder - for beauty or for protection?) The mouth is a slit, we’ll just designate the eye first. The front paw appears to be very articulated. The brush is like a claw. The hind leg is also angularly bent.

And here are the finishing touches:

This is what I want to ask: when you draw a picture, say, a branch on which a bird or animal is sitting, be sure to move this branch beyond both edges of the sheet. Don't cut off the drawing. As a viewer, I am simply demoralized by pictures of birds sitting on a small piece of branch hanging in the air and not connected to anything. Soaring in zero gravity for me too! No, comrades, our chameleon is walking along a branch that does not break, but somewhere off-screen is honestly connected to a tree.

And let's color it:

Drawing - chameleon 3

Let’s orient the next chameleon (yes, it’s not that simple: repetition and consolidation of what has been learned) with its head to the right: the second “chameleon drawing”. Let's decide on the branch right away. What's next?

The back is in an arc, the tail is in a spiral... no, this chameleon decided to wrap its tail around the branch! Safety precautions! The paws are bent, the front elbow meets the back knee. Fingers clasp the branch. By the way, while I was drawing, I noted to myself: the hind legs grow, well, by God, right in front of the tail and are somehow carelessly attached (like other lizards). Mammals have powerful pelvic bones (even a cow, for example); lizards also have limb girdles, but they are incomparably simpler and smaller. There are no broad shoulders or hips in sight.