Interesting carols for Christmas - long and funny carols for children and adults. Russian folk carols for Christmas - short, children's

  • 15.09.2023

After the Holy Supper on January 6, children and adults dress in bright costumes, go from house to house and sing Christmas carols. Masked carolers are invited into the house, treated to food, and thanked for their performances with sweets and money. To avoid mistakes on Christmas night 2020, think about the performance in advance. We have selected the funniest long and short Christmas carols for adults and children that are easy to learn.

16:26 13.01.2020

Do you want to please your friends with funny and funny carols on Christmas night from January 6 to 7? These interesting and funny carols wishes for children and adults are easy to learn and quickly remembered!

I'm caroling, I'm caroling
I can smell the vodka with my nose!
Pour us a hundred grams
It will be good for us and you!

How many aspens,
So many pigs for you;
How many Christmas trees
So many cows;
How many candles
So many sheep.
Good luck to you,
The owner and the hostess
Great health,
Happy New Year
With all the family!
Kolyada, Kolyada!

Merry Christmas -
We wish you sober thoughts,
So that the Earth does not shake,
And my soul enjoyed it!!!

A carol was born
On the eve of Christmas,
Behind the mountain behind the steep,
Behind the fast river,
Behind the mountain behind the steep,
Behind the river behind the fast one
The forests are dense,
In those forests the fires are burning,
The fires are burning blazing,
People stand around the lights
People stand caroling:
‘Oh carol, carol,
You happen, carol,
Before Christmas'.

Carols, carols, carols,
Let me have a hangover,
Lard, meat, kovbasi
That's twenty for a panty!!!

Carols, carols, carols -
Pancakes are good with honey!
But without honey it’s not the same,
Give me some pies, auntie!

Give me the dumpling!
a spoonful of porridge,
Top sausages.
This is not enough
Give me a piece of bacon.
Take it out quickly
Don't freeze the children!

Kolyada, Kolyada,
We open all the houses,
All the windows, chests,
We give sweets and pies,
So that it would be good for you,
Say thank you to heaven
God will give us all health,
After all, he is good at this!

Kolyada, Kolyada
Christmas Eve
Damn and flatbread
Owner Alyoshka
Give me a nickel, auntie
I won't leave home like this!!
A little boy
Sat down on a glass
And the glass is fragile
Give me a rub, mistress!!!

Carols, carols, carols,
Good with honey scorching,
But it’s not the same without honey,
Give me some pie, please.
Yak won't give me a pie,
I'll take the bull by the horns,
I'll take you to the market,
I’ll buy my own pie.

Merry Christmas
We came here with goodness
Give us some,
Pie for the path,
So that happiness comes to you,
May you be lucky in everything,
May the Lord give you health,
We sing carols out of sadness!

The moon shone in the sky, showed us the way
Upper and lower - closest to the house.
Go out onto the porch, owner, pour some wine into a glass.
We won’t drink wine, we’ll smear it on our lips,
We'll smear it on your lips and tell you about your house.
Your house has four corners,
In each corner there are three young men:
Goodness, Comfort, Peace live.
A girl walks from corner to corner -
The braid spreads across the floor -
The girl's name is Love,
Your roof rests on it!
If you reward us generously, -
You will keep happiness in your home!
Let's leave the yard with gifts -
The bins will be full!
Even a piece of candy, even a nickel -
We won't just leave!!!

Kolyada, Kolyada...
And the woman has a beard.
And my grandfather grew a tail.
Runs to the girls, the scoundrel.

Kolyada, Kolyada...
It doesn't matter to us.
Even the one who is blind and mute -
He will drink seven shots.

Kolyada, Kolyada...
We dance all the years.
And also on all fours
We boldly climb the steps.

Kolyada, Kolyada...
We never get sick.
Wives start an argument -
We fly naked into the yard.

Kolyada, Kolyada...
That without money is nonsense!
All bottles are donated
And they walk again and drink.

Kolyada, Kolyada...
It's okay that it's cold.
I'll go to my mistress myself,
I swim with her in the pond.

Kolyada, Kolyada...
Have fun, people, always!
After all, it’s not fitting for us to be sad,
Enjoying life's ball.

Kolyada, Kolyada...
There is a candle and food on the table.
The cute Christmas tree is shining.
And God blesses everyone.

And God forbid that
Who's in this house?
The rye is thick for him,
Dinner rye!
He's like an ear of octopus,
From the grain he has a carpet,
Half-grain pie.
The Lord would grant you
And living and being,
And wealth!

I'm caroling, I'm caroling
I will go into any hut.
I'll ask the hostess
Let's have some sweets.
And cookies and sweets,
And sherbet with nuts,
And halva and chocolate,
Pastille and marmalade,
Delicious cake,
Sweet ice cream
We'll eat it ourselves
And treat each other
And the hostess, and the hostess
Remember with a kind word!

Carols, carols, carols,
Good luck with honey.
But it’s not the same without honey,
Give me a nickel, man.
And then you’ll pay a nickel,
Give me a golden scar!
Kolyadin, Kolyadin,
I'm alone with my mother.
Carry me a pie,
Place it near the bag.
Kolyadin, Kolyadin,
I'm alone in the granny.
Knee-high casing,
Give uncle a pie.
Kolyadin, Kolyadin,
And I’m the only guy,
Let's tear the skin,
Bring me a donut.

Christmas and the entire holiday week are very important for the Slavs. Christmas traditions involve religious, family, fair and mystical beliefs and rules. Today, most of the rituals and folk beliefs associated with Christmastide are a thing of the past. Here you will find carols for children and learn how to carol correctly.

History of carols

Initially, the holiday with carols was timed to coincide with the winter solstice and was called Kolyada. Children can be introduced to ancient traditions using an ancient custom with carnival elements. During Christmas time there were fairs, performances, dressing up in costumes with masks and singing funny carol songs. Some of the customs have survived to this day.

The most striking traditions and folk beliefs in Russia regarding Christmastide are well represented in Nikolai Gogol’s work “Evenings on a Farm near Dikanka”. In the evening and the night before Christmas, it is customary to set a 12-course Lenten dinner on the table, tell fortunes, and go from house to house with merry carols. Our ancestors believed that on this day you could meet evil spirits.

It is not customary to sing carols at Christmas. The time for songs is the evening of January 6 (Holy Evening). Christmas carols can be long or short, with humor and good wishes. You can select song lyrics for children and adults. It is customary for the whole family to visit during Christmas time. Housewives prepare the best dishes at home as treats and honor family traditions.

Carols in Christianity

The holiday of the Nativity of Christ is celebrated in different regions in its own way. Traditionally, carols were sung in large groups, going around all the houses. The owners of the house listened to carols and generously treated their guests.

The Christmas traditions of the Slavs have absorbed some of the customs from pagan times. Animal-shaped cookies and pies are baked as treats at home. In the old days, the bag of carolers was replenished with bread, pies, homemade sausage, ham and other delicacies. Currently, carol songs are of most interest to children, who are happy to sing short songs for a sweet treat. It is appropriate to put sweets, pies, waffles, tangerines, and oranges in the bag. Some people give money for singing Christmas carols; this approach is inappropriate and does not correspond to the spirit of the holiday. It is better to buy several bags of different sweets and fruits in advance.

New Year has come
The old one stole
Showed yourself!
Get up people
Come out of the gate -
To meet the sun,
Drive away the frost! Koleda - moleda,
White beard
The nose is flat,
The head is like a basket,
Hands like sabers,
Legs - rakes,
Come New Year's Eve
Celebrate honest people!

Kolyada, Kolyada,
Come from far away
Once a year
Let's admire it for an hour.
We're crackling with the frost,
With a prickly cold,
With white snows,
With a blizzard, with blizzards.
Scooters - sleighs
We drove ourselves -
From village to village,
Kolyada is fun.

Oh, carol
I went to the farrier.
- Farrier,
Forge me an axe.
-What's the ax for?
-Chop a pine tree.
-What's the use of pine?
-Paving the bridge.
-What is the bridge for?
- Frost to walk, -
Dress up the New Year!

Tausen, tausen,
We go to everyone!
Who won't give jelly -
I'll spray it at the gate.
Who won't give you a donut -
I'm a sheep's armpit.
Tausen, tausen!
Cook, grandma, jelly -
On the hill
In the skull.

We sow, we blow snow
On a silk bed.
The snow is falling,
The blizzard will break out!
Give it to you, master,
On New Year's Day:
There is offspring on the field,
On the threshing floor - threshed,
You will give us -
We will praise
And you won’t give -
We will scold.

Kolyada, Kolyada!
And sometimes there is a carol
On Christmas Eve
Kolyada has arrived
Christmas brought.

Carols go on holy evenings,
The carol comes to Pavly-Selo.
Get ready, villagers,
Let's have carols!
Open the chest
Get out the piglet!
Open up, peddlers,
Get your pennies!
Come, don't be shy,
Now we'll amuse the people.
Who will be the devil and who will be the devil!
And who doesn't want anyone
Let him laugh for a nickel!

Kolyada, Kolyada,
It's Christmas Eve!
Good auntie,
The pie is delicious
Don't cut, don't break,
Serve it quickly
Two, three,
We've been standing for a long time
Let us not stand!
The stove is heating up
I want some pie!

And God forbid that
Who's in this house?
The rye is thick for him,
Dinner rye!
He's like an ear of octopus,
From the grain he has a carpet,
Half-grain pie.
The Lord would grant you
And living and being,
And wealth!

Give you, Lord,
In the field of nature,
Threshed on the threshing floor,
Kvashni thickening,
There is sporin on the table,
Thicker sour cream
The cows are milked!

Let the night sparkle with magic
A flock of snowflakes rushes upward.
We wish you a Merry Christmas,
We wish you smiles and joy.
Flow of divine love
Let it flow with wonderful light,
And the Lord will bless you
Health, happiness and success!

Christmas... Waiting for a miracle,
Comprehensive, bright love.
It’s not difficult to believe in a fairy tale this night,
Raise your gaze to the heavens!
Let the Christmas star be bright
Warmth will overshadow your soul,
And a luxurious wonderful gift
God's peace and goodness will come to your home!

Christmas night, gifts, candles,
Friends and relatives at the festive table.
How I want the joy to last forever,
And we shared our happiness and warmth.
Let the night pass, but it will not disappear with it
From our souls there is a beautiful, kind light.
And let everyone believe in their hearts -
God is love, and He is with us forever!

How to carol correctly

If you decide to go caroling during Christmas time, you should consider several important points. You can only sing carols on January 6; it is unacceptable to do this on the day of the holiday. Traditionally, caroling is done in the evening, but in some regions this is done as early as noon. In ancient times, only representatives of the stronger sex went to caroling. Now boys and girls can sing songs together. Most often, children with great enthusiasm take part in the joyful celebration of Christmastide. It is better to learn the lyrics of popular and new songs suitable for the occasion in advance.

Previously, in a group of carolers there was always a “ringer”, a person with a bell, the ringing of which warned of the arrival of the group. There is no need for this now. You can inform people about the arrival of carolers using a doorbell. The one who carries the star enters the house first. It’s very easy to make it for children at home. You will need a sheet of thick paper, foil, glue and a stick of sufficient length. The star at Christmas time is of great importance. It represents the star that gave a sign to the Magi that Christ was born.

With the help of this symbol and cheerful carols, people share joy by welcoming the holiday of the Nativity of Christ.

Before you start singing, you should ask the owners of the house for permission. It is not accepted to refuse, and after receiving permission you can start caroling. Christmas carols in Russian are sung by a choir of several voices. It is customary to sing long songs, glorify the holiday and wish the owners of the house happiness and all sorts of blessings. For young children, short carols will be useful, text that can be easily and quickly remembered.

The treats received from the owners for children and adults are put into one large bag or bag. The person who carries the bag – “mekhonosh” – must take good care of it and ensure the safety of the contents. The resulting sweets and other delicacies are divided equally between all group members after the end of the hike. Children prefer to eat sweets immediately upon arriving home.

How to find out your destiny

Rituals and fortune telling at Christmas originate from pagan traditions. It is believed that it is on January 6 that a fragile connection with the other world appears and a person can find out his destiny. Fortune telling for Christmas will reveal secrets only to those who sincerely want an answer. In order for the mystical process to go smoothly, you should not joke about what is happening or utter insults.

If those gathered do not believe in fortune telling, but only want to have fun, the spirit world will not answer questions and may even cause harm.

The most common Christmastide fortune-telling that can be done at home:

  • Fortune telling on the shoe. The simplest and most famous fortune telling. It is carried out by an unmarried girl in the house where she lives. You need to stand with your back to the fence and throw a shoe over it. A boot, boot or shoe will do. After this, you should go outside the fence and look where the toe of the shoe is pointing. It is from this side that the future husband will come.
  • Fortune telling with rings. Four rings are placed in a suitable bowl: copper, silver, gold and with any natural stone. The rings are covered with grain or cereal and mixed. The girl takes a handful of the contents from the bowl; the type of ring she gets determines her future marriage. Copper speaks of a poor husband, silver speaks of a good simple guy, gold promises marriage with a merchant, a ring with a stone foreshadows marriage with a boyar.
  • Fortune telling on leaves. You will need a bowl of cereal and 4 identical paper leaves. On one sheet you should write the name of your loved one, leave the rest blank. All leaves are mixed with cereal. Next you should take leaves from the cereal. If the name of your loved one is on the first chosen piece of paper, it means that the girl can count on a marriage proposal in the near future. The name on the second piece of paper means difficulties in relationships, on the third - deception on the part of the man. If the name is only on the last sheet of paper, this man is indifferent to the fortune-telling girl.

Family traditions and folk customs dedicated to the Christmas holiday help in communication and create a festive atmosphere. This is a great chance for children to learn a lot about the history of their ancestors and take part in a fun walk with songs and congratulations.

The Birth of Christ is one of the most significant holidays for Christians. Orthodox Christians celebrate it on January 7th. And they start on the evening of January 6th - Christmas Eve. According to tradition, all relatives gather for supper with the first star. The table is set with twelve dishes in honor of the apostles.
Closer to midnight, young people take to the streets to sing Christmas songs - carols - to glorify the birth of Christ, and to report on a great event - to carry the good news of the birth of the Savior.

Caroling begins in the evening of January 6, and on January 7 throughout the day. Both adults and children can sing carols; we have selected special carol songs for you to celebrate the Nativity of Christ.

Carols for children at Christmas

The sparrow flies
Twirls his tail,
And you people know
Light up the tables
Receive guests
Happy Christmas!

Kolyada, Kolyada!
And sometimes there is a carol
On Christmas Eve
Kolyada has arrived
Christmas brought.

An angel has come down to us today
And he sang: “Christ is born.”
We came to glorify Christ,
And congratulate you on the holiday.

Here we go, shepherds,
All our sins are forgiven.
We make our way to home,
We glorify Christ God.

You will give us -
we will praise
and you won’t give -
we will reproach!
Kolyada, Kolyada!
Serve the pie!

Kolyada, Kolyada,
It's Christmas Eve!
Good auntie,
The pie is delicious
Don't cut, don't break,
Serve it quickly
Two, three,
We've been standing for a long time
Let us not stand!
The stove is heating up
I want some pie!

I'm alone with my dad.
Knee-deep casing -
Give me some pie, uncle!

Kolyada, Kolyada!
Give us some pie
Or a loaf of bread,
Or half a buck,
Or a chicken with a crest,
Cockerel with a comb!

Merry Christmas to you, people,
May you have peace and harmony!
So that you don't know grief,
May we remain in abundance!

Give you, Lord,
In the field of nature,
Threshed on the threshing floor,
Kvashni thickening,
There is sporin on the table,
Thicker sour cream
The cows are milked!

Tyapu-lyapu, quickly give me a carol!
My legs are chilly - I’ll run home.
Whoever gives is the prince,
Whoever doesn’t give in will go to hell!

Short Christmas carols

Good evening to good people!
May the holiday be merry.
Merry Christmas to you.
We wish you happiness and joy!

Generous evening, good evening!
Good health to good people!!!

Little guy
Sat down on a sheaf
plays the pipe,
Kolyada is amusing.

Christ the Savior
Born at midnight.
In a poor den
He settled.
Here above the nativity scene
The star is shining.
Christ the Master,
On your birthday
Give it to all the people
World of enlightenment!

Good evening to you,
Affectionate owner,
Rejoice, rejoice, earth,
The Son of God was born into the world.

Carols, carols, carols -
Pancakes are good with honey!
And without honey - it’s not the same,
Give me some pies, auntie!

They brought you pancakes and pancakes
In a painted cart,
On the raven tip.

Caroling, caroling
From family to family we wander
We will tell you poems,
Give us some pies

Well, it would be better if there were coins
We'll buy the candy ourselves.
And also a handful of nuts,
And let's take a thimble of wine!

Mister, gentlemen,
The master's wife
Open the doors
And give us a gift!
Pie, roll
Or anything else!

We'll call you by phone
With wishes and bow.
We came to carol
Merry Christmas to you!

Heaven gave to Christ
Christmas star.
Earth with love and faith
Gave the Baby a cave.

The angels praised with singing.
Preserving purity, beauty,
Chastity and humility
Mother Mary breathed into Christ.

Kolyada, Kolyada,
Wait for a miracle, the time has come -
Find out the groom's face
Caroling on a dark night.
Throw the shoe there
Where is the cherished destiny?
Light candles at midnight
Sing songs loudly.
And hope that
That everything will be fine!

You, master, don’t be tormented,
Give it quickly!
What about the current frost?
Doesn't tell me to stand for long
Orders to serve soon:
Either pies come out of the oven,
Or a penny of money,
Or a pot of cabbage soup!
God bless you
A yard full of bellies!
And to the stables of horses,
Into the calf barn,
To the guys' hut
And take care of the kittens!

Russian Christmas carols

The road of the wise men and shepherds
We are moving behind a wonderful star.
When you can't find her with your eyes,
A young heart will see her.

When she goes beyond the clouds
Or the passions of the world will cloud your eyes.
Then make your heart sighted,
It will not disappoint your hopes.

And you will outshine her cool light,
Without daring to use a household lamp
Follow the wise men and shepherds,
The night doors are boldly opening.

Look how in the mother of pearl of the clouds
We are moving over the abyss of heaven,
Along the shimmering and narrow road,
The road of the wise men and shepherds.

The magical night is coming
The night is holy
Brings bright joy
Illuminating souls.

Open the gate
Kolyada walking,
Christmas Eve
Bringing happiness to you.

So that your house is full
And good and good,
It's good to live in it
Without worries and burdens.

Caroling carol
From centuries today,
May a star shine for you
Grace of the Lord.

I'm caroling, I'm caroling
I will go into any hut.
I'll ask the hostess
Let's have some sweets.
And cookies and sweets,
And sherbet with nuts,
And halva and chocolate,
Pastille and marmalade,
Delicious cake,
Sweet ice cream
We'll eat it ourselves
And treat each other
And the hostess, and the hostess
Remember with a kind word!

We wish everyone good health,
So that with brotherly love
I came to you every day,
I believe that I gave you happiness.

And now let the world rejoice,
Rejoices, triumphs,
Jesus Christ was born
The world is saved! The world has lit up!

And we, the faithful people,
We magnify Christ
Angel songs
We dedicate it to him!

Merry Christmas!

We'll bake pies
At the hour of the Great Kolyada,
And let's go as a family to family,
We will bring joy to people.

Let us sing the praises of Christ,
Let the soul sing in the body,
May goodness come with goodness,
Brings bright happiness.

Our savior and creator,
Miracle of the Light blacksmith,
We glorify you
Always be with us.

Let us wish at this hour,
So that you have everything,
And patience and peace,
So that everyone values ​​life.

Good evening to you,
Affectionate owner,
Rejoice, rejoice, earth,
The Son of God was born into the world.
We are coming to you, master,
With good news.
Rejoice, rejoice, earth,
The Son of God was born into the world.
With good news
From the holy city.
Rejoice, rejoice, earth,
The Son of God was born into the world.

The sun is shining in the manger in the hay
The Son of God was born for the salvation of the world.
Cold night
The born will feel cold
King of Kings of the entire Universe.

Angelic choirs praise God in heaven,
Glorifies the whole earth, forests and mountains,
Praises Dubrova
living God
The accession of Christ.

Evil spirits cry piteously in the desert,
People are enjoying Christmas now:
The king reigned
God was born
He appeared to us to save us.

You, Mother Mary, are the reason for joy,
Ask the Lord, beg your son
I will help you in life,
Our way to heaven,
We will sing: “Glory to God!”

With regards to you,
From house to house
With an open soul,
We will knock on doors,
Treat us to some food.

Take the treat,
Don't say unnecessary words
Talk about love
About the savior of the soul.

Have fun and walk,
Sing songs together
Kolyada did not come in vain,
The skies opened.

Amazing night
All worries are driven away,
Kolyada - Kolyada,
She's amazing!

Good evening, generous evening,
Good health to good people.
The falcon has arrived
Sat at the window
I cut the cloth.
And the leftovers are for the owners’ hats,
And the scraps and for the belts,
Hello, happy holiday!

Funny Christmas carols

We dressed up cool
They sat in the white sleigh.
We drove to you, we drove,
For gingerbread with nuts.
For honey, and with my darling,
For some sweet liqueur!

Good auntie,
Give me some sweet cakes.
On the eve of Christmas,
Give it, don't break it,
Give everything whole.
If you drop a little one,
You can’t even pray to God.
If you don't serve the flatbread, we'll break the windows.
If you don't serve the pie, we'll take the cow by the horns.

The little boy sat down on the sofa,
The sofa is fragile - drive away the ruble!

I carol, I carol,
I smell moonshine with my nose,
Sausage and lard.
Pour it, otherwise I'll pay.

We give you our carols,
We only ask for chocolates,
Beer, kvass and wine,
Yes, hot pancake!

Kolyada is coming to your house,
And he carries bags of goods,
Who will give us the most?
Great success awaits him!

I sing and sing and I smell vodka in my nose
Whether it's a pot of water or wine - we drunkards are always happy
Chi champagne chi cognac abi vipit fool.

Carols, carols,
Chocolates for the boys
Adults sandwich with lard,
We're having fun, people!

She arrived young.
We found a carol
In Ivan's yard!
Hey, Uncle Ivan,
Take the good stuff out into the yard!
How cold it is outside
Freezes nose
Doesn't tell me to stand for long
He orders it to be served soon,
Or a warm pie
Or money with a spear,
Or a silver ruble!

Kolyada, Kolyada!!!
Give me whiskey, give me ice!!!
But for a snack we need
Feijoa and avocado!!!

Carols are like ditties,
We know a million of them.
Give me a gram to drink,
We will sing them to you at that very moment!

Kolyada - molyada
I entered a new gate!
And behind it comes the frost
It has grown over the tyn!
He brought cold
So, grandfather Arkhip
Became young!
The frost is small
Yes, he doesn’t tell me to stand!
The frost does not tell me to stand,
It's time for us to sing carols.

Ukrainian carols for Christmas

Kolyad, carol girl
Good palyanitsya
I'm a little girl
I'm standing in front of the hut
I'm playing in a sniffle
I amuse the children
And you people, feel it
Prepare Kolyada
Apple, peas
These are my nursery rhymes
Gorishechka's money
Whisper in the gut
And if you won’t let me
That's empty for me
Christ was born
The world is having fun
Holy Evening!

The table is covered with a tablecloth,
I have a homeland
They gathered to check the star,
“Christ was born” Casati.
Twelve mi strava pokustuyomo,
Vertepniks of all often
And in peace the candles are lit.
Christ is born! Slavimo!
Kings and Magi will come
Ring carols between the huts.
All the joy of the world is illuminated -
Christ was born in a manger!

Carols, carols, carols,
Good with honey scorching,
But it’s not the same without honey,
Give me some pie, please.
Yak won't give me a pie,
I'll take the bull by the horns,
I'll take you to the market,
I’ll buy my own pie.

Kolyadin, Kolyadin,
I'm alone with my dad.
Don't marvel at me
Show off to Kovbas.
Kolyadin, Kolyadin,
I'm alone with my dad.
Knee-high casing, -
Give me some pie, man!

Good evening, Tobi,
Rejoice, oh rejoice, earth,
Son of God was born.
Make the tables
It's all kilims.
Rejoice, oh rejoice, earth,
Son of God was born.
Then put the rolls
With spring wheat.
Rejoice, oh rejoice, earth,
Son of God was born.
Bo will come to you,
Three holidays are visiting.
Rejoice, oh rejoice, earth,
Son of God was born.
And the first holiday
Rejoice, oh rejoice, earth,
Son of God was born.
And another holiday
Saint Basil.
Rejoice, oh rejoice, earth,
Son of God was born.
And the third holiday
Holy Vodokhresche.
Rejoice, oh rejoice, earth,
Son of God was born.

A series of months are coming.
Dressed in leather jackets,
Like a shepherdess in a den.
It's a joy for children,
Generous for a hotel
At Llaniya Torbintsi.

Kolyad, Kolyad, Kolyad,
And the grandfather looked out from the stove,
And the woman with the little candle -
Walking around the blind man's buff.

Runaway heifer from Bereznichka
That's how it became.
I'll give you a carol, uncle,
Give me some bacon.
Big heifer and birch tree
The one in the uncle's door.
I'll give you a carol, uncle,
Then give me a pie.

Good evening to you, sir!
Bring us a couple of cowbass,
Oh, go around the stove,
Look for some gossip for us.
Vinesi sala, don’t be stingy,
So that your barley is born,
Just press one hundred kip of life,
So that the whole sieve was filled!
There were so many cattle,
So the wheat was born,
The house needs everything -
The carolers were treated to a treat.

Horned wolf
Having gone orati
To your field,
And from end to end
Blame the little one,
And to the top of the mountain
A piece of salsa.

Oh, God, let me wait for Christmas,
Let's go to caroling before grandfather.
And our grandfather has plenty of bread:
Two stitches of life, and the third is wheat
On the palyantsi,
And a quarter of the buckwheat for the buckwheat.
And the fifth one is Vivsa. That's the whole carol.

Kolyad, Kolyad, Kolyada
At the end of the peek.
I have a happy birthday
Light a candle for joy.
Call Kolyada to the house,
To greet Jesus.
Good people, carol,
Sin of God, be foolish!

I'm singing carols,
I smell Kovbas,
And it’s still not enough
Give me some lard.
Salo is great,
I'm pulling on your face
The face is torn
The lard is gone.
Good evening!

I'm a little girl
My gentle little barefoot,
Peak, Mick,
Give me a carol.

On a good day, in good time,
We are sending you away from Holidays!
From the Holy Supper,
Merry carols,
Hai carol is mooning
And he sows with snow.
High Rik Novy Nese u Khatu
There is a lot of happiness and joy.

Kolyada, Kolyada
Look at the police.
The cowbass lie there,
It stinks to run away.
Give it, baby, to the cowbass -
In the summer I will graze the horses.
Don’t give me a cowbashi -
At least feed it yourself.

In January we have many holidays: New Year, Christmas, Old New Year. These days, people have fun, visit each other, wish happiness, health and prosperity, set a rich table and invite relatives to visit. In addition to festive feasts at Christmas, it is customary to carol, walk around the courtyards, and sing carols with wishes of health and happiness.

What are carols, how to carol correctly, what costumes do you wear for caroling? Today, on the eve of the holiday, we will talk about this, and also learn short and funny Christmas carols with the children so that they can congratulate their family, neighbors and acquaintances.

The tradition of caroling dates back to pagan times, when our ancestors worshiped the goddess of fertility Kolyada and celebrated the winter solstice, when the days became longer and the nights became shorter. People sang songs dedicated to this event so that the harvest would be good and there would be prosperity in the house.

With the birth of Christianity, the two holidays became intertwined and are practically one. At Christmas, adults and children dress up, go to their relatives and friends, learn carols, generosity, and wish everyone well-being and happiness. Carols- These are traditional ritual songs, which are often of a religious nature, glorifying the birth of Jesus Christ. With the words of carols they began to thank God for all the good things that happened in the old year, and they praised the generosity and hospitality of the hosts.

How to carol correctly

There are specific features of caroling in different regions, but there is also something in common. Nowadays you don’t often see carolers, as in the films of N.V. Gogol.

According to tradition, mummers walk around the village: boys and girls dressed in costumes and sing carols. The spectacle is very bright and interesting.

Firstly, to carol, you need to gather in a group of at least three people. At the head of the company of mummers is the “star”, who carries a large eight-pointed star on a stick - a symbol of the birth of Jesus Christ. The star is the main attribute of Christmas. It can be cut out of cardboard or made of wire, decorated with sparkles and broken toys.

Zvezdar- this is the main person. He must know carols very well and sing them.

Next comes ' 'Bell ringer", which carries a bell. He calls, thereby informing the owners that carolers are coming. And brings up the rear ‘ ‘mechonosha’‘. He has a bag where the owners put various sweets, rolls, and bagels. The bag should be bright and made of durable fabric. You can decorate it with stars, a month, and the sun.

Before starting caroling, the mummers must ask the owner for permission to carol. Of course, no one refuses this request, but for decency you still need to ask permission. If the owner has given the go-ahead, the mummers thank him, wish the hospitable hosts health, happiness, prosperity and begin to sing carols.

It’s not at all difficult to teach children to carol. They can remember little carols. By learning carols and schedrovkas with children, we introduce them to the traditions of Slavic culture. Children very quickly perceive the words of carols by ear. A few repetitions and they know them by heart. Moreover, knowing that they will be given sweets later, children learn carols quickly.

Kolyada, Kolyada!

Give us some pie

Or a loaf of bread,

Or a chicken with a tuft,

Cockerel with a comb.

Christ the Savior

Born at midnight

In a poor den

He settled.

Christ the Lord,

On your birthday,

Give it to all the people

World of enlightenment!

And I am small and remote,

Born on Tuesday

Magnify Christ!

Congratulations to you!

Be healthy.

Merry Christmas!

Today an angel came down to us,

And he sang: “Christ is born!”

We came to glorify Christ,

Happy holiday to you!

Nowadays, children go around singing carols to have fun and get treats.

Children can be dressed up in bright clothes. For example, a buffoon: wear a bright shirt, trousers, a hat on his head with bells, and gird his shirt with a belt. If your children go caroling, make sure they are dressed warmly and don’t forget to give them some so they don’t freeze. Winter is still outside!

It is often customary to sow the floor with grain so that there is prosperity in the home. “I sow, sow, sow, Happy New Year or Merry Christmas!”

By learning carols with children, we help them develop memory and creativity; children learn about the rituals and traditions of Christmas.

Short carols for children at Christmas

Give me some sweet honey

Yes, a piece of pie

I will dance and sing.

And I’ll sing carols!

I help my mother.

I carol until the morning.

Have pity baby

Give me some candy!

Don't send the children away.

And give us a tastier treat!

Give me some sushi and bagels,

And some kind of gift!

We carol, we carol,

We alternate songs and dances!

And squatted, and around,

Treat yourself to some pie!

Children go home1

Give us some treats!

We wish you good luck,

And good health to boot!

The mummers came

Everyone is wearing makeup.

We will entertain you

Cheer up!

Give us some coins

Candy for the children

We don't bring harm to people.

We cannot be denied!

A horned goat is coming.

Rich in carols.

What is the chest filled with?

Put it in our bag!

I'm called Mekhonoshey,

And I'm not afraid of frost!

I'm coming to see you,

And I'm carrying a big bag!

Ding-ding, ding-ding, the bells are ringing!

Sons and daughters have come to you!

You meet carolers,

Greet us with a smile!

Mother winter has come.

Open the gates!

Christmas time has arrived!

The carols have arrived!


Funny carols for children

We are funny mummers

Cold, tired.

Give me a piece of the pie

Let's warm up a little!

We dance, we dance at the door,

Will you let us in quickly?

We bring happiness to your home,

We sing carols in every home.

Carols, carols.

Chocolates for the guys,

For adults - a sandwich with lard,

We're having fun, people!

We walked through the village

They took bags and sacks,

They caroled well

It's a pity we didn't take backpacks!

How many aspens.

So many pigs for you.

How many Christmas trees?

So many cows.

How many candles?

So many sheep.

Good luck to you,

The owner and the hostess.

Great health

Happy New Year,

With all the family!

Kolyada carol!

I think that you and your children will enjoy cheerful and funny Christmas carols for children. Teach and sing to your family and friends, congratulate them on the holiday.

Carols with wishes

Merry Christmas to you, people!

May you have peace and harmony.

So that you don't know grief,

And they lived in wealth!

An angel came down from heaven to you

And he said: “Christ was born!”

We came to glorify Christ,

And congratulate you on the holiday.

Kolyada has arrived

On the eve of Christmas.

God bless whoever is in this house

We wish all people well.

Gold, silver,

Lush pies,

Soft pancakes.

Good health,

Cow butter.

Costumes for caroling

To sing carols correctly, it is not enough just to learn the words of the songs. You also need to dress up and choose costumes for caroling for the children.

You can dress up the children in folk style.

Clothes should be bright and elegant. You can look for something suitable in your grandmother’s chest and sew a suit for your child. For a girl, you can choose a bright scarf, a beautiful bright and fluffy skirt, preferably a long one, make a wreath, and decorate it with multi-colored ribbons.

Boys can also wear a folk-style shirt, decorated with embroidery, and wide trousers. The whole company can be dressed up and sent caroling around the village.


Masks have always been an important element of Christmas costume. Previously, they were sewn from thick fabric and leather. Now you can buy a ready-made mask or try to make it yourself. What masks are most often worn at Christmas: goat, deer, dog, horse masks.


A typical carol character. You can put on a sheepskin coat or sheepskin coat turned inside out, put on a goat mask, and a knitted cap on your head, to which you can attach horns.


Also a participant in the festivities for Christmas and Old New Year. The suit can be rented. Or you can also put on your grandmother’s old fur coat, your grandfather’s hat with earflaps, paint your face, draw a nose. Just! And the bear costume is ready!

Adults will not be able to resist dressed up children singing songs in sonorous children's voices. They will be generously treated with sweets and given coins. After all, children will bring so much joy and positivity, they will greatly lift the spirits of both relatives and neighbors.

Learn Christmas carols with your children and congratulate your family on the holiday.

Video of caroling at Christmas.

More articles about Christmas:

Merry Christmas to you again.

And we wish you sincere feelings,

A sea of ​​joy, great happiness

Let the savior Jesus guide.

May the stars shine for you,

Illuminating your life path.

Bright dreams come true

Helping talent shine.

If you were interested in reading how to properly carol at Christmas, what costumes you can wear, short and funny carols for children, then write your comments and share the information with your friends by clicking on the social buttons. networks.

Best regards, Olga.