Why did Miguel and the squad fight? Yegor druzhinin spoke about his difficult relationship with Miguel

  • 30.08.2019

AFTER the scandal on the show “DANCING. Battle of the Seasons” on the TNT channel, project mentors Yegor Druzhinin and Miguel still cannot come to a compromise.
Immediately after the first broadcast, during which new rules for participants came into force, Druzhinin gave an interview to “Life”.
The choreographer said that he sought fair treatment of his students through the management of the TV channel, but his colleague Miguel never supported his initiative.
“What difference does it make what people think, the main thing is that we agreed and continue the project, because it was on the brink,” says Druzhinin. - Spectators united into several fan groups and actively promoted their candidates. This does not mean that the majority liked these candidates. We, on the contrary, returned the project to the viewer. This means that the viewer, when choosing his favorites, leaves in the nomination the three dancers who received the least number of votes. One is saved by Seryozha Svetlakov, and from the other two, Miguel and I choose.

Sergey Svetlakov

- How was the decision made to introduce new rules?
- This was resolved within a few days. After we finished the last concert so unexpectedly even for me, the management asked me to once again formulate my position. I didn't give any ultimatums, I didn't say that if you leave everything as it is, I won't return to the show. I explained that I did not see any practicality in our project. If you want me to stay on the show further, then I will work, but every time I will remind you that my opinion differs from the opinion of the producers. Further negotiations took place between the channel management and general producers show "Dancing" We came to an agreement only the night before, and I learned that new rules were being introduced immediately before the broadcast itself.
- Are you satisfied with the results of the negotiations?
- Yes, now I am absolutely satisfied, and we will continue. Our show is actually live. Yes, there are rules, and they are there to be broken. But we do not violate them, but correct them. For example, Miguel from time to time takes participants into his team, back in the first season I took not one person into the project, but two, these are Vika and Nastya Mikhailets, and our show still has surprises in store. The most important thing is that only the viewer makes the final decision.
- How do you feel about Miguel’s statement that in “Battle of the Seasons” there is competition between dancers not only as professionals, but also as individuals?
- I agree with this only as long as these individuals that Miguel is talking about continue to dance. They express themselves as individuals precisely in dance, and not outside. The most important thing that we managed to achieve was to save the project from living off the stage and outside the rehearsal room. Because when a project goes online, into the area of ​​mutual likes, antics and jumping of one of the participants in order to increase the number of voters, it ceases to be interesting to me personally.

Miguel is sure that Yegor wants to push his dancer into the finals


Druzhinin’s opponent, 30-year-old show mentor Miguel, spoke about the situation within the participating teams and explained why he was dissatisfied with the innovations.
— Yegor Druzhinin changed the rules many times. My position will be radically different because I came here to play by certain rules, and I follow them. I believe that it is a mentor's mistake if he cannot endear the audience to a certain person. It’s difficult for me in this situation! I just don't know what to do. This is a fight between dancers, this is a fight between other people! And now it’s all turning into a battle between Yegor and Miguel again. This is a great option for him to bring someone to the finals. Maybe he did this because he doesn't have the strength to make the dancer a finalist in other ways? Maybe because his team leader changes almost every week, and he can’t control this process because he doesn’t have creative possibilities? I don't know. But Miguel’s team will still endure everything.
- Will you, in turn, change the tactics of working in your team?
- No, I won’t change anything. I think it’s just disrespect for the audience if I also change something. I let go of this situation as soon as I came here. I will still try to show the best sides of my players with each of my performances and make the viewer fall in love with them. So far everything is going according to plan.

All fans can watch “Dancing” on TNT online bright dances on the official website of the TV channel. Laysan Utyasheva was chosen as the presenter, and Miguel and Yegor Druzhinin were chosen as the jury. On the project they carefully hide their rivalry. Each of them has their own team of 12 participants. The main task of Miguel and Egor is to lead the best dancer in the country to victory.

The first provocative dance show has already started! “Dancing” on TNT airs every Saturday at exactly 21.30. Intensity of passion, explosion of emotions, a lot of amazing dances, and all this on one project. Many funny situations have already happened during the casting. One of the contestants had to perform in someone else's shoes. Another girl had a difficult choice: whether to continue participating, because she turned out to be pregnant. My nerves also gave way. In one of the performing couples, a young man did not go on stage due to strong excitement. In a word, neither the participants, nor the spectators, nor the judges will definitely be bored.

The host of the show is the incomparable Laysan Utyasheva. Many of the TV viewers already thought that she managed to get on this show thanks to the famous and popular television personality and part-time husband Pavel Volya. But Laysan said that Pasha had nothing to do with it. He is not the kind of person who will push someone through. The athlete thought about participating in “Dancing” for a long time, because she had just become a mother.

Miguel and Yegor Druzhinin became teachers, mentors and at the same time the jury on the “Dancing” show. Miguel, aka Sergei Shesteperov, is known as a choreographer, producer, excellent dancer, and not without vocal talent. The history of his nickname is not connected with any event, it is the name of his father. He was born in the Moscow region, in the Podrezkovo microdistrict of the city of Khimki. He studied at the choreographic school. After six years of training, the dancer realized that classical and folk styles were not his style. Miguel has always been partial to Michael Jackson's choreography thanks to his grandmother. The king of pop became for young man a true idol and example. At the age of 17, he began his career in the Moscow musical "Metro", directed by Janusz Yuzefovich. The most significant, according to him, was participation in the musical production of “Romeo and Juliet”. And all because he was kicked out of there. This happened due to a harmless delay of five minutes. But without this, at first glance, unpleasant situation, as Miguel himself claims, he would have remained in the element of musicals.

In 2004, Miguel became a participant in the fifth season popular show"Star Factory". He was always told that he was more of a dancer than a singer. Miguel proved the opposite by reaching the finals. Now he is already 32 years old, he managed to work with Alan Badoev, Valery Meladze, Zara, Alexander Rosembaum and more. Sergey Shesteperov is a sought-after choreographer, director, and sound producer. His career list even includes authorship of dance performances in famous films. He does not talk about his personal life; it is only known that he is not married.

They have known the second jury member, Yegor Druzhinin, for 16 years. Egor is 10 years older than Miguel, but his biography has no fewer points. Egor is a theater and film actor, and at the same time a dancer. It’s difficult to say what appeared first in his career. He was born in the hero city of Leningrad, his family was quite famous. He began his career at the age of 11, when he performed main role in the film "The Adventures of Petrov and Vasechkin." The dancing in his life originates from a certain confrontation between generations. His father always persuaded him to take up choreography, but as soon as he said that time had passed, Egor, out of spite, signed up for ballet school. Druzhinin began his serious dancing career after graduating from school. He entered Leningradsky state institute theater, music and cinematography. In 2002, a breakthrough came in his dance career. He played a leading role in popular musical"Chicago" Russian version. Subsequently, he continued to work as both an actor and a dance teacher. He spent a couple of years on the Star Factory project as a star choreographer. In his personal life, Yegor has an idyll: he has been married to Veronica Itskovich for many years, and they are raising three children together.

On the television project, Egor and Miguel take counterpositions. As the mulatto dancer says, in the early stages they strongly hide their rivalry. And Druzhinin admitted that this was one of the clauses of their contract. Whether this is true or not, one can only guess. At the initial castings, the jury selected 282 participants, from whom they will choose a dozen dancers each to join their team. Contestants will compete for the title of the best dancer in the country and a nice bonus - 3 million rubles!

In an interview, Miguel explained what his role in this project would be. The most important thing is the choice of costumes, the staging of the dances themselves, and the selection of music. In general, it is the mentor who makes the show. The main task of the television project depends on him - to bring the best to the finals. The author of "Dances" was Vyacheslav Dusmukhametov. It was he who produced all the funniest comedy shows on TNT: Comedy Battle, Our Russia, Univer and everyone’s favorite Interns.


The mentor of the second team of the project, Miguel, believes that the behavior of Yegor Druzhinin at the last program “Battle of the Seasons” is nothing more than a “farce.” Many fans were seriously alarmed after the choreographer defiantly left the hall with last concert. This reaction from Druzhinin was caused by the audience’s decision that Dmitry Maslennikov should leave the project. Egor noted that the number of votes often depends on how popular one is in in social networks one or another participant.

Druzhinin’s colleague Miguel sometimes also disagrees with the audience’s decision, but, nevertheless, condemned his partner for such an outburst.

“I cannot comment on what is happening now, but I know for sure that having lost Alice, I did not allow myself to do such things. I accepted the rules of this show and have always accepted them. There were only two exceptions: Savchenko and Kryukova in the first season and Staev in the second. And for the second case, the question is why my opponent didn’t put numbers on this unrealistic character that would reveal his full potential. Why did they take him on only after he was on my team? Why is a dancer like Oleg Klevakin now blossoming like Savchenko once was? What I said about Dima is pure truth. And if I had not said this, such a decision would not have been made. Proof of this is the choice of finalists for the second season. Then he didn’t take him to the finals, and now he’s ready to leave the show for him? This is just a farce!” the mentor wrote on his social network page.

In turn, Miguel is not going to leave this project, his team is preparing for the next concert, and the jury member himself, in spite of everything, thanked the audience for their active participation in the voting, since without him the show would not exist.

“This project is for you, viewers. Without you we are nothing. Thank you for being with us, and the winner is yours. Love it, hate it, whatever,” said the choreographer.

TNT management has already announced that the next broadcast of the “Battle of the Seasons” program will take place on April 23. Director of the TNT channel Igor Mishin said that they managed to find a solution by agreeing with Yegor Druzhinin.

“We came to a compromise. The decision has been made - the show will go on. The broadcast will take place, as usual, on Saturday at 19:30. New rules are being introduced. Based on the voting results, three nominees will be determined for elimination. The final decision on who will leave the project will be made by the mentors live on air. At the same time, “star” judge Sergei Svetlakov will be given back the right to grant immunity to elimination nominees, thereby keeping the participant in the show. As a result of the aggravation of all relations, the dramaturgy of the project will intensify, and the participants will have full motivation to express themselves on stage with the best side", said the director.

In turn, the choreographer urged viewers to vote more actively and not turn the “Battle of the Seasons” into a battle of fan clubs.

"Nobody belittles audience voting! On the contrary, we want viewers to vote more and more. I am outraged not that the viewer decided to kick out one of the dancers, but that his fans did not vote for this participant in sufficient numbers,” Druzhinin noted on Avtoradio.

On August 23, the TNT channel’s grandiose show “Dancing” began. Participants compete for a tempting prize - 3 million rubles, but most importantly, of course, for the opportunity to become famous.

The winner will be chosen by viewers after five months of competition - in December this year. For preparation, rehearsals and behind the scenes life The contestants are monitored by 25 cameras of the TNT channel. Viewers will see everything: tears of grief and happiness, intrigue and controversy.

The show is hosted by Laysan Utyasheva. The jury is the famous Russian choreographers Egor Druzhinin and Miguel. In the first episode, the professionals were helped by Sergei Svetlakov, who judged “as best he could.” Of course, sometimes he did not understand why Druzhinin and Miguel sometimes stopped the dance at the very beginning, sometimes rudely criticizing the participants. The audience did not understand the professionals either. Miguel especially got it: “ Miguel is just a village ill-mannered! I would really like to evaluate his level! And in general, it seems to me that if you have achieved something, this does not give you the right to insult people and openly laugh at them!!!” Many noted the correct behavior of the second referee, Yegor Druzhinin.

(1972) – Russian actor, director, producer and choreographer. Despite the fact that he was born into the family of a choreographer, he began to take up dancing seriously quite late.

« My physical characteristics left much to be desired. What others had by nature, I had to win for myself every day. Sometimes it seemed that all this was in vain and miracles did not happen. But, apparently, God liked my choreographic sketches, and he helped me become what I timidly dreamed of becoming.”.

Now he is invited to almost everything famous shows with elements of choreography. They say that he can teach even a stool to dance...

« If you know what movements a stool can perform, then it’s not difficult to make everyone around you believe that the stool is dancing. But the stool must want to dance. I really, really want to. Otherwise nothing will work out,”- Yegor reveals his professional secrets.

Few modern directors can boast of such colossal experience working with pop singers, with their teams, with ballet stars, with music videos, with plays, in films and on television. True, he still dreams of the opportunity to focus on theater and cinema, to talk to the audience “in a whisper” about the most difficult things, and not to be the “king of the hill”.

He is glad that new young and talented choreographers who have many new ideas have begun to appear on the stage, in the theater and on television. " I'll be happy to give them my place. Most of them were attracted to the DANCE project.”

Egor, although he is familiar with many stars, has not caught a “star” himself. He believes that 90 percent consists of shortcomings.

He admits: “ I struggle with some and it takes up all my non-sleep time. So I can call myself a fighter. And I heroically ignore intractable shortcomings.”

Apparently, his wife, Veronica Itskevich, is familiar with incorrigible shortcomings.

Egor has been married to her since 1994. The couple have three children. Soon after their marriage, they left for the United States together. After six years, they returned to their homeland, St. Petersburg, when they learned about Veronica’s pregnancy. They believed that a Russian child should live in Russia surrounded by the love and care of his grandparents. The first-born was the girl Alexandra, four years later Tikhon appeared, and in 2002 another boy, who was named Plato.

Egor believes that in a family, mutual understanding is the basis of happiness. To maintain relationships and overcome difficulties, the Druzhinins often move. Only in Moscow did they change their third place of residence. Now they are building a dacha. " I didn’t have time to get comfortable in my old place when suddenly - bam! - already on the new one! You groan and gasp, thinking about how to arrange everything... Lo and behold, you’re already moving. So there is no time left for “difficulty getting along”, - Egor shares the secrets of happiness.

The choreographer does not have many friends, although there are many people with whom he is in excellent relations. Among them is his partner in the “Dancing” project, Miguel. They have known each other for 16 years.

In the contract with the TNT channel, in the section “obligations of the parties”, a separate clause included a provision “on rivalry with Miguel”. Of course, Yegor Druzhinin began to argue that he did not want to compete with Miguel, but his arguments, as he says, crashed against the wall of misunderstanding of the show’s producers.

Miguel(1982) - Russian choreographer, dancer, singer, model. He was remembered by the audience during his participation in the Fifth Star Factory. Before this project, he tried to sing, but after participating in the show, Miguel began to pursue a professional dancing career, forgetting about singing.

Miguel chose his pseudonym, taking his father’s name, since according to his passport he is Sergei Migelevich Shesteperov. Now the choreographer rarely sees his father, since he is a citizen of Cuba and lives in his native country.

Miguel was born in the Moscow region and already in early childhood began to dance. He staged his first play at the age of four. It was " Swan Lake", for four acts. The decorations were chairs and curtains. The performance lasted 3 hours, and the parents had to patiently watch all this time as Miguel danced with his girlfriend.

The mother decided to develop the child’s abilities, and from the age of six she took her son to different views, but the boy was most impressed by the performances of Michael Jackson, which his grandmother showed him on TV.

When Miguel moved to Moscow, he entered the Choreographic School at Bolshoi Theater. After 6 years of training, he had his own unique style of dancing, and he does not hide the fact that he took some elements from his idol, Michael Jackson.

Miguel began his dancing career with performances in the famous Moscow musical “Metro” and in a few years became one of the most sought-after choreographers in the capital, but over these few years he had to experience a lot.

Before the Factory, he worked for a month in Turkey, where he was invited to be a choreographer. With two young ladies, one of whom was called a director, the second - also a choreographer. The three of them fell into real slavery: they stood in front of the restaurant in ridiculous suits, inviting passers-by... Then the mother of one of the girls, who worked at Aeroflot, made return tickets with an open date: the trio quietly got together at night and simply left Turkey.

The most terrible thing happened later: after the “Factory” Miguel, being at the zenith of his fame, was walking through the Central Department Store, and suddenly some saleswoman shouted: “Oh, Turkey!” Miguel realized that the entire store staff was relaxing at that time in the hotel, where he stood in a Leopold cat costume at the entrance to the restaurant - calling for dinner.

There was also work on a show in Yakutsk - with deer, indigirka and stroganina and with a driver - a shaman. In general, Miguel suffered in terrible conditions for several months andI drove away from there terribly angry. True, in the end the numbers that he staged ended up on international competition, took first place and were shown in royal circus in Brussels during the Christmas holidays.

Then he was the main choreographer of the TV show "Maidans", working in Kyiv and Lvov in 2008. He said that in Kyiv he encountered unpleasant things.

“I like Ukraine, but it’s a little strange... Even in Lvov I haven’t encountered anything like this - not a single reproach that I’ve heard from Moscow there. Although Lvov is strict towards the Russian population, as I heard. Recently I was standing in line at a supermarket - in front I’m a Kiev resident who speaks Russian, but with a Ukrainian accent. The cashier communicates with him in the same way. I approach him, speak with a Moscow accent. And the cashier abruptly switches to Ukrainian. I understand her, I can even answer. ? Very unpleasant",- he admitted.

Before Maidanza, his productions usually had 20 dancers. And here - 500 people in each regional center and three days to prepare. After Maidan he slept for a week. They even brought food to bed.

In 2011, Miguel worked with Lyudmila Gurchenko in the film “Legend. Lyudmila Gurchenko." He does not hide the fact that it was a unique experience of collaborating with an experienced person with great creative dedication.

About personal life Little is known about Miguel. He is still not married and has no children. At one time, the public stirred up news of his relationship with Ukrainian singer Natalia Gordienko, but it turned out that the incendiary photos were from the filming of the video....

On August 23, the first stage of the show was shown and Miguel was charmed by one of the contestants. Perhaps it was not just a professional interest? Time will show.

Unlike Yegor Druzhinin, Miguel believes that rivalry will arise between them, but at first they will hide it very carefully.

“And then we’ll definitely squabble with him. And very strongly. Therefore, watch this process - it will be very funny, it will be great!”


A famous choreographer in Volgograd commented on his relationship with one of the jury members of the show “DANCES” on TNT.

The second season of a large-scale dance show"Battle of Champions". The project is an unusual fusion of bright and powerful dancers. The guys came from different cities of our huge country, they are all worthy of awards, but the teams from Rostov, Volgograd and Krasnodar were recognized as the best. The judging panel shone with real stars of the dance floor, headed by Egor Druzhinin. The choreographer, actor and director found time to communicate with journalists. Naturally, special attention was paid to the conflict with Miguel, because of which Druzhinin left the “DANCES” project on TNT.

Yegor Druzhinin denied the information that friction with Miguel was part of the scenario.

“Do you really think that we are writing scripts for the project?! - Yegor Druzhinin was surprised. - When people experience mutual antipathy or hostility towards each other, it is always visible

There are no scripts written for this. We are going completely differently different roads, this was the grain of the project, but I don’t want to prove anything to anyone. To be present in this project in order to draw your attention to dancing - yes, to come up with some numbers - yes, to tell the audience about what we have great amount wonderful choreographers besides me, Alla Dukhova, Alla Sigalova - yes. How many choreographers did you know before the project started?! Not many. And now?! They go to master classes, teach, perform performances for different groups and that’s great, but I have nothing further to do on the project. I did everything that I wanted to do at DANCING. My further stay in the project will resemble a mouse fuss or a rat race. I have reached everywhere I wanted to go in my profession and now I have nothing to prove, and the essence of the project is precisely: a) to prove, and b) to conflict. This project can live as long as one is white, the other is black, one is polite, the other is rude, and the like. The essence of this show“The conflict, in this case, is not the essence of the dance, but I’m only interested in the choreography.”

Video “DANCING.Battle of the Seasons”: the brightest moments

Let us recall that last year Yegor Druzhinin left the project with a scandal after the audience considered it necessary to remove his favorite Dima Maslennikov from the show. The choreographer did not agree with this decision and demanded to change the voting rules. Another jury member, Miguel, not only did not support his colleague, but allowed himself to speak out on social networks about his behavior. The creators of the show “DANCES” then managed to resolve the conflict; Yegor Druzhinin spent another season in the project. True, there was no longer peace between the mentors: they constantly teased each other, found fault with the numbers of participants who were not their own, and often spoke to each other without due respect. Which ultimately led to the fact that Druzhinin decided to leave the project on the eve of the start of the fourth season.