How to paint blue. How to draw flowers beautifully: tips for beginners

  • 20.06.2019

Everyone loves flowers. Their appearance and the fragrant aroma leaves no one indifferent. We want to teach you how to draw beautiful flowers in several easy steps. This will be a lesson step by step drawing flowers for beginners.

Stage 1. Draw one oval of large diameter, in it we will depict a teardrop-shaped figure. Then, a little higher, there is another oval with a similar teardrop-shaped figure inside. And next to it there is also an oval, but of a slightly different shape - elongated vertical position and smaller in size than the two previous figures.

Stage 2. Inside the small figures we begin to draw the hearts of the flowers. At first these are usually oval circles, onto which we attach several small petals.

Stage 3 Then we begin to draw petals to these cores, which seem to turn away from the center in different sides. Then we draw petals of a slightly different shape from below, which seem to clasp the central ones, like a wrapper.

Stage 4. Add wavy petals to the central flower evenly on all sides to the very border of the oval. On the left flower we will draw a row of petals on the side and bottom.

Stage 5. Now to the left flower we will add a row of large petals along the edges with wavy lines to the very borders of the sketch figure. We also draw petals on the topmost flower to give the flower its full size up to the edge of the oval.

Stage 6. In the upper part and to the left of us we will add several buds of unopened flowers. First, let's draw the stems in the form of straight lines, on which we'll draw elongated buds. There will be two of them on top, and three on the left.

Stage 7. We will show leaves from each of the roses, arrange them evenly, in all directions. This ordinary leaves with jagged edges.

Stage 8. Let's finish the curls.

Stage 9. This is the black and white drawing.

Step 10. Color it according to our pattern!

In this article we have collected pencil drawings of flowers for you to sketch. Probably everyone wants to learn how to draw them, but in their nature a large number of and keeping in mind what this or that specimen looks like is difficult, and often simply impossible. It is not always possible to draw from life, because some plants do not grow in the country and we can only see them in photographs. Therefore, it is worth paying attention to pictures of flowers for sketching, which depict all kinds of plants in the correct form. And from which you can redraw the option you like without any problems.

Start drawing better with a simple pencil, carefully studying the drawings for sketching, which depict flowers. It is worth paying attention to the bends of the lines, correctly applied shadows, different strength pressing with the rod. If you repeat what you see step by step, the result will not be long in coming. Images of plants will look life-like, despite the black and white palette. Later, having gained experience, you will switch to paints and colored pencils so that the pictures are full of new colors.

If you are a beginner and doubt your strengths and talents, look for simple drawings colors and draw them first. We took into account your fears and found a lot of easy pictures of flowers for sketching in pencil, so you will have plenty to choose from.

Among our images you can find simply beautiful drawings of flowers in a single copy, where you can see all the details of the execution of such an image. For more complex pictures flowers are depicted in a vase, where, in addition to plants, you need to draw third-party objects to complete the picture. There are drawings with bouquets of flowers, from which you can draw several types of plants at the same time.

When drawing such pictures you get an indescribable pleasure. Everything in them is so refined, everything is so thought out, there is nothing superfluous, everything is in its place. It would seem that everything is so simple, but at the same time they are beautiful. One of the most beautiful phenomena that nature gives us. The process of drawing pacifies, gives a state of peace, so it is very important that you draw at this moment. Ideal option There will be beautiful drawings to sketch, in particular flowers.

There are no ugly views in the world, so you will definitely find something to copy. And we will help you with this a little, give you new ideas and select beautiful pictures flowers for sketching. Just imagine how your album will be transformed by the variety of plants, their shapes and details. Each page will come to life and delight your eyes.

Such images will become good options gifts for loved ones and friends. A living bouquet will wither, but a drawn one will remind you of you for a long time. Skills and abilities will be useful at school not only in drawing lessons, but also in biology, for example. You will conquer everyone with your paintings.

In the future, start experimenting, come up with non-existent copies, then transfer them to paper. Contribute to this diverse world.

The desire to pick up a pencil and start painting a landscape sheet with lines and contours in order to create a beautiful drawing, at times covers every person. In this way he tries to express thoughts, internal sensations and his vision of certain objects. On the one hand, this is a fascinating and exciting activity, and on the other hand, it is painstaking work that requires skill and skill. But don’t rush to get upset! Today we will reveal some secrets to you artistic arts and tell you how to draw a bouquet of flowers.

Prelude to drawing

For this you will need: a landscape sheet, a simple pencil, an eraser, colored pencils (optional), enthusiasm and patience.

There are different ways to recreate flowers on paper. The source of ideas can be a fragrant bouquet of flowers standing on the windowsill, or a postcard with their image given to you by friends.

Don’t think about what you will succeed, but just draw, trusting the flight of your imagination. The simplest design is flowers with a round core and rounded petals, but you can try to depict something more complex and unusual.

How to draw a bouquet of flowers step by step

Regardless of what flowers will make up your bouquet, the first strokes of the picture are drawn the same way:

  • Designated general outline bouquet.
  • The buds and stems of flowers are depicted using ovals and lines.
  • Flower cores and petals are drawn. The latter can be drawn in the form of clouds and daisies with rounded ends and a circle in the middle.
  • Buds, large and small leaves are depicted, taking into account the selected bouquet of flowers.

It was step-by-step instruction about how to draw a bouquet of flowers from the simplest category. A successful drawing will give you confidence and inspire you to create a more complex artistic composition.

Draw a bouquet of roses

Blossoming fragrant, velvet roses on paper is a little more difficult than drawing ordinary flowers. But a beautifully designed drawing can be given to a loved one in the same way as real roses. Let's try to draw a bouquet of these beautiful flowers with you. A rose is generally a flower of five petals, leaves and stems with thorns.

Step-by-step instruction

Step 1. The first step is to draw the stems. To do this, draw two smooth intersecting lines running diagonally along the plane of the sheet. Draw circles at the top points of the stems, thereby indicating the location of the flowers. Use curved lines to recreate the outlines of the leaves on the stems of your roses.

Step 2. Drawing a bouquet of roses is quite simple if you first carefully study the object, “disassembling” it in your mind into its component parts and lines. Having sketched a sketch of the future picture, draw petals inside the circles, designating them with wavy arc lines. The arcs should intersect each other, recreating the effect of petals overlapping each other. Draw one more line parallel to the line of the stems.

Step 3. The sheets need to be drawn with uneven lines with small corners. Draw a central vein on each one. Once you have finished decorating the leaves, add one parallel line to the stems on which they are located. Add thorns to the rose stems. Decide for yourself how to draw a bouquet of flowers: as a still life (in black and white) or as a full-fledged color picture.

Step 4. Give the edges of the petals a natural look, making them uneven rather than rounded. On the leaves, draw small veins in the direction from the center line to the edges.

Using an eraser, carefully remove the auxiliary contours of the sketch and unnecessary lines. Then, additionally outline the image with a pencil to give it a finished look. The drawing is ready!

We hope that our tips on how to draw a bouquet of flowers helped you. Don't be upset if the picture doesn't turn out so believable. Drawing requires regular training, and the more often you pick up a pencil, the more beautiful your “reproductions” will turn out. And who knows, maybe in the future it will turn out that a modern Michelangelo lives inside you!

In this tutorial we will look at an example of how how to draw a flower with a pencil. After searching the Internet for pictures of flowers drawn in pencil, we decided to take a lily as an example. The gardens grow about 30 different types and many varieties of these. We will draw from this picture: Let's start by drawing a circle in which it will be placed. There will be a stem underneath it. The main stem is leafy, simple or slightly branched at the top. In our example there are only two leaves. I don’t think there should be any difficulties with this, so let’s move on.

How to draw a flower with a pencil step by step

Next, start drawing each petal. Pay attention to their shape, and that these flowers usually have 6 petals. Proceed to drawing the stamens. This is how it should turn out for you:
Next we move on to the image of Lily in more detail. Let's add spots on the petals.
Next stage. Erase the auxiliary lines that we made in initial stage and outline the contours of Lily.
And finally:
Try to take this lesson yourself, you can even take a different flower (for example). Do you still have questions? how to draw a flower beautifully? Leave your comments on this and show your work. We have another similar lesson about . I also recommend the beautiful one! I also recommend trying your hand at drawing.

Having picked up a pencil or felt-tip pen for the first time, the child will begin to draw a person or flowers. He is not an adult, because at first he will not look for how to draw a flower correctly, the child will simply begin to depict it. Children understand on a subconscious level that a flower is just a set of geometric shapes that need to be drawn around the figure in the center.

This article was written so that you can learn the basics of drawing flowers. It will help you take a fresh look at the image of flowers, as some kind of creative and unconscious process, free from simple copying.

Artists see the soul in flowers and tried to compare them with people. Therefore, such paintings are considered a treasure of art throughout the world. Vincent Van Gogh created priceless paintings a hundred years ago. He often painted flowers: daisies, oleanders, roses, branches of flowering almond trees, acacias, chestnuts, apple trees. The artist believed that the flower serves as a symbol of gratitude and appreciation. In his paintings, Vincent tried to find new floral combinations. There are four opinions on the painting “Irises in a Provençal Jug”. The painter himself wrote about this work: “One of them is on a pink background, where the effect is soft and harmonious thanks to the combination of lilac, pink and green tones. The other... is painted on a sparkling lemon yellow background with the rest of the yellows in the vase, creating the effect of complementary contrasting colors that enhance each other.”

Vincent Van Gogh's life was not easy. He was lonely, sick, poor. But his painting “Sunflowers” ​​seems to say that he found joy and happiness in his creativity.

It is believed that depicting flowers is quite difficult. All of them are based on their own geometric figure. If you understand this, your work will be easier.
Before you start, it’s worth practicing on separate pieces of paper: using a pencil, draw spirals, ovals, circles. You also need to make sure that your hand movements are free. Do not press the paper or hold the pencil in your fist (the lines should not be black, but light gray).

Let's draw the outline of leaves and buds

First draw the outline of the shape for the buds and leaves of the flowers. Circles and ovals of equal sizes will be the shape for the buds. Then arrange them into small groups, and leave empty space between the groups. Make the first contours without much clarity; you don’t need to press hard on the pencil. For now these are just approximate shapes of your drawing.

Pistils of buds

At this stage we draw the core and pistil of all flowers. To do this, add one slightly smaller circle to the bud circle.

Add tulip flowers to the bouquet design

Let's add a clearer shape to the previous contours of the buds. If you see corners, you need to round them, and then divide each contour of the flower into small segments - petals. To make the bouquet look more colorful, you can add tulips with three pointed petals and lift them slightly above the bouquet.

Decorate the bouquet with a ribbon

To make the bouquet look festive, it should be tied with a ribbon. To do this, draw 2 rounded parallel lines around the stems above the leaves.

Draw leaves with a simple pencil

Using a simple pencil, we finally draw the stems and leaves of the flowers. It is also worth adding a couple of decorative fern leaves to the picture. It won’t be difficult to draw them - divide the entire sheet into many sharp segments. And just round off the remaining leaves. At the bottom, draw a bunch of stems.

Let's paint the bouquet with paints

The bouquet must be colored with pencils or paints. It's best to use different bright colors, at your discretion. The leaves should be made green, and the ribbon should be made so that everything looks harmonious.

How to draw other flowers