How to kiss a guy for the first time. How to kiss with tongue correctly: detailed instructions Hot and cold

  • 11.02.2022

Kissing is an art form that has a lot of beauty and pleasure in it. Kissing gives you a feeling of complete love and satisfaction! However, many people view kissing as something to worry about or something that needs to be absolutely perfect every time. Trust me, everyone makes kissing mistakes! But, the more you kiss your partner, the more you start exploring, and eventually find your perfect kiss. So, how to kiss correctly?

You should always remember that kissing should not be limited to just the lips, as you can use the cheeks, chin, tongue, neck or even chest if you really love your partner! There are also many different styles of kissing that you'll want to experiment with, such as the French kiss. It doesn't really matter! The only thing that matters is that you enjoy it and she/he enjoys it too. If not, then just continue and then you will start enjoying it!


You wouldn't believe how many people worry about kissing, especially if it's theirs. The whole idea of ​​a kiss is that you and the other person express themselves in such an incredibly sensational way that you both end up in the most magical moment! So I suggest you, when you kiss, clear your head of bad thoughts and just enjoy the kisses. This is something you should always do when you first kiss, as it means you may find that the other person likes it too.

Pleasant breath

If you want to learn how to kiss correctly, then this moment is very important for kissing. Because if you don't smell nice, you might not get a kiss at all! My advice is to always have extra gum on hand so you can freshen up after your meal before the big kiss! Always remember to brush your teeth every morning and at night. An additional note is to check your oral hygiene frequently with your dentist and, if possible, pay a little more for private dental treatment. When in a relationship, it's incredibly important that you make sure your mouth is as clean as possible.

Still want to know how to kiss properly? Then let's continue...

Wet lips

Having moist lips is something you definitely need for a good kiss, and this can be done simply by licking your lips. I would not recommend using lip gloss as it will make your lips overly slimy and your lips will slip. However, when you simply gently lick your lips with your tongue, your kiss will be much more enjoyable than ever before. Especially if you usually have dry or chapped lips, which is unpleasant to say the least.

The position of your head

This is an amazing kissing tip since all the love and relationship professionals do it this way all the time! In fact, I can assume that you have seen similar things in the movie, but in case you haven't, I will help you.

So, when you see your partner tilting his head one way or the other, you should tilt the other way. This will help you avoid bumping your nose and you will have a luxurious kiss in the position you are in! Simple, right? Just make sure everything goes smoothly and that you both feel happy with what's going on.

Soft lips

If you are straining your lips too much, I think it will be better to relax them a little and make them softer. So if you're kissing for the first time and want it to be as smooth as possible, make sure you don't force your lips too hard. Otherwise, she/he might think that you are nervous or something like that.

Delicious lips

Why not surprise your partner with a good lip balm and you will immediately see the delight on his face! You won't believe how much your partner will love your kiss when you add a little scent to it, and the great thing is that lip balm is also hygienic, so why not try it? A little tip that I would like to give you is that you should buy some quality lip balm and not the cheap ones that you can find in any store.

Close your eyes

When you close your eyes, you may find that the whole kiss is much more beautiful than before. The thing you need to remember when kissing with your eyes closed is that you don't want to do it for too long as it can get very awkward.

Strong kiss

Great tip for kissing: If you've kissed a few times already, you can go for a very risky but enjoyable kissing method that involves gentle kissing with nipping. However, if you bite too hard it will give your partner a nasty shock, so I highly recommend being careful when doing this! However, this is a very good way to spice up your kissing, and your partner will most likely like it.

Kiss surprise

If you really want to impress your partner, you can go up to him while he is sleeping and kiss him so that he wakes up with a pleasant surprise. But be careful that the person you're kissing doesn't react badly and accidentally hit you in the face. It can happen, trust me! But, if you do it right, you will be sharing a very good kiss that might just put him/her in a really good mood.

When romantic feelings arise between people, they want to be as close to each other spiritually and physically as possible. Lovers show their condition through touching, hugging, and kissing. The latter are important in a relationship, because after a kiss you can understand how deep the feelings for a person are, and whether they exist at all. How to properly kiss a guy and a girl on the lips if they have not had such experience? There are many different techniques that are worth considering.

How can you kiss

Kiss - touching something or someone with your lips. The process differs depending on the person's intentions. The other half is kissed for a long time, passionately, the mother is kissed tenderly, meekly, there is no place on the body of the long-awaited child where the mother’s lips do not touch. Residents of different countries have different attitudes towards the phenomenon. The most kissing nations are the Spaniards, Germans, and Dutch. Even when meeting a stranger, they touch their cheeks with their lips. A loving couple kisses passionately - with tongue. Australians touch their foreheads to each other, and the Chinese draw in their partner's breath through their lips and nostrils.

The best kisses

There are many varieties of this phenomenon. The most common kisses in our culture:

  • Welcome. When meeting, people kiss each other on the cheek and often quickly touch their lips. The phenomenon is not of an intimate nature.
  • Romantic. Happens to people between whom feelings arise. It may first affect the earlobes, cheeks, neck, and slowly move to the lips. It starts with timid, hesitant movements, then gains momentum and develops into a kiss with the tongue.
  • Passionate. This category is represented by lip biting, French kissing, and tongue dancing. This includes kissing on the teeth.
  • Body kisses. A loving person carefully “explores” especially sensitive areas of the body with his lips - the neck, the curves of the arms, legs, stomach, chest.


The classic understanding of platonic love is sublime romantic feelings based on spiritual attraction and not involving physical relationships. Kisses with such love are short, gentle, romantic, without smacking or other sounds. Chaste actions are characteristic of teenagers who are not going to move on to intimate relationships, but are already experiencing feelings. Another understanding of this phenomenon is a friendly, related kiss. He expresses joy and gratitude to his parents, brother, sister, friend or girlfriend. It is also given at a meeting or farewell.

Kiss with tongue

This type of expression of feelings is extremely rare on a first date, although among adults there are exceptions to the rule. Boys and girls should hold off on moving to such a serious stage so as not to be disappointed. You need to think about how to kiss with your tongue correctly when you are confident in your feelings and their reciprocity. This action allows you to feel the taste of your loved one, get to know him better, awaken sensuality and desires.

Kissing on the lips

They won’t tell you how to kiss correctly, because each person has their own preferences. However, there are some tricks in this process. A little theoretical preparation will ignite your imagination and provide a wide field of activity. A kiss on the lips can be different:

  • Smooth – light sucking, biting lips.
  • Smooth - the movements are gentle and slow, they do not bypass a single millimeter of the partner’s lips.
  • “Pleasure of the bud” (the view described by the Kama Sutra) - a man gently squeezes a woman’s lips with his fingers and kisses them.

How to start kissing

In this matter, the environment, feelings towards a person of the opposite sex, and mood are important. A young man should invite his significant other on a romantic date. If it goes well, the girl will have “butterflies in her stomach” and you can kiss her while walking her home. Based on your partner’s behavior, you will understand whether he is ready for this stage of the relationship. Burning eyes, reciprocal movements when hugging, stroking - all this indicates that you can act.

Before you kiss on the lips, you should think about your oral hygiene. To ensure that the smell is normal, you should brush your teeth in the morning and evening and properly remove plaque from your tongue. After eating, be sure to rinse your mouth and use a cleansing floss. Take care of the health of your teeth, because caries, holes in the enamel, its darkening or yellowness kill self-confidence.

How to kiss a girl

Previously, women rarely showed such initiative. Today, girls are increasingly taking matters into their own hands and winning. How to learn to kiss first? Three cases in which a kiss is appropriate:

  1. The young man is older than you. He is afraid of harm, so you yourself let him know when you are ready for the next stage. A girl can give her partner a light kiss or immediately move on to decisive action.
  2. The guy has no relationship experience. Your careful movements will help to liberate and teach a young man how to kiss correctly.
  3. You are in a playful mood. You know for sure that the guy likes you, but he is in no hurry. During goodbyes, you can move closer to your partner, clearly making it clear that you are not against something more. Lightly touch your loved one's lips and linger close, waiting for an answer.

How to kiss a guy

Love intentions should not be voiced in the question. This will create a tense environment. How should a guy kiss correctly? A girl should be loved and loving, then all embarrassment will go away. The guy needs to relax, be gentle, decisive, and not skimp on pleasant words (tell her how cool, beautiful, and the best she is). It is not necessary to practice kissing on tomatoes or the tip of a pillow; act intuitively and avoid common mistakes. If a girl closes her teeth or holds her tongue to the roof of her mouth, it means she doesn’t want to continue.

Lip kissing technique

It's never too late to learn, even if you have an idea of ​​how to kiss properly. You need to take care of the condition of your lips in advance - do sugar peeling, apply a softening balm. Be open psychologically - keep your gaze straight, do not cross your arms over your chest, smile, do not cover your face with your palms. Further training will not cause you any difficulties and will lead to complete euphoria in practice.

With tongue

The first serious manifestations of feelings are very exciting. The tongue kissing technique will help you become a little more confident:

  1. Gently look at your partner's face and touch his lips with dry lips. Perform light pinching and squeezing for a few seconds.
  2. Moisturize your lips. Then run the tip of your tongue over your loved one’s closed lips. If he reciprocates (opens his mouth), the kiss will continue.
  3. Penetrate your tongue into your partner's mouth. The right thing to do is to do it gently, without pressure. Too deep penetration is not recommended. Move your tongue in different planes - up and down, left and right. You can close your eyelids and completely surrender to the process. Swallow your drool in time, because too slobbery kisses are not fun.
  4. Completion. Touch your foreheads and look at your partner. Enjoy the togetherness.

Without tongue

How to kiss correctly without tongue? The instructions are given above, only point three is excluded. Touch your lips, clasp them, squeeze them, bite them, suck them. Proceed in no particular order. Hug your partner with your hands, touch the face, neck, slide over the shoulders, waist, but do not be overly active. That’s right, if the lipstick has long worn off, men don’t really like this “dish.”


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How to learn to kiss a guy or girl - photos and videos

Almost all young people are excited about the first kiss, especially girls pay a lot of attention to this. Dreaming of fantasies that everything would be like in the movies - a languid look, trembling throughout the body and frost on the skin, and finally, this moment has come. But, alas, unfortunately, not everything always happens as in a fairy tale, and what to do next? Let's look at what actions to take in order not to push the guy away in order.

Kiss, what is it?

Well, everyone probably knows, even small children, what it is. In a nutshell, this is actually the touch of the lips to someone or something, thereby expressing sympathy, respect or love. This process even has its own day – the sixth of July. It may be accompanied by hugs. If you want to gain the experience of kissing, improve it and have fun, you need to learn the main truth: a young man must arouse true interest.

After all, the kiss itself is a physiology and emotional state. There is an option that, wanting to practice this without having a boyfriend, you decide to try with the first subject that comes along. This is not a mechanical action, obviously no one will get pleasure, you will not have a spark and you will have unpleasant memories of kissing, remembering only how disgusting it was. It is immediately necessary to note an important rule: in kissing, it is not particularly important how you do it, it matters who you kiss with.

First kiss with a guy

So, when you were going on a date with your boyfriend, you firmly decided that today would be the moment. Plan ahead to be ready for any moment. Your breath should be fresh, brush your teeth or chew gum before going out, and don’t forget to spit it out. The lips themselves, as the main object, need to be softened or moisturized. Use hygienic lipstick, and before applying it, lightly massage with a toothbrush. This will add a little plumpness and seductiveness. It is better to refrain from decorative cosmetics, no matter what scent your favorite gloss is, it may not be to the taste of your chosen one, it is not worth taking risks yet.

Before the kiss itself, take care of the romantic atmosphere, it should be inviting.

Of course, there is rarely an agreement on where and how to kiss; this happens through the influence of instinct. Yes, a man should take the initiative, but sometimes he is afraid of being rejected, and there are those who like to be conquered. Be smart when walking, for example, in the park, offer to sit on a deserted bench, look meaningfully into the eyes, and pull him slightly towards you with your hand. Smile, because the guy may also be worried, show him your spirit for action. This moment will be remembered for a lifetime, take care of the picturesqueness of the place.

The process of proper kissing

It’s stupid to say that you don’t know how to kiss at all, because it’s inherent in our instincts, it’s not a gift at all. To improve this ability and gain a certain dexterity, only practice and a couple of secrets will help.
Try to rehearse a kiss in the air, imagine what it will be like. Of course, it’s impossible to guess this, because everything depends on emotions, but you can stretch your lips.
If we talk about the first kiss, then do not try to set records for duration. That’s why he’s the first, there should be romance and tenderness in him. Touch the guy with parts of your body, do not stand at a distance. Stroke his head, face, put your hands on his shoulders.
Let me remind you that the kissing process mainly depends on the emotional mood and it is difficult to enjoy movements constrained by fear. Try to relax, drive away unnecessary thoughts and tune in to a positive result.
When starting a kiss, it is necessary to close your eyes and cover your mouth, having received a sign of reciprocity, try again. The second time, open your mouth slightly, not too much, and pay attention to the same action of your partner, is it mutual? Then we go even further, we connect the language. Touch the guy's lips with it, slowly move your tongue over them. But for the first kiss, you can limit yourself to just lips, without tongue, and move your nose a little to the side. Guys also like such kisses. React to your partner’s actions, think about him, reciprocate.

If you and your chosen one are still determined to take more serious actions, and the process has reached the so-called hickey. Such a kiss should not last long; try to suck his lips with your lips without breaking away. But don’t pull away suddenly, otherwise you’ll get a loud, unpleasant sound, just relax your mouth slightly. Another option for advanced people is sucking or lightly biting the guy’s lips.
For the first time, a couple of gentle kisses are enough, no aggression. Softness is important, freeze in delight.

What other types of kisses are there?

In general, the process of kissing reflects emotions and can be directed not only to the lips of a loved one. You can show your mood in different ways:
Love - well, everything is clear here, people show them their passion, feelings of sympathy. It can last for different times.
Gentle kisses - can be on the lips or other parts of the body, with short touches.
Friendly - showing affection and respect for each other by touching lips, kissing cheeks, or hands.
A respectful kiss is rarely used now; it expresses high regard and respect for a person, regardless of gender. The lips are applied either to a ring, ring, or to the leg.
Touched - it expresses joy in front of a small child, or even an animal. Cheeks, forehead, nose are kissed.
An air kiss is one of the subspecies of a friendly, loving kiss. People pay attention to them, or just flirt. And the action itself consists of kissing your palm with the next direction towards the person to whom it is addressed, as if trying to convey your touch.

For the first kiss, as already noted, the situation and the moment are extremely important. For example, when saying goodbye, catch the pause by looking into the eyes, this is not an awkward moment, this is exactly what you were waiting for.

There are no serious rules and everyone has their own technique, which you will later acquire with practice.

Use your imagination, and don’t limit yourself to just the lips, because there are a lot of sensitive erogenous zones on the human body. Don't forget about sincerity and always kiss like the first time.

Every girl has thought about how to kiss a guy correctly at least once in her life (or rather, in her youth). Some even tried flirting with tomatoes or using their hand as an imaginary partner.

If a girl is inexperienced, then it can be difficult for her to decide to take a step towards physical intimacy: be it a kiss or something more. And, it would seem, she is ready, but the fear of making a mistake haunts her. Therefore, the girl rejects the guy’s attempts to kiss her, while having the desire to reciprocate. This situation can be corrected quite easily, the main thing is to do everything gradually.

Moral preparation i

What kind of kiss it will be: passionate or tender, oriental or French - it doesn’t really matter. People who are in relationships don't think about how to kiss a guy correctly - they just kiss. And this is the first thought that you need to learn and keep in your head. There is no need to be afraid of mistakes or “wrong tongue movements.” It is fear that fetters a person and prevents a sensual, mutually desired kiss from happening.

A very good pre-kiss tactic is honesty. A girl can safely tell her boyfriend that she has never kissed or simply does not know how to do it. There is nothing shameful in such confessions. They are absolutely normal, since people are not required to meet any “international first kiss standards” (and they simply do not exist).

If a guy does not suffer from a mild degree of dementia, then he will under no circumstances make fun of a girl for her innocence. Moreover, a worthwhile man will always support his beloved and teach her everything she wants - be it fishing or passionate kisses.

There are some basic tips regarding mental preparation:

  • tell the guy in advance about your inexperience;
  • relax as much as possible;
  • concentrate on your own feelings.

In some cases, it is impossible to overcome fear due to deep moral discomfort. But for most people, it’s enough to just have an open conversation with your significant other and after that everything will go like clockwork.

Appearance Preparation 2

A guy won't look at his sweetheart's millimeter pimple during their first kiss. But, unfortunately, this is impossible to prove to girls. Even those ladies who understand that they are worrying in vain cannot control their emotions.

Therefore, before a kiss, you need to prepare in such a way that you ultimately feel comfortable and confident. The most important area is the face. Since the girl will experience maximum discomfort due to the fact that the guy can see some “problems” up close. He, of course, will not pay attention to this with a 99.99% probability, but it is better to be safe.

What appearance factors should you pay attention to:

  • Lips. If they are flaky and cracked, then kissing will simply be unpleasant. In this case, both participants in the kiss will experience discomfort. Therefore, before “moment X” you need to scrub and moisturize your lips. You can make your own scrub from sugar and honey, and use regular hygiene products as a moisturizer.
  • Leather. Another important point for girls. In order to feel confident, you should paint over dark circles under your eyes and apply concealer to pimples or age spots. The entire face can be covered with a thin layer of foundation. The product should have a matte or semi-matte finish, otherwise it may be imprinted on the guy’s face (it’s better to check this factor in advance by holding your phone to your face). In general, it is desirable that the skin tone is even. If your face is already in excellent condition, then you don’t need to do anything to it.

  • Brows. It's easy enough to pluck them out. Here, again, is a funny moment, because the guy will not notice the small hairs, but the girl will constantly think about them. For the same reason, it is worth getting rid of the mustache, especially if because of it the lady is periodically confused with Mikhail Boyarsky.

For details on how to kiss with your tongue correctly, see our article below.

You shouldn’t put anything on your face that isn’t glued to your makeup bag. A guy wouldn't like the fact that his once young and beautiful companion looked like an aging transvestite much more than the fact that she had uneven skin tone or unmade up eyelashes.

Important! No lipstick. Even if it’s a super-fashionable matte product that doesn’t imprint on anything at all and sits on your lips in such a way that you can’t even wipe it off with a dish grater. It will be simply inconvenient for a guy to spoil his girlfriend’s makeup (and he will also be afraid that the lipstick will creep onto his lips). And of course, after the first kiss there will be a second, third, and by the end of the evening in the mirror, instead of her reflection, the girl will see the Joker.

Another point that cannot be ignored is the smell. It is worth using deodorant at least for good human reasons. The girl will most likely sweat from excitement, and when she realizes this, she will begin to sweat even more. At this point, it’s unlikely that it will come to a kiss—at most, a run to the nearest toilet stall and an attempt to dry your armpits with a hand dryer.

Before kissing, it is advisable not to eat anything that can cause bad breath. If a kind mother offers to eat her signature borscht with garlic, then you should refuse. Even chewing gum will not cover up the smell and aftertaste, so the kiss will turn out unpleasant.

Don't indulge in carbonated drinks. The girls, of course, are princesses, but the desire to burp due to the gases accumulated inside has never escaped any royal dynasty. Belching during a kiss will clearly discourage romance.

Atmosphere for the first kiss 3

Many girls wonder when, where and how to kiss a guy best. If this is your first kiss, then it is best to choose a private setting. There is no need for anyone to distract you from an important process. Therefore, a kiss in a noisy company (especially on a dare) is more likely to cause embarrassment than to enjoy intimacy.

Places for the first kiss:

  1. Apartment for a guy or girl. It is not advisable for parents to be present in the apartment at this time. They can knock and, as usually happens according to the law of meanness, they will do it at the most piquant moment. If both partners live with relatives and are never at home alone, then it is better not to skimp and rent an inexpensive hotel room. This is especially true if the couple is mentally prepared to continue the kiss.
  2. Park in the evening. You shouldn't force a guy into a dark space. You need to make a date in the park in advance and choose the quietest and most secluded place. You can kiss as romantically as possible near a fountain, under a lantern, or in any other atmospheric corner. The main thing is that there are a minimum number of people nearby (and especially screaming, curious children).
  3. Motor ship. This is a very romantic place, but, unfortunately, it is difficult to find a secluded corner on the ship. Still, it's worth a try. A bridge or generally any place near a river or lake is also suitable. Of course, you shouldn’t visit places far from the city with a guy you barely know, but if your partner is permanent and time-tested, then why not.

Any “street” option can be safely discarded if it’s winter outside and -30. Kissing during snowfall is undoubtedly romantic, but it needs to be done quickly and in warm down jackets. It often turns out that a love moment is more reminiscent of an awkward dance of two frozen snowmen.

But, again, it is worth remembering that all the “rules” described are very conditional. If you want to kiss on a crowded avenue at noon, then why not do it. Sometimes “that” moment can be missed by waiting for the “right” moment.

Several kissing techniques 4

All kisses can be divided into 3 categories: quick, tenderly romantic and passionately erotic. There is also the “clumsy” category, but usually everyone is afraid of it.

Quick kisses are the easiest to perform. It is enough to literally touch someone else’s lips with your own, perform certain manipulations (quite possible without a tongue) and, with a sense of accomplishment, move away from your partner’s face. Manipulations can be anything. You can bite your lip, but it is very important to do it as softly and gently as possible. You can also press the same lip between your lips and lightly run the tip of your tongue over it. A quick kiss can easily turn into a romantic or passionate one. Naturally, if both partners wish.

Many people wonder how to learn to kiss on tomatoes. The answer is no. This is something from the series “how to learn to give a blowjob on a banana.” But at least it’s clear with bananas - they are similar in shape. Unfortunately or fortunately, the human body is different from vegetables and fruits. At least it is mobile.

A partner is unlikely to show the equanimity of a tomato or the endurance of a banana when a girl bites his lip (or something worse).

The kiss should be natural. You don’t need to think about it, about the movements of your tongue or lips, you should just surrender to your emotions and your own sensations. The only thing that is important is mobility and lack of monotony in movements (if it comes to a long kiss).

Tenderly romantic kiss 5

For such a kiss you need to be in the appropriate mood. It is highly desirable to be inspired by your partner, to be inspired by his words and actions. Convey tenderness with your touch. All touches should be soft and smooth. Before a kiss, you can touch his hair, take your boyfriend’s hands in yours, and hug him. You can start with a kiss on the cheek or nose to express a desire for intimacy.

Probably, the guy himself will take the liberty and be the first to reach for the lips of his beloved. The girl’s task in this case is to respond to the kiss and duplicate his movements. If a guy kisses only with his lips (no tongue), then there is no need to rush and try to show him the skills developed on tomatoes.

The girl may well take the initiative on her own. To do this, you need to reach out to your lips, hug your neck or waist. The first touch should be soft and airy. Then you can be assertive, but don't go overboard. At some point, the tongue should be connected to the lips. This becomes appropriate as soon as the usual kiss starts to get boring. You need to touch your partner’s tongue with your tongue, but without enthusiasm. The ideal option is smooth, sliding movements.

Important! Under no circumstances should you try to push your tongue as deep as possible into the oral cavity - this is unpleasant.

Passionately erotic kiss 6

This option is suitable for girls who, despite their inexperience, have a fiery temperament. A passionate and erotic kiss, like sex, requires foreplay. You need to touch your partner: gently, but excitingly. Before kissing, you can caress his neck with your lips and tongue, touch his abs, and stroke his arms. The girl’s body, her appearance, her mood - everything should show moderate eroticism and playfulness.

The kiss may initially be abrupt. That is, you need to touch your partner’s lips with your lips, and then they will pull away. This is an exciting game that makes a person perceive a kiss as something exciting. Even if a girl doesn’t know how to kiss at all, she shouldn’t be afraid or embarrassed of herself. In passion, the main thing is the touch, sensuality and giving of the partner. If a guy shares this passion, then everything will definitely work out.

You can connect your language at any time. You should lick your lips, then put your tongue into your mouth and begin to “explore” the oral cavity, without going too deep. In such a kiss, it is appropriate to bite your lip. A girl does not need to be afraid to touch her partner everywhere if she wants to continue and is ready for more intimate intimacy.

Important! You can alternately kiss the guy’s upper and lower lips, and then lick them and bite them lightly. It's very exciting.

And, of course, you should close your eyes while kissing. It really helps to listen to your own emotions and understand how to kiss a guy correctly.

And about how to kiss a girl correctly, read further in the article.

After several dates, the moment of the first kiss comes. Confident guys often know how to behave correctly, which cannot be said about female representatives.

There are a number of steps to help you quickly master kissing for the first time.

To learn how to correctly carry out this procedure, practice on tomatoes and other juicy fruits, but nothing can replace real lips.

The first kiss can be with or without tongue, but the style and manner of its execution will forever be remembered in the heads of the partners.

Girls are accustomed to the fact that a young man on dates usually takes the initiative on his part, which helps the lady relax and accept the situation.

The problem arises when the initiator is a young lady - then you can’t show too much pressure, you just need to direct the guy in the necessary direction.

The most popular type of kiss on first dates is the one without tongue.

It is suitable for teenagers who do not know how to kiss properly, as well as for people trying to start communication with romance.

Let's look at the main nuances to learn the technique of the first kiss without tongue:

  1. The guy should lean down a little towards the girl, turn his head so that his nose does not interfere with the process. Next, it is recommended to gently touch the lips of your chosen one to make her feel good.
  2. It is not recommended to involve the tongue in the process - then the kiss looks assertive and harsh, which characterizes the guy from the negative side.
  3. After touching, move your lips over the girl’s lips, then kiss them again and whisper pleasant words in her ear.
  4. When a girl takes the initiative, when kissing a guy without tongue, the same actions must be taken.

    A sharp pressure characterizes a lady from a negative side, so everything is done smoothly: the girl approaches the guy, closes her eyes, approaches his lips and kisses him tenderly.

Finish the procedure by wishing you a pleasant evening and thanking you for the meeting and the time spent together.

You should not immediately ask about subsequent dates; this is discussed over the phone or online.

First kiss with tongue

They say that the first kiss is a kind of test of a couple's compatibility. Adults do not think about how to correctly perform this procedure.

Having experience, they simply relax and surrender to the process. To do this beautifully, you need to remember the basic nuances.

Let's look at the technique of kissing with the tongue for the first time:

  • You need to start the procedure with standard caresses and touches: just touch your partner’s lips and kiss them gently.
  • To get your partner to open his mouth, run your tongue over his lips: if there is no response, you should stop trying.
  • It’s easier for teenagers to say that you don’t know how to kiss than to master the correct technique: for the first time, it’s important to be confident in yourself and your actions.
  • Great disgust is caused by a tongue inserted to its full depth into a partner’s mouth: each movement should occur gradually, the first time should not last long.
  • If it is noticeable that your partner likes the process, you can continue to caress his lips, tongue and teeth: the photo shows how to do this correctly.
  • Girls prefer long heart-to-heart conversations than physical intimacy: be a little restrained - this will give hope for a speedy development of events.

There are a large number of varieties of kissing with the tongue; they should be performed carefully: incorrect movements of a sudden nature can lead to injuries to the tongue.

Important! Many girls wonder what to do if the guy you like is taller than you. Then the initiative for the kiss should come from the young man.

Little tricks will help you cope with the first kiss even in the most sensitive situations.

Step-by-step instructions on how to kiss deeply and beautifully

Despite the short time of acquaintance, partners kiss passionately for the first time.

This indicates the determination of one of the chosen ones and the response of the second opponent. Instructions with step-by-step steps will help you learn how to do this cool.

Pay attention! A classic French kiss always begins with foreplay: there is no need to rush things - it is better to smoothly approach the most important climax.

A video tutorial and step-by-step description will help you master a simple French kiss and subsequently apply your knowledge in practice even at the age of 13:

How different zodiac signs kiss

Astrologers have developed a selection of features, thanks to which you can find out how different zodiac signs kiss. This is a convenient move for those who want to get to know a potential partner better.

Watching an Aries kiss and thinking that all Aries have this style of kissing is naive, because all people are individual.

Try to find your own kissing technique, and below are the main nuances of performing the procedure with different zodiac signs:

  1. Fire signs. Aries, Leo and Sagittarius are impulsive signs by nature, so the kissing style is similar.

    It is unlikely that you will hear the word “I’m afraid” from representatives of the element of fire - they are ready to take any adventure and often initiate passionate kisses.

  2. Air signs. They live by romance and can draw a kiss on paper.

    Gemini doesn't take the first kiss seriously, Libra dreams of romantic manners, and Aquarius is sensual, gentle and open.

  3. Earth signs. Capricorns never show unnecessary emotions, so the kiss is unlikely to be passionate.

    Virgos are attentive in everything, so they will try to analyze their partner, and Taurus gently and slowly ignite their partner.

  4. Water signs. Slow Cancers kiss well, but live by their instincts and impulses.

    Silent Pisces in a kiss will be touching, but crazy. Scorpios prefer to heat up the procedure to degrees of passion.

As you can see, each zodiac sign kisses differently; there are no obvious statements about the features of a kiss. Each person has a style that helped him gain experience in relationships.

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