How to hang pictures on the wall - options. How to hang pictures in an original way: rules and little tricks Different pictures on the wall

  • 07.07.2019

After completing the renovation, selecting furniture and decorative elements, the question arises about decorating the walls of the room. Often, to complete the design of a room, it is suggested additional details and, of course, paintings play one of the most important roles in the interior of the living room. With their help, it is easy to create the desired atmosphere, give a special style, complement or emphasize it. Sometimes paintings are used to hide minor defects in the interior or visually adjust the linear dimensions of the room. In addition to the usual picturesque images, the living room can be decorated with various posters, placards or photos.

Selection of paintings for the living room
Classic style
Favorite pictures on the wall
Wall decoration
Contemporary painting

All details of the design of any room, including the living room, must be carefully thought out. In order to correctly select images for the living room, you need to consider the following parameters:

  • Room size;
  • Size and color scheme walls;
  • Color and style of furniture;
  • Rhymes with other interior details.

Floral motifs
Decorating the walls

How does size affect

The principle of selecting paintings for the living room by size is simple - a large image requires location in a spacious room, in the interior of a small living room one or more small paintings or photos would be more appropriate. Large images make the room visually cramped; small ones in a large area will simply get lost.

If there is a need to visually increase the height of the room, you can place a large canvas with a vertical pattern on the wall. To increase the width of the space, large horizontal images are used.

With the help of paintings, you can adjust and maintain the proportionality of furnishing elements; for example, a large sofa will look smaller if you hang one or more paintings above it.

Large canvas
Long narrow canvases
Modules on brickwork
Elements of the picture different sizes

Selection by color scheme

When choosing the color scheme for your home “gallery”, you need to take into account the color scheme of the room furnishings, as well as the color of curtains, walls, floors, and ceilings. The wall on which the paintings will be placed will become their background. You can choose canvases or photos made in the same color as the wall, framed with a baguette of a contrasting color or, on the contrary, play on the contrast, emphasizing bright colors The paintings have a muted background color. If the walls in the living room are decorated in bright colors, you should not use images made in light colors for decoration, since the background will visually “crush” the paintings. You should try to match the baguette to the color of the wooden furniture parts.

The background color for paintings should be dim and monochromatic. Bright color walls scatter attention and distract it from the images.

Image of a deer on a modular painting In a wooden house Above the sofa
Stylish two paintings

Rhyme with interior colors

Modern interior designers have developed such a concept as rhyme. We are talking about the combination of all decorative elements in color, shape, style and the possible repetition of these parameters. For example, in a room where a painting or photo of flowers hangs, it is very good to place a vase with the same fresh flowers. If there is an aquarium in the living room, a photo next to it would look nice underwater world. Geometric abstraction on canvas can be repeated in small decorative details: vases, stands. Sometimes a few decorative sofa pillows made of fabrics that match the color of fragments of images in paintings are enough.

Matching style

A single stylistic solution is the basis good design interior, part of which consists of various images hung on the walls. The photo shows several examples of successful stylistic solutions for living rooms. In addition to the compatibility of paintings with furnishings in size and color, it is necessary to take into account the coincidence of images with interior details in style:

  1. Living room decoration in modern style allows you to fantasize to your heart's content. Classics, vintage, modern, and almost any direction in painting would be appropriate here. It all depends on the design of the furniture and other living room furnishings;
  2. Minimalism presupposes the simplicity of details and the absence of bright colors. Monochrome images or black and white photos are well suited for this style of living room;
  3. Classic English style is distinguished by an abundance of expensive decor and accessories. Particularly suitable for such an interior are paintings from the Pre-Raphaelite era, which was distinguished by its denial of blind adherence to academic art. If the room is large, then it is very good to place one or two large canvases in the center. Images of the owners, made in the genre of a palace portrait, would be appropriate in the interior of an English living room;
  4. Pop art, replete with bright colors, involves decorating with the same bright posters, posters and photos. One of the advantages of this style can be considered accessibility for those who are looking for budget solutions;
  5. Expressionist creations are perfect for the Art Deco style. Oil paintings, watercolors, photos, graphics and even posters would also be quite appropriate here, since this style involves a variety of interior details;
  6. Eco style, which is a type of country style, assumes the presence of botanical themes in the design of decorative elements. One of the subtypes of this style is French country or Provence style. Floral still lifes will be indispensable here;
  7. The basis for the ultramarine style is a turquoise blue background. The interior of a living room decorated in this style should include seascapes, hung on a plain wall.

High tech
Large image
Sectional paintings

How to hang it correctly

When determining the location of images in a room, you need to remember that they not only decorate the room, but can also serve as a tool for solving small problems. For example, a darkened wall will become much fresher if you hang a picture in light colors on it. If there is a need to zone a room (for example, for a studio apartment), this problem can be solved with the help of images hung on the walls. A boring living room will become much brighter and more interesting if you decorate it. unusual picture. If there are any shortcomings in the interior of the room, the emphasis placed on a bright canvas will help distract attention from them.

Thanks to the unusual placement of the canvases, you can add a special style to any, even the most unattractive design solution. For example, it would be good to place images above a sofa or nightstand at an angle. It is fashionable and interesting to completely cover one of the walls with paintings from floor to ceiling, creating the so-calledartwall.

Gallery Different types images Large image in the center
Black and white selection Photos, paintings, posters

Rules for composing a composition

A composition refers to several images that, being completely independent works, while making up some general group. There are several rules for creating such compositions in a modern living room interior.

It is better to hang paintings by the same author next to each other. You can combine several images by decorating them with the same baguette. Combinations of canvases of the same size or made in the same color look good. Based on the general storyline, you can also create an attractive composition.

Thoughtlessly hung canvases or photographs, instead of decorating the living room, can, on the contrary, disfigure it. Therefore, when choosing the location of the paintings, you should remember several rules:

  1. Large-sized canvases and photographs should be located at some distance from each other so that the viewer can evaluate the image on each of them. It's good if they hang asymmetrically. The same rule applies to modular paintings;
  2. Hanging images of different sizes along non-matching lines will create a sense of dynamism. If the goal is strict classics, then the canvases should, on the contrary, be the same size and hung at the same level, aligned along the bottom line;
  3. To create symmetry in the living room interior, paintings are hung in the center of the walls. To zone the room, the paintings are placed in certain places. For example, a landscape above a seating area, a still life above a dining area;
  4. Three images of the same size, placed in a row on the wall, will eliminate the feeling of emptiness.

To match the furniture
On shelves
Baby photos
Photo printing

Paintings over the sofa

The usual location for paintings in a modern-style living room is the wall above the sofa. There are several ways to style this wall using images. A large oil painting will look very good above the sofa. You cannot hang small canvases or photographs next to it.

Another good option is several images of the same size, hung in a line above the sofa. In this case, it is desirable that the canvases hang at a short distance from each other, and the total length of the composition repeats the length of the sofa. Most often, triptychs (compositions from three paintings). It goes without saying that the images that make up the composition must be united by a common storyline, colors and decorated with the same baguette.

Several paintings of different sizes with a common theme, style or color can be hung above the sofa, creating an orderly composition. It is better to place the largest picture in the center, and arrange smaller images around it.

If you don’t want to spoil the wall with holes, a good way out is to place pictures and other interior details on a shelf. It can be the length of the entire wall or even along the entire perimeter of the living room. The material for this shelf should match the texture and color of the material from which the furniture is made.

It is convenient to arrange works of different formats (size, shape) in tiers, but not “ascending and descending” - this is a deliberately unsuccessful composition. To check how a composition of paintings will look on the wall and mark places for mounting, use this technique: trace each painting on paper, cut it out and pin it on the wall where you would like to see it.

What you should immediately pay attention to:
1. Ceiling height.
In a room with high ceilings, if the paintings are small, it is better to place them in groups, placing them, for example, around the largest piece.
In rooms with low ceilings, it is advisable to place paintings vertically rather than horizontally. Since horizontal placement will make the room even lower.
A massive, elongated painting will not look good in a room with low ceilings.
2.Genre and placement.
Landscapes and still lifes will look good in the living room or bedroom.
Remember that a portrait is a difficult genre to perceive, with a strong psychological impact, its placement should be considered separately.
Follow the theme of the room; watercolors with plant compositions are good in the bedroom. “Gastronomic” still lifes for the kitchen. Fans of the museum genre decorate their offices with canvases of battle scenes. Abstract, non-objective paintings are usually classified as the “office genre”.
3.Background for the picture. Wall color.
Paintings with bright colors will look good on dark walls, while paintings in darker and dull colors will suit light walls.
Museums often paint the walls of exhibition halls in colors that were fashionable in the era to which the paintings on display belong (for example, the works of 18th century artists were exhibited against a red wall). Sometimes they choose a color that is present in small quantities in most of the paintings on display.
Black and white photographs go well with almost any wall color.
4. Proportionality of the size of the painting. Location.
When hanging a picture, you must remember that the height of the middle of the image should be at eye level of the person looking at it (approximately 142-175 cm). This is the most convenient way look at the image. In this case, the upper canvases can be slightly tilted, adjusting the length of the cord on which the picture hangs and the height of the loops. Hang pictures of different sizes according to the principle, the higher from the eyes, the larger the picture.
It is very important to consider the proportionality of the size of the painting relative to the furniture over which it is located. The picture should neither dominate nor be lost.
Don't forget about the lighting!

Schemes for placing paintings and how to hang paintings correctly - 1

Schemes for placing paintings and how to hang paintings correctly - 2

Schemes for placing paintings and how to hang paintings correctly - 3


Schemes for placing paintings and how to hang paintings correctly - 4


Schemes for placing paintings and how to hang paintings correctly - 5

When purchasing paintings to decorate your home, you may be puzzled by how to properly place them on the wall so that the chosen piece looks harmonious in the interior.

Paintings are a universal decor that is appropriate in any room, and can be either independent or serve as a companion to other decorative items and furniture. In this article we will talk about in various ways organizing paintings in the area above the sofa in the living room.

  • Classical painting: large thematic painting

Illustration No. 1 shows how it can be placed above the sofa big picture, enclosed in a massive frame and made in oil, or using modern printing technology on canvas. Such paintings require a large space and do not tolerate the proximity of other works or restrictions by furniture. Since some specimens can be quite large, they are placed on the wall, from top edge the back of the sofa and up to the cornice. A smaller painting should be hung not too high, but at eye level, so that it is comfortable to look at.


  • Horizontal placement: symmetry


This option of placing paintings above the sofa brings some orderliness to the decor. Such a composition can be formed by choosing two works for it, identical in width and height, placing them on the sides of a smaller painting. The condition here is an invisible horizontal line drawn along the lower or upper edge of the paintings.


  • Playing with contrast: very big and very small


Quite an effective method in which two different paintings are used. You need to choose one, very large, with an abstract, unclear design. The second one should be smaller, but bright and clear. Place them so that the small active painting slightly covers the frame of the larger painting on one side. Thus, a stylish and interesting version of wall decor is created.


  • Strict placement: geometric shapes


The convenience of such placement of paintings is that you can choose the optimal number, from four or more, depending on the size of a particular section of the wall. At the same time, it is necessary to maintain the specified vertical and horizontal distance between identical paintings, using them to form a regular square or rectangle on the wall.


  • Order in symmetry


If several small photos or reproductions interfere with your work at the office table, you can always move them to the wall. By hanging them in a row, you can form a complete composition, supported by larger paintings, one on each side.


  • Combination of three paintings: a perfect triptych


Three pictures in elegant frames can be hung on the wall very close to each other, thereby repeating the length of the sofa. In the subjects of paintings, choose similar motifs in one color scheme, because otherwise they will compete with furniture.


  • Three plus one


A good option for organizing paintings for rooms in subdued colors. Quite large size abstract painting can be supplemented with several photos or reproductions lined up vertically on the right or left side. If you select small pictures on a stretcher, the drawing on them may be more active than on the main picture next to it.


  • Visual effect: narrow and high walls


This placement method is good for rooms with both low and high ceilings. Because, in the first case, paintings in thin frames (or without them), located vertically one above the other, can visually raise the height of the ceiling. And in a spacious room, this method will help distribute the visual load of a high wall evenly if you place the paintings above the sofa so that they occupy 2/3 of its part.


  • Practical placement: on a shelf

A good alternative for those who do not want to make extra holes in the wall, thereby ruining the beautiful wallpaper, may be this method. Choose a narrow wall shelf with a laconic shape and install it above the sofa. It will be an excellent help for placing not only paintings, but also your family photos. In addition, there can be several such shelves on one wall, it all depends on the size and number of frames.

  • Arrangement in groups: ordered chaos


If you need to place small paintings on a large wall, it is better to create beautiful groups, while choosing one larger picture, around which the smaller ones will be located. It should be taken into account that such a group should consist of paintings that are similar in style, theme and color scheme. For example, it could be a series of pastels and watercolors, or oils and acrylics, or just your black and white photos.


We are confident that competent organization decorative items, including paintings on the wall, can, if not completely transform, then at least noticeably improve the appearance of the room. We hope that our recommendations will help you with this.

IN modern times people decorate their apartments with paintings and photographs, making their homes more comfortable and unique. But it is important to know which ways to hang a picture correctly and how to choose a good place.

Basic rules for placement

Before attaching an exposition, you need to familiarize yourself with several rules:

  • We select a size that matches the size of the room and furniture. If the canvas is large and the room is very small, it will look as awkward as if you hang a small one on the wall in a very large room;
  • it is important to consider that the center of the image should be at eye level;
  • If you use correctly selected exhibits, you can visually change the length and width of the walls. Vertical panels will add height, horizontal ones will add length.

Basic methods of fastening depending on the wall material

Choosing an image is half the battle; it is also important to attach it correctly. Depending on the wall material, mounting methods vary:

  1. Wooden walls. Attaching the canvas to a wooden surface is quite simple. You just need to drive a nail at the height you need and use a thread or rope to hang it.
  2. Concrete walls. You can't just drive a nail into a concrete plane. Here you will need a drill or hammer drill. Using a tool, drill a hole in the intended location and insert a dowel, then screw in the screw. If the canvas is heavy, then make two or more holes. That's all, we can hang the decoration.
  3. Brick walls. Brick is a rather fragile material. Therefore, you can only drill a hole with a drill, not a hammer drill. Before inserting fasteners into it: a screw or a hook, the hole is filled with cement. If you skip this step, the brick will soon crack.
  4. Walls made of plasterboard. This is a surface made of fragile material, and it is advisable to mount light works of art on it. Using a screwdriver, screw a plasterboard dowel into the wall and screw a screw into it. But it is better, of course, to use a special dowel with spacers, called a “butterfly”. With its help, the image will be securely attached to the wall.

How to hang a picture without drilling

If you can't drill the wall yourself or simply don't want to damage it, there are several ways to secure the frame without drilling.

  • On a paperclip or hook. This method is only suitable for lightweight frames and posters. In the place where you want to place the composition you have planned, you need to make a horizontal cut in the wallpaper. Bend the paperclip into a hook shape. Pour superglue into the cut, place our hook and cover this place with wallpaper.
  • On the buttons. This method is very similar to the previous one, only instead of a paper clip we will use a push pin. You should make a cut, fill it with glue, and hide the base of the button under the wallpaper. You can hang a lightweight poster or photo frames.
  • On a spider hook. A special “Spider Hook” mount can be purchased at any store that specializes in building materials. It has four sharp ends that need to be driven into the wall using a skein. The spider hook practically does not leave any defects on the surface. This mount can already be used to mount heavier paintings, about two kilograms.
  • On pins and needles. A light reproduction can be attached to a regular sewing needle, break off its eye and carefully drive it into the wall with the tip. You can also use a safety pin.
  • With double-sided tape. You can use double-sided tape to attach images to thin paper wallpaper or drywall. Pieces of tape must be glued to the corners of the frame and carefully leaned against the wall. The only disadvantage of this method is that when the canvas or photo frame is peeled off, it can leave sticky marks. To prevent this from happening, we peel it off at a strictly ninety-degree angle.
  • Velcro. This is enough good way, allowing you to place a composition weighing about two kilograms on any type of surface. One Velcro must be glued to the frame, and the other to the surface. The more weight, the more Velcro you will need. A huge plus is that they leave absolutely no traces.
  • Using wine corks. An ordinary wine cork is cut into circles about one centimeter thick. Glue such a circle to the wall with superglue and stick a nail into it. That’s what you need to hang a picture on.
  • Using ceiling plinth. If you need to attach several frames at once, then we choose this method. A regular plinth is glued to the wall or ceiling; it is sold in any hardware store. The panels are hung on a strong thread or fishing line attached to this plinth. Thanks to this method, several images will be hung at once and the surface will not be damaged.

Using chemicals

Also, if you don’t want to drill the surface, you can hang the images using liquid nails or glue.

  • Using liquid nails. Liquid nails are special kind glue used for construction purposes. It allows you to bond surfaces with different textures. Glue is applied to the frame pointwise. If the reproduction is heavy, it is better to apply in strips. Liquid nails dry quickly, just leave it on for a couple of minutes. They can be removed from the surface by heating.
  • Using polymer glue. This type of glue also does not leave marks on the surface. But for it to dry completely, you need to wait about a day, propping the painting up against the wall. Another option is to glue a hook to the surface and use a thread or fishing line to hang the image.

How to fix a picture on a bracket

This is another method without damaging the walls, but requires the use of a drill or hammer drill. You need to attach a strong rail to the wall above the ceiling using brackets. The painting is then hung from it using ropes.

Exhibits should be hung in the center of your wall, about one and a half meters from the floor. If you have high ceilings in your room, then you can use a very good technique - grouping. It is necessary to take several small specimens and place them around the largest one.

How to hang a modular picture on the wall

A modular painting consists of several parts connected to each other by meaning, color, etc. In order to attach it, it is necessary to determine the correct sequence and assemble it into one whole. You need to start from the central part. It is very important that the first module is hung parallel to the floor. To do this, use a building level. The distance between parts of the image is from two to four centimeters.

The methods of fastening modular canvases are the same as the methods of fastening conventional ones:

  1. Liquid Nails.
  2. Velcro or double-sided tape.
  3. Spider hooks.
  4. Nails, etc.

How to choose a place

Determining the right room and location for your canvas or photograph is very important.

  1. In the bedroom. When choosing a place to attach the canvas in the bedroom, it is important to consider the size and style of the room’s interior. Often canvases in the bedroom are placed above the head of the bed. This is true if the headboard is not high. On the wall opposite the bed you can place a canvas with relaxing motifs, for better sleep, or with a dynamic pattern for better awakening. To make the ceiling visually higher, you can hang elongated vertical paintings above the bedside tables on both sides of the bed.
  2. In the corridor. Here, too, everything depends on the size of the room. An important rule is that the size of the painting should not exceed a third of the size of the wall. Lighting will help make the design even better in the hallway.
  3. In the living room. When determining a place for an image, it is worth remembering that this is also a decoration, and with its help the design of the room changes and is visually enlarged. For example, if the living room is too dark, this problem can be solved by hanging a light composition. The location above the sofa looks very advantageous.
  4. In the kitchen. A composition of several frames will look best in the kitchen. But they need to be hung on the lightest side; in the shadow the lines will be distorted. A suitable height is at eye level. If you want to place the canvases on opposite walls, then make sure that the lower edges are at the same level.

How to hang a picture on a wall according to Feng Shui

  • Bedroom. The bedroom is the place where you return after a hard day. Therefore, it is best to hang an image in this room that evokes calm and tranquility. For example: a waterfall or a pond. However, you should not do this near the bed, as this may cause discord with your spouse. First of all, when choosing a composition, you should like it. It is not advisable to hang a lot at once, the energy will mix and nothing positive will come of it.
  • Children's room. First, take a closer look at the child’s feelings. Find out which color you like best. And attach a poster where this color predominates. Also, if the child has a violent character, then choose a calmer theme, with pastel colors, and vice versa. It doesn’t matter what wall it hangs on, the main thing is that the child always has it in front of his eyes.
  • Living room. In the living room, attach a composition with a color that suits you and does not cause unpleasant sensations.
  • Kitchen. It is advisable to hang panels in the kitchen with a predominance of green and red. A still life, as well as images of green fields and trees, will look better.

There are situations when you really need to hang a picture on the wall without nails or drilling: for example, the apartment is rented, you don’t want to spoil the wall with holes, bother the neighbors, or your husband is simply not at home. It is then that very simple and effective ways that will help you hang a picture, panel, poster or photograph on the wall without using a drill. Choose which one you like best!

1. How to hang a picture on the wall without drilling the wall: a paper clip or a coat hook

If you have wallpaper on your wall, make a small horizontal cut in it, fill it with superglue and place a paper clip, bent into a hook or a regular coat hook, and then cover the cut with wallpaper. Step by step instructions you can read by “implanting” a paper clip into the wallpaper .

2. Button

This method is similar to the previous one. Here, too, the base itself is “hidden under the wallpaper” and glued, and the protruding part acts as a nail on which you can hang a not very heavy picture. In the video below you can learn how to effectively hide the base of a button behind wallpaper.

3. Spider hook

In a hardware store you can purchase a special device called a “spider hook”: o but has four pointed ends, which are easily attached to the wall with a hammer and leave virtually no marks on it.This hook holds securelyon any wall, you can hang a picture or frame weighing up to 2 kg on it.

4. Needle

Another way to place light paintings is to stick a sewing needle into the wall. For example, you can carefully drive it into the wallpaper at an angle tailor's pin with head. Another option: break off the eye of a sewing needle with pliers and simply hammer it into the wall with the sharp end. This way, the hole in the wall is small and unnoticeable, unlike nails or screws. At the same time, withama needle, steel and durable, holds the frame securely.

5. Double-sided tape

This method is suitable for walls with thin paper wallpaper or plasterboard partitions. Just apply regular double-sided tape to the edges of the frame and attach it to the wall. True, the disadvantage of this method is that the tape can leave marks on the wall; to prevent this from happening, it is recommended to keep the tape under glob 90 degrees in relation to the wall when removing the painting.

6. Command Velcro

The special technology of Command Velcro allows you to glue them to almost any surface and easily hang pictures weighing up to 2 kg on them. The advantage of this brand of Velcro is that it can be easily removed without damaging the walls. They Sold as a set of several strips: one strip is glued to the frame, the other to the wall. The more stripes, the heavier the painting can be.

7. Liquid nails

Liquid nails are a special glue that securely connects surfaces. Simply apply liquid nails to the back of the frame in small dots (if the painting is heavy, you can coat the entire frame). Then press the painting flat against the wall surface and hold for a few seconds.

8. Polymer glue

Polymer glue is convenient because it does not leave greasy marks behind. The principle is the same as with liquid nails: we glue the heavy picture around the entire perimeter, and the light one only around the edges. For better adhesion to the surface, the frame needs to be pressed firmly and even left for a day, propped up with something.

9. Wine cork

The wine cork is cut into circles approximately 1 cm thick and glued to the wall with quick-drying glue (Moment glue or BF-2). After the glue has dried, a small nail is stuck into this cork, onto which the picture is hung.