Brief description of Ivan Timofeevich. The image and characteristics of Ivan Timofeevich in the story by Olesya Kuprin, essay

  • 26.06.2020

A. I. Kuprin’s story “Olesya” is a tragic love story between a rich gentleman and a commoner with mystical abilities. Social inequality has become a chasm between young people, destroying bright, pure feelings.

The image and characterization of Ivan Timofeevich in the story “Olesya” is one of the central ones in the work.


Almost nothing is known about Ivan's appearance. A man of intelligent appearance. Tall. Slim build. The face was adorned with light, reddish stubble, giving it a masculine appearance.

Social status

Urban intellectual. Master. A person from a decent society who received an excellent upbringing and education.


It is known that Ivan serves in some department. In his free time from work, he tries out the genre of literary journalism. He is trying to write stories, one of which was published in a city publication. Collects folk tales and epics for creativity.

“...and at that time (tell, tell like that) I had already managed to squeeze out a story in one small newspaper with two murders and one suicide, and I knew theoretically that it is useful for writers to observe morals...”


Among the main character traits of Ivan Timofeevich, I would like to note the following:

  • kindness;
  • weakness, lack of will;
  • responsiveness;
  • dependent on people's opinions;
  • weak character;
  • unable to understand one's own feelings;
  • modesty;
  • indecision;
  • hides emotions and feelings inside, not giving them a way out.

The main character Olesya has her own opinion regarding the character of Ivan Timofeevich.

“...although you are a kind person, you are only weak... Your kindness is not good, not heartfelt. You are not master of your word. You like to have the upper hand over people, but although you don’t want to, you obey them. You love wine, and also... Well, it doesn’t matter, let’s say, everything is in order... You really want our sister, and through this you will suffer a lot of evil in life... You don’t value money and don’t know how to save it - rich you will never..."

Love in the life of Ivan Timofeevich

The meeting with the young witch turned the master’s life upside down, brightening up his monotonous, gray everyday life. She immediately attracted Ivan's attention. Olesya was not like the girls he knew. Despite the social difference, Ivan Timofeevich and Olesya fell in love with each other, but the love was different. Ivan did not accept Olesya for who she is. He became fascinated by beauty, originality, and originality. I weighed the pros and cons for a long time before proposing marriage. He was afraid of his feelings. It was this reason that prevented the wedding from taking place. The master was too indecisive.

Olesya, seeing Ivan’s shortcomings, loved with all her soul, demanding nothing in return. She understood that they could not be together. The cards predicted only troubles from relationships, but refusing meetings was beyond her strength. For his sake, she went to the church, where witches are prohibited from entering, but her beloved could not appreciate her sacrifice. The girl had to flee the village. In memory of her love, she leaves bright coral beads on the window, the ones he once gave her.

Olesya Ivan Timofeevich
Social status Ordinary girl. Urban intellectual. “Master”, as Manuilikha and Olesya call him, “master” calls Yarmila.
Lifestyle, activities She lives with her grandmother in the forest and is happy with her life. Doesn't recognize hunting. He loves animals very much and takes care of them. A city dweller who, by the will of fate, finds himself in a remote village. Tries to write stories. In the village I hoped to find many legends and traditions, but I got bored very quickly. The only entertainment was hunting.
Attitudes towards the hero of other people People don't understand or accept it. Relations with the peasants were limited only to the fact that they took off their hats in front of him and said: “Gai bug,” which meant “God help.” He tried to talk to them, but they looked at him in surprise, did not understand even simple questions, and everyone tried to kiss his hands.
Attitude towards people He doesn’t communicate with people and doesn’t strive to do so. “If only they had left grandma and I alone, it would have been better,” says Olesya. “Evil... people here, ruthless...”. Ivan Timofeevich does not find a common language with ordinary people, but wants to benefit people: he treats peasants, teaches Yarmol to read and write. But for them he still remains a stranger.
Features of behavior An open and honest girl. Doesn't hide his feelings and emotions. Restrains his emotional impulses.
Love Everything is given over to the feeling of love. She is ready to make any sacrifice for the sake of her beloved (she goes to church, where the village women attacked her). But, realizing what an abyss separates her and Ivan Timofeevich, she leaves him. Incapable of strong feelings. Doesn't accept Olesya for who she is. He sets a condition: either he or “witchcraft.” When Olesya hides from him, he quickly calms down.
Character An intelligent, strong, integral nature, capable of high feelings and courageous actions. Having grown up among the Polesie forest, she is distinguished by her rugged independence. She's a proud girl. Olesya does as she sees fit. The opinions of other people are not important to her. Smart, educated, intelligent. Soft, weak-willed. He likes to get the better of people, but more often it’s the other way around. Sometimes he cannot understand himself. Not able to go against people's opinion.
Relationship between Olesya and Ivan Timofeevich She fell in love with Ivan Timofeevich passionately, selflessly, despite all his shortcomings, realizing that their love had no future. He was fascinated by Olesya, he was attracted by her unusualness and beauty. He "enjoyed...healthy, sensual love." And although he confesses his love to Olesya, his feeling can hardly be called love. Rather, he is afraid of his feelings. He accepted her sacrifices (he knew how her trip to church would end, but he didn’t stop her).
Speech, voice Resonant and strong, with unexpected velvety notes. True to character. Expressiveness and sophistication of phrases in conversation. Soft, pleading tone. True to character.
The author's attitude towards the hero Together with Ivan Timofeevich, the author admires Olesya. He uses the following evaluative vocabulary to describe her: young, slender, easy-going, beautiful. “Original beauty of the face”, which once seen, cannot be forgotten. He likes her love of freedom, spontaneity, honesty, openness, kindness. It is spoken from the first person: the author’s attitude towards his hero is determined by the hero’s thoughts, by how he himself evaluates his actions. It is clear that the author sympathizes with the hero, because Ivan Timofeevich does not try to relieve himself of the blame for some unpleasant actions.
Worldview Olesya is smart, but does not recognize science. And she explains her unusual abilities only by the fact that their family is cursed, that it is the devil who helps her. Ivan Timofeevich is inclined to explain all of Olesya’s abilities from a scientific point of view (hypnosis, psychiatry, physiology).
Question about marriage Olesya believes that their union is impossible. The decision to get married grew stronger in Ivan Timofeevich’s soul, and as a result he stopped seeing it as a challenge to society. And finally he proposed to Olesya.
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  • The beautiful and sad story “Olesya”, like a confession, is told on behalf of a young man, abandoned by fate to be bored and vegetate for a long six months in the remote village of Perebrod. The name of the narrator and his story are not immediately revealed to the reader, but from the very beginning it becomes clear that Ivan Timofeevich is an educated, intelligent and inquisitive person. The hero is kind and gentle by nature. He treats the humiliated and insulted with pity, and wants to serve for the benefit of those around him, even if they are lower than him in terms of social status. Ivan Timofeevich serves in some department and is trying to write stories. He is kind and helps his servant's poor family.

    In the outback, Ivan Timofeevich is sad. Out of idleness, he is engaged in hunting and fishing in the forest, trying to teach a lazy servant to read and write. From the latter, in a conversation, the hero learns that very real witches live very close to his refuge. But he treats this kind of speculation with healthy skepticism, conditioned by education and the habit of explaining everything that happens from a scientific point of view.

    Ivan Timofeevich and Olesya

    The meeting with Olesya becomes a light for the hero in the darkness of endless boring days (she read his fortune on cards and predicted his fate). The girl immediately attracts the attention of Ivan Timofeevich as an extraordinary person, radically different from anyone with whom he had previously communicated.

    He strives to understand how such a subtle, sensitive and tactful person could grow up in the wilderness, without literacy and etiquette. How can you explain that in the eyes of the local population this girl is the embodiment of evil? In fact, her tact and gentleness will give a hundred times a head start to any of the peasants or peasant women who are rude and uncouth by nature. Why do religiously educated people sincerely fear and hate the sweet and kind Olesya, who in return does not harbor any malice towards the offenders and does not wish anything bad to anyone?

    Asking these questions, the main character gets to know the lovely forest dweller more and more closely, becomes attached to her and begins to realize that separation will become unbearable torment for him.

    He sincerely wants to marry Olesya, take her with him to the city and live a long life together. Olesya refuses, explaining that she cannot get married in a church, since she is a witch, which means she belongs to the devil.

    The next day the young master leaves for a neighboring village. Returning after lunch, he meets the clerk Nikita Nazarych Mishchenka, who says that the peasants caught and beat a witch near the church. She slipped out of the crowd and ran into the forest, shouting curses. Ivan Timofeevich understands that it was Olesya and hurries to the forest house, where he finds her, beaten. It turns out that Olesya decided to go to church, wanting to please her lover, but the peasant women considered her action to be blasphemy and attacked her after the service. Olesya refuses the doctor and says that she and her grandmother will leave soon - so as not to incur even greater wrath from the community.

    The passionate desire to tame the miracle of nature played a cruel joke on Ivan Timofeevich. Desires, sometimes similar to stupid whims, rash actions and selfishness of the main character led to tragedy. And this tragedy irrevocably affected the fate of the hero himself, the poor girl and the grandmother who raised her.

    He lost Olesya forever. All that remained in his memory were red beads, the bitterness of regret and an endless feeling of guilt for causing pain to the most innocent of creatures on earth.

    What did the cards say about Ivan Timofeevich?

    What happened to you is this: although you are a kind person, you are only weak... Your kindness is not good, not heartfelt. You are not master of your word. You like to have the upper hand over people, but although you don’t want to, you obey them. You love wine, and also... Well, it doesn’t matter, so to speak, everything is in order... You are very hungry for our sister, and through this you will suffer a lot of harm in life... You don’t value money and you don’t know how to save it - you will never be rich. ..

    Then it turned out that your life will not be fun. You will not love anyone with your heart, because your heart is cold, lazy, and you will bring a lot of grief to those who love you. You will never get married, and you will die single. You will not have great joys in life, but there will be a lot of boredom and hardship... The time will come that you will want to lay hands on yourself... Such a thing will happen to you... But if you don’t dare, you will bear it... You will endure great need, but in the end In your life, your fate will change through the death of someone close to you and completely unexpectedly for you. Only all this will happen in many years, but this year... I don’t know when exactly, the cards say very soon... Maybe even this month<...>You receive great love from some lady of clubs. I just can’t guess if she’s married or a girl, but I know she has dark hair...

    Ivan Timofeevich is the main character and narrator of the story “Olesya”. Very sincerely and lyrically, the writer managed to describe his hero to readers. The story shows the image of an ordinary intellectual of that time. From the story we see that these are not ordinary people, they are a special class of the population. These people are very subtle in soul and body, well-read and educated, but what is most interesting is that they go with the flow of their lives and do not want to influence or change anything. The main character belongs to the Russian intelligentsia of the century before last; he is very attentive to all people. Very picky.

    The writer managed to show his hero to readers at the crossroads of two roads. When you read a story, a dual attitude towards the hero appears: on the one hand, we evaluate him as a positive character, but at the same time, negative traits appear. He is a very smart and educated person, but boredom overcomes this man; he does not know what to do with himself. At this time he is in Polesie, and his inaction leads to trouble.

    The main character has never discussed people's personal lives, but with his stories and moralizing he is trying to teach society something useful. Ivan Timofeevich treated people, tutored people, and even wanted to cooperate with the local authorities. But he has such a subtle soul that all this is boring for him. Need more excitement and adrenaline. He is ready to go to extremes, he is going to meet the witch who lived in those parts.

    Forest resident Olesya describes the hero very well. She said that his life was very unhappy, filled with grief and disappointment. But Olesya subtly noticed that Ivan Timofeevich, a very well-read man, knows many branches of science, but he wanted to connect the unconnected. He liked to give gifts to girls. One day the hero asked her. What does she want to receive as a gift, to which the girl asked to go to church with her. This would be the best thing for her. But he knew that girls should not go there. He ran after her, begged, fell to his knees, asked her not to go there. But it was not possible to convince the girl, for which she suffered retribution.

    Our hero is a very gentle nature. He lacks willpower, is a weak-willed person, he does not like it when people kiss his hands or when they approach him very closely. Likes to keep people at a distance. They say that you cannot run away from fate, so Ivan Timofeevich did not try to run away from it, thereby destroying the young girl. The only good thing is that in this situation the hero does not justify himself and somewhere deep in his soul he even reproaches himself for this.

    The story of Ivan Timofeevich

    We all need a change of environment from time to time in order to relax and gain new impressions. So Ivan Timofeevich is going to Polesie. Ivan Timofeevich found himself in the Polesie outback on duty and with the hope of collecting folklore for his literary endeavors. In reality, everything turned out to be not so rosy: the Poleshuks did not make contact, he was a stranger to them, and it was also not possible to teach them to read and write.

    The only entertainment was hunting. And then one day, getting lost in the forest, the master meets the beautiful Olesya. A beautiful, friendly girl with a velvety lively voice seemed to captivate Ivan Timofeevich. Meetings of lovers in the forest were like a balm for the soul for the master.

    The girl, like her grandmother Manuilikha, knew how to tell fortunes well. Fortune telling for Olesya foreshadowed trouble from meetings with Ivan Timofeevich. The girl felt the master’s weak character, but even this did not stop her.

    But the master really didn’t have the willpower: he didn’t know how to bring things to the end, he abandoned all his undertakings halfway (an attempt to teach the Poleshuks to read and write), his words were at odds with his actions, although he was not his master’s words.

    As time went. Relations with ordinary peasants did not improve, relations with Olesya continued. Although Ivan Timofeevich was smart, intelligent, kind, he couldn’t even sort out his thoughts.

    And I couldn’t accept Olesya for who she was either. Ivan Timofeevich completely confronts the girl with a choice: either he or her witchcraft. It took him time to dare to propose marriage to Olesya.

    By agreeing, the girl doomed herself to certain death. The master felt that Olesya’s trip to church was clearly not going to end well, but did nothing to save her from shame. Ivan Timofeevich dared to look at her after the incident. Humiliated, sick, frightened Olesya.

    So the master’s cowardice, weakness, and fear were able to destroy the young girl. Kuprin does not condemn Ivan Timofeevich, but on the contrary sympathizes with him because, despite everything, the master understands his guilt and responsibility for what happened, but nothing can be corrected, the image of the amazing Olesya will remain only in memory.

    Essay 3

    Ivan Timofeevich is an intelligent man, born in the city, and he also begins to write stories. Finding himself in one area called Polesie, he tries to find various epics in order to begin his work.

    Discussing the personal lives of other people never evoked positive emotions in Ivan Timofeevich. But throughout the entire story, one cannot say just because he is trying to teach everyone something. He combined what was impossible: he treated sick people, tutored and tried to give people at least some kind of education. But he is very bored doing all this, he wants to get the maximum adrenaline and unforgettable feelings from life.

    One day the master learns about the existence of a witch whose name is Manuilikha. According to stories, she lives near the swamps. Ivan Timofeevich became interested in this case. Of course, he did not believe in any phenomena that could occur not from this world, but he wanted to get to know her. Such a meeting soon happened. While on a hunt, the main character got lost and came across the house of that same witch. The old woman looked like a real witch. She received the uninvited guest very poorly, but promised to tell fortunes for a coin. As it turned out after some time, the villainess also had a granddaughter with the same abilities. Her name was Alena, but they nicknamed her Olesya for her actions. The girl was incredibly beautiful, Ivan could not stop looking at her. He remembered her so much that he could not forget her image.

    Ivan was a kind man, but this kindness did not come from a pure heart. Olesya understood this immediately, but she could no longer do anything. The master was not responsible and did not bring a single matter to fruition. The only example can be given, from which everything will become clear: Ivan Timofeevich tried to teach the peasants to read and write, but quickly finished due to the fact that they did not shine with their intelligence. Olesya was going to church, and trouble was inevitable, but the main character did not dare to prevent it. Although this man was frank and responsive, his heart still did not allow him to open up to people.

    The hero of this story is a very gentle nature, as a result of which he shows his weak character. He killed the poor girl without even trying to do anything to correct the terrible situation that happened at the end of the story. But the reader can understand that Ivan does not justify himself and even scolds himself for what happened, because he himself understands that everything depended only on him.

    Option 4

    Kuprin is a Russian writer who grew up without a father and began his creative career in Moscow. After his father died, he and his mother moved there. There he graduated from a military school and began translating foreign works. Later he became interested in writing his own works, which ended up in local magazines. Thanks to this, the writer gained popularity among local residents, and this gave impetus to writing the story “Olesya”.

    The most striking character of this work was Ivan Timofeevich. This intelligent man had bright character traits and the right mindset. Despite this, the hero of the story is pessimistic about the current life, in his calmness, such people are not able to become a ruler in society, and change something in themselves or those around them. Even the activity of tutoring, which he sometimes loved to do most, tired him. He even tried to heal people, but this did not console his nature towards everything that was happening. The character's soul wanted grandiose changes in life. His attempts to find mutual friends in the government ended in boredom, and this pushed him to take a decisive step - to change his life with a trip to Polesie.

    Thanks to this move, the author was able to show the image of the main character Olesya, whom Ivan Timofeevich met after getting lost in the forest one day. Olesya was beautiful and attractive. The origins of this acquaintance come from the character’s hobbies for hunting. While hunting, Ivan Timofeevich was able to be alone with nature and with himself.

    In these events, the affection of the main characters for each other is born. Despite the fact that Olesya had the ability to tell fortunes and control extraterrestrial forces, she decided to become the wife of Ivan Timofeevich. The heroine’s mother explained in every possible way that she did not need this marriage. The hero of the story himself, without having a “firm” word, somehow influenced the girl and disappointed her fragile heart. In such events, Olesya is left alone, and her ex-husband, due to his sluggish mentality, cannot change anything. His indifference to life destroyed everything in its path. The author even feels sorry for the character to some extent. Having decorated his image with kindness and responsiveness to people, he never tries to complete his work. As a result, he remains a complete loser. Deep down, he scolds himself, and understands that he cannot change anything, his indifference has dragged him into a pool of failures, from which he can no longer get out.

    This work by the author clearly expresses the actions of people who are not the “masters” of their word. Kuprin very beautifully expressed the self-esteem of the protagonist, which had an instructive effect on society. Only thanks to this work, many readers saw the essence of pessimism in a person, what it leads to, and what comes of it.

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