Who reached the final of the children's “Voice. Who reached the final of the children's “The Voice Voice children new season final

  • 15.06.2019

April 28, 2017 in the show “The Voice Children new season 4”. Channel One presents the premiere fourth season music project"Voice. Children". A children's competition project is based on the same principles as an adult's. Of the thousands of applications for participation sent to Channel One, musical edition selected several hundred of the most worthy. During the preliminary castings, 120 people were allowed to participate in the blind auditions. Now it’s time for the signature “blind auditions,” “duels,” and the finals.
During the “blind auditions”, mentors will select their teams, each of which will have 15 young performers aged 7 to 15 years. In the “duel” each team will be divided into threes and from each three only one singer will advance to the next stage. In the “battles”, five singers in each team will compete for two places in the finals. And in the final, the audience by voting in live The winner of the entire project will be announced. Watch the finale of the show “The Voice Kids” on April 28, 2017.

Voice Children new season 4 episode 11 (04/28/2017)

The intrigue of the season will be resolved: who will become the winner of the main children's vocal show countries this year? Nine finalists will compete live for the title of the best voice in Russia! Get ready to support your favorite participants, because all the funds from audience voting Channel One will traditionally donate money to charity. A storm of emotions, new songs and good mood- do not miss!

Voice children from 04/28/2017

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Tonight, April 28, 2017, the final will take place live on Channel One popular show Voice Children. Nine of the most talented finalists will take the stage to compete for the title of winner. But one will be the best. And his name will be called by TV viewers during SMS and telephone voting.

Previously, viewers have already witnessed the semi-finals, one of which was also broadcast live. In the first semi-final, the finalists were selected by mentors. Thus, only the two strongest participants remained in their team. But in the second, additional semi-final, the three eliminated participants from each team were given another chance to compete for a place in the final. Thus, each team today will be represented by three participants: two were chosen by the mentor himself, and the third - by television viewers.

Voice Children 2017 finalists Bilan's team

Dmitry Bilan's team today will be represented by 7-year-old Alina Golomysova and 12-year-old Snezhana Shin.

Also in the previous stage, Elizaveta Kachurak joined the team.

Bookmakers are already making their bets. And in their opinion, strongest participant Snezhana Shin is on Dima Bilan’s team. The girl has a strong, mature voice and Dima will do everything to show it in all its glory. However, in the previous round, viewers cast their votes for Elizaveta Kachurak. And this is not without reason. The girl amazed them with her performance of the romance. The clear, unusually soulful voice amazed the listeners.

Voice Children 2017 finalists of the Meladze team

Valery Meladze chose 11-year-old Deniz Khekilaeva, as well as Stefania Sokolova, for his team.

Last Friday, Alexander Dudkov joined his team. A talented blond boy with wide eyes captivated TV viewers. And his song about his grandmother made the audience cry. Bookmakers are betting on two participants in Meladze's team. These are Deniza Khekilaeva and Alexander Dudkov. They have equal opportunities to enter the top three and even win.

Finalists of the Nyusha team

Nyusha’s team will be represented today by 9-year-old Alina Sansybai and 12-year-old Yulianna Beregovaya.

In the additional round, Eva Medved joined Nyusha’s team. Each of the girls has an equal chance of winning and the bookmakers are divided on who will make it into the top three. best performers from Nyusha's team.

April 28, 2017 in the show “The Voice Children new season 4”. Channel One presents the premiere of the fourth season of the musical project The Voice. Children". A children's competition project is based on the same principles as an adult's. Of the thousands of applications for participation sent to Channel One, the music editors selected several hundred of the most worthy ones. During the preliminary castings, 120 people were allowed to participate in the blind auditions. Now it’s time for the signature “blind auditions,” “duels,” and the finals.
During the “blind auditions”, mentors will select their teams, each of which will have 15 young performers aged 7 to 15 years. In the “duel” each team will be divided into threes and from each three only one singer will advance to the next stage. In the “battles”, five singers in each team will compete for two places in the finals. And in the final, the audience will name the winner of the entire project by voting live. Watch the finale of the show “The Voice Kids” on April 28, 2017.

Voice Children new season 4 episode 11 (04/28/2017)

The intrigue of the season will be resolved: who will win the main children's vocal show in the country this year? Nine finalists will compete live for the title of the best voice in Russia! Get ready to support your favorite participants, because Channel One will traditionally donate all proceeds from the audience vote to charity. A storm of emotions, new songs and good mood - don't miss it!

Voice children from 04/28/2017

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The final of the “Voice” project took place live on Channel One on April 28. Children-4." Among the finalists was a 13-year-old resident of Kalach-on-Don, in the Volgograd region, Elizaveta Kachurak.

Dima Bilan for the second time became the mentor of the winning team in the show “The Voice. Children". The fourth season of the competition was won by Elizaveta Kachurak, who sang the song “Reflection” in the super final.

It was a tense finale. The girls swept the boys out of the way - Alexander Dudko was the last to be eliminated in the final - and entered into a tough battle among themselves. Behind the scenes of the project, Danya Pluzhnikov sang along and moved to the beat, sitting on a chair - he sang his signature “Two Eagles”. Svetlana Zeynalova confessed her love to children. And the losers watched the final fight and placed bets.

The fourth season of children's “The Voice” was played out among the girls. Seven young ladies and only one gentleman reached the finals. Alexander Dudko entered into an unequal battle and dropped out. So Deniza Khekilaeva from Valery Meladze’s team, Alisa Golomysova from Nyusha’s team and Dima Bilan’s ward Elizaveta Kachurak fought for the victory.

Before the final of the competition, the girl was very worried, but this did not become an obstacle on the way. She performed Lyudmila Gurchenko’s song “Prayer” so touchingly and professionally that she took almost 50% of the votes from viewers. In the second stage, Lisa Kachurak performed the song “Reflection”. This performance earned her 46.6% of the votes. Thus, the young singer’s rivals had no chance.

The Volgograd girl was worried before the final stage, but said that she wanted to prove to her mentor Dima Bilan that she was in the final for a reason.

Rules for the finale of “The Voice. Children" are simple. The three remaining members of each team perform first; as a result of audience voting, one of them advances to the super final. One representative from each team competes in the super final - and the winner is again determined by the audience.

The mentors have two functions at this stage - to say a few words to the finalists after their performances, and also to sing a song with them while the voting is underway. They cannot influence the choice of viewers in any way.

Most eyewitnesses gave the victory to Denise Khekilaeva from Valery Meladze’s team. The mentor chose very beautiful songs for the girl. And the three-time winner of the Golden Orpheus sang them brilliantly. It’s no joke: her first performance with the song “Vera” received 4.5 million views on the Internet. However, some believed that the bet on the touchingness of little Alisa Golomysova from Nyusha’s team would play out. Fans of Elizaveta Kachurak from Dima Bilan’s team believed that victory was theirs. Lisa sang “Prayer” by Lyudmila Gurchenko almost perfectly.

I went to the casting of the children's “Voice” just with the thought of getting into the show. And every time I set a goal for myself. Go through the blind audition stage. To be honest, I didn’t believe that I would pass them. Then fights. Go further, further and further. Step by step. That's how I moved. Then - bam! - the final. And I managed to win. I didn't expect it, of course. I had very strong rivals. I thought that anyone could win, but not me. Of course, the impressions and emotions are overwhelming. I still can’t realize that I won.

Accidents are not accidental... A year ago, in the last season of the project “The Voice. Children" before the performance of 11-year-old Denise Khekilaeva from Nalchik, places in the mentor teams ran out. Who knows how it turned out creative path, if she got to the casting right away. Maybe she wouldn't have caught the attention of the other jury members. Maybe she would have found stronger competitors. But everything turned out the way it turned out. And Denise not only got into the fourth season of the project, but also reached the very final! She was just a little short of victory. But becoming the silver voice of the country is also a very worthy result.

When counting votes, it was not clear who won until the last moments. The percentages either accelerated or treacherously slowed down, indicating two leaders - Denise and Elizabeth. The result is as follows: Deniza Khekilaeva - 37.5%, Alisa Golomysova - 15.9%, Elizaveta Kachurak - 46.6%. It was discouraging. Almost the same as Daria Antonyuk’s victory in the adult “Voice”.

The winner, 13-year-old Liza Kachurak, froze without emotion on her face - she neither smiled nor cried. She just couldn't believe it happened.

I don’t have any talismans, I just tune myself into a song and go out. This is my task. Mentor Dima Bilan told me to remain myself. And I showed everything I can do. This is probably the main experience of the show “The Voice”: to make sure that you don’t have to doubt yourself. And on stage you have to be confident. Of course, my sports experience also helped (the girl helped me achieve a fighting spirit. Sports adds self-confidence. I recommend it to everyone.

- I didn’t expect it, of course! — Lisa admitted to us. — I had very strong rivals. I thought that anyone could win, but not me. Of course, the impressions and emotions are overwhelming. I still can’t realize that I won.