Wise parables of Omar Khayyam about life. Omar Khayyam on the relationship between a man and a woman

  • 19.10.2019

One of those who writes the best aphorisms is Omar Khayyam. This Persian mathematician is known throughout the world primarily as a philosopher and poet. Omar Khayyam's quotes are filled to the brim with meaning, which is sometimes so lacking.

If you expect gratitude for kindness -
You don't give good, you sell it.
Omar Khayyam

I enter the mosque. the hour is late and dull.
I am not thirsty for a miracle and not with a prayer:
Once upon a time I pulled a rug from here,
And he was worn out; I would need another one.
Omar Khayyam

Good and evil are at enmity - the world is on fire.
What about the sky? The sky is to the side.
Curses and joyful hymns
They don’t reach the blue heights.
Omar Khayyam

You can seduce a man who has a wife, you can seduce a man who has a mistress, but you cannot seduce a man who has a beloved woman.
Omar Khayyam

To be beautiful does not mean to be born so,
After all, we can learn beauty.
When a man is beautiful in soul -
What appearance can compare with her?
Omar Khayyam

How often, when we make mistakes in life, we lose those we value.
Trying to please others, sometimes we run away from our neighbors.
We exalt those who are not worthy of us, and betray the most faithful.
Those who love us so much, we offend, and we ourselves expect an apology.
Omar Khayyam

You repay good with good - well done
If you respond to evil with good, you are a sage.
Omar Khayyam

Eyes can speak. Scream with happiness or cry.
With your eyes you can encourage, drive you crazy, make you cry.
You can deceive with words, but with your eyes it is impossible.
You can drown in your gaze if you look carelessly...
Omar Khayyam

O fool, I see you have fallen into a trap,
In this fleeting life, equal to a day.
Why are you rushing about, mortal? Why are you fussing?
Give me some wine - and then keep running!
Omar Khayyam

Death is not scary.
Life can be scary
Random, imposed life...
In the dark they handed me an empty one.
And without a fight I will give this life.
Omar Khayyam

We must live, we are told, in fasting and labor.
As you live, so you will rise again!
I am inseparable from my friend and a cup of wine -
So that you can wake up at the Last Judgment.
Omar Khayyam

Lord, I'm tired of my poverty,
Tired of futile hopes and desires.
Give me a new life if you are almighty!
Maybe this one will be better than this one.
Omar Khayyam

Life is either sherbet on ice or wine sucks.
Mortal flesh in brocade, or dressed in rags -
Believe me, the sage doesn’t care about all this,
But it is bitter to realize that life is doomed.
Omar Khayyam

If you spend your whole life looking for pleasure:
Drink wine, listen to chang and caress beauties -
You'll have to give it up anyway.
Life is like a dream. But you can’t sleep forever!
Omar Khayyam

Conscientious and smart
Respect and visit -
And away, without looking back
Run away from the ignoramus!
Omar Khayyam

Keep your words safer than coins.
Listen to the end - then give advice.
With two ears you got one tongue.
To listen to two and give one piece of advice.
Omar Khayyam

Of those admitted to heaven and cast into hell
No one ever came back.
Are you sinful or holy, poor or rich -
When you leave, don’t expect to return either.
Omar Khayyam

Don't share your secret with people.
After all, you don’t know which of them is mean.
What do you do with God's creation?
Expect the same from yourself and from people.
Omar Khayyam

While you are alive, do not offend anyone.
Do not burn anyone with the flame of anger.
If you want to taste peace and quiet,
Suffer forever, but do not oppress anyone.
Omar Khayyam

We don’t know if life will last until the morning...
So hurry up and sow the seeds of goodness!
And take care of love in this perishable world for your friends
Every moment is more than gold and silver.
Omar Khayyam

We hope you found the sayings about the life of Omar Khayyam useful.


Quotes and Aphorisms 16.09.2017

Dear readers, today I invite you to a philosophical conversation. After all, we will talk about the statements of the famous poet and philosopher Omar Khayyam. The poet is considered one of the greatest minds and philosophers of the East. Composing aphorisms about life with meaning, Omar Khayyam wrote short quatrains - rubai. It is interesting, however, that during his lifetime he was much better known as an astronomer and mathematician.

Before the Victorian era, it was known only in the East. Due to the breadth of their views, for a long time Khayyam the poet and Khayyam the scientist were considered different people. The collection of quatrains, rubaiyat, was published after the death of the author. Europeans read the rubaiyat in the translation of the English naturalist and poet Edward Fitzgerald. According to writers, Hayam's collection of poems includes more than 5,000 works. Historians are cautious: experts say that Khayyam wrote only 300 to 500 poems.

The philosopher had a keen sense of life and accurately described the characters of people. Noticed peculiarities of behavior in different situations. Despite the fact that he lived many years ago, Khayyam’s sayings and thoughts are still relevant today, and many of his sayings have become famous aphorisms.

And now I invite you, dear readers, to receive subtle pleasure from the poetic wisdom and wit of the aphorisms and quotes of the great thinker Omar Khayyam.

Quotes and aphorisms of Omar Khayyam about love

The poet could not ignore the eternal theme of relations between men and women. Sincerely and simply he writes:

Days spent without the joys of love,
I consider the burden unnecessary and hateful.

But idealism is alien to Khayyam. Love's tossing is described in several lines:

How often, when we make mistakes in life, we lose those we value.
Trying to please others, sometimes we run away from our neighbors.
We exalt those who are not worthy of us, and betray the most faithful.
Those who love us so much, we offend, and we ourselves expect an apology.

The poet also thought a lot about how true intimacy and love between people is manifested:

Giving yourself does not mean selling.
And sleeping next to each other does not mean sleeping with you.
Not taking revenge does not mean forgiving everything.
Not being around doesn’t mean not loving.

Physical distances mattered more in the distant past than they do now. But mental alienation can still be the same. A connoisseur of souls about the eternal problem of families, the seduction of husbands, said briefly: “You can seduce a man who has a wife, you can seduce a man who has a mistress, but you cannot seduce a man who has a beloved woman.”

At the same time, the philosopher admits:

A weak man is an unfaithful slave of fate,
Exposed, I am a shameless slave!
Especially in love. I myself, I am the first
Always unfaithful and weak towards many.

About the ideal of female beauty on behalf of men, Khayyam wrote:

You, whose appearance is fresher than wheat fields,
You are a mihrab from the temple of heaven!
When you were born, your mother washed you with ambergris,
By mixing drops of my blood into the aroma!

Surprisingly, more than ten centuries have passed since these lines were written, and the actions of the lovers have hardly changed. Maybe that’s why the wittiest quotes and aphorisms of Omar Khayyam are still so popular?

Quotes from Omar Khayyam about the joy of life

During the life of the scientist in the Islamic world (within modern borders from Azerbaijan to India), religion in literature imposed strict restrictions on the description of love. For more than thirty years, there has been a strict ban on mentioning alcohol in poetry. But the philosopher seems to laugh at the imams. Famous verses are broken down into aphorisms.

They tell us that in the depths of paradise we will embrace the wondrous houris,
Blissfully delighting yourself with the purest honey and wine.
So if it is allowed by the Eternal Ones themselves in the holy paradise,
Is it possible to forget beauties and wine in a fleeting world?

However, Khayyam’s notorious wine is not so much alcoholic as a symbol of the joy of life:

Drink! And into the fire of spring chaos
Throw away the holey, dark cloak of winter.
The earthly path is short. And time is a bird.
The bird has wings... You are at the edge of darkness.

Wine is also a way to comprehend the wisdom of seemingly ordinary phenomena and images:

Man is the truth of the world, the crown
Not everyone knows this, but only a sage.
Drink a drop of wine so you don't think
That creations are all based on the same pattern.

Although the most important thing is the ability to enjoy life:

Do not worry that your name will be forgotten.
Let the intoxicating drink comfort you.
Before your joints fall apart,
Comfort yourself with your beloved by caressing her.

The main feature of the sage’s works is integrity without the currently fashionable conflict. A person is not only integral, but also influences his environment:

Only the dawn will be barely visible in the sky,
Draw from the cup the juice of the invaluable vine!
We know: the truth in the mouths of people is bitter, -
So, then, we must consider wine to be the truth.

This is the whole of Khayyam - he suggests looking for the meaning of life in its endless manifestations.

Aphorisms of Omar Khayyam about life

This is the essence of philosophers - to constantly think about what is happening around and be able to express it accurately and succinctly. Omar Khayyam expressed a very unusual view:

And the nights gave way to days
Before us, oh my dear friend,
And the stars did the same
Your circle is predetermined by fate.
Oh, hush! Walk carefully
To the dust under your foot -
You trample the ashes of beauties,
The remains of their wondrous eyes.

Khayyam is also wise in his attitude towards death and suffering. Like any wise man, he knew that there was no point in regretting the past and that in constant expectation of better happiness, too, could not be found.

Don’t curse heaven for your suffering.
Look at the graves of your friends without sobbing.
Appreciate this fleeting moment.
Don't look at yesterday and tomorrow.

And he wrote about different perceptions of life:

Two people were looking out the same window. One saw rain and mud.
The other is green elm foliage, spring and blue sky.
Two people were looking out the same window.

And, of course, all the basic laws of the universe were obvious to him, which even now indicate that the best thing in life is to do good:

Don't do evil - it will come back like a boomerang,
Don't spit in the well - you will drink the water,
Don't insult someone of lower rank
What if you have to ask for something?
Don't betray your friends - you can't replace them,
And don’t lose your loved ones - you won’t get them back,
Don't lie to yourself - you'll find out over time
That you are betraying yourself with this lie.

The philosopher considered labor to be the main thing, and position in society, wealth and social benefits to be only transitory attributes. About swagger he wrote:

Sometimes someone proudly glances: “It’s me!”
Decorate your outfits with gold: “It’s me!”
But only his affairs will go well,
Suddenly death emerges from ambush: “It’s me!”

In the fleeting nature of existence, the poet valued humanity and the ability to focus on one’s tasks:

Don't envy someone who is strong and rich
Sunset always follows dawn.
With this short life, equal to a breath,
Treat it as if it was rented to you.

Omar Khayyam was able to treat many things with humor:

When I lay my head under the fence,
In the clutches of death, like a bird in the plucking, I will please -
I bequeath: make a jug out of me,
Involve me in your revelry!

Although, like wine, the revelry and joy of the poet cannot be understood only literally. The rubaiyat contains several layers of wisdom.

Reflections on God and Religion

Due to the peculiarities of the worldview of the East at that time, Khayyam could not ignore religion.

God is in the veins of days. All life is His game.
From mercury it is living silver.
It will sparkle with the moon, become silver with a fish...
He is all flexible, and death is His game.

Omar Khayyam took a long time to understand God. God, according to Khayyam, is very different from the Christian trinity of Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

In moments He is visible, more often he is hidden.
He keeps a close eye on our lives.
God whiles away eternity with our drama!
He composes, directs and watches.

Strictly speaking, in Islam, only the Holy Spirit is present from the trinity. According to the Koran, Jesus, or rather Isa, is one of the greatest prophets. The scientist openly did not like them:

Prophets came to us in droves,
And they promised light to the dark world.
But they all have their eyes closed
They followed each other down into the darkness.

Although the philosopher took part in raising the children of noble families, he did not leave behind any theological works. The fact is all the more surprising that during 10 years of work in Bukhara, the scientist published 4 fundamental additions to Euclid’s geometry and 2 works on astronomy. Apparently, Theosophy remained outside his interests. His humorous verse speaks about his attitude towards the cult of religion:

I enter the mosque. The hour is late and dull.
I am not thirsty for a miracle and not with a prayer:
Once upon a time I pulled a rug from here,
And he was worn out. We need another...

Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam

As soon as you went out into the garden, the scarlet poppy became embarrassed,
There is no way to calm down from envy.
Why didn’t the cypress bow to you?
I saw the wondrous figure and was seized with tetanus!

Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam

To the radiance of the moon, beauty of the night,
I will add the warmth given by the candle,
The sparkle of sugar, the posture of a cypress tree,
The murmur of a stream... And your appearance will come out.

Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam

What a temptation, what a temptation, God bless!...
Your face reigns in dreams day and night.
That's why there is pain in the chest and trembling in the heart,
And dry lips, and wet eyes, and trembling hands.

Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam

Only your face makes a sad heart happy.
I don't need anything except your face.
I see my image in you, looking into your eyes,
I see you in myself, my joy.

Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam

He dressed many women in brocade and pearls,
But I could not find an ideal among them.
I asked the sage: - What is perfection?
- The one next to you! - He told me.

Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam

Torment ages beauties. Get rid of trouble
The one whose eyelids are transparent and whose lips are firm.
Be more tender with your beloved: beauty escapes,
Leaving traces of suffering on the face.

Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam

To the world - the haven of our few days -
For a long time I fixed the inquisitive gaze of my eyes.
So what? Your face is brighter than the bright moon;
Than a slender cypress, your wonderful figure is straighter.

Omar Khayyam is a great Persian poet and philosopher who became famous throughout the world for his wise sayings. In his homeland he is also known as a mathematician, astronomer and astrologer. In mathematical treatises, the scientist presented ways to solve complex equations. His scientific achievements also include the development of a new solar calendar.

Most of all, Omar Khayyam was glorified by his literary and philosophical activities. Omar Khayyam is the author of quatrain poems - rubai. They are written in Farsi. There is an opinion that the rubai were initially translated into English, and only then into other languages ​​of the world, including Russian.

There is probably no topic to which Omar Khayyam would not devote his work. He wrote about life, about love, about friends, about happiness, about fate. In the poet's work there are also reflections on reincarnation, on the soul, on the role of money; in his poems (rubai), he even described wine, a jug and a potter he knew. Initially, the poet’s work caused a lot of controversy, some considered him a freethinker and a reveler, others saw him as a deep thinker. Today, Omar Khayyam is recognized as the most talented author of the rubaiyat, and his work undoubtedly deserves attention.

Isn’t it funny to save a penny all your life,
What if you still can’t buy eternal life?
This life was given to you, my dear, for a while, -
Try not to miss time!

Life must be appreciated.

Be easier on people. Do you want to be wiser -
Don't hurt with your wisdom.

Clever is not wise.

You say, this life is one moment.
Appreciate it, draw inspiration from it.
As you spend it, so it will pass,
Don't forget: she is your creation.

Life is given only one, and you need to love it.

Those who lose heart die before their time.

As long as you believe in yourself, as long as you live.

To live your life wisely, you need to know a lot,
Remember two important rules to get started:
You'd rather starve than eat anything
And it’s better to be alone than with just anyone.

You need to understand life, and not act out of inertia.

About love

A plucked flower must be given as a gift, a poem that has been started must be completed, and the woman you love must be happy, otherwise you shouldn’t have taken on something you can’t do.

If you're not confident in your abilities, it's better not to try it.

Like the sun, love burns without burning out.
Like a bird of heavenly paradise - love.
But not yet love - nightingale moans.
Do not moan, dying of love - love!

Love is like a flame that warms souls.

Know that the main source of existence is love.

The one who loves has the meaning of life.

In this world, love is the adornment of people,
To be deprived of love is to be without friends.
The one whose heart has not clung to the drink of love,
He's a donkey, even though he doesn't wear donkey ears!

Not to love means not to live, but to exist.

You like even the shortcomings in a loved one, and even the advantages in an unloved person irritate you.

You cannot find happiness with an unloved person.

You can seduce a man who has a wife, you can seduce a man who has a mistress, but you cannot seduce a man who has a beloved woman!

Being a wife and a beloved woman are not always the same thing.

About friendship

If you don't share it with your friend on time -
All your fortune will go to the enemy.

You can't spare anything for a friend.

Have smaller friends, don't expand their circle.
And remember: a close friend living far away is better.

The less common affairs, the more trust.

A true friend is a person who will tell you everything he thinks about you and tell everyone that you are a wonderful person.

But in life everything is quite the opposite.

If you offend a friend, you will make an enemy,
If you hug an enemy, you will find a friend.

The main thing is not to confuse.

The wittiest

If a vile person pours medicine for you, pour it out!
If a wise man pours poison on you, accept it!

You need to listen to the wise.

It's better to gnaw on bones than to be seduced by sweets
At the table of the scoundrels in power.

You shouldn’t give in to temptation, power is a vile thing.

Those who have not sought the way are unlikely to be shown the way -
Knock and the doors to destiny will open!

Who seeks will always find!

No one can tell what roses smell like...
Another of the bitter herbs will produce honey...
If you give someone some change, they will remember it forever...
You give your life to someone, but he won’t understand...

All people are different, there is no doubt about that.

The work of Omar Khayyam is filled with meaning. All the sayings of the great thinker and poet make you think and rethink life.

The image of the great poet of the East Omar Khayyam is covered in legends, and his biography is full of secrets and mysteries. The ancient East knew Omar Khayyam primarily as an outstanding scientist: mathematician, physicist, astronomer, philosopher. In the modern world, Omar Khayyam is better known as a poet, the creator of original philosophical and lyrical quatrains - wise, full of humor, guile and audacity rubai.

Rubai is one of the most complex genre forms of Tajik-Persian poetry. The volume of the rubai is four lines, three of which (rarely four) rhyme with each other. Khayyam is an unsurpassed master of this genre. His rubai amaze with the accuracy of his observations and the depth of his understanding of the world and human soul, the brightness of his images and the grace of his rhythm.

Living in the religious east, Omar Khayyam thinks about God, but decisively rejects all church dogmas. His irony and free-thinking were reflected in the rubai. He was supported by many poets of his time, but due to fear of persecution for freethinking and blasphemy, they also attributed their works to Khayyam.

Omar Khayyam is a humanist; for him, man and his spiritual world are above all. He appreciates the pleasure and joy of life, enjoying every minute. And his style of presentation made it possible to express what could not be said out loud in open text.