In fact - Passion in the house of Alexander and Aliana Gobozov (08/02/2017). Aliana Ustinenko and Sasha Gobozov: latest news, high-profile scandals Actually 2 08

  • 22.06.2019

In the next episode of the “Actually” program, Aliana and Alexander Gobozov became the heroes. This family has long gained fame as the most scandalous television family in the history of the popular reality show “Dom-2”.

A confrontation between people who were once close helped reveal the cards and showed where the truth is and where the lies are... As it turned out, fights, mutual insults and betrayals are just the tip of the iceberg of the problems of the Gobozov family.

At the very beginning of the program, presenter Dmitry Shepelev drew attention to the fact that Alexander Gobozov was calm and confident. This was also evidenced by his steady pulse, which was transmitted to the screen by sensors. The same could not be said about Aliana, whose pulse was off the charts and showed 148 beats per minute... But the girl laughed it off, saying that this was not excitement at all, but that she was just always like that.

Aliana started with complaints against Alexander.

– For 4 years, while we were together, I forgave, endured and tried to save the family. I loved this man very much, but, unfortunately, with betrayal, lies and mocking attitude, he killed all the love in me.

When asked by the presenter whether there was at least a small chance to save the marriage, Aliana replied: “I think not.”

In response to this, Sasha, on the contrary, confessed his love for his wife.

“I can’t help but love my wife.” We have a child, we have a son. I look at him and in every cell I see his wife, the mother of my child. To say that I don’t love my wife is to give up part of my love for my son... I look at her and madly desire her, excuse my frankness, like a man does a woman.

However, Alexander admitted his fear that sooner or later another man might be next to his son.

The first question he asked his wife was “Are you leaving me because you found someone richer and more successful?” Aliana answered negatively, which turned out to be true. But Shepelev noted that such a question could arise due to lack of self-confidence.

The most expected question and quite a pressing one. Aliana asked about cheating. And as it turned out, while Aliana and Alexander were together, he did not cheat on her! This shocked the girl; she did not believe the broadcast experts...

However, she herself, as it turned out, was cheating on her husband. This was confirmed by a lie detector. And the girl’s pulse jumped again.

After the break, the heroes were joined by Alexandra’s mother Olga Vasilyevna, who is also known from the Dom-2 project for her scandals and squabbles.

Is it possible for a family to make peace at the negotiating table?..

Relations with my mother-in-law were not just strained, but scandalous, with fights and insults. But Aliana admitted that while participating in the project she was young and made many mistakes. Now she is an adequate adult.

As it turned out in a lie detector test, both women hated each other, but now these terrible feelings are gone.

Next, Aliana decided to find out whether the grandmother offended her grandson Robert when he was visiting her. And the mother-in-law asked if the girl was ashamed that after the divorce she left Sasha without a penny. In the end, it became clear that the grandmother did not harm her grandson, and Aliana does not feel shame. In addition, the entire studio supported Alexander’s masculine act. And he himself made it clear that he made this gesture (he left everything to his wife) with complete confidence, knowing that he was doing everything for his son.

However, as it turned out, Olga Vasilievna is more interested in the opinion of fans on social networks than Aliana herself.

Aliana still wanted to know whether her mother-in-law wished harm to her mother. The girl suspected that the woman turned to black magicians and cast a spell on her mother!

It turned out that Aliana cursed her mother-in-law and herself turned to magicians and sorcerers to help improve relationships in the family.

This truth scared the girl herself. She could not stand it and shouted: “This is a setup!” I tore off my sensors and left the studio.

Olga Vasilyevna herself has a bitter truth. When asked about a suicide attempt at the project, the woman admitted that it was staged in order to attract her son’s attention. Dmitry Shepelev called this act cruel and monstrous manipulation. And the audience was once again convinced that the mother-in-law deliberately got into the family and tried to introduce her own rules there.

Aliana returned to the studio, and was immediately asked whether she would let Robert go to visit his grandmother. The girl truthfully answered that she would let him go, but had previously refused such a request only because Sasha had not signed her consent to take her son abroad.

02 August 2017

In June of this year, a participant in “House 2” announced a divorce from her husband. Today the Gobozovs met on the talk show “Actually”.

Alexander and Aliana Gobozov met on the air of Dmitry Shepelev/Photo: social networks

At the beginning of summer, Aliana Gobozova announced her separation from her husband Alexander. The spouses called incompatibility of character one of the main reasons for the breakup. Today they met to sort things out and dot the i's.

The TV presenter tried to reconcile Aliana and Alexander, but when asked whether they could get back together, Gobozova replied: “I can forgive and forget too, but I will no longer live with this person,” concluded the former participant in “House 2.” In turn, Alexander said that the family conflict could have started due to the fact that Aliana considered her husband’s mother to be guilty of the death of her own mother, Svetlana Ustinenko (the woman died this summer due to a brain tumor - editor’s note).

Aliana and Alexander Gobozov met in Dmitry Shepelev’s program “Actually” / Photo: frame from the program

“I don’t know what your polygraph says, but I don’t think anyone is to blame for my mother’s death. Everything happened the way it happened, and there is no point in starting groundless conflicts,” Aliana said. Unfortunately, experts in the studio admitted that the girl was lying. In the next episode, Alexander Gobozov’s chair was taken by his mother Olga Vasilievna in order to once and for all sort out her relationship with her former daughter-in-law.

“After leaving the project, I tried to improve the relationship, but it didn’t work out. At some point, these people became strangers to me,” said Gobozov’s ex-wife. A friend of the family, Irina Agibalova, intervened in the situation. She admitted that Aliana’s mother, Svetlana Ustinenko, believed that Olga Vasilyevna went to magicians and sorcerers to cause damage. Former participant in “House 2” Andrei Chuev, on the contrary, said that it was Aliana who cursed Alexander’s mother. After these words, the girl left the studio with tears in her eyes.

Olga Mikhailovna sorted out the relationship with her daughter-in-law/Photo: frame from the program

At the end of the broadcast, Alexander Gobozov addressed his mother and ex-wife, saying that they were both imperfect. “Everyone said nasty things to each other, everyone is to blame,” noted the ex-participant of the reality show. The program participants left the studio holding hands, but Dmitry Shepelev said that he did not believe in family reconciliation.

The main characters of the talk show “Actually” dated August 2, 2017 were Aliana and Alexander Gobozov. The family broke up. Is it possible to revive the union of two former participants in the House 2 project? The presenter Dmitry Shepelev, a psychologist and polygraph experts tried to find the answer to this question.

Aliana accused Alexander of treason, but it turned out that she herself was not faithful to her legal husband. The younger Ustinenko has fallen for lies more than once. The lie detector showed her insincerity when the topic of Svetlana Mikhailovna’s fatal illness was raised. Aliana stated that she does not blame her mother-in-law for her mother’s illness and never cursed Olga Vasilyevna. The experts' verdict is not true.

Talk show “Actually” for 08/2/2017 with the participation of the Gobozovs video:

After Andrei Chuev’s emotional statement, Aliana Ustinenko left the studio of the talk show “Actually”, however, later she found the strength to return. Communication between counterparts Aliana and Olga Vasilievna Gobozova turned out to be difficult. Alexander Gobozov intended to smooth out a long-standing family conflict, and his efforts were partly crowned with success.

Alexander and Aliana Gobozov are the most scandalous family in the history of the popular reality show. They became famous for dragging the older generation into their public wars. Aliana’s mother-in-law tried to commit suicide in front of television cameras in order to destroy her son’s family. While the women were sorting things out, Alexander sought solace in other beds. Aliana recently announced that she was leaving Alexander. In the “Actually” program, for the first time, all three will take a lie detector test.

Dmitry #Shepelev survived the loss, returned to life and is ready to help others. "Actually" is a revolutionary new talk show, a confrontation between people who were once close. The lie broke this relationship, but could not break it completely. Only the truth can change the course of this personal story and show how everything really was.

Alexander and Aliana Gobozov. Actually 08/02/2017

I always wanted to host a talk show on Channel One. The time has finally come for it to happen. I am going back home". website

And Aliana Ustinenko. This couple was and is considered to this day one of the most scandalous in the entire history of television. Aliana's mother-in-law Olga VasilievnaGobozova she tried to commit suicide in front of television cameras; serious passions boiled between the pensioner and her daughter-in-law, even to the point of assault. Well, while his women were sorting things out, Gobozov himself was having affairs on the side. True, then he publicly swore his love and fidelity to Aliana. The couple met and separated several times, but after three trips to the registry office with Gobozov, Aliana announced that she was finally leaving Alexander. In Dmitry Shepelev's program, for the first time, Gobozov, his mother Olga Vasilievna and Aliana Ustinenko passed a lie detector test.

Alina Ustineno immediately stated that after four years of constant betrayal and bullying by Gobozov, she would never return to him again, and no one could convince her. The ex-husband admitted in response that he still loves Aliana. But he suspects that his wife has a rich suitor on the horizon. As experts said, Alexander Gobozov did not cheat on his wife when he was married to her. But Aliana didn’t even hide the fact that she cheated on Sasha. After her confession, Gobozov’s friend Andrei Chuev, who was sitting in the studio, exploded: he accused Aliana of constantly lying. The presenter interrupted the shouts from Chuev’s place: Shepelev asked the young man to save his nerves and not yell.

The next topic was Aliana’s conflict with Gobozov’s mother. Alexander was worried whether she was actually accusing Olga Vasilievna of poisoning Svetlana Ustinenko. Let us remind you that Aliana’s mother died of cancer. The lie detector confirmed: the girl really thinks that her mother-in-law was harassing Svetlana Mikhailovna.

Alexander Gobozov and Aliana Ustinenko in the show “Actually” passed a lie detector test

Aliana’s mother-in-law also came to the “Actually” show. Olga Vasilievna told how Sasha and she herself looked after Aliana’s mother. But when a scandal began between her son and his wife, she chose not to participate in it. Experts determined that the mother-in-law has a feeling of so-called post-hatred, just like Aliana herself. However, here the mother-in-law raised the money topic: “Aren’t you ashamed, Aliana, that you left Sasha without a penny of money. He left everything to you...” In response, the ex-daughter-in-law confidently answered: “No.”

Olga Vasilievna Gobozova and Aliana Ustinenko in the show “Actually” passed a lie detector test

Gobozova's mother also heard a question from Irina Agibalova. She accused Olga Vasilievna of damaging Svetlana Ustinenko. It turned out that the pensioner actually visited magicians and sorcerers, but with a request to “settle the situation.” “And where and in what direction to establish - no one knows this», - explained the specialist -polygraph examiner. Only then the unpleasant fact was revealed that Aliana herself cursed her mother-in-law and was fond of black magic. The girl exploded upon hearing confirmation from the polygraph examiner and ran away from the studio. Returning, the conversation continued. And at the end of the emotional meeting in the “Actually” studio, Alexander, Alina and Olga Gobozov hugged as a sign of reconciliation.

Irina Agibalova accused Olga Vasilyevna of damaging the mother of Aliana Ustinenko

Alexander Gobozov and his ex-wife in the show “Actually” passed a lie detector test