Olya Agibalova on Instagram - her official page, latest photos and videos. Olya Agibalova on Instagram - her official page, latest photos and videos Olga Gazhienko now

  • 23.06.2019






Former member reality show Dom-2

21.06.2019 14:20:16

Pregnancy is not a disease. In the first trimester, not knowing where to go from toxicosis, abdominal pain and weakness, I just wanted to look into the face of the person who came up with this phrase. It’s not a disease, but sometimes you feel even worse than with some diseases. And when there is a threat, this is especially true. Then the second trimester comes and it’s like a break. The tummy is not so big yet, the toxicosis goes away, the strength returns. But it flies by so quickly. In the third trimester, in addition to a big belly, many experience shortness of breath, swelling, heartburn, and insomnia. And that's not all. I personally have a constant cough, the nature of which no one can understand. After eating, discomfort and nausea. Now there are more training fights. Something is constantly grabbing, pulling, shooting 🤪 And this is only a small part of what pregnant women experience. It’s different for everyone, of course. Some people flutter through their entire pregnancy, while others have an even more difficult time. But it’s better not to say this phrase about not being a disease to pregnant women. Hormones are still raging, you can get it, but the game is worth the candle. After all, the main meeting in life happens. With the strongest and unconditional love in the world. I have never felt stronger emotions. This is worth experiencing at least once. I was lucky and soon I will experience such a meeting again. I'm waiting #gazhienko_pregnancy2#pregnancy

20.06.2019 09:05:33

Official Instagram account of Olga Gazhienko (Agibalova)

Where are you going? Yes, nowhere yet. In the near future, I have no time to travel. But I couldn’t pass by such a cool suitcase! Not only is it super cute and lightweight, it also comes with a bunch of necessary bells and whistles. Such as USB charging and scales. Can you imagine? You can charge your gadgets right from your suitcase. And the scales are built right into the handle. Always know how much your luggage weighs. And these are not all the advantages, you can find out about the rest on the page where I ordered this super suitcase @rare_baggage Well, tell me, how long after birth did you fly with your children on trips? Kiryusha and I flew for the first time in 1.3. I don't want to wait that long this time)

19.06.2019 14:10:42

Official Instagram account of Olga Gazhienko (Agibalova)

I’m sitting on a CTG today, the nurse looks at me and asks if my stomach is pulling 🤰 I say, well, while I was driving, I was pulling a little, but it wasn’t too much and it went away quickly. And according to CTG, I have contractions. I’m like, well, no, I can’t do it today. My husband is on a business trip, even if only for a day. Mom is flying away. And the stroller and crib have not yet been delivered. There was no contract for childbirth. And it’s early, the baby still needs to get stronger. While I was already beginning to imagine the picture of childbirth, my CTG was shown to the doctor. It turned out that it is excellent for 36 weeks. There are contractions, but they are training contractions. Active preparations for childbirth are underway. So I’m not giving birth today. And I hope I have at least a couple of weeks left) But still, I wonder if anyone gave birth to me at 36 weeks? How did the kids feel? #gazhienko_pregnancy2#36weeks#pregnancy

18.06.2019 17:30:25

Official Instagram account of Olga Gazhienko (Agibalova)

So 5 years have flown by. Happy first anniversary to our Bellochka. How fast children grow! And how great it is when they grow up in happiness and love. Sister @margarita_marceux, I congratulate you on your daughter’s birthday. May your relationship always be so warm and smiles never leave your faces. Boundless happiness to our princess. We all love her very much #Bella is 5 years old

16.06.2019 21:26:03

Official Instagram account of Olga Gazhienko (Agibalova)

A pregnant woman shouldn’t disappear from Instagram, otherwise everyone immediately thinks that she gave birth 🤱 No, I’m still with a baby bump and I don’t plan to part with it in the coming weeks) We are all busy and preparing. Soon the heat will start again and I, mindful of my condition as a seal, am trying to finish my household chores. We went through the darkest corners of our apartment yesterday 🤪 And it’s good, because today was not a good day. This morning I severely burned my hand on a hot tile and now I walk around with a bandage 🤦‍♀️ It was so painful that I couldn’t hold back my tears. Several fingers now have blisters. And the worst thing about burns is that the pain does not go away for a long time and I suffered all morning. A cold compress and Panthenol saved me. It's much better now. I’m glad that I can do a lot more with at least my left hand and my right hand. But after this I had breakfast in bed. What caring men are next to me. And soon there will be even more of them. I'm looking forward to it, but I'm not in a hurry. Let everything happen when it should. #familygazhienko

14.06.2019 16:53:29

Official Instagram account of Olga Gazhienko (Agibalova)

Every day I am bombarded with questions about what pregnant women can and cannot do. I am ready to consider scientific justifications for prohibitions on certain things, but most often the questions are based on superstitions and signs. And here, forgive me, but don’t drag me into all this. I don't believe in omens! But I believe that thoughts are material. And if you often think about bad things, you will definitely attract this bad thing to yourself. It's the 21st century, but many people still believe that pregnant women should not have their hair cut. You can’t buy baby things in advance. Pregnant women should not knit, sew, or cut. And another thing: by the shape of the belly you can determine the gender of the child. If future mom

11.06.2019 20:07:27

Official Instagram account of Olga Gazhienko (Agibalova)

If she gets better, she'll have a boy. And if she gets sick, it’s a girl. Based on the characteristics of toxicosis, the sex of the child can be determined. Well, one of the most ridiculous: pregnant women cannot eat in secret, otherwise the child will be shy., and I’m like a sleepy seal, barely moving. The heat unsettled me. I feel good only lying on my pregnancy pillow and under the air conditioning. Clean up a little, cook some food, that's all I can do, and even with difficulty. I didn’t expect it from myself, I behaved so cheerfully. But I won't give up. I can do everything, I can do everything. Moreover, I have wonderful men nearby who help me in everything. Tomorrow we're all going together to buy clothes for the baby. And, just about now, we're expecting a big delivery of baby supplies. There is a crib, a stroller, a changing room and much more that you need. We will collect everything, disassemble it and show you. There is also a whole list of things to do around the house, which, due to my condition, is not decreasing. And the clock is ticking. Week after week flies by. Already 35 weeks #gazhienko_pregnancy2#35weeks#35weeks#pregnancy#expectations

10.06.2019 20:02:05

Official Instagram account of Olga Gazhienko (Agibalova)

What I forgot to show you is the result of coloring and cutting with my @stylist_trendhairs ️ The fact that I have been trusting her with my hair for 4 years now speaks for itself. Over the years, we have done everything we can, but our hair is only getting better. This time it was balayage done with Redken and Olaplex. I decided to become lighter for the summer ‍♀️ Scroll through the photo, there I made a before and after collage. And according to the hashtag #gazhienko_hair, the story is about how I ruined my hair and about the path to recovery. Many people ask about this) P.s. And important, for the first visit @stylist_trendhairs has a 20% discount #coloring#beforeandafter#againblondi @olaplexrussia

08.06.2019 19:49:24

Official Instagram account of Olga Gazhienko (Agibalova)

How is your weekend going?)))

06.06.2019 19:27:40

Official Instagram account of Olga Gazhienko (Agibalova)

Bag for the maternity hospital Finally, I packed it and now my soul is at peace. It’s very convenient that you can order everything in one place. I ordered my bag from the online store @poravroddom 🤰 There’s how ready-made options for any wallet, as well as a designer for independently collecting everything you need. I used the constructor. For the first time, I also didn’t run around to different stores with a huge list, but ordered everything at once in one place. Same prices, less hassle. I have one large bag, and in it there are also small ones. One of them is in the maternity ward. The rest are to divide things between mine and the baby. For the first time, everything was mixed up in one bag, not very convenient. What I liked about this site is that you can, for example, buy diapers not of the same brand, but a set of different companies. It will help mothers who don’t yet know which ones to use to decide. The same goes for breast pads. I think there is no point in writing a list of necessary things. Since each maternity hospital has its own requirements. You can go to the website of the maternity hospital where you plan to give birth and see the list there. What week did you pack your bag? #gazhienko_pregnancy2

05.06.2019 19:01:03

Official Instagram account of Olga Gazhienko (Agibalova)

If I buy clothes for myself now, it is with the future in mind. The dress I’m wearing is not only for pregnant women, but also for nursing mothers. It has special invisible pockets. I know from experience how convenient it is! If you are in a position, be sure to check out @riah_concept 🤰 There are many different models of light summer dresses and new items every week. It's just starting to heat up. I've already got my eye on a dress, white cotton embroidery.

03.06.2019 20:58:38

Official Instagram account of Olga Gazhienko (Agibalova)

There is not much time left before I meet the one who is so actively kicking my tummy from the inside. This time I am not rushing time at all, but it is rushing at breakneck speed. After 3 weeks it is necessary to conclude a contract for childbirth. And there are still so many things that need to be redone. And I also want to enjoy the time together to the maximum. After all, it will never happen again. There will be a new time, time for the four of us ‍‍‍ Not bad either))) Ilya wants to take a vacation for the birth of the child so that everyone can be together and help me in the beginning. But when should we take a vacation? Here you won’t understand when the process can begin. We think over all the details. How and what will happen on day "X". But I can’t believe that this is going to happen to me. I’m setting myself up that, as always, I’ll be lucky and everything will turn out great. After all, I’m really lucky. Well, at least I sincerely believe in it #gazhienko_pregnancy2#olgagazhienko#waiting#pregnancy

01.06.2019 21:08:58

Official Instagram account of Olga Gazhienko (Agibalova)

Happy Children's Day P.s. Do you recognize the baby?)

30.05.2019 20:38:31

Official Instagram account of Olga Gazhienko (Agibalova)

There hasn't been a section for a long time #cookingskiryusheygazhienko ‍ We decided to test the mixture for making chocolate cookies. In addition to the mixture, you need 1 egg and 90 g of softened butter. And then everything is so simple that even a child can handle it. Mix everything, form 5 balls from the resulting dough, slightly flatten them and place them in the oven, preheated to 170°, for 10 minutes. The only thing is that we flattened them too much and the cookies turned out big and thin. Just a little bit. We'll do better next time. Yes, yes, we will definitely order this mixture again. We liked the cookies. They reminded me of brownies. I also saw this mixture for oatmeal cookies and cookies with white chocolate and candied fruits. We’ll definitely try to make these too P.s. The cookie baking mixture can be ordered at the Ecomarket store. Active link in my profile header.

30.05.2019 14:48:54

Official Instagram account of Olga Gazhienko (Agibalova)

That moment when I got my haircut for the first time not in a children's hairdresser, but in a barbershop. He said that from now on he would only get his haircut in hairdressers for guys️ But according to tradition, he asked for a gift for a haircut 🤣 This is when he was little and didn’t like having his hair cut until he cried #Kiryusha's haircut was his motivation gift for a haircut. We've been getting our hair cut for a long time without any problems, but the gift is sacred #when my son has grown up #6 years old #haircut #Kiryushagazhienko

29.05.2019 12:34:36

Official Instagram account of Olga Gazhienko (Agibalova)

So 33 weeks have arrived...))) The other day I had an ultrasound, everything is fine with the baby. But the trend towards large fruits continues. This was not the case with Kiryusha. Well, I can feel it in my tummy that it’s bigger this time. The first time was small, everyone was surprised. On this moment We already weigh ~2348 g. And I still have to walk and walk. The doctor said the nose is definitely not yours. She showed me her nose, and there is a copy of our folder @gajienko 🤣 How can this be? Before, I didn’t understand at all how one could discern appearance features there. It turns out that it is possible) The baby has been lying head down for a long time, which is very pleasing. Only the umbilical cord wrapped around the neck is embarrassing. Moreover, at the ultrasound itself they didn’t tell me anything about it. I read this myself later in prison. I feel fine. There is no swelling. Only heartburn bothers me in the evenings. This was not the case the first time. And so, I really like walking while pregnant in such warm weather. Just a blast. There is no need to wrap yourself up; your stomach does not press on anything. In summer dresses I don’t feel it at all. Some kind of lightness. Although everyone scares me that now the heat will start and you will understand how difficult it is to walk in the summer. Well, let's see) How are you doing, pregnant women?) #gazhienko_pregnancy2#33weeks

28.05.2019 15:32:06

Official Instagram account of Olga Gazhienko (Agibalova)

Launch bubble from the 25th floor I am often asked about raising a child and I am somewhat at a loss. After all, I don’t know any secrets and don’t consider myself an expert in this field. But I know one thing for sure. You need to love a child and not be ashamed to show this love. And also give him a lot, a lot of attention. Take care of the connection that exists between you. Then education becomes easier. And there is more understanding between you.

27.05.2019 13:57:24

Official Instagram account of Olga Gazhienko (Agibalova)

Guys, there are so many responses in stories about our family portrait from @holstagram.ru I decided to write here too, so as not to lose it in the future! These are not just printed photos, these are portraits - in artistic treatment, printed on canvas. And what quality, just look!!! They create comfort and warmth in the home. Such a portrait is a very cool and universal gift; you can give it to family, friends, loved ones for absolutely any occasion! The prices are very reasonable, in addition, for all my subscribers there is a promotional code “Gazhienko” for a 5% discount on ordering a portrait! By the way, I advise you to subscribe to the guys, @holstagram.ru every week they give a drawing for a portrait on canvas!

26.05.2019 21:07:37

Official Instagram account of Olga Gazhienko (Agibalova)

We were a little late for the lilacs to bloom in the Lilac Garden; there are already few trees in bloom. But they did not break the tradition of visiting this garden every year. The weekend flew by in a blink of an eye. So my pregnancy is rushing at the speed of light. There are so many pleasant chores that I left for last. Time flies even faster in them. Tomorrow I have my 3rd screening. I get a little worried every time. I hope everything is fine there #gazhienko_pregnancy2#lilacgarden

25.05.2019 14:54:33

Official Instagram account of Olga Gazhienko (Agibalova)

Little pleasures for no reason can set the mood for the whole day Thanks @gajienko Let's go shopping for the baby

23.05.2019 18:21:53

Official Instagram account of Olga Gazhienko (Agibalova)

May 23 exactly 2 years ago We miss our meetings @margarita_marceux And the meetings of our trinity #mityakiryabella

22.05.2019 19:28:16

Official Instagram account of Olga Gazhienko (Agibalova)

Did you know that children should not clean their ears? cotton swabs? However, like adults. I just recently found out. And I started looking for an alternative. It turns out that a safe, certified drug, Remo-Vax, has existed for a long time. These ear drops are specifically designed for physiological and safe cleaning of the external auditory canal in children and adults. The drops do not contain aggressive substances or antibiotics, so they are suitable even for children and pregnant women. For hygiene and prevention of the formation of wax plugs, it is enough to use once a month. Now admit it, do you still use cotton swabs?)​ ​

22.05.2019 15:08:02

Official Instagram account of Olga Gazhienko (Agibalova)

And so, as promised, I am sharing a list of purchases that I plan to make before the baby is born. .

21.05.2019 18:54:05

Official Instagram account of Olga Gazhienko (Agibalova)

Waiting for the new baby I can’t even look at babies normally. I'm bursting with feelings. I can already introduce my 2nd son. How can I kiss him? How we will all love him. We are looking forward to meeting you. We began to actively prepare. We look at strollers, cribs, all sorts of little things. I made myself a list of all the essentials. I will definitely share it with you. I think it’s time to start packing my bag for the maternity hospital. I like everything to be prepared in advance. I am now 8 months pregnant. I hope to have everything ready by the end and just enjoy the 9th month of waiting. The nesting syndrome is in full swing. My husband was shocked here the other day when he couldn't stop me from cleaning. Especially when he saw me scrubbing the floors in the bathroom with a small sponge. But I really couldn’t stop and didn’t even feel tired. Well this is just the beginning. There are still plans to sort out a bunch of things and make room for a new family member. I also want to review what interesting little things I have left from Kiryusha. I was thinking of things to do, now I wish I could do everything) #waiting for a miracle #pregnancy #gazhienko_pregnancy2 #gazhienko family

Olga Agibalova came to the Dom-2 show several times in search of her happiness, but only her third attempt was successful. Here she met her future husband, gave birth to a son, and, having completed the main goal of the project, left him.

Biography of Olga

Olya was born on November 25, 1986. She was a versatile child. Olya studied at a music school, went to dances, and took part in a drama club. But the girl devoted most of her time to rhythmic gymnastics. Olga even received the title “Master of Sports,” but was not ready for the ascetic lifestyle of athletes.

After school, the girl entered the Russian State social university, choosing the specialty “psychology”. Her character traits advised her chosen profession. Olya is a reserved and calm person who knows how to listen to a person and give sensitive advice.

Olga and "Dom-2"

In her final years, the girl wanted to change her life. She decided to try her luck on the popular project “Dom-2”. On November 1, 2007, Olya became a participant in the television production. She liked former military man Andrei Cherkasov. The guy reciprocated her feelings, and they began dating. The girl even introduced Andrei to her family, but this turned out to be a fatal mistake. Cherkasov fell in love at first sight younger sister Oli Ritu. Disappointed in the guy, Olga left the project.

On July 26, 2009, she again appeared on a television set at the invitation of participant Gleb Zhemchugov. But their relationship lasted only a few weeks, and then they broke up due to mutual claims. For some time, Rustam Solntsev courted Olga, but their communication did not develop into something more. The girl considered her further participation in the project pointless and left it.

Olga’s third visit to Dom-2 turned out to be fateful. On June 22, 2010, she came to the project with the handsome Maxim Lebedev, but soon became disappointed in the guy. Then Olga had an affair with Andrei Kadetov. They constantly quarreled, even separated several times, but the girl in love was not ready for a final break. The final point in their relationship was the news that Andrei was married. He had to leave the project.

Olya was courted by Sergei Ermakov and Zhenya Pynzar, but she did not give any of them a chance. In November 2010, rapper Ilya Gazhienko came to the project and managed to win her heart. In July 2011, the guy proposed to Olga, and 2 months later, on September 21, they had a magnificent wedding.

On April 14, 2013, Olya and Ilya had a son, Kirill. In June, the couple announced that they wanted to raise their baby away from television cameras and left Dom-2 forever.

Life after TV

After leaving the project, the young family lived with Olga’s parents in Pavlovsky Posad, and over time they saved up for their own apartment. Currently, Olya Gazhienko is a housewife raising little son. Her husband Ilya initially worked in one of the car dealerships, and then moved to a company working in the aircraft industry.

In the future, the young mother plans to realize her creative potential. She has a desire to try herself as a TV presenter, open her own rhythmic gymnastics school, and continue her photography. And, of course, there are plans to have a second child.

Olga's social networks

Olya Gazhienko has several pages on social networks. Young mother is the most active on Instagram (https://www.instagram.com/olgagajienko/). She regularly posts her own photographs, with little Kiryusha, with her big family Agibalovs and close friends. Olga Gazhienko’s Instagram is read by 488 thousand subscribers.

Olya is registered in popular network VKontakte (https://vk.com/id7246677). Here she also pampers her subscribers with touching family photos and periodically posts advertising posts. Olya has only 44 friends, among whom are former participants of “House-2”. Her VKontakte page is read by almost 42 thousand subscribers.

The Gazhienko family has a joint account on Twitter (https://twitter.com/familygajienko), as well as the channel on YouTube (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKMLGdODqLQqut3IcWTB6tw). On YouTube, Olya occasionally posts videos of travel and family events, and shares beauty secrets.

Anyone who believes in love will definitely find it. Olya Agibalova was burned many times in relationships and was disappointed in guys, but in the end she met her fate. She and Ilya have already celebrated their 5th wedding anniversary and are ready to continue moving through life together.

Olga Agibalova’s Instagram may not be the most popular account on the social network, but it has more than 200 thousand subscribers.

Account: olgagajienko

Occupation: participant, fashion model

Olga’s fame was brought to her by the television project “Dom2”, which became important stage not only for Olya, but also for her entire family: both her sister and her mother Irina were participants in the reality show. Olga Gazhieno Agibalova's Instagram is filled with positive photos of her family life, main character whom her son Kirill and husband Ilya. Do you want to be one of the first to know the details of Olya’s life? Then join the number of Olya Agibalova’s subscribers on the social network.

On the social network Olga is known under the nickname olgagajienko. The number of her subscribers is growing every day, and among them are both fans of Olga as the heroine of a reality show, and simply those who like to look at the warm and sincere photographs posted by Olya in her feed. Unlike her mother, Olya is not such an active Instagrammer; the number of her posts is noticeably smaller. The theme of the photographs and videos is mainly for children, but this is not surprising, because now Olya’s life is entirely devoted to her small child. If you enjoyed watching the girl on your TV screen, you will be interested to know how the beauty lives after the project. And where else, if not on Instagram, can you find out this most reliably!

Personal life of Olya Agibalova

Olya Agibalova came to the Dom2 television project to build relationships, like all the participants. The girl came to the project three times: the first attempt was not successful: having started building a relationship with, the guy turned his attention to Olya’s sister Rita. After this, Olya built a relationship with Pasha Orlov, but this relationship also became unsuccessful, and the girl left the project. The second attempt to participate in a reality show also did not result in a serious relationship for Olya. The girl came to the project for the sake of Gleb Klubnichka, but, disappointed, she left the show for the second time. Olya’s third arrival began with a relationship with Maxim Lebedev, then the beauty switched to Andrei Kadetov, but endless quarrels did not allow their couple to develop.

The girl tried to build love with many project participants until she met Ilya Gazhienko. In 2011, the guys got married, many Dom2 participants were present at the wedding, including Olya’s friends Katya and Yulia Kolesnichenko, as well as, and even ex-lover Olya Andrey Cherkasov.

Interesting things in the feed of Olya Gazhienko Agibalova

Unlike her mother, Olga Agibalova practically does not use Instagram for advertising purposes. In Olya’s feed, you won’t notice advertisements for expensive spas and cosmetic products. New photos from Olga Agibalova’s Instagram are almost always dedicated to simple family life, which makes her account interesting for the average network user. The positive and friendly image that the beauty has acquired on the project attracts positive comments to her posts. Olya’s feed is almost completely free of negative responses from netizens. Olya tries to caption her photographs brightly, emotionally, with an optimistic outlook on life. Olga Agibalova You can see Instagram photos by subscribing to the girl’s account.

Olga is known for her participation in television project House 2. It was there that she gained her first popularity. All TV viewers know her only because this fact. However, few are aware of the girl’s other merits. IN Lately, after leaving the project and starting a family, Olga Gazhienko is gaining popularity from her photos on Instagram. Why thousands of people subscribe to her and what she tells her fans about - read on.

What is it known for?

In childhood future star I wanted to do gymnastics professionally. Having grown up, she took rhythmic gymnastics lessons and decided not to quit. To the delight of her parents, she achieved the title of master of sports. After studying at the university, I decided to try my hand at television and start. Olya became a participant in the project twice. The second time she left the show completely and started a family with Ilya Gazhienko (also a former participant in the project). Interesting Facts about the star:

  • the girl became pregnant while still on the project;
  • Agibalova’s mother also participated in House 2;
  • She gained popularity after the show by maintaining an account on Instagram.

Let's take a closer look at Olga Gazhienko's (Agibalova) Instagram profile and find out why the public fell in love with her.

What does Olga Gazhienko publish on Instagram?

Link to the star’s personal profile - @olgagajienko. At the moment, her page has almost 500 thousand followers and more than 3 thousand publications. Agibalova belongs to the category of mommy bloggers who post everyday life and show how you can remain successful and at the same time raise wonderful children. This category of bloggers is popular among the Instagram audience. This explains Olya’s popularity. In the description of Olga Gazhienko’s Instagram there is a link to the official website and work email for offers of cooperation.

Despite a large number of followers, activity on the star’s profile is not so high. The number of likes on a post usually amounts to several thousand. The blogger regularly posts footage from Everyday life, shares his achievements and does not forget to talk about his son. By her example, she shows how you can combine family and public life along with work. Usually fans prefer to watch Olga Gazhienko’s blog at live on Instagram ( this function was added to social network recently).

Olga Gazhienko (Agibalova)– ex-participant. Born and raised in Pavlovsky Posad, Moscow region.

Since childhood, Olya was a gifted child. She managed to combine excellent studies at school with a huge amount clubs: theater, School of Music, dancing, etc. But the girl’s favorite pastime was rhythmic gymnastics, which took up all of her free time. It is not surprising that Olya is a master of sports in rhythmic gymnastics. Having matured, she quits gymnastics and, immediately after school, enters the Russian State University of Social Sciences, where she receives a degree in psychology.

Olga Agibalova's first visit to the project was very short. She unsuccessfully tried to build a relationship with, and then with Pasha Orlov.

“Retro photo” of Olya with Andrey Cherkasov

The girl's second visit was also unsuccessful. , to whom Olga expressed sympathy, did not have serious feelings for the girl, and their relationship did not develop.

Olya returns to the show for the third time. At this time, her mother is already at the project, who came to help her daughter and son. Olga is trying to build relationships with Maxim Lebedev and Andrei Kadetov, but this time she is unsuccessful.

A girl's life changes when she returns to the show former member. The guy came with serious intentions of creating a couple with Olya and begins to actively pursue her. Agibalova reciprocates his feelings. In the fall of 2011, they got married and remained on the project for some time.

Wedding of Olga Agibalova and Ilya Gazhienko