Plushenko the Snow King 2. Tickets for the ice show The Snow King

  • 30.06.2019

A fairy tale that is stunning in its scale - ice show The Snow King 2 Evgeni Plushenko, presented on ice, will be an excellent New Year's gift not only for children, but also for adults! In Russia, spectators very warmly welcome productions and shows that take place on ice, and if Olympic champions participate in it, then you simply can’t take your eyes off them! The fairy tale, for which we offer tickets, will take place at the Megasport sports complex in new year holidays. The main artists of the fairy tale show will be world-famous Evgeni Plushenko and Irina Slutskaya.

DS Megasport, December 26 - January 7, 2016

Previously, the show “The Snow King” by Evgeni Plushenko was presented, which was an interpretation wonderful fairy tale, which was written by Danish author G.H. Andersen in 1844. At the very center of the plot of the show is the girl Gerda, who defeats evil and frees the boy Kai from the Snow King, but the trolls have found a way to revive him! Therefore, the second part remains a mystery...

In addition to the leading roles, the bright performance “The Snow King 2” will feature skaters such as Briand Joubert, Fiona Zandua, Tomas Werner, Dmitry Sukhanov, Ekaterina and Alexander Chestny and others. Professional illusionists helping the Snow King perform complex tricks, such as flying over the auditorium, will be the Safronov brothers, who also take part in the fairy tale, showing magic on ice. Chief director Alexey Golubev and producers Yana Rudkovskaya and Evgeny Filkenshtein will create a truly magical atmosphere at the concert, as they will use modern technologies, such as 3D effects and light installations. Buy on our website tickets for The Snow King 2 in Moscow from December 26 to January 7, 2016.

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It became known that the honorary figure skater of Russia is returning to the big sport, so it will be possible to observe his skill both in a fairy tale and in life. In this regard, Evgeniy and his colleagues will delight the audience with pleasant surprises!

Tickets for Evgeni Plushenko's Snow King

Right now you can call us 8-495-649-82-65 and buy tickets to the Ice King ice show at DS Megasport this winter. The first fairy tale caused incredible delight among the audience, who could watch the performance both in Moscow and Sochi! Delightful music, colorful costumes, the grace of figure skating and accompanying special effects turn the fairy tale into reality and make you experience the plot along with the characters.

Considering the tricks of famous illusionists, professional figure skaters and large-scale special effects - this is worth seeing! The first part was seen by 80,000 spectators, I wonder if the team of the legendary Evgeni Plushenko will be able to break this record with the new show... Don’t miss the brightest Russian show on ice!

Elena ***

Nadezhda Karpova

reviews: 190

ratings: 190

When I hear the name Evgeni Plushenko, I feel unpleasant. However, even this fact did not stop me from going to his ice show last year and this year. There is only one reason - his foreign guests, Tomas Werner - my “lover” - and Brian Joubert. This year Zhenya has a banal continuation - no imagination. "Snow King 2". Somehow the arrogant, proud image suits him, apparently he liked it.

Speaking of lack of imagination. It was interesting what they would come up with to continue the well-known, albeit slightly altered, fairy tale. As it turned out, they didn’t come up with anything. They made an introduction that someone there had turned back time and... everything was all over again! In other words, the story we were presented with was old. To clear my conscience, I will say that the performance itself has been updated; I don’t remember a number of numbers at all from last year. But the fact itself. I consider this disrespectful to the viewer. Might as well a new fairy tale put.

This time the action took place in the beloved Megasport, and Khodynka was completely built up, which is upsetting, to be honest. Naturally, only half of the palace took part in the performance. The scenery included a building where the participants climbed, and another cube with a broadcast (well, it’s stationary) of recorded videos about the fairy tale, this time from last year.

Although the plot was not changed, the performance itself was somewhat transformed. From the old one it is very similar to the same thing - the scene with the robbers and the scene with the prince-princess, and, of course, Plushenko on a flying carriage. This time, the fairy tale became a little less icy. If last year she suffered from the presence of the Safronov brothers, now there are too many flying acrobats. Still, acrobatics and circus are not figure skating, That's what I think.

For the title character, Plushenko spends very little time on the ice, much less than the same Stéphane Lambiel in “Perfume”. Besides, Zhenya doesn’t really need to play here. It’s hard to say who’s on the ice the most, Irina Slutskaya isn’t very much either, maybe Johnny Weir...

Guest stars Brianne Joubert and Tomas Werner appear several times and in different guises. They first appear as minions of the Snow King. Perform identical and synchronous movements with it. Tomas is the best at this, it seems to me that he is the best, but maybe I’m biased. Tomas is also miraculously good in the role of a dance teacher - not to say that he is graceful, but so exquisitely light, he is present, it seems, in every movement of the other skaters on the ice, he appears and disappears almost unexpectedly, watches everyone and at the same time showing off himself. He is both a courtier and the king of his business. He is both on the sidelines and in the spotlight. In the role of a robber, however, he is even cooler: he is definitely faster than all the other skaters here, he literally flies, but this time he does not soar, but flies like a kite to its prey. Some kind of wild and daring guy who can't be stopped. There is a lot of energy, it is seething, and all this is expressed in his performance.

Briand seemed happy and content this time. Playing something is not about him at all, but the way he smiles. And, of course, he was stripped for the sake of the Shaman, and for the sake of the public. The beautiful Briand on the ice is a masterpiece in itself. It’s very nice to look at, just to look at it.

Plushenko is completely out of shape. Johnny Weir, Kai, rides next to him a lot of the time. Johnny is charming as the simple stylish clothes of the boy go, but so is the sparkle and crackle of the captive of the Ice King. They both looked quite organic, I noticed that neither of them were jumping so well now, Johnny had also messed something up. To my surprise, even Zhenya’s spins will be faster. For me, however, this couple is rather inferior to Tomas and Briand in most respects, although they themselves deserve attention.

As I already said, there is too much acrobatics in the play, but not very many props. The narration, like last time, is voiced directly, so the action cannot even be fully called a performance. It was not possible to create a complete work when there were enough skaters on the ice, or, plus, someone would speak for them. To make it clear, a detailed narrative is required. Some important plot twists and are completely rendered in videos on the screen, and not on the ice. Is this a performance then? No, dialing numbers on a given topic. This is wrong. Well, this is not a musical either, there is exactly one song, performed by Dima Bilan in the recording, also probably from last year, however, I don’t remember that one.

The continuation of Evgeni Plushenko's ice show will be shown in St. Petersburg from 4 to 8 November. The premiere of “The Snow King 2” is timed to coincide with the 33rd birthday of the legendary figure skater.

"Snow King-2"- this is a show based on famous fairy tale G.H. Andersen " The Snow Queen" The second reincarnation from the legendary figure skater and world figure skating star Evgeni Plushenko and his team! In the first part of the show, Gerda (Irina Slutskaya) defeated evil trolls, terrible robbers, and even the Snow King himself (Evgeni Plushenko), but the trolls with the help evil forces and the dwarves revived the Snow King. Who will come to Gerda’s aid, what other tricks, besides the flying carriage, will the almighty Snow King show us, and what new miracles can we expect from the evil trolls and their magical gnome assistants?

Will take part in the continuation of the fairy tale show on ice star cast the best skaters in the world: Evgeni Plushenko, Irina Slutskaya, Johnny Weir, Brian Joubert, Tomas Werner, Fiona Zaldua and Dmitry Sukhanov, as well as Sergei Yakimenko and Irina Usenko, Jason Gratz and Ekaterina and Alexander Chesna. Will Evgeni Plushenko's team be able to break their own record for the number of spectators in St. Petersburg, set at an already favorite "Ice King" 80,000 spectators? Well, time will tell, but adults and children are already excited to see what they have in store. general producers show Yana Rudkovskaya and Evgeny Finkelstein and main director show Alexey Golubev.

It’s nice that the premiere of the show “The Snow King-2” will take place in the homeland of figure skater Evgeni Plushenko in St. Petersburg. It is already known that his team is preparing many surprises for the audience. It should be noted that our "Snow King" comes back to us not only in fairy tales, but also in sports! So, let's root for our "Snow King" and we look forward to seeing everyone at the continuation of the fairy tale show for the whole family "Snow King-2. Return"!

Show dates and times:

Ticket price: 600 - 4000 rubles

Location: Ice Palace, St. Petersburg, Pyatiletok Ave., 1 (metro station "Prospekt Bolshevikov")