Nesterovich's proposal. Max Nesterovich and Katya Reshetnikova: “Dancing is our life!”

  • 25.06.2019

Max Nesterovich and Katya Reshetnikova became famous thanks to the “Dancing” project, which airs on the TNT channel. After the end of the second season, it became clear that the guys had been in love with each other for a long time. At the finale of the show, Maxim proposed to Reshetnikova right in front of the amazed audience. She answered without hesitation: “Yes.” How their relationship developed after the project, we learn from the article.

Dating history

Max Nesterovich and Ekaterina Reshetnikova have known each other for more than 9 years. But their relationship did not begin immediately.

The first meeting took place rather banally in the dance hall. The girl first drew attention to Maxim's payta. It was bright and memorable, with red and blue stripes.

But the guy took a liking to two beauties who were rehearsing their routines. It was Reshetnikova and her friend, by the way, also Katya. A friendship began between the guys that lasted several years.

After time has passed, the lovers declare that their meeting was an accident and, in theory, could not have taken place at all. Maxim worked out in the gym only during the day, and Katya - in the evenings.

But at some point the guy realized that his preparation was not enough, and asked the coach for additional hours in the gym. He agreed and sent him to Reshetnikova’s group. As it turned out later, the coach practically fulfilled the function of Cupid.

First difficulties

Max Nesterovich and Ekaterina Reshetnikova did not immediately realize that they had fallen in love with each other. There was a strong friendship between them, in which there was room for jokes, bright stories, and shared recreation.

But after a while the guy looked at Katya differently. He realized that this was the girl he had been looking for for a long time. This happened at the “Star Factory”, where young people helped the participants reveal their dancing abilities, staged bright numbers.

It seemed to many that Max Nesterovich and Ekaterina Reshetnikova - perfect couple. But few people knew that real passions were raging between the guys. Quarrels in the couple occurred due to creative misunderstanding between lovers. The scandals were so strong and emotional that young people had to choose between work and relationships.

There was no talk of quitting dancing; Max Nesterovich and Ekaterina Reshetnikova decided to create own project Loony Band.

The couple's relationship normalized and moved to new stage, the guys began to live together.

Love or PR?

The charismatic guy immediately earned the love of TV viewers. Nesterovich repeatedly became the voting leader.

In his profiles, the young man stated that he had a girlfriend for a long time. Fans easily obtained information that she was Ekaterina Reshetnikova.

Many viewers immediately suspected Max of deception. There were rumors that he created a fictitious couple in order to win the competition. Similar situation pressed, strained and destabilized Nesterovich’s internal state.

Mentor Miguel helped me cope with the problem. He invited the guys to choreograph the act themselves and present it to the public. The guys chose the soundtrack “Out of Orbit”. The dance turned out to be romantic, heartfelt, and soulful.

After the performance, not only the TV viewers cried, but also the mentor himself. Fans have no doubt that Reshetnikova and Nesterovich truly love each other.

Unusual marriage proposal

The project was moving toward the finale, and there were two clear leaders in the show: Nesterovich and Orlov. Everyone understood that the struggle would be serious. And so it happened.

Max Nesterovich proposed to Katya Reshetnikova after the presenter announced that he became the winner of the second season of the “Dancing” project. For his beloved it was a real surprise.

She went on stage, but for a long time could not say anything. As a result, Katya was supported by the audience, and she answered “Yes.”

Wedding in casual style

The wedding of Maxim Nesterovich and Katya Reshetnikova took place without unnecessary pathos. The celebration took place on April 7, 2016 at the Savelosky registry office.

The bride chose to wear a cream dress, which was decorated with a large bow and a long train. But Katya refused the traditional veil. According to her, this element of the bride is a relic of the past.

The groom chose a casual style for the wedding. Max appeared in a classic black suit. Only his pants were shortened and his shoes were on his bare feet.

This outfit divided fans into two camps. Some said it was completely in bad taste. Others, on the contrary, liked the guy’s stylish image.

Only the couple's closest friends were present at the ceremony. And they celebrated the wedding in a small restaurant, where the newlyweds had a fun time.

Have the lovers separated?

IN Lately Information began to appear more and more often in the press that Max Nesterovich and Katya Reshetnikova had broken up. Fans were prompted to this idea by the fact that lovers have not been showing off their in social networks joint photos.

But the guys do not confirm this information, saying that these are just rumors. They are still happy, working on joint project and think about children.

Ekaterina Nesterovich (Reshetnikova) is a talented dancer and choreographer. She took part in many shows, did bright performances, memorable numbers. She gained great fame after the project “Dancing” on the TNT channel. Thanks to him, fans learned that Katya had a young man who proposed to her. We will tell you in the article what interesting things are happening in the girl’s life now.

short biography

Ekaterina Nesterovich (nee Reshetnikova) was born in 1982 in Novosibirsk. The girl was active child, I couldn’t sit quietly in one place for a minute.

That is why the parents decided to send Katya to the aerobics section. Seeing the girl’s success, the teachers advised her to take up sports dancing. She listened to her mentors, which she now has absolutely no regrets about.

Ekaterina Nesterovich has a rank in artistic gymnastics and has repeatedly won prizes at international competitions.

About the choice future profession Katya didn’t think about it for a long time. She was sure that she would connect her life with sports and dancing. Therefore, I entered the Novosibirsk University of Pedagogy, Faculty of Physical Education.

Education was easy for the girl, she graduated from the university without any problems and set off to conquer Moscow.

Dance career

Ekaterina Nesterovich has said more than once that she achieved everything in life through her work. Arriving in Moscow, the girl worked as a backup dancer for about two years, not forgetting to visit the choreographic hall and improve her technique.

After 2 years, she decided to take part in the “Dance Floor Stars” project on the MTV channel. In 2005, it was perhaps the first grandiose show taking place in Russia.

Out of 3,500 applicants for the prize, Nesterovich was one of 80 participants who were selected for the project. Grand Prize The girl failed to win ($10,000), but Sergei Mandrik noticed her and invited her to join his team. From that moment on, Katya's finest hour began.

She becomes a choreographer and soloist of the "Street Jazz" ballet. Work with famous singers, creates grandiose productions in projects that air on federal channels.

At the same time, Katya does not forget to improve her technique and master new ones. dance styles. In 2006, she meets Miguel, who will play a big role in her career.

Throughout creative path Katya appears in popular videos Russian stars, is engaged concert program group "Silver", becomes a director solo concert singers Yolka in the Olympic. Her track record is quite long.

Working on television

In 2014, a new dance project “Dancing” was released on the TNT channel. Choreographer Ekaterina Nesterovich worked in the same team with Miguel.

Her numbers became the brightest and most memorable in the show. Every participant dreamed of working with this talented girl. Katya revealed herself with new side, showing how creative and creative person.

Meeting Nesterovich

ABOUT personal life Ekaterina Reshetnikova started talking openly during the second season of the show “Dancing”, when her boyfriend Maxim Nesterovich got involved in the project.

As it turned out, the guys have known each other for more than 9 years and even work in the same dance team, the Looney Band, of which they are the creators.

The young people met in a dance studio, where they honed their skills. At first Maxim did not pay attention to Katya. They were friends for a long time, talked, but later realized that they loved each other.

An offer of marriage

Maxim Nesterovich confidently walked towards victory in the “Dancing” project, but many reproached the guy for the fact that his voting percentage was Katya’s merit. To put everything in its place, the guys decided to tell the viewer about their feelings.

They staged a touching and romantic dance to Karaulova’s song “Out-of-orbit”. This number touched not only the fans, but also the team coach, Miguel.

After that, no one doubted Maxim’s victory. At the final concert, he proposed to Katya. She gave her consent to the marriage.


The wedding of Maxim Nesterovich and Ekaterina Reshetnikova took place on April 7, 2016. The celebration was not magnificent. Only close friends of the children were present at the registry office.

The bride chose to wear a luxurious cream dress with beautiful bow and a long train. And for Katya this was a real feat, because the girl hates skirts, corsets, and other feminine little things, preferring to wear jeans and voluminous T-shirts.

Maxim decided to choose a casual suit: a black jacket, trousers, and a strict dark shirt. The highlight of steel classic shoes, shod on bare feet.

The age of Ekaterina Nesterovich (Reshetnikova) allows the girl not to think about children yet. In her interviews, she has repeatedly admitted that her career comes first.

But still the first step towards arrangement family nest made. Not long ago, information appeared in the press that the Nesterovichs purchased a two-story penthouse on credit. We hope that children's laughter will be heard there soon.

October 1, 2016 no comments yet

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The project of the TNT channel Dancing has gained crazy popularity in Russia, giving viewers not only a special vision of movements to music, but also new idols. Now, more than half of the country actively monitors the achievements of ex-participants, paying attention to their personal lives.

One of the most mysterious and discussed was a simple, at first glance, guy, clearly modest, not a standard of male beauty, but at the same time charming, ambitious and purposeful.

At the selections, his efforts were repeatedly criticized by the judges, but in the selection of 24 participants he still beat his brother, who also showed himself brilliantly at the casting.

Concerts with performances followed, and each time Max's ratings were high. Outside the show, on social networks, it was not his talents that were actively discussed, but the intrigue with, the choreographer of Miguel’s team. It was rumored that their relationship was invented specifically for the “promotion” of Nesterovich, for his victory.

Start of a relationship

In fact, their love story began a long time ago, 9 years ago. Their meeting took place in a dance studio, where both came to practice. Theoretically, the guys would hardly have crossed paths, since Max’s classes were during the day, and Katya’s in the evening. But at some point, Max needed additional hours for rehearsals, and he persuaded the team leader to allow him to study in the evenings.

On the very first day, Katya and Max met, she was attracted by the striped jumper, and he was attracted by her and her friend, also Katya. Max immediately liked both of them, but their communication did not go any further.

After some time, Reshetnikova and Nesterovich crossed paths again, but this was already participation in the new composition of dance studio groups. From that moment on, the guys began dating - at first they were friendly dates, in which there was a place for joint jokes and studying each other, and later the young people realized that they had fallen in love.

Against the backdrop of relations, the creative activity both- talented dancers took part in various competitions and festivals, both were choreographers of the “Star Factory”, performed with Russian stars at concerts, starred in their videos.

Having survived several major quarrels, the couple realized that if this continues, they will not succeed, and they will have to forget about respect for each other forever.

At a certain stage, Katya and Max realized that they needed a joint dance project, with the help of which they could fully realize their personal ambitions, ideas and achievements. This is how the Loony Band appeared - the name was invented by Katya, and the logo for it was created by Max.

Now the two of them are working as part of the “Camp PRO|DANCE” project, where they are trying to convey to people that dancing is not just movements to music, but something more.

Reshetnikova and Nesterovich never sought to create pathos out of their relationship, raise ratings using feelings. Before the “Dancing on TNT” project, they did not post joint photos on their pages on social networks and blogs, not considering the need to make the relationship a commercially profitable project.

Even on Loony Band tours, young people stayed in different rooms, preventing the staff from spreading rumors.

Nesterovich's victory in the Dancing show

To say that dancing together to Yuliana Karaulova’s song helped Max win the loudest dance show It will be wrong for Russia.

Of course, his ratings immediately “soared”; subscribers literally flooded him with comments, and more than half were happy that their suspicions and hopes were justified. And the idea to declare their love to the whole country belonged to the show’s mentor, Miguel - it was he who advised the guys to take off their masks, thus stopping rumors about affairs, PR and profit.

Looking at the performance of the dance of Reshetnikova and Nesterovich, there remains no doubt- young people really love each other, and no victories or projects can be higher than their feelings.

In the finale of the show, Max still beat all the participants, receiving the maximum votes from the audience. Feeling emotional, Nesterovich decided to take a responsible and important step- invited Katya on stage and proposed to her in front of the whole country.

This act discouraged Reshetnikova, and not because she did not feel his intentions, but because he did it in front of witnesses, because Max was always distinguished by modesty.

The proposal was followed by preparations for the wedding, and in this matter the young people did not change their principles - they celebrated the celebration in a narrow circle, with a minimum of pathos and without the presence of journalists. You can read more about the wedding of Nesterovich and Reshetnikova, photos from the wedding are also posted there.

The dancers fulfilled their dream by making the wedding not a traditional celebration, but a cool party where the guests had a blast and had fun.

Did Reshetnikova and Nesterovich break up?

Reshetnikova and Nesterovich broke up - all information sites are full of such headlines today. In 2019, it became known that the young people broke up. The marriage of Reshetnikova and Nesterovich lasted two years.

Maxim Nesterovich is a dancer, choreographer, template breaker, a person who is not afraid to be funny and strange. His popularity was brought to him by his victory in the 2nd season of the television show "". Later, the artist returned to the project “Dancing. Battle of the Seasons on TNT”, where the best of them met face to face best participants previous competitions. Maxim amazed the jury with an unforgettable performance to the composition “” - “Bear”, in which he did not concede in his ability to perform somersaults in high heels.

Childhood and youth

Maxim Nesterovich is a native Muscovite, born on August 12, 1984. Creative biography artist started in early childhood, and Maxim’s whole life is connected with dancing. For the first time he came to dance studio at 11 years old. It was the children's group "Gnome". Nesterovich performed with the ensemble at children's and youth competitions in the capital and other cities of Russia.

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Dancer Maxim Nesterovich

In 1998, as a 14-year-old teenager, he already went on tour in Hungary, and 2 years later he went to work in a dance group at a modeling agency. Over the course of 3 years of work there, Nesterovich mastered the modern dance styles of jazz-modern and hip-hop. The young man admitted that he left the team because he wanted to try himself as a choreographer. He performed his first production at the age of 19. A little time passed, and Maxim Nesterovich was already staging large-scale dance shows.

Twice in the dancer’s life there were breaks when he thought that he would not return to this form of creativity. For the first time, Maxim became seriously interested in football, but then he responded to the invitation of his friends, who had also given up dancing, to “keep up the old ways.” In the second case, there was not enough free time due to studying at the institute. The student still managed to work part-time as a waiter, courier, or salesman.

“But at some point I gave up everything. I never got out of dancing or did anything else.”

A reputable school influenced the Muscovite’s dance career dancing Street Jazz. Maxim came there in 2004, and after 3 years he became a soloist of the main cast of the ballet of the same name. Nesterovich worked here until 2010.

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Maxim Nesterovich and his brother Vlad

In parallel with his career in show ballet, the guy taught modern dance at his own school and 54Dance Studio, participated in many television projects, staged performances for pop stars. Not everyone knows that Maxim was the choreographer of the 7th season of “Star Factory”. After leaving Street Jazz, the dancer, together with his younger brother Vlad and a colleague, founded the Loony band. Their goal is to “do different from everyone else.”

Loony Band actively collaborates with the singer. In the summer of 2012, Max and the team spent several months in America, and upon their return they performed during a concert that took place in Baku. Nesterovich has been friends with her for many years: he stars in her videos, choreographs and performs in show ballet. In 2014, Max, together with Katya, Vlad and Arthur, created music project called DenGi and shot a video for the song “Summer”.

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Maxim Nesterovich and Elka

In parallel with the Loony Band, Nesterovich works in dance group Flyographers, the first Russian team, who took 3rd place at the Hip-Hop Dance Championchip – 2014 in Las Vegas. The guys are led by Alexey Shalburov, choreographer of “Dancing on TNT”. In addition, Maxim is the only representative from Russia who was invited to the Ukrainian choreographic competition"Legend".

Show "Dancing on TNT"

In the life of Maxim Nesterovich there were 3 seasons of “Dancing on TNT”. In the fall of 2014, the talented dancer was invited to participate in a television show as a choreographer. One of his productions is a vampire solo performed by Anton Panufnik. In the 2nd season of “Dancing on TNT” Maxim decided to try himself as a dancer.

Alexey Karpenko, Elena Platonova, Alisa Dotsenko and Maxim Nesterovich in heels
“I saw the entire “kitchen” of the project from the inside. I was inspired by the scale of the show, because our generation has never seen anything like this related to dancing in its lifetime. There were some shows, of course, but it’s not even worth comparing them with the level of “Dancing on TNT”. I wouldn’t forgive myself if I didn’t participate in the project as a dancer.”

The judges criticized him at the casting, and did not spare him unflattering epithets during the subsequent selection. But Nesterovich was among the 24 best competitors, and in the final he turned out to be the winner. Max's dance numbers, both solo and joint, for example, with, aroused the delight of the public. Videos with recordings of choreographic sketches continued to gain views even after the end of the season's broadcast on television.

Nesterovich’s native dance styles are krump and experimental. According to Maxim, he has experience that other participants lack, which helps him show his best side at performances. Nesterovich does not agree with the gradation that exists in dance: if you are a choreographer, that means you are not a dancer.

Maxim Nesterovich and Ekaterina Reshetnikova on the “Dancing” project

Participation in Season 2 and the subsequent “Battle” is an attempt to change this state of affairs. The one who dances is on the lowest step. The choreographer is a little taller, but he must be a good dancer, because this is the only way development occurs and truly high-quality numbers appear. Maxim Nesterovich followed all the recommendations of the coaches and admitted that the most difficult style for him is ballroom dancing.

In March 2016, Maxim Nesterovich, as the winner of the 2nd season of “Dancing,” became a participant in the project’s off-season competitions between proven dancers of the show. Of the 49 people, the 20 most liked by the jury and viewers were invited to perform in the program, called “Dancing. Battle of the Seasons." Along with Nesterovich, Anton Panufnik and others appeared on the show.

Max reached the final and took 3rd place, losing (2nd place) to Anton Panufnik (winner).

Yulianna Karaulova - “Out of Orbit”

In February 2016, Maxim Nesterovich, together with Ekaterina Reshetnikova, starred in music video to the song “Out-of-orbit”, which had already been staged for a joint dance before. The choreographic number was shown on the “Dancing” project, it made the audience move, and the mentor and jury member even burst into tears.

In October 2016, Maxim and Ekaterina took part in an entertaining intellectual show with elements of the quiz “Where is the logic?”, which also airs on the TNT channel.

In 2017, castings for the 3rd season of “Dancing” began. Nesterovich joined his wife and began working again as a choreographer.

Personal life

Max does not talk about his personal life. Even the account in “ Instagram", in which the choreographer regularly posts photographs. Footage from social networks is dedicated to work and new productions, and not to personal life.

@nesterovichofficial And @reshetnikovaofficial

It is known that the dancer for a long time was not married, and still has no children. According to Maxim, in his busy schedule there was no time for romance and affairs with the fair sex. But close friends admitted that for many years Nesterovich dated a colleague dance project Loony Band by Ekaterina Reshetnikova.

Fans assumed that the choreographers hid the relationship so as not to discredit the show “Dancing”, since Maxim acted as a contestant in the project, and Katya as a director dance numbers. During the final of the “Dancing” project, Maxim proposed to the girl, and on April 7, 2016, Maxim Nesterovich and Ekaterina Reshetnikova. After the wedding, the girl took her husband’s surname and appeared in new releases of the choreographic project as Ekaterina Nesterovich.

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Wedding of Maxim Nesterovich and Ekaterina Reshetnikova

After the dancers went public and legitimized the relationship, journalists began to say that Maxim and Ekaterina had broken up. The reason was the lack of joint photos and news about family life. In an interview, the newlyweds stated that they wanted to exclude pathos and publicity from the union. A couple with two cats and a dog lived in a new penthouse, purchased with a mortgage. Won by Max in “Dancing” 3 million rubles. also went towards paying for housing.

In April 2019, fans' worst fears were confirmed. Ekaterina Nesterovich posted in “ Instagram » post about what’s happening with my husband. The reasons for the breakup were not reported. Several comments from subscribers appeared on Maxim’s page, regretting that such beautiful and talented people are no longer together. The couple deleted joint photos from social networks on the same day.