Bust, waist and hip measurements. The ideal female figure through the eyes of men

  • 05.07.2023

Anfisa Chekhova is one of the sexiest stars of Russian show business, the owner of magnificent forms. She is not at all shy about her figure and does not try to fit it to the standards of beauty. Today, December 21, Anfisa turns 37 years old, and in honor of her birthday, we decided to recall other plus-size celebrities.

Anfisa Chekhova

In high school, Anfisa was fond of Thai pills, which she now regrets very much.

Anfisa's overweight comes from childhood: her mother was obese and for a long time tried to cure her illness. Anfisa has never been thin. In high school, she was fond of Thai pills, which she now regrets very much. Then there were unsuccessful attempts to lose weight on diets, stress and pills again. But Chekhova realized her mistakes and realized that there was no getting away from physiology: “Every day I began to learn to accept myself for who I am. I began to look for pluses and found so many of them that now I am no longer burning with the desire to put my weight somewhere. The funny thing is that the society in which I rotated and rotate always demanded that I lose weight. But everything I wanted to get out of life, I achieved without losing weight. And when she walked along the Ostankino corridors, skinny as a match, no one needed her. This is such a paradox.".

Despite the fact that Anfisa is not trying to lose weight, the TV presenter does not forget to eat right and take care of herself. The girl adheres to fractional nutrition, goes to myostimulation procedures, does not welcome the use of strong alcohol in large quantities and tries to get enough sleep, because lack of rest is very harmful for the figure.

Anna Semenovich

The famous singer (and former figure skater) is also not at all shy about her forms. When she was figure skating, she was given a condition - to lose 5 kg, and she did (adhering to her diet of apples and shrimp). Now Anna does not go on diets, but she prefers to eat right and sometimes arranges fasting days. In addition, as a former athlete, Anna does not forget about physical activity.

For a long time there were rumors about Semenovich's breasts: they say that it is not real. As Anna admits, after leaving the sport, she could not pull herself together for a long time, ate her mother's food and gained 10 kg. True, almost all the weight went to the chest, and genes played a significant role. Despite her parameters, Anna has repeatedly been recognized as the sexiest woman, and men are ready to fall at her feet.

Nastya Kamensky

The soloist of the Potap and Nastya duet has had serious weight problems since childhood (she tends to be overweight). But this does not prevent the singer from being a real sex symbol and an ideal for many women and men. In an interview, Nastya admitted that, despite her weight problems, she tries to control it. For example, he often rides a bike, runs along the path and swims in the pool. When there is no time for sports, Nastya does exercises. In addition, she is indifferent to meat and sweets (except chocolate).

But the Kamenskys also have their own secrets “for emergencies”: “I have an emergency diet in case I need to be a goddess in 10 days. 3 days I sit on water and rice. 3 days on fish or chicken and 3 days on vegetables, no oil and no salt. After that, you steadily lose 5-6 kilograms. However, you can’t joke with such a diet, you can only sit on it once a year. ”.

Natasha Koroleva

Like a true Khokhlushka, Natasha loves to eat well. The singer's favorite dishes are borscht, dumplings and fried potatoes. Despite these high-calorie foods, the Queen lives up to her last name and looks like a queen. Only her proportions are far from ideal, but this does not upset her and others at all. Although Natasha has her own secrets, with the help of which she tries to keep herself in shape: the singer loves tennis, limits herself to flour and sweets, and also eats in small portions.

Nadezhda Granovskaya

Now Kim is happy with everything, she does not miss the opportunity to show everyone her “fifth point” and luxurious breasts, putting on revealing outfits and. Kim is a terrible sweet tooth and fast food lover, but after some photos taken by the paparazzi, which reflects all the shortcomings of her body, the girl decided on proper nutrition and exercise.

Kate Winslet

Kate is a regular campaigner against the Hollywood star craze for strict diets and anorexia.

In her interviews, the star of "Titanic" admitted that she had never been thin and did not want to become one. Kate is proud of her appetizing forms, besides, she strives to show women that it is possible to be beautiful and sexy even without ideal parameters. She does not suffer from extra kilos, nor from excessive harmony. Kate reached her "golden mean" through special physical activity and nutrition. The actress often quarrels with fashion photographers who strive to correct her form in the photo. In addition, Kate regularly campaigns against the Hollywood star craze for strict diets and anorexia.

In one of the interviews, the actress told the whole world: “I am a normal woman with a normal figure. Personally, I'm not going to lose weight - I have more important problems. I'm not going to waste precious time worrying about the size of my ass! This is ridiculous! Life is one and very short - there is so much to do! She still - no matter how hard you try - leaves her marks on the appearance of a person, and on a woman in the first place. I want to raise and educate children and get as much pleasure out of life as possible. And not to worry about how flat my stomach is!”

Scarlett Johansson

The muse of Woody Allen boasts of sexy forms, she practically brought sexy forms into fashion. In addition, Scarlett has a truly unique ability to choose the right clothes that add femininity to her and emphasize all her virtues. The actress, just like Kate Winslet, defies Hollywood standards, proving that thinness does not always look seductive.

When asked by InTouch magazine how she managed not to become infected with the Hollywood weight loss mania, Scarlett replied: “This is nonsense, complete nonsense! I do not understand this. And I love good food. I've only seen gyms from the outside. I feel very comfortable in my body." But this does not mean that Johansson does not take care of himself at all: often the paparazzi filmed the actress while jogging or cycling. In addition, when Scarlett needs to lose weight for filming, she still sits on a strict diet, eating only vegetables and fruits.

Jennifer Lawrence

The young hope of Hollywood also does not have the ideal proportions of the figure. In addition, Jennifer does not diet and loves junk food: chips, hamburgers, cheesecakes, sweets and other "nasty things." If an actress needs to get in shape for filming, she does physical activities: running, archery, rock climbing, etc. True, Jen herself does not like sports and does everything under duress.

If an actress needs to get in shape for filming, she does physical activity.

In an interview with Glamor magazine, Lawrence admitted: “You know what I think when I see perfect figures: “I can look like that too. But for this, I will have to forget about pizza forever and no longer take a piece of yummy in my mouth. ” It seems to me that every girl should understand what type of figure she has. So I definitely won’t redo mine: I will always have breasts and buttocks. To get rid of them, I would have to starve, and I'm not going to do that. And further. Actresses with perfect bodies have professional trainers and nutritionists. And most importantly, they achieve the form necessary for the role for a short time - sufficient for filming. When I'm filming, I also go on a diet and go to the gym. But in between shootings, I enjoy life, eat whatever I want, and look completely different than on the screen. You just don't see me at this time."

In pursuit of a beautiful appearance, most women put their figure first. To do this, the beautiful half of humanity sacrifices a lot to look like beauties from the covers of fashion magazines: they use diets, go in for sports, and so on. But are these efforts worth the reward in the eyes of men?

Opinion of men: the female figure should be symmetrical

And what figure do they consider the most attractive when looking at photos of famous beauties? Today, scientists from around the world can answer this question, who have repeatedly conducted sociological surveys regarding the most attractive female appearance.

What a “beautiful female figure through the eyes of men” she is - you will learn from our article!

It turns out that a beautiful female figure through the eyes of men is not at all the notorious sizes 90-60-90, as many women believe. But there is still some truth to this.

As many different people as there are many opinions about the ideal appearance. Previously, at different times, plump or very thin girls were in fashion. Now the main ideal of a female figure can be called symmetrical proportions, and the size of the chest, waist and hips are not so important.

There are lovers, both thin and full women:

  1. Too skinny should have rounded proportions to draw attention to their figure. It is better if the chest and hips are about the same size, and the waist is smaller. This figure is perfect for girls of short stature. Men like this type of appearance due to the fact that you can feel like a gentleman by protecting and caring for her.
  2. Curvy ladies also attract the attention of men. They are more often chosen for serious relationships. According to psychologists, this type of appearance is more like men of low social status or those who have a mother of the same shape. But it is worth noting that fullness should be moderate - sagging belly and sides do not paint anyone. If you look through the eyes of a man, then a full female figure can be called beautiful if the waist is about 70 percent from the hips, and the chest is of the same volume.
  3. The most perfect appearance women have an athletic build. Tightened belly and hips, medium-sized breasts and slightly pumped up muscles of the arms and legs make the owner of the fair sex the most desirable in the eyes of a man. But here you need not to overdo it with pumping up muscles, since too noticeable biceps make the figure less feminine, which is extremely disliked by men.

The hourglass figure is the ideal body according to men

Although everyone has different tastes, most men agree in one opinion - a masculine figure with large shoulders and narrow hips is not very attractive. The most ideal figure is considered to be the hourglass. In this type of women, the waist is much smaller than the hips and chest.

This choice is connected with the fact that on a subconscious level, it is inherent in men to choose a healthy and prolific couple for themselves. And the narrow waist and wide hips just evoke the idea of ​​a woman's readiness for procreation.

Interesting fact! Scientists have found that women with a guitar-like figure have a large amount of estrogen, which contributes to the conception and bearing of children. It is this sex hormone that shapes the female body, making the hips wider than the waist.

Therefore, a beautiful female figure, when viewed through the eyes of most men, should be in the shape of an hourglass, indicating that a woman can bear and give birth to a healthy child.

Figure "90-60-90" - the perfect body for womanizer

Not so long ago, the proportions of 90-60-90 were considered the standard of beauty. It was to these parameters that most beauties aspired. But, as it turned out, such volumes most often attract men who are not ready for a long relationship. If we talk about a partner for procreation, then The main criterion that men distinguish is a thin waist and wide hips.

And centimeters are not the main thing here. But a man who has only fashionable attributes of attractiveness in the first place is looking for the most ideal, most beautiful, most slender. Such a partner will always cheat, looking for a more fashionable and glamorous beauty on the side.

Rectangular figure - the ideal body for male leaders

But a beautiful female figure through the eyes of male leaders is rectangular, without roundness and appetizing curves. Such a woman demonstrates a strong character and the ability to stand up for herself, so for her only a strong man with leadership qualities can be the best couple.

But "mama's sons" with a weak character, who are ready to live "under the heel", are also drawn to women with a "rectangle" figure, because they want to be under someone's protection.

Note! In women with a rectangular figure, the male hormones androgens predominate, which direct fat deposits to the waist area, removing them from the hips. Such gomons increase stress resistance and endurance, which makes the female character "steel".

What should be the female breast

Often in fashion magazines and on television, you can see models with large breasts. Many ladies try to enlarge their breasts in every possible way, believing that men like this type more. But it is worth knowing that beauties of model appearance are more to the liking of teenagers or men of age.

And such ladies attract them only because of the opportunity to assert themselves, to show others their importance.

Not everyone considers a female figure with large breasts beautiful. In the eyes of most men, the most acceptable size is the second or third. And for busty ladies, they show rather simple curiosity, but they don’t want to marry such women.

On thin and fragile girls, large breasts look more vulgar than beautiful. Therefore, you should not disfigure your body with silicone, as this can lead to poor health, and the desired result cannot be achieved.

Waist and hips: what are the ideal parameters for men

Men, when looking at a woman, immediately pay attention to the hips and waist. This zone, according to most representatives of the stronger sex, is the most attractive.

But what is it that really grabs their attention? Scientists have found that on an intuitive level, men evaluate their potential partner in this way - is it worth getting to know her, is she already busy with another contender for her hand and heart, is she healthy, and so on.

And you can find out exactly by the waist, hips and their ratio:

  • thin waist shows a man that a woman is not pregnant, which means she is not busy;
  • taut, rounded hips talk about the good health of the female and the ability to give birth to healthy offspring;
  • difference between waist and hips will show the character of a woman and her ability to bear and feed a child.

No matter how full a lady is, the optimal index between the waist and hips should not exceed 0.7. That is, the waist should be only 70% of the hips. Such parameters will attract attention regardless of the fullness, height and body weight of a woman (within reason, of course).

Interesting fact! Men don't need to walk around with a tape measure to see an attractive waist-to-hip ratio. It is enough for them to look at a woman for 10 seconds, and intuition itself will tell them the correct parameters of the female body, under which they can safely make a further decision on procreation.

Long legs - the standard of female beauty

An indisputable fact is the increased interest of almost all men in long-legged ladies. Regardless of height and weight, a woman's legs must be long..

Such a whim can be explained by the fact that short legs indicate childhood, that is, the woman is still unprepared for procreation. And during puberty, women's legs begin to lengthen, and this intuitively allows men to understand that the girl is ready for childbearing.

So long legs and a symmetrical figure of a woman are not at all a whim of a pampered and capricious man, but a quite practical choice in implementing the plan for the production of offspring.

What size should a woman wear according to men?

If women think that they need to lose weight to the 40th clothing size (or XXS by international standards), then this is a deep delusion. Numerous studies have shown that men prefer to see their chosen ones in the 46th clothing size rather than in the smallest.

For example, the British TV presenter and actress Kelly Brook has a rather impressive bust, and it is difficult to call her thin, but her figure has become an ideal for most men.

For comparison, in order to understand how beautiful a thin woman is considered, you can look at the table of the ratio of positive votes received to the parameters of the figures of different celebrities.

As you can see, too small size of women's clothing is not popular with the representatives of the stronger sex and is gaining very few votes of sympathy.

But men are also treated with disdain for very full girls, and they will not be delighted if their chosen one suddenly begins to gain extra pounds. A particularly large amount of disapproval was heard against girls who rapidly gained three or more clothing sizes.

Men reacted relatively calmly when their partner gained 1-2 sizes. And the opinion was divided almost in half if their chosen one recovered by 2-3 sizes.

So a beautiful female figure through the eyes of men is definitely not an anorexic model and not a shapeless puff, but a figured woman with rounded proportional shapes and a thin waist.

A survey by German sociologists of men regarding the ideal female figure showed very interesting results. It turns out that the male ideal varies depending on the social status in the country.

In wartime or in the event of a financial crisis, the eyes of men are turned to magnificent forms, and in peacetime - to thin ladies. So do not worry too much about the extra 2-3 kg of weight gain, the main thing is that the figure is toned and the body is healthy. To do this, you need to lead a healthy lifestyle, give preference to natural products and play sports.

A beautiful female figure through the eyes of men in this useful video:

Women's beauty through the eyes of men in different countries of the world:

Rare nude photos from famous professional photographers. Nude girls. Beautiful naked, female bodies.

Rare nude photos from famous professional photographers. Nude girls. Beautiful naked, female bodies.

Rare nude photos from famous professional photographers. Nude girls. Beautiful naked, female bodies.

Rare nude photos from famous professional photographers. Nude girls. Beautiful naked, female bodies.

Rare nude photos from famous professional photographers. Nude girls. Beautiful naked, female bodies.

Rare nude photos from famous professional photographers. Nude girls. Beautiful naked, female bodies.

Rare nude photos from famous professional photographers. Nude girls. Beautiful naked, female bodies.

Rare nude photos from famous professional photographers. Nude girls. Beautiful naked, female bodies.

Rare nude photos from famous professional photographers. Nude girls. Beautiful naked, female bodies.

Rare nude photos from famous professional photographers. Nude girls. Beautiful naked, female bodies.

Rare nude photos from famous professional photographers. Nude girls. Beautiful naked, female bodies.

Rare nude photos from famous professional photographers. Nude girls. Beautiful naked, female bodies.

Rare nude photos from famous professional photographers. Nude girls. Beautiful naked, female bodies.

Rare nude photos from famous professional photographers. Nude girls. Beautiful naked, female bodies.

Rare nude photos from famous professional photographers. Nude girls. Beautiful naked, female bodies.

Rare nude photos from famous professional photographers. Nude girls. Beautiful naked, female bodies.

Rare nude photos from famous professional photographers. Nude girls. Beautiful naked, female bodies.

Rare nude photos from famous professional photographers. Nude girls. Beautiful naked, female bodies.

Rare nude photos from famous professional photographers. Nude girls. Beautiful naked, female bodies.

Rare nude photos from famous professional photographers. Nude girls. Beautiful naked, female bodies.

Rare nude photos from famous professional photographers. Nude girls. Beautiful naked, female bodies.

Rare nude photos from famous professional photographers. Nude girls. Beautiful naked, female bodies.

Rare nude photos from famous professional photographers. Nude girls. Beautiful naked, female bodies.

Rare nude photos from famous professional photographers. Nude girls. Beautiful naked, female bodies.

Rare nude photos from famous professional photographers. Nude girls. Beautiful naked, female bodies.

Rare nude photos from famous professional photographers. Nude girls. Beautiful naked, female bodies.

Rare nude photos from famous professional photographers. Nude girls. Beautiful naked, female bodies.

Rare nude photos from famous professional photographers. Nude girls. Beautiful naked, female bodies.

Rare nude photos from famous professional photographers. Nude girls. Beautiful naked, female bodies.

Rare nude photos from famous professional photographers. Nude girls. Beautiful naked, female bodies.

Rare nude photos from famous professional photographers. Nude girls. Beautiful naked, female bodies.

Rare nude photos from famous professional photographers. Nude girls. Beautiful naked, female bodies.

To be honest, we can all appreciate a girl with beautiful forms. The ideal, diet-depleted bodies of Hollywood actresses are gradually falling out of fashion. Supermodels are too skinny, actresses are too perfect, where are the real girls with real bodies? Fortunately, some famous stars still prefer to stay in curvy shape, and we are very happy about that. Below are ten of the hottest women in Hollywood whose bodies are simply stunning thanks to their seductive curves.

10 Nicki Minaj

Nicki Minaj is probably best known for her once wacky style and overuse of makeup, besides her music, of course. However, the Nicki we see on the red carpet today dresses much more simply, calmly and looks simply stunning. Not only has she decided to change her style to a much more noble one, she seems to be more focused on showing off her natural beauty, and by extension, her natural, beautiful curves - for which we are grateful. New Niki, please stay just like that... we like you and your curvy curves that much more.

9 Christina Hendricks

The Mad Men star is probably best known for her curvaceous curves, which are second only to her unique red hair color. She's been praised (and viciously criticized) in Hollywood for her hourglass figure, which is, well, amazing. Therefore, it is not at all surprising that the buxom beauty was named the most beautiful American woman in 2010 by Esquire Magazine. Whether these beautiful curves of the body are given to her by nature or not, we will never know. However, fans of the red-haired beauty, as much as we hate to disappoint you, Hendrix's characteristic fiery curls are not real.

8. Kate Upton

Since her famous appearance on the cover of Sports Illustrated, Kate Upton has become the most popular model, skyrocketing to the top with her sexy and seductive curves. At 21, she's already signed to IMG Models, launched an acting career, and has appeared on a slew of magazine covers, all thanks to her curvaceous, curvaceous body.

7. Beyonce

Beyoncé has everything you need - she is beautiful, talented and has simply amazing body shapes. Therefore, it is not at all surprising that Jay-Z (Jay-Z) did not hesitate to put a (huge) ring on her finger. While her voluptuous body isn't the standard Hollywood slenderness, we prefer Beyoncé's curvaceous body to any stick figure. And we think that all men will support us.

6. Kim Kardashian

Kim Kardashian is well known, but not for her talent. There is constant gossip about her body curves. Many suspect that she went under the knife to get her buttocks implanted in order to achieve such seductive curves, although Kim has always denied this (but to be honest, how can they be natural?). However, one thing is for sure: her hourglass figure caught the attention of Kanye West as they recently tied the knot. Whether they are fake or not, we can't deny that Kim's figure is incredibly seductive.

5. Scarlett Johansson

While she may not be as curvaceous as some of the other girls on this list, Scarlett Johansson is quite curvaceous for her small 160cm height. The 28-year-old actress (who was once married to Ryan Reynolds) was named Esquire Magazine's Sexiest Woman twice in 2006 and 2013. At the moment, she is the only woman who has ever received this title more than once. If that doesn't prove that the petite actress is a bombshell, then know that even Playboy named her the sexiest celebrity in 2007. In addition, she entered the top five of "Maxim's Hot 100" this year. Scarlett is very hot.

4. Kat Dennings

The charmingly buxom star of the television series 2 Broke Girls and the movie Thor is only 27 years old, but she has already made it to the very top of the hottest women in Hollywood. Her name made the Maxim's Hot 100 list, quite possibly because she is determined to keep her body in this shape and not destroy it with bad habits. She apparently doesn't smoke or drink, which definitely helps her keep her curvaceous curves in good shape. Keep it up, Kat.

3. Jennifer Lawrence

Everyone's favorite girl, Jennifer Lawrence, resembles a very beautiful girl next door. She usually goes unnoticed until she steps out in something stunning that hugs all the curvy curves of her body you didn't know she had. The 23-year-old Hunger Games star (who makes no secret of her passion for delicious food - which we love her for) has already won an Academy Award and a Golden Globe, so we can almost say for sure that we will see Lawrence's seductive curves again. on the red carpet in the near future. Look forward to.

2. Katy Perry

Sure, Katie can be quirky and cute, but there's no doubt that this girl has a damn beautiful body (we know you've watched her SNL parody Elmo over and over again). Beneath her blue hair, cupcakes, and glitter, her amazing curves are hidden, which is why she is in the top five of Maxim's Hot 100 this year, even though she was number one back in 2010. It's safe to say that Katy is every teenager's dream. Well, who wouldn't want it?

1. Sofia Vergara

Sophia tops this list because at 41, she has a body that any woman in her early twenties would envy. Men want her, and women certainly want to be her. The Colombian actress rose to fame for her role as Gloria on the ABC television series Modern Family and has captured the attention of every man ever since. She's sultry, sexy, (who would have thought she was a mother?) and she has all the curvy curves in all the right places. We can only hope that we can also look amazing at 41. What is your secret, Sofia?