The development of a child's memory as a prerequisite for successful learning. How can I help a student? We develop memory, perseverance and attention

  • 14.10.2019

Attention is a quality that characterizes the process of filtering information that comes from the surrounding world. A person who has developed attention is able to mentally discard unnecessary information and focus on one specific object or process.

If the human brain did not filter the information coming from the outside world, it would undergo a strong reboot. A person with scattered attention is not able to concentrate on one or more of the things that he has highlighted.

Memory is the ability of the human brain to store information and reproduce it orally or in writing. Memory is directly related to attention, since long-term memorization of information is possible only with constant concentration of attention on it.

The main development of memory and attention occurs during childhood. Children of primary school age are scattered and not collected, since they are interested in the world around them as a single phenomenon, and they do not notice details. Children pay attention to every little thing around them, forgetting about things like school.

To develop memory and attention, many exercises have been developed that must be performed regularly to achieve tangible results. Exercises aimed at developing memory and attention in primary school age are also aimed at developing perseverance and stability in performing a long task. This is due to the fact that perseverance in children is poorly developed, which is why the concentration of attention decreases and the level of memorization of the material decreases.

The memory of children of primary school age is able to organize faster than the memory of children of preschool age, and retain more information. But there are a number of disadvantages and features:

  • Children have better developed imaginative or visual memory than semantic and logical memory. They can memorize faces or drawings well, while not being able to keep formulas, poems and other objects in their heads.
  • The memory of junior schoolchildren stores information verbatim. The child does not know how to break the text into paragraphs and remember the main meaning of the text, he retains only words in his memory.
  • Sometimes memorizing specific words is associated not with the ability to highlight the meaning of the text, but with the children's uncertainty that the meaning they understood is correct.

It is important to teach primary school children to analyze text, concentrate on solving examples, and memorize formulas to prepare them for further learning. Psychological techniques have been developed for this, but teachers mistakenly consider it the right step to make the child repeat the same material many times. Features of the development of memory in primary school age are that with constant memorization of the material, interest in the object of memorization is lost, and attention is switched to other things.

Young children do not understand that they need to learn the text. They simply carry out the teacher's task: to repeat the text so many times, which is ineffective for memorization. The recommendations of psychologists will help to deal with the development of thinking.

How to professionally develop memory in primary school children

The following techniques will help to increase the productivity of memorizing the material:

  • Drawing up a story plan;
  • Development of a plan in the form of pictures or drawings independently drawn by children;
  • Consecutive writing of abstracts from the text.

Some children of primary school age do not have problems with fast and high-quality memorization of material, which is sometimes found among reading children.

Some schoolchildren are able to easily memorize texts, but it is just as easy to forget this material. Literally in a day, they will no longer remember what they read.

The most difficult situation is with children who slowly memorize, learn with difficulty and immediately forget the material they have learned.

The peculiarities of memory development in primary school age differ in children, but there is one common feature. The development of memory is impossible without the simultaneous development of attention, since memorizing the material requires the required degree of concentration on the object of memorization. Therefore, the recommendations of experts are to work simultaneously on attention and memory.

Exercises and techniques for the development of memory and attention in younger students

Techniques, exercises and classes become more productive if they are played in a playful way. The main thing in this business is systematicity. Exercise should be done regularly. So, for children of primary school age, the following exercises are suitable for developing attention:

  • Place 15 small items in front of your child. Let him look at objects for half a minute. Then the baby turns away, and you move 5 objects to another place or change places. When he turns again, give him another 30 seconds. to examine objects. Cover items with a towel or napkin. Ask your child to describe what has changed in the arrangement of objects.
  • Offer a piece of paper with pictures of different types of animals and their houses. Draw the drawings in a chaotic manner. Ask your child to determine which animal belongs to which house.
  • Print a picture in which one half is colored with different colors and the other is not filled. Ask your kid to decorate the other half in the same way as the first one. When the child copes with the task, give him a drawing in which the other half is missing, so that the child can finish the details on his own.
  • This exercise develops not only memory and attention, but also creative thinking. Ask them to count to 31, but instead of every third number say "I will not fail." For example: “One, two, I won’t get lost, four, five, I won’t get lost,” and so on.
  • Let your child look at a series of numbers. The series should be inconsistent. Ask him to tell what numbers he remembered, and to name the neighbors of some numbers.
  • Ask him to count to 20. At the same time, ask the kid to keep a written count, only in reverse order, starting with the number 20.
  • Take a box of matches, beads, toothpicks, or cotton swabs and lay out a drawing from them. Allow 3 seconds to look at your artwork, then ask him to repeat the same drawing.
  • Come up with an item that your child will know the name of. The kid must fully describe the subject. Ask to name not only physical characteristics, but also describe your opinion about the subject. He should not tell, but think in order to answer your question.
  • Take a few coins or buttons, give the child the same number of the same items. You and your child have the same set of buttons or coins. Ask to turn away and place the items on the table in no particular order. Let your child look at this for half a minute, then cover the items. He must repeat the order with his set of items;
  • Give your child simple text that contains mistakes. Ask to correct mistakes within a minute. Do not give too complex texts in a large volume, gradually increase the number of errors.
  • Ask your child to provide details of their journey to school. Let him remember the details of the path and all the points of interest to him, including descriptions of the people he saw.
  • Take a few small, colorful cards and arrange them in the order you like. Ask him to look at the cards, after which he will close his eyes and list the sequence of colors. Increase the number of cards over time.
  • Exercise to memorize and focus on details, not the big picture. Print out five pictures that are similar but slightly different. Give your child one drawing that he will learn in 30 seconds. Now shuffle all the drawings and place them on the table. Ask him to find the drawing that you showed him.
  • A standard 10-Difference Exercise will help you develop visual memory and mindfulness.
  • When you walk down the street with your child, pay attention to some details. For this, signboards, road signs, inscriptions, billboards are suitable. When you get home, ask to reproduce everything that you have considered on paper.

For a quality result, consider the atmosphere in which the classes are held.

In what conditions are classes

Remember that you, first of all, play with the child, and the child must feel it. Therefore, the recommendations of psychologists regarding the conditions of the game are as follows:

  • The exercises are carried out in a friendly atmosphere. When using techniques, do not be hard on the baby, show patience and friendliness.
  • If the child has not coped with the task, do not declare him a loser. There are no losers in these games. It is better to use techniques to motivate you to continue exercising.
  • Do not engage in one exercise for more than 5 minutes, this will cause a loss of interest, and as a result, an unwillingness to work further.

Practice systematically, but never insist on practicing. The kid himself must express a desire to work with you. If he is not feeling well or he is not in the mood, leave the baby alone, otherwise you risk losing interest in the exercises, which entails a sharp drop in efficiency and all the techniques will become ineffective.

Some parents mistakenly believe that it is the school's responsibility to develop the attention and memory of a primary school child. Yes, teachers are obliged to find their own approach to the character of each child, but at home the child is liberated. Therefore, do not forget that the result will be more effective if the parents make every effort to develop it.

Rules, dates, formulas, theorems - the lion's share of academic success depends on memory. If the memory is good, the teacher's explanations given in the lesson are enough for the student. If there is “wind” in your head, long cramming will not help either. How to develop a student's memory?

First, a little test to assess how good you and your child are at soldering. Read the words below within 2 minutes. Close the list. Play the words that you memorized: Chair, cup, leopard, pants, peach, plane, birch, lake, palm, thunderstorm, basketball, flute. If you memorized 12-8 words you have a high level of memorization. 8-6 words - intermediate level, so far there is no cause for concern. 6-0 words - time to take action.

According to Aleksey Alekseev, a neurologist from the Clinic of Nervous Diseases of the Moscow State Medical University named after M.V. THEM. Sechenova: “In office centers you rarely meet a person without disturbing memory impairments. Such people do not need to be treated, they need to be explained that they need to look at their lives differently. They live by the principle: the doctor prescribed a pill and everything will be fine. At the same time, the factors that actually cause anxiety, memory impairment will not go away and the brain will not improve. " And the whole problem is solved by the correct mode of sleep and wakefulness, therefore it is important for the student to get enough sleep and get loads that are adequate for age.

A. Alekseev: “During active cognition, for example, study, the brain grasps information, but its sorting and assimilation occurs mainly during sleep. Therefore, the more new information is piled on you, the more you should sleep. In life, everything happens the other way around. The more strenuous work and study, the less time you have to sleep. But if you have a lot of things to do and you are still constantly worried about whether you managed to do everything today, then it is better to increase the amount of sleep. " If your student gets enough sleep, but the problems with memorizing and sorting information do not go away, you cannot do without the help of a specialist.

Types of memory

There are the following types of memory: figurative and verbal-logical (by the type of mental activity); voluntary and involuntary (by the nature of the goals of the activity); direct and mediated (with direct mechanical memorization, the memorization process occurs without the participation of thinking; with memorization mediated by logic, thinking, the material must first be comprehended); short-term and long-term (in terms of material preservation time).

Figurative memory includes visual, auditory, motor and emotional memory. Indeed, some children perceive information easier when they read it aloud (auditory type of memory), or vice versa, if the child himself reads this material (visual type). For some children, memorization of the material is better if it is written down or spoken (motor type), and some remember only if the memorized material made an impression, caused some kind of emotion (no matter, positive or negative), as you guessed it emotional memory. As a rule, not one type of memory is more pronounced in a child, but several.

Let the child try to memorize the material in different ways: not only read aloud yourself, ask the child to read it. Also make you recite the learned material out loud (speech-motor type of memory). In the practice of memorizing foreign words, teachers of the old school are often advised to write them down several times in a row, pronouncing the sound and meaning of the word to themselves.

There is a calculation for the triggering of several types of memory: visual, auditory, motor.

Posted by the author - - November 18, 2015

Wise people have always understood that the source of knowledge is knowledge, and the universal character of the human mind helps to comprehend and learn everything in the world. Knowledge about the structure of the world is the starting point for inventions and discoveries. The more basic steps there are, the broader the horizons and the more opportunities. That is why we are so eager to develop.

In this article, we will deal with the following questions:
- why it is necessary to develop memorization skills;
- the main types of memory;
- seven principles to help improve short-term and long-term memory;
- five fun exercises to improve auditory memory;
- seven tips for quickly memorizing texts;
- how to relax and enjoy memory training.

Why is it necessary to develop memorization skills.

Reason number 1. When studying most of the subjects, constant memorization is necessary:
- languages ​​- vocabulary, spelling, punctuation;
- mathematics - rules, formulas, theorems;
- natural science - understanding of phenomena and processes, definitions;
- history - dates, personalities, events.

Reason number 2. Children are quite selfish and cruel because they don't understand a lot. They often tease a child who is somewhat different from the majority. And not everyone is friends with such a child, respectively. Therefore, due to memory problems, not only low academic performance follows, but also low self-esteem.

Reason number 3. Children who do not remember information well, usually have difficulties in self-organization - they have problems with personal things, get confused with the daily routine and do not have time for everything.

Types of memory - why these differences are important to us

Let's start with the basic concepts. Memory is a form of reproduction of the world around us, which allows us to consolidate, store and increase personal experience. Only babies have memory like a blank slate. It is impossible to learn anything without memory, it is it that underlies any learning and development, including schoolchildren.

There are many types of memory, but we will only cover the main ones that are important for working on improving the memorization process. Figurative memory is divided into several types: visual, auditory, motor and emotional. By observing, an attentive parent will be able to determine the priority type of memory in a child - some perceive information better by ear (when read to them), some visually (when they read it themselves), some prefer to write or speak information (motor memory), and some remember information that surprised or amazed (emotional memory). Usually, a child has several types of memory clearly expressed, the rest will have to be worked on.

Each child's age has its own type of memory. Younger schoolchildren have a pronounced involuntary and visual-figurative memory, therefore, for better memorization, it is advisable to use vivid pictures and interactive methods. In children of secondary school age, a verbal-logical and arbitrary memory is being formed - more and more information has to be mastered, and moreover it is not always interesting.

Parents are often surprised: "Well, how can it be - he can even recognize all dinosaurs by the tail, but forgets to write a sentence with a capital letter." It's just that this child has a well-developed long-term memory, in which important information is stored for him, but short-term memory has not yet been formed - it is fragmentary and unreliable, that is, it requires attention. This applies to your child if you notice the following about him:
- when he reads, he is poorly aware of what he has read;
- has problems with auditory perception - this is important for the speed of transformation of a word into a mental image;
- becomes restless and inattentive if you have to receive information for a long time and passively;
- does not want to go to school, takes offense at teachers and classmates, hesitates to answer;
- if he loses thought, then he completely loses the essence of the story;
- not very interested in learning in general and in this topic in particular.

Short-term memory is the door to the realm of long-term memory. If some information does not stay in the short-term, the brain will not be able to transport it to the storage of long-term memory.

It is foolish to require a child to remember what he is not aware of. Only after seeing a number of the following evidence, a parent can be sure that the child has clearly understood the information:
- reproduced without prompts and in your own words;
- told correctly and briefly, without unnecessary additions.

If you notice that the child does not fully assimilate the material at school, you do not need to close your eyes to the problem, it will not dissolve. It is not enough to explain the material, it is necessary to make sure that the information gets into long-term memory, and the child can extract it from there after a period of time. The task of attentive parents is to help children master all types of memory, because without the ability to memorize and remember information, effective learning in high school is no longer possible.

Seven principles to help improve short-term and long-term memory.

Principle 1. We repeat accumulating. If you want to help you remember something for a long time, you need to add 15 minutes a day to the main time for doing homework. This memorization technique is called cumulative repetition. Identify three topics that require close attention and repeat the required material every day for five minutes, and then you will achieve a fundamental layering of layers of knowledge. By the way, about five minutes. Mrs. Gurchenko, in her famous New Year's song about 5 minutes, tried to determine whether it was a lot or a little. Let's count: five minutes a day - that's half an hour a week or two hours a month - is a pretty decent chunk of time. Naturally, in five minutes you will not have time to repeat all the educational material on the chosen topic, but repeating different parts every day, you will soon master a large amount of information. Adhere to this innovation daily, and the child's memory will begin to delight.

Principle 2. Overmeaning. The essence of the method is constant repetition until automatism is achieved - the child responds quickly and without prompts. After that, periodically, once a week, return to repetition - then the material will be assimilated so that the child can easily use it even in stressful situations. The best option for presenting information is a joint visual and kinesthetic, the child must see and do at the same time. You should also take into account the state of the student - when he is rested, in a good mood and interested, then his long-term memory retains and extracts information more efficiently.

Principle 3. Associations. It is clear that we are all better at remembering new information if we can tie it to already familiar facts. Many mnemonic techniques and phrases help us with this. For example, "Every hunter wants to know where ..." Well, you see, you know. In this phrase, each initial letter of the word helps to remember the color of the rainbow, the order of the words corresponds to the order of the colors.

Examples of well-known mnemonics:
- determine the number of days in months using your knuckles;
- memorize exceptions, for example, three adverbs that are written without a soft sign for the phrase "already unbearable to get married";
- make it easier to remember the multiplication table by "5", explaining that all answers end with "0" or "5".

Principle 4. Metacognition. This newfangled word is used in the meaning of "awareness of one's own consciousness." When we help our children to search, notice, connect facts in a single row, we teach them to think and understand their train of thought. It used to be believed that there are capable students who are given from God, and, let's say loyally, less capable students. The results of numerous studies in the field of neurology refute this opinion. Scientists have proven that our brains are malleable and can learn to learn.

And we can help with this by using a diagnostic prompt when a child makes a mistake. We must help to realize the error - that is, find it, think it over and understand the cause. I want to give an example on the study of the multiplication table. If, to the question: "How much is three multiplied by three," the child joyfully shouts: "Six", you should not jerk him with phrases such as: "But be careful!" Try to put the diagnostic clue into practice: “You probably heard three plus three, so you answered six, and that's right. But I asked you to multiply. So which example should you solve now? " After that, it is worth training auditory attention, alternating examples of multiplication and addition.

Principle 5. Recollect quickly. If the same information is recalled quite often, the brain decides that it is important to us and sends it to long-term memory, from which it is easy to use. An interesting process takes place in the brain - when we regularly, even for a short time, recall a certain studied material, then when we try to extract it, the brain tries to make more and more information interconnected and send it to long-term memory.

Principle 6. We memorize in different ways. The more different ways of memorization you use, the faster this information will get into long-term memory. Different information will be stored in different areas of the brain, and this helps to efficiently reproduce it. Let me give you a concrete example. Having learned the historical date, the child will need to answer the question "In what year did the Great Patriotic War end?" and to the question "What happened in 1945?"

Principle 7. Gradually increase the time interval.

If your child responds well every other day, ask once a week. When you begin to remember this information perfectly at the weekly polling interval, ask once a month for several months. After conquering this step, the information will be reliably sent for lifetime storage in the long-term memory archive.

Five fun exercises to improve your auditory memory.

I want to tell you about exercises to improve auditory memory, which helped my son and me a lot. My son dabbled with me with pleasure, not suspecting that he was doing exercises to train memory.

Exercise 1. Echo. You can start playing it from the age of three and until you get bored. It helps to improve auditory attention, visualization speed, diction and intonation fidelity. Just remember that this game should not be played for more than five minutes a day.

Exercise 2. Fly - repetition. You only need to speak unfamiliar words. The son really liked to repeat comic spells, but he did not refuse to repeat foreign words. So we kill two birds with one stone - rhymed gibberish makes you laugh, and words are useful for general development.

Exercise 3. You tell me a fairy tale, as I am to you. Small pieces of literature can be used in this game. The son likes to do this exercise before bed - first we read him a fairy tale, then he retells what he heard. If he retells well, then we read another fairy tale, which is no longer necessary to retell. Judging by the fact that we have been playing this game for over a year, the conditions of our son are quite satisfactory.

Exercise 4. I am a storyteller. We play with the whole family. Someone says five or six words that are not related in meaning, for example: "Cat, window, branch, bird, jump." The one who remembered shouts: "I am a storyteller!" And he repeats these words in the same order, but already logically connected. For example, like this. “The cat is sitting on the window, looking into the distance. And then suddenly a bird sits on a branch. The cat would jump, but the window was closed. It's hard for a domestic cat to be a successful hunter. " If you make mistakes, or you forgot to mention something, you can call yourself a "wizard" and make changes.

Exercise 5. Teacher. The child himself comes up with words or sentences, and we repeat them after him. Sometimes I try to make mistakes in order to check his attentiveness and please him - after all, it's nice when a boy finds mistakes in adults.

To be honest, I don't know people who like to memorize lyrics, but I know those who find it easy. Having studied a lot of literature on this topic, I realized that this skill needs to be trained almost from birth.

To begin with, you need to choose very light rhymes, consisting of two rhymed lines. After two lines are repeated from the second time, we begin to learn four lines, and so gradually we increase the number of lines and the complexity of the text.

It is categorically impossible be annoyed or aggressively comment on unsuccessful attempts, because it is already difficult for children to reproduce by ear, but here adults still hurt self-esteem.

Advice1. Before asking your child to repeat the text under study by heart, read it aloud ten times, slowly with expression.

Advice2. Ask him questions to be sure you understand the meaning of the text in general and all words in particular.

Advice3. Now read the text in the same way as at the beginning, only omit the last word in each line, casting expectant glances at the child. Pause, smile and wait - the child has to say something. If he correctly named the missing word, show him with a nod of your head that he is great and you are satisfied. If you make a mistake or is silent, you just say the right word yourself and read on. When you reach the last word of the next line, you pause again and smile at the child. This memorization technique is known as the missing words technique. It helps to avoid the feeling of being interrogated by the investigator, the child is relaxed and not afraid to disappoint you with his ignorance. You need to read the poem until the child can confidently pronounce the last word in the line without prompts and hints. An important point is not to drag out the time for training, try to be in time in five minutes.

Advice4. Now try skipping the last two words on each line, giving your child time to recall and name the missing words on their own.

Advice5. Now you suggest only the first two words in the line, then the child tries to remember and tell himself. Every time he does it right, show with gestures and a smile that you are happy with the result.

Advice6. As soon as the child himself was able to tell the poem, ask him to repeat it already with intonation, adding facial expressions and gestures and standing in front of the mirror. If it works well, call your relatives and arrange a public rehearsal.

Advice7. If you think that the memorization process is complete, you have to upset - no. It also needs to be repeated several times to get it into the long-term memory storage. Ideally, if you repeat the previously learned poems from time to time, this will help him acquire such useful skills as listening to information and quickly memorizing.

How to relax and have fun with memory training.

Now, here are 7 foundational points to help you collaborate with your child.

Moment 1. Memory training should always be no more than fifteen minutes in duration, even if the child asks: "More, well, at least a little."

Moment 2. Always start with easy questions - this will warm up your brain and warm your self-esteem.

Moment 3. Always show joy when answering correctly. This can be shown:
- a smile;
- praise, voicing specific achievements, for example: “You didn't know this before, but now you answer quickly. All answers are correct! ”;
- a sign of approval, for example, a raised thumb.

Moment 4. Rephrase questions often, for example:
- how much will be three times six;
- how much is three multiplied by six;
- how many will be three times six;
- how much do you need to multiply six to get eighteen?;
- how much do you need to multiply three to get eighteen?

The more options you come up with, the better, at the same time you will train your brains.

Moment 5. Establish fun new rules and follow them regularly. I want to give examples of our rules that my son takes with enthusiasm:
- on the way to school we solve 10 examples for addition and 10 examples for subtraction;
- on the way from school, we learn two new English words;
- when we stand in line in a store or in a bank, we play words.

Moment 6. If you are having difficulty remembering a date or event, help find an association or draw parallels.

Moment 7. Often anxiety lurks behind whining, arguments, refusals to do homework. We can help deal with this psychological discomfort by using:
-, that is, not to call the child a genius, but to say specifically what was done with high quality;
- reciprocal listening is when you support the child, voicing his emotions: “Yes, I understand, you are angry and upset that you did not succeed the first time. But now you will take a close look and you will find the error yourself, and then together we will try to figure out why it happened, okay? " This way of talking is very effective at calming children, it disarms them, and then they begin to understand that you are their like-minded person and are just trying to help.

I really hope that the information and advice in this article will be useful and find their place in your daily life. If you have the opportunity to devote 15 minutes a day to developing your memorization skills, then in a month you will be surprised by the results. Teaching your child in a playful way, you will not only have a pleasant time together, but also help him become more attentive and, more in himself and his strengths. Good luck and joy of new discoveries!

School of Yuri Okunev

Hello friends! Yuri Okunev with you.

Let's talk today about how to develop memory in adolescents? How to overcome the problems of puberty and turn solid minuses into unconditional pluses?

Do you remember yourself at 14? Hooligan songs with a guitar, completely upset and with a torn string, at the top of your lungs, and next to it is an old shabby tape recorder that does not stop for a second?

Someone will remember their first moped or motorcycle, someone - a collection of baseball caps of football teams, and someone - the first puff of a cigarette "Belomor", mockingly extended by the hand of an older comrade: "Do you smoke? - I smoke! "

In adolescence, everything is subordinated to one and only goal - to sacredly observe their independence. And even if the judgments about the world are still inexperienced green, painted in ghostly dreamy tones from children's battered books. But - what a pleasure - to feel like an adult and smart!

Explosion of brain activity

According to the findings of psychologists, at the age, which usually begins at the age of 12, the most powerful leap in the development of memory takes place. Moreover, the emphasis is on logical memory of an arbitrary nature.

Logical memory relies primarily on comprehending the material, establishing connections between key concepts.

This growth of memory ends at the age of 16. By this time, a teenager can already memorize fairly large amounts of information, hold attention for a long time on the same object. The thinking of a teenager becomes tenacious and consistent, he can draw conclusions himself, using the already existing knowledge.

If everything is so good, why do we often hear adolescents' complaints about weak memory?

Against the background of growing logical memory, mechanical memory is weakening - this is what experts say.

Mechanical memory is when you cram the first line, add a second to it, then a third ... It's even cooler - you read a text ten times, or even twenty times, and wait until it is remembered by itself.

But schools focus on this type of memorization. It turns out that children are forced to memorize kilometers of monotonous text on geography, history, biology ... what else is there? At the same time, without teaching rational methods of working with memory? Paradox? Of course!! What another.

On the wings of mnemonics

It's time to acquaint our growing up, and at the same time, a child, with alternative methods of memorization, for example, the method of creating associations. You can read about it in the article "".

In adolescence, the following are usually present:

  • Irresistible craving for everything unusual, fantastic;
  • Adolescent maximalism that has reached its peak;
  • The desire to do everything in the blink of an eye, to be in time everywhere, to show off in front of comrades.

Mnemonics, which is based on associative thinking, meets all these needs. The creation of images can so captivate a teenager that he himself will begin to choose objects to remember and select associations for them.

The ideal method of preparing for exams: the brain does not get tired, and the imagination is trained, and the memory works productively.

Memo for the development of memory

How to improve a teen's memory? The tips below will help you with this challenging yet important task:

  • A sharp deterioration in the memory of a teenager is a serious reason to think about your child's health. A doctor's appointment may be required. Another reason is overwork, lack of sleep and rest. Review your daily routine;
  • Memorizing a poem or a passage from prose is a wonderful memory exercise. See the algorithm in the article
  • Teach your teenager effective word processing techniques such as planning and taking notes. The following exercise is helpful. Take any article from a scientific journal, not too difficult. The student reads one or two paragraphs - writes down briefly, in one sentence, the essence. Reads further. Return to your notes in a day. Will your child be able to remember what he read?
  • Playing musical instruments develops memory well. You can study dance movements and combinations - now there are many youth trends: break, hip-hop, jazz-funk and others.

  • Exercise your left hand often. Thanks to this, that hemisphere of the brain, which is responsible for memory, is included in the work.

Well, of course, be sure to pay attention to the special exercises for training memory, which you can find in this blog of mine.

I will cite, perhaps, a couple more interesting tasks for the development of the memory of adolescents.

Exercise # 1: Quasislov

In front of the student, a sheet of paper is laid out with letters written in abracadabra (no more than 25 in length). You need to try to remember this set and reproduce it in a couple of hours or every other day.


We remember this way. We divide the entire chain into separate links, which are convenient for assigning images to them. For example, KOMOLIST, can be associated with the question: "Who is the sheet?" or create a picture-image with the words KOM and VOCALIST.

Now we line up all the images in one line. Perhaps it will look like this: WHOM of snow flies on the head of a VOCALIST sitting on the roof of RENAULT - and suddenly the car turns topsy-turvy, that is, performs SHIVERT, seeing a huge man in UN uniform on the sidelines.

Exercise # 2: Analyzing Data

The given task develops the analytical thinking of a teenager, which is especially important in high school.

We take a text that is short enough, but contains long sentences. Let's say such a plan:

"Japanese specialists who maintain computers have long noticed that the worst enemy of mainframes is rats, which gnaw through important electronic control systems in transport and production."

The student draws a diagram on paper that displays the essence and all semantic units of the text: WHAT, WHY, WHERE, IN WHICH, etc. All this is done in the form of drawings, symbols, comics - whatever you like, just to be detailed. Relationships are drawn with arrows.

Task: based on the diagram, tell the content of the text with all the small details after 2 hours.

Today we have touched upon the most important aspects of the topic of developing the memory of adolescents. I think every parent has the opportunity to help their child. I also recommend Wikium service.

A well-balanced selection of online trainers on it contributes to the rapid and effective development of memory and attention.

Rational memorization methods and related exercises can be found in Stanislav Matveev's intensive course "Super Memory"- a great technique, where everything is described quite clearly and interestingly.

It's all. I wish you fruitful work.
Write about the results of training in the comments, do not forget to subscribe to the blog news. Share your impressions with your friends.

See you soon! Yours Yuri Okunev.

The need of the child's body for vitamins is great. The need for them arises from the first day of life and grows as the child develops. The intake of vitamins in sufficient quantities contributes to the strengthening of bone tissue, the formation of a good memory, protection against diseases and an increase in intelligence. Lack can lead to physical and mental disabilities of the little man.

A child's intelligence and learning ability largely depend on an adequate intake of vitamins in the body.

Vitamins received on time have a beneficial effect on the child's mind. Brain activity increases, leading to a clear and positive difference between these children and their peers. Children who receive them regularly are noted:

  • high intellectual development;
  • fast assimilation of educational materials;
  • easy solution of tasks;
  • strong concentration of attention.

Element characteristics

For clarity, let's make two lists with the characteristics of useful elements. The first will introduce you to vitamins. The second is formulated for essential minerals and substances needed by the brain. Explanations for each of the points will help parents determine both the diet and the understanding of what their child lacks. Study them carefully in order to choose the right vitamin complex for your offspring.

List of vitamins

  • B1 (thiamine). Stimulation of cognitive activity, improvement of memorization, optimization of brain function. Groats (oat, buckwheat, peas). Nuts, wholemeal bread, pork. Poor sleep, irritation, frequent crying, fatigue, decreased appetite, impairment of attention and memory.

Vitamin B1 can be easily found in popular foods
  • B6 (pyridoxine). Promotes the formation of neurotransmitters that normalize emotions, focus. Chicken, fish, whole grains, beans, nuts. Rash on the skin, depression, confusion.
  • Vitamin E. A natural antioxidant that can bind free radicals that are dangerous for the neurons of the brain. Vegetable oil, nuts, seeds, whole grains. Muscle weakness, motor disorganization.
  • B12 (cyanocobalamin). Normalizes the functioning of the nervous system, improves memory. All types of meat, eggs, fish, milk and products from it. Rapid fatigue and nervousness, weakening of the ability to learn.

List of minerals

  • Selenium (Se). Possesses immunomodulatory and antioxidant properties, participates in the protection of brain cells, improves their work. Cereals, meat, grains and seafood. Disruptions in the functioning of the thyroid gland, decreased immunity, frequent colds and SARS.
  • Zinc (Zn). Possesses immunomodulatory and antioxidant properties, participates in the protection of brain cells, improves their work. Cereals, meat, grains and seafood. Disruptions in the functioning of the thyroid gland, decreased immunity, frequent colds and SARS.
  • Iodine (I). Develops intelligence, improves brain functioning. Seafood and algae. Decreased concentration of attention, disorders in the thyroid gland, delays in intellectual growth.

Iodine is essential for proper thyroid function
  • Iron (Fe). Saturates the brain with oxygen, increases the level of hemoglobin. Green vegetables, beef liver, dried fruits, apples, egg yolk. Physical weakness, mental weakness.

Natural sources of vitamins

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A certain amount of vitamins enters the body of children from the usual foods. The task of parents is to correctly balance the diet of their child. We examined some of the elements in the previous block, others should be said separately:

  1. Vitamin D is supplied to our body by vegetable oils (preferably corn or sunflower), chicken, pork and beef, whole grains, nuts and fish.
  2. Vitamin E, vital for proper brain function, can be obtained from sesame oil, soybean oil, sunflower oil, liver, egg yolk, and oatmeal.
  3. Vitamin P reduces the risk of hemorrhage and certain diseases; it is obtained from berries, apples, citrus fruits, sweet peppers and grapes. Buckwheat is a good vitamin supplier.

Sweet pepper is a real storehouse of vitamins, it also contains a fairly rare vitamin P

How to make a vitamin menu correctly?

Armed with the information about the foods necessary for the developing mind, make a menu for the week at once: this way it will be easier for you to plan a variety of dishes for each day. Remember that breakfast should be hearty, lunch full and dinner light. Take advantage of our tips:

  • Schedule grocery kits by day and purchase them for a week. Sea fish is given instead of meat at the rate of 2-3 times in 7 days.
  • Use seafood for salads, side dishes, sandwiches.
  • We also compile a list of snacks for 7 days. Distribute their reception in turn. For example: Monday - seafood salad, Tuesday - nuts, Wednesday - caviar or fish sandwiches, Thursday - nuts, Friday - seafood salad, Saturday - nuts, Sunday - sandwiches.
  • It is advisable to give nuts to the child up to 5 times a week, therefore, along with a snack, add them to salads and cereals.
  • The diet of products that enhance memory is set for 3-4 weeks. This time is enough for your child's body to accumulate the full amount of nutrients. Their beneficial effect on the brain will last for several months.

Reinforce nutritional support with a daily routine and activities with your treasure. Make sure your son or daughter goes to bed on time so that their sleep is sound and healthy. Direct your child's leisure time to memory training.

Give him a variety of educational games, which you can learn about from our other materials. Teach your child to read books (we recommend reading :). The receipt of information that requires memorization expands the brain reserves in the memory area.

Adequate sleep necessarily includes falling asleep at the same acceptable time.

When do you need to take vitamins?

It is impossible to provide the required amount of nutrients only with nutrition, so the baby should take ready-made preparations. It is impossible to say unequivocally that all children need nutrition for the brain. It is not difficult to identify the child's need for nutrition of the brain. Pay attention to the following reasons:

  • numerous whims, persistent unwillingness to eat healthy, but unloved food;
  • improper nutrition, in which the baby does not receive enough vitamins.

If these reasons exist in the child's life, it means that he is shown taking medications. Today, a lot of vitamin complexes have been developed, which are especially important for children 6-8 years old. Entering school and subsequent education in it puts an increased load on the brain of children. Obviously, those of them who even before school experienced difficulties with attention and memory will face serious problems at school. The transition from primary school to secondary school (by the age of 10) is also important, where the information volume increases, which means that vitamin preparations will be useful as support for brain functions.

The school program makes rather high demands on the child, so taking vitamins will be very relevant

What vitamin complexes can you buy?

Before going to the pharmacy, parents should take into account that vitamin complexes for adults are not suitable for a small organism. Pharmacists have launched the production of special preparations for small consumers. Let's note the most popular and useful ones: Pikovit, Multi-Tabs, VitaMishki, AlfaVit and Junior Bee Weiss. These drugs cannot completely replace other sources of intake of important elements, therefore, a full-fledged diet of a small person should be provided.

What are the benefits of vitamin complexes?

Taking vitamins helps to improve memory, increases the body's defenses, and reduces the incidence of diseases. The intellect increases, the skeletal system develops correctly, the condition of the skin improves. If a small organism lacks vitamins, there is a disruption in physical and mental growth. It is important to start taking vitamins in advance, without waiting for the increased load on the brain to begin.

While releasing vitamin complexes, not all manufacturers conscientiously study the peculiarities of the needs of the child's body by age. Some prescribe a daily dosage regardless of age, and the combination of components is not observed. Pediatrician recommendations help to avoid the wrong choice. Consult a doctor, show him the child, tell him about the problems - a specialist will select the most useful drug for you.

The pediatrician will be able to choose the optimal vitamin complex for the child

What complexes are suitable for schoolchildren?

When choosing products, look for those where the natural composition is prescribed without artificial sweeteners and colors. Study the dosage carefully. Here is a list of the most popular and well-functioning complexes for schoolchildren:

  • Pikovit. For children 6-8 years old, the Pikovit Omega-3 complex is suitable. The drug facilitates adaptation to study loads, helps to quickly get used to school activities. Senior schoolchildren 9-12 years old, the vitamin complex "Pikovit-Forte" is recommended, which stimulates mental activity and strengthens memory (we recommend reading :).
  • VitaMishki are equally useful for kids and teenagers. They help to improve memory, stimulate brain function, strengthen immunity, and increase physical strength.
  • AlfaVit is indicated for use from school age. The complex is able to increase mental performance, helps to tolerate psychological and emotional stress well, and enhances concentration.

The described complexes do not contain artificial additives, are well tolerated by the child's body, do not have side effects. They work effectively to improve the functions of the brain and the general condition of the body. The only contraindication to their intake is individual intolerance to the components of the drug. Be sure to watch out for overdose of funds.

VitaMishki are perfect for children of any age

How to take vitamins correctly?

Children like vitamins, which can lead to overdose. Let us dwell in more detail on the features of taking the most important of them and the consequences of an overdose:

  • The amount of vitamin B1 decreases due to the use of antibiotics or antacids. In an effort to restore the norm, an overdose of the vitamin can be tolerated, which will lead to allergies. Excessive doses will adversely affect liver function. The correct dose is easily absorbed and works well with other vitamins.
  • Excessive vitamin B6 will result in increased fatigue, pain in the limbs, general physical weakness. Vitamin should be taken together with calcium, vitamin B3 and copper (see also:).
  • An increased dose of vitamin E reduces the rate of blood clotting, leads to gastrointestinal disorders, and causes headaches. Vitamin cannot be taken with vitamin K, bleeding may occur. It is useful to combine it with vitamin C.
  • A slight excess of B12 does not affect in any way, the body copes well with excess vitamin. An exorbitant dose causes a feeling of tightness and numbness in the limbs. It is recommended to take it with other B vitamins (B12, B5 and B9).