We draw a gouache painting on the theme of autumn step by step. How to draw a beautiful autumn nature landscape with pencil and paints step by step for beginners? How to draw an easy autumn landscape with a pencil for beginners

  • 26.06.2019

Creativity at any age brings pleasure. This process is very individual, each person, whether he is one year old or eighty-one, puts his soul, feelings and his own special understanding into it. And individuality is especially evident when a person picks up paints.

Let's say you have an urgent need to draw something. Or your child came home from school with a drawing assignment and turned to you with the question: “How to draw an autumn landscape?” It's not as difficult as it seems at first glance.

What do you need to prepare for work?

  1. Paper for drawing. It is advisable to be dense so that it does not get wet from water.
  2. preferable. If you don’t have such paints, you can paint with gouache or acrylic. In other words, any paints that are diluted with water.
  3. Sponge, you can use small sponges to wash dishes.
  4. Brush.
  5. Water container.
  6. A palette or plate for ease of working with a sponge.
  7. Creative mood.

The landscape will give you pleasure. This method has no limits for imagination and creativity. For your convenience, the article will contain photos that will clearly tell you how to draw an autumn landscape.

Before you start working, decide on the color scheme. Since we are painting autumn, the main colors will be yellow, orange, brown and red. We'll need some blue color for the sky and for the tree branches.

Step 1

Place a piece of paper in front of you. Dilute it a little on the palette desired color, grab the paint with a sponge and light movements apply to paper. A little orange, a little blue, etc.

If you have a photograph or other picture in front of you, periodically step away from your work and compare the color spots with squinted eyes. At this stage, apply the paint very lightly, it should be heavily diluted with water, but do not drip from the sponge.

Step 2

Let the paper dry a little. This stage is where you apply a second layer of paint. But not over the entire surface of the leaf, but pay more attention to the foliage. Blue sky don't touch anymore.

Step 3

Now use a sponge to add color accents in three or four places. To do this, you need to take a paint of a more intense color.

Step 4

It's time for the brush. Draw brown paint tree branches. They should seem to be visible through the autumn foliage.

Of course, you can draw an autumn landscape with a pencil, and only then “go through” the colors. But this method is good precisely because you create the picture yourself using color spots. Here your imagination comes into play, and you simply improvise on the theme of autumn.

Now you know original way how to draw an autumn landscape. And the value of this method is not in the ability to draw a landscape, but in the ability to paint with color spots.

Now we will have a lesson in drawing an autumn landscape with a pencil step by step. Autumn is the most inspiring time of year for writers, photographers, and artists. The abundance of colors gives artists the opportunity to convey their feelings a huge amount shades. However, with a simple pencil you can convey autumn mood. The first thing that came to my mind about the theme of Autumn was sadness, rain, a bench, an umbrella, leaves.

Step 1. We start drawing from the bench. Since it is located slightly at an angle to us, we draw perspective lines. We mark the location of the umbrella on the bench. It is not necessary to try to draw the oval too even, since these lines will be deleted later.

Step 2. Add knitting needles and a cane to the umbrella. We modify the bench a little and draw the legs.

Step 3. “Pull” the fabric onto the knitting needles.

Step 4. Draw the background - a lantern, trees. Add reflections in puddles to the asphalt. You can add leaves on the ground or on a bench.

Step 5. Apply shadows and midtones. Objects in the foreground should be more contrasting than the background.

Step 6. Using cross strokes on the asphalt and straight strokes in the air, using a pencil or a sharp eraser, draw the rain.
I hope now you have some idea of ​​what you can draw on the Autumn theme without resorting to bright colors.

How to draw a landscape, where to start drawing it for children, let's draw the landscape ourselves. Let's look at examples of how to draw landscapes with pencil and paints. Presented to you step by step drawing summer, autumn and winter landscapes.

1. The horizon line is indicated.
2. Draw the sun and clouds above it.
3. In the foreground, on one side of the sheet, we will place curved lines; these will be the trunks of future trees.
4. Now we finish drawing the branches to the trunks.

5. The trunks are ready, now we draw the crowns of the trees, they are drawn almost the same as clouds. The crowns of the trees need to be made lush, because it’s summer.
Don't forget to erase any extra lines with an eraser.
6. Now we draw a house on the other side. The house is drawn from two rectangles, and a roof is placed on top.
7. On the house you can draw a pipe on the roof, and we will also draw the roof of the corridor.
8. We continue to decorate the house by drawing: the door, windows, including the attic window. At the same time, we slowly erase all the extra lines so that they do not distract from the main picture.

9. A fence is drawn from the house, and grass is made under it with strokes. You can also draw simple flowers. Finally, you can draw a path to the house and some other details that will be nice to depict.

10 Ours is ready summer landscape, drawn in pencil, now you can color it if you wish.

To create an autumn landscape we will need: gouache, watercolor paper, brushes, a simple pencil, pieces of newsprint, a plastic board or a flat palette.

1. Mark the horizon and shore line with a pencil.
2. We tint the sky from dark to light to the horizon line by adding white gouache to the blue color.

3. Using light ocher and dark yellow, paint the far shore.
4. Cover the near shore with light ocher, with the addition of dark brown.

5. Cover the water with white, with the addition of blue, green and brown. Closer to the shores we make it darker.
6. Using a piece of crumpled newspaper, print clouds.

7. It should look like in the picture.
8. In the background we paint with a semi-dry brush with strokes, different shades green, Christmas tree.

9. Using a piece of newspaper, we print the bushes in the background in dark yellow with ocher and the crown of the tree on the right (a large bush) in ocher, with the addition of red and yellow. Here colors can be used as desired. To match the fall foliage colors.
10. Using a thin brush, draw the branches of a tree (large bush) and a bush on the left in the foreground. On the bush we outline the foliage with small strokes.

11. Use light gray to paint the trunks of the birches and dark gray branches with a thin brush and spots on the trunks. If desired, add small Christmas trees on one of the banks.
12. Again, with a piece of newspaper using yellow paint, with the addition of white, we carefully print the crown of the birches and in yellow, with the addition of ocher, the grass in the foreground and background.

13. Add a darker color (dark brown) and print grass under the trees and bushes
14. Using a thin brush, paint branches of bushes and blades of grass in the foreground

1. First, with a pencil in the middle of the sheet, draw the outlines of one Christmas tree and one house. The Christmas tree will be wide and spreading.
2. Now let’s add two more houses and another Christmas tree on the sides. The houses will have triangular roofs, characteristic of many villages.

3. Let's add more Christmas trees and a little fence.
4. Now, based on the sketch, we will draw with paints. The Christmas trees will be a lush green hue, the houses will have the warm shade of unpainted wood, and the snow will have a slightly blue tint. To make the picture look alive, we will place three birds on the fence.

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Autumn is a romantic time of year. How beautiful are the golden trees, through which the sun smiles mysteriously, and tries to warm everyone once again with its dimmed rays.

Enjoying the arrival of autumn and how it brightly colors nature with new shades is very convenient in the park. Sometimes, walking along the alleys golden with leaves, you see a picture of how young artists are trying to convey the beauty environment on canvas.

Today our lesson is dedicated to the golden age. We will tell you step by step how to draw autumn and fill the drawing with gentle motifs of the autumn season.

To make the task easier, before you start thematic drawing, you need to clearly familiarize yourself with the theme of the drawing. Autumn pictures will help you with this famous artists, high-quality photographs of autumn landscapes, or Mother Nature herself, if the image of the drawing fell at just such a time.

Look carefully at the details (how the branches from which the leaves have already fallen are located, how gloomy the clouds are in the sky, what the yellowed grass looks like, etc.), try to feel the mood of nature in order to put it into your work and bring the picture to life.

Preparation period

And so we have a moral mood, we have become familiar with the fall, all that remains is to prepare directly for drawing.

During creative process We will use the following stationery items:

  • a sheet of A4 format or an easel (if close-up drawing is being done);
  • a simple pencil with a thin lead;
  • black pen or liner;
  • multi-colored pencils (the more shade, the better);
  • eraser for erasing unnecessary lines.

When equipping yourself with office supplies, pay attention to the quality of the product. Use a soft eraser; a hard one can damage the paper or leave a mark after erasing.

Once you have prepared the available equipment, you can begin to depict it step by step:

  • Lungs contour lines mark the locations of the main objects on the sheet autumn drawing- trees, fields, rivers;
  • Draw the trees, focusing on the powerful, half-naked branches. On coniferous trees mark leaves that have fallen from other trees;
  • Mark the grass under the trees and outline the foliage on it;
  • Outline the distant forest and mark the fields with light lines;
  • Draw the river and also the foliage on it.

For beginners please encloseThere is a schematic representation of nature.

The drawing of the autumn landscape is finished, but the painting is not yet complete.

The creative process requires rich imagination. To make the plot more interesting, add the outlines of crane keys, outline mushrooms under the oak tree, ducks on the water and 2 - 3 clouds in the sky.

The next stage is color design.

It's also good to use your imagination here, but don't experiment too much to make the image look realistic. To begin, use a black pen to draw the outlined lines.

When finished, erase the pencil with an eraser and begin coloring.

Use dark color tones to decorate tree branches and tables.

The following colors are suitable for decoration:

  • black;
  • brown;
  • grey;
  • and other colors available in stock.

Use bright light shades to depict foliage, river, sky and sun.

For coloring, use the following colors:

  • yellow;
  • red;
  • green;
  • orange;
  • blue.

Color the field and the shadow of the distant forest with gray color. Use a color palette to sketch small parts: mushrooms, grass, cranes.

For clear example We present you several options for nature landscapes. Pay attention to the play of color and the strength of the pattern, use them as an example when coloring the composition.

Now you know how to draw autumn step by step.

Although the Lord caused many problems (not counting illness, crime, hunger, poverty, wars, corruption and Russian pop music), he still managed to create a good atmosphere of life on our planet. Land and water are often capricious, arranging mass sacrifices. But in some places it turned out quite well, you can even take a bunch of cute photos. But we can dig even deeper. In this lesson you will learn how to draw nature using a simple pencil. After that, you can take your drawing tools and safely go to a cozy place to create an indescribable masterpiece. Nature - symbolic name for everything that the eyes see. The only exceptions can be considered plastic or reality TV, the rest refers to one formal organism that controls life and has some strange plan for the production and provision of its vital functions. Like an ordinary stern boss, nature easily removes any office plankton, sometimes entire species, and, like any girl, loves whims and antics. The last critical days of this lady ended with the birth of Hitler, Hussein and Justin Bieber, which had a tremendous impact on the state of the planet as a whole. It may seem that nature is evil and impeccable, but in fact it doesn’t care just as much as a dog cares about the ethnic origin of the fleas in its fur. Suddenly it turns out that nature needs help, and some people firmly believe in this, while at the same time they cannot even protect themselves from the local punks. If it suddenly turns out that you are nature itself, then here are your privileges:

  • You are beautiful because you are the very concept of existence.
  • You exist, although you will never really understand it.
  • You own all the valuable metals on the planet, which means there is a shortage Money don't suffer.
  • Your portraits hang in almost every house on every wall.
  • There is no need to worry that you made a mistake, your mistake will either end up in a freak circus or in the red book.
  • You can always have fireworks from volcanoes.
  • You put a bolt on the theory of relativity, since you can be in all places at the same time.
  • You can cure cancer, but no one will believe you.

Now take a pencil in your hands and try to draw Mother Nature step by step.

How to draw nature with a pencil step by step

Step one. We immediately highlight with lines a small pond with banks, and on the banks we will draw several trees with the same lines. A few circles in the water will serve to transform them into ducks.
Step two. Below we draw tall grass, the circles slowly turn into birds. We carefully outline the edges of the banks with a thick line.
Step three. In this step, turn your attention to the background behind the horizon line. Let's draw some clouds there.
Step four. Now draw small waves and shadows on the water, make the grass thicker, and shade the background.
Step five. Sketch the rest of the missing places on the trees and ground, and then carefully finish the drawing by shading the ducks.
See more similar lessons on drawing landscapes.