Figure the wind blows in different directions. How to draw the wind with a pencil step by step

  • 16.06.2019

Elena Shvetsova


Summary of educational activities in the group of general developmental orientation of pupils senior group using ICT.

Integration of educational areas.

Cognition. Conversations by the teacher about autumn, changes in nature, examination of reproductions and illustrations.

Communication. Conversations about the mood and sensations that arise during a walk in the autumn park, conversations about trees, leaf fall.

Music. According to plan music director . Hearing music P. I. Tchaikovsky "Seasons" (October).

Physical development. Physical education minute "The wind is blowing in our faces". Psychological gymnastics "Trees". A game "Money box".

Fiction and illustrative material. Subject pictures on the topic, reproductions of paintings by great Russian artists. Artistic creativity. Drawing autumn trees under wind and rain. Making bouquets from autumn leaves for mothers and grandmothers.

Safety. Teacher's conversations about dangerous old dried trees

View. Productive activity(drawing autumn trees under wind and rain, making autumn bouquets of leaves, festive decoration hall).

Program content.

Clarify ideas about the time of year (autumn, air temperature, length of day, bad weather, leaf fall;

Instill a feeling of love for our native Russian nature, admiration for its beauty;

To form positive emotional responsiveness when perceiving the works of great Russian landscape artists;

Systematize and deepen children’s understanding of autumn changes in nature;

Strengthen children's ability to depict trees in windy weather with a bowed top, with branches pressed to the trunk, on the one hand, and deflected to the side, on the other;

Expand and enrich lexicon children for autumn subject matter: (wind, windy, leaves are falling, flying around, circling, rustling, strong, blowing, piercing, windy, storm);

Introduce research activities: determine on which trees the leaves begin to turn yellow faster, how the trees bend under gusts wind how puddles dry up when in the wind the sound of raindrops hitting different surfaces;

Enrich children's experiences and form musical taste , listening to the works of P. I. Tchaikovsky "Seasons";

Methodological techniques.

On the laptop screen, look at reproductions of paintings by great Russians artists:

Ivan Konstantinovich Aivazovsky"Rainbow";

Viktor Efimovich Popkov “Autumn rains. Pushkin";

Efim Efimovich Volkov "October";

Igor Emmanuilovich Grabar "Pock";

Isaac Ilyich Levitan "Stormy Day", "Storm", "Autumn day in Sokolniki";

Vasily Dmitrievich Polenov "Gold autumn";

Fedor Alexandrovich Vasiliev "Storm";

Yuri Ivanovich Pimenov "Rain";

Andrey Nikolaevich Shilder "Ravine";

Ilya Semenovich Ostroukhov "Gold autumn";

Preliminary work.

During the excursion, the teacher draws children's attention to the natural landscape motif of the courtyard. The most best time for the excursion - October, when signs of autumn are already visible in nature, the leaves on the trees turn yellow and red bushes, leaves begin to fall, cobwebs fly, birds fly away to warmer climes, it often rains and the wind blows.

On a walk around the kindergarten with a teacher "magical" basket for collecting leaves. Children watch the leaves fall, watch the janitor work, and help him remove the leaves.

Since NOD is carried out in kindergarten, where slides and reproductions are used, the material is supplemented with phonograms of bird voices, forest noise, musical fragments of the work of P. I. Tchaikovsky "Seasons".

It is advisable to take care of "sensory probes"- onomatopoeia through the use of noise instruments.

View reproductions of paintings by artists demonstrating bad weather, can be filled with motor moments.

Psychological gymnastics "Trees".

Children stand with their feet together and their arms raised up.

A gentle breeze blew (children bend and straighten their hands);

The leaves moved and rustled (children clench and unclench their fingers, pronounce the sound "shh", assistants rustle paper);

The wind blew stronger (children lean forward, to the sides, helpers blow into a bottle);

Physical education minute.

Reading works of art on autumn theme.

Drawing in classes visual arts and independent artistic activity various breeds trees.

Drawing a background to depict trees with different weather conditions.

Materials and equipment.

Hall decorations "Autumn forest";

Reproductions of paintings;

Audio recordings "Sounds of the Forest";

Fragments of the work of P. I. Tchaikovsky "Seasons";


Animation support "Colors of Autumn" (painting reproductions);

Baby pictures "Wind in the Trees", "Wind", "Rain", "Willow under by the wind» , "Falled Tree", "Wind", "Roses from leaves";

Record player;


Tinted paper depicting earth, sky and additional details drawing, which can be found in the park;

Soft brushes No. 2, 4, gouache paints, glasses for water, wet wipes, palettes for mixing paints;

Autumn tree decorations;

Autumn leaves (on the floor, curtain);

Noise instruments (bottles, fan, paper, fan);

Tuchka (from padding polyester) and a metal basin;

Costume wind, hats made of autumn leaves, mushroom cap;

Progress of the event.

Under music"Sounds of the Forest" children enter the hall and find themselves in "autumn forest".

Teacher. Guys, we didn’t just come to music hall, but ended up in the forest. Can you hear how it makes noise? (Phonogram "The Sound of the Forest", on the screen there are reproductions of autumn landscapes).

What time of year is it in this forest? (Autumn). How did you guess? Tell it in verse.

Children read poetry.

Girls dance the leaf dance.

Teacher. Guys, do you know that autumn has two true friend? Guess who the first friend is.

Even though he is armless, he sometimes pulls out pine trees by the roots,

He gets so angry sometimes.

Just now, he was everywhere - a moment, and he is nowhere.

Who is this? (Wind). Yes, that's right, children, it's the wind. Guys, who wants to be today « by the wind» ? Now you are my assistant - Wind. You look into all the cracks, windows, doors, and so you looked into us today.

Children, the wind can be so different, but which one? (For example, gentle and gentle breeze).

Let's, children, look at the screen at how the artist depicted a gentle and affectionate breeze.

Teacher. How did you guess that the breeze was blowing, but not strong? (Tree branches bend, clouds run across the sky).

Teacher. Show us "Wind" How kind and gentle you are. ( "Wind" fans the children and the teacher with a fan). Oh, how good and pleasant we are!

Teacher. What kind of wind is there? (Strong, impetuous, strong). Look at the screen, this is how the artist drew a strong wind. (There are pictures on the screen depicting wind) . Show us "Wind", how strong, impetuous, and angry you can be. Here it is! ( "Wind" blows into a bottle, howls, and the girls - "leaves" show how "trees" bend under by the wind, tilt "branches", drop "foliage").

Teacher. What other wind do you know? (Wind-hurricane, wind- windy) .

Teacher. The storm rushes and flies, the wind howls and whistles.

A terrible storm is roaring, the storm is tearing the roof of the house.

Look at the screen and tell us what this evil hurricane wind did. (He knocked down trees, tore off the roofs of houses, caused a storm at sea).

"Wind" turns on the fan, accompanied by a soundtrack wind girls -"leaves" leaves drop, bend to the ground. On the screen there are pictures depicting a storm and the consequences of a hurricane wind.

Teacher. So we met the first friend of autumn. Now guess who is the second friend of autumn?

The field is wet, the meadow is wet! The house and everything around it gets wet!

He is the leader of the clouds! Who is this? Of course, RAIN!

That's right, kids, it's raining. Let's sing a song about him.

Children sing a song about rain.

Teacher. And now, children, let's sit for a while on the edge of the forest!

The teacher invites the children to sit on colored pads on the floor, sits down himself and tells the children a story about the forest edge.

(The phonogram is turned on "Sounds of the Forest").

Teacher. At the edge of the forest there lived a clearing. The warm sun warmed it, the rain poured down, so a beautiful and slender tree grew very quickly at the edge of the forest. In winter, the tree slept, gained strength for spring flowering, in summer it was green and green, and in autumn its leaves turned yellow, orange, and red. A boletus fungus grew under the tree, plump and wearing a hat. And one day a hedgehog appeared at the edge of the forest, the hedgehog rustled on the grass (teacher rustles paper). A hedgehog saw a fungus and decided to have a mushroom for breakfast. I just approached him and - suddenly! - everything has changed!

(The phonogram is turned on "Sounds wind» ).

The wind blew, the leaves rustled, the tree bent, the leaves began to fall, and the hungry hedgehog rolled away!

This is the story, children.

Teacher. Let's bring this picture to life? Who wants to be a tree? A hedgehog? Mushroom? Well and "Wind" we already have. So let's begin!

The teacher repeats the story again, and the children "revive" his story.

Teacher. Stop, wind! Do not be noisy! (The skit stops, the teacher thanks his assistants and invites the children to sit on "edge of the forest").

Teacher. Children, come on let's draw the wind! But how to do this, because the wind is invisible

Teacher. It turns out that artists know how to draw the wind, but not the wind itself, but what the wind does to objects: flutters hair, shakes trees, drives leaves, clouds, knocks down trees, causes a storm at sea.

Teacher. "Wind", help me, blow a little, and I’ll blow you I'll draw.

The teacher approaches the easel and draws clouds with fingers, and the trees bushes and brush rain.

Teacher. Come on kids let's draw trees in the wind and rain.

The teacher asks the children to stand up and show with gestures his story (physical education minute).

The children begin to draw. The teacher clarifies drawing techniques. Sounds music P. I. Tchaikovsky "Seasons".

The teacher offers, if desired, to add to picture of a hedgehog, fungus, umbrella that flew away.

After finishing drawing (while they dry drawings) .

A game "Money box".

At the end of the lesson, children demonstrate their drawings for guests, combining them into one canvas. The result is an image of the whole park under wind and rain.

Teacher. Dear guests! The children have prepared gifts for you - autumn leaves, so that you will remember our meeting. (Children give gifts to guests).

Teacher. Guys, Autumn the Sorceress also left you gifts as a souvenir - a rose from autumn leaves and candy from Squirrel from the autumn forest.

Now let's say goodbye to our guests.

Description how to paint the wind with paints

How to draw Moscow with a pencil using paints for children - How to draw the wind with a pencil BabyBlog. Drawing bad weather Wind music Summary of GCD in the senior! How to draw Moscow with a pencil and paints for children step by step? How to draw. All answers to the topic - How to draw the wind with a pencil. It is impossible to draw the wind itself, so you need to use auxiliary ones. Paints How to paint with aerosol paints. How to draw the wind How to draw a bouquet of roses with a pencil step by step, symbol. How to draw the wind - drawn autumn - with a pencil and paints Alina. You see, everything is simple, accessible and no complex lines. So the WIND CAN DRAW ITSELF How to draw the wind for children How to draw the wind, drawing letter c fairyland drawing Picture drawing wind in winter Long-term plan art classes, gouache drawing. How to paint space with watercolor, gouache or oil paints, will help you understand the method. If you are interested in painting techniques, then in this article you will read about how to draw. How to paint a thunderstorm with oil paints, video painting lesson, following step by step. The lessons are very simple and drawing autumn will be very easy. How to paint a tree with paints step by step? How to draw. How to draw autumn tree watercolor paints. How to draw a winter landscape with gouache step by step. Video on how to draw a picture. For the current one, it is enough to draw three small ones. To complete the work, you should paint the birds with paints. Don't forget to draw small round eyes. Video lesson on how to draw a PERSON'S FACE with a pencil. All objects are depicted in muted colors; painting rain is not an easy task. How does our child draw at 2 years old, what does the child draw with and what does it use? After all, drawing the sun is not at all difficult. Now you need to paint the background. This is the wind knocking down the leaves, We wave smoothly - these are the birds flying, Drawings of flowers with colored pencils step by step for beginners How to draw. A collection of images on how to draw a steppe. How to draw a picture with paints 1 Let's try to draw today ladybug on a branch and a drop of water. Watch the lesson How to draw a tree and wind. 12 techniques for working with watercolors for adults and children How to draw a tree with a pencil. If you want to depict the wind or paints. How to paint with gouache paints 12 colors How to draw autumn landscapes: simple techniques, May. At 2 years old, your baby can draw with finger paints. Drawing lessons for children 5 - 6 years old step by step with paints It will be much easier to draw a Bee if you draw it in stages. It must be colored with colored pencils or paints. Spring drawings with paints, how to draw on nails. That when the wind blows, the leaves fall. Recommendations for conducting drawing classes with children 2 - 3 years old. A collection of images on how to draw a drum. How to draw a picture with paints 1 Try to draw with a pencil. Learn to tint a sheet of paper with watercolors. Drawings about spring with paints, and pictures of football teams Galina Cherepashkova Summary of a drawing lesson Birch in autumn Municipal.

Goals: consolidate children's knowledge about such a natural phenomenon as wind, its characteristics and significance for humans and the world around them; teach children to independently draw conclusions and generalizations, establish connections between objects and phenomena in the process experimental work, in didactic games and TRIZ games; replenish children’s vocabulary with words such as “scorching”, “fierce”, “piercing”, encourage them to actively use words that characterize the wind; learn to use unconventional techniques when drawing, justified by visual tasks.

Preliminary work: organize children to observe the wind during walks; have a conversation about the wind; mark natural changes in the weather calendar; teach children to determine the direction of the wind using plumes, weather vanes, flags, and pinwheels; introduce children to works visual arts

and literature that deals with wind. Equipment and materials: two large hoops, two “portraits” of the wind, a set of cards for didactic game “Benefit - harm”; straws for air painting, jars of gouache

different colors

, water cups, eight vignette frames; a basin with water, oilcloth, a boat with a sail, fans for children.

The lesson is conducted with a subgroup of children.


Children enter the hall to calm music and sit on the carpet. Educator: Guys, guess the riddle:

Children: Wind!

Children enter the hall to calm music and sit on the carpet. Educator:

Children: Why is the wind called the Invisible Man?

Children enter the hall to calm music and sit on the carpet. The wind cannot be seen with the eyes.

Children: You can only feel it.

Children enter the hall to calm music and sit on the carpet. You need to look out the window: if the tree branches are swaying, the leaves are moving, it means there is wind. You can take plumes and pinwheels with you outside. If the plumes bend and the turntables spin, it means the wind is blowing. You can open the window: a strong wind will make the curtains swing and may blow papers off the table...

Children: Let's go to the window and see if there is any wind outside today.

Children describe their observations and conclude whether the weather is windy today.

Children: What can the wind do?

Children enter the hall to calm music and sit on the carpet. To hum in a pipe, whistle, refresh, blow, swirl leaves, shake trees, raise waves on the water (etc.).

Children: The wind can do many different things - both good and bad. In fact, it is impossible to see the wind itself. You have already said this. But at some time there lived one Artist who had magic glasses. With these glasses he could see anyone who was invisible. One day the Artist decided to draw the wind. And this is what he did.(The teacher shows the children two “portraits” of the wind.)

What do you think, which portrait shows the wind that does good deeds, and which one shows the wind that causes only misfortune?

Children: Children determine which portrait depicts the “evil” wind and which one depicts the “good” one. They explain why they decided so. The teacher places two hoops in front of him and places one of the wind portraits in each. I have pictures that depict the affairs of the wind. You need to guess what kind of wind

we're talking about

- about good or evil.

Children: Game "Good wind, evil wind"

Two children are selected. One needs to choose pictures with the deeds of the evil wind, the other - with the deeds of the good wind. After completing the task, other children check the correctness of the selection of pictures. You can play for speed and repeat the game 2-3 times.
I have a magic transformation wand. She can turn you into anyone. Stand freely.
Transformation game.

Turn around yourself -

And turn into trees!

Children “turn” into trees.
Children and teacher:
Our feet are the roots
Our body is a trunk,

Our hands are branches

Our fingers are leaves!

Simulation game "Tree" Music is playing. Educator: A light breeze blew and the leaves rustled on the trees. (Children move their fingers.)
The wind increased and the branches began to flutter and sway. (Children move their hands.)
But then the wind died down and the sun came out. The trees are resting from the storm. (Children straighten up, move only their fingers and arms.)

Educator(waves his wand):
Let the trees become children!

The children again sit on the carpet.

Children: Do you know what wind is?

Children enter the hall to calm music and sit on the carpet. This is air movement.

Children: Is it possible to create “artificial” wind?

Children enter the hall to calm music and sit on the carpet. Yes. To do this, you need to make the air move - wave your hand, blow on each other, wave your fan, turn on the fan.

The teacher hands out fans to the children.

Children: A light breeze refreshes our skin. Try creating a gentle breeze to refresh yourself. Let your skin feel a pleasant breeze. (Children fan themselves.) In some times, rich ladies never left the house without taking a fan with them. In public places, at balls, in theaters, they always fanned themselves with fans.
Today we can only see a fan in cinema or theater.

Children enter the hall to calm music and sit on the carpet. What electrical appliances have replaced fans in our time?

Children: Fan, air conditioner. Now let's go to our little sea.

(Everyone comes to the table on which there is a basin of water.)

Children enter the hall to calm music and sit on the carpet. What is the sea like now?

Children: Calm.

Children enter the hall to calm music and sit on the carpet. Why did you decide so?

Children: There are no waves on the sea, the water does not move.

Children enter the hall to calm music and sit on the carpet. Is it possible to make small waves appear on the sea?

We need to blow on the water.

The teacher invites the children to blow on the water. “Waves” are formed.

Educator: The wind makes the water move and drives waves. The teacher offers to go down to light water

Children: toy boat with sails.

Children enter the hall to calm music and sit on the carpet. The ship does not sink and does not move. Stands still.

Children: Why doesn't our boat sail?

Children enter the hall to calm music and sit on the carpet. Because there is no wind.

What needs to happen for the boat to float?

Children: The wind needs to blow.

Children enter the hall to calm music and sit on the carpet.

Children blow on the water. The ship begins to move.
A sail is a trap for the wind. The wind inflates the sail and makes the boat move with its force. Man invented sails a long time ago. Let's remember A. Pushkin's poem about a boat.
The wind blows across the sea
And the boat speeds up,

Children: He runs in the waves

Children enter the hall to calm music and sit on the carpet. With full sails...

Children: But the wind is not only a sailor's friend. What can happen to the boat if a very strong wind blows and a storm breaks out at sea?

The wind can capsize a boat, drive it toward the rocks, or run it aground.

Children: What is this? Apparently, the wind heard that we were talking about him and decided to intervene in the conversation. Listen. What is the character of this wind? Is he strong or weak?
And if you could turn into the wind for a while, what kind of wind would you become?
Imagine that, like the Artist from a fairy tale, you got magic glasses and were able to see the invisible. Draw your wind.

Children sit on the floor and paint the wind by blowing paint from a tube. Then they introduce their characters and talk about their characters.
The teacher calls the children to him and asks them to close their eyes. When the children open their eyes, there is a chest in front of them.

Children: Who was here? Who could have left this chest here?

Children enter the hall to calm music and sit on the carpet. The wind, probably.

Children: Yes, there is something in it! These are whistles! Probably, the wind wanted you not only to draw with it, but also to whistle.

(Gives the children whistles and says goodbye to them.)
Zhanna IVANOVA, teacher kindergarten

No. 55, Apatity, Murmansk region

Along with the seasons, the time of day, children should know such common natural phenomena as the sun, rain, thunderstorm, rainbow, wind, leaf fall and other weather phenomena that we encounter every day on the street.

It is better to demonstrate natural phenomena for children with pictures and poems, to explain at what time of year this or that phenomenon occurs and what nature looks like, for example, in the summer after rain, when a rainbow appears, or in winter, when snow falls on the trees.

Presentation for children: natural phenomena

Sun The sun is bright Star

, it appears every day in the morning during dawn, and disappears in the evening after sunset. In the sky we see the sun in the form of a bright solar circle; we shouldn’t look for a long time, because our eyes will hurt. In winter the sun hardly gives any heat, but in summer its rays make it warm and even hot. The sun has a sister - the moon, which comes out only at night.

Moon The moon is a satellite of the earth, as round as our planet, only much smaller in size . You can only see the moon at night, when it becomes completely dark. The moon can be round - it is called a full moon, and it happens when it is not at all - a new moon. And also during the period between the new moon and the full moon, the moon appears in the sky in the form of a month. Along with the moon dark time

stars are visible in the sky during the day.

Clouds During the day, clouds are clearly visible in the sky along with the sun. These are white steam molds that can take in the form of animals, boats and horses, as you see. Clouds can be white or they can be gray, then they are called clouds. As the cloud becomes darker, water forms in it and it can rain and even thunderstorm with thunder and lightning.


Rain falls from the clouds as they darken and become dark, heavy and seem to loom over us. You can hide from the rain under any canopy and roof or under an umbrella. Depending on the strength and amount of water falling from the sky, rain can be simple rain, mushroom rain, when the sun is shining and it rains, downpour, when rain pours like buckets, or maybe with thunder and lightning, such bad weather is called a thunderstorm.


During heavy rain, it happens that lightning flashes and then thunder rumbles. This natural phenomenon is called a thunderstorm. During a thunderstorm, lightning may flash and thunder may rumble many times. It is better to hide from a thunderstorm in a safe shelter with a roof over your head, because during a thunderstorm the wind rises and the rain is so strong that an umbrella becomes scarce, but under no circumstances should you hide under a lonely tree in a field, because lightning may strike it . There are thunderstorms of such strength that hail can fall from the sky along with raindrops.


Sometimes, during a thunderstorm, hail falls from the sky along with raindrops. Hail is small pieces of ice, cold droplets of rain that have not yet melted. Just like from a thunderstorm, you need to hide from hail in a safe shelter with a roof over your head. As a rule, a thunderstorm does not last long and after that the clouds quickly part and a rainbow may appear.


After heavy rain or thunderstorms, you can sometimes observe such an unusual natural phenomenon as a rainbow. This is when it's bright sunlight breaks down into several different colors. A rainbow looks like an arc in different colors. Here there are red, blue, purple, and yellow other colors. And then, when the water quickly evaporates in the sun, the rainbow also quickly disappears.


Sometimes you look outside the window, and the trees are waving their branches. In fact, it is not the trees that wave their branches, but the wind, which blows with such force that the branches with leaves bend in different directions. The wind can be light and warm, or it can be strong and cold. Protect yourself from this strong wind For example, in the cold season of autumn and winter you can use a scarf and hat.

Leaf fall

In autumn, trees prepare for winter and shed their leaves. But before that, the leaves turn into amazingly beautiful yellow and red colors. Then the wind throws off the leaves and in the forest, where there are many trees, there is a feeling of rain from yellow leaves. This phenomenon is called leaf fall.


In late autumn, when it gets cold outside and the temperature drops below zero degrees, the water in the puddles freezes and ice forms. Ice also forms on ponds, lakes and rivers. The ice is flat and very slippery, so you need to walk with caution in autumn and winter, but in winter you can have fun skating on the ice. As soon as it gets warmer and the temperature rises above zero degrees, the ice will melt and turn back into water.


In winter it becomes so cold that water freezes and turns into ice, and in the sky raindrops turn into snowflakes and fall to the ground in the form of white flakes. Unlike rain, snowflakes do not evaporate as quickly, because in winter it is cold and paths, trees and benches are covered with snow. When it’s not very cold, the snow is wet and it’s good to make a snowman out of it, and when it’s frosty, the snow becomes dry and not sticky and doesn’t mold well, but it’s easy to ski on. In spring it becomes warmer and as soon as the temperature rises above zero degrees, the snow begins to melt and turns into water.

In our lives, almost everything revolves around associations. Any event that occurs is remembered more clearly and colorfully if it is accompanied by any natural phenomena. Well, for example, imagine a wedding or birthday on outdoors: all the guests are assembled, tables with a lot of delicious treats, gorgeous sunny summer weather. It's picture perfect.

But if you add here a hurricane that came out of nowhere or just a squally wind with pouring rain, then such a story will never be erased from memory: smart guests, soaked to the skin, food spoiled by the elements and large drops of rain flowing from the green foliage of the trees onto the wet, well-groomed lawn . And at the end of it all - a rainbow, bright and incredibly beautiful.

Everyone who happened to attend this event will remember it constantly when they get caught in the pouring rain or see a beautiful rainbow. This phenomenon is called associative memory. How can an artist depict the elements, how to draw the wind or a hurricane? If you are really interested, then stay with us and don’t forget about the association - it will come in handy in the future.

Before starting work

As you know, drawing is creative process, which without inspiration and desire will not be able to bring pleasure and the planned result. Therefore, if you want the drawing to turn out at the same level, in addition to a landscape sheet, an eraser and a pencil, stock up on great mood and call Madame Muse as your assistant.

When everything is prepared, you can start. So how to draw the wind, after all a natural phenomenon intangible? How to depict in your painting what cannot be seen?

In order to answer this question, we need associative memories. In windy weather, some phenomena occur that even a child can easily name: trees and bushes bend, washed clothes hung out to dry, various debris and leaves rise into the air from the ground, a person’s hair is ruffled by the wind, waves rage on the sea or other bodies of water. Therefore, any picture that you decide to depict, be it a landscape or a portrait, can easily be given spontaneity, in this case in the form of wind.

Drawing the wind in a portrait

One of the options for how to draw the wind in your drawing would be to depict it in a portrait. Everything is quite simple here. In order to convey the elements into the picture, it is enough to draw the hair correctly. If they are long, they should be depicted as if they were actually being blown by the wind, namely chaotically. If your drawing shows a person in full height In addition to hair, use the correct drawing of clothes and accessories. For example, a scarf or cloak fluttering in the wind. Thanks to this move, everyone who looks at the picture will understand that they wanted to depict the wind in it.

Let's start drawing: depicting the wind in the landscape

Using the example of a landscape, let's look at how to draw the wind, step by step, step by step. If your idea is a light draft, then it will be enough to slightly tilt all the tree crowns in one direction. To this you can also add foliage, which will also tend in the direction of the wind. If everything is done correctly, the drawing will change, and the result will be the appearance of a feeling of a light breeze, slightly tugging the trees. This is how artists depict the intangible.

Another method that we will discuss today: how to draw the wind in a winter landscape. This pattern is complicated by the fact that there is no foliage on it. Remember the old cartoon" The Snow Queen"? So, there the wind was depicted in the form of funnels twisting in a spiral. We will use this method.

On the finished drawing it will be enough to place no more than two wind funnels located at a distance from each other. They should be small in size and somewhat reminiscent of hurricane whirlwinds. In some cases, it is possible to get by with just one funnel, but then it should be drawn, covering the whole picture. Try it and choose the option you like best.

and wind?

In order to depict a thunderstorm, you need to add raindrops to the drawing, in which the presence of wind is already felt through tilted trees. To do this, you need to lay strokes along an oblique line, not forgetting the direction of the wind, and then shade them a little. Some strokes should be made more voluminous to give the drops some massiveness. This method ideal for those interested in how to draw wind with a pencil.

Don't be afraid to draw, try and experiment.